UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /22 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <ryanakca> Riddell: for kdebindings-kde4, do I drop all the KDE3 stuff from the package?
[00:02] <tlayton> ryanakca: are you going to include kross?
[00:03] <ryanakca> tlayton: dunno. I'm just merging qyoto into the kdebindings and renaming it to kdebindings-kde4
[00:04] <tlayton> just curious. liquidweather requires it in superkaramba-kde4
[00:14] <ryanakca> Hobbsee: hey, in debian/rules for qyoto there's "binary-post-install/qyoto-examples::". Do I put it in kdebindings' qyoto-examples.postinstall or rules?
[00:15] <Hobbsee> ryanakca: i tend to chuck it in rules. i've never done a postisnt.
[00:17] <ryanakca> Hobbsee: ok, thanks
[00:18] <ryanakca> but as for a "install/qyoto-examples::", I assume I'm safe in putting it in qyoto-examples.install since its just a bit of dash/bash script?
[00:21] <ryanakca> nevermind
[01:13] <blizzzek> gn8
[01:14] <jjesse> evening :)
[01:15] <Jucato> good evening jjesse!
[01:15] * Jucato wishes this week were over...
[01:16] <jjesse> hello Jucato
[01:16] <jjesse> if the week was over i would be sitting in the airport waiting for a flight home, instead of sittting in an airport wiaitng for a flight there
[01:16] <jjesse> blazing speed at Denver International Airport
[01:20] <jjesse_> :)
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
[01:20] <jjesse> see what i mean about blazing fast connections :)
[01:21] <Jucato> hehehe
[01:22] <jjesse> i love add supported wireless
[01:22] <jjesse> its awesoe
[01:35] <jjesse> <tap> <tap> is this thing still on/
[01:35] <Tm_T> no
[01:36] <jjesse> thta's what i figured
[01:36] <Tm_T> ;)
[01:38] <ryanakca> stdin: ping, how would one go by packaging just a section of the kdepim branch?
[01:38] <ryanakca> aka knotes-kde4?
[01:39] <Jucato> ryanakca: btw you were able to successfully build kdebindings-kde4?
[01:39] <ryanakca> Jucato: I need to talk to Riddell about it tomorrow
[01:40] <stdin> ryanakca: not easily, you'd need to separate it out into another source package unless you build all of kdepim but only create a knotes .deb
[01:40] <Jucato> ryanakca: you might run into problems with smoke, since it seems to still be using Qt 3 stuff... and smoke is required for the ruby bindings... so...
[01:41] <ryanakca> Jucato: ah, well, for now we aren't going for kdebindings-kde4, just merging qyoto into kdebindings (kde3)... and then when Debian gets the kde4 section further along, I guess we'll merge up / to that...
[01:41] <ryanakca> well, at least I'm not going for it.
[01:41] <Jucato> good luck :)
[01:42] <ryanakca> stdin: ah... hmmm. shucks :)
[01:42] * Jucato is more interested in the python bindings more than anything :)
[01:42] <ryanakca> stdin: so, make a knotes~svn<today> take kdepim/knotes and put it into knotes~svn<today>/src ... and build around that?
[01:42] <ryanakca> hey apachelogger__
[01:43] * Jucato wonders if it shouldn't be easier to cherry pick what to build now that KDE uses cmake...
[01:43] * ryanakca shrugs
[01:44] * Jucato shrugs too
[01:44] <stdin> ryanakca: just about, you don't need to make the directory. just check-out the source and put a debian/ dir (and remove the .svn dirs)
[01:44] <Jucato> I really never got the hang of debian packaging :(
[01:47] <ryanakca> Jucato: :(
[01:48] <Jucato> ryanakca: yeah... I have a recurring pattern of learning then forgetting... and the cycle repeats every 6 months... :
[01:48] <Jucato> like now, I'm about to enter that part of learning again :P
[01:49] <ryanakca> lol
[01:50] <ryanakca> stdin: hmm... according to dependency-graph.dot... knotes depends on kontact and kressources, and kresources depends on wizards and karm... :|
[01:52] <stdin> ryanakca: probably a good idea to forget about knotes-kde4 until kdepim is released then
[01:53] * ryanakca nods
[01:54] <Jucato> or compile it from source if you really need it.. :)
[01:55] <ryanakca> Riddell: ok, for whenever you get up in the morning, I asked in -motu for a bit of help in the merging process, and Laserjock recommends talking to you before recreating the .orig.tar.gz, since kdebindings was originally distributed as a tarball from kde.org
[01:57] <ryanakca> Riddell: and modifying an upstream tarball is "sorta fishy"... I can't just plop the qyoto source into the kdebindings-3.5.8/ dir, update the debian/ dir and run debuild -S -sa because of some of qyoto's binary files, which spit out errors of this type:
[01:57] <ryanakca> dpkg-source: cannot represent change to qyoto/csharp/qyoto/examples/graphicsview/collidingmice/images/cheese.jpg: binary file contents changed
[01:59] <ryanakca> Riddell: you can find the whole list of errors here : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52952/ , and my debian/ dir at http://blog.ryanak.ca/kdebindings-3.5.8.debian.tar.gz
[02:00] <ryanakca> Jucato: or that :)
[02:02] <ryanakca> nixternal: how does this mockup look? http://img136.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mockupwipmf3.png
[02:03] <Jucato> I'm not nixternal. the mockup looks good except for the grey... :P
[02:03] <jjesse> i agree i'm not nixternal (not that i would want to be) but i like it ;0
[02:03] <Jucato> hahah :)
[02:03] <Jucato> maybe the grey could be less gray and/or a bit translucent?
[02:05] <ryanakca> Jucato: credits to mhb :)
[02:05] <Jucato> I'll remember to pat his back when he's here
[02:06] <ryanakca> Jucato: I think the grey is just to show themeable areas?
[02:06] <Jucato> ah
[02:06] <Jucato> hopefully :)
[02:06] <jjesse> awesome flight delayed for an hour
[02:06] <ryanakca> lol
[02:06] <jjesse> good thing there is power nearby for my laptop
[02:07] <Jucato> ouch...
[02:07] <Jucato> you really have the worst of luck when it comes to airports and hotels... :(
[02:07] <jjesse> yup
[02:07] <jjesse> i do which sucks cause i travel so much
[02:08] <Tm_T> I have never been outside my "own territory" :-P
[02:08] <jjesse> Tm_T: that used to be me before i started being a consultant
[02:08] <Jucato> I don't even have my "own territory" to be outside of....
[02:10] * ryanakca wonders as to what the definition of "own territory" is...
[02:11] <jjesse> i assumed it was home state? or something similar?
[02:11] <ryanakca> my own territory is his bedroom and his desk... even though its not really his since his parents can tell him to clean it... and its in their house...
[02:11] <Tm_T> jjesse: what kind of consultant?
[02:11] <Tm_T> my own territory is, well, better not to tell =)
[02:12] <jjesse> computer consultant for a company that specializes in Symantec/Altiris
[02:12] <ryanakca> jjesse: isn't that some kind of antivirus company? Norton?
[02:13] <jjesse> actually in charge of training for my company (but its a small department working on builing it)
[02:13] <Tm_T> yeh
[02:13] <jjesse> ryanakca: symantec makes norton antivirus, owns veritas backup exec and altiris
[02:13] <ryanakca> jjesse: ah :)
[02:13] <jjesse> basically the company i work for does systems management
[02:13] * ryanakca nods
[02:13] <jjesse> or as we like to refer it asset lifecycle management
[02:14] <jjesse> altiris makes a product that can deploy computers (images), inventory the machine, do asset management, helpdesk (service desk), software deployment, windows patch deployment
[02:17] <ryanakca> heh :)
[02:18] * ryanakca => bed
[02:18] <Jucato> g'night ryanakca!
[02:19] <jjesse_> grumble link dropped in airport
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
[02:19] <jjesse> did it make senses what i said altiris does
[02:20] <Jucato> jjesse: [10:18] * ryanakca => bed
[02:20] <jjesse> ah
[02:22] <jjesse> wow this ad supported wifi is terribly slow
[02:22] <jjesse> i just typed ad supported wife :)
[02:23] <vorian> boo yaa!
[02:23] <vorian> Cloverfield is awesome
[02:23] <jjesse> yeah?
[02:23] <vorian> yes
[02:24] <vorian> Make sure to take a Dramamine if you go see it though
[02:25] <jjesse> ok
[02:26] <jjesse> hrmm i see 6.06.2 was released, any kubuntu changes ?
[02:31] <ScottK> jjesse: It's just a reroll of the CD with all the security/updates added in. So whatever was in the archive is now on the CD.
[02:31] <ScottK> The biggest changes were in the kernel for new hardware support.
[02:31] <jjesse> ScottK: thanks, should we have an announcement like ubuntu does?
[02:31] <jjesse> like on the webiste
[02:32] <ScottK> Dunno.
[02:32] <ScottK> I think it's mostly of interest for ubuntu-server
[02:32] <ScottK> Since we don't have another LTS for people to upgrade too, I'd say the less mention the better.
[02:37] <jjesse> ok thats fine with me i guess
[02:45] <ryanakca> jjesse: back for a minute (I sat up in bed with the realisation that I forgot to print my homework)... Yes, that altiris stuff makes sense... quite interesting too :)
[02:45] <jjesse> ryanakca: it is, i wish there was better linux support, it is there but not as good as it could be
[02:45] <jjesse> they support red hat and sled
[02:46] <ryanakca> sled? hmm... so if you were running RH... you could deploy images, software, patches, etc?
[02:46] <jjesse> ryanakca: yes i could
[02:47] <jjesse> ryanakca: i could deploy images of any OS
[02:47] <jjesse> but patches and software for sled and red hat
[02:48] <ryanakca> ah
[02:48] <ryanakca> I'm guessing closed source, so no way of modifying/fixing it to work with the Debian family?
[02:49] <jjesse> yes closed source but at UDS malcolm and i had a call with altiris on getting debian/ubuntu support
[02:49] <jjesse> and it s currently not in the roadmap
[02:49] <ryanakca> heh
[02:50] <jjesse> but i have the product working on my kubuntu virtual machines doing software delivery and inventory but in a non-supported way
[02:50] * ryanakca nods
[02:50] <jjesse> anyways i'll let you go to bed :)
[02:51] * Jucato runs away with ryanakca's bed
[02:51] <jjesse> lol
[02:51] <ryanakca> eh... I think I'll be here for a while.
[02:51] <Jucato> no choice now :D
[02:52] <jjesse> anyways its a great tool for enterprises, most of our customers are 3k to 7k client
[02:52] <jjesse> s
[02:52] * ryanakca 's keyboard layout is messed up in KDE4... so either I sed all my accented letters to \'{a}, \^{e}, etc... or try to fix the keyboard layout... hmmm
[02:52] <Jucato> why do I always associate "Enterprise" with the U.S.S. Enterprise?
[02:53] <jjesse> Jucato: i do the same
[02:53] <Tm_T> I do with bloated java spaghetti
[02:53] <Tm_T> "because it needs some enterprise!
[02:53] <Tm_T> "
[02:54] <ryanakca> heh... looks like kde4 keyboard shortcuts are "cancelling" out my right-alt-symbol-character...
[03:00] <jjesse> bummer
[03:03] * ryanakca decides to switch to KDE3... brb
[03:07] <jjesse> i really like marking bugs as invalid or fix released based on the comments in the bug :)
[03:08] <ryanakca> fixed ˙˙ partally
[03:09] <jjesse> what is fixed partially?
[03:09] <jjesse> your keyboard shortcuts?
[03:10] <jjesse> Jucato:for bug # 17751 you last asked if there was a status update on 2007-03-14, would you mind closing out this bug?
[03:11] <jjesse> as there has been no response
[03:14] <jjesse> hrmm heading out fo find food, maybe be back later
[04:18] <Hobbsee> nixternal: ping
[04:26] <Hobbsee> nixternal: ping ping ding-a-ling!
[04:26] * Hobbsee throws pebbles
[04:27] <ScottK2> Get a bigger rock.
[04:59] <QMario> Have any of you experienced a bug in which when you press "Ctrl+Tab" on the last tab of Konqueror 4, it crashes immediately?
[04:59] * genii sips a coffee and wonders if there's some known fix
[05:02] <QMario> Hello genii!!! :)
[05:02] <QMario> Genii, I think I have met you before. :)
[05:03] <genii> QMario: <laughing> yes. I am the same genii in #kubuntu and #ubuntu and here
[05:04] <genii> QMario: I am sorry you do not seem to be getting much feedback. I think no one knows yet of this last tab then Ctrl-Tab bug/issue
[05:05] <QMario> Genii, have you been able to reproduce it?
[05:05] <genii> QMario: I'm on 3.5.8 right now
[05:05] <QMario> Ahh...
[05:07] <genii> QMario: If it's a reproducible error, report it to launchpad
[05:08] <genii> QMario: I'll check my kde4 box tomorrow and try. If same occurs I will also file a bug report
[05:12] <genii> Can no one here test the last tab ctrl-tab crash ??
[05:17] <yuriy> genii: don't see it here
[05:18] <yuriy> though, what's ctrl-tab supposed to do, cause i don't think it's working
[05:18] <genii> yuriy: It is supposed to toggle thru the open tabs in konq
[05:19] <yuriy> i figured, but it doesn't seem to work
[05:19] <hads> doh, kmail broke.
[05:19] <yuriy> i've had some issues with keyboard shortcuts in kde4 in general
[05:30] <Jucato> genii: that's not the default KDE/Konq behavior though...
[05:30] <genii> Hmm
[05:36] <Jucato> hm.. I don't think Ctrl+Tab is set to anything by default in KDE 4.0 after all... but certainly not for Konqueror's tab switching
[05:36] <hads> Doesn't switch tabs here but hitting it does crash Konqueror.
[05:36] <QMario> Hads, I knew it! :)
[05:38] <QMario> Hads, or rather, I had it! ;)
[05:39] <hads> What -dbg package will give the symbols for that?
[05:42] <QMario> Hads, I don't know, but try running it with gdb. I tried it with gdb, and it gave me 0xb6e7ece0 in QTabWidget::qt_metacall () from /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4
[05:45] <hads> Yeah, same here but not symbols so it isn't too much use.
[05:48] <hads> kmail gives an undefined symbol here after the last update in case it's not known yet; "kmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so: undefined symbol: fstat64"
[06:09] <stdin> hads: have you reported it on launchpad?
[06:14] <hads> stdin: Not yet, will do just organising dinner :)
[06:15] <stdin> hads: I'll report it, and you can confirm then
[06:17] <hads> stdin: Oh, thanks much. I will confirm after tea when I see it.
[06:20] <stdin> it's bug #185004
[06:20] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 185004 in kdepim "KMail symbol lookup error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185004
[06:37] <apache|mobile> who is going to package Kepas?
[06:39] <smarter> apache|mobile: what is Kepas?
[06:40] <apache|mobile> smarter: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3221
[06:42] <smarter> seems cool, does it only works with KDE zeroconf?
[06:43] <apache|mobile> well, zeroconf = that stupid apple peer detection crap
[06:43] <apache|mobile> so it can interact with every app capable of this
[06:43] <apache|mobile> in theory at least ;-)
[06:43] <apache|mobile> packaging shouldn't be difficult from what I see
[06:43] <apache|mobile> COPYING is missing
[06:43] <apache|mobile> that should be all
[06:46] <smarter> according to kde-apps it's under gpl(2+?)
[06:46] <apache|mobile> yeah, and GPL requires the source distributor to add a full copy of the license to the src
[06:48] <smarter> apache|mobile: so what should we do? Mail the author, patch the source?
[06:48] <apache|mobile> mail the author
[06:53] <smarter> apache|mobile: I'll do it
[06:53] <apache|mobile> woohooo
[06:53] * apache|mobile is dying of the heat in his class
[06:54] <hads> Thanks for reporting that stdin, confirmed.
[06:55] <smarter> apache|mobile: do you know where exactly in the GPL it is stated that you must provide a copy of it?
[06:56] <apache|mobile> just grep for "full copy" .... I think
[06:56] <apache|mobile> or complete copy
[06:56] <apache|mobile> something with copy at least ;-)
[06:56] <hads> heh
[06:57] <smarter> found
[06:58] <smarter> but it's "you should have received a copy ..." I don't think it's a requirement (but IANAL ;))
[07:00] <apache|mobile> smarter: "give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License"
[07:01] <apache|mobile> GFDL and LGPL are clearer on this
[07:01] <apache|mobile> LGPL: "You must supply a copy of this License."
[07:01] <apache|mobile> GFDL:
[07:01] <apache|mobile> "To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
[07:01] <apache|mobile> the License in the document and put the following...."
[07:14] <smarter> apache|mobile: it's packaged and it works ;)
[07:14] <apache|mobile> woohoo
[07:34] <blizzzek> hi
[07:41] <apache|mobile> http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~apachelogger/tmp/path7055.png
[07:41] <apache|mobile> ahoy blizzzek
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[07:44] <blizzzek> howdy apache|mobile
[07:57] <emonkey> moin apache|mobile
[07:58] <apache|mobile> hoi emonkey
[08:20] <sebas> \sh_away: You can read up on the releaste-team ML
[08:26] <buz> latest updates this morning have broken kmail for me
[08:27] <buz> kmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so: undefined symbol: fstat64 (i'm on x86)
[08:27] <hads> bug #185004
[08:27] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 185004 in kdepim "KMail symbol lookup error" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185004
[08:28] <buz> i must either be stupid or launchpad's search function broken
[08:28] <buz> probably the former :P
[08:30] <Hobbsee> Riddell: do you have any major problem if some of us moderate the entire kubuntu-users ML?
[08:52] <sebastian^> good morning folks
[08:57] <Riddell> Hobbsee: what do you mean by "the entire"?
[08:58] <apache|mobile> Riddell: everything not sent by subscriber I guess
[08:58] <Riddell> non subscriber post is rejected
[08:58] <Riddell> with the exception of spam
[09:00] <Hobbsee> everything sent by the list, at all.
[09:00] <Riddell> ryanakca: qyoto should already be in kdebindings-kde4
[09:00] <Hobbsee> unless bible talk is suddenly appropriate for a kubuntu support list?
[09:00] <Jucato> :D
[09:02] <Riddell> Hobbsee: how do you suggest to moderate that? set some users on Hold posts?
[09:02] <Hobbsee> Riddell: i've put in some holds at the moment
[09:03] <Hobbsee> Riddell: otherwise, get people to check the list regularly, and moderate every single post thru there, until they get the idea.
[09:03] <hads> Sounds like some annoying work.
[09:05] <hads> Oh, that is a large OT thread.
[09:05] <Hobbsee> hads: that's not the only one
[09:05] <Hobbsee> see the stuff about list ettiquite on the alternatives to kubuntu
[09:09] <hads> Ug. I see what you're saying. Moderating an entire list like that would create a bit of work though. Perhaps some stern words and a few moderation bits would work.
[09:09] <hads> Doh.
[09:09] <hads> Ug. I see what you're saying. Moderating an entire list like that would create a bit of work though. Perhaps some stern words and a few moderation bits would work.
[09:09] <Riddell> stern words often don't work on mailing lists, they just generate more disussion
[09:09] <Hobbsee> hads: yeah. will try that one first
[09:09] <Hobbsee> unfortunately, i can't see my own post yet
[09:09] <Hobbsee> Riddell: that depends on what you do with the resulting discussion :)
[09:10] <hads> More moderation bits :)
[09:10] <Hobbsee> 'xactly
[09:15] <LongPointyStick> jpatrick: hmm?
[09:38] <_StefanS_> hi there
[09:39] <_StefanS_> anyone else expericened kde4 on hardy having problems loading the desktop (it just returns back to kdm) ?
[09:39] <_StefanS_> just happened recently; dont know exactly why...
[09:40] <Riddell> _StefanS_: kdm from kde 3?
[09:41] <_StefanS_> Riddell: yes kdm 3
[09:41] <_StefanS_> I cant recall having removed any packages belonging to kde4
[09:41] <_StefanS_> wierd..
[09:42] <_StefanS_> Riddell: I tried deleting ~/.kde4 in case that some settings were corrupted
[09:42] <_StefanS_> Riddell: to no avail..
[09:42] <Riddell> _StefanS_: look in ~/.xsession-errors
[09:43] <Riddell> (from linux command line)
[09:43] <_StefanS_> 2secs
[09:43] <_StefanS_> seems like i have to relogin to kde4 and check it from a console.
[09:43] <_StefanS_> brb
[09:46] <_StefanS_> Riddell: http://enhance-it.dk/kde4-xsession-errors.txt
[09:47] <_StefanS_> I wonder if its the composite thats making problems..
[09:48] <Riddell> You don't have permission to access /kde4-xsession-errors.txt on this server.
[09:48] <_StefanS_> oh sorry
[09:49] <_StefanS_> Riddell: try again
[09:51] <_StefanS_> brb, I'm trying to re-enable composite
[09:55] <_StefanS_> Riddell: enabling composite didn't make a difference, is there any files in ~/.kde related to kde4?
[10:03] <Riddell> _StefanS_: certainly shouldn't be
[10:03] <Riddell> no harm to move it temporarily though
[10:03] <Riddell> _StefanS_: does kde 4 start in xephyr?
[10:03] <Riddell> do apps start under kde 3?
[10:03] <Riddell> (does kde 3 start?)
[10:03] <_StefanS_> kde4 apps works fine under kde3
[10:04] <_StefanS_> I'm trying xephyr now
=== kblizzzek is now known as blizzzek
[10:09] <_StefanS_> Riddell: wow thats odd...
[10:09] <_StefanS_> Riddell: works great in xephyr with sounds and what not..
[10:11] <_StefanS_> Riddell: I'm moving .kde just for testing
[10:11] <_StefanS_> brb
[10:24] <_StefanS_> Riddell: well, moving .kde doesnt make a difference
[10:25] <_StefanS_> Riddell: Guess its something related to composite afterall
[10:39] <_StefanS_> Riddell: enabling AIGLX again didn't make a difference either. Do you know
[10:40] <_StefanS_> Riddell: any packages that may rely on plasma or the other way around?
[10:44] <Riddell> _StefanS_: try running /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde from within a full session?
[10:44] <Riddell> or starting /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kwin or plasma
[10:44] <_StefanS_> Riddell: I'll trye that
[10:51] <_StefanS_> Riddell: [ 1340.266578] klauncher[27553]: segfault at 00000095 eip b753dfc7 esp bffee040 error 4
[10:51] <_StefanS_> Riddell: is that bad ? :)
[10:52] <Riddell> doesn't sound good
[10:52] <Riddell> no idea what would cause it
[10:53] <_StefanS_> Riddell: I guess I could try startkde with sh -x to see what happens during the script.. maybe its just a stupid mistake somewhere
[11:01] <apache|mobile_> _StefanS_: please install the -dbg packages to get proper output
[11:03] <_StefanS_> apache|mobile_: did that now
[11:04] <_StefanS_> apache|mobile_: what part of startkde is supposed to loop until the you logout ?
[11:04] <_StefanS_> apache|mobile_: by looping I mean when you are inside kde, and once you logout it will shutdown alle kde services properly
[11:04] <apache|mobile_> _StefanS_: it won't
[11:04] <apache|mobile_> startkde _starts_ kde :P
[11:04] <apache|mobile_> kdeinit takes care of logout AFAIK
[11:05] <_StefanS_> apache|mobile_: ok, so it detaches itself from startkde ?
[11:05] <apache|mobile_> yep
[11:06] <_StefanS_> apache|mobile_: how should I see the debugging messages now. ?
[11:06] <apache|mobile_> logout
[11:06] <apache|mobile_> choose failsafe as session type
[11:06] <apache|mobile_> login
[11:06] <_StefanS_> did that.
[11:06] <apache|mobile_> you should get a konsole
[11:06] <apache|mobile_> startkde
[11:06] <_StefanS_> yes
[11:06] <apache|mobile_> well
[11:06] <apache|mobile_> with path
[11:06] <_StefanS_> startkde crashes my xsession..
[11:06] <apache|mobile_> oh
[11:06] <apache|mobile_> _StefanS_: hardy?
[11:06] <_StefanS_> so I put in some sleeps
[11:07] <_StefanS_> yes on hardy
[11:07] <apache|mobile_> downgrade xorg
[11:07] <apache|mobile_> somehow they managed to break the composite crap
[11:07] <_StefanS_> apache|mobile_: argh..
[11:07] <apache|mobile_> so when kwin tries to start
[11:07] <apache|mobile_> x goes wocka
[11:07] <_StefanS_> apache|mobile_: great...
[11:07] <_StefanS_> apache|mobile_: any idea how to downgrade it?
[11:07] <_StefanS_> apache|mobile_: havent done that before
[11:07] <apache|mobile_> *shurg*
[11:07] <apache|mobile_> someone was investigating on this the other day
[11:08] <apache|mobile_> smarter maybe?
[11:08] <_StefanS_> Riddell: xserver is the culprit it seems... ^
[11:08] <_StefanS_> apache|mobile_: well I guess the easiest would be to download the package, and install it manually then ?
[11:09] <_StefanS_> apache|mobile_: no wonder my xserver crashes yesterday when I used nvidia-xsettings to query opengl information.. x segfaulted on me.
[11:09] <apache|mobile_> _StefanS_: you probabably have the old version in your apt cache
[11:09] <_StefanS_> apache|mobile_: well I'm going to check that..
[11:09] <_StefanS_> opengl/composite..
[11:09] <_StefanS_> wrong word :D
[11:10] <apache|mobile_> aye
[11:10] <_StefanS_> apache|mobile_: xserver-xorg-core?
[11:10] <smarter> apache|mobile_: nop, and I don't have hardy to check
[11:11] <apache|mobile_> hm
[11:11] * apache|mobile_ checks his logs
[11:12] <apache|mobile_> _StefanS_: I probably only have the logs at home :S
[11:14] <_StefanS_> apache|mobile_: thats ok.. I downgraded xserver, but seems like it wasn't enought
[11:14] <_StefanS_> enough
[11:14] <apache|mobile_> <gribelu> apachelogger_: my dead KDE4 was caused by some weird problem that somehow borked the xorg GLX extension.. reinstalled some random packages and everything works again :D
[11:14] <apache|mobile_> gribelu: pling
[11:15] <apache|mobile_> _StefanS_: technically it can be -core your driver, libdri and libdrm I think
[11:16] <_StefanS_> oka
[11:16] <_StefanS_> not in my cache... gotta pick it up from the archive.ubuntu.com..
[11:16] <smarter> apache|mobile_: my kepas package is ready, should I upload it to revu?
[11:16] <ryanakca> Riddell: *scratches his head*... so I was supposed to merge qyoto into kdebindings-kde4?
[11:17] <Riddell> ryanakca: yes
[11:17] <apache|mobile_> smarter: did upstream add a gpl yet?
[11:17] <smarter> nop, I'm still not sure about that
[11:17] <ryanakca> Riddell: ah, well now.
[11:17] <Riddell> sorry if that wasn't clear
[11:18] <apache|mobile_> Riddell: can you please explain smarter why a full copy of the GPL is to be included in the sources
[11:18] <ryanakca> Riddell: np, so I guess since qyoto is already in kdebindings-kde4, all I need to do is update the debian/ dir?
[11:18] * apache|mobile_ joins a political discussion
[11:21] <mhb> hello young lovers, wherever you are...
[11:22] * Riddell looking down upon london from Canonical Tower
[11:22] <Tm_T> heh
[11:23] <Tm_T> Riddell: say hello to people from me, "the Overseer" ;-P
[11:23] <apache|mobile_> pfft, sure make us jealous :P
[11:23] <apache|mobile_> smarter: you can upload to revu, but add a comment, that a full copy of gpl is missing
[11:24] <smarter> apache|mobile_: k.
[11:24] <smarter> " pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: libplasma-dev which is a virtual package." ?
[11:24] <apache|mobile_> smarter: gutsy?
[11:24] <smarter> my /etc/pbuilderrc says hardy
[11:24] <apache|mobile_> strange
[11:24] <Hobbsee> Riddell: planning world domination?
[11:24] <apache|mobile_> sudo pbuilder --login
[11:25] <apache|mobile_> cat /etc/apt/sources.list
[11:25] <smarter> oh... didn't know I had a ~/.pbuilderrc...
[11:25] <apache|mobile_> ah :D
[11:25] <smarter> stupid me
[11:25] <_StefanS_> apache|mobile_: any idea what path on archive.ubuntu.com I should use to get that xserver-xorg-core ? I cant seem to find it anywhere..
=== mzungu_ is now known as mzungu
[11:26] <Tm_T> Riddell: was there some issues in my contact additions? or is it just for later, wondering if I need to edit it
[11:26] <Riddell> Hobbsee: no but if you ever need a good place to throw objects at MI5 from, this is about as good as it gets
[11:26] <cheguevara> morning
[11:26] <Hobbsee> haha
[11:26] <smarter> _StefanS_: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg-server/ ?
[11:27] <Hobbsee> Riddell: do we automatically drop all mail that's not sent by a subscriber or something?
[11:27] <mhb> hmm, this lagging is evil... hope my first "hello" got through
[11:27] <Hobbsee> mhb: it didn't
[11:27] <_StefanS_> smarter: I wonder why i couldn't see it... oh well. thanks
[11:27] <mhb> in that case ... hello young lovers, wherever you are...
[11:28] * apache|mobile_ loves kdm
[11:28] <apache|mobile_> hey ho mhb
[11:28] <Riddell> Hobbsee: yes
[11:28] <Hobbsee> Riddell: bugger.
[11:29] * Hobbsee tries again
[11:29] * apache|mobile_ tries the new kdm package
[11:40] <smarter> apachelogger_: I've updated my pbuilder to hardy but it still doesn't find libplasma-dev :/
[11:41] <Hobbsee> smarter: got universe enabled?
[11:42] <smarter> is it enabled by default?
[11:44] <Hobbsee> no
[11:44] <Hobbsee> follow !pbuilder.
[11:45] <smarter> !pbuilder
[11:45] <ubotu> pbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto
[11:48] <xRaich[o]2x> nice! kdm finally works ^^
[11:50] <smarter> Hobbsee: thanks, it works now :)
[11:50] <Hobbsee> :)
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[11:57] <Tonio_> hi there
[11:57] <Tonio_> can someone confirm flash is broken in konqueror hardy ?
[11:59] <smarter> Tonio_: latest version of flash is broken in konqueror gutsy and hardy(but I think there's some patches in hardy), see: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3162 and: http://mikearthur.co.uk/index.php/?p=171 for a workaround
[12:00] <Tonio_> smarter: I as just searching for a workarroundin fact :)
[12:01] <smarter> Tonio_: you could also use the old version of flash
[12:02] <Tonio_> smarter: okay got the patch :)
[12:02] <Tonio_> smarter: I prefer to fix kde, since the latest flash has a lot of security fixes in it
[12:03] <Tonio_> I prepare a patch and will upload the fix in a moment
[12:03] <Tonio_> hardy only of course
[12:03] <smarter> we should backport it to gutsy
[12:04] <Tonio_> yep I agree
[12:04] <Tonio_> smarter: but I don't play with backports and security fixes
[12:05] <Tonio_> smarter: I used to in the past, but the process is so stupidly long......
[12:05] <Tonio_> smarter: and btw not respected sometimes by canonical employees, so I don't see any reason to waste my time on that point
[12:05] <Tonio_> but if soembody wants to backport my package, you're welcome !
[12:09] <Riddell> Tonio_: hardy does have the original flash patch
[12:09] <Riddell> I don't know if there's an updated version
[12:09] <Riddell> let me know if it works
[12:11] <Tonio_> Riddell: I have the patch here, testing :)
[12:11] <Tonio_> Riddell: there's olready a patch for gutsy ?
[12:12] <Riddell> Tonio_: there's alreay a patch in hardy
[12:12] <Tonio_> Riddell: ah...
[12:13] <Tonio_> which package is fixed, kdebase ?
[12:13] <Tonio_> Riddell: I can't see any upload that sees to fix this...
[12:13] <Tonio_> for hardy at least
[12:15] <_StefanS_> Riddell: what about that videodvd:/ kio fix for k3b in hardy ? did you upload it?
[12:15] <_StefanS_> hey Tonio_ btw :)
[12:16] <Tonio_> hey _StefanS_
[12:16] <Riddell> Tonio_: looks to be kubuntu_9917_flash_xembed.diff
[12:17] <Tonio_> Riddell: right, well the patch seems to need a few changes
[12:18] <Tonio_> Riddell: I got them here locally, in the form of a second patch
[12:18] <Tonio_> Riddell: testing locally
[12:18] <Tonio_> Riddell: see http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=761919
[12:18] <Riddell> Tonio_: thanks, I havn't really tested it
[12:18] <Tonio_> those are the needed changes
[12:18] <Riddell> _StefanS_: I'm pretty sure it is in
[12:18] <Tonio_> Riddell: well original patch doesn't work btw
[12:19] <_StefanS_> Riddell: ok cool, or groovy even.
[12:20] <_StefanS_> Riddell: nawp.. just checked not there :( (/usr/lib/kde3/kio_videodvd.la|so)
[12:22] <Tonio_> _StefanS_: have a diff I should upload then ?
[12:22] <Riddell> _StefanS_: from changelog: [ Stefan Skotte ]o * kio_videodvd wasn't installed correctly
[12:23] <Tonio_> Riddell: kdebase building locally
[12:23] <Riddell> but I don't see it in any of k3b's .install files
[12:23] <Tonio_> Riddell: want me to fix the packaging ?
[12:23] <Tonio_> Riddell: I can do while kdebase builds
[12:24] <_StefanS_> thats odd..
[12:24] <Tonio_> _StefanS_: well just need to run dh_install --list-missing
[12:24] <Tonio_> _StefanS_: and then fix the .install files, I guess
[12:25] <_StefanS_> Tonio_: I sent you the patch, can you see whats wrong?
[12:25] <Tonio_> lemme look
[12:26] <Tonio_> _StefanS_: hum, second half of the package just isn't there ;)
[12:27] <Tonio_> Riddell: since you added the package, looks like you just missed that part ;)
[12:27] <Tonio_> _StefanS_: uploading
[12:27] <_StefanS_> oh :)
[12:27] <_StefanS_> cool thanks!
[12:28] <_StefanS_> videodvd:/ kio slave is quite amazing ;)
[12:28] <_StefanS_> seamless integration with libdvdcss..
[12:29] <Tonio_> _StefanS_: upoloaded
[12:29] <_StefanS_> :)
[12:31] <smarter> kepas uploaded to revu ;) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=kepas (I'm currently uploading a new version)
[12:44] <apachelogger_> Good news everyone!
[12:44] <apachelogger_> I can attend the meeting
[12:44] <apachelogger_> woohooo
[12:44] <_StefanS_> apachelogger_: hey congrats ! :)
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
[12:45] <apachelogger_> _StefanS_: hehe, thaks
[12:45] <apachelogger_> +n somewhere
[12:45] <Tonio_> apachelogger_: when is the meeting exactly ?
[12:45] <Tonio_> and hello btw !
[12:45] <apachelogger_> hey Tonio_, see topic
[12:46] * apachelogger_ heads over to kdm's websvn
[12:46] <Tonio_> apachelogger_: thanks :)
[12:49] <apachelogger_> bah
[12:49] <apachelogger_> kdm ain't becoming any better in 0.1
[12:51] * Tonio_ is packaging latest kaffeine
[12:51] <apachelogger_> meh
[12:51] <apachelogger_> dragonplayer ftw! :P
[12:51] <Tonio_> apachelogger_: for kde3 ;)
[12:51] <apachelogger_> one can run dragonplayer on KDE 3 ;-)
[12:51] <Tonio_> apachelogger_: don't forget I don't work on kde4 atm :)
[12:51] <Tonio_> apachelogger_: hehe
[12:52] <apachelogger_> that's probably the reason of these stupid wrappe scripts
[12:52] <apachelogger_> which cause serious headache for me
[12:52] <Tonio_> apachelogger_: yep I'm not fully for those wrapper scripts
[12:52] <Tonio_> apachelogger_: makes kde4 apps packaging harder
[12:53] <apachelogger_> also, when kde4 switches to /usr we will all end up in hell
[12:53] <apachelogger_> have to change all packages again
[12:53] <Tonio_> apachelogger_: yep
[12:54] <Tonio_> on the other side, that helps me to test kde4 apps
[12:54] <apachelogger_> yeah
[12:54] <Tonio_> apachelogger_: as kwin refuses to work with my fglrx driver and card
[12:54] <apachelogger_> well, it might not be that bad if we get a lot of people to work on the transition
[12:54] <Tonio_> apachelogger_: yep
[12:54] <apachelogger_> weekend-kde4-transition
[12:54] <apachelogger_> get some motus to revu debdiffs and upload
[12:55] <apachelogger_> others to create the debdiffs
[12:55] <apachelogger_> and everything should be done on monday
[12:55] <Riddell> apachelogger_: what does ftw mean?
[12:55] <apachelogger_> for the win
[12:55] <Tonio_> ahhhhhhh
[12:55] <apachelogger_> :D
[12:55] <Tonio_> I though it was something like f*** the world
[12:55] <Riddell> sounds rude
[12:56] <apachelogger_> ah, that's my latest invention ... f*** the world, universe rules :P
[12:56] <Tonio_> apachelogger_: haha
[12:57] <apachelogger_> Riddell: do you happen to know what the point of debian's custom session for kdm is?
[12:57] <Tonio_> apachelogger_: talking about kde4 transition to /usr
[12:57] <Riddell> apachelogger_: custom session?
[12:57] <Tonio_> apachelogger_: all packages have to be fixed btw as they will be renamed I guess to "no kde4 suffix"
[12:57] <apachelogger_> Riddell: 10_kdm_no_custom.diff in workspace, adds a static session to kdm, which does absolutely nothing
[12:58] <Riddell> has anyone tested the new libqt3-mt?
[12:58] <ScottK> Riddell: Are you archive-admining today?
[12:58] <Riddell> ScottK: yes, I should indeed
[12:58] <Riddell> any requests?
[12:58] <apachelogger_> Tonio_: yeah, would be reasonable to do this all at once
[12:58] <ScottK> Riddell: Yes. I've got a rather complex backport request in the hopper I was hoping could get done.
[12:59] <apachelogger_> Tonio_: the thing is just... actually we whould have to rename all kde3 packages to -kde3 then
[12:59] <ScottK> Riddell: It's Bug 183914 and the source backports are already uploaded.
[12:59] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 183914 in dapper-backports "Please Backport clamav-0.92~dfsg-2 from Hardy to Dapper" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183914
[13:01] * apachelogger_ notes that some debian patches appear rather strange to him
[13:02] <Riddell> apachelogger_: I don't know, look in the changelog or svn commits, or ask them
[13:02] * apachelogger_ heads over to the svn commits
[13:02] <apachelogger_> changelog tells exactly nothing about patches
[13:04] <Riddell> ScottK: they just need me to approved them from unapproved right?
[13:05] <ScottK> Riddell: First clamav needs to be approved and then go through binary NEW.
[13:05] <ScottK> Then once that's out, the others and the source backports need approved/done.
[13:05] <ScottK> We should only have to do this once to get all the dapper stuff on the current clamav API.
[13:05] * ScottK crosses fingers
[13:07] <Riddell> ScottK: don't they have versioned build-depends?
[13:07] <ScottK> Riddell: The issues is they need to build against the newer library.
[13:08] <Riddell> ScottK: right, so they should have the versioned build-depend
[13:08] <ScottK> issues/issue
[13:08] <ScottK> Yes. I guess that they should. Some of them do. I know that some don't (I didn't change it if it wasn't already present).
[13:09] <Riddell> ScottK: well I can let clamav through then, but you may need to poke me to remind me about the binary new then letter the rest through
[13:09] <ScottK> Sure. No problem. I can keep an eye on when it's built. Thanks.
[13:10] <Riddell> ScottK: voila
[13:10] <ScottK> Riddell: Thanks.
[13:16] <Riddell> freeflying: ping
[13:17] <Riddell> freeflying: ttf-wqy-zenhei has wqy-zenhei.ttf, is there no source for that?
[13:36] * txwikinger wonders why his keyboard is not working anymore after logging in
[13:37] <nosrednaekim> txwikinger: uhh oh.... someone in the support channel was jst complaining about the same thng
[13:37] <txwikinger> really?
[13:38] <nosrednaekim> txwikinger: yeah <_< it works in recovery X and on the login screen, but not in normal X
[13:38] <txwikinger> It works on the login prompt, but not after login.. after tried a different user though
[13:39] <txwikinger> however, remotely starting the same apps from another computer with X-forward works
[13:39] <txwikinger> same user
[13:40] <apachelogger_> not KDE 4 I hope?
[13:40] <nosrednaekim> do you have a laptop?
[13:40] <nosrednaekim> apachelogger_: nope;)
[13:40] <txwikinger> no 3.5.8 on gutsy
[13:40] <apachelogger_> phew
[13:40] <apachelogger_> :D
[13:40] <txwikinger> nosrednaekim: It is my laptop
[13:40] <txwikinger> I am on a desktop ssh-ed on the laptop atm
[13:40] <iRon> txwikinger: using kxkb ?
[13:40] <nosrednaekim> txwikinger: curious.. what model?
[13:41] <txwikinger> iRon: yes I believe so
[13:41] <txwikinger> nosrednaekim: Fujitsu-Siemens
[13:41] <nosrednaekim> txwikinger: ok, go into the main channel and talk to Beanos
[13:41] <iRon> txwikinger: there were an issue with kxbk on my laptop..
[13:42] <iRon> txwikinger: i solved it by removing xserver-xorg-input-evdev
[13:44] <txwikinger> removes xserver-xorg-input-all too
[13:45] <iRon> yep.. and install xserver-xorg-input-kbd
[13:45] <iRon> if it is not installed
[13:46] <txwikinger> already is
[13:46] <iRon> don't know why, but if evdev installed it overrides Driver "kbd" settings in xorg.conf
[13:48] <iRon> txwikinger: btw.. i'm on hardy.. :)
[13:48] <txwikinger> ah
[13:49] <nosrednaekim> txwikinger: seems to be a kde problem (joy!)
[13:49] <txwikinger> I almost think some kde settings must have been messed up
[13:49] <txwikinger> nosrednaekim: I am a problem! you can ask anybody about that ;)
[13:50] <iRon> nosrednaekim: i think not kde.. but xorg.. because it failes for me not only in kde, but in gnome, openbox, ...
[13:50] <nosrednaekim> iRon: but what about failsafe?
[13:51] <nosrednaekim> iRon: you have the same problem?
[13:51] <txwikinger> probably something with the gestures settings
[13:51] <txwikinger> that box came up just bevor
[13:51] <iRon> nosrednaekim: failsafe too.. it stops after i execute in konsole `xmodmap ...'
[13:51] <nosrednaekim> the other guy had just installed a modified version of wine
[13:51] <nosrednaekim> iRon: well, the guy i'm talking to has a working failsafe
[13:52] <iRon> yes.. it works.. but when i execute setxkbmap and xmodmap it stops
[13:53] <nosrednaekim> ah...
[13:53] <iRon> nosrednaekim: in any session (gnome, failsafe, openbox, ..)
[13:53] <iRon> kde.. :)
[13:54] <iRon> kde4 too
[13:55] <iRon> i could install xserver-xorg-input-evdev and try to reproduce this again
[14:01] <txwikinger> must be individual kde settings... second user works
[14:02] <iRon> txwikinger: with enabled kxkb for layout switching ?
[14:02] <txwikinger> I thought I disabled that in the non-working user... but I may misunderstand what you mean
[14:03] <txwikinger> Do you mean the xkb for like compose key?
[14:04] <iRon> txwikinger: don't know what is `compose keu
[14:04] <iRon> :)
[14:04] <iRon> I mean System Settings - Regional & Language - Keyboard Layout - Enable keyboard layouts
[14:04] <txwikinger> yep.. that's it
[14:05] <txwikinger> I meant the Xkb options there
[14:05] <iRon> yep
[14:05] <txwikinger> yes I dsiabled that still no luck
[14:06] <iRon> you need to remove settings file.. not just disable. $ rm ~/.kde/share/config/kxkbrc
[14:06] <iRon> backup it first if needed :)
[14:07] <txwikinger> :)
[14:07] <iRon> and then logout/login
[14:07] <iRon> disabling from system settings doesn't helped.. need to remove
[14:07] <txwikinger> ah
[14:14] <txwikinger> I think I found the problem.. they keyboard works... just very slow?
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[14:22] <nosrednaekim> slow keys
[14:23] <iRon> then this is another issue :)
[14:23] <nosrednaekim> ah! yeap... the other jst found it was the same prblem :)
[14:27] <txwikinger> k.. that was it
[14:28] <iRon> txwikinger: kxkbrc ? or what?
[14:28] <txwikinger> slow keys in kaccessrc
[14:28] <iRon> ah :)
[14:28] <txwikinger> switch itself somehow on
[14:28] <txwikinger> I think I had that once before, that's why I got on the right track
[14:39] <nixternal> Hobbsee: pong pong pong-a-long :)
[14:41] <ScottK> Riddell: Would you please do the endeavour backport out of bug Bug 183914 (it's endeavour 2.7.5-1ubuntu1 from Feisty). That'll solve the one other place that versioned build-depends aren't going to just do the right thing.
[14:41] <ScottK> Urgh. Bug 183914
[14:41] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 183914 in dapper-backports "Please Backport clamav-0.92~dfsg-2 from Hardy to Dapper" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183914
[14:41] <ScottK> clamav is building nicely so far ....
[14:48] <Riddell> erk, kmail broken
[14:49] <Hobbsee> nixternal: hm, i'm about to go to bed. mind reponging when i wake up again?
[15:08] * Hobbsee starts rejecting the OT bible discussions
[15:09] <selckin> Hobbsee++
[15:21] <nixternal> haha
[15:51] <Riddell> stdin: on yakuake-kde4 why -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON ?
[15:55] <Riddell> stdin: I've accepted it, but I would have thought it may not work without rpaths
[16:05] <\sh> Riddell, when in a kde session, is DESKTOP_SESSION=kde set ?
[16:06] <Riddell> \sh: or kde4
[16:07] <Riddell> that might be kdm only thought
[16:07] <\sh> Riddell, well, at least something else then gnome ;)
[16:09] <Tonio_> Riddell: hum the kde for flash seems incomplete at the moment
[16:09] <Tonio_> Riddell: still segfaulting here
[16:09] <Tonio_> Riddell: I'll wait for the next svn commit
[16:10] <Riddell> Tonio_: have you read lubos's blog? he did say it was unreliable
[16:10] <Riddell> Tonio_: is today's kmail broken for you?
[16:10] <Tonio_> Riddell: you mean ?
[16:11] <Riddell> Tonio_: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3162
[16:11] * Tonio_ searches for unreliable translation ;)
[16:12] <Riddell> meaning it does not always work
[16:12] <Tonio_> Riddell: yeah right
[16:12] <Tonio_> Riddell: well I suspect this is only part of the fix
[16:12] <Tonio_> Riddell: should I still upload with this and wait for the next commit ?
[16:13] <Riddell> Tonio_: may as well upload
[16:13] <Tonio_> Riddell: oki
[16:14] <Tonio_> Riddell: testing kmail
[16:17] <smarter> apachelogger: I've just uploaded a new version of kepas ;)
[16:19] <Tonio_> Riddell: kmail segfaults : kmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so: undefined symbol: fstat64
[16:21] * apachelogger throws his eyes on revu
[16:23] <Riddell> Tonio_: mm, same here
[16:23] <jpatrick> apachelogger: don't you need those?
[16:23] <Riddell> Tonio_: I'm compiling it locally and the previous version too
[16:23] <apachelogger> jpatrick: not right now
[16:24] <Riddell> Tonio_: any problems with libqt3-mt?
[16:25] <apachelogger> smarter: "with the kepas plasmoid." please uppercase kepas ... debian/control
[16:25] <Tonio_> Riddell: might be....
[16:25] <smarter> apachelogger: ok
[16:25] <apachelogger> smarter: otherwise good, will have to testbuild as soon as a lot is free
[16:25] * apachelogger is testbuilding some kde4 stuff right now
[16:25] <apachelogger> s/lot/slot
[16:26] <Tonio_> Riddell: I have to run for a moment, brb to test and investigate the kmail issue
[16:27] <apachelogger> yummy
[16:27] <apachelogger> yakuake accepted to hardy
[16:30] <ScottK> Riddell: On dapper-backports clamav is built. So the next steps are endeavour 2.7.5-1ubuntu1 from Feisty (regular backport, not source) and binary Newing clamav (order doesn't matter). Just for reference, this is Bug 183914.
[16:30] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 183914 in dapper-backports "Please Backport clamav-0.92~dfsg-2 from Hardy to Dapper" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183914
[16:34] <Riddell> ScottK: clamav binary accepted to dapper-backports
[16:34] <Riddell> ScottK: what's endeavour?
[16:35] <ScottK> Riddell: It's an obscure file manager program that also provides a lib for making windows. Avscan uses it.
[16:35] <ScottK> Riddell: Avscan is the only other rdepend of the library, so backporting it is safe and tested.
[16:37] <Riddell> ScottK: endeavour backported to feisty
[16:37] <ScottK> Riddell: I hope you mean backported from feisty?
[16:43] <Riddell> ScottK: ah
[16:44] <Riddell> ScottK: feisty to dapper?
[16:45] <mhb> evening my dears
[16:49] <nixternal> hiya mhb
[16:50] <mhb> what's up?
[16:50] <nixternal> not a whole lot...gotta go get the window fixed in my truck and then have class tonight
[16:53] <Riddell> kmail broke
[16:53] <Riddell> Tonio_: but, my recompile fixes it http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kdepim/
[16:53] <nixternal> Riddell: you have a kcpuload merge pending, want me to go ahead and get it out of the way?
[16:54] <Riddell> nixternal: I do? sure, please go ahead
[16:54] <nixternal> will do
[16:54] <Riddell> Tonio_: I wonder if the new libqt3-mt broke it
[16:57] <Riddell> hrm, yes, seems to be
[16:57] <nixternal> actually I can just request a sync on it...the only reason it is a merge is because in December of 2005 you rebuilt the package against kde universe :)
[16:59] <Riddell> hrm hrm, I wonder what else this qt has broken, and is it the fault of qt or something that has changed in the build system since the last qt build
[17:07] * hunger has a broken kded for a while now. KDE bugtracker suggest that has something to do with a qt bug as well.
[17:09] <Riddell> hunger: but you've had that since last week or so havn't you? it's not from the qt upload yesterday
[17:09] <Riddell> we haven't had a qt3 upload for awhile
[17:09] <hunger> That is true.
[17:09] <hunger> I have it for quite a while now.
[17:11] <Tonio_> Riddell: that's possible..... I'll try to build kmail against the previous libqt3-mt then
[17:11] <Tonio_> Riddell: did kmail build against the latest libqt3-mt ?
[17:11] <Tonio_> Riddell: if not may be a simple reupload will fix it....
[17:14] <ScottK> Riddell: Yes. Feisty to Dapper.
[17:16] <persia> I'm discussing http://wiki.scribus.net/index.php/Getting_Scribus_on_Ubuntu/Kubuntu_up_and_running on #scribus, and just wondered if there were any blockers to getting qt?-qtconfig into main.
[17:20] <Riddell> persia: what's it needed for?
[17:20] <nixternal> kcpuload and kphotoalbum syncs requested
[17:21] <Riddell> ScottK: hmm well, I wonder if I just broke it in feisty then
[17:21] <persia> Riddell: Apparently not having it breaks scribus in a couple different ways. They want to depend, but qtconfig is in universe and scribus is in main.
[17:23] <persia> Riddell: Looks like bug #66917 and bug #68142 are their main complaints. Might be scim as much as qtconfig, but they seem to believe qtconfig is critical.
[17:23] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 66917 in qt-x11-free "Ubuntu should ship a properly configured /etc/qt.rc (QT applications render with random fonts without KDE installed)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66917
[17:23] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 68142 in qt-x11-free "qt doesn't work properly due to broken scim-qtimm (dup-of: 37711)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68142
[17:23] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 37711 in scim-qtimm "Qt/SCIM broken (Cannot enter numbers in to spinbox widget)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37711
[17:24] <persia> Alternately, it might be bug #37711, in which scribus appears only to work in the C locale
[17:24] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 37711 in scim-qtimm "Qt/SCIM broken (Cannot enter numbers in to spinbox widget)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37711
[17:24] <persia> Err. Sorry. I can't read :(
[17:25] <Riddell> persia: adding a depend on qtconfig won't help much, it would still need the user to set up whatever it is that's needed
[17:25] <Riddell> we can ship font settings in qtrc if someone tells us what's needed and it doesn't break anything
[17:25] <persia> So qtrc is independent of qtconfig?
[17:25] <Riddell> the scim-qtimm issue is nasty, I don't know why it only affects ubuntu and not other distros that use it
[17:26] <Riddell> persia: qtconfig is a gui tool for editing the gtrc file
[17:26] <Riddell> qtrc file rather
[17:26] <persia> The annoying thing is that it doesn't even affect Debian. It's something we did (but hard to say what)
[17:26] <Riddell> Tonio_: yes I expect a rebuild of kdepim would fix it (unless the bug is something in the buildds), but it's a bit worrying, other apps might be similarly broken
[17:26] <persia> Ah. Thanks. I'll see if I can get them to propose something for a stock qtrc that would unbreak things. Thanks for the explanation.
[17:27] <Tonio_> Riddell: ture
[17:27] <Tonio_> true
[17:27] <persia> For skim, is that something handled here, or should I be chasing minghua?
[17:27] <Lure> Riddell: I just wanted to ask what happended to kmailprivate? some libc change?
[17:27] <Tonio_> Riddell: well I didn't notice any regression here appart from kmail
[17:27] <Lure> Because it worked from my PPA, but not build from regular repo (uploaded by Hobbsee)
[17:28] <Lure> Tonio_: same here
[17:28] <Riddell> ah, Lure
[17:28] <Lure> Tonio_: it might be some intermediate issue which was only picked up by kdepim build
[17:28] <Riddell> Lure: we have no idea, it seems to be caused by the new qt build
[17:29] <nixternal> Lure: I requested a sync on kphotoalbum that was listed in merges for you
[17:29] <Riddell> Lure: it doesn't work from your ppa (not with the new qt)
[17:29] <Riddell> fstat64 is a #define in kdelibs
[17:30] <Tonio_> talking about regressions, gtk-qt-engine doesn't map kde fonts to gnome anymore.... I have to fix this
[17:31] <hunger> Has anyone else noticed aptitude crashing a lot lately?
[17:36] <Riddell> Lure, Tonio_: kdepim uploaded
[17:36] * Riddell doesn't use aptitude
[17:39] <Lure> nixternal: thanks
[17:39] <Riddell> something called pinentry just popped up and asked me for my password when gpg was trying to sign a package
[17:39] * Lure did not check merges.u.c for some time
[17:39] <Riddell> I wonder what caused that
[17:39] <Lure> Riddell: that is old stuff (from gutsy I think)
[17:39] <Lure> I think ScottK worked on this
[17:39] <smarter> yep
[17:39] <Riddell> Lure: but it's never happened before
[17:40] <smarter> maybe you deleted you gpg.conf
[17:40] <Lure> Riddell: really? When I do debuild with -k, it always pops up nice pinentry-qt window
[17:40] * Lure just want something like this for ssh-add
[17:40] <smarter> It's cool 'cause it remember your password for a certain time so you don't have to type it twice when you debuild
[17:41] <Riddell> that would be handy for building 60 language packs
[17:41] <Riddell> Lure: I didn't use -k
[17:41] <Lure> Riddell: ok, probably have set it in environment?
[17:42] * Lure never set up DEBSIGN variable or whatever it is - I just do -klure
[17:45] * jpatrick does -k$GPGKEY
[17:45] * nixternal exports all!
[17:45] <nixternal> -k, bah that is for n00bs :p
[17:46] <Riddell> Lure: nope, maybe there's a new debuild that uses it without -k
[17:47] * smarter has everything in his config files
[17:49] <claydoh> there is alsp a prob in konqueror , undefined symbol stst64, just as in kmail
[17:49] <claydoh> bug #185004
[17:49] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 185004 in kdepim "KMail symbol lookup error" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185004
[17:51] <Lure> claydoh: yep, reproduced here :-(
[17:51] <nixternal> Riddell: http://www.nixternal.com/~rj/plasma.debdiff <- new upstream release of kvkbd - debdiff for ya
[17:51] <claydoh> I use d3lphin anyway :)
[17:52] <nixternal> oh man, I just noticed the kdiff part in konqi when looking at diffs...very nice feature
[17:52] <Riddell> nixternal: that looks like a patch for plasma
[17:52] <nixternal> haha, I just noticed that
[17:52] <Lure> Riddell: do we understant what broke this? qt? kdelibs?
[17:53] <nixternal> http://www.nixternal.com/~rj/kvkbd.debdiff
[17:53] <nixternal> there you go :)
[17:53] <Lure> Riddell: plasma is way cooler ;-)
[17:53] <nixternal> hehe
[17:53] <Riddell> Lure: we have no idea, doko was scratching his head for 15 minutes then gave up
[17:53] <nixternal> I was looking at the source code and was thinking...wow he incorporated kvkbd into a plasmoid...cool
[17:53] <Riddell> Lure: I'm pretty sure it's the new qt
[17:53] <Riddell> since reverting to an old qt fixes it
[17:54] <Lure> Riddell: funny is that kdepim was uploaded just couple of days before (18.01.) and it worked
[17:54] <Lure> so it may be something in between
[17:55] <Lure> Riddell: really? just runtime change (no rebuild)?
[17:57] <Lure> Riddell: actually you may be right - it worked for me this morning (with same kdepim), but it broke after lunch
[17:57] <Riddell> Lure: qt changed to 3.3.8 (from .7)
[17:58] <Lure> Riddell: yep, this is complete list of packages that were upgraded: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53060/
[17:58] <Lure> qt is there...
[17:58] <Lure> Riddell: maybe fstat64 is not GPL3 compatible ;-)
[17:59] <Riddell> but why would a new version of qt break a symbol from kdelibs, it makes no sense!
[17:59] <Tonio_> nixternal: uploading kvkbd, unless Riddell already did
[17:59] <Riddell> Tonio_: go ahead
[17:59] <Lure> Riddell: maybe old qt provide helper function for fstat64()
[17:59] <Lure> Riddell: libc provides on __fstat64
[18:00] <nixternal> thanks Tonio_
[18:00] <Riddell> Lure: libc does, kdecore does, but no version of qt mentions it
[18:00] <Lure> Riddell: actually, libc provides __fxstat64 and __lxstat64
[18:01] * Lure will have to run home, bbl (20 minutes or so)
[18:02] <Tonio_> Riddell: looks like ark broke too....
[18:03] <Riddell> Tonio_: same problem?
[18:03] <Tonio_> Riddell: hum starting from desktop file segfaults
[18:04] <Tonio_> Riddell: no issue starting from command line
[18:04] <Tonio_> Riddell: weird ;)
[18:04] <Tonio_> Riddell: hard to know what's wrong since command line works....
[18:05] <Tonio_> Riddell: exec ark from the shell doesn't work too....
[18:06] <Tonio_> lurecan you confirm the ark issue ?
[18:06] <Tonio_> ah he moved....
[18:07] <Riddell> kde 4 ark loads, not that that helps you
[18:07] <Tonio_> Riddell: true ;)
[18:07] <Tonio_> Riddell: from desktop file ?
[18:08] <claydoh> I have no problems with ark no matter how I run it here
[18:08] <neversfelde> I do not have problems launching ark on latest hardy
[18:09] <Tonio_> did you perform any upgrade today ?
[18:09] <neversfelde> yes
[18:09] <claydoh> I have
[18:09] <Tonio_> what is your kdelibs version ?
[18:10] <Tonio_> 4ubuntu5 ?
[18:10] <claydoh> yes
[18:10] <Tonio_> weird.......
[18:10] <neversfelde> 4ubuntu5
[18:11] <Artemis_Fowl> A bit irrelevant question: when will the wine package be updated?
[18:12] <Tonio_> claydoh, neversfelde : oki I 'll check after a reboot, maybe I just broke something here locallly
[18:12] <Tonio_> Artemis_Fowl: I have absolutly no idea
[18:13] <Tonio_> Artemis_Fowl: afaics it is up to date on hardy : 0.9.53
[18:14] <Tonio_> Artemis_Fowl: what were you expecting, and for which ubuntu version ?
[18:14] <Artemis_Fowl> Tonio_: at least 0.9.50 in gutsy
[18:14] <jpatrick> Artemis_Fowl: best ask \sh
[18:14] <Artemis_Fowl> Tonio_: currently at 0.9.46
[18:14] <Tonio_> Artemis_Fowl: gutsy is frozen now, no upgrade except eventually a backport
[18:15] <Tonio_> but backport will only be there is if fixes important issus
[18:15] <\sh> Artemis_Fowl, you are the guy who send a coment because of libjperg missing in 0.9.46?
[18:15] <Tonio_> Artemis_Fowl: ihmo don't expect an update for gutsy
[18:15] <Artemis_Fowl> \sh: no
[18:15] <Tonio_> \sh: any chance to see an upgrade for gusy ?
[18:16] <\sh> Tonio_, I'm working on a PPA release...because I have to make some debian/control changes for gutsy
[18:16] <smarter> Tonio_: there's a wine apt repo on http://winehq.org
[18:16] <Tonio_> \sh: okay so non-official upgrade then
[18:16] <\sh> smarter, it will be canceled, when we go with PPAs
[18:16] <Tonio_> smarter: yeah I know that ;) but I meant something official ;)
[18:17] <smarter> oh ok ;)
[18:17] <\sh> smarter, the plan is to provide backports via PPA from ubuntu-wine team...even for winehq .. so scott ritchie (the maintainer of our packages) has only to update one location ;)
[18:17] <Tonio_> okay guys I'm going to the restaurant toonight with my precious girlfriend, so have a ice day :)
[18:17] <smarter> ice? :P
[18:17] <Tonio_> s/ice/nice of course
[18:18] <Riddell> Tonio_: remember to ask for your meat cooked!
[18:18] <Riddell> you don't want your girlfriend to have to take you to hospital
[18:18] <Tonio_> Riddell: that's not french restaurant :)
[18:18] <ScottK> Riddell: I suspect the feisty backport is OK. If it doesn't depwait, the only thing at risk is avscan and that'll have to be backported shortly when we do the clamav backport for feisty anyway.
[18:19] <nixternal> hey, did the new qt get backported to gutsy?
[18:19] <Riddell> nixternal: no, problems in gutsy?
[18:19] <Tonio_> Riddell: a taï one, but yeah I usually take a salad made of raw meat as an entry !
[18:19] <Tonio_> Riddell: some things never change
[18:20] <nixternal> someone just posted on -users that they did an update and everything is blank upon logging in..ie nothing works
[18:20] <nixternal> just wondering if it got pushed to gutsy as a possible cause
[18:21] <Riddell> nixternal: more likely the xorg-xserver updates
[18:21] <ScottK> Riddell: On the clamav dapper backport (Bug 183914) - it is OK now to kick off everything except avscan. Avscan needs to wait on endeavour to build (I'll ping you again on that).
[18:21] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 183914 in dapper-backports "Please Backport clamav-0.92~dfsg-2 from Hardy to Dapper" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183914
[18:21] <nixternal> ahh
[18:22] <Riddell> hmm, it's a stall during login, X would be running
[18:22] <nixternal> yes, ahh guess I shouldn't have said "blank"
[18:24] <Riddell> nixternal: ask him what's in find /var/cache/apt/archives -mtime 0
[18:25] <Riddell> nixternal: and .xsession-errors
[18:29] <nixternal> done...bbiab...gotta go get the truck window replaced and get to class
[18:29] <nixternal> later all
[18:39] <apachelogger> now that was a mega monster awfully often breaking upload for -workspace
[18:39] <apachelogger> stdin: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace
[18:40] <apachelogger> ye defenitely have to checkout kdm-kde4 now
[18:40] <apachelogger> looks almost good :D
[18:51] <apachelogger> smarter: kepas bug status should be in progress, and post the revu URL
[18:51] <smarter> apachelogger: ok
[18:52] <apachelogger> uploader will have to set it commited and janitor will set it released
[19:07] <Lure> Riddell: rebuild of kdepim will not help - qt3 was built after kdepim - so it is casued by dynamic linking
[19:08] <Lure> Riddell: unless qt3 provided thos functions before, which would be strange imho
[19:08] <Riddell> Lure: it helped locally
[19:09] <Riddell> http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kdepim/
[19:09] <Riddell> of course it might be something about how the buildds build
[19:11] <Lure> Riddell: strange
[19:12] <Lure> Riddell: only reason would be that QT_FSTAT which is define in 3.3.8 would be changed to real function - otherwise I do not get how build would be that diferent
[19:12] <Lure> Riddell: and qt should be binary compatible afterall
[19:13] <Lure> Riddell: I am concerned there are many breakages like this elsewhere :-(
[19:13] <Lure> kmail, konqueror... what else?
[19:13] <Riddell> Lure: yes, it's pretty worrying
[19:15] <claydoh> ok after a reboot, ark crashes from the .desktop
[19:16] <_StefanS_> evening
[19:17] <_StefanS_> Tonio_: I get this wierd bug when logging in on hardy at 1920x1200 .. http://enhance-it.dk/login.jpg
[19:17] <_StefanS_> Tonio_: but it only happens after you typed your password
[19:17] <_StefanS_> weird.........
[19:18] <selckin> 404
[19:18] <_StefanS_> ah sorry
[19:18] <_StefanS_> 2secs
[19:19] <_StefanS_> there.
[19:19] <_StefanS_> should work now
[19:20] <claydoh> I just got that same thing @1024x768
[19:20] <_StefanS_> ok, seems like a global thing then
[19:20] <claydoh> I was too distacted by the pattern :)
[19:21] * claydoh likes the graphic btw
[19:21] <_StefanS_> heh ;) its distracting alright
[19:21] <claydoh> acid flashback
[19:22] <_StefanS_> looks my old wallpaper on amiga os..
[19:23] * claydoh missed out on Amigas, and c64, sinclairs, etc
[19:29] <_StefanS_> claydoh: oh my... thats supposed to be part of your upbringing :)
[19:29] <ScottK> Riddell: Do you want me to make a new list of the remaining non-source dapper backports that need doing for clamav or are you good pulling it out of the bug?
[19:31] <Lure> Riddell: btw, what was the reason last time to go bact to 3.3.7 (really3.3.7)?
[19:31] <Lure> back even
[19:32] <claydoh> _StefanS_: yes, I was deprived, esp as i did use a trs-8- in high school back in 1984, for about 3 weeks
[19:32] <claydoh> trs80 rather
[19:32] <_StefanS_> :)
[19:33] * claydoh spent his $$ on bicycles back then, and a stereo system
[19:34] * claydoh is now fat and partially deaf, should have taken the cpu route :)
[19:43] <_StefanS_> hardy and the newest nvidia driver works fine btw.. for anyone interested
[19:52] <Riddell> Lure: freeflying said it broke chinese fonts, but says it doesn't this time
[19:52] <Riddell> ScottK: I need spoon fed
[19:53] <ScottK> Riddell: WIll do.
[19:53] <ScottK> Riddell: clamcour - 0.2.2-1.2build1 from Hardy to Dapper
[19:54] <ScottK> Riddell: clamtk - 3.06-1 - from Hardy to Dapper
[19:54] <ScottK> Riddell: dansguardian_2.8.0.6-antivirus- from Hardy to Dapper
[19:54] <ScottK> Riddell: klamav - 0.41.1-0ubuntu2 from Hardy to Dapper (this channel can cheer that one).
[19:55] <ScottK> Riddell: sylpheed-claws - 1.0.5-5.1ubuntu0.1 from Feisty Security to Dapper
[19:55] <ScottK> Riddell: sylpheed-claws-gtk2 - 2.6.0-1.1ubuntu1 from Feisty Security to Dapper.
[19:56] <ScottK> Riddell: libetpan_0.48-2 from Feisty to Dapper
[19:56] <Riddell> ScottK: I don't think I can do feisty-security
[19:57] <ScottK> Riddell: We've done it before. The current clamav backport in Feisty is from gutsy-security.
[19:57] <ScottK> Hmmm. Let me look
[19:58] <ScottK> Riddell: Same versions are in feisty-updates. Does that help?
[19:59] <Riddell> ScottK: nope
[19:59] <ScottK> Urgh.
[20:00] <ScottK> Riddell: How about if I grab them from LP and make a source backport you get grab the .dsc for, resign, upload, and accept?
[20:00] <ScottK> backport for you...
[20:01] <ScottK> I've got all the sources locally from my testing, so it'd be easy.
[20:01] <Riddell> ScottK: you can just upload it
[20:01] <ScottK> Riddell: I can't. Needs a core-dev. I'll get a reject.
[20:01] * ScottK idly notes that he's applied for core-dev and is waiting for the tech-board to grill him ...
[20:02] <Riddell> ScottK: even if it's in universe?
[20:02] <ScottK> Yes. Source backports always need a core-dev
[20:02] <Riddell> well well
[20:02] <Riddell> ok, I can resign and upload
[20:02] <ScottK> Great. I'll paste .dsc's here once I have them.
[20:04] <jussi01> Hei all
[20:04] <Riddell> Tonio_: what does the new flash do in konqueror currently?
[20:09] <jussi01> Im having a small issue with listadmin, thought it would be pretty useless asking in #kubuntu. If someone doesnt mind helping that would be nice. Heres the error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53070/ and heres my listadmin.ini file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53072/
[20:12] <jpatrick> jussi01: not a very good passwd if you ask me
[20:12] <jussi01> jpatrick: haha... its censored.... :P
[20:13] <jpatrick> jussi01: well, I have no idea on listadmin :(
[20:13] <jpatrick> have to learn for kubuntu-es tho
[20:13] <jussi01> jpatrick i know what the issue is, i just dont know how to fix it...
[20:14] <jussi01> jpatrick: its currently trying to check: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/admindb/Ubuntu-Studio-users when it needs to check https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/admindb/Ubuntu-Studio-users
[20:17] <ScottK2> Riddell: http://www.kitterman.com/clamav/sylpheed-claws-gtk2_2.6.0-1.1ubuntu1.1~dapper1.dsc
[20:17] <seele> ah bummer.. canonical was sticker shocked and decided to do testing in-house afterall
[20:17] <seele> that would have been a cool project
[20:18] <jpatrick> seele: what would?
[20:21] <seele> jpatrick: user testing of ubuntu music experience
[20:21] <jpatrick> aha
[20:22] <nixternal> ahh, dunkin donuts coffee is nice...and they have this leather loveseat that is the most comfortable thing I have ever sat in
[20:22] <ScottK2> Riddell: http://www.kitterman.com/clamav/sylpheed-claws_1.0.5-5.1ubuntu0.1~dapper1.dsc
[20:22] <ScottK2> There's one more that'll be easier this way too.
[20:23] <nixternal> seele: sticker shocked? didn't you tell them you are from the DC area, everything is expensive there :)
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
[20:24] <seele> nixternal: i think they knew that already, but our market rates are pretty fair. i think they just didnt have the budget for it and it is cheaper to do it in house
[20:24] <nixternal> anything under $185/hr is fair
[20:24] <seele> it's still good to know they are thinking about formally supporting user testing
[20:25] <nixternal> I saw your blog post this morning about user testing...I was trying to think of something, but you hit up the first ones that came to mind
[20:25] <seele> nixternal: yeah.. i'm trying to think of some project ideas to propose for kde
[20:26] <seele> there seemed to be a strong research for more active user research
[20:26] <nixternal> wifi is another good one, although knetworkmangler isn't to bad
[20:26] <seele> ^ interest
[20:26] <seele> nixternal: that would be good after the first round of redesign. a bunch of us had a BoF on ways to improve it for plasma
[20:27] <nixternal> system help is another one
[20:27] <nixternal> KHelpCenter is a mess and could be fairly easily rewritten
[20:27] <seele> yeah
[20:28] <ScottK2> Riddell: http://www.kitterman.com/clamav/php-clamavlib_0.12a-4~dapper1.dsc would be the last one for a while.
[20:28] <nixternal> ahh, the macbook air commercial
[20:28] <nixternal> I have to have that song
[20:28] <ScottK2> Riddell: I really appreciate you sticking with this. I know it's a PITA.
[20:34] <Riddell> ScottK2: 404 on php-clamavlib_0.12a.orig.tar.gz
[20:36] <ScottK> Urgh.
[20:36] <ScottK> CHecking
[20:37] <ScottK2> Riddell: Funny how when I forget to copy it up to the server you can't download it. ;-) Should be all good now.
[20:37] <nixternal> hahahaha
[20:37] <nixternal> at least you showed him the correct file, I provided him a plasma debdiff for kvkbd :)
[20:39] <iRon> so many updates today for hardy.. :)
[20:39] <ScottK2> nixternal: This is the mother of all backports. I've been working on it for quite a while. 15 source packages and I haven't counted how many binary.
[20:39] <nixternal> oh shoot, clamav, just noticed that...ya, I can only imagine
[20:40] <ScottK2> nixternal: Here's the whole shooting match for all the releases: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clamav/+archive
[20:40] <nixternal> I cant' see my mouse cursor, damn sunlight
[20:40] <ScottK2> Dapper was the toughest though.
[20:41] <iRon> nixternal: i see only moon ;-)
[20:41] * ScottK2 will pick a day that Riddell isn't archive-admin to ask for then next one.
[20:41] <smarter> Is someone already working on packaging the Bespin qt4 style?
[20:41] <nixternal> wth is Bespin?
[20:41] <smarter> http://cloudcity.sourceforge.net/screenies.php
[20:41] <nixternal> I want to say I already know, but I am not to sure
[20:42] <nixternal> ya, thought thats what it was..couldn't remember though
[20:42] <nixternal> I doubt anyone is working on that
[20:43] <smarter> So I'll try to package it ;)
[20:46] <nixternal> 332 binary packages ScottK2? wow, that is a lot of work, good job!
[20:47] <ScottK> So far it all seems to be working. Test coverage isn't complete enough yet on the later releases to pull the trigger on the backport though.
[20:47] <nixternal> I need to get my email server at home back up and running one of these days
[20:53] <jpatrick> hi Riddelll
[20:53] <nixternal> wth
[20:53] <nixternal> must be at the dev sprint
[20:54] <nixternal> I wish I was in Europe right now
[20:54] <nixternal> it would almost be bed time :)
[20:54] <jpatrick> < njaard> JR looks like a barcode today
[20:54] <jpatrick> :/
[20:57] <apachelogger> what to do with apport crash reports which have been created without debug symbols?
[20:57] <jpatrick> request that -dbg packages be installed and try again
[20:58] <apachelogger> well, some of the reports look kinda random to me :S
[20:58] <nixternal> there you go seele, apport user testing....see how many users can figure out just what is going wrong
[20:58] * _StefanS_ wishes that the binary nvidia driver actually was fast...
[20:58] <_StefanS_> jeez.. it gets worse everytime you update it.
[20:58] <nixternal> that's what you get for using that binary foo :p
[20:59] * nixternal pets his super fast Intel
[20:59] <_StefanS_> nixternal: I cant get those oss nvidia drivers to perform either.. probably my incompetence
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[20:59] <_StefanS_> :)
[20:59] <_StefanS_> all I ever have is this flip-flapping everytime windows redraw themselves..
[21:00] <nixternal> heh
[21:00] <Lure> Riddell: new konqueror package works
[21:01] <_StefanS_> nixternal: you would think a 570m quadro could do better in 2d only.
[21:01] * Lure waiting for kdepim
[21:01] <nixternal> heh
[21:01] <nixternal> well, my truck window is done...talk to you all later..time to head to campus
[21:01] <Riddelll> Lure: ok, good. but still frustrating
[21:01] <Lure> Riddelll: yes, particularly as we do not understand it :-(
[21:02] <Lure> Riddelll: and do not know when we will be hit again...
[21:02] <Lure> Riddelll: does archive get rebuilt completely anytime in the release-cycle? like before beta?
[21:02] * Lure recalls some rebuild tests discussions in past
[21:05] <hunger> Lure: That would rock!
[21:05] <hunger> Lure: Reverse dependencies tend to get 'lost' in a release cycle:-(
[21:10] <ScottK> Lure: only Main and I think it's rebuild tests with bugs filed, not an actual rebuild.
[21:10] <Lure> ScottK: ok, so only ftbfs is detected?
[21:11] <ScottK> I think so.
[21:11] <Lure> full rebuild would be nice, but probably take forever
[21:12] <ScottK> Lure: infinity is doing and filing bugs like this: Bug #184225
[21:12] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 184225 in vnc4 "FTBFS in latest archive rebuild test" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184225
[21:12] <stdin> Riddelll/Riddell, re: yakuake-kde4, I disabled rpath because this was before we found that everything else used rpath, but it works fine in a kde4 session
[21:16] <Riddelll> Lure: there's usually a rebuild test
[21:17] <Riddelll> I don't think the results go in the archive though, just notifications of failures
[21:18] <Lure> Riddelll: have you seen last post in bug 185004 - list of libraries to rebuild
[21:18] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 185004 in qt-x11-free "KMail/Konqueror symbol lookup error after recent qt3 update" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185004
[21:20] <Lure> at least digikam, ark, k3b needs rebuild
[21:20] <Lure> Riddelll: is it possible to run something like this on all packages?
[21:22] <smarter> what's the difference between the okular and okular-kde4 packages?
[21:25] <Lure> anybody runing kde4-trunk (kde 4.1 to be)?
[21:28] <stdin> smarter: okular is an old package
[21:32] <jpatrick> stdin: I'm about to upload your meta-kde4 fix, can you tell me how to create the .tar.gz from the cli? ark-kde4 needs help
[21:35] <stdin> jpatrick: for meta-kde4 I just run "debuild -S" and it creates the .tar.gz for me
[21:35] <jpatrick> stdin: ah, yes, true
[21:35] <apachelogger> hm
[21:36] <apachelogger> jpatrick: if we have `libgif-dev | libungif-dev` as build-deps, will it prefer libgif over libungif?
[21:36] <apachelogger> oh
[21:36] <apachelogger> ark
[21:36] <apachelogger> woohooo
[21:36] <apachelogger> jpatrick: please report bugs :P
[21:36] <apachelogger> that app is really horrible b0rked
[21:36] <jpatrick> stdin: uploaded
[21:37] <jpatrick> apachelogger: cannot add files/folders to new archives
[21:37] <apachelogger> jpatrick: proper bug reports
[21:37] <apachelogger> I can fix them when kdeutils gets it's icon fixes
[21:38] <jpatrick> apachelogger: not idea about the gif thing tho...
[21:41] <mhb> nixternal: indeed, 22:41 now :o)
[21:41] <mhb> soon everyone will be asleep here
[21:42] <stdin> apachelogger: btw, did you see http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=764087 ?
[21:43] <apachelogger> stdin: so we can kick konversation from the KdeFour page :D
[21:44] <apachelogger> upstream has spoken!
[21:44] <apachelogger> ^_^
[21:44] <stdin> apachelogger: exactly :)
[21:44] <apachelogger> stdin: btw, new kde4libs will be 1:1 backportable to gutsy
[21:44] <apachelogger> without change of libgif-dev as dep
[21:45] <stdin> make sure you test that ;)
[21:45] <apachelogger> stdin: ScottK saied it will work :P
[21:45] <apachelogger> worst case would be an unupgradable kde4libs on hardy, because it tries to remove half your system
[21:45] <ScottK> apachelogger: You should also test it.
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[21:46] <apachelogger> to bad :S
[21:46] * apachelogger needs a tester
[21:46] <apachelogger> testers, testers, where are the hardy testers?
[21:46] * Nightrose hides
[21:46] <Nightrose> ah he - no hardy here
[21:47] <Nightrose> so I am fine
[21:47] <stdin> try in -testers ? :p
[21:47] <apachelogger> Nightrose: you are way too lazy
[21:47] <apachelogger> stdin: I first need to get binaries I guess :P
[21:47] <Nightrose> ;-)
[21:47] <Nightrose> I am?
[21:48] <apachelogger> Nightrose: totally
[21:48] <Nightrose> apachelogger: damn - will work on it
[21:48] <Nightrose> ;-)
[21:49] <apachelogger> well
[21:49] <apachelogger> I actually need no tester
[21:49] <apachelogger> if pbuilder catches the right package...
[21:52] <claydoh> I am game for testing if needed, ain't many folks in -testers lol
[21:52] <apachelogger> ScottK, stdin: works
[21:52] <stdin> now we just have to test on gutsy to make sure
[21:53] <apachelogger> stdin: yeah, builds with libungif
[21:53] <apachelogger> just need to see if my patch for the assert bug didn't break anything
[21:53] <stdin> It compiles! Ship it!!
[21:54] <apachelogger> :P
[21:58] <ryanakca> Riddelll: back... ok, do you still need me to try merging kdebindings?
[22:05] <Riddelll> ryanakca: sure
[22:05] <Riddelll> if you want to
[22:10] <ScottK> Riddelll: Are we good on the list of backports for clamav on dapper or are you waiting for something from me? All those on the list I posted earlier are good to kick off now.
[22:10] <Riddelll> ScottK: I think I uploaded them but my server is broken so I can't check or get to my e-mail
[22:11] <ScottK> Ah. I've gotten no more accepts beyong the source backports that were uploaded by laserjock yesterday.
[22:11] <ScottK> Riddelll: I see no sign of them on LP either.
[22:12] <Riddelll> guess it didn't work
[22:12] <Riddelll> need to find someone else
[22:12] <ScottK> Urgh.
[22:12] <ScottK> OK
[22:21] <ryanakca> 4~/join #latex
[22:21] <ryanakca> oops
[22:54] <mhb> hmm
[22:54] <mhb> sometimes, writing KDE frontends for GTK apps is not so much fun
[22:55] <mhb> especially when they're designed with GTK/GLADE in mind.
[22:55] <mhb> United States, I blame you.
[23:28] <blizzzek> bye
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[23:51] <Riddell> ubunt512@emailarchive.org has been successfully subscribed to kubuntu-devel.
[23:51] <Riddell> hrm