UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /22 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
=== xq is now known as xq_afk
[01:41] <effie_jayx> jpatrick: is there a different set of rules for #k-es?
[01:49] <sysdef> jpatrick: according to the channel entrymsg 'el canal oficial de kubuntu': nope
[01:50] <sysdef> err
[01:50] <sysdef> @ effie_jayx
[01:50] <botijo> Facto effie_jayx no encontrado
[01:51] <sysdef> effie_jayx: LjL will be a usefull contact for this question, i guess
[01:51] <sysdef> .*( or botijo ... )
[01:54] <LjL> effie_jayx, i don't think there are different rules, of course the channel is so small right now that there is no need to be particularly strict i guess
[01:54] <LjL> but if people are insulting or stuff, just ping
[01:55] <Tm_T> LjL: how small?
[01:55] <LjL> Tm_T: 17
[01:55] <Tm_T> er
[01:55] <Tm_T> oh
[01:56] <Tm_T> -fi channels have together way over 100
[01:56] <Tm_T> and unofficial ones have hundreds more
[01:56] <nalioth> Tm_T: -fi channels aren't being used to plan trollery, either
[01:56] <effie_jayx> LjL: ok... but habits must not fosilize
[01:56] <nalioth> the -es channels are having problems with trolls
[01:57] <Tm_T> nalioth: true, or when does, I'm there
[01:57] <LjL> effie_jayx, #ubuntu-es is enough for me, i don't think i can monitor #kubuntu-es as well too much... you should ping jpatrick about it. if there's people spamming etc, just say !ops as usual, i do have access there, but i really cannot seriously monitor it
[01:58] <effie_jayx> nalioth we are on the -es channels trying to bring them back in shape
[01:59] <nalioth> effie_jayx: i know :)
[01:59] <nalioth> effie_jayx: i've been chasing your trolls around for a while, now
[02:00] <effie_jayx> LjL: I told jpatrick yesterday about it.. he didnt mind... I am merely reminding the guys that they must remember rules. rules begin at home
[02:00] <LjL> effie_jayx: i've certainly nothing against you reminding them
[02:02] <effie_jayx> LjL: see.. They want a more permisive channel now.
[02:03] <LjL> #ubuntu-es-offtopic
[02:03] <effie_jayx> permisive channel will harbor the people you filter in #ubuntu-es
[02:05] <effie_jayx> LjL: now the guy wants to be my shrink
[02:07] <LjL> effie_jayx, you really need to talk to jpatrick - mrstreetlinux is an op too, and if he says the rules are different, then they're different for what i'm concerned
[02:09] <effie_jayx> well let them deal with it
[02:09] <effie_jayx> I have too much at times with just #ubuntu-ve
[02:11] <effie_jayx> venezuela is really a troll nation
[02:32] <no0tic> @enter
[02:44] <Tm_T> LjL: ok, now I'm laughing
[02:50] <LjL> did you un-rot13 my message? :)
[02:51] <Tm_T> nah, wouldn't bother
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[13:29] <jpatrick> effie_jayx: same rules for #k-es
[13:42] <jpatrick> effie_jayx: /whois jpatrick me next time ;)
[13:42] <effie_jayx> jpatrick, I really don't think they are as enforced though
[13:42] <effie_jayx> jpatrick, whay?
[13:42] <jpatrick> effie_jayx: it shows if i'm away :)
[13:42] <effie_jayx> s/whay/why
[13:42] <jpatrick> effie_jayx: just don't go to hard on the guys
[13:42] <effie_jayx> ahhh don't worry
[13:43] <effie_jayx> jpatrick, I haven't been hard on them. but they do get intense on the off topic
[13:43] <jpatrick> yep
[13:43] <jpatrick> I had to +m the channel once
[13:43] <effie_jayx> jpatrick, they even start using some big words like 'orto' and onthe stuff
[13:44] <effie_jayx> jpatrick, it's a small channel
[13:44] <jpatrick> effie_jayx: yeah..
[13:45] <effie_jayx> jpatrick, I don't worry about the guys there... they know eachother. but trolls are around and their habitual behaviour may harbor trolls and you wouldn't want that. That's all
[13:45] <effie_jayx> they best be sure when to do offtopic or when to use foul language
[13:45] <jpatrick> effie_jayx: don't worry, I know them (and the trolls)
[13:46] <jpatrick> effie_jayx: do you know what happened to danroj in the end?
[13:49] <no0tic> juliux, ping
[13:49] <no0tic> sorry juliux
[13:49] <no0tic> jpatrick, ping
[13:49] <jpatrick> no0tic: pong
[13:50] <juliux> ok
[14:06] <effie_jayx> jpatrick, I know he had a bot and he tried using it in every channel .
[14:12] <no0tic> effie_jayx, continue :)
[14:13] <effie_jayx> no0tic, the prosecution rests
=== EpBFGggG is now known as LjL
[14:16] <no0tic> effie_jayx, :)
[14:48] <elkbuntu> danroj is out of our hair for a while?
[14:50] <LjL> banlist and seenserv would hint so
[15:49] <fetova> greetings - hola :)
[15:50] <LjL> bonjour
[15:50] <fetova> jajaja :D
[15:51] <fetova> how was going all? :)
[15:57] <effie_jayx> what happened to him
[15:57] <jpatrick> effie_jayx: I threw him out
[15:58] <fetova> ?
[16:17] <erUSUL> jpatrick: es un poco excesivo banear a la primera infracción. Hay que avisar primero y luego si se repite banear imho
[16:18] <jpatrick> erUSUL: no creo que es la primera..
[16:18] <erUSUL> jpatrick: estaba claro que no conocia lo del pastebin
[16:19] * LjL thinks floodbot's mute function might be useful in there
[16:24] <fetova> +1 (LjL idea)
[16:24] <jpatrick> I missed it I think
[16:26] <fetova> ;)
[18:22] <jpatrick> hmm
[18:22] <jpatrick> Connecting to no0tic.homelinux.org||:80... failed: Connection refused.
[18:23] <jpatrick> ah, now it works
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[18:29] <no0tic> jpatrick, vary bad connection today
[18:30] <jpatrick> :)
[18:30] <erUSUL> jpatrick: where is botijo??
[18:31] <jpatrick> erUSUL: dear
[18:31] <jpatrick> dead*
[18:31] <erUSUL> :S
[18:31] <erUSUL> jpatrick: any reason?
[18:32] <jpatrick> erUSUL: cannot connect to it with ssh
[19:03] <LjL> now is there any reasonably valid reason on earth to have #kubuntu-es-offtopic?
[19:03] <LjL> i think #ubuntu-es-offtopic will be hard enough to get populated
[19:04] <jpatrick> LjL: I told them not to
[19:05] <jpatrick> man, one simple command and they don't get it
[19:05] <no0tic> jpatrick, they didn't registered it yet (I think who opened it doesn't even know what chanserv is)
[19:05] <jpatrick> *sigh*
[19:06] <no0tic> jpatrick, you need to be channel op to register it (if you're thinking about it)
[19:06] <jpatrick> LjL: ok, we wait till they leave, I go back in and register and forward all to #u-es-ot
[19:07] <LjL> jpatrick: i'm a bit concerned about mrstreetlinux though, am i wrong about it?
[19:07] <jpatrick> LjL: what about him?
[19:08] <nalioth> jpatrick: you don't have to wait on anything
[19:09] <jpatrick> nalioth: oh... :)
[19:10] <nalioth> jpatrick: if there is an #*buntu* channel naming problem, it can be sorted
[19:10] <nalioth> or channel ownership problems
[19:10] <LjL> nalioth: hold the hammer for a second
[19:10] <nalioth> LjL: i'm just letting jpatrick know.
[19:11] <jpatrick> LjL: they seem to have hidden now that we're there
[19:12] <LjL> jpatrick: well nothing, but yesterday too effie_jayx was trying to enforce ontopic-ness (it was that, wasn't it?) in #k-es, but mrstreetlinux disagreed saying the channel shouldn't have strict rules. now, maybe it shouldn't, it's small enough after all, but it's again a matter of knowing what we're aiming at
[19:13] <jpatrick> LjL: yeah, he is a bit... why-did-you-ban-him kind of guy
[19:13] <LjL> right, so now i'd like to make sure he also understands #k-es-ot is stupid
[19:15] <LjL> unrelated, but can you guy clear up my mind on something
[19:16] <LjL> [20:15:01] <Sapote> tonico: lea el topic
[19:16] * jpatrick tries to parse the last sentence
[19:16] <LjL> "lea"? not "lee"? is one supposed to use the polite form with people on the channel?
[19:16] <LjL> s/guy/guys/
[19:17] <LjL> i mean, is it impolite or something if i use 'tu' with people?
[19:18] <LjL> in italian, we never really use the polite form on the internet
[19:18] <jpatrick> no, it's a command, you use third person singular..
[19:18] <LjL> *third*?
[19:19] <jpatrick> "Llevame la roba!"
[19:19] <LjL> but that's an imperative isn't it... well yes ok, it looks the same as third person
[19:19] <LjL> but then again third person of "leer" is "lee" not "lea", isn't it
[19:19] <LjL> yo leo tu lees el lee
[19:20] <jpatrick> must be a typo :)
[19:20] <LjL> but i saw no0tic too saying stuff like that, in the third person plural as well
[19:20] <LjL> "saben eso?" yo dico "sabeis eso?"
[19:21] <no0tic> yes, el imperativo es lee tu, leé vos (I think only in spain), lea él, etc
[19:21] <LjL> no0tic: with the subjunctive when it's negative, right? so "lee", but "no leas"
[19:21] <jpatrick> hmm, these guys don't seem to be responding anymore...
[19:21] <LjL> not "no leer" like in italian
[19:22] <no0tic> LjL, in latinoamerican there isn't second person plural
[19:22] <LjL> ah
[19:22] <no0tic> LjL, right no leas
[19:22] <LjL> but there is the singular?
[19:22] <no0tic> LjL, yes
[19:22] <LjL> !es
[19:22] <ubotu> Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[19:22] <LjL> también aqui pero
[19:22] <LjL> entre... no entra?
[19:22] <LjL> no obtendras?
[19:22] <no0tic> busca*s*
[19:23] <LjL> yes, buscas too
[19:23] <LjL> si buscas... entra... allí obtendras
[19:23] <LjL> no?
[19:23] <LjL> but someone already told me it's correct that way, some time ago
[19:23] <jpatrick> creo que si
[19:24] <no0tic> LjL, even if someone says castillano is the same all over the world, it is not
[19:24] <jpatrick> oh noes, it's danroj...
[19:24] <danroj> hi
[19:24] <danroj> una pregunta como puedo hacer para que ChanServ me mande un mensaje despues de que aparesca el topic?
[19:25] <danroj> como en ubuntu-es este mensaje -ChanServ- [#ubuntu-es] Por favor respete el CoC → https://wiki.ubuntu.com/esCodeOfConduct
[19:25] <LjL> /msg chanserv help set entrymsg
[19:32] <jpatrick> LjL: well, ElMecha isn't responding to /notice's or /msg's
[19:33] <jpatrick> LjL: couldn't we just get nal!oth to op there?
[19:35] <jpatrick> wait..
[19:40] <nalioth> jpatrick: what needs to happen to #kubuntu-es-offtopic ?
[19:40] <jpatrick> nalioth: one sec, having a chat with the guy
[19:42] <jpatrick> nalioth: ok, looks like he isn't going to hand it over
[19:43] <jpatrick> or he doesn't want me to have ops..
[19:43] <nalioth> so what needs to happen to #kubuntu-es-offtopic?
[19:44] <jpatrick> nalioth: could you op me there to register it and forward it to #u-es-ot?
[19:44] <nalioth> no sense in that
[19:45] <jpatrick> there's no sense in having the channel
[19:45] <nalioth> and now it is 'not'
[19:45] <nalioth> nobody can talk in it
[19:45] <jpatrick> brilliant :)
[19:45] <nalioth> nobody can join it
[19:45] <nalioth> and it doesn't exist in the channels db
[19:46] <jpatrick> and it cannot be registered?
[19:46] <nalioth> only by freenode staff intervention, jpatrick
[19:46] <jpatrick> nalioth: ok, great
[20:52] <erUSUL> LjL: < LjL> [20:15:01] <Sapote> tonico: lea el topic ... yes sometimes we use the polite form and Argentinian use it more becouse the y use "vos" no "tu" as second person. Sapote is argentinian
[20:53] <erUSUL> LjL: and regarding the ubotu factoid... i do not see any problem in being polite ;) (i was the one that requested its current form)
[20:54] <LjL> erUSUL: yeah, it's just it's weird to me, because in italian using the polite form would sound really *too* polite... like we were being ironic to them, not sure i make myself clear
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[20:54] <LjL> erUSUL: like if i said in english, "You, gentle Sir, are kindly requested to join #ubuntu-es for your Spanish-speaking support inquiries"
[20:54] <LjL> s/your/Your/
[20:55] <LjL> no0tic: "Se cerca aiuto in italiano, per favore entri nel canale #ubuntu-it, dove troverà più facilmente aiuto" - più che essere gentile, la gente si sentirebbe presa per il culo, no?
[20:56] <erUSUL> LjL: in spain it may sound the same but we have to count with the other spanish speaking countries were using the familiar form can be viewed as *extemely* impolite
[20:56] <LjL> i see
[20:57] <LjL> erUSUL: but so in the end, if i see "lee (not lea) el topic" to someone, i may sound extremely impolite to them, depending where they come from?
[21:03] <erUSUL> LjL: well we all have to be a little bit flexible. i hardly ever use the polite form and afaik never offended anyone but i can understand if someone (as Sapote) use it. And i find it natural in a semi-official msg such as the ubotu factoid
[21:03] <LjL> ok
[21:08] <LjL> @bot
[21:08] <jpatrick> LjL: it's gone, for now
[21:08] <LjL> yeah was just checking if it came back by miracle
[21:08] <jpatrick> I've lost ssh connection to it
[21:12] <fetova> [15:12] <canros> ¿Que opinan de la adquisicion de Mysql por parte de SunMicrosystems, piensan que esto repercutira en nuevos cambios y que Mysql deje de estar disponible de forma abierta?
[21:12] <fetova> corrijanme
[21:13] <fetova> es offtopic?
[21:13] <LjL> sí es
[21:13] <fetova> va
[21:13] <fetova> solo soporte...
[21:13] <fetova> y ya?
[21:14] <LjL> no es una pregunta de soporte, solo es una duda general... y del tipo que frecuentemente provoca flame
[21:14] <LjL> solo soporte
[21:14] <fetova> cierto
[21:14] <LjL> hay bien -es-offtopic para el resto
[21:14] <fetova> va
[21:14] <fetova> seeee
[21:14] <fetova> no hay ni la mitad de gente ahi
[21:14] <LjL> claro... hasta que todos no entran porque saben/veen que no hay ninguno, siempre será así.
[21:15] <LjL> ve en #ubuntu-offtopic si no hay ningun
[21:15] <fetova> estoy dentro
[21:15] <fetova> y estan adentro...
[21:18] <LjL> solo digo, razonar que "es inútil mandar a gente a -es-offtopic porque no hay nadie" es la manera de siempre continuar a no haber nadie ahí. el dia que dos o tres personas no se van inmediatamente cuando veen que solo hay menos de 10 personas, y empiezan hablar un poco... es el dia que el canal tiene una posibilidad de empezar a funcionar
[21:49] <LjL> !es
[21:49] <ubotu> Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[21:49] <LjL> !no es is <reply> Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[21:49] <ubotu> I'll remember that LjL
[21:53] <erUSUL> LjL: is kubuntu-es an active channel?
[21:53] <LjL> erUSUL: yes
[21:54] * erUSUL feels that that will only divide an conquer but anyway...
[21:54] <LjL> "divide and conquer" is usually meant as a good thing :)
[21:54] <LjL> anyway, it's not new
[21:55] <erUSUL> LjL: not when we are the ones divided and conquered XD
[21:55] <LjL> well you aren't really being conquered though, at worst your dividing with your own hands ,9
[21:55] <LjL> ;) even
[21:56] <erUSUL> LjL: yes that's true ;)
[22:09] <fetova> xD
[22:29] <LjL> _r1_: noelia eventually spammed #ubuntu as well..