UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /21 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[01:12] <blizzzek> gn8
=== todobg is now known as MuNzE
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
[03:11] <Hobbsee> jpatrick: be glad that i'm not on the tech board, then.
[03:12] <Hobbsee> jpatrick: or me on the MC, which now does motu applications
[03:57] <cheguevara> evening
[03:58] <cheguevara> meh i mean morning :P
=== apache|mobile is now known as releaselogger
[09:27] <Riddell> Sime: I don't know what to do about kded poppup from kde3 in kde4
=== releaselogger is now known as apachelogger
[09:27] <Riddell> it wants to be turned off but I'm not sure where to do that
[09:29] <smarter> Riddell: disable kded media manager in systemsettings-kde3?
[09:29] <apachelogger> nah
[09:29] <apachelogger> I think there is a special setting for that
[09:29] <apachelogger> in the device section
[09:29] <apachelogger> http://amarok.kde.org <-- amarok 2 tp1 released
[09:31] <smarter> apachelogger: the annoucement doesn't appears on http://amarok.kde.org/fr
[09:31] <apachelogger> smarter: does for me
[09:31] <apachelogger> just not in french yet
[09:32] <iRon> Riddell: i found how to implement user disk mounting in kde4.. do we need this?
[09:32] <Riddell> smarter: it needs an automatic way when it's running under kde 4
[09:32] <Riddell> iRon: ooh, sure
[09:32] <iRon> Riddell: ok.. will do
[09:33] <Riddell> iRon: how did bullet proof X get on? (feature freeze is end of next week)
[09:34] <iRon> Riddell: Will try to release patch before Wed.
[09:34] <Riddell> excellent
[09:34] <smarter> Riddell: we just need to add "[Module-medianotifier] \n autoload=false" in .kde4/share/config/kdedrc
[09:35] <smarter> good candidate for k-d-s-kde4
[09:35] <Riddell> smarter: it should be using ~/.kde not .kde4
[09:36] <apachelogger> uploading amarok2
[09:36] <Riddell> and we don't want to stop it in a kde 3 session, only a kde 4 one
[09:36] <apachelogger> Riddell: talking about that... are we going to switch to .kde again?
[09:36] <Riddell> hmm, how come this doesn't affect gnome?
[09:36] <apachelogger> or do it like suse and stick to .kde4?
[09:37] <Riddell> apachelogger: mm, dunno, I had mostly expected just to keep ~/.kde4
[09:38] <smarter> if we keep ~/.kde4 it will not affect kde3 session to disable kded medianotifier
[09:38] <Riddell> smarter: kde3 kded should still be using ~/.kde
[09:38] <apachelogger> Riddell: I wrote some thougts about that on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HaraldSitter/KdeFour/DotKde and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HaraldSitter/KdeFour/MigrationWizard
[09:38] <apachelogger> kde probably should go .kde4 in general
[09:38] <apachelogger> because I think it sux if we have to patch kde all the time to keep it in .kde4
[09:40] <smarter> Riddell: so we don't touch ~/.kde and put this in ~/.kde4
[09:41] <Riddell> smarter: so it'll be unused (except for starting apps with $KDEHOME set, which we don't by default)
[09:41] <smarter> Riddell: if I launch konsole-kde4 and type "echo $KDEHOME" I get ~/.kde4
[09:43] <Riddell> smarter: only because it's set in /usr/bin/konsole-kde4, I expect that will go away
[09:43] * apachelogger has to adapt the propsal on that stuff
[09:44] <apachelogger> Riddell: we have everything with rpath so we can drop the scripts for most of the apps
[09:44] <apachelogger> kfmclient needs some vars from what stdin told me
[09:44] <apachelogger> also amarok, because it depends on amarokcollectionscanner
[09:44] <apachelogger> but that's probably about it
[09:45] <Riddell> apachelogger: I'm not sure if kde 4 apps will break if $PATH isn't set
[09:46] <Riddell> apachelogger: thanks for the .kde wiki pages, I'm mostly unsure what to do about it but I'll need to have a think about it
[09:46] <apachelogger> Riddell: I thought about propsing it for discussion in the next meeting along with the other stuff in KdeFour
[09:48] <Riddell> apachelogger: yes we should discuss it then, although I don't know if we'd reach a consensus at a meett
[09:48] <Riddell> meeting
[09:48] <apachelogger> probably not
[09:48] <apachelogger> I'm also not able to attend
[09:48] <apachelogger> stdin however might
[09:49] <apachelogger> and he pretty much knows ever of my thoughs :D
[09:49] <apachelogger> *thoughts
[09:49] <apachelogger> Riddell: btw, can you please have a look at the amarok2 package for the ppa? http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~apachelogger/tmp/amarok2/
[09:52] <Riddell> lets see how good my new laptop is at compiling
[09:53] <apachelogger> huh
[09:54] <apachelogger> Riddell: which one did you get?
[09:54] <Riddell> thinkpad r61
[09:54] <apachelogger> nice
[10:18] <jpatrick> LongPointyStick: is there anything you don't form part of?
[10:23] <Riddell> jpatrick: New Zealand :)
[10:26] <Riddell> apachelogger: amarok2 looking great. debian/copyright says GPL 2 but it seems to be GPL 2+
[10:28] <Riddell> apachelogger: I'd copy the header out of xspfplaylist.cpp since that's the most "restrictive"
[10:58] <apachelogger> Riddell: ok, thanks
[11:00] <Riddell> apachelogger: (and note that parts are GPL 2+ or LGPL 2+)
[11:01] <apachelogger> right, we actually were wondering why we use lgpl anyway
[11:11] <smarter> apachelogger: /usr/share/applications/kde4-amarok.desktop doesn't mention that it's the kde4 version
[11:12] <apachelogger> woohooo
[11:12] * apachelogger is wondering why
[11:12] <apachelogger> well
[11:12] <apachelogger> it's b0rked
[11:13] <apachelogger> smarter: fixed
[11:13] <smarter> cool
[11:14] <smarter> is there a good qt manpage editor?
[11:14] <smarter> atm I use manedit, but it's in GTK1 :(
[11:18] <Riddell> apachelogger: your debian/rules doesn't seem to be complete
[11:18] <Riddell> misses out | sed 's/Name=.*$$/& KDE 4/' \
[11:18] <Riddell> | sed 's/Exec=[a-z]*/&-kde4/' \
[11:18] <apachelogger> Riddell: yeah, smarter just saied that ... dunno why I removed it
[11:18] <apachelogger> *shrug*
[11:18] <apachelogger> fixed
[11:19] <apachelogger> Riddell: changed copyright file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/3744/
[11:25] <Riddell> apachelogger: I'd use the header from xspfplaylist.cpp as I say, since it's not just GPL2+
[11:25] <Riddell> also I'd s/version 2// from the last three paragraphs
[11:25] <apachelogger> aye
[11:29] <apachelogger> Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/3746/
[11:30] <Riddell> apachelogger: perfect
[11:31] <apachelogger> woohoo :)
[11:31] * apachelogger prepares for upload
[11:32] <apachelogger> wb Nightrose
[11:33] <Nightrose> re ;-)
=== Igorots is now known as Knightlust
[12:40] <Hobbsee> ahh, found the other end of the split
[12:41] <Jucato> oh I'm with Hobbsee!!!! :)
[12:42] <Hobbsee> heya Jucato!
[12:43] * Jucato hugs Hobbsee
[12:43] * Hobbsee hugs Jucato
[12:43] <Hobbsee> :)
[12:44] <Hobbsee> come on services...
[12:44] <apachelogger_> Riddell: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/img047.jpg
[12:44] * apachelogger_ notes that amarokers shouldn't sing
[12:44] <Jucato> hehehe the maintenance seems to have come too early?
[13:35] <Riddell> freeflying: about?
[13:37] <freeflying> Riddell: hi
[13:38] <Riddell> freeflying: could you try these qt 3 packages? http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/qt-3.3.8/
[13:38] <Riddell> we need to update to 3.3.8 to get gpl 3, but last time you had CKJ issues with it
[13:38] <freeflying> Riddell: sure, build for hardy or gutsy?
[13:40] <Riddell> freeflying: these are hardy
[13:43] <Riddell> freeflying: are you able to test in hardy? it really needs hardy I think since fontconfig has changed settings
[13:55] <freeflying> Riddell: at first glance, it works
[13:55] <Riddell> freeflying: yay
[13:56] <freeflying> Riddell: when will you uplaod it?
[13:56] <Riddell> freeflying: did you start a new KDE session?
[13:56] <Riddell> freeflying: I'll probably try and find someone else to test it first
[13:56] <freeflying> Riddell: yes
[13:56] <Riddell> sounding good
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=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
[15:09] <Riddell> freeflying: well it works for Arno too, at least as much as the current one does
[15:09] <Riddell> freeflying: so I'll just upload and hope it works
[15:31] <jjesse> i never rememeber but what do in eed to set my ssh key permissions wise for bazaar/launchpad?
[15:44] <apachelogger_> Riddell: we should start the transition proposed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HaraldSitter/KdeFour/Apps4For3 right away
[15:44] <apachelogger_> these issues drive me nuts
[15:44] <apachelogger_> I can't even properly edit my debian/* -.-
[15:52] <\sh> apachelogger_, use vim ;)
[15:53] <apachelogger_> nah, kate got tha powa!
[15:53] * apachelogger_ loves katering :P
[15:53] <emonkey> mhh jamm food
[15:54] * emonkey should go out and eat someting
[16:50] <blizzzek> hi
=== seelllle is now known as seele
[17:18] <Riddell> "Its that time of the month again, please ensure that tomorrow your team
[17:18] <Riddell> reports are added to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/January2008"
[17:18] <Riddell> any volunteers?
[17:19] <jpatrick> can I do it in LaTeX?
[17:21] <Riddell> jpatrick: no, wiki
[17:21] <jpatrick> oh
[17:24] <\sh> sebas, why the change to 6 months releases?
[17:24] <jpatrick> \sh: sycronize with us :)
[17:25] <apachelogger> sync > merge :P
[17:25] <seele> Riddell: has kubuntu never submitted a team report before?
[17:25] <seele> oh.. september
[17:25] <Riddell> seele: jono has never bothered to send out a reminder before
[17:26] <Riddell> which means it doesn't get done
[17:26] <apachelogger> lol
[17:26] <\sh> jpatrick, well, not when I read the announcement correctly ,-)
[17:26] <apachelogger> just write... heavy development on KDE 4 transition blah blah, still a lot to be done before hardy blah blah, nontheless our packages rock blah blah, kubuntu ftw fullstop
[17:28] <apachelogger> \sh: the idea is that we have a reliable product and not a bleeding edge one
[17:28] <apachelogger> so we have 4.1.3 or something
[17:28] <apachelogger> which is of course better than 4.1.0
[17:28] <apachelogger> though, I can patch everything :P
[17:28] <\sh> apachelogger, well...july 2008 means 4 months to release of 8.10
[17:28] <apachelogger> right so we have 4.1.4
[17:28] <apachelogger> ultimately
[17:29] <Riddell> I think that's quite nice timing
[17:29] <apachelogger> +1
[17:29] <Riddell> allows for slippage on the KDE side and means we don't get a .0
[17:29] <\sh> Riddell, when we get the same rights like the Ubuntu G variant ;)
[17:29] <Riddell> \sh: same rights?
[17:29] <\sh> like pushing 4.1.x just before release ;)
[17:30] <apachelogger> don't we do that all the time?
[17:30] <Riddell> \sh: we're done that more than once
[17:30] <Riddell> gutsy saw a whole new KDE uploaded after the RC
[17:31] * apachelogger thinks the wiki is dying
[17:31] <smarter> and a major bug in Kopete in the release...
[17:32] <\sh> kopete is not important ,)
[17:32] <apachelogger> lol
[17:32] <\sh> psi works everytime ;)
[17:32] <apachelogger> anyone knows how to create a toc in moinmoin?
[17:32] <\sh> and multiprotocol clients are evil anyways ;) kopete and pidgin needs to die very fast
[17:33] <\sh> apachelogger, use header markups...it should add after the second or third headerline a toc by itself
[17:33] <apachelogger> how to use them?
[17:33] * apachelogger hates not working documentation
[17:34] <seele> was a -kde4 channel ever created?
[17:34] * seele is looking through meeting notes
[17:35] <\sh> apachelogger, == e.g.
[17:35] <Riddell> seele: try it and see :)
[17:35] <apachelogger> \sh: doesn't do it for me
[17:35] <\sh> apachelogger, which wiki?
[17:35] <apachelogger> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HaraldSitter/KdeFour/MigrationWizard
[17:36] <apachelogger> anyway
[17:36] <seele> Riddell: yeah.. i did that right after i asked the stupid question :)
[17:36] <apachelogger> Riddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HaraldSitter/KdeFour/MigrationWizard I made an enhancement at the bottom, explaining the need for post-migration-migrations
[17:36] <\sh> apachelogger, hmmm...check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopmen and try the anchor macro
[17:39] <apachelogger> \sh: thx, the tablestyle line did the trick
[17:40] <seele> ok.. well we have *something* for the Kubuntu Team report now.. although i suspect it is incomplete
[17:40] <seele> (just took stuff out of our meeting notes)
[17:41] <jpatrick> yay! someone reads them ;)
[17:41] <seele> jpatrick: especially for the meetings that happen at 6 in the morning :)
[17:42] <Riddell> seele: thanks!
[17:46] <jjesse> afternoon :)
[17:47] <jpatrick> afternoon jjesse
[17:47] <jjesse> thanks for the mtg notes as well i read them everytime
[17:48] <jpatrick> :)
=== uga|away is now known as uga
[18:04] <nixternal> who's buying lunch?
[18:05] <jpatrick> nixternal: we thought you'd never ask... :)
[18:06] <nixternal> hehe
[18:06] <nixternal> I am starving
[18:06] <mhb> hey folks
[18:07] <nixternal> howdy mhb
[18:07] <mhb> hi nixternal
[18:08] <mhb> was there a discussion about the wallpaper recently?
[18:08] <mhb> I've got so much school that I can't keep up with this channel :o(
[18:08] <nixternal> I just seen a kubuntu-default-settings upload, so I would have to guess yes
[18:08] <jjesse> hello nixternal
[18:08] <mhb> nixternal: I did, too... that's why I ask
[18:09] <nixternal> howdy jjesse
[18:12] <jjesse> nixternal: how are things?
[18:16] <nixternal> busy like always
[18:16] <jjesse> i understand, spent some time on sunday watching the football games and working on my book chpter
[18:16] <jjesse> need to wrap that up this week
[18:16] <nixternal> yesterday i was a a lug event all day long
[18:17] <nixternal> way to long of a day
[18:17] <jjesse> wow
[18:19] <nixternal> tomorrow is going to be an insane day, school in the morning, pickup my truck, school at night
[18:19] <nixternal> I have to take the school bus tonight to school :p
[18:19] <nixternal> good ol' chicago transit authority
[18:19] <jjesse> awesome ridding the short bus?
[18:19] <nixternal> hahaha, yup
[18:19] <mhb> you've got some nice weather over there
[18:20] <jjesse> its so stinkin cold here in grand rapids
[18:49] <apachelogger_> Riddell: do you think we should go along with suse and stick with .kde4?
[18:50] <Riddell> apachelogger_: it would be the simplest option (but would still need a converter on first KDE 4 run)
[18:52] <apachelogger_> Riddell: well, as explained in the MigrationWizard page it doesn't matter all that much IMO, we just have to ensure that .kde gets moved to .kde3 at first KDE3 start in hardy
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[18:57] <Riddell> apachelogger_: and then .kde created with files from .kde3/share/config?
=== wolfg-r is now known as wolf-r
[18:59] <apachelogger_> Riddell: yep
[18:59] <mhb> Riddell: good evening, how was the release event?
[19:00] <Riddell> mhb: all rather fun
[19:00] <apachelogger_> Riddell: the wiki page pretty much explains all possible cases of migration if we go .kde for KDE 4
[19:01] <mhb> Riddell: who did decide the new Kubuntu wallpaper?
[19:01] <Riddell> mhb: me and kwwii decided that since nobody suggested one we'd just upload something and see if that helps gets suggestions :)
[19:01] <apachelogger_> ^_^
[19:02] <mhb> sounds good
[19:02] <mhb> thanks
[19:03] <jpatrick> Riddell: did you get my msg on the hardy Kubuntu ports page?
[19:03] <Riddell> jpatrick: no, don't think so
[19:04] <jpatrick> Riddell: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ports/daily-live/current/
[19:04] <jpatrick> Riddell: it says LTS
[19:04] * apachelogger_ notes that this whole migration stuff is overly complex
[19:04] <Riddell> jpatrick: oh right, mmm
[19:05] <jpatrick> Riddell: nah, it's just someone in #kubuntu, said wheter Hardy was LTS and he pointed me at that :)
[19:06] <Riddell> apachelogger_: by Migration Wizard are you imagining a GUI tool?
=== wolf-r is now known as wolfger
[19:08] <apachelogger_> Riddell: partly, there is some stuff we can do without a GUI, like moving .kde to .kde3 if first login is a KDE 3 login
[19:09] <Riddell> apachelogger_: it would be better if it just did the right thing, any GUI would just confuse most users
[19:09] <apachelogger_> well, I think there is only one case where the gui actually kicks in
[19:09] <apachelogger_> lemme check
[19:11] <Riddell> mhb: do you expect to have a restricted-manager port in time for feature freeze? (end of next week)
[19:11] <mhb> end of next week?
[19:11] <mhb> I can try
[19:11] <Riddell> oh, wait
[19:12] <Riddell> I'm wrong, it's feb 15th
[19:12] <Riddell> mhb: do you expect to have a restricted-manager port in time for feature freeze? (feb 15th?) :)
[19:12] <mhb> that's much more likely
[19:12] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: eh, is that when I need to have my compiz manager in by?
[19:13] <Riddell> ah, nosrednaekim, was going to ask :)
[19:13] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: it doesn't need to be finished or bug free, but it should basicly work and be in the distro by then
[19:14] <apachelogger_> hmm
[19:14] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: I am crazy busy right now with school.... but I should have at least a roughly functional one by then
[19:14] <nosrednaekim> ok
[19:14] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: great, let us know if that starts looking unlikely and we'll work out a plan
[19:15] <apachelogger_> Riddell: we could use an always migrate everything solution, which probably is convenient for ~90% of our target audience
[19:16] <Riddell> apachelogger_: foreach file in ~/.kde3/share/config; if it doesn't exist in ~/.kde, copy it over
[19:16] <apachelogger_> yep
[19:16] * apachelogger_ reworks the current proposal
[19:18] <apachelogger_> god is that complex :S
[19:19] <Riddell> apachelogger_: plus some custom rules for things we want to copy over from .kde/share/apps/
[19:20] <apachelogger_> Riddell: I think for that we should have a gui
[19:20] <apachelogger_> like, amarok2 will probably not be in hardy
[19:20] <apachelogger_> so one has to use amarok1
[19:20] <apachelogger_> still one can run kde4
[19:20] <apachelogger_> so the configs of amarok would still be in .kde3
[19:21] <apachelogger_> now, when amarok2 gets included one might want to migrate the amarok1
[19:21] <apachelogger_> i.e. post-migration updates
[19:21] <nosrednaekim> so a first run wizard for kde4?
[19:21] <apachelogger_> nah, that idea just got kicked
[19:21] <Riddell> hmm
[19:22] <apachelogger_> the post-migration would just cause the wizard tool thingy t reimport the concerned app from .kde3
[19:22] <Riddell> foreach file in ~/.kde3/share/config; if it doesn't exist in ~/.kde and the kde 4 app is installed, copy it over
[19:23] <apachelogger_> Riddell: to be executed for every start?
[19:27] <Riddell> apachelogger_: yes, but that still wouldn't work
[19:27] <Riddell> since users would install amarok2 and run it before they logout/in again
[19:28] <apachelogger_> yep
[19:28] <apachelogger_> also
[19:28] <apachelogger_> that would cause speed problems
[19:28] <apachelogger_> because this whould also have to be done for share/apps
[19:28] <apachelogger_> and there can be a lot of data
[19:28] <Riddell> also we don't necessarily know which rc files go with which apps
[19:28] <apachelogger_> e.g. mails, amarok album covers, amarok music collection
[19:29] <apachelogger_> Riddell: we can create definition sets for this
[19:29] <apachelogger_> manuall check which files belong to which app
[19:29] <apachelogger_> this way we can cover at least the most important ones
[19:29] <Riddell> we could add a postinst script to all kde 4 apps to run this
[19:30] <Riddell> that wouldn't be especially hard and would't slow down every login
[19:30] <apachelogger_> hm
[19:30] <Riddell> hm indeed
[19:30] <Riddell> I need to go
[19:30] <Riddell> thanks for bringing this up
[19:30] <apachelogger_> Riddell: ok, we'll talk later :)
[19:31] <smarter> +1 for postinst, great idea
[19:31] <selckin> package installs should stay the hell out of ~ :(
[19:33] <wesley_> some kde4 packs say break
[19:33] <apachelogger_> hoooray
[19:33] <apachelogger_> wesley_: which ones
[19:34] * Tm_T has perfect build (almost)
[19:34] <apachelogger_> selckin: you'd rather have an insane migration script go all over your files at every login :P
[19:34] <wesley_> eyesapplet that i wanted to install ( got the whole kde4 desktop already ) there where more also local i believe
[19:34] <selckin> apachelogger_: if it means you don't eat my data yes.
[19:35] <apachelogger_> hm
[19:35] <apachelogger_> right
[19:35] <apachelogger_> we need to do backups
[19:35] <apachelogger_> very important
[19:35] <selckin> i'd plain stop using kubuntu if thats acceptable to you guys tbh
[19:35] <apachelogger_> wesley_: I don't get the issue
[19:37] <wesley_> now my kde4 desktop is in englisch for half but i got dutch translation installed and german and some apps have german now so i wanted to try to reinstall dutch
[19:37] <apachelogger_> selckin: wanna threaten me? :-P
[19:37] <selckin> apachelogger_: no
[19:37] <apachelogger_> wesley_: nice, do you use kdm-kde4?
[19:37] <apachelogger_> selckin: there is no other good solution
[19:37] <selckin> apachelogger_: why can't kde3 keep using .kde3, and kde4 .kde4, and have a simple import kde3 type thing option?
[19:38] <apachelogger_> we have to do a one-time copy/move for .kde -> .kde3
[19:38] <wesley_> yes i use kdm-kde4
[19:38] <selckin> err kde3 .kde
[19:39] <apachelogger_> selckin: because not all apps are ported at ones, so KDE would face exactly the issue we are having, how to keep the configs up-to-date in both pockets
[19:39] <apachelogger_> wesley_: switch back to kdm
[19:39] <apachelogger_> kdm-kde4 is having serious issues
[19:39] <wesley_> how ?
[19:39] <apachelogger_> just uninstall kdm-kde4, that should popup a dialog so you can switch back to kdm
[19:39] <apachelogger_> or
[19:39] <apachelogger_> you run sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm
[19:39] <apachelogger_> in that case you wouldn't have to uninstall kdm-kde4
[19:40] <selckin> in any case notting should be allowed to touch home dirs imo, at least not that invasively
[19:40] <wesley_> thanks what problems did it cause then ?
[19:41] <apachelogger_> wesley_: broken translations, broken umlauts/accents, broken init script, well pretty much everything prefixed with broken ;-)
[19:42] <smarter> yay, plasma taskbar with multiple lines \o/ http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2008/01/while-cats-away.html
[19:42] <wesley_> ows did,tn know it had that big effect
[19:43] <apachelogger_> selckin: that's very hypocritical IMHO, we wouldn't do anything else than KDE would do with a migration system
[19:44] <nosrednaekim> smarter: w00t
[19:45] <apachelogger_> hm
[19:46] <apachelogger_> I think postinst is the most reliable solution
[19:46] <apachelogger_> though I'm a bit worried about the speed
[19:47] <apachelogger_> because if it has to copy amarok covers and collection for say 5 users with a considerable big collection, it's gonna take some time
[19:47] <apachelogger_> same for mails
[19:47] <apachelogger_> hm
[19:47] <nosrednaekim> I really don't think mails should be in .kde
[19:47] <nosrednaekim> its way too dangerous and a bad design IMO
[19:47] <wesley_> is kde4.1 a major or minor release?
[19:47] <apachelogger_> minor
[19:48] <apachelogger_> nosrednaekim: well, they are right now, and we have to put them there for the akonadi import
[19:48] <apachelogger_> hm
[19:48] <wesley_> apachelogger are you also on the kde4 devel?
[19:48] <nosrednaekim> unless you symlink them like I do...
[19:49] <apachelogger_> maybe we can just make postinst delegate the wizard the actions
[19:49] <selckin> i would't even have enough free space for a copy :)
[19:50] <apachelogger_> so it stores the config-definiton-set-amarok file in /foo/bar, and writes a config to /etc/kubuntu-wizard so the wizard will process config-defintion-set-amarok on login and then write it into the user config, so it doesn't do it again
[19:50] <apachelogger_> though that might also cause speed issues with a lot of package updates
[19:51] <apachelogger_> *think*
[19:52] <apachelogger_> ah, it's all very unhealthy :P
[19:52] <apachelogger_> my brain might explode
[19:52] <apachelogger_> bad thing to happen at this point
[19:52] * apachelogger_ takes the stress ball for a walk
[20:17] <wesley_> OpenGL Shaders not supported how do i get that supported i have a intel chipset
[20:20] <wesley_> OpenGL Shaders not supported how do i get that supported i have a intel chipset
[20:21] <jpatrick> !repeat > wesley_
[20:21] <todobg> when will see amarok 2 in repo?
[20:21] <smarter> amarok2 packages are broken :/
[20:22] <smarter> they're in the ppa
[20:22] <smarter> apachelogger_: ping
[20:22] <todobg> broken or ok?
[20:22] <nosrednaekim> wesley_: use Xrender
[20:22] <smarter> broken.
[20:22] <todobg> ccc
[20:22] <wesley_> i ment not to repeat was just that i needed to reboot
[20:23] <wesley_> where do i find xrender
[20:24] <jpatrick> !support > wesley_
[20:24] <nosrednaekim> wesley_: under advanced options
[20:24] <apachelogger_> smarter: broken?
[20:24] <smarter> hum works now
[20:24] <apachelogger_> pfft
[20:25] <smarter> apachelogger_: seem to be related to your test version
[20:25] <apachelogger_> sure, blame the test version :P
[20:25] <wesley_> nosrednaekim: kde3 or kde4 systemsettings?
[20:26] <smarter> there was no -phonon package so the two packages had same files
[20:26] <nosrednaekim> wesley_: in the desktop effects settings... in any case, please take this to #kubuntu-kde4
[20:26] <smarter> going to see how long it takes to crash this one :P
[20:28] <smarter> there's no icon for amarok2 in the menu
[20:28] <apachelogger_> lol
[20:28] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: would you like a pre-release of the compizconfig app ?
[20:31] <todobg> amarok2 have icon here and ok
[20:32] <todobg> lol for this warning
[20:32] <todobg> :)
[20:32] <smarter> "kbuildsycoca4(23344) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "kde4/krita_ora.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailingsemicolon)." << is that a kubuntu bug or krita bug?
[20:44] <seele> Riddell: where is the kubuntu group picture from the release party?
[20:44] <seele> Riddell: i havent seen anyone post it yet
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[20:54] <allee> smarter: a 'bug' in desktop file, so krita
[21:01] <Nightrose> Riddell: there is a fan page for ubuntu on facebook now - I think we should have one forkubuntu as well
[21:04] <smarter> there's no kde4 wrapper script for krandrtray
[21:04] <nosrednaekim> Nightrose: was that a typo?
[21:04] <smarter> so the krandrtray KDE4 entry in menu doesn't work
[21:04] <Nightrose> nosrednaekim: ?
[21:04] <nosrednaekim> Nightrose: "forkubuntu"
[21:04] <nosrednaekim> XD
[21:04] <Nightrose> hehe yea - for kubuntu
[21:04] <Nightrose> ;-)
[21:09] <smarter> very weird
[21:09] <smarter> I closed and krandrtray-kde4
[21:09] <smarter> and my computer crashed...
[21:09] <smarter> even magic sysrq keys didn't work
[21:09] <smarter> s/closed and/closed/
[21:11] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: you should put it into svn
[21:12] <Riddell> mm, not svn, put it into bzr
[21:12] <Riddell> seele: no, I havn't seen it, the woman one neither
[21:13] <apachelogger_> smarter: already have a local fix for krandrtray
[21:15] <smarter> apachelogger_: are you talking about the "lack of wrapper script" issue or the "crash everything and kill your dog" issue? ;)
[21:16] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: will do....
[21:21] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: should I just register a new project on launchpad?
[21:22] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: didn't mhb have his stuff in a project?
[21:22] <Riddell> if not, then sure
[21:23] <apachelogger_> smarter: wrapper
[21:46] <nixternal> ryanakca: you like that little mockup? I was bored yesterday so I started playing around in Inkscape
[21:58] <ryanakca> nixternal: yes, I do... interesting concept... it could be the main page / first page, and then we'd have to have a theme for the drupal site that follows
[21:59] <nixternal> yup
[21:59] <nixternal> if we don't use it, there was a guy at the lug event yesterday who would be interested in having a similar concept done for him, so I win no matter what :)
[21:59] <ryanakca> nixternal: put it up on the mockups page... its all we have from what I can see (w.k.o/Kubuntu/WebsiteMockups has been loading all day, so I can't)
[21:59] <nixternal> roger
[22:00] <ryanakca> :)
[22:00] * ryanakca goes to change the batteries in his mouse
[22:02] <Tm_T> I first read "in his house"
[22:02] <Tm_T> "ooh, battery powered house, how convenient"
[22:02] <nixternal> hehe
[22:02] <jpatrick> rofl
[22:03] <nixternal> we had to configure a LinkedIn account today for our business class and the professor said that it is a great utility when used....so I have already bugged 90% of the community I think :p
[22:03] <ryanakca> Tm_T: rofl
[22:03] <ryanakca> there we go, much better :)
[22:04] <nixternal> click a link in the wiki, go on vacation..when you come back, the page should be loaded
[22:04] <Tm_T> nixternal: nice, though, if you did bug me, you wasted your time
[22:04] <nixternal> don't think I ran across your name
[22:04] <Tm_T> because I don't use those things
[22:04] <nixternal> we have to have 100% completion by friday
[22:04] <Tm_T> I just keep evading ;)
[22:04] * ryanakca pokes the blasted wiki
[22:05] <nixternal> I need 5 more confirmed contacts and that will get me to 100% and I also need 2 more references to take me up to a 100%
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[22:05] <nixternal> I at least got the svg and png uploaded
[22:06] <Tm_T> Riddell: hmm, might be stupid question, but, is there some way to us (finnish loco) to have some "official" representative of Kubuntu too? as in not only loco leader
[22:06] <Nightrose> nixternal: hehe add me
[22:06] <Nightrose> then you got one more
[22:06] <nixternal> roger that
[22:06] * nixternal logs back in to linkedin
[22:07] <nixternal> done
[22:08] <vorian> evening
[22:08] <nixternal> Sargen Major vorian? :)
[22:08] <vorian> lol
[22:08] <Tm_T> hi kid
[22:09] <vorian> aloha
[22:09] <nixternal> vorian: you haven't updated your LinkedIn account in a while ey?
[22:09] <vorian> what's that?
[22:09] * ryanakca scratches his head and googles to see what linkedin is
[22:09] <nixternal> Stephen Stalcup
[22:09] <nixternal> SGS Sergeant Major at US Army
[22:09] <nixternal> Topeka, Kansas Area
[22:09] <vorian> hmm
[22:09] <vorian> that's weird
[22:09] <nixternal> is that you?
[22:09] <vorian> no
[22:09] <nixternal> hahaha
[22:10] <vorian> I was in the navy
[22:10] <nixternal> wow, another Stalcup
[22:10] <nixternal> oh ya, derr
[22:10] <nixternal> GO NAVY!
[22:10] <Tm_T> stalcup?
[22:10] <vorian> What's weird is I was born in kansas
[22:10] <nixternal> uh oh
[22:10] <nixternal> mix up in the hospital?
[22:10] <nixternal> haha
[22:10] <vorian> (dual identities!!!!)
[22:10] <nixternal> no doubt
[22:10] <nixternal> hijack his stuff!
[22:10] <nixternal> Sergeant Major is big time
[22:10] <vorian> hopefully he doesn't kill his family or something
[22:11] <vorian> I'll prolly get the short end of that stick
[22:11] <nixternal> probably why he hasn't updated his LinkedIn account :p
[22:11] <vorian> mwahaha
[22:11] <nixternal> no Internet in Leavenworth
[22:11] <vorian> only pain
[22:11] <nixternal> ya, I killed that spelling
[22:11] <Tm_T> I prolly have most hc uniform here
[22:12] <nixternal> and I got my certification to transfer prisoners from Leavonworth
[22:12] <vorian> lucky you :P
[22:13] <nixternal> Quantico is worse imho
[22:13] <vorian> with all the feds?
[22:13] <nixternal> ya
[22:13] <vorian> i'd say so
[22:13] <Tm_T> meh
[22:13] <nixternal> the federal holding facility is nasty
[22:13] <Riddell> Tm_T: representative in what way?
[22:13] <Tm_T> Riddell: well some title to use when organising stuff
[22:14] <Riddell> Tm_T: sure, you can be Chief Kubuntu Representative in Scandinavia
[22:14] <Tm_T> and for contacts to authorities and business etc, I don't know
[22:14] <Tm_T> Riddell: perfect
[22:15] <nixternal> hey, I want to be official too, I am just scared to see the title :p
[22:15] <Tm_T> Riddell: mail me some paper soon? ;)
[22:15] <Riddell> the only thing we do with locos is list them on support.php
[22:15] <Tm_T> Riddell: I know
[22:16] <Tm_T> Riddell: but, I'm not ok to just make my own title to use, nor go to organise something big and expensive and be "just some guy/gal"
[22:17] <Riddell> Tm_T: why not? it's what everyone else does
[22:17] <Tm_T> I know I know
[22:17] <Riddell> I don't have a title
[22:17] <Tm_T> :)
[22:17] <Tm_T> you have in my mind
[22:17] <Tm_T> so does our loco contact(leader) in my mind
[22:17] <nixternal> kbdfl, that is you Riddell, sounds like a good title to me :)
[22:17] <Riddell> lots of people at the release event used /the/
[22:18] <Riddell> as in "are you /the/ Jonathan Riddell"
[22:18] <Tm_T> :))
[22:18] <Riddell> I think that's about as fancy a title as I would want
[22:18] <Tm_T> agreed there
[22:18] <ryanakca> lol
[22:18] <Tm_T> I don't like titles nor anything
[22:18] * ryanakca waves to /the/
[22:18] <Tm_T> the end is nigh!
[22:20] <Tm_T> bah
[22:21] <Tm_T> I just go with "active member" if anything needed ever, otherwise I stay with "just some guy/gal"
[22:21] <Riddell> Tm_T: you are our Finish Kubuntu Contact
[22:21] <Tm_T> mmmh
[22:21] <Riddell> since you're who I'd go to to update the details on support.php
[22:21] <Tm_T> heh
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[22:22] * ryanakca checks the Todo page to see if it has been updated with any new tasks
[22:22] <Riddell> ryanakca: merge qyoto into kdebindings
[22:22] <Tm_T> I thank for your trust in this
[22:23] <ryanakca> qyoto? into? I'm guessing that would mean take the two seperate packages and put them as one?
[22:23] <ryanakca> s/as/into/
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[22:25] <ryanakca> Riddell: ?
[22:29] <Tm_T> Riddell: aah, btw, something to add to http://www.kubuntu.org/support.php
[22:29] <Riddell> ryanakca: yeah
[22:30] <Riddell> ryanakca: apt-get source qyoto, and get kdebindings packaging from svn.debian.org pkg-kde
[22:30] <Riddell> in branches/kde4/packages
[22:30] <Riddell> get our current kdebindings from apt-get source kdebindings (currently it's only python)
[22:30] <Riddell> and merge in to the debian source
[22:31] <Riddell> Tm_T: what's htat?
[22:33] <Tm_T> Riddell: I think ubuntu-fi website and forums should be mentioned too
[22:34] <Tm_T> Riddell: oh, and mailinglist?
[22:36] <Riddell> Tm_T: sure, pastebin me an approvriate sentence in HTML in Finish and English
[22:36] <Riddell> appropriate
[22:36] <Tm_T> Riddell: oh, I was writing plain txt, but sure html is doable in seconds
[22:40] <Tm_T> Riddell: thanks for reminding me on this :)
[22:49] <Tm_T> Riddell: http://www.tm-travolta.net/tekstit/kubuntu-support.txt
[22:49] <ryanakca> Riddell: what version do I put it at? 3.5.8-2 or 3.5.8-1ubuntu4 or 3.5.8-2ubuntu1 ?
[22:50] <Riddell> ryanakca: -0ubuntu1, it hasn't been uploaded to debian yet
[22:50] <Riddell> and we can send them the patch to merge in
[22:51] <ryanakca> ok
[22:52] <ryanakca> Riddell: wait... do I rename the source package (currently kdebindings) or something since its already at -1ubuntu3 ?
[22:55] <Riddell> ryanakca: sorry, kdebindings-kde4 for us
[22:55] <Riddell> my mistake
[22:56] <Riddell> but start with http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-kde/branches/kde4/packages/kdebindings/debian/
[22:56] <ryanakca> yep, I have that
[22:57] * ryanakca is starting with the Debian source, and then bringing in the Ubuntu changes
[22:57] <Riddell> hmm, the Debian package is less finished than I thought
[22:57] <ryanakca> Universe?
[22:57] <Riddell> yes, it's un iverse
[22:58] * ryanakca will take it as far as I can... which probably wont be very far, but at least its a start :)
[22:58] <Riddell> ryanakca: since the debian packaging is basicly unstarted, it might be best to just add qyoto to the packaging we have for now
[22:59] <Riddell> we want to get rid of the qyoto source package anyway, kdebindings is more up to date
[22:59] <ryanakca> ok
[22:59] <ryanakca> so ditch debian and just merge qyoto into our own?
[22:59] <Riddell> ryanakca: yep
[22:59] <ryanakca> kk :)
[23:08] <Riddell> this would be good to have packaged http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Kepas+-+KDE+Easy+Publish+and+Share?content=73968
[23:09] <Riddell> oh, please all test libqt3-mt 3:3.3.8-b-0ubuntu1
[23:09] <ryanakca> Riddell: is it possible to package knotes-kde4, or do we have to wait for all of kdepim kde4 to be ready?
[23:09] * ryanakca => supper
[23:10] <Riddell> ryanakca: if it's suitable for packaging that could be done
[23:10] <ryanakca> okies, and then just drop it when kdepim is ready?
[23:10] <Tm_T> Riddell: where's that package?
[23:10] <vorian> I can take on Kepas
[23:11] <vorian> or not :)
[23:58] <tlayton> hey, on hardy, i all of a sudden got this error today when starting kontact or kmail. "kontact: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so: undefined symbol: fstat64"