UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /22 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:10] <siriusnova> anyone know anything about the status of this bug?
[00:10] <siriusnova> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/150519
[00:10] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 150519 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "radeon driver can not do xv with AIGLX enabled" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[00:10] <siriusnova> :((
[00:15] <Cyclonut> howdy
[00:15] <Cyclonut> hows heron breakin
[00:16] <Cyclonut> or rather, how much is heron breakin?
[00:16] <zmanji> who do I talk to if I think a package should be installed by default ?
[00:16] <DanaG> crimsun: since you're here now, I'd like to ask: do you have any insight into this (previously better-named) bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/boinc/+bug/177713 ?
[00:16] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 177713 in boinc "CFS in 2.6.24 kernel needs cpu_share adjustment for "niced" processes" [Medium,Confirmed]
[00:16] <zmanji> this is a crtical driver package
=== zmanji is now known as bd
[00:17] <Cyclonut> bd: I think you need to file a bug on launchpad
[00:17] <Cyclonut> or an 'issue'
[00:20] <[swb]> hi everyone
[00:20] <[swb]> I was wondering if someone could tell me what version if any of projectM will be included when hardy releases
[00:23] <Hobbsee> siriusnova: it's confirmed. like the bug says.
[00:23] <Hobbsee> bd: which package?
[00:23] <bd> http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/admin/linux-wlan-ng
[00:23] <bd> "The linux-ubuntu-modules package ships the necessary kernel modules. This package ships utilities and integration scripts to make above cards work seamlessly with the Ubuntu network infrastructure."
[00:23] <bd> the kernel modules are useless without this
[00:24] <bd> when one uses the livecd, without this the wireless device cannot be used
[00:24] <bd> so if a new user were to read that his device was linux supported, and then placed the livecd in
[00:24] <bd> it would not work, because the package is not installed
[00:24] <Hobbsee> bd: er, is it on the cd, but not installed?
[00:25] <bd> yes
[00:25] <Hobbsee> bd: email ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com about it
[00:27] <bd> alright Hobbsee
[00:28] <Cyclonut> quick question: I need to run a bash script that uses sudo within it. I dont want to have to enter the password. Is there a way around this?
[00:29] <bd> Cyclonut no
[00:29] <bd> Hobbsee, what should the content of my message be ?
[00:29] <bd> I'm not familar with the mailing list
[00:30] <Cyclonut> tis a bummer. I believe there is a way to do it in mac OS, thought there might be a way in linux
[00:31] <Hobbsee> bd: please install foo by default, due to blah.
[00:31] <bd> ok
[00:31] <Hobbsee> where blah is the rationale as to why
[00:35] <DanaG> If you don't mind the security risk, you can setuid the script, but it can be dangerous -- it give the whole script root access without password.
[00:36] <bd> Hobbsee, sent email, hopefully some one will respond
[00:39] <blueyed> Is it correct that nividia-glx-new and linux-restricted-modules do not match in Hardy currently?
[00:40] * Hobbsee despams ubuntu-devel@
[00:41] <blueyed> Hobbsee: my nouveau/X/whatever just crashed, have you answered over in #launchpad?
[00:42] <`Matir> Why is it that plugins show up in Firefox 2, but not Firefox 3? For example, there's no totem plugin and no java plugin.
[00:42] <Hobbsee> blueyed: no. i don't know
[00:43] <Cyclonut> DanaG: thanks for that
[00:43] <Cyclonut> DanaG: researching setuid how
[00:43] <Cyclonut> (now)
[00:44] <DanaG> I had to do that to the 'sonar' xscreensaver to get it to ping.
[00:48] <blueyed> Is anybody using the binary nvidia drivers (nvidia-glx-new)?
[00:49] <burner> does nautilus in hardy save your user credentials if you login to an sftp server that isn't on the default port? I'm having issues with it saving my user and pass when connecting to an sftp server on port 222
[00:56] * DanaG uses nvidia-glx-new.
[01:00] * blueyed cannot, because the nividia-kernel does not match the driver (X does not start)
[01:02] <DanaG> Odd.
[01:02] <blueyed> See http://pastebin.com/m38f14869 for exact versions. In fact, l-r-m-2.6.24-4 provides a 96.x kernel..
[01:03] <DanaG> I haven't updated anything recently, though.
[01:03] <blueyed> 2.6.22 kernel maybe?
[01:03] <DanaG> s/recently/today/
[01:03] <DanaG> Linux GLaDOS 2.6.24-4-generic #1 SMP Mon Jan 14 17:30:39 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
[01:03] <DanaG> Make sure the old nvidia-glx is removed, perhaps.
[01:04] * blueyed hasn't updated either, was using nouveau the last days. ok, will check.
[01:07] <blueyed> Wasn't installed. But I've installed it now, reinstalled -new and will test now. Anyway, now I'm quite sure that it's a problem just here..
[01:14] <blueyed> well.. had to "modprobe -r nvidia" once and now it works.. Thanks.
[01:23] <siriusnova> Anyone here ever shrink their ntfs partition and merge the free space with the ubuntu side?
[01:23] <siriusnova> I dunno how :S
[01:23] <DanaG> What OS is the NTFS partition from?
[01:23] <DanaG> If it's Vista, you can shrink it from within Vista.
[01:24] <DanaG> Either way, you'd then use gparted from a liveCD to resize the Ubuntu partition.
[01:24] <siriusnova> XP
[01:24] <DanaG> gparted can shrink ntfs.
[01:24] <siriusnova> DanaG - so if say my drive is 100gb, and currently its 20gb Ubuntu and 80gb XP, i can shrink XP to 20gb and merge the 60gb into the ubuntu side
[01:25] <DanaG> Well, it depends on the order of the partitions.
[01:25] <DanaG> NTFS can only be shrunk leftwards, I believe.
[01:25] <siriusnova> darn
[01:26] <siriusnova> how well does ntfs-3g work for reading and writing?
[01:26] <siriusnova> i may just leave it as is
[01:26] <DanaG> ntfs-3g errs on the side of caution -- if it can't do something safely, it won't even try. (That's a good thing.)
[01:27] <DanaG> The only annoyance is when it's uncleanly unmounted, such as when either Windows or Linux lock up and you hard-poweroff.
[01:27] <DanaG> Then you have to boot Windows and let it run chkdsk if need be.
[01:27] <siriusnova> herm k
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[02:39] <pwnguin> is there a guide on the wiki for setting up Ubuntu as a host access point?
[02:55] <fred_2> hi - how to obtain the kernel sources/includes for hardy ?
[02:56] <Matir> fred_2, do you want headers or sources?
[02:57] <fred_2> i think headers
[02:57] <fred_2> ,)
[02:57] <fred_2> i want to install vmware player
[02:57] <fred_2> and it asks for /usr/src/linux/include
[02:57] <Matir> you probably want linux-headers-generic
[02:57] <fred_2> oh - good point
[02:57] <fred_2> lemme check
[02:58] <groovesalad> help, i get error unable to mount loop file system when trying to install (actually error comes when installing pclinuxos, ubuntu cds just freeze, cds have worked on other computers) my system has onboard vga but its disabled, using addon card. ive tried failsafe options. windows will install fine. harddrive mbr has been written to many times but i formated it with gparted (i dont know if that helps though).
[02:59] <Matir> that usually means the install CD may not recognize the controller for your optical drive
[02:59] <groovesalad> tried same optical drive from a diff comp inwhich cd installed
[03:00] <groovesalad> tried a sony optical drive and 2 hps
[03:00] <Matir> yeah, but it's the controller that might be the problem (on the motherboard)
[03:00] <Matir> what kind of motherboard is it?
[03:00] <groovesalad> cheap m909g pcchips
[03:01] <groovesalad> lastest bios installed
[03:02] <groovesalad> damn that sucks if thats the case
[03:03] <fred_2> strange - searched for linux-source and didnt find anything
[03:03] <fred_2> now its there
[03:03] <Matir> let me see if I can find the specs
[03:03] * fred_2 wonders
[03:03] <UnNaturalHigh> groovesalad, have you tried both noapic/nolapic?
[03:04] <groovesalad> i dont think ive tried nolapic, ill try
[03:22] <groovesalad> blast, no luck with nolacip and noacip, i tried a different harddrive too
[03:27] <Matir> groovesalad, you did use "noapic" and "nolapic", right?
[03:30] <fred_2> i'm unable to compile the std-kernel in hardy
[03:30] <groovesalad> ya
[03:31] <fred_2> http://pastebin.ca/868070
[03:31] <xnix> anyone in here use miro player in hardy heron?
[03:31] <groovesalad> in safeboot option with pclinuxos it had it, lol i didnt mistype
[03:32] <groovesalad> i probably would have though
[03:50] <groovesalad> hmm it works with onboard vga, but not with agpcard
[03:53] <Matir> try installing on onboard, then you can get latest drivers for agp
[04:09] <groovesalad> will try, thanks all
=== _ajmorris_ is now known as ajmorris
[07:03] <ccooke> Hmm... Localisation in Hardy is broken atm?
[07:06] <Tomcat_`> ccooke: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1306
[07:06] <Tomcat_`> ccooke: Probably to do with this news ;)
[07:06] <ccooke> Tomcat_`: not quite - I mean that the locale isn't set at all.
[07:07] <ccooke> which means some real strangeness with fonts and terminals :-)
[07:07] <ccooke> it's all fixable, though
[07:14] <ccooke> hah. Sorted.
[07:15] <ccooke> The Hardy installer is not currently setting your locale at all. This will cause oddities in X, for a start, since certain characters will be unavailable in your fonts.
[07:16] <ccooke> (it can also cause terminal corruption if you're using programs that are trying to talk UTF8 - they'll send a two or even four byte string that should be rendered as one character. Your terminal isn't in UTF8 mode, so renders it as several... and thus your screen breaks.
[07:17] <ccooke> the fix is simple - find the correct locale string for your country (mine's "en_GB.UTF8", for instance) and set it in /etc/environment and /etc/default/gdm by adding the line "LANG=en_GB.UTF8" (for instance).
[07:18] <ccooke> then restart gdm.
[07:19] <ccooke> (this is where previous versions of Ubuntu set the system locale - up to and including Gutsy)
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[09:54] <brubelsabs> Hi, will be Hardy Heron FHS 2.3 compliant?
[09:57] <brubelsabs> am I wrong here?
[10:01] <TheInfinity> bronson: just the wrong time ;)
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[10:35] <brubelsabs> so bye
[11:02] <Oli``> I'm having problems with PulseAudio. The server can't start because it always things hw:0 is busy. Any suggestions?
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[11:45] <Gnine> fspot slideshow feature is inoperable
[13:14] <Oli``> Anybody else here getting pink halos around tooltips, windows, etc?
[13:17] <Oli``> like this: http://i.thepcspy.com/oli/pink.png
[13:17] <thomas__> Oli``: if it weren't pink it would be nice :)
[13:18] <Oli``> Strange thing is it disappears once I restart compiz
[13:47] <robertj_> How does vmware-server fare on hardy these days?
[13:48] <thomas__> what do you mean?
[13:58] <mrtimdog> How do you get Qt3/4 fonts anti-aliased?
[14:02] <robertj_> thomas__: does it work properly?
[14:12] <thomas__> robertj_: it works propperly on 7.10
[14:12] <thomas__> thats all I know
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[14:59] <hibbert> my fritz wlan usb stick is not recognized as in ubuntu 7.10 :(
[14:59] <hibbert> in 7.10 it worked automaticaly and in 8.04 nothing happens
[15:02] <hibbert> heeeeeeelp^^ ... this is the only reason that keeps me from using ubuntu at the moment :(
[15:02] <thomas__> hibbert, then go back to 7.10
[15:03] <thomas__> as it is the stable release
[15:03] <thomas__> 8.04 isn't final yet
[15:03] <bazhang> hibbert: this is alpha 3; three more alphas to go--best go back as thomas__ says
[15:03] <hibbert> i dont want to install the driver myself - cause maybe the kernel module will be included later... but it seems as if the module is in the kernel but doesnt work
[15:05] <thomas__> don't you listen to anything thats been said to you?
[15:05] <bazhang> not meant to be stable hibbert this is for the hearty souls who want broken stuff and fix it then
[15:05] <hibbert> yes i know ^^
[15:06] <bazhang> hibbert: coming in here and saying help three months before release will likely fall on deaf ears
[15:06] <hibbert> this is the reason why i ask about the drivers ;)
[15:06] <bazhang> ask = heeeeelp?
[15:07] <hibbert> it would already help me if you could tell me if the the modules will work as in 7.10 later or the modules wont be included in 8.04
[15:08] <thomas__> hibbert: normally they will be included
[15:08] <bazhang> hibbert: my intel 3945 wireless isnt either in this latest alpha--and it is probably the best support card out there
[15:08] <bazhang> supported *
[15:08] <hibbert> good - then i will not install the driver myself and wait until it will be included
[15:08] <hibbert> thx
[15:09] <Hobbsee> bazhang: got the ubuntu modules?
[15:09] <bazhang> Hobbsee: well, I just installed the alpha and this was without a net connection; will do so now that I have ethernet thanks!
[15:11] <ccooke> bazhang: 3945 is working on my laptop. Note that the module name has changed from ipw3945 to ip*l*3945
[15:12] <bazhang> ccooke: from the alpha 3 installer? or just upgrading the alpha 2
[15:13] <ccooke> oops, sorry - iwl3945, not ipl3945
[15:13] <bazhang> ccooke: not that it makes a difference--I just like to do a fresh install for each alpha to get a feel how it is improving :}
[15:13] <bazhang> thanks ccooke!
[15:13] <ccooke> bazhang: installed on Saturday
[15:13] <bazhang> nice
[15:13] <Oli``> I'm having an audio nightmare - PulseAudio seems to be hogging ALSA, while not allowing anything to connect to it... Is there an easy way I can just nuke all my audio settings to go back to a "clean" alpha3 config?
[15:14] <ccooke> I *think* that was alpha 3, but I'm not at home atm - my work machine is quite firmly gutsy still :-)
[15:14] <bazhang> hehe
[15:14] <bazhang> going to be hard to beat gutsy imo
[15:14] <ccooke> oh, I dunno
[15:15] <ccooke> gutsy's been the worst released Ubuntu for me
[15:15] <bazhang> yeah you are probably right
[15:15] <bazhang> feisty was bad for me but great for most
[15:15] <ccooke> the wireless issues were *terrible*
[15:15] <bazhang> and vice versa with gutsy
[15:15] <ccooke> the fact is, hardy is *already* more usable than gutsy was
[15:15] <Oli``> Gutsy was the first one that I could run on my main rig (finally allowing me to move off Windows) so it was a pretty important release for me
[15:16] <bazhang> true in some respects
[15:16] <ccooke> I don't have to disable and re-enable network manager every time I come back from suspend :-)
[15:16] <bazhang> though the lost and found window has like 100 items in it
[15:16] <ccooke> Oli``: oh, I know that bad for me != bad for everyone :-)
[15:16] <Oli``> sure
[15:17] <ccooke> I think Gutsy did have some wireless problems, though
[15:17] <bazhang> not being critical of hardy though
[15:17] <bazhang> it is the nicest alpha one in human memory imo
[15:17] <ccooke> (and for all I say it's the 'worst', note that I'm running Gutsy on... two desktops, one laptop and a server)
[15:18] <Oli``> Anyone know if there's a specific Hardy subforum on ubuntuforums.org?
[15:18] <bazhang> (not including warty obviously )
[15:18] <ccooke> (and my only complaint is the laptop that's now hardy. Admittedly that's my main machine, but...)
[15:18] <Oli``> nvm, found it
[15:18] <danbhfive> anyone here know about packaging and MIME types?
[15:20] <ccooke> danbhfive: depends what you want
[15:20] <ccooke> danbhfive: what's the problem?
[15:21] <danbhfive> ccooke: well, I just started a project that involves a python script and an input file. Eventually, I would like it to be in a package, and I would like the input files to be associated with the python script
[15:21] <danbhfive> someone said that linux uses MIME types for the second one
[15:22] <ccooke> danbhfive: it does, but this isn't the right place to ask about it
[15:22] <danbhfive> whats the right place?
[15:22] <ccooke> danbhfive: #ubuntu would be a good start. This is #ubuntu+1, for discussion of the next ubuntu release
[15:23] <danbhfive> ccooke: ok, hmmm, I thought ubuntu was non-programming related
[15:24] <danbhfive> ccooke: but I'll try there anyway
[15:24] <ccooke> danbhfive: pass. It may be they'll know the right place to ask, at least
[15:24] <nanonyme> #ubuntu+1 is testing for the next release
[15:24] <nanonyme> different than #ubuntu :)
[15:24] <ccooke> danbhfive: what you're after would be a gnome or kde specific question, come to think of it
[15:25] <ccooke> danbhfive: and they *will* have dev channels
[15:25] <danbhfive> ok, what about packaging something for the next release of ubuntu
[15:26] <danbhfive> would this be the correct channel for _that_ question?
[15:26] <ccooke> not really. I doubt any new package you created *now* would get in
[15:26] * ccooke checks :-)
[15:26] <danbhfive> actually, nvm, i think I found ubuntu-motu
[15:27] <ccooke> Nope - debian-import freeze began on December the 13th
[15:27] <ccooke> danbhfive: ah, excellent.
[15:28] <danbhfive> ccooke: heh, I think I started the project after that date :p
[15:32] <ccooke> Hmm. Actually, it seems I may have misunderstood - there's a "New packages Freeze Universe" scheduled for February the 28th, so it's just about possible, I guess...
[15:43] <kripken> What is the recommended way to install the binary NVidia driver? I see the restricted drivers manager isn't installed in the base system, is that because it won't work?
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[15:57] <ccooke> kripken: which version of Ubuntu are you using?
[15:59] <kripken> Hardy :)
[16:01] <blkorpheus> I just download from nvidia and follow the readme
[16:02] <kripken> blkorpheus: But then there are issues when the kernel is upgraded, no?
[16:03] <blkorpheus> nothing new there
[16:04] <kripken> yeah, I guess
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[16:06] <ccooke> kripken: can't you install nvidia-glx-new ?
[16:07] <ccooke> (or nvidia-glx)
[16:07] <kripken> ccooke: I can, usually I used restricted-drivers-manager though. Any idea why it isn't installed by default anymore?
[16:08] <ccooke> none
[16:09] <ccooke> I actually ran it manually and used that to enable nvida
[16:09] <kripken> ok, thanks
[16:09] <kripken> oh, one other question: how do I decide which driver to user (nv or nvidia)? I see xorg.conf doesn't have that anymore
[16:10] <blkorpheus> /usr/bin/mythfrontend.real: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libmyth-0.20.2.so.0: undefined symbol: stat64
[16:10] <ccooke> and that's why I used the restricted manager - it makes the right changes for you
[16:11] <ccooke> however, the nvidia package has a tool to do it
[16:11] <ccooke> I suspect that's what the manager uses
[16:15] <kripken> ccooke: ok, thanks
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[16:45] <optx> Hi
[16:46] <optx> can somebody help me please ? i installed hardy and as i made a update now, HAL is not updated and crashes my ubu :(
[16:52] <`Matir> optx, what seems to be the problem?
[16:52] <optx> nobody here oder no help ?
[16:53] <optx> oh ^^ hi Matir
[16:54] <blkorpheus> latest updates broke many things
[16:54] <blkorpheus> X
[16:54] <blkorpheus> myth
[16:54] <optx> my problem is, that i can not 'check' HAL in the update list. When i do a update it says no HAL and the system freezes my internet connection too ..
[16:55] <optx> hope i xplained it right, im from germany and my englisch is not the best ^^
[16:55] <`Matir> optx, have you tried a dist-upgrade?
[16:56] <optx> what do you mean with dist- upgarde ? apt get .... ??
[16:58] <optx> my ubuntu is new now. I formated my hdd today and then the is a symbol for *** updates are here do you want to download them ? In this list hal is not checkt, and i cant check it :(
[16:59] <optx> i changed the software sources from 'germany' to 'Main' but didn't help
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
[17:06] <tretle> the busybox login a common bug in the installer?
[17:11] <optx> could not calculate the upgrade
[17:13] <tretle> optx , try logging in as admin in the terminal
[17:13] <tretle> sudo blah
[17:14] <tretle> if you cant log in then thats the problem
[17:14] <tretle> you probably changed the domain name and its not carrying over in the .config file
[17:16] <tretle> Right, I was using hardy on my primary partition, repartitioned the drive and want to install hardy onto the third partition.. Using the alpha 3 cd this time last time i dist-upgraded from gutsy .. Would apreciate it if someone could tell me if this is a known bug or not
[17:16] <optx> hmm worked i made sudo nautilus and it run
[17:17] <tretle> good..... because at least whatever your problem is its fixable... nothing worse than being stuck with user privileges on an unstable os
[17:18] <optx> lol sure
[17:18] <tretle> are you downloading from the main server or your local server?
[17:18] <tretle> if local set it to main just incase
[17:18] <optx> did but did not help :(
[17:18] <ccooke> optx: You're trying to update hal, but it's greyed out - is that the case?
[17:19] <optx> jup
[17:19] <tretle> have you tried to fix broken packages?
[17:19] <ccooke> Right. That means it's on hold - it's not currently installable
[17:19] <ccooke> don't worry about it
[17:20] <ccooke> it means there's a later version in the package pool, but that version conflicts with important things in your system.
[17:20] <optx> but when i update the rest (196 things) my ubu crashes .. so not install anything ?
[17:20] <ccooke> when you say "your ubu crashes"... could you be more specific?
[17:20] <ccooke> what exactly happens?
[17:20] <optx> lol sorry
[17:20] <tytilasson> Have run an upgrade on 8.04 Alpha3 and now get a HAL failed on logon, and no network connection. Any ideas anyone?
[17:21] <ccooke> Does the update manager crash? Your desktop environment, taking you back to the login? The entire system?
[17:21] <optx> lol tytilasson say xactly my problem
[17:21] <optx> no internet con. and the HAL fail
[17:21] <tytilasson> lol! I didnt think it'd be unique
[17:21] <ccooke> optx: I see.
[17:21] <ccooke> hmm
[17:22] <ccooke> well, how handy with the shell are you?
[17:22] <tytilasson> on logon, get a crash report and a pop up "Internal Error failed to initialize HAL!"
[17:22] <optx> right
[17:22] <ccooke> Ah, right. So you can still log in to the graphical environment. That's not too bad :-)
[17:23] <optx> but internet is gone too :(
[17:23] <ccooke> I can see one thing that *might* be a quick fix. It may not be possible, though
[17:23] <ccooke> can you open a shell, please?
[17:23] <tytilasson> There's no network connectivity, and trying to "unlock" the network settings gives "could not authenticate"
[17:24] <ccooke> tytilasson: you won't get any further with that if HAL is broken
[17:24] <optx> how do i open a shell ?
[17:25] <ccooke> Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal
[17:25] <tytilasson> any ideas what might've broken it? It was a clean install of Alpha3 followed by an update.
[17:25] <optx> lol terminal is sehll ok
[17:26] <optx> what now ?
[17:26] <ccooke> in the shell...
[17:26] <ccooke> ls -l /var/cache/apt/archives/hal* /var/cache/apt/archives/libhal*
[17:27] <ccooke> and could you put the result in a pastebin?
[17:29] <tytilasson> no such file or directory for the hal*
[17:29] <optx> ls: /var/cache/apt/archives/hal*: No such file or directory
[17:29] <optx> ls: /var/cache/apt/archives/libhal*: No such file or directory
[17:30] <optx> no need 4 pastebin ^^
[17:30] <ccooke> drat
[17:30] <ccooke> do you have the alpha3 cd?
[17:30] <optx> yes
[17:30] <ccooke> What I'm suggesting is to see if you can switch hal back to the previous version
[17:31] <tytilasson> I do get a response for the libhal archive
[17:32] <ccooke> tytilasson: just one?
[17:32] <tytilasson> 2
[17:34] <ccooke> tytilasson: what versions?
[17:35] <tytilasson> 1_0.5.10-5ubuntu3_i386
[17:36] <optx> Fixed in hal_0.5.10-5ubuntu3_i386. Since I lost my Ethernet and everything, I had to download new packages in Windows and copy them to Ubuntu.
[17:36] <optx> Hal: http://ee.archive.ubuntu.com/pub/ubuntu/pool/main/h/hal/libhal1_0.5.10-5ubuntu3_i386.deb
[17:36] <optx> And it's depencies: http://ee.archive.ubuntu.com/pub/ubuntu/pool/main/p/policykit/policykit_0.7-2ubuntu2_i386.deb
[17:36] <optx> http://ee.archive.ubuntu.com/pub/ubuntu/pool/main/p/policykit/libpolkit2_0.7-2ubuntu2_i386.deb
[17:36] <optx> look here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/184410
[17:36] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 184410 in hal "hal fails to initialize in hardy alpha 3 after upgrade" [Undecided,New]
[17:36] <tytilasson> sounds about right ubotu
[17:37] <ccooke> ah ha. That's nice and quick.
[17:37] <optx> i found it but i have a 64 bit :(
[17:37] <optx> no help 4 me ^^
[17:39] <Iulian> tretle: That's because you have changed your hostname. Edit the kernel from grub and add rw init=/bin/bash to the end of the line then change your /etc/hosts file with your current hostname.
[17:40] <Iulian> That should do the trick.
[17:41] <tytilasson> so it seems like the HAL update process stuffs it up a bit then!
[19:35] <LionRock> humm after update I get: kontact: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so: undefined symbol: fstat64
[19:41] <WorkingOnWise> why would I have to stop the xserver, do a /sbin/ldconfig and a /sudo /sbin/depmod -aq and a nvidia-x
[19:41] <WorkingOnWise> config, and then restat the xserver before the video will work for 3d?
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-t
[20:35] <Oli``> Anyone know how to get speaker-test to work with pulseaudio (or know another app that does the same job for pulse)?
[20:45] <RainCT> Hi
[20:45] <RainCT> has gnome-open a manpage in Hardy?
[20:47] <PC-Ente> hi
[20:48] <LinAsH> RainCT, no, just '--help'
[20:48] <PC-Ente> i installed ubuntu hardy on my PC to test ist, also with kde4
[20:48] <RainCT> LinAsH: thanks
[20:49] <PC-Ente> but when i try to start kde4, it says can not find kdeinit4
[20:50] <LinAsH> PC-Ente, using GDM?
[20:50] <PC-Ente> yes... kdm-kde4 wount start...
[20:52] <LinAsH> would you pastbin your /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop ?
[20:52] <PC-Ente> koay
[20:52] <PC-Ente> okay
[20:53] <LupusE> hi folks
[20:53] <PC-Ente> so what to pastebin,
[20:53] <PC-Ente> here is all gone
[20:54] <PC-Ente> dont know what i button i prest, but the hole chat is gone, just clear window
[20:54] <LinAsH> well nothing wrong here ;)
[20:56] <LinAsH> PC-Ente-kde4, you've got 2 nicks now...
[20:58] <PC-Ente> yes because i have an "Test"PC for Hardy
[20:58] <PC-Ente> so i dont crash my Working-PC
[20:59] <PC-Ente> and i should paste something from the kde4
[20:59] <PC-Ente> but i dont know what because i cleared the chat, but nobody wants to tell me what it was...
[21:01] <LinAsH> PC-Ente, so it was /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop
[21:01] <PC-Ente> thanks
[21:03] <PC-Ente-kde4> http://rafb.net/p/FFnOIj94.html
[21:03] <PC-Ente> so that is it
[21:03] <_StefanS_> anyone noticed that composite extension is borked in the latest version (1.4.1~git20080118-1ubuntu2)
[21:04] <_StefanS_> I get segmentation faults when probing with glxinfo.
[21:04] <LinAsH> _StefanS_, I stopped using it in Hardy... so unstable
[21:05] <_StefanS_> LinAsH: stopped using composite?
[21:05] <LinAsH> yes
[21:05] <_StefanS_> LinAsH: I could try to explicitly disable it ofcourse..
[21:05] <_StefanS_> thanks.
[21:05] <LinAsH> PC-Ente, you've got the same file as me, perhaps try to add /usr/lib/kde4/bin to your PATH
[21:06] <PC-Ente> in the kde4.deskop file ?
[21:07] <LinAsH> PC-Ente, no in ~/.bashrc
[21:07] <PC-Ente> is tihs ironic ?
[21:08] <LinAsH> no why?
[21:08] <PC-Ente> sry, looked like
[21:10] <LinAsH> PC it's just that must kd4 apps are there and its not in the default path so it can't do any bad
[21:11] <PC-Ente> okay, but im just a bid wired, where to write this... in .bashrc
[21:11] <PC-Ente> and how to
[21:11] <PC-Ente> lie PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/bin ust anywere ... or what ?
[21:12] <LinAsH> PC-Ente, just do gedit ~/.bashrc
[21:13] <LinAsH> and add 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/kde4/bin' at the end of the file
[21:14] <PC-Ente> okay i didt
[21:14] <PC-Ente> but i still get a windows with "Could not start kdeinit4, check your installtion"
[21:16] <LinAsH> Are you sure you don't miss any package... like kdebas-kde4?
[21:16] <PC-Ente> yes, checkt all packages
[21:16] <PC-Ente> kdebase-kde4 is installed
[21:16] <LinAsH> does /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kdeinit4 exist?
[21:17] <PC-Ente> yes
[21:18] <LinAsH> PC-Ente, ok so it definitely has something to do with the PATH variable not being set correctly
[21:19] <PC-Ente> okay, thanks, but i think i'll try another time
[21:29] <LinAsH> PC-Ente, I got your answer, it's in /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde
[21:31] <Infecto> can some one tell me how is it call this new ati fglrx driver installer?
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[23:13] <wastrel> lots of updates
[23:14] <rsk> yey
[23:21] <blkorpheus> none fix what were broken
[23:21] <rsk> :]
[23:21] <rsk> but did it fix bug #1 ?
[23:21] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1
[23:22] <blkorpheus> lol
[23:28] <RAOF> Awesome. Pulseaudio 0.9.8 has better over-the-network support. No more stuttering!