UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /21 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
=== doko__ is now known as doko
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== btraynor is now known as wmat
=== bspencer_ is now known as bspencer
=== cprov-afk is now known as cprov
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
[15:17] <Mithrandir> huzzah!
[15:17] <Mithrandir> amitk: you win! The gutsy image works.
[15:21] <amitk> Mithrandir: cheers
[15:22] <Mithrandir> including networking and psb graphics.
[15:23] <agoliveira> amitk: \o/ :)
[15:24] <amitk> splendid.. Hopefully you can keep the customers happy with the previous image and this one.
[15:25] <smagoun> Over the weekend Intel dropped their Beta 6 drivers into the moblin tree, anyone tried that yet? I updated my CB from moblin.org, seems that was a mistake.
[15:25] <smagoun> beta 5 gfzx drivers)
[15:26] <smagoun> er...beta 6 gfx drivers
[15:26] <amitk> smagoun: there seems to be reports about it breaking stuff on moblin-dev
[15:28] <smagoun> amitk: thanks. Do you know if I have to use 2.6.24 for the new drivers? I still have 2.6.22. The messages on moblin-dev didn't say anything about the old kernel.
[15:32] <amitk> smagoun: There is a huge commit to the kernel DRM driver (common to 2.6.24 and 2.6.22) from Friday night. I guess that is required to use these new X drivers. We don't have'em in Ubuntu yet.
[15:32] <smagoun> amitk: thanks
[15:33] <Mithrandir> amitk: when do you expect they'll be merged?
[15:37] <amitk> Mithrandir: I'll pull them in over the next few days as time allows. Is there an urgency?
[16:07] <Mithrandir> amitk: no, it's rather that I want to be able to plan around it.
[16:07] <Mithrandir> so it doesn't land at an unfortunate time.
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
[18:23] <bfiller> ToddBrandt: ping
[18:23] <ToddBrandt> bfiller: hi
[18:24] <bfiller> ToddBrandt: can you give me a brief summary of what you guys changed in nm-applet?
[18:25] <ToddBrandt> bfiller: raji has more up to date info
[18:25] <ToddBrandt> raji: you online?
[18:25] <bfiller> ToddBrandt: i'll check the changelog as well..
[19:22] <GrueMaster> davidm: ping
[19:38] <davidm> GrueMaster, pong
[19:38] <GrueMaster> Heh.
[19:39] <davidm> How may I help you?
[19:39] <GrueMaster> Last week, you sent a link to a hardy image to Don Johnson, and said you'd get a project tarball up soon.
[19:39] <GrueMaster> Anny luck?
[19:40] <GrueMaster> I'd ping him, but he's on his way to taiwan.
[19:40] <davidm> Let me ping tollef, but I'm minutes from leaving for London
[19:41] <GrueMaster> ah
[19:41] <GrueMaster> Well, I have a project someone here sent me on 0117. I can try to mangle it into functioning, I think.
[19:42] <GrueMaster> May be the same one.
[19:43] <davidm> GrueMaster, I've asked Mithrandir to chat with you
[19:43] <davidm> I have to shutdown now.
[19:45] <Mithrandir> GrueMaster: our current daily build system doesn't support putting those tarballs anywhere. I can take a look at getting that done tomorrow, but I have to ensure we don't use too much disk space and such.
[19:46] <GrueMaster> Not really looking for a daily snapshot, just need a working one.
[19:46] <GrueMaster> I think you sent me one last week, but I'm having problems getting the kernel modules I'm building to work with the kernel.
[19:46] <GrueMaster> Symbol mixup.
[19:47] <Mithrandir> hardy or gutsy?
[19:48] <GrueMaster> Hardy. Gutsy is static (for the most part), and I can build it with the daily MIC GIT pull from moblin.org.
[19:48] <GrueMaster> Once I can start building Hardy & gutsy with the same MIC, I won't need to bug you guys.
[19:50] <Mithrandir> you need to make sure you have the linux-headers from the ppa installed in your build system. Do you have that?
[19:52] <GrueMaster> not sure. I took the project tarball you sent, then did an apt-get to retrieve the build dependent packages, including linux-headers-2.6.24-4-lpia
[19:52] <GrueMaster> Not sure where it got them from.
[19:52] <Mithrandir> what does apt-cache policy linux-headers-2.6.24-4-lpia say?
[19:54] <GrueMaster> looks like it is getting them from ports.ubuntu.com hardy/main.
[19:54] <GrueMaster> how do I change this?
[19:56] <Mithrandir> do you have an /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d?
[19:56] <Mithrandir> if so, can you grep ppa -r /etc/apt/sources.list* and paste the output?
[19:58] <GrueMaster> deb http://ppa.launchpad.met/ubuntu-mobile/ubuntu hardy main restricted universe
[20:00] <GrueMaster> BTW: This is how your project tarball was setup last week.
[20:00] <GrueMaster> I use a chroot environment when building packages.
[20:01] <Mithrandir> you need to make sure the chroot where you build the packages have the same sources.list settings or stuff might not work.
[20:02] <GrueMaster> I build inside the project using the MIC terminal window. Never had a problem before.
[20:02] <Mithrandir> hm, ok.
[20:03] <Mithrandir> try running apt-get update first and see if that helps?
[20:03] <GrueMaster> will do.
[20:03] <GrueMaster> Gotta run. Meeting. Back in an hour or so.
[20:07] <raji> bfiller, I removed the 'Manual configuration' menu item and made the 'create new network', 'connect to other networks' dialogs accept input from keyboard on device.
[20:08] <bfiller> raji: ok, thanks
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away