UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /22 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
=== sabotage is now known as sabotage_afk
=== bspencer__ is now known as bspencer
[10:03] <Mithrandir> StevenK: care to take a look at 151321? It should be simple enough.
[10:16] <StevenK> Mithrandir: There's a debdiff attached, I'll see that it applies and upload it.
[10:18] <Mithrandir> cheers.
[10:18] <Mithrandir> I haven't verified, but I assume you'll manage. :-)
[10:18] <StevenK> Well, I'm guessing NoDisplay=true is the right thing
[10:19] <Mithrandir> sounds right to me
[11:41] <StevenK> Mithrandir: Fix for 151321 uploaded.
[12:18] <Mithrandir> StevenK: yay you!
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
[13:43] <Mithrandir> StevenK: did you get a chance to test the mccaslin image?
[13:44] <StevenK> Mithrandir: Still downloading.
[13:45] <Mithrandir> oh, ok.
[13:45] <Mithrandir> any ETA?
[13:50] <Mithrandir> StevenK: ^^
[13:51] <StevenK> Mithrandir: 40 minutes, at which point I plan to be sleeping.
[13:52] <Mithrandir> ahkay.
[13:52] <Mithrandir> agoliveira: can you rsync the mccaslin image and try it on your Q1, please?
[13:52] <StevenK> I could spend a little while testing it if you want.
[13:52] <StevenK> Then I'll just tell my alarm clock to bugger off
[13:52] <Mithrandir> well, I'm not going to deny you sleep
[13:52] <Mithrandir> but if you want to work an hour when it's done and sleep in for an hour, I won't complain.
[14:44] <StevenK> Mithrandir: Anything in particular you want beaten on in this image?
[14:45] <Mithrandir> does network work, does apps work?
[14:45] <StevenK> Network just came up
[14:45] <StevenK> (When I selected it in the drop down)
[14:47] <agoliveira> Mithrandir: This one: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/moblin/mccaslin_samsungq1ultrafull/20080121.2/mccaslin_samsungq1ultrafull_install-usb.img ?
[14:48] <Mithrandir> yes, please.
[14:48] <agoliveira> Sure.
[14:49] <StevenK> Mithrandir: Right, network connects and works, and every app aside from Notepad looks to be good
[14:49] <StevenK> Notepad doesn't start -- I've not investigated why yet
[14:50] <StevenK> Right, Notepad doesn't start because the command 'notes' doesn't exist
[14:51] <Mithrandir> StevenK: great, thanks.
[14:52] <StevenK> Notepad used to work, I'm wondering what happened.
[14:52] <StevenK> And there is no brightness control, either
[14:54] <agoliveira> Mithrandir: I'm having the same problem I had with the latest imaqge I tried, the installer stalls with a message "checking device /dev/sd(x) for instalations source...." where (x) is a,b,c or d. I'll try another pendrive just in case.
[14:55] <StevenK> agoliveira: I just flashed my Q1U, it worked great for me
[14:56] <agoliveira> StevenK: 2 in 2 means something is wrong here.
[14:59] <amitk> agoliveira: is this on a Q1?
[14:59] <agoliveira> amitk: Yep.
[15:00] <agoliveira> Ah, works now. It's my older pendrive I was using for testing.
[15:01] <agoliveira> Installing...
[15:01] <agoliveira> Time to buy a new one it seems...
[15:03] <Mithrandir> agoliveira: tried both USB ports?
[15:04] <agoliveira> Mithrandir: Yep. Older pendrive don't work... funny. It was really old anyway.
[15:08] <agoliveira> Mithrandir: Looks good. Same issues you and StevenK told. Network is fine.
[15:08] <Mithrandir> ok, cool
[15:23] <bfiller> does anyone know if I can use dh_gconf to install schemas? I'm currently using it in conjunction with gconf-defaults to install default values, but I want to switch to use schemas.
[15:27] <agoliveira> Definitely, the old pendrive was the problem. Jon's image that wasn't working yesterday now installs fine. Time to pass it over to my wife :)
[15:27] <agoliveira> Sciri: Hi Sean. I believe you got my package over there :)
[15:28] <Sciri> agoliveira: Did we? Let me check...
[15:29] <agoliveira> Sciri: At least fedex says so...
[15:30] <Sciri> agoliveira: Got it...it was up near the front desk. :D
[15:30] <agoliveira> Sciri: Cool. Be my guest and enjoy ;)
[15:31] <Sciri> agoliveira: Ha! Thanks...I might have time to power it up and make sure it works. ;)
[15:32] <agoliveira> Sciri: Ok, I'll buy that one :)
=== sabotage_afk is now known as sabotage
[16:40] <davidm> HappyCamp, HappyCamp_ubuntu ping
[16:42] <davidm> rustyl, ping
[16:44] <davidm> sodarock_home, ping
[16:52] <agoliveira> daqv
[16:52] <agoliveira> Ooops
[16:59] <sodarock_home> davidm: ?
[17:00] <davidm> I sodarock_home can check your intel email? Sean just sent you one for your Intel phone #
[17:00] <Sciri> sodarock_home: Right...I need a phone number for the proxybox shipment to Intel. :)
[17:00] <sodarock_home> k
[17:00] <davidm> sodarock_home, or your cell phone, it's for the caching server heading your way
[17:01] <sodarock_home> Sciri: did you get it?
[17:01] <Sciri> sodarock_home: Got it. :D
[17:01] <sodarock_home> Okay :)
[17:01] <sodarock_home> You better send it 3 day or something, so it gets here by Friday
[17:01] <sodarock_home> Or is that 2 day?
[17:02] <Sciri> sodarock_home: The server is coming your way as well as two switches in case of emergency. davidm is bringing APs.
[17:02] <Sciri> sodarock_home: Standard overnight.
[17:02] <sodarock_home> Sounds good, I will look for it.
=== Sciri_ is now known as Sciri
=== Sciri_ is now known as Sciri
[19:26] <GrueMaster> Mithrandir: You in?
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
[21:58] <raji> asac_the_2nd: I can't build wpasupplicant 0.6.1~gitxxx from http://ppa.launchpad.net/asac/ubuntu/pool/main/w/wpasupplicant, Are there any special instructions to build such source code?
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk