UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /20 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:36] <onesandzeros> hello all. I'm looking through packages.ubuntu.com for something that'll automatically select a fast mirror, or at least allow me to look at a list, but I'm not seeing anything. Is there such a util?
[00:47] <pubo> andol, are you there?
[00:47] <pubo> andol, if you want to run dhcpd + bind9 + ddns = http://my-mili.eu/matt/docs/dynamic-dns-with-dhcp-and-bind-9/
[00:47] <pubo> I success!!
[03:19] <luckyone> can anyone help me figure out why I am unable to receive email on the email server I just set up?
[03:19] <luckyone> PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 13): 553 sorry, relaying denied from your location
[03:39] <ScottK> luckyone: Still there?
[04:32] <CarlFK> that sounds more like a sending problem
[04:33] <CarlFK> <- not an expert... but know enough to babble
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[06:01] <luckyone> ScottK: yes - still here
[06:02] <luckyone> ScottK: I think it was with my mx records on the domain - I think I didn't have them forwarding to my box correctly...
[06:02] <luckyone> *seems* to be working now
[06:05] <ScottK> OK
[06:06] <ScottK> Glad you got it worked out.
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[09:24] <andol> pubo: Well, I already have my system running the way I want, but thanks anyway.
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[14:55] <Boris> hi, i need help setting up raid 0
[14:55] <Boris> i cant find it in the installation
[14:56] <Boris> hardware raid 0
[15:06] <Boris> humm make that raid 1
[15:42] <levander> I just configured bind9 and (naturally) had to put an email address in for the zone I set up. Since I haven't installed postfix on that machine, if DNS does have to send me an email, is it going to be able to send it?
[15:42] <levander> I've only got a couple of servers I want to set up for home use, and am wondering if I can get away without installing postfix.
[15:52] * TheRazer is away: Gone away for now.
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[15:53] <Nafallo> levander: just use an e-mail you use?
[15:54] <levander> Nafallo: Don't know what that means.
[15:54] <Nafallo> what part of that sentence was unclear?
[15:55] <levander> How that sentence was related to what I asked.
[15:55] <levander> Nafallo: Oh, okay.
[15:55] <Nafallo> ...
[15:56] <levander> Nafallo: I have dovecot installed on that machine. The email address is the one that I use on dovecot. That's the one I'd like to use.
[15:56] <levander> Do I need to install postfix to use that email address?
[15:56] <levander> Or, does bind9 have another way to send me emails?
[15:56] <Nafallo> is it reachable for everything else trying to send mail to it?
[15:57] <Nafallo> it's not for bind. it's for people looking at your SOA that wants to contact you.
[15:57] <levander> I haven't tested it yet. I just installed it just now.
[15:57] <levander> Nafallo: Ah, I see. So, bind9 doesn't send emails?
[15:57] <Nafallo> no
[15:57] <levander> Even for errors?
[15:57] <levander> Nafallo: K, thanks.
[15:57] <levander> But, I bet I end up having to install postfix anyway.
[15:58] <levander> For something else...
[15:59] <iclebyte> Is anyone aware of any opensource software for managing Mirosoft Windows workstations? e.g. deploying hotfixes and applications etc?
[16:00] <Nafallo> iclebyte: not that I'm aware of. google would know better.
[16:00] <iclebyte> yeah I'm googling like a badboy and coming up short... what an appealing tool to the enterprise that would be.
[16:05] <iclebyte> http://wpkg.org/ =)
[16:11] <MenZa> Webian package manager o_O?
[16:11] <MenZa> Ooh
[16:11] <MenZa> Windows.
[16:12] <MenZa> Sweet
[16:24] <iclebyte> yea, looks quite cool. i think im gonna build a virtual network and test it out later this afternoon. woop wooop
[17:05] <mok0> soren: I made a writeup of the kvm + bridge stuff: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KvmWithBridge
[17:29] * lamont tries to remember what if anything postfix needed to have changed for hardy -server support love
[18:02] <ScottK> lamont: There was some discussion about making changes in Postfix versus doing it in tasksel.
[18:02] <ScottK> lamont: I don't think there was any resolution.
[18:03] <ScottK> lamont: I really don't like the idea of postconf running in the postfix init.
[18:05] <lamont> in the postfix init? it already does that about 6 times... :_)
[18:05] <lamont> or do you mean in the dovecot postinst?
[18:06] <lamont> or did you mean postfix' init.d?
[18:07] <ScottK> postfix init.d if I understand the proposal correctly
[18:07] <lamont> how very, um, interesting.
[18:07] <lamont> the boottime police will come looking for us
[18:10] <ScottK> That's kind of how I figured it, but I may have misunderstood the proposal. IIRC it was on ubuntu-devel. It may have been on the ubuntu-server ML, or both.
[18:11] <lamont> ok
[18:11] <lamont> did I tell you that 2.5.0~rc2-1 is in experimental?
[18:11] <lamont> feel free to poke at it.
[18:11] <ScottK> You did
[18:11] * lamont is doing a pass through the bts looking for other things to fix in 2.4 before the final upload
[18:11] <lamont> s/final/"final"/ :)
[18:14] * ScottK still expects one more 2.4 release just after 2.5 comes out, or do you have that already?
[18:36] <zul> 'noon
[18:37] <lamont> no, not yet.
[18:37] <lamont> I've badgered all the translators for debian/templates updates though
[18:38] <lamont> maybe all that will land together.
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[20:05] <iclebyte> ldap is a mission!
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[20:11] <iclebyte> oh no.. now i cant login atall!
[21:25] <Gargoyle> Is it possible to create a SSH tunnel without starting a full SSH session (I'm currently using "ssh -L localhost:3307:otherhost:3306 user@otherhost" to create MySQL tunnels)