UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /20 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <firecrotch> The suggested way is to use the update manager
[00:00] <firecrotch> Err... rather, using Adept
[00:00] <adydas> applehypnosis: would using one of these work? http://mirror.ne.gov/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/
[00:01] <firecrotch> Instructions are here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades
=== brandi is now known as moj0rising
[00:01] <bascule> sudo aptitude install update-manager-core
[00:01] <bascule> sudo do-release-upgrade
[00:01] <bascule> apparently :)
[00:02] <firecrotch> bascule: that's for ubuntu-server
[00:02] <vlt> bascule: I want the second track to play w/o any fades and the first one to fade out. Just found xmms with a fade plugin. Maybe I can set the exact fade durations there ...
[00:02] <bascule> any cli surely
[00:03] <adydas> dam gutsy and flashplugin issues
[00:04] <saki_> Is there anywya to get Kubuntu to install with Kernel
=== saki_ is now known as neosaki
[00:04] <crimsun> neosaki: no.
[00:05] <neosaki> How about creating my own install cd from a version I recompile with that kernel?
[00:05] <bascule> hey, update-manager-core doesn't exist in desktop release ...
[00:05] <bascule> ?
[00:05] <crimsun> see the wiki for rolling your own install cd.
[00:05] <crimsun> bascule: how are you arriving at that conclusion?
[00:06] <bascule> sudo aptitude install update-manager-core returns 0 oackages, or I already have the latest version :)
[00:06] <crimsun> bascule: update-manager-core has existed since feisty and even exists in edgy-{updates,proposed}
[00:06] <bascule> just realised that was maybe why
[00:06] <ardchoille> !info update-manager-core
[00:06] <ubotu> update-manager-core (source: update-manager): manage release upgrades. In component main, is standard. Version 1:0.81 (gutsy), package size 29 kB, installed size 2392 kB
[00:07] <bascule> crimsun: so if I wanted to update a release from the shell, that would do?
[00:07] <adydas> hrm ok so i think ive installed perfetcly fine flashplugin youtube no longer asks for me to install it but the box is just grey
[00:07] <adydas> ideas?
[00:09] <Darkrift411> ok, my distro upgrade seems to have locked up
[00:09] <crimsun> bascule: more precisely?
[00:09] <Darkrift411> it had a few errors, and hasnt moved in about 20 mins
[00:10] <firecrotch> Darkrift411: what step is it on?
[00:10] <Darkrift411> if i try to close it, it says my system is in an unusable state if i close it
[00:10] <Darkrift411> the ugprade step
[00:10] <Darkrift411> installing upgrades
[00:10] <firecrotch> Is it downloading packages or is it configuring the new packages?
[00:10] <Darkrift411> installing upgrades
[00:10] <bascule> crimsun: do-release-upgrade python script would do the job from the shell for a release upgrade?
[00:11] <Darkrift411> its dl'd, configred and now its installing
[00:11] <Darkrift411> frozen at 2%, installing libglib2.0-2
[00:11] <Darkrift411> after 2 errors
[00:12] <Darkrift411> x11-common failed during upgrade
[00:12] <firecrotch> Darkrift411: What are the errors?
[00:12] <Darkrift411> debconf also failed
[00:12] <Ertain> Hello everyone. I've upgraded to version 0.12.8 of Kopete and the camera option still doesn't work.
[00:13] <firecrotch> Darkrift411: the only thing I could possibly see working is killing the upgrade, and then trying dpkg --configure -a
[00:13] <firecrotch> Darkrift411: That worked for me on a ubuntu-server install that I was upgrading the died on me
[00:14] <crimsun> bascule: or dist-upgrade
[00:14] <Darkrift411> db is locked by onother process
[00:14] <bascule> crimsun: back to the sources changing thing ....
[00:14] <firecrotch> !adeptfix | Darkrift411
[00:14] <ubotu> Darkrift411: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[00:16] <Darkrift411> gives same locked process error
[00:17] <firecrotch> Darkrift411: You may have to reboot first, then run sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock
[00:17] <Darkrift411> crap
[00:17] <Darkrift411> hope the reboot doesnt kill my os
[00:18] <firecrotch> Darkrift411: Well, you backed everything up before you started the upgrade, right ?
[00:27] <val0> ok i've got a strange problem. My router "says" that the port is open, but when an app tries to use it the app says that it's closed. any clue how to find out for sure? (nmap??) I don't have another app that I can use to test the port
[00:28] <bascule> val0: yeah nmap or hping
[00:30] <val0> bascule could you help me out with what the command should be, i've read the man pages but still having trouble coming up with something that works
[00:31] <bascule> for nmap? sudo nmap -vv <WAN_ip>
[00:31] <bascule> val0: but a firewall running on the locaclhost might drop the replies
[00:32] <val0> bascule i turned the firewall off for now, i was thinking that it was causing the issure
[00:32] <bascule> might be, what app and what issue (port block I guess)
[00:33] <val0> Azureus, port used to be 63674 and worked great for a few weeks. today i plugged my laptop into the router and it broke
[00:34] <bascule> hmmmm
[00:34] <val0> bascule can i query you?
[00:34] <bascule> k
[00:35] <sstchur> I'm trying to change my monitor resolution. It's a Samsung SYncmaster 226BW, which can do 1680x1050, but even though KDE4 detects my monitor, it doesn't give me an option to select that particular resolution, how do I fix that?
[00:37] <sstchur> Even in administrator mode on the hardware tab of Screen configuration, all of the "Configure" buttons are disabled
[00:37] <Fr0d0> hello
[00:38] <chipy> \join
[00:42] <ubuntu> Hey guys
=== ubuntu is now known as Distance
[00:43] <SlimeyPe1e> hi.
[00:43] <Distance> Is this channel for support?
[00:43] <Distance> I'm a linux noob!
[00:44] <SlimeyPe1e> yes, it is
[00:44] <Distance> I downloaded kubuntu, shoved it on a cd, booted from it and installde it
[00:44] <SlimeyPe1e> is it working OK?
[00:44] <Distance> I then loaded up linux from bios, it didn't load up what I expected, just a command list
[00:44] <jfb> anyone know if there's an andLinux channel?
[00:45] <SlimeyPe1e> Distance: a "command list"? What sorts of things were in the list?
[00:45] <Alethes> probably the grub menu
[00:47] <Distance> Would the grub menu load up by default?
[00:47] <Alethes> can't remember :)
[00:47] <SlimeyPe1e> the grub menu is the thing that lets you choose (eg) Windows or Linux
[00:47] <SlimeyPe1e> if you have both on your PC
[00:48] <Distance> Ah no.. On the list it showed vista and linux, I selected linux
[00:48] <Distance> then it loaded up cmd
[00:48] <Distance> where I was able to cd /boot
[00:48] <Distance> etc
[00:49] <Alethes> X may not be configured correctly so it's possible that it's exiting and taking you to the prompt
[00:49] <Alethes> type startx
[00:49] <SlimeyPe1e> oh right. That means that Xorg (the bit of software which displays the graphical interface) has failed, most likely due to a driver or resolution problem
[00:49] <Distance> Ah I see
[00:50] <Distance> Shall I try startx ?
[00:50] <SlimeyPe1e> yeah, Alethes' advice is good :)
[00:50] <SlimeyPe1e> try it.
[00:50] <Alethes> if you do, it'll probably give you the error you need to see to fix the prob
[00:50] <Distance> Awesome, see you in a few mins. :)
[00:50] <firecrotch> wow, I never knew that kiba-dock was so nice
[00:50] <Distance> promt screen.. thats the one :p
[00:51] <Richard_Balls> I tried playing nexuiz but the default refresh rate or resolution is too large for my monitor, so I cannot see anything. How can I kill the game? alt+ctrl+escape doesn't work
[00:51] <bascule> ctrl+alt+backspace
[00:52] <SlimeyPe1e> Richard_Balls: go to a terminal by hitting ctrl-alt-f1, log in, type "ps -ef" and look for nexuiz. The number on the left is the pid. Type kill -9 pid.
[00:53] <SlimeyPe1e> yeah or ctrl-alt-backspace may work but it'll restart X so you'll lose any other graphical apps which are running
[00:53] <bascule> forgot to mention that
[00:53] <Richard_Balls> well that worked but it logged me out :/
[00:53] <Richard_Balls> oh well
[00:53] <Richard_Balls> all I had running was xchat anyway
[00:53] <bascule> sorry Richard_Balls
[00:54] <bascule> i remeber a couple years back someone said 'how do I kill X' so I told them, he then shouted at mer for losing his essay ... :)
[00:54] <val0> firecrotch is it for gnome only?
[00:54] <firecrotch> val0: It has some gtk dependencies, but I'm running it in KDE(4) just fine
[00:55] <val0> bascule did you post it up on bash.org? lol
[00:55] <val0> oh cool
[00:55] <val0> firecrotch i wanted to play around with it but didn't know if it will run on my kde
[00:56] <firecrotch> It should. I followed the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=554127
[00:57] <val0> firecrotch thanks
[00:57] <firecrotch> val0: my pleasure
[00:57] <bascule> val0: no, but he probably deserved it, had another on with someone complaining that shutdown -h now was too long, suggested the command 'halt' in a busy chan, got about 20 <nick has quit> mesages in 5 seconds, they shouted at me too :)
[00:58] <val0> bascule that's priceless, i spent last night there just laughing my ass off at 2 am!
[00:59] <bascule> yeah it's good, some serious public humiliations for people :)
[00:59] <val0> bascule I still remember the Alt-F4 joke
[00:59] <val0> bascule when people wanted to flood someone or something along those line
[01:00] <bascule> the password one was priceless, it shows as *'s in a channel cause it's your password :))
[01:01] <adydas> ok seriously, how do you get flashplugin to work with gutsy
[01:01] <firecrotch> !flash | adydas
[01:01] <ubotu> adydas: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[01:01] <ubotu> The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.
[01:01] <adydas> ah dang it..
[01:02] <val0> bascule oh yeh!!! I was laughing hard reading that one, and more than one person tried it too!!!
[01:02] <Distance> Hey
[01:02] <firecrotch> adydas: You can get it to work with the instructions in that thread on the forums
[01:02] <SlimeyPe1e> hi Distance
[01:02] <Distance> Failed. I took a pic on my phone of the error when I typed startx
[01:03] <Distance> Fatal server error: Requested Entity already in use!
[01:04] <SlimeyPe1e> hmm
[01:04] <SlimeyPe1e> Distance: do you have two monitors?
[01:04] <Distance> X10 : fatal IO error 104 (connetion reset by peer) on X server ... etc
[01:04] <Distance> Yeah I do, I tried unplugging one though
[01:04] <SlimeyPe1e> do you have an nvidia card?
[01:05] <Distance> Yes
[01:05] <SlimeyPe1e> Right, it's a driver issue then I think. You need to install the official nvidia drivers. Hang on, I'll find a link to a tutorial which will tell you how to do this from the prompt.
[01:06] <Distance> DIA GeForce 7300
[01:06] <Distance> Should it be loading up with the CD ok then?
[01:06] <bascule> !nvidia
[01:06] <ubotu> To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[01:07] <Distance> Can I do all this whilst its booted up using the cd?
[01:07] <SlimeyPe1e> Distance: no, you'll need to boot from hard disk
[01:08] <SlimeyPe1e> bascule: the tutorial there relies on already having X working
[01:09] <Distance> I was about to say :P
[01:09] <SlimeyPe1e> Distance: see http://www.albertomilone.com/latest_nvidia_udsf_feisty.html#METHOD_1
[01:09] <SlimeyPe1e> that looks accurate to me. Method 1 is the one you want.
[01:09] <bascule> SlimeyPe1e: funnily enough i have never actually read it :))
[01:13] <Distance> sudo apt-get install linux-generic
[01:13] <Distance> What would this be
[01:13] <bascule> a kernel
[01:13] <Distance> am I able to do this whilst running from the cd
[01:13] <bascule> no
[01:13] <SlimeyPe1e> Distance: no
[01:13] <Distance> using Konsole
[01:13] <Distance> oh ok
[01:13] <bascule> !chroot
[01:13] <ubotu> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box
[01:13] <SlimeyPe1e> you have to boot from hard disk, sorry
[01:14] <bascule> hmm, not what I was lookin for :)
[01:14] <SlimeyPe1e> well, there are ways to do such things from the CD but they're a bit complicated ;)
[01:14] <bascule> yeah
[01:15] <Distance> ok :)
[01:15] <bascule> well three commands actually, mount none -t proc /mnt/point/proc && mount --bind /dev /mnt/point/dev && chroot /mnt/point
[01:16] <bascule> Distance: /mount/point is the directory that the existing hd install is on
=== paulj1 is now known as pauljw
[01:17] <Distance> mount: only root can do that
[01:17] <bascule> Distance: yeah sudo in front of them, sorry :)
[01:18] <ibou> bonsoir
[01:18] <jussi01> !fr | ibou
[01:18] <ubotu> ibou: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.
[01:19] <ibou> oops
[01:19] <ibou> good evening
[01:19] <Dr_Willis> Hmm.. Plugged in a new HD and now getting grub error 15.. Hate when that happens
[01:19] <Dr_Willis> !fixgrub
[01:19] <ubotu> grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[01:20] <ibou> how to know all the !command to ask to ubotu ?
[01:20] <bascule> !bot
[01:20] <Distance> bascule: I think I will have to boot from HD
[01:20] <ibou> !bot
[01:20] <bascule> !ubotu
[01:20] <bascule> !hi
[01:20] <ubotu> I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[01:21] <ubotu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[01:21] <bascule> :)
[01:21] <bascule> Distance: the chroot will work, but it is a little daunting
[01:21] <Distance> ?
[01:22] <ibou> thanks bascule
[01:22] <bascule> Distance: the commands I gave earlier will drop you into the existing install and it will run things from there direct to the hd
[01:23] <bascule> but booting to the hdd is OK if it suits you
[01:23] <Distance> Well I would prefer to do it from here incase I run into issues
[01:23] <Distance> Which commands do I need to type in to not get a root error?
[01:24] <bascule> shall I /msg you ?
[01:24] <Distance> Sure
[01:24] <ibou> !ubotu
[01:24] <ubotu> I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[01:24] <ibou> :D
[01:24] <ibou> !hi
[01:24] <ubotu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[01:24] <ibou> :D :D
[01:25] <Distance> bascule, I'm not registered
[01:25] <Distance> I can't msg
[01:25] <bascule> I just noticed
[01:25] <bascule> :)
[01:25] <bascule> !paste
[01:25] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[01:26] <bascule> cat /proc/partitions
[01:26] <Distance> One sec I'll register under a different name, this ones taken
=== Distance is now known as Distance66
[01:27] <ibou> !hi
[01:27] <ubotu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[01:27] <Distance66> :)
[01:42] <alex_mayorga> How can I isolate kubunut packages from ubuntu ones if I've installed both ubuntu and kubuntu desktops?
[01:42] <mosno> alex_mayorga: do you mean in your menus?
[01:42] <alex_mayorga> and is there a way to "clean" the icons that "spilled" when I installed kubuntu-desktop from my GNOME session??
[01:43] <alex_mayorga> mosno, exactly
[01:43] <mosno> alex_mayorga: wow, what a guess
[01:43] <alex_mayorga> mosno, you're good buddy :)
[01:43] <mosno> alex_mayorga: i think because they use the same menu specification you can't, unless you remove the icon(s) from the menu completely
[01:43] <mosno> alex_mayorga: i'm not sure if there's a "masking" tool
[01:44] <mosno> alex_mayorga: maybe the KDE Menu Editor...
[01:44] <alex_mayorga> so there's no way to have totally independent GNOME and KDE sessions?
[01:44] <mosno> alex_mayorga: not really
[01:44] <mosno> i just checked-- menu editor doesn't seem to do it
[01:45] <august_> if anyone is avaliable i have a really quick question
[01:45] <mosno> i came across this exact thing a couple of years ago and it made me reinstall -- but really you dont have to, just tweak your menus or uninstall the apps in question
[01:46] <august_> My fn button is busted. I need to push fn f5 to get my monitor on my tv. I dont know how to do it through the computer. Does anyone have a idea?
[01:46] <alex_mayorga> mosno, is that a bug to fill or just dummy user error?
[01:46] <august_> i use kubuntu
[01:46] <ibou_> when i come back from hibernation i have my session directly without entering my login/pass. And Knetworkmanager show me that i'm connected to wifi although im not...
[01:46] <ibou_> i'd like to enter my login/pass
[01:46] <Distance66> !paste
[01:46] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[01:47] <august_> if anyone has an idea that would be great help. I have my date over and my fn button is broken hehehe...would like to watch this film but i got time
[01:48] <august_> anoyone availible to help a poor man with a little problem?
[01:48] <august_> or is everyone out for the night?
[01:49] <mosno> alex_mayorga: Gnome and KDE standardised on the same menu system a while back i think
[01:49] <mosno> alex_mayorga: so you would have been happy in the pre-standardisation days :)
[01:49] <august_> ok maybe i am in the wrong place...my friend told me to ask in here...but i see nuthin...
[01:49] <august_> is this like a help desk?
[01:49] <august_> or?
[01:50] <mosno> august_: you're just supposed to ASK the question
[01:50] <_BS_> How can I sort, or keep automatically sorted, the kde menu items?
[01:51] <august_> i did
[01:51] <august_> my fn button is busted. I try to push fn f5 to get my computer on my tv
[01:51] <august_> how do i get it up there a different way?
[01:51] <mosno> august_: well then, if anyone knows they will answer ;)
[01:51] <august_> oh ok sorry then..
[01:51] <august_> i am new to linux
[01:51] <august_> so i know nothing
[01:52] <mosno> august_: i think you're in trouble with the Fn thing... i'm pretty sure it's part of the laptop, not part of Linux
[01:52] <SlimeyPe1e> it's usually done in software
[01:52] <august_> oh ok i understand...must buy new laptop then... but there is no way to get up a differnt way like on windows...left click and choose where you want the output?
[01:52] <mosno> august_: but maybe if you're lucky there's software controls... depending on your laptop model
[01:52] <mosno> *shrug*
[01:53] <august_> ibm thinkpad
[01:53] <august_> ok...i dont know... i guess i shouldnt have dropped my laptop..that is the only key that not work
[01:54] <_BS_> august_ - Hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 / get to a terminal screen. If you hit F5, do you get funny characters on the screen? ^[ something or other?
[01:54] <ibou_> when i come back from hibernation i have my session directly without logon. And Knetworkmanager show me that i'm connected to wifi although im not...
[01:54] <ibou_> help
[01:56] <_BS_> august_ - Blue Fn F5 on a thinkpad is a function of the thinkpad, not the operating system (i.e. kubuntu). If you go into setup when you boot, turn on display to both S-Video and screen at same time. When you boot again, do you see something on your TV? If not, check your TV connections, e.g. make sure TV is set to your S-Video input.
[01:56] <mosno> august_: check thinkwiki
[01:56] <_BS_> august_ - i.e. You should see memory count on both TV and laptop.
[01:56] <august_> i back
[01:56] <august_> it kick me out
[01:56] <august_> sorry i pushed wrong button
[01:56] <august_> dont know what you said
[01:57] <august_> when i clicled control alt f1 i went to a wierd page
[01:57] <august_> and i couldnt get back here
[01:57] <august_> it worked before but my fn button is busted
[01:57] <_BS_> august_ - Hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 / get to a terminal screen. If you hit F5, do you get funny characters on the screen? ^[ something or other?
[01:57] <_BS_> Blue Fn F5 on a thinkpad is a function of the thinkpad, not the operating system (i.e. kubuntu). If you go into setup when you boot, turn on display to both S-Video and screen at same time. When you boot again, do you see something on your TV? If not, check your TV connections, e.g. make sure TV is set to your S-Video input.
[01:57] <_BS_> i.e. You should see memory count on both TV and laptop.
[01:57] <Distance66> Thanks SlimeyPe1e btw :)
[01:57] <Bauldrick> is compiz-fusion worth having
[01:57] <Distance66> and bascule
[01:58] <_BS_> How can I sort, or keep automatically sorted, the kde menu items?
[01:58] <august_> where is the setup?
[01:58] <august_> when i boot? how do i get to my setup?
[01:58] <_BS_> august_ - when you first turn on the thinkpad, it will say press F1 for setup.
[01:58] <august_> ok
[01:58] <august_> and then i should click on?
[01:59] <alex_mayorga> mosno, how hard would it be to have a menu-separation package or something like that :)
[02:00] <_BS_> august_ - give us a break. It's not like we've memorized all the laptop bios settings in the world. Find where it talks about your video, and what is enabled at bootup. You'll have laptop (screen?), TV (S-video?), or both. Choose both. Find it. Figure it out.
[02:00] <_BS_> First - go to Ctrl-Alt-F1, press F5, only. Do you get funny characters? i.e. Is the F5 key itself broken.
[02:00] <mosno> alex_mayorga: no idea, i haven't looked too closely at the 'problem'
=== _BS_ is now known as _BS_-NOT
=== Distance66 is now known as Distance
=== Distance is now known as Distance66
[02:13] <Distance66> woot!
[02:13] <alex_mayorga> any other dual session (GNOME&KDE) users that feel the same?
[02:14] <bascule> Distance66: excellent :)
[02:14] <Distance66> yup
[02:15] <SlimeyPe1e> Distance66: :D
[02:15] <jabapyth> i just upgraded to Gutsy, and now I cant connect to the internet. Any ideas?
[02:15] <Distance66> Thanks guys ;)
[02:15] <SlimeyPe1e> happy to help.
[02:16] <|Quest|> how to run mac osx on linux? i dont have mac. i have a pc
[02:16] <_BS_-NOT> alex_mayorga - NOT. Think why freedesktop.org even exists. K.I.S.S. - don't make me think about what system I'm on, just let me get on with my day with everything where it's supposed to be. It's not like individual users can't make their own changes anyways. Probably even scriptable.
[02:16] <yoda_da_coda> does anyone know how i would go about getting kubuntu to recognise some kind of mouse input in MS Virtual PC 2007? Basically, i need some way of using a keyboard-to-mouse scenario like the ubuntu accessibility features allow, but for KDE. Perhaps there is a package i can download that will allow this?
[02:17] <_BS_-NOT> |Quest| - assuming you even have mac osx, or have purchased it ... vmware or xen.
[02:17] <_BS_-NOT> yoda - anything in kde accessibility useful?
[02:19] <|Quest|> _BS_-NOT u dont have a mac remeber. i have a pc. so can i use it?
[02:19] <yoda_da_coda> _BS_-NOT: from what i can gather on the internet, KDE only has accessibility that prevents accidental pressing of keys and such. Getting around KDE without a mouse is such a pain and im not very good with linux anymore so i dont know all the shortcut keys.
[02:20] <yoda_da_coda> _BS_-NOT: so there may be something in the accessibility that does it, but i cant get into it to see for myself.
[02:25] <yoda_da_coda> _BS_-NOT: any ideas?
[02:27] <lee__> erg I ama try to upgrade
[02:28] <deoxyna> yoda_da_coda: try system settings -> keyboard and mouse
[02:29] <yoda_da_coda> deoxnya: got any suggestions on how to get into system settings? :S
[02:29] <deoxyna> yoda_da_coda: it should in your menu
[02:31] <yoda_da_coda> deoxyna: If this helps:, i am using KDE4 on kubuntu 7.04. I have pretty much no idea how to get into the menu. The normal shortcut keys have either changed, or it's not recognising them. And i'm running it in MS Virtual PC 2007, which is why i have the mouse problem in the first place.
[02:33] <deoxyna> yoda_da_coda: i tried ms virtual pc before and i think it has a bug on capturing the mouse so i switched to virtualbox for virtualization
[02:34] <ardchoille> yoda_da_coda: kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde4
[02:34] <yoda_da_coda> deoxyna: it does have a problem with the mouse. there is a patch for it. the problem i have is just being able to click and point, which i can do with gnome.
[02:35] <yoda_da_coda> ardchoille: maybe i should try there then. sorry if i've wasted your time.
[02:35] <lee__> eh where is the update thing so I can use the commnad line apt get update?
[02:36] <lee__> e the manager for KDE that is
[02:36] <ardchoille> yoda_da_coda: No problem, just metioned it as you might get more help in that channel :)
[02:36] <lee__> ah heck I'll jsut load ubuntus update mannager
[02:36] <yoda_da_coda> ardchoille: thanks. :)
[02:38] <deoxyna> yoda_da_coda: what host OS are u running on?
[02:38] <lee__> eh sorry fer that...I jsut want to know what the comman line is fro running Kubuntus native update thing
[02:38] <yoda_da_coda> ardchoille: host OS is windows xp pro sp2
[02:40] <lee__> any one can I get the cmmand line for Ubuntus native updat mannagemt program
[02:40] <lee__> please
[02:41] <ardchoille> lee__: update or upgrade?
[02:41] <deoxyna> yoda_da_coda: suggest u try virtualbox @ http://www.virtualbox.org/
[02:41] <ardchoille> lee__: sudo apt-get update <-- updates your sources
[02:41] <lee__> eh the thing taht kicks in both
[02:41] <ardchoille> lee__: sudo apt-get upgrade <-- upgrades your apps to the latest versions
[02:42] <lee__> ok
[02:42] <ardchoille> lee__: If you are talking about going from Feisty to Gutsy, then command line isn't the best because you will not get apps that are new in Gutsy but weren't in Feisty, thus you will miss out on some things
[02:42] <se7en_> !apt | lee__
[02:42] <ubotu> lee__: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)
[02:43] <yoda_da_coda> ardchoille: thanks. :) i'll check that out.
[02:43] <ardchoille> yoda_da_coda: yw
[02:49] <lee__> never mind Iam in stalling the Update manager
[02:50] <omgbbqwtf> alo kubuntur's
[02:50] <Szaln> hi
[02:51] <omgbbqwtf> So whos the resident guru to probe with questions?
[02:51] <Dr_Willis> depends on the question omgbbqwtf
[02:51] <ardchoille> omgbbqwtf: There are several here :)
[02:51] <omgbbqwtf> My wifi card is showing up in kt -- but its not/wont detect any networks
[02:51] <Szaln> can anybody explain me what is really a dual boot? is it just USING GRUB for different partitions?
[02:52] <omgbbqwtf> Dual boot --- is booting a different os
[02:52] <omgbbqwtf> like windows
[02:52] <omgbbqwtf> or mac
[02:52] <Dr_Willis> using grub (or lilo) to boot one of seeveral different OS's
[02:52] <ardchoille> Szaln: diff partitions/drives which hold diff OS's
[02:52] <Dr_Willis> boot to one os... reboot pick anohter os... dual booting. :)
[02:53] <omgbbqwtf> I have a wpn311 --- the driver installs fine (from what I can tell) but it doesnt find any local networks, when I know theres at least 12 since I live in an apartment complex
[02:53] <omgbbqwtf> That and my mouse lags terribly slow
[02:54] <Szaln> ahmm ok, i've been reading about it as a NEW feature!! kinda stupid XD... those boys didn't knew LILO.......
[02:54] <Dr_Willis> Szaln: Huh? what boyd?
[02:55] <Dr_Willis> Linux has been allowing Dual booting of os's for ages. LILO used to be the standard. but grub has finally taken over in the last 3 years or so,
[02:55] <Szaln> youtube's messiahs
[02:55] <Dr_Willis> I think Grub2 is in the works also.
[02:55] <omgbbqwtf> I can handle the laggy mouse --- its --ya know .... bearable --- but no interweb is killing me
[02:55] <Dr_Willis> Talk is cheap. :) it pays to read about linux.. not watch videos.
[02:56] <Szaln> grub2? on the way?
[02:56] <Dr_Willis> omgbbqwtf: if its not finding any networks at all . i wonder if the cards drivers are even installed properly.
[02:56] <Dr_Willis> I dont do wireless.. :) so cant help ya more.
[02:56] <omgbbqwtf> None at all -- shows up as ath0
[02:56] <omgbbqwtf> Which is correct
[02:57] <Dr_Willis> !wireless
[02:57] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[02:57] <omgbbqwtf> Im already there
[02:57] <omgbbqwtf> nothing really exact to my problem
[02:57] <Dr_Willis> thers so many types of wireless cards. and ways to get them going.. some times the docs/pages are out of date - due to kernel changes and so forth.
[02:57] <Dr_Willis> Check the forums for your exact card perhaps
[02:57] <nosrednaekim> omgbbqwtf: pastebin the results of "iwconfig"
[02:57] <omgbbqwtf> ok no red --- ill have to reboot into Kb
[02:57] <omgbbqwtf> so itll be a bit
[02:58] <omgbbqwtf> but i shall return!
[02:58] <nosrednaekim> omgbbqwtf: wait then
[02:58] <omgbbqwtf> k
[02:58] <omgbbqwtf> i believe last time i did it it showed my 2 cards
[02:59] <omgbbqwtf> the atho and my intel 10/100
[02:59] <nosrednaekim> omgbbqwtf: ok... run "iwlist <interface name, something like eth1 or wlan0> scan"
[02:59] <omgbbqwtf> iwlist ath0?
[02:59] <omgbbqwtf> most likely
[02:59] <nosrednaekim> for example "iwlist ath0 scan"
[03:00] <omgbbqwtf> kk --- ill do it
[03:00] <Dr_Willis> i never have figured out why some wireless cards show up as eth# others as ath#< and others as other things. :)
[03:00] <knology> hello
[03:00] <omgbbqwtf> The chipset willis
[03:00] <nosrednaekim> Dr_Willis: dependson the driver/manufacturer
[03:01] <knology> i need to install firefox and I am not been able to :S
[03:01] <asdfasdfasdfasdf> hello i have some weird problems with my kubuntu. its in spanish and as example in the k menu instead of "lector de orígenes" (an "i" with a "'") appears an A followed by an ¬ like this : "lector de orA¬genes" any help plz? :)
[03:01] <Dr_Willis> knology: and 'sudo apt-get install firefox' dosent work?
[03:01] <knology> can i get some help?
[03:01] <nosrednaekim> !es | asdfasdfasdfasdf
[03:01] <ubotu> asdfasdfasdfasdf: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[03:01] <knology> it apears but is not clikable
[03:02] <NickPresta> knology, you have to explain your problem in greater detail
[03:02] <asdfasdfasdfasdf> yeah nice noone is there and im speaking english :)
[03:02] <raw> hi, where's the custom session in the KDM session dialog gone?
[03:02] <lee__> actually waht i was trying to ask for is waht was Kubuntu's update manager thingy
[03:02] <lee__> the program its self tht controls the update
[03:02] <Dragnslcr> lee__- you mean Adept?
[03:02] <lee__> yeah
[03:02] <asdfasdfasdfasdf> maybe the correct question is where to change codification of kubuntu?
[03:02] <nosrednaekim> asdfasdfasdfasdf: systemsettings
[03:03] <lee__> eh I sjust loaded the update mannager
[03:03] <knology> i go to Adept and search for firefox. it apear but is not clicable to install
[03:03] <lee__> lol
[03:03] <nosrednaekim> raw: custom session?
[03:03] <raw> right now I can't convince KDM to source my ~/.xsession because there's no "Custom" Session
[03:03] <asdfasdfasdfasdf> im afraid not nosrednaekim :) using gutsy :)
[03:03] <raw> nosrednaekim: yeah the "Custom" session wich is sourcing user's ~/.xsession
[03:03] <lee__> eh I have gutsy, but, when I loaded it thatis when I got all theupdate errors
[03:04] <lee__> when i went to update
[03:04] <lee__> so Iam trying it this way
[03:04] <knology> i have dowloaded firefox but i cant install it :S
[03:04] <lee__> to see if that will work
[03:04] <nosrednaekim> raw: ah, well, go to some distro's channel that has one, and copy theier /etc/Xsessions/session.desktop"
[03:04] <lee__> also iam running a 64 bit system
[03:04] <lee__> seeing if the same errors pop up
[03:05] <lee__> erg 861
[03:05] <raw> nosrednaekim: KDM on Kubuntu cannot source in ~/.xsession?
[03:05] <lee__> files
[03:06] <nosrednaekim> raw: it can if you give it the right session script
[03:07] <raw> nosrednaekim: why is Kubuntu missing this vital session script?
[03:07] <nosrednaekim> raw: ask the devs
[03:09] <raw> nosrednaekim: actually default/custom/failsafe are *builtin* session, meaning if custom is missing someone fucked up the configuration files pretty bad
[03:09] <nosrednaekim> or deliberately took it out... in any case, ask in #kubuntu-devel
[03:09] <stdin> !language | raw
[03:09] <ubotu> raw: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[03:13] <omgbbqwtf> Back
[03:13] <omgbbqwtf> Norednaekim still here?
[03:13] <knology> firefox installed
[03:13] <knology> thanks
[03:14] <nosrednaekim> omgbbqwtf: yeah
[03:14] <omgbbqwtf> --No Scan Results
[03:14] <omgbbqwtf> iwconfig showed my card as Ath0 -- no Essid -- etc etc
[03:14] <nosrednaekim> omgbbqwtf: and the intel one?
[03:14] <omgbbqwtf> Didnt scan it -- its wired
[03:16] <nosrednaekim> omgbbqwtf: oh.. ok
[03:16] <nosrednaekim> so you have an atheros which isn't deecting anything? is it a 5005G?
[03:17] <omgbbqwtf> no
[03:17] <omgbbqwtf> Netgear WPN311
[03:17] <lee__> well I found my ubuntu 7.10 cd, you want to know the irony of it?
[03:17] <nosrednaekim> omgbbqwtf: ok... are youusing ndiswrapper?
[03:17] <lee__> its sme wierd thing called an alternate cd thing
[03:18] <lee__> any ideas on how that works?
[03:18] <omgbbqwtf> Well nosrednaekim .... I do not know
[03:18] <lee__> I must have hit the worn link
[03:18] <nosrednaekim> lee__: you can install, but its not a liveCD
[03:18] <omgbbqwtf> Ive been booting from the live CD
[03:18] <lee__> ah ok
[03:18] <lee__> is taht just as good or better?
[03:18] <omgbbqwtf> I really dont want to format my whole C:/ to install Kubuntu --- which is what the installer wants to do
[03:18] <nosrednaekim> just as good, a bit harder, but it works fine
[03:18] <lee__> oh and it has soem wierd keyboard configuring thingy
[03:19] <nosrednaekim> omgbbqwtf: se;ect manual partitioning
[03:19] <lee__> well if this rout fails Il use that disk then to make sure Iam 7.10
[03:19] <omgbbqwtf> Yah -- I get this strange map thing ... that I cant really figure out to be honest -- Im very new to the whole Distro thing
[03:19] <lee__> eh me 2
[03:20] <lee__> eh permision to speak freely lol
[03:20] <nosrednaekim> omgbbqwtf: does automatic partitioning offer to resize your windows partition?
[03:20] <lee__> the one other distro I used was PCLOS....
[03:20] <omgbbqwtf> I have 2 drives --- a 250 C:/ and a 80g D:/ that windows is on --- the C:/ has retarded amounts of work data on it that formatting it just wont do
[03:21] <lee__> eh ib KDE
[03:21] <lee__> retarded mounts eh...
[03:21] <omgbbqwtf> Shh --- my vista key got banned
[03:22] <omgbbqwtf> so I had to XP onto my other drive
[03:22] <lee__> hu?
[03:22] <nosrednaekim> uhh oh.... I have to go.. sorry buys
[03:22] <nosrednaekim> *guys
[03:22] <omgbbqwtf> Peace nosrednaekim
[03:22] <lee__> why did your vista key get banned?
[03:22] <ardchoille> !ot
[03:22] <ubotu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[03:22] <lee__> ouch
[03:22] <omgbbqwtf> That sucks ... he was theonly one of any help ---- OEM key --- but anyways --- any other suggestions on my wireles debocle?
[03:23] <lee__> eh don't know enough to help
[03:24] <lee__> its installing 7.10 now
[03:25] <lee__> eh Ill brb when its finished
[03:26] <lee__> waht the heck jawee, hes a PCLOS person
[03:27] <lee__> waht was he soig here in the support channel?
[03:28] <jorge_> hola
[03:29] <jorge_> una pregunta...
[03:29] <jorge_> ¿cuál es el canal de ayuda para kubuntu en español?
[03:30] <lee__> hello
[03:30] <Strangelet> SKIM is incredibly troublesome to me, it sometimes stops me from typing anything in certain boxes at certain times. Is there a fix for this? Or a healthy alternative? (I am trying to type in Chinese)
[03:30] <lee__> anyone hre have issues with updating to KDE , I ask htis in a general ?
[03:32] <jorge_> hey
[03:32] <jorge_> please I need help
[03:32] <jorge_> hilf mir bitte!
[03:33] <niall> yo
[03:33] <Strangelet> SKIM is incredibly troublesome to me, it sometimes stops me from typing anything in certain boxes at certain times. Is there a fix for this? Or a healthy alternative? (I am trying to type in Chinese)
[03:34] <niall> for some reason my display pic on Kopete isn't being sent to my contacts, so they can't see it. Any idea why that would be? :<
[03:35] <rignes> hello there. What command do I run to re-generate my xorg config file? Google is usually my firend but I guess I'm not searching on the right terms.
[03:35] <jorge_> necesito ayuda por favor
[03:35] <jorge_> dónde está el canal de ayuda en español?
[03:37] <Pupeno-> !es
[03:37] <ubotu> Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[03:37] <adydas> suggestions on kubuntu gui based video encoders?
[03:37] <Pupeno-> Is there an official or semi-official Linux channel?
[03:37] <jorge_> gracias
[03:38] <jorge_> hola
[03:38] <Pupeno-> jorge_: de nada.
=== deoxyna_ is now known as deoxyna
[03:38] <jorge_> acabo de instalar mi kubuntu
[03:38] <jorge_> no puedo escuchar música ni ver videos
[03:38] <jorge_> ¿qué hago?
[03:39] <Strangelet> SKIM is incredibly troublesome to me, it sometimes stops me from typing anything in certain boxes at certain times. Is there a fix for this? Or a healthy alternative? (I am trying to type in Chinese)
[03:50] <Zombocom> are there any good graphing programs out there?
[03:51] <lee__> No but I have a really funny fdog that took a flat basket ball and made it round lol
[03:52] <ardchoille> Zombocom: dia, graphviz ?
[03:53] <Szaln> one question mates. do not throw me to the bin, please, is a little bit related to XP.
[03:53] <Zombocom> graphviz?
[03:53] <ardchoille> !info graphviz
[03:53] <ubotu> graphviz (source: graphviz): rich set of graph drawing tools. In component main, is optional. Version 2.12-4ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 328 kB, installed size 924 kB
[03:53] <Zombocom> !spanish
[03:53] <ubotu> Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[03:54] <Zombocom> !xaos
[03:54] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about xaos - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[03:55] <Szaln> i have a xp partition, and want to resize it to install another linux flavor, but the defrag util shows me that there are some bits in the middle of the partition. can i resize it with qtparted without any data lost? is there any way to place those annoying bits in the start of the partition?
[03:56] <TheAlien> screw windows
[03:56] <ardchoille> Szaln: I have heard this can be done, but you probably are best served going to a Windows channel for help with defragging Windows
[03:56] <Strangelet> SKIM is incredibly troublesome to me, it sometimes stops me from typing anything in certain boxes at certain times. Is there a fix for this? Or a healthy alternative? (I am trying to type in Chinese)
[03:56] <TheAlien> just erase it all do yourself a favor
[03:57] <Szaln> haha, yes maybe it is the best option, screw it, but in the faculty still own those privative office suits, and i need to format my doc as they like
[03:58] <Szaln> openofffice is good, but i need the post-format
[03:58] <Strangelet> Szaln: OpenOffice can export .docs very well
[03:59] <Strangelet> Szaln: Not sure about stuff such as .ppts, but I am sure it should work
[03:59] <Szaln> yes, very well, but i think not perfect at all
[04:00] <Szaln> unfortunately
[04:00] <Szaln> in the other hand, i did not tested any cad software in linux
[04:01] <Strangelet> Szaln: cad software?
[04:01] <Szaln> so, still xp-dependant for some things
[04:01] <Szaln> yes
[04:02] <Szaln> I use Autodesk's
[04:02] <hydrogen> CAD on linux is pretty not that happening
[04:02] <Strangelet> Szaln: Ehh, donno waht cad software is :P
[04:03] <ardchoille> apt-cache search --names-only cad
[04:03] <ardchoille> ;)
[04:03] <niall> for some reason my display pic on Kopete isn't being sent to my contacts, so they can't see it. Any idea why that would be? :<
[04:05] <Szaln> thanks ardchoille, do you experienced any of those? any opinion?
[04:05] <nicholai> hi...after updating to 7.10, all shaded menus are so faint that they are impossible to read
[04:05] <nicholai> any idea why that is?
[04:05] <ardchoille> Szaln: Never used an cad software, but installing is a simple "sudo apt-get install package_name" away :)
[04:07] <Szaln> of course.... the lab is always open, despite it is 5 AM in spain........ :-D
[04:07] <niall> nicholai: have you tried just changed the colour scheme?
[04:07] <girishk> hi , am i on #kubuntu on freenode ?
[04:09] <girishk> can anyone help
[04:09] <nicholai> niall: well, some color schemes do work better but shouldn't the standard one be ok already? it looked fine before the update
[04:11] <girishk> can anyone help pls
[04:11] <ardchoille> girishk: What do you need help with?
[04:12] <colorlessblueide> I have a (I hope quick) Flash 9 question. Anyone who might be able to help?
[04:13] <girishk> ardchoille: i just installed kubuntu dapper
[04:13] <girishk> i am a newbie, and need to know more for my projects
[04:13] <niall> I just want to know why no one can see my display pic or emoticons on Kopete :(
[04:13] <girishk> i installed it but my screen res is big
[04:13] <girishk> meaning i dont think it has installed the graphics card properly, or whatever you call it. hence my presence here.
[04:14] <Aulus> I'm having trouble starting KDE 4 in xephyr; when I type "Xephyr :1" into the konsole, I get a black fuzzy screen. How do I tell it to run the startkde script?
[04:15] <colorlessblueide> !flash
[04:15] <ubotu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[04:15] <ubotu> The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.
[04:16] <ardchoille> !kde4 | Aulus
[04:16] <ubotu> Aulus: KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[04:16] <Aulus> ardchoille: those are the instructions I followed...
[04:17] <ardchoille> Aulus: Any hint from the last bit?
[04:17] <bazhang> haha
[04:19] <girishk> is 7.10 better than the 6.06 ?
[04:19] <ardchoille> girishk: 7.10 ir more recent
[04:19] <ardchoille> *is
=== fignew` is now known as fignew
[04:20] <girishk> am on 6.06 how to upgrade to 7.10
[04:20] <girishk> am running kubuntu 6.06 dapper
[04:20] <ardchoille> !upgrade | girishk
[04:20] <ubotu> girishk: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[04:21] <girishk> does the 7.10 support kde ?
[04:21] <bazhang> yes
[04:22] <girishk> will it fix my screen resolution problem ?
[04:22] <ardchoille> !fixres | girishk
[04:22] <ubotu> girishk: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto
[04:23] <girishk> how do i get the terminal up ?
[04:24] <ardchoille> girishk: press alt+f2, type in "konsole" (without quotes), click Run
[04:25] <lee_> ok guys, iam going to attempt an upgrade wish me luck
[04:26] <lee_> eh hahts the name of adpt manger ?
[04:26] <bazhang> good luck lee_
[04:26] <ardchoille> lee_: adept_manager
[04:27] <lee_> ty
[04:30] <colorlessblueide> I have a question about installing a .deb file
[04:30] <colorlessblueide> Anyone able to help me with this?
[04:31] <se7en_> !ask | colorlessblueide
[04:31] <ubotu> colorlessblueide: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[04:31] <ardchoille> colorlessblueide: Before attempting to install a .deb package, check the repos to see if the app is there.
[04:32] <ardchoille> colorlessblueide: a good way to search the repos is to open a terminal and type: apt-cache search <app name>
[04:32] <colorlessblueide> se7en_: Thanks for the note. I've been told to ask before asking by some --- my apologies for getting it wrong here.
[04:33] <se7en_> np colorlessblueide what do you want to install
[04:33] <colorlessblueide> se7en_: The question stems from a bug-fix to flash 9; according to the wiki, the bugfix requires removing flashplugin-nonfree, and then installing http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10761023/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2_i386.deb, which I've downloaded.
[04:34] <TheAlien> hey does anybody know how to solve adept telling me that another process is using the packaging system database?
[04:34] <colorlessblueide> (This is apparently an advance of the 8.04 Hardy release.)
[04:34] <avvs> any change someone could help a psuedonoob get MSN video chat working under gutsy?
[04:34] <avvs> *chance
[04:34] <ardchoille> TheAlien: yes, close the other app. only one app can use the db at a time
[04:34] <TheAlien> it s closed
[04:35] <avvs> (for kopete)
[04:35] <TheAlien> I was updating and the computer froze and I had to turn it off
[04:35] <stdin> !aptfix | TheAlien
[04:35] <ubotu> TheAlien: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[04:35] <TheAlien> now its telling me that
[04:35] <ardchoille> stdin: Thanks
[04:36] <TheAlien> !aptfix is that a command?
[04:37] <stdin> TheAlien: no, read what ubotu said
[04:37] <stdin> !bot
[04:37] <ubotu> I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[04:37] <stdin> TheAlien: ! is a trigger for the bot
[04:37] <mot_> when in the compiz settings can i change windows open/close maximize/minimize effects?
[04:38] <avvs> how do i open up a port (to use my webcame) on my router?
[04:39] <ardchoille> !compiz | mot_
[04:39] <ubotu> mot_: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[04:39] <stdin> avvs: that's specific to your router, see your manual
[04:39] <avvs> stdin: ok, thanks
[04:39] <colorlessblueide> ardchoille: Sorry for the misdirected-answer. The package I wish to install is a replacement (early 8.04 Hardy) patch for the Flash9 bug in flashplugin-nonfree.
[04:40] <ardchoille> colorlessblueide: Yeah, my bad, I didn't know you meant flash, but the advice serves for most app/packages
[04:41] <colorlessblueide> ardchoille: Absolutely agree. I spent about an hour searching and checking before heading to IRC, so as not to waste toooooo much bandwidth.
[04:42] <colorlessblueide> !deb | colorlessblueide
[04:43] * stdin smacks ubotu with the boot o' lag
[04:43] <stdin> !deb
[04:43] <ubotu> deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.
[04:43] <ardchoille> stdin: ubotu doesn't respond when you pipe it back to your own nick?
[04:43] <stdin> ahh, it msg's him
[04:43] <ardchoille> ah
[04:44] * stdin hugs ubotu and retracts the boot o' lag
[04:45] <ardchoille> Where does konqueror keep its cache?
[04:47] <stdin> ardchoille: /var/tmp/kdecache-(your username)/http/
[04:47] <ardchoille> stdin: Ah, yeah, just noticed the symlink to that, thanks
[04:48] <pf_> I have recently updated to linux-image-2.6.22-9-generic from linux-image-2.6.20-16-generic. I tried to remove my older version with "apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.20-16-generic", but it wants to uninstall linux-generic, linux-image-generic, etc. along with it. Is this normal? Aren't these supposed to depend on the latest available version?
[04:51] <pf_> and is there a linux equivalent to Winsplit Revolution? I've been trying a few tiling window managers but I haven't found anything conclusive thus far.
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[04:55] <colorlessblueide> ardchoille: Yeah, ubotu politely told me to use a private message. (I'm still learning the ropes on IRC; sorry for the boorishness.) Now I'm trying to follow its advice.
[04:55] <ardchoille> colorlessblueide: no problem :)
[04:56] <qwerqwerqwerqwer> can you guyz tell me whats a nick collision? i got it everytime but only in this net O,o
[04:56] <lee_> eh what does Could not calulate upgrade mean?
[04:57] <colorlessblueide> ardchoille: Do you mind if I still ask a few questions on the topic, as I'm not sure I've succeeded, and pretty sure I didn't. :-)
[04:58] <ardchoille> colorlessblueide: Which topic?
[04:58] <lee_> eh I tried to update but it said it could not calculate upgrade waht odes that mean?
[04:58] <ardchoille> colorlessblueide: It doesn't hurt at all to ask stuff about kubuntu here
[04:58] <ardchoille> colorlessblueide: It's just when you're searching fro things with the bot that it's best to do it in a PM
=== jose is now known as jose__
[04:59] <lee_> eh I tied to upgrade to kde 4 it said Ii culd not calculate upgrade, what does that error men?
[04:59] <colorlessblueide> ardchoille: Installing a .deb I've downloaded to fix a Flash problem. Understand re the PM; of course, when ubotu responded to use a PM, I had to look up the \\query command. Really, I've been using linux for years, but I'm not savvy on IRC.
[05:00] <ardchoille> colorlessblueide: to install a .deb package: sudo dpkg -i file.deb
[05:01] <ardchoille> lee_: kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde4
[05:02] <colorlessblueide> ardchoille: Thanks. The ubotu said to "click" on the package. I almost always use the CLI, and never konqueror, so it took awhile. Didn't appear to work in konqueror anyways. Your dpkg command appears to have taken, in any event.
[05:03] <ardchoille> colorlessblueide: double-click on a .deb package opens a gui for installing, but I don't use much in the way of gui's
[05:03] <lee_> ok wiping drive and installing something else
[05:04] <lee_> I get errors on both ubuntu and kubuntu, I guess it is broken
[05:04] <se7en_> does someone use scribus and can tell me why i can
[05:04] <se7en_> ...export to PDF/X-3
[05:05] <colorlessblueide> ardchoille: Yeah, me neither, although there are some times it works well. But . . . the "click" in konqueror failed, while the dpkg command worked!!! My wife will be very happy (she uses Flash much more than I do).
[05:05] <ardchoille> colorlessblueide: Perhaps you need to tweak the file association for .deb files?
[05:06] <ardchoille> colorlessblueide: kcmshell filetypes
[05:06] <colorlessblueide> ardchoille: Well, the gui installer started, but seemed to crash. The dpkg finished successfully, and now flash works in some cases where it didn't before. It still isn't working on my wife's favorite local TV news station, however.
[05:07] <ardchoille> colorlessblueide: Ah, ok
[05:09] <colorlessblueide> ardchoille: Yeah, it's giving an "Express install is not supported by this version of the Flash Player . . . " message.
[05:09] <mint2> when i download linux, in my case, kubuntu
[05:09] <mint2> http://ubuntu-cdimage.datahop.it/kubuntu/releases/7.10/release/
[05:09] <mint2> do i get the amd64 or what ?
[05:10] <ardchoille> colorlessblueide: Ah, so that's a limitation of that specific package, not the installer itself
[05:12] <colorlessblueide> ardchoille: Yeah, but I'm surprised that a "well-developed" and "well-supported" app like flash is such a mess.
[05:12] <colorlessblueide> ardchoille: And, yes, I agree that it's Flash's fault.
[05:17] <yao_ziyuan> just tried fedora/kde
[05:17] <yao_ziyuan> it sucks more than kubuntu :)
[05:17] <sigma_1234> how do i create a new user account?
[05:18] <yao_ziyuan> sigma_1234: Control Center...
[05:18] <sigma_1234> whats wrong with kubuntu?
[05:18] <yao_ziyuan> System Settings
[05:18] <yao_ziyuan> kubuntu's east asian language display and input sucks
[05:18] <sigma_1234> how do i do it in konsole?
[05:19] <se7en_> or useradd
[05:19] <se7en_> or adduser
[05:19] <mint2> alt+tab
[05:19] <colorlessblueide> ardchoille: Any idea why some of the apps will say "you have Flash 7" installed, when I *know* that Flash 9 is installed?
[05:19] <mint2> and konsole
[05:19] <colorlessblueide> ardchoille: Could that be a Firefox problem?
[05:19] <sigma_1234> well it wasnt really designed for that
[05:21] <sigma_1234> perhaps the app was designed for flash7?
[05:21] <ardchoille> colorlessblueide: No idea, I don't use flash
[05:22] <colorlessblueide> ardchoille: Alas, the boss insists we do. :-) Thanks very much for your help, however. I like the helpfulness on this channel. I remember some of the USENET flamewars as well as some of the snarkiness in other help fora.
[05:23] <ardchoille> colorlessblueide: np :) This channel rocks!
[05:24] <colorlessblueide> ardchoille: Absotively, posilutely!!! So, I'd best go with a general query again. Have a great night!
[05:25] <colorlessblueide> Numerous sites tell me (Firefox) that I'm using Flash7; I have Flash9 installed, per the latest bugfix. Anyone able to help?
[05:35] <jalbert_> hello anybody here?
[05:35] <jalbert_> ardchoille?
[05:35] <vivek> I have installed comfiz fusion in my Kubuntu 7.10 but am unable to run it...please help
[05:36] <jalbert_> Doctor_Nick?
[05:36] <ardchoille> jalbert_: Please don't hilight people unnecessarily
[05:36] <jalbert_> I was just checking to see if anybody was here
[05:37] <vivek> I have installed comfiz fusion in my Kubuntu 7.10 but am unable to run it...please help
[05:37] <ardchoille> jalbert_: Might be a good idea to refrain from doing that :)
[05:37] <jalbert_> I'm attempting an upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy
[05:37] <jalbert_> OK
[05:38] <jalbert_> vivek: try #compiz-fusion
[05:38] <jalbert_> they're real helpful where c-f is concerned
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[05:39] <jalbert_> ardchoille, every time I've tried this upgrade in the past, it has crapped out at some point or another
[05:40] <jalbert_> right now the Distro Upgrade dialog is telling me it's "Fetching file 50 of 55"
[05:41] <jalbert_> but it's been doing that for like half an hour
[05:41] <makers_mark> i want to tri-boot ubuntu in osx (not through bootcamp) any help/advice?
[05:41] <jalbert_> it's stuck on 99%
[05:41] <Strangelet> I was recently attempting to remove some stuff in my trash, one of the things couldn't be deleted, so I opened up dolphin in root and deleted it then, now a message pops up everytime I want to get out of dolphin, it says "Unable to save booksmarks in /home/nicholas/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml. Reported error was: Permission denied."
[05:42] <Strangelet> hm, wait, I think I may be able to solve it, how do I change the permissions of a file?
[05:43] <aroo> chmod
[05:43] <jalbert_> it appears that adept is stuck trying to download a particular file
[05:44] <makers_mark> anyone?
[05:44] <jalbert_> it keeps getting to "58 of 60" then it hangs for a bit then starts over
[05:44] <aroo> Strangelet, http://www.ss64.com/bash/chmod.html for reference, about halfway down the page is a white box that allows you to generate the 3 numbers you need to change the permissions to what you need
[05:45] <Strangelet> aroo: oh! thank you! Saved me a lot of time on this. :)
[05:46] <ardchoille> jalbert_: I aksed you to not hilight people unnecessarily. I don't do upgrades, so I know nothing about them.
[05:46] <jalbert_> who did I highlight unnecessarily?
[05:47] <ardchoille> me
[05:47] <aroo> Upgrades are hit or miss.
[05:47] <jalbert_> I was just directing a question to you
[05:47] <jalbert_> I did not know that was considered impolite
[05:47] <ardchoille> jalbert_: Direct your new questions to the channel and folks will reply if they can help
[05:47] <jalbert_> is there a better way to do this perhaps?
[05:48] <aroo> Two partitions, / and /home. Format / and put Gutsy on it. Keep anything you don't want to lose in /home.
[05:48] <aroo> Never have to worry about upgrades again.
[05:48] <jalbert_> it's been "Preparing the upgrade" for like an hour now
[05:49] <jalbert_> Ialready have a seperate /home partition
[05:49] <Strangelet> aroo: It worked! :D happiness is restored. and such.
[05:49] <aroo> Strangelet, :)
[05:50] <jalbert_> so just install Gutsy into the root partition?
[05:50] <aroo> jalbert_, just move anything you don't want to lose into /home. Boot from Gutsy Live CD, and put it on /.
[05:50] <jalbert_> cool thanks
[05:50] <aroo> jalbert_, just make sure you don't tell it to format /home obviously.
[05:50] <jalbert_> yeah of course
[05:50] <jalbert_> thanks
[05:50] <aroo> No problem. I've never had luck with upgrades so that's how I've done it in the past.
[05:50] <jalbert_> if this upgrade fails, that's what I'll do
[05:51] <jalbert_> ok
[05:52] <jalbert_> but then I'll have to reinstall all my applications all over again, right?
[05:52] <aroo> If they're located on /, yes.
[05:52] <jalbert_> awwww
[05:52] <jalbert_> "
[05:52] <jalbert_> Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Found
[05:52] <jalbert_> Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/non-free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Found
[05:52] <jalbert_> Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/free/source/Sources.gz 302 Found
[05:52] <jalbert_> Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/non-free/source/Sources.gz 302 Found
[05:52] <jalbert_> ooops
[05:52] <jalbert_> didnt thing that would be so big
[05:53] <jalbert_> maybe I need to update my repositories list?
[05:53] <jalbert_> aww screw it
[05:54] <jalbert_> I'll just reformat and reinstall
[05:54] <aroo> Yea!
[05:54] <jalbert_> see you all later
[05:54] <jalbert_> gnite
[05:54] <aroo> Good luck
[05:54] <se7en_> jalbert_: you could cp /var/cache/apt/archives/ that would save some download time on installing
[05:57] <Kamilov> hi
[05:59] <mint2> r u using ubuntu Kamilov ?
[05:59] <Kamilov> Kubuntu
[06:00] <Kamilov> I've got a problem in changing my screen resolution
[06:00] <mint2> gutsy ?
[06:00] <Kamilov> yes
[06:00] <Kamilov> When I click the Desktop icon in kde4-systemsettings my screen goes blank
[06:00] <mint2> does gutsy run kde4 ?
[06:01] <mint2> i mean does it include it
[06:01] <Kamilov> nope
[06:01] <Kamilov> but it's got its repository
[06:27] <flamesage> Hello?
[06:27] <flamesage> Anyone alive? :/
[06:27] <flamesage> Guess not :(
[06:27] <devilsadvocate> yep
[06:28] <flamesage> hey
[06:28] <Cavallo> maybe :)
[06:28] <flamesage> Ok I have a question!
[06:28] <flamesage> Is there a way to keep KDE 3.x and KDE 4.x Menus seperate?
[06:28] <flamesage> (I havn't installed KDE 4 yet)
[06:28] <flamesage> But I don't want mixed menus, and KDE 4.x items in KDE 3.x menu.
[06:28] <Cavallo> why my fonts are so unreadable: http://shrani.si/f/2c/fc/4e7wF2Ak/snapshot1.png ? It's very har to read something like that :/ Any suggestions ?
[06:29] <devilsadvocate> as far i know, that isnt possible
[06:29] <devilsadvocate> but i may be wrong :P
[06:29] <flamesage> argh
[06:29] <flamesage> Is there a way to backup the menu before installing KDE 4?
[06:30] <kye> whats the issue behind doing that? could you still run the same app anyway?
[06:30] <flamesage> huh?
[06:30] <flamesage> Yeah but I don't want a bunch of random KDE 4 apps in my KDE 3 menu.
[06:30] <Cavallo> flamesage: dont worry. There not very much apps in menu for kde4....
[06:30] <Cavallo> for now ...
[06:31] <flamesage> Hmm
[06:31] <flamesage> Ok.
[06:31] <Kamilov> How can I get into restricted drivers menu in KDE4?
[06:31] <flamesage> Is there a way once I install KDE 4 to remove it and all of the apps it installed?
[06:32] <devilsadvocate> Kamilov: restricted-manager-kde ?
[06:32] <devilsadvocate> flamesage: I suppose there should be, but it probably wont be easy.
[06:32] <flamesage> argh
[06:32] <Kamilov> nothing like this
[06:32] <flamesage> Perhaps I should dualboot?
[06:32] <flamesage> eh..
[06:32] <flamesage> oh well
[06:32] <devilsadvocate> Kamilov: you installed kde4 over your normal kubuntu 7.10 install?
[06:32] <flamesage> I'll just install KDE 4 :)
[06:33] <Kamilov> yes
[06:33] <Kamilov> then I removed kde3 packages
[06:33] <devilsadvocate> flamesage: its not worth it - dual boot. You'll rarely go back to ke 3 :P
[06:33] <Kamilov> and reinstalled kde4 again
[06:33] <flamesage> When did they say there releasing 4.1?
[06:34] <Cavallo> july or august I think
[06:34] <Cavallo> not sure
[06:34] <Kamilov> I remember I could do it 2-3 days ago when they released new xorg-core
[06:34] <Kamilov> ...,
[06:34] <Kamilov> I coud access Desktop
[06:34] <devilsadvocate> Kamilov: removed _all_ the kde4 packages?
[06:35] <devilsadvocate> Kamilov: ah, restricted drivers
[06:35] <flamesage> Are they saying KDE 4.1 will be the "real" KDE4 (meaning, all of the functionaility of 3.x?)
[06:35] <devilsadvocate> Kamilov: try to install restricted-manager-kde
[06:35] <Kamilov> ok
[06:36] <devilsadvocate> flamesage: thats what im hearing just now. Kde4 seems to be pretty decent for the average user though. I'm just having some proxy relatd issues
[06:36] <Kamilov> I just don't have a frontend :)) thanks
[06:37] <Kamilov> 2nd think
[06:37] <Kamilov> how to enable console like tty1-tty6 ?
[06:38] <Kamilov> ctrl-F1-F6 doesn't work
[06:38] <Cavallo> why my fonts are so unreadable: http://shrani.si/f/2c/fc/4e7wF2Ak/snapshot1.png ? It's very har to read something like that :/ Any suggestions ?
[06:39] <devilsadvocate> Kamilov: ctrl+alt+f1
[06:39] <devilsadvocate> Cavallo: no clue. sorry. you can google around for anti-aliasing (which i see you are already doing) and maybe subpixex font rendering
[06:40] <Kamilov> but I cna't type anything
[06:40] <Kamilov> there is only a "_" lashing
[06:40] <Kamilov> flashing
[06:41] <devilsadvocate> Kamilov: give it a few seconds
[06:41] <devilsadvocate> if not, try f2. f1 might be locked up by som e process
[06:41] <devilsadvocate> i've noticed that ssometimes, not sure what happens
[06:42] <Cavallo> devilsadvocate: thanks
[06:42] <Cavallo> brb
[06:44] <Kamilov> the same flashing "_" but now I have to repaint my desktop
[06:46] <devilsadvocate> Kamilov: then i guess i dont know what the problem is. try all of them, from 1 to 6. if nothing happens after a short while try typing in your login id and hitting enter (although i doubt that'l work)
=== u^A is now known as u^A_
[06:48] <flameasge> Ok I'm in KDE 4 now
[06:48] <flameasge> It's not.. bad
[06:49] <flameasge> Though it's missing a few things :(
[06:49] <flameasge> Isn't there a way to get more widgets in KDE4?
[06:49] <mot_> ich will
[06:49] <flameasge> Isn't there some kind of extra package I can install?
[06:51] <yao_ziyuan> Kubuntu 7.10 KDE 4.0 Remaster
[06:51] <yao_ziyuan> i wonder if this iso can install to hard disk?
[06:51] <flameasge> huh
[06:51] <flameasge> whats it mean by "Remaster
[06:51] <yao_ziyuan> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/gutsy/kde4/
[06:51] <flameasge> oh
[06:51] <flameasge> It's simply the KDE 4 release?
[06:51] <yao_ziyuan> dunno
[06:52] <yao_ziyuan> the filename is kubuntu-kde4.0-i386.iso
[06:52] <yao_ziyuan> which suggests kubuntu+kde4
[06:52] <yao_ziyuan> but can it install to hard disk?
[06:52] <flameasge> yeah
[06:52] <flameasge> I tried that one
[06:52] <flameasge> you can BUT..
[06:52] <yao_ziyuan> but what?
[06:52] <flameasge> I think it's better to go from KDE 3.x to 4.x
[06:52] <flameasge> because theres no network manager for KDe 4 yet.
[06:53] <flameasge> and theres quite a few things missing from a pure KDE 4 environment
[06:53] <yao_ziyuan> what can that cost?
[06:53] <flameasge> no wireless.
[06:53] <yao_ziyuan> i'm using an Ethernet thing
[06:54] <jamman105> hey, anyone git the now playing plugin to work in kopete? kde4, of course...
[06:55] <ardchoille> jamman105: kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde4
[06:55] <flameasge> lets move over there :P
[06:59] <yao_ziyuan> does Hardy Alpha 3 comes with KDE 4?
[07:01] <flameasge> Uhh
[07:01] <flameasge> I believe so.
[07:01] <flameasge> Don't quote me
[07:01] <flameasge> But I think it's the second option on the window manager selection.
[07:04] <yao_ziyuan> i think kde4 can't solve the skim+scim problem
[07:07] <yao_ziyuan> english myth:
[07:08] <yao_ziyuan> does today's english still not support the sentence pattern "i think something does not somewhat"?
[07:10] <mark__> hey can anyone help me with compiz?
[07:11] <mark__> lol theres 315 people here any no ones responding?
[07:11] <yao_ziyuan> 315...
[07:12] <mark__> 316 now..
=== girish is now known as mint2
[07:14] <asdasdsa> hello my please lcd is giving me dark picture when video plays. it was good on etime that's how i knew i couldn't see anything before. how can i get it work bright? thank you :f
[07:14] <bahman> How could I add Konqueror browser in Ubuntu?!
[07:15] <mark__> well regardless whenever i start compiz it shows 4 desktops in the bottom right of the screen, but through the system settings it shows only 2 is enabeled. when i try and use the 3d cube feature of compiz it just shows the desktops as a double sided piece of paper with only 2 desktops. if i try and enable more desktops through the system settings its the same thing but the number of desktops in the bottom right is multiplied by 2
[07:16] <mark__> anyone who can help plz pm me
[07:20] <surgy> i need a good program that will monitor stocks and display them on my desktop..... any ideas?
[07:21] <mark__> stock watch superkaramba widgit
[07:21] <se7en_> surgy: i don't know about socket but have a look at conky
[07:22] <surgy> what is superkaramba?
[07:22] <mark__> http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=33942
[07:22] <mark__> a widgit manager
[07:22] <mark__> sudo apt-get install superkaramba
[07:22] <se7en_> sorry stocks not sockets :) i think i go sleep now surgy
[07:23] <surgy> :)
[07:23] <surgy> lkaterz se7en_
[07:23] <mark__> once installed open the stock watch .SKZ file with superkaramba
[07:23] <mark__> and highlight widgit and click add to desktop
[07:24] <surgy> do i have superkaramba?
[07:24] <mark__> its dosent come pre loaded on ubuntu or kubuntu
[07:24] <mark__> you need to install
[07:25] <surgy> is it in the repos?
[07:25] <mark__> yar
[07:26] <surgy> thnx man
[07:26] <mark__> np
[07:28] <surgy> how do i configure which stocks are displayed?
[07:29] <mark__> right click the widgit and click configure theme
[07:30] <mark__> you can add your symbols through there
[07:30] <surgy> and that will change the stock that is being displayed?
[07:31] <mark__> should after you hit OK
[07:32] <surgy> so i need to know the symbol ok man thnx alot
=== asdasdsa is now known as terrorist
=== terrorist is now known as terrrorist
[07:32] <terrrorist> hello my please lcd is giving me dark picture when video plays. it was good on etime that's how i knew i couldn't see anything before. how can i get it work bright? thank you :f
[07:32] <mark__> np, enjoi
[07:34] <surgy> yep
[07:34] <surgy> laterz
[07:34] <surgy> i can get rid of the .skz file now right?
[07:35] <mark__> yeah, make sure you save your sessions so superkaramba and your widgits will load up on next reboot
[07:36] <surgy> save my sessions?
[07:36] <terrrorist> hello my please lcd is giving me dark picture when video plays. it was good on etime that's how i knew i couldn't see anything before. how can i get it work bright? thank you :f
[07:36] <mark__> in system settings open up the session manager (should be on the secondary page) and select manually save sessions
[07:37] <mark__> then click the K menu and click save current session, then rather than loading up the apps that were loaded where you left off it will load only the apps running when you saved the session
[07:38] <mark__> tis a beautiful thing
[07:40] <bahman> How could I register my nickname
[07:40] <bahman> ?!
[07:41] <mark__> well regardless whenever i start compiz it shows 4 desktops in the bottom right of the screen, but through the system settings it shows only 2 is enabeled. when i try and use the 3d cube feature of compiz it just shows the desktops as a double sided piece of paper with only 2 desktops. if i try and enable more desktops through the system settings its the same thing but the number of desktops in the bottom right is multiplied by 2
[07:41] <Cavallo> bahman: /msg nickserv help
[07:43] <terrrorist> hello my please lcd is giving me dark picture when video plays. it was good on etime that's how i knew i couldn't see anything before. how can i get it work bright? thank you :f
[07:43] <bahman> Cavallo I register in this way: /,sg bahman <PASS> but couldn't send any private msg!
=== girish is now known as mint2
[07:46] <mint2> can anyone help
[07:46] <mint2> trying to download wine
[07:46] <mint2> but adept says "coult not commit changes" Adept batch
[07:47] <mint2> anyone ?
=== terrrorist is now known as retarded
[07:49] <surgy> lol
=== retarded is now known as retardedd
[07:50] <surgy> if you restart your system or log out it will more than likely fix this issue
[07:50] <mint2> surgy: can u help ?
[07:50] <mint2> and then will i be able to install it ?
[07:50] <surgy> oh and btw adept sucks
[07:50] <mint2> what would you advise then
[07:51] <surgy> you should use the terminal using the command "sudo apt-get"
[07:51] <surgy> for wine, kill adept
[07:51] <surgy> make sure its turned off
[07:51] <surgy> then open the terminal and type "sudo apt-get install wine"
[07:51] <surgy> without the ""
[07:52] <mint2> adept downloads it and all, but when it installs it says that
[07:52] <surgy> yeah adept sucks
[07:53] <mint2> but i like that auto update feature
[07:53] <mint2> i mean am a newbie it greatly helps the migration
[07:53] <surgy> its unstable, slow uglly and i cant ever find exactly what i want, its much faster and generally better to do things like this using the terminal
[07:53] <surgy> yeah use the auto update feature
[07:53] <mint2> from adept u mean ?
[07:53] <surgy> but if you want to use linux you kindof need to learn to use the terminal
[07:54] <surgy> yeah
[07:54] <mint2> yeah ultimately
[07:54] <mint2> thats my aim
[07:54] <mint2> but i need to walk before i run
[07:54] <surgy> its just when you want to add a package that isnt allready installed use the terminal, but let adept handle your auto updates
[07:54] <mint2> it did the same withthe auto updates i think
[07:54] <surgy> so start by killing all aplications except this
[07:55] <surgy> its verry important that adept is turned off
[07:55] <surgy> and then open a terminal
[07:55] <retardedd> hello my please lcd is giving me dark picture when video plays. it was good on etime that's how i knew i couldn't see anything before. how can i get it work bright? thank you :f
[07:56] <surgy> retardedd: that makes little sense but check your kde menu and look in system settings and then go to display, if its not there then you need to look in your xorg.conf
[07:57] <surgy> mint2: ok you need to type this "sudo apt-get update" without the "" and look what it says, it will check for updates and download what you need,
[07:57] <surgy> mint2: and then to get wine the command is "sudo apt-get install wine"
[07:58] <surgy> and if you wanted to search the repositories for wine the command whould be "sudo apt-cache search wine" and if you wanted to uninstall wine the command whould be "sudo apt-get remove wine"
[07:58] <surgy> get it?
[07:58] <mint2> sorta
[07:59] <surgy> feal free to ask questions, but whatever you do trust me, using a gui in linux is not the way to go, the best way to aproach it (or for me it was when i migrated) is to use the terminal to set up the gui how you want it
[08:00] <surgy> and after its set up then use the gui
[08:00] <mint2> thanks, wanna go easy
[08:00] <surgy> you want to do it the easy way?
[08:00] <mint2> i mean i wanna be able to do it in the terminal shortly
[08:01] <mint2> its hardly been 2 days, lol go easy on me sarge
[08:01] <surgy> lol
[08:01] * mint2 does his lunges
[08:02] <surgy> well start copy pasteing then :) theres nothing easy about linux, and its hard to do anything, but remember when your done setting it up exactly how you want it, it will stay that way forever
[08:02] <mint2> again !!
[08:02] <mint2> could not commit changes
[08:02] <mint2> why is it doing this
[08:02] <surgy> using adept?
[08:02] <surgy> did you restart?
[08:02] <surgy> did you update useing adtitude?
[08:03] <surgy> aptitude*
[08:03] <mint2> wait let me restart
[08:03] <mint2> i did
[08:03] <mint2> u mean reboot the whole pc
[08:03] <surgy> or just log out
[08:03] <surgy> and back
[08:04] <girish> right
=== girish is now known as mint2
[08:05] <surgy> hi mint2
[08:06] <mint2> logged back in
[08:06] <mint2> again could not commit changes
[08:06] <mint2> what could it be
[08:06] <surgy> ok man you ready to do it the right way?
[08:06] <mint2> honestly, i wanna get adept to work. it would be a great tool for me for now
[08:07] <mint2> not so much for wine, i run xp home too
[08:07] <surgy> its harder for me to tell you click here and then there and then here and there than it is for me to give you a command that you can copy/paste
[08:07] <mint2> coul du help me get adept workin properly ?
[08:07] <surgy> ive been using kubuntu for a year and a half now and i still cant get adept to work right half the time, its not that great of a program
[08:08] <surgy> mint2: yeah but you have to do some terminal work but not much
[08:08] <surgy> close adept and open a terminal
[08:08] <mint2> ok
[08:09] <surgy> now type this:
[08:09] <surgy> sudo apt-get update
[08:09] <surgy> it will prompt you for your root password, and when you type it it will look like your not typing it
[08:09] <surgy> thats so the other guy in the room doesnt know your pw
[08:09] <mint2> ok it says reading package lists.. done
[08:10] <surgy> ok and now its prompting forthe next command?
[08:10] <surgy> ok the next one is this:
[08:10] <surgy> sudo apt-get update
[08:10] <surgy> sorry
[08:10] <surgy> sudo apt-get upgrade
[08:10] <mint2> didnt i type it ?
[08:10] <mint2> ok lets type again
[08:10] <surgy> no
[08:10] <surgy> its upgrade this time
[08:11] <vivek> how to run compiz fusion in Kubuntu 7.10????
[08:12] <surgy> !compiz | vivek
[08:12] <ubotu> vivek: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[08:15] <jamman105> hello
[08:15] <surgy> hi
[08:16] <jamman105> has anybody gotten the kde4 kopete to export the user picture thingy?
[08:18] <vivek> !compiz
[08:18] <ubotu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[08:22] <vivek> !opera
[08:22] <ubotu> opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser
[08:23] <surgy> vivek: you should type /msg before you ask ubotu a question
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[08:31] <LamerMan> hi everyone! how could i make program dump its "core"? how when it's written "core dumped" there is no core in the folder with the program :(
[08:31] <LamerMan> :(
[08:31] <jamman105> LamerMan, that means that something bad happened
[08:31] <jamman105> haha.. but i couldnt tell you what it is
[08:31] <LamerMan> yeah i know. Bu i need the core for debugging
[08:32] <biovore> LamerMan: the coredump file will be in the directory you ran the program from..
[08:32] <biovore> probably your home dir..
[08:32] <LamerMan> but there is nothing
[08:32] <LamerMan> i use kubuntu 7.10 i386
[08:32] <jamman105> LamerMan, did the program give you any info?
[08:32] <biovore> well might have not run from your home directory then..
[08:33] <LamerMan> jamman105, i need just core :) i cant find it
[08:33] <mint2> anyone can help with a buggy adept ?
[08:33] <LamerMan> biovore, do i have to run any program to get the core from my home directory?
[08:33] <icewaterman> shouldnt usb 2.0 support dma?
[08:35] <LamerMan> i wrote a program in my home dir which receives SIGSEGV, but there's no core in its folder (/home/user/program) anyway :(
[08:36] <jamman105> LamerMan, did you run the program from the terminal?
[08:36] <LamerMan> jamman105 yes
[08:36] <jamman105> LamerMan, well, ive got nothing then
[08:37] <LamerMan> thanks anyway for trying to help :)
[08:37] <jamman105> LamerMan, haha... any time. ill probably be more help in like... 12 hours or so...
[08:40] <surgy> !ati | mint2
[08:40] <ubotu> mint2: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[08:41] <ruslan> helo im new to linux trying to install nvidia drivers,and need to kill x server,can someone help me,i searched forums none of the methods work,im runing kubuntu,txanx
[08:41] <jamman105> ruslan, press ctrl+alt+f1
[08:41] <jamman105> then login
[08:41] <jamman105> then "sudo killall kdm"
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[08:49] <ruslan> im trying to install nvidia drivers can someone,i need to kill x server,can someone plese help
[08:50] <LamerMan> core saves now, i just forgot to setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim); :)
[08:50] <jamman105> ruslan, ctrl+alt+f1
[08:50] <jamman105> then login
[08:51] <jamman105> then sudo killall gdm
[08:51] <jamman105> if that doesnt work, sudo killall kdm
[08:51] <ruslan> ctr alt f1 doesnt work
[08:51] <jamman105> meaning?
[08:51] <jamman105> it doesnt give you a terminal?
[08:52] <ruslan> sudo killall kdm kills my system,cntr alt f1 doesnt give me terminal,im running kubuntu
[08:53] <jamman105> well instead of killall kdm try "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop"
[08:53] <jamman105> thats more graceful
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[08:59] <ruslan> sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop,that killed my system to,it took me to black screen i could type but it wasnt command prompt,sorry 4 questions im new to linux
[08:59] <oliver> hi good morning ...
[09:01] <ruslan> is there a easier way to install nvidia drivers?like livna in fedora
[09:01] <oliver> is there explaination why a scanner is nor recognized in hardy when it was in gutsy
[09:02] <emilsedgh> ruslan: restricted manager
[09:02] <emilsedgh> ruslan: System Settings->Advanced->Restricted Manager
[09:04] <oliver> and ruslan: u have to insatll first
[09:04] <oliver> ruslan: install, sorry
[09:06] <oliver> is there explaination why a scanner is not recognized in hardy when it was in gutsy "CANON Lide60"
[09:06] <ruslan> ok my problem is this:i cant booy with my nvidia card,i gotta swith to my onboard intel card to boot,when i go to restricted manager i cant select my card because "status not in use"
[09:07] <sgrover> oliver: hardy is still beta, and you're surprised things aren't "perfect"?? :)
[09:07] <sgrover> ruslan: can you use the nvidia card, but using the "nv" drivers?
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[09:08] <oliver> sgrover: don't they start off with what they already have (i.e. Hardware Database)
[09:08] <ruslan> nv drivers?the pacage from nvidia website?
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[09:10] <oliver> sgrover: and BTW even its beta (ALPHA 3 actually) it runs very stable, i was just wondering
[09:14] <sgrover> oliver: sorry, I can't speculate on how the devs do things. But, I would suspect it's an issue of getting the right details to the scanner routines.
[09:14] <sgrover> Kinda like adding a printer to the foomatic database...
[09:15] <sgrover> sorry, scanners haven't been a high requirement for me.. :(
[09:15] <oliver> sgrover: nevermind
[09:16] <oliver> sgrover: i was just wondering since it worked in gutsy
[09:16] <sgrover> ruslan ? you still here? Check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file - near the bottom of the file will be a "device" section for your video card there. does the driver line say "nv" or "nvidia"?
[09:17] <sgrover> oliver: understood. sorry didn't mean to come across as snippy... just haven't touched Hardy (yet)... But I tend to stick with the official releases for stability reasons... (on my business machines...)
[09:19] <oliver> sgrover: u did not :-), i changed from gutsy to suse10.3 and back to hardy (since yesterday)
[09:20] <oliver> sgrover: so i like to play around with different distros, so far i love kubuntu
[09:22] <oliver> bye for now, cu
[09:22] <sgrover> oliver: yep, kubuntu does it for me too. But I DO play with other distros - in VMs though.
[09:22] <sgrover> night.
[09:23] <oliver> night (here its good morning)
[09:23] <oliver> bye
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[09:33] <ubuntu> hello,im new 2 linux,switch my video cards,and now all i get is black screen with command prompt,is there a command that i can type to het back to gui?like win in windows
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=== Josema is now known as Jmordenat
[09:35] <ubuntu> hi,imnew to linux can someone help
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[09:36] <jussi01> !ask | ubuntu
[09:36] <ubotu> ubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[09:36] <surgy> is it ok to poll this channel if its on subject?
[09:36] <emilsedgh> ubuntu: ask!
[09:36] <fignew> guys he already did
[09:36] <sui> hi
[09:36] <fignew> [04:33] <ubuntu> hello,im new 2 linux,switch my video cards,and now all i get is black screen with command prompt,is there a command that i can type to het back to gui?like win in windows
[09:36] <ubuntu> i did no one answered
[09:37] <Jmordenata> fignew try startx
[09:37] <fignew> lol, tell ubuntu, not me ;)
[09:37] <surgy> fignew: and its not windows, its Xwindows
[09:37] <Jmordenata> ok, so ubuntu, try startx xD
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[09:38] <ubuntu> thats the command?cause im running live cd right now
[09:38] <sui> ubuntu: what do you mean with "switch my video cards'?
[09:41] <ubuntu> i have nvidia pci and live cd wouldnt boot with it al i would get is command prompt,so i figured if i installed kubuntu with my onboard card,and then installed nvidia drivers it would boot but it didnt,so now im stuck with black screen command prompt
[09:41] <emonkey> ctrl+Shift+F7
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[09:44] <ubuntu> is there a command tht i can inter to get back to gui?
[09:44] <sui> ubuntulog: you installed kubuntu with your nvidia card and it does not work and after that you rebooted without your nvidia card? is that right?
[09:45] <ubuntu> no i installed kubuntu with my onboard card,then after instalation i installed nvidia drivers and switced back to nvidia
[09:46] <ubuntu> and now all i see is uername:username~$
[09:47] <surgy> ubuntu you need to read about that a bit
[09:47] <ubuntu_> ok so now let me ask something... look I'm talking to you from a MacBook with a Kubuntu 6.06 LIveCD, because I can't boot my MacBook; it's stuck in the loading. When I try to mount the HD from Kubuntu I get an error like this one: "mount: no se puede encontrar /dev/sda2 en /etc/fstab o /etc/mtab" Which means something like "I couldn't found /dev/sda2 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab... What can I do?
[09:47] <surgy> !nvidia | ubuntu
[09:47] <ubotu> ubuntu: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[09:47] <sui> ubuntulog: ok, now ii got it. which card do you have?
[09:48] <ubuntu> 3d fx 5500 pci 256mb
[09:49] <sui> ubuntulog: 3dfx? is that an old voodoo-card?
[09:49] <ubuntu> i tried instaling like 5 different distros and all got same problem,only once that worked with my card wewre fedora,and few others
[09:49] <ubuntu> no nvidia
[09:50] <ubuntu> nvidia fx5500 526mb pci
[09:50] <ubuntu> i mean 256mb
[09:51] <ubuntu> elive,gos,vector had same problem,fedora worked but fedora realy buggy
[09:52] <sui> ubuntu: if you already installed the nvidia-driver as explained in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto I suppose you need to configure tour xorg.conf manually
[09:53] <ubuntu> ok i will get to that,if you tell me what to type so i can get back to gui from command prompt,cause im running live cd now
[09:54] <ubuntu> when kubuntu boots i get progress bar with kubuntu logo but after that command prompt
[09:56] <ubuntu> is there a command like win used to be in windows to start linux from comand prompt?
[09:56] <Lynoure> ubuntu: startx
[09:56] <sui> ubuntu: if you configured your xserver properly kubuntu should do this alone
[09:56] <Lynoure> ubuntu: if by 'linux' you mean kde :)
[09:57] <Lynoure> once you have a command prompt, you have already successfully started linux :)
[09:57] <ubuntu> i mean gui graphical desktop not black screen with letters
[09:57] <sui> ubuntu: you see the command propt. it's uername:username~$ and there you can type startx
[09:58] <justin_> where can i get a C++ compiler for kubuntu
[09:58] <ubuntu> thanx,im gonna try that,b right back
[09:58] <jussi01> justin_: sudo apt-get install build-essential
[09:58] <klaus328> zusammen! kann mir bitte jemand weiterhelfen!? wie bekomme ich die 3 d beschleunigung bei einer nvidia grafikkarte hin??danke schon mal...
[09:58] <jussi01> !de | klaus328
[09:58] <ubotu> klaus328: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
=== girish is now known as mint2
[10:00] <wa> hi
[10:09] <justin_> im trying to add another mirror to the sources.list in /etc/apt but it wont let me it says im not root and debain wont let you log in as root
[10:09] <se7en_> justin_: sudo nano /etc/apt/source.lst
[10:09] <se7en_> !root | justin_
[10:10] <ubotu> justin_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo
[10:10] <justin_> sudo? root? i thought sudo was a backend package manager
[10:11] <jpatrick> !sudo | justin_
[10:11] <ubotu> justin_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.
[10:12] <wietse> hiya
[10:12] <Lynoure> justin_: kind of understandable mistake, if you mostly have seen sudo in the context of installing or removing packages :)
[10:12] <wietse> i'm trying to install audacity but am experiencing a few problems
[10:12] <wietse> can anyone help?
[10:12] <Lynoure> wietse: we'll only know after we try. What kind of problems?
[10:12] <justin_> i really dont have a lof of exp in debain
[10:12] <gan|y|med> good morning
[10:14] <wietse> well i normally use adept installer or manager or something but it comes up with the error: ' Another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). '
[10:14] <ubuntu> ok i tryed startx,i get no nvidia devices present and fatal eror104
[10:14] <justin_> so how do i use this to add deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu gutsy main to my sources.lst
[10:14] <Lynoure> !aptfix
[10:14] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[10:15] <wietse> then i tried 'sudo apt-get install audacity' which then said: ' E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)
[10:15] <wietse> E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?
[10:15] <wietse> '
[10:15] <Lynoure> wietse: see what ubutu said...
[10:15] <wietse> ok trying
[10:15] <ubuntu> and kubunt wont start with my onboard card now
[10:16] <wietse> ' Errors were encountered while processing:
[10:16] <wietse> chillispot
[10:16] <wietse> '
[10:16] <wietse> will i need to reboot?
[10:18] <Lynoure> wietse: no. just something wrong in the chillispot, reboot won't make a difference
[10:18] <wietse> ok thanks ubotu and Lynoure, i think its working again :-)
[10:19] <ubuntu> can someone tell me how to configure xorg to get my nvidia card to work,when i boot i get kubuntu logo screen with progress bar but command prompt after that
[10:20] <_hufi_> seems that quakenet is down
[10:20] <jussi01> ubuntu: try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
[10:20] <ubuntu> thanx
[10:23] <ubuntu> but i have 1 problem:im on my onboard video card now because kubuntu wont boot with nvidia
[10:24] <ubuntu> it detected my onboard card but not nvidia because i swithed them in my bios in order to boot
[10:25] <surgy> my yoda widget wont speak any ideas?
[10:25] <jussi01> surgy: kde 3 or 4?
[10:26] <surgy> 4
[10:26] <jussi01> surgy: kde4 help in #kubuntu-kde4
[10:26] <surgy> wait
[10:26] <surgy> kubuntu 7.10 comes standard with kde4 right?
[10:26] <jussi01> nope
[10:26] <surgy> then im on 3
[10:27] <jpatrick> !kde4 > surgy
[10:28] <surgy> ok so i need two things i need to make my yoda talk and i need to get a working weather widget for superkaramba, and i tried there channel its more stagnent than a sesspool
[10:28] <jpatrick> surgy: look for Liquid Weather on kde-look.org
[10:29] <surgy> ok thank you
[10:29] <surgy> and that will work with superkaramba?
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[10:37] <_hufi_> how i can copy a decrypted dvd?
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[10:39] <wietse> hi ubotu and Lynoure, sorry i'm back, but i ran the adept updater, which said after it downloaded the updates gave an error, saying there were some errors with packages or something and now the same problem occurs when trying to start either the adept manager or adept updater. Any suggestions how i can fix this forever?
[10:39] <jpatrick> !dvd | _hufi_
[10:39] <ubotu> _hufi_: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs
[10:43] <unggnu> hi all
[10:43] <unggnu> Does anyone know how to add APs to knetworkmanager with a script?
[10:44] <ksweeley> Hello, I cannot get FireFox to open in Kubuntu.
[10:44] <unggnu> ksweeley, Den aus den Quellen oder den von Mozilla?
[10:45] <ksweeley> I go to the K-Menu then to Internet then to Firefox and I click on it and it will not open.
[10:45] <llutz> ksweeley: open a konsole, type "firefox" and watch messages for errors
[10:45] <unggnu> ksweeley, Start konsole and insert firefox
[10:45] <unggnu> :)
[10:46] <ksweeley> Okay, I did that, I get: "/usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_once_init_enter_impl"
[10:47] <ksweeley> Every other programs work with the exception of Firefox.
[10:49] <llutz> ksweeley: sudo ldconfig
[10:49] <gorlak> i have a question, whats the command to list what program is accessing/using a certain directory, i keep trying to do a apt-get install, and its telling me it cant lock the download dir
[10:49] <llutz> ksweeley: then try again
[10:50] <ksweeley> Okay, I did the command in the Konsole, typed in my password, Firefox still will not open.
[10:50] <llutz> ksweeley: one more: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib ; sudo ldconfig
[10:51] <llutz> ksweeley: then firefox again
[10:51] <ksweeley> llutz: Okay, entered that command, Firefox still will not work.
[10:52] <llutz> ksweeley: that's odd, sorry no idea then
[10:53] <ksweeley> Damn, because when I click on Firefox, it shows up for a few seconds on the taskbar with the other programs I have open and then it just disappears, does not open.
[10:54] <jussi01> ksweeley: have you looked to see if there is a firefox process running?
[10:54] <ksweeley> How do I do that?
[10:54] <Sbucatone> hello what is command to get kernel iformation ?
[10:54] <llutz> Sbucatone: uname -r
[10:54] <llutz> ksweeley: pgrep firefox-bin
[10:55] <ksweeley> Nothing shows up: "ksweeley@ksweeley-desktop:~$ pgrep firefox-bin
[10:55] <ksweeley> ksweeley@ksweeley-desktop:~$"
[10:55] <llutz> so none running
[10:55] <Sbucatone> llutz: thank!you!!
[10:55] <ksweeley> No, and when I try running it, it will not open.
[10:57] <llutz> ksweeley: ldd /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin |grep gdk
[10:57] <ksweeley> "root@ksweeley-desktop:~# ldd /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin |grep gdk
[10:57] <ksweeley> libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0 => /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0 (0x00002b28307b5000)
[10:57] <ksweeley> libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0 => /usr/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0 (0x00002b28317d4000)"
[10:58] <llutz> ksweeley: apt-cache policy firefox|grep -i install
[10:59] <ksweeley> "root@ksweeley-desktop:~# apt-cache policy firefox|grep -i install
[10:59] <ksweeley> Installed:"
[10:59] <wietse> hiya
[10:59] <wietse> i'm trying to install audacity using adept manager
[10:59] <wietse> it comes up with error:
[10:59] <llutz> ksweeley: apt-cache policy libgtk2.0-0 |grep -i install
[11:00] <ksweeley> "root@ksweeley-desktop:~# apt-cache policy libgtk2.0-0 |grep -i install
[11:00] <ksweeley> Installed: 2.12.0-1ubuntu3"
[11:00] <llutz> ksweeley: same versions here. </end of ideas>
[11:00] <Sbucatone> :) hey i have a problem with my webcam i suppose i have not chance ....http://www.qbik.ch/usb/devices/showdev.php?id=875
[11:01] <Sbucatone> any idea?
[11:01] <ksweeley> Well, what's really weird llutz is I just downloaded Firefox from the official website, extracted the files onto the desktop and when I run "firefox" from the extracted files, it works.
[11:02] <slow-motion> hi
[11:02] <jussi01> Hmmm, Im trying to draw a circle in krite, but I want the line slightly thicker, any ideas how to do thatP?
[11:03] <llutz> ksweeley: try "sudo aptitude reinstall firefox"
[11:03] <jussi01> krita*
[11:04] <ksweeley> Okay, did that, still will not open from the K-Menu.
[11:04] <jussi01> nm, got it
[11:04] <llutz> ksweeley: try "sudo aptitude reinstall libgtk2.0-0 " too
[11:05] <davebv> Hi! I have a problem hehe
[11:05] <davebv> I added the repo for the kde4 (the ppa one)
[11:05] <ksweeley> Okay, did that command, still will not open through the K-Menu.
[11:06] <hola> hi, why i have to create a ppp0 interface in order to connect to internet by my adsl modem?
[11:06] <llutz> ksweeley: then use the one from mozilla.org :) no, there should be a solution, but unfortunately i dont know where :(
[11:07] <davebv> and I did update and dist-upgrade, so kdebase and some other packages were upgraded. And then, when I plug usb devices nothing happens, I use amarok to sync my ipod, and it was detected before but not now
[11:07] <wietse> i seem to be unable to run updates/ installs using adept manager/ updater. i've added the output from adept manager when trying to install audacity here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52750/
[11:07] <wietse> can anyone help?
[11:07] <ksweeley> Okay, yes, the "firefox" file from the extracted files that I downloaded from getfirefox.org works and bookmarking and stuff also works.
[11:08] <ksweeley> Very strange that Firefox won't work by going to the K-Menu but it does work when I click on the "firefox" file from the extracted files.
[11:09] <davebv> I configure amarok to autodetect devices and a message pops up: No new media devices were found. If you feel this is an error, ensure that the DBUS and HAL daemons are running and KDE was built with support for them. You can test this by running "dcop kded mediamanager fullList" in a Konsole window
[11:10] <ksweeley> Well, thanks for trying to help llutz.
[11:10] <llutz> np
[11:11] <hola> hi, why i have to create a ppp0 interface in order to connect to internet by my adsl modem?
[11:11] <llutz> hola: because you need a device to "talk" to your modem via pppoe
[11:11] <ksweeley> One more thing, how do I get Flash to work in Firefox and Konquerer?
[11:12] <llutz> ksweeley: flashplugin-nonfree, but it's broken atm
[11:12] <ksweeley> Damn... Most of the sites I use requires Flash, any clue on when it will be fixed?
[11:13] <kreib> in kde4 , how do you save the session, so that the same programs starts automagically on next boot
[11:13] <hola> llutz: my question is...why is not possibile only with my internal ethernet device?
[11:14] <serg> Hi. When i nstall NVIDA driver un Kubuntu 7.04 and start graphics session by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Backspace everything works fine. But when i reboot black screen appears, system freezes and don't want to start. What tis the reason or how to determine it?
[11:14] <llutz> hola you connect modem -> int. ethernet, but you need ppp to "talk" to your modem not ethernet, so a ppp-device is needed
[11:14] <ksweeley> Do you know when Flash will be fixed?
[11:15] <llutz> ksweeley: they said "soon" :(
[11:15] <ksweeley> Well, that makes no sense. Most websites these days requires Flash.
[11:15] <llutz> !flash
[11:16] <ubotu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[11:16] <ubotu> The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.
[11:16] <hola> llutz: ok tnk
[11:16] <davebv> can anybody help me? is anybody experiencing the same issue? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52752/
[11:18] <JoshOvki> morning
[11:19] <_hufi_> whats youre Problem?
[11:20] <JoshOvki> i havnt got one. Here to help :)
[11:21] <wietse> i seem to be unable to run updates/ installs using adept manager/ updater. i've added the output from adept manager when trying to install audacity here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52750/
[11:21] <wietse> can anyone help?
[11:22] <jpatrick> wietse: try "sudo apt-get install -f" from the command line
[11:22] <wietse> ok
[11:23] <davebv> _hufi_: was that for me?
[11:25] <wietse> jpatrick: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52753/
[11:26] <jpatrick> !aptfix | wietse
[11:26] <ubotu> wietse: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[11:26] <wietse> ok
[11:27] <bazhang> davebv: this is a kde4 issue?
[11:27] <wietse> wietse@snor:~$ sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a
[11:27] <wietse> Setting up audacity (1.3.3-1build1) ...
[11:27] <wietse> Setting up chillispot (1.0-6ubuntu1) ...
[11:27] <wietse> debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable
[11:27] <wietse> dpkg: error processing chillispot (--configure):
[11:27] <wietse> subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
[11:27] <wietse> Errors were encountered while processing:
[11:27] <wietse> chillispot
[11:28] <wietse> oops
[11:28] <wietse> sorry
[11:28] <jussi01> !paste > wietse
[11:28] <davebv> bazhang: I don't really know, I think is a problem when compiling the packages, it happens when I am on KDE3
[11:29] <jpatrick> wietse: I don't know what /var/cache/debconf/config.dat does...
[11:29] <davebv> i don't mean I compiled the packages, I am using from the repos: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu gutsy main
[11:29] <MaskedOne> why is it Kubuntu is taking 800k memory when all I'm running is this program?
[11:29] <bazhang> #kubuntu-kde4 may help with that davebv
[11:30] <davebv> bazhang: ok, thank you! I will try there
[11:30] <bazhang> MaskedOne: open up konsole and type top and see for yourself
[11:31] <MaskedOne> looks less helpfull than ksysmonitor lol
[11:31] <jpatrick> wietse: maybe: "sudo fuser -vki /var/cache/debconf/config.dat"
[11:31] <wietse> ok i'll try that
[11:31] <bazhang> MaskedOne: then install htop
[11:32] <MaskedOne> installing gnome system monitor just for kicks and giggles right now
[11:32] <bazhang> !info htop
[11:32] <ubotu> htop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.6-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 45 kB, installed size 176 kB
[11:32] <wietse> jpatrick: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52755/
[11:33] <wietse> it did the same before
[11:33] <wietse> when trying 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'
[11:34] <MaskedOne> wth? lol
[11:34] <MaskedOne> System Monitor and Htop report 151k used whilst KsysGuard reports 900k?
[11:34] <nuyao> hello, is it possible to give java apps the QT look & feel?
[11:35] <MaskedOne> I take it SysGuard is buggy? lol
[11:35] <jel> hi all :)
[11:35] <jel> What's the best way to disable the shift-backspace combination? It's driving me nuts :)
[11:35] <jpatrick> jel: killing X?
[11:39] <kozz> jel: adding "DontZap" to xorg.conf
[11:39] <jpatrick> kozz: ahh, I read "describe"
[11:39] <MaskedOne> so anyone have a clue ath is wrong with my sysmonitor?
[11:40] <jel> I still want Ctrl-Alt-Del to work though
[11:40] <jussi01> MaskedOne: the difference between 151k and 900k is hardly worth worrying about...
[11:41] <MaskedOne> um your saying 700mb of ram isnt worth worrying about?
[11:41] <MaskedOne> Do you have 5g ram or something? lol
[11:41] <jussi01> MaskedOne: mb? you talking mb or k?
[11:41] <MaskedOne> K being thousands
[11:41] <Tm_T> kilo
[11:41] <Cavallo> is there any svn addon for konqueror to use svn command directly from konqueror ?
[11:41] <MaskedOne> so would be 151,000kb and 900,000kb
[11:42] <MaskedOne> therefore 151mb and 900mb
[11:42] <kozz> Cavallo: kdesvn
[11:42] <MaskedOne> big difference lol
[11:42] <jussi01> MaskedOne: ahh, now you explain better... I naturally assumed k=kilobyes...
[11:42] <jussi01> lol
[11:42] <MaskedOne> sorry my bad lol
[11:42] <travlr> Hi. I have a question about kde4 showing in the kde3 kdm menu... I built kde4 from source and have a kde4.desktop in /usr/share/xsessions/ but "KDE 4" is not showing in the kdm menu. Any help appreciated. Thanks...
[11:42] <MaskedOne> so any clue whats up with KSysGuard? lol
[11:42] <Cavallo> kozz: I have it but in konqueror is not shown any option for svn
[11:42] <jussi01> travlr: kde4 support -> #kubuntu-kde4
[11:43] <travlr> @jussi01: thank you.
[11:43] <jussi01> :)
[11:44] <jussi01> MaskedOne: not sure, tho I do remember someone once saying something about "reserved memory" but you would need to google that more...
[11:44] <MaskedOne> hmm ok
[11:45] <MaskedOne> Since I have ya on any clue why when i open something such as Add/Remove (adept installer) it opens it fine but then decides to still think it is opening one and has a minimized windows with hourglass and bouncy thing going?
[11:45] <jussi01> MaskedOne: yeah, just means its still loading some element of it in the background. I think you can turn it off
[11:45] <jussi01> the same as the little bouncy thing
[11:46] <MaskedOne> lol, so any clue how to turn it off?
[11:46] <MaskedOne> cause when im showing Kubuntu to family and it does that they look at me like it is broke, and it serves no function to me anyway
[11:46] <cn28h> I just installed Gutsy and now sound in tvtime doesn't work (though sound in general does). I've investigated all volume controls and I know it's plugged in correctly because the sound worked before I installed The sound only sticks at 99% or 100% in tvtime and I can't adjust it. Any ideas?
[11:46] <jussi01> MaskedOne: system settings -> keyboard and mouse -> mouse -> untick visual activatiion blah blah
[11:46] <cn28h> It was working before on Edgy
[11:47] <kozz> Cavallo: kubuntu 7.10?
[11:47] <jussi01> cn28h: type alsamixer in konsole and make sure everything is unmuted
[11:47] <MaskedOne> visual feedback on activation?
[11:47] <jussi01> MaskedOne: yeah
[11:47] <MaskedOne> did so and it changed nothing, unless it requires restart?
[11:47] <cn28h> jussi01, that's what I meant by investigated all volume controls
[11:47] <jussi01> cn28h: ahh, ok
[11:48] <cn28h> jussi01, there seems to be a deeper problem, as the sound controls within tvtime won't adjust to any value other than 99% or 100% volume
[11:48] <cn28h> I had a similar problem in xmms before when I built a kernel w/o OSS support and tried using OSS
[11:48] <cn28h> hm, I wonder if tvtime uses OSS
[11:49] <cn28h> bah, looks like it does
[11:49] <jussi01> cn28h: that is certainly something worth checking
[11:49] <cn28h> I'm guesing that's the problem
[11:49] <jussi01> there is the issue :D
[11:49] <MaskedOne> im just glad it was a sysguard funk, cause i didnt wanna have to go back to gnome lol
[11:50] <jussi01> lol
[11:51] <MaskedOne> well time to go, thanks Juss!
[11:54] <icewaterman> anyone using qemu?
[11:54] <icewaterman> i'd like to know if accelerator module works correctly on ubuntu
=== Sbucatone is now known as Sbucat
[12:09] <service> hi there. how do i uninstall all the gnome applications
[12:09] <service> ?
[12:09] <jpatrick> !purekde | service
[12:09] <ubotu> service: purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »
[12:09] <service> thanks
[12:11] <service> and one other problem
[12:11] <service> at home i can't make the gui work. i have nvidia 8800 gt.
[12:12] <ubuntu> hi,can someone give me advice on how big partitions should be for 40gig hd,i know size for /,/home,/swap and /temp,can i get recomandations for /srv,/var,/opt,or is it better not to make seperate partitions for them?
[12:12] <service> i tryed gutsy feisty and edgy but still couldn't do it. i installed the drivers from nvidia in text mode but xorg doesn't start
[12:12] <jpatrick> service: tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?
[12:13] <service> yes
[12:13] <service> no result
[12:13] <jpatrick> service: maybe "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"
[12:13] <service> i did that
[12:13] <service> i used nano to modify xorg.conf
[12:13] <service> but i can't get the image start
[12:13] <service> even the boot dvd starts in text mode
[12:14] <jpatrick> service: what does "startx" give?
[12:14] <service> i haven't tried that :D
[12:15] <service> i googled 8800 gt driver issues but still can't fix it
[12:15] <service> i feel like i'm dying
[12:16] <jpatrick> and try looking in /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[12:19] <selene> hi i m having probs with knetworkmanager, wireless networks do not show up and even manually configuring isn't helping anymore .. i have AR5007EG (wireless card)
[12:20] <service> another question? which is the command to find a running process? grep|proc kopete......?
[12:22] <sui> selene: the driver foryour card loaded properly?
[12:23] <selene> yeah.. it working this morning and then it stopped..
[12:24] <sui> selene: i had solved a weird problem with knetworkmanager yesterday. take a look at your /etc/network/interfaces - are there any entries?
[12:25] <selene> hmm yes .. i have beeen googling this prob too and it was mentioned sumwhere to change sumthin there but that hasnt helped :(
[12:25] <aurax> elkbuntu you idiot :)
[12:26] <MichaelSammels> When I try to mount my USB Flash Drive in Kubuntu 6.06 it says that it couldn't execute pmount.
[12:26] <selene> sui: yes
[12:26] <sui> selene: remove all entries in your /etc/network/interfaces and save the file. this should solve your problem
[12:27] <selene> hmmm ok..
[12:27] * selene will be back..
[12:28] <serg> hi help me please http://pastebin.org/16175
[12:29] <duki> hello
[12:30] <aurax> elkbuntu you tiny faggot
[12:30] <aurax> ;)
[12:30] <aurax> haha
[12:31] <bazhang> aurax stop
[12:32] <DreadKnight> xD
[12:32] <oscar> is there supposed to be a map called "system" in root?
[12:33] <oscar> folder*
[12:33] <selene> sui: waaah!
[12:33] <oscar> ?
[12:33] <sui> selene: does it work?
[12:34] <selene> no :'(
[12:34] <oscar> becouse, my kdm is really really fucked up right now. Is there anyway to repair?
[12:34] <duki> I installed ubuntu to a friend, before it was using windows, he was able to open a to fill a xpdf form zith explorer, but now with kubuntu he cqn just open it but not fill it .
[12:34] <duki> is there any solution to this problem?
[12:34] <bazhang> using firefox duki?
[12:35] <duki> bazhang: yes he is using firefox
[12:35] <sui> selene: what's the error you get when you try to use your wireless connection?
[12:35] <duki> bazhang: and the doc is opened with xpdf but cannot fill it
[12:35] <jussi01> !ohmy | oscar
[12:35] <bazhang> duki: there is a firefox addon called user agent switcher that may help there--it makes firefox appear as vista/ie
[12:35] <oscar> jussi01: what?
[12:36] <ubotu> oscar: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[12:36] <selene> nuthin..they don't show..so i try to set things manually but it still ain't working
[12:36] <bazhang> language oscar
[12:36] <oscar> oh, sorry
[12:36] <oscar> I meant, everything is a mess and i dont know how to fix it :(
[12:37] <oscar> I cant even set a desktop wallpaper
[12:37] <bazhang> duki: how about using acroread
[12:37] <sui> selene: are you able to scan wifi networks with iwlist $device (eth1 mostly) scan?
[12:37] <Distance66> Linux doesn't do so well with bluetooth keyboard/mice does it
[12:37] <selene> yeah..
[12:38] <Scubar> hi
[12:39] <duki> bazhang: I shall install it
[12:39] <Scubar> how can i run i386 apps on an x64 install ?
[12:40] <Scubar> tryna install opera on the x64 version and it doesnt work
[12:41] <CppIsWeird> i deleted a bunch of files, about 500mb or so, and i dont see anything in trash or anywhere else and i have only 1mb of free space, how come?
[12:41] <bin4ry> hey together
[12:43] <Creationist> I'm trying to trace an IP address that has left me a few somewhat threatening comments on my blog. I have traced it thus far to a Comcast account in my state, but when I try talking to Comcast about it, they claim they have absolutely no way of tracing it. What can I do?
[12:43] <sipri> moi
[12:44] <sipri> mitäs ootte puuhaiilu
[12:44] <jussi01> !fi | sipri
[12:44] <ubotu> sipri: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi
[12:44] <Distance66> Just ban the IP, I wouldn't worry about it
[12:46] <bin4ry> i got a tiny problem: i tried to install a self compiled kernel from kernel.org. Evrything was fine but then i wanted to delete it since it was pretty huge. Looks like i didnt delete the whole kernel, because im getting problems with dpkg:
[12:46] <sui> hoert La Tortuga von Jaramar vom Album Native American Odyssey
[12:46] <bin4ry> update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-
[12:46] <bin4ry> Cannot find /lib/modules/
[12:46] <bin4ry> update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-
[12:46] <bin4ry> dpkg: Unterprozess post-installation script gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück
[12:46] <bin4ry> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)
[12:47] <sui> *hups* wrong window :)
[12:47] <jussi01> !paste | bin4ry
[12:47] <ubotu> bin4ry: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[12:47] <bin4ry> sry dude
[12:48] <bin4ry> a dpkg --configure -a didnt help either
[12:48] <bin4ry> so what am i supposed to do
[12:51] <jussi01> bin4ry: have you tried sudo apt-get install -f ??
[12:52] <bin4ry> yes, i'm still getting the error messages
[12:54] <CppIsWeird> i deleted a bunch of files, about 500mb or so, and i dont see anything in trash or anywhere else and i have only 1mb of free space, how come?
[12:56] <jussi01> CppIsWeird: have a look in .trash in you home dir
[12:57] <CppIsWeird> "and i dont see anything in trash"
[13:00] <CppIsWeird> i deleted a bunch of files, about 500mb or so, and i dont see anything in trash or anywhere else and i have only 1mb of free space, how come?
[13:02] <SlimeyPe1e> CppIsWeird: are you sure that the files were located on the volume which you are trying to free up?
[13:02] <SlimeyPe1e> also if you use the commandline to delete files they won't appear in the trash
=== SlimeyPe1e is now known as SlimeyPete
[13:03] <WaltzingAlong> delete deletes files. move to trash moves them to the trash
=== sam__ is now known as the_phippster
=== the_phippster is now known as stothepizzle
[13:11] <RogueJediX> Is there a command in Linux that lets you format stuff in FAT32?
[13:14] <SlimeyPete> RogueJediX: mkfs will do it, but I think you have tospecify fat32
[13:14] <SlimeyPete> can't remember how
[13:14] <RogueJediX> Thanks, SlimeyPete, I'll fiddle around
[13:15] <SlimeyPete> actually I think the command is mkdosfs
[13:15] <SlimeyPete> with a commandline flag of some kind
[13:15] <RogueJediX> -F32, I guess
[13:15] <SlimeyPete> sounds about right.
[13:19] <martin_> !fr
[13:19] <ubotu> Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.
[13:26] <blind_guardian> hello
[13:27] <slow-motion> bbl
[13:27] <blind_guardian> does all linux distrub have problem with ai ?
[13:27] <blind_guardian> ati*
[13:28] <unclemike> ? besides kde and gnome is there any difference between kubuntu and ubuntu
=== TimS is now known as TimS|Away
[13:28] <SlimeyPete> blind_guardian: the ati drivers are not currently very good
[13:28] <SlimeyPete> so yes, ATI is generally a problem on Linux though it's by no means impossible to get an ATI card to work properly
[13:29] <blind_guardian> SlimeyPete: yes really i can't play game and my carte can't support opengl
[13:29] <SlimeyPete> unclemike: different apps installed by default
[13:29] <SlimeyPete> blind_guardian: did you install the restricted drivers, or did you just stick with the default ones?
[13:30] <unclemike> ok
[13:30] <blind_guardian> SlimeyPete: i use fglrx
[13:30] <SlimeyPete> ah right, yeah that's the restricted driver, it's the most functional.
[13:30] <SlimeyPete> if it doesn't support opengl with your card then I'm afraid you're out of options
[13:30] <blind_guardian> SlimeyPete: for compiz and metisse it's good
[13:31] <unclemike> get nvidia card
[13:31] <pinguhuhu> hi
[13:33] <ruslan> hi,imtrying to install nvidia drivers,i need to kill xserver,can someone tell me how to do that,i tried google those methods dont work
=== federico is now known as CrashOverflow
[13:33] <blind_guardian> SlimeyPete: wait i saw you the frames
[13:33] <Dannilion> Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, ruslan
[13:34] <blind_guardian> 24982 frames in 5.0 second = 4990.884 fps
[13:34] <blind_guardian> SlimeyPete: 24982 frames in 5.0 second = 4990.884 fps
[13:34] <pinguhuhu> I want to slow down the speed of me mouse but xset m 1/2 don't work and in xorg.conf in Section "input defice" Option "Resolution" "400" isn't effective too, want can I do ?
[13:34] <blind_guardian> SlimeyPete: really too bad
[13:35] <buzukelis> yrhy
[13:35] <ruslan> i have mac keybord,is it ctrl alt and delete?if so,that doesnt work
[13:35] <blind_guardian> SlimeyPete: what the nvidia version that verry compatible with all dist linux
[13:37] <SlimeyPete> blind_guardian: most nvidia cards have excellent linux compatibility
[13:38] <blind_guardian> SlimeyPete: 7900 gs ??
[13:38] <SlimeyPete> 6600 or 7600 work well, and I think the 8-series cards are quite well-supported now
[13:38] <SlimeyPete> yes, I think that will work OK.
[13:38] <bazhang> blind_guardian: 7300
[13:38] <SlimeyPete> I don't have one myself though.
[13:38] <blind_guardian> bazhang SlimeyPete thanks
[13:39] <CrashOverflow> KDE4 - rulez
[13:39] <bazhang> no worries
[13:39] <CrashOverflow> *KDE4 RuLeZ
[13:39] <blind_guardian> SlimeyPete: but befor install must desinstall ati driver and what again?
[13:40] <tinel> Hi all, I need help for my integrated webcam. My notebook is a PackardBell Easynote mx, the webcam is recognised as an usb device called "usb camera 2.0" and i know it's built by ali corp. I really know that it will be an hard work! Any help will be appreciated!!!
[13:40] <bazhang> what system is default on the easynote tinel
[13:41] <tinel> windows xp
[13:41] <duki> I am not used to pdf documets, I can open it with kpdf but cannot fill the fields of the form
[13:41] <SlimeyPete> blind_guardian: yeah, good idea
[13:41] <duki> is it possible to fill them?
[13:42] <SlimeyPete> tinel: does lsusb show any more information?
[13:42] <SlimeyPete> just a thought.
[13:42] <blind_guardian> SlimeyPete: and what after install it befor make in pc or make and after install it ?
[13:42] <blind_guardian> SlimeyPete: cause linux different
[13:42] <SlimeyPete> blind_guardian: install after
[13:43] <blind_guardian> SlimeyPete: but if i have black screen ?
[13:43] <blind_guardian> SlimeyPete: console mode
[13:43] <SlimeyPete> you won't. You'll see the console.
[13:43] <ruslan> i,im new to linux,need help installing nvidia,need to kill xserver,sudo killall gdm doesnt work,can someone help,thanx
[13:43] <SlimeyPete> ruslan: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
[13:43] <SlimeyPete> ruslan: or sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop if you use kdm
[13:44] <kreib> !ripping
[13:44] <ubotu> To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar; it's configurable in system settings. Also see http://tinyurl.com/2x7qsh
[13:44] <ruslan> i just instaled kubuntu,do i have kdm?
[13:44] <SlimeyPete> blind_guardian: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=606905 <-- instructions for installing from command line
[13:44] <SlimeyPete> ruslan: yes you have kdm
[13:45] <SlimeyPete> kdm is the default.
[13:45] <ruslan> thanx,im gonna try it
[13:45] <blind_guardian> SlimeyPete: thanks a lot
[13:48] <tinel_>
[13:48] <jpatrick> tinel_: hi
[13:49] <tinel_> hi
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[13:57] <CppIsWeird> i sent a bunch of stuff to my trash to free up some space, however it is neither in my trash nor where it was. It says i have 1mb of freespace when i deleted about 500mb of stuff, anyone have any ideas?
[13:57] <rus1> i have a question about nvidia,i cant install it it says i need libc package,can anyone tell me which one i need cause there is about 100 different once
=== disca is now known as Benzocaino
[13:59] <Benzocaino> save a tutti, a chi posso fare una domanda sull'installazione di Kubuntu 7.10?
[13:59] <jpatrick> !it | Benzocaino
[13:59] <ubotu> Benzocaino: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
[14:00] <rus1> i need help with libc package for nvidia,dont know which package the right one
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[14:02] <Dragnslcr> CppIsWeird- try checking ~/.local/share/Trash/files/
[14:04] <rus1> hi,new to linux need help with libc package for nvidia,thanx
[14:05] <kreib> !dvdripping
[14:05] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about dvdripping - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[14:05] <kreib> !dvd
[14:05] <ubotu> For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs
[14:06] <jpatrick> !botabuse > kreib (talk to the bot in private for testing)
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[14:06] <rus1> can some plese help vith nvidia instalation
[14:07] <hola> my system menu in kde menu is cahnged. How to return to the default one
[14:08] <hola> my system setting in kde menu is cahnged. How to return to the default one
[14:08] <jpatrick> !repeat > hola
[14:08] <jpatrick> hola: use kmenuedit
[14:10] <hola> jpatrick: the problem is that system setting category is changed, is appers differnter respet to the default
[14:13] <rus1> i need hel instaling nvidia,need libc package and dont know which one to use
[14:17] <SlimeyPete> rus1: libc6-dev
[14:17] <SlimeyPete> (I think)
[14:18] <rus1> thanx,apriciate it,been instaling nvidia now for 5 hours
[14:18] <tion> hola
[14:19] <hola> tion: tell me
[14:19] <SlimeyPete> rus1: aren't you using the nvidia packages from apt?
[14:20] <SlimeyPete> you should use those rather than the file from the nvidia website
[14:21] <rus1> i heard nvidia ones are better
[14:21] <SlimeyPete> rus1: more up-to-date but harder to install and also you will lose your drivers if a system update updates your kernel
[14:21] <hola> the problem is that system setting category is changed, is appers differnter respet to the default
[14:22] <rus1> im new to linux,but i read that updates make system slower like in windows
[14:23] <SlimeyPete> that's not true
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[14:24] <snarkster> rus1: that is absolutely not true
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[14:24] <rus1> and 2 times i tried to update i get erors,not all pakages install
[14:25] <rus1> so would linux run better with updates?
[14:25] <snarkster> are you using adept or apt?
[14:25] <jussi01> !away > TimS
[14:25] <snarkster> what are you using to install your updates?
[14:26] <rus1> adept updater
[14:26] <snarkster> and which updates are missing?
[14:26] <snarkster> could be a dependency problem
[14:27] <snarkster> I use adept updater for updates and synaptic for installing software..
=== Anne_Onime is now known as schiste
[14:27] <snarkster> if you know which ones are missing you could try either apt-get install <packages> or adept installer
[14:27] <rus1> no last time i ran adept updater it,yeh i think it was dependency problems
[14:27] <jpatrick> or apt-get install -f
[14:28] <snarkster> apt-get install -f is alittle dangerous though
[14:28] <snarkster> cause you might not get the deps you need.
[14:29] <rus1> im wanna try update now,but dont wanna go through pains of reinstaling kubuntu if things go wrong
[14:29] <jpatrick> snarkster: that's the point of it
[14:29] <snarkster> true, but then it doesnt work. :)
[14:30] <snarkster> synaptic has fix broken packages, dont know if adept has that
[14:30] <rus1> so if dependencies problem ocurs my system is doomed?
[14:32] <snarkster> no its not doomed. LOL
[14:32] <snarkster> just some things wont work right or at all.
[14:32] <snarkster> might have to manually install some packages..
[14:32] <snarkster> of course Im an old RPM kinda guy and new to debs.. not sure how that works
[14:32] <rus1> sorry for alot of questions,but im trying hard to leave windows,since i cant afford a mac i figured linux is next best thing
[14:33] <snarkster> yup it is, but a new way of thinking as well.
[14:33] <snarkster> BTW welcome to Linux..
[14:34] <Dragnslcr> From the normal user's view, deb and rpm work the same
[14:34] <rus1> i like linux,but installing things could be easier,like pakages in osx
[14:34] <snarkster> oh yah they do, install packages and such, just not sure of the command line
[14:34] <snarkster> rus1: it is if you get the debs on your desktop
[14:35] <rus1> is kubuntu most stable linux?
[14:35] <snarkster> then you just click them and the installer will begin
[14:35] <snarkster> rus1: no comment
[14:35] <Tm_T> rus1: depends, your mileage will vary etc
[14:35] <rus1> debs whats that?
[14:35] <snarkster> Oh my laptop locked up last night..
[14:35] <snarkster> strangest thing to..
[14:35] <Dragnslcr> rus1- installing stuff is easier in Kubuntu. You install everything right from Adept
[14:36] <snarkster> I did the alt-sysreq thing and it worked great
[14:36] <senio> i don't know what is best for me, kde, gnome, xfce, any sugestions?
[14:37] <Dragnslcr> rus1- it's very rare that you have to download packages from any web sites. Usually only for obscure programs or the occasional hardware-specific program
[14:37] <Tm_T> senio: try and see
[14:37] <Dragnslcr> senio- whichever one you like
[14:37] <giuseppe> Hi, do u know why when I turn off my notebook, it stays on?
[14:38] <senio> Tm_T: have this 3 + flux =]
[14:38] <senio> what's about lib's mixing (gtk apps in kde, and qt in gnome)?
[14:39] <rus1> i have another question,when i configure xserver-xorg,it tells me to type what kinda of video card i have,i have fx550 256mb pci,what command exactly should i type?
[14:40] <giuseppe> can you help about turn off?
[14:41] <Tm_T> senio: KDE3 & 4, XFCE, GNOME, WMaker etc etc
[14:42] <snarkster> time for work gents..
[14:42] <snarkster> later
[14:42] <karim> hi
[14:42] <senio> Tm_T: what's your's opinion about libs mixing?
[14:42] <Tm_T> senio: no problems
[14:42] <Tm_T> KDE <3
[14:42] <ubunturos> !hi | karim,\
[14:42] <ubotu> karim,\: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[14:43] <senio> thx.
[14:44] <giuseppe> anyone can help me about turn-off pc?
[14:44] <Tm_T> giuseppe: shutdown -P ?
[14:46] <giuseppe> Tm_T: hi, my problem is thaht when I try to turn-off my pc, after ending KDE my pc stays power-on
[14:46] <Tm_T> giuseppe: yes
[14:46] <sebbar> giuseppe: same happens here sometimes... are you running gutsy?
[14:47] <giuseppe> sebbar: yes I'm using kubuntu 7.10 gutsy
[14:48] <giuseppe> Tm_T: do you have any suggestion?
[14:56] <giuseppe> sebbar: so didn't solved the problem?
[14:58] <Schuenemann> !vm
[14:58] <ubotu> There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications
[14:59] <Schuenemann> which of those VM are free?
[14:59] <Schuenemann> oops
[15:00] <Dragnslcr> I think all of them except Cedega
[15:00] <Schuenemann> wasn't vmware paid?
[15:00] <Schuenemann> or one with a similar name
[15:01] <hola> is it possibile to connect a pc with virtual bx?
[15:04] <hola> some one uses virtualbox
[15:09] <hydrogen> how do I set the `designer` symlink to point to designer-qt4 instead of designer-qt3
[15:10] <Jucato> hydrogen: I think update-alternatives takes care of that (forgot the exact command to set it)
[15:10] <Jucato> sudo update-alternaives --config designer I think
[15:11] <hydrogen> kde-devel@Yes:~/kde/src/amarok/src/servicebrowser/ampache$ sudo update-alternatives --set designer /usr/bin/designer-qt4
[15:11] <hydrogen> seemed to work
[15:11] <hydrogen> thanks
[15:11] <hydrogen> :)
[15:11] <Jucato> there :)
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[15:15] <hamfrank> hello to anyone
[15:15] <sebbar> giuseppe: not really no...
[15:16] <hamfrank> bye
[15:25] <NIghtFire> hi
[15:25] <holz> hi
[15:27] <SKI_27_MI> hi! i'm giancarlo
[15:27] <NIghtFire> anybody here been successful in getting a Samsung YP-T9J mp3 player to work with any of the linux music programs ?
[15:28] <SKI_27_MI> anyone can help me about my soundcard configured but not working ?
[15:28] <NIghtFire> ski: would that be on a lappy ?
=== TimS is now known as TimS|Working
[15:31] <SKI_27_MI> i have an embedded sound card in my board
[15:31] <SKI_27_MI> i have installed kubuntu giusty
[15:31] <SKI_27_MI> and after installation the mixer work
[15:31] <SKI_27_MI> to set up the volume
[15:31] <SKI_27_MI> but i don't ear anithing
[15:32] <NIghtFire> ski: have you made sure that you have the right "linux" drivers ?
[15:32] <SKI_27_MI> kubuntu does not autoset linux driver ?
[15:32] <SKI_27_MI> in the previous release the audio work fine!
[15:32] <SKI_27_MI> ooohhhmmmm
[15:32] <SKI_27_MI> no no!
[15:33] <SKI_27_MI> error! i' have changed my motherboard from 1 month..so i cannot know if my sound card work on previous kubuntu releases
[15:33] <SKI_27_MI> but in each case the audio and other device ...set all automatic
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[15:34] <NIghtFire> ski: you may have to use the "ndiswrapper" system to make linux use the windows drivers.
[15:35] <SKI_27_MI> you can indicate me some guide online to do this ?
[15:38] <NIghtFire> ski: you could check google. You could also check there for possible location of linux drivers.
[15:38] <darwin> hi All
[15:39] <darwin> is there a way to speed up a winmodem ?
[15:39] <nicholai> this is really weird. since upgrading to gutsy, all grey text (in menus, in kate, in konversation etc) is extremely hard to read
[15:39] <nicholai> almost impossible
[15:39] <SKI_27_MI> yeah, i've found it
[15:39] <NIghtFire> ski: I have done this but only once and I am not sure I remember all the steps.
[15:39] <SKI_27_MI> thanx a lot!
[15:40] <NIghtFire> nichalai: you can change the color settings in Konversation probably the other programs too.
[15:41] <nicholai> nightfire: sure but why do I need to change the color settings in all my apps after the update?
[15:41] <nicholai> shaded entries desktop menus are also unreadable in the default color scheme. that's not normal
[15:42] <NIghtFire> nicholai: could be that you need to check to see if you have the right video driver in the newer version.
=== NIghtFire is now known as NightFire
[15:45] <nicholai> nightfire: system settings says I'm using ATI and that's what in my xonfig. that's correct
[15:46] <fllszbrnc> irc://irc.p2p-irc.org/gtn
[15:46] <NightFire> nicholai: then I am not sure
[15:49] <NightFire> Nicholai: have you checked the appearance tab under system preferances ?
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[15:51] <nicholai> nightfire: yes
[15:53] <nicholai> nightfire: this guy seem to have the same issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4159315
[15:56] <NightFire> Anyone here know what settings I use in Open office to send faxes?
[15:57] <JoshOvki> NightFire: Have you looked at the help in OpenOffice?
[15:58] <root_> hello,im new to linux,finaly after 2 days i managed to install nvidia mow its working but,when i go to restart system there is now restart or shutdown i only see logout,and when i do it takes me to command prompt,if i reboot i go to comand prompt,startx dont work,only thing that i can do is install nvidia driver again in order to login in to gui
[16:00] <NightFire> root: look under restricted drivers.
[16:01] <JoshOvki> root_ after you have looked under the restricted drivers take a look at this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=312327
[16:01] <root_> yeh but with restricted drivers i dont get nvidia control panel,and 3d
[16:02] <root_> thanx,thats exectly my problem,thanx alot
[16:07] <petina> hello
[16:08] <JoshOvki> hi petina
[16:09] <petina> i'm going to be a math major in university, and i'm wondering whether anyone knows anything about different math software, mainly for linux... but if anyone has advice for windows too i suppose that would be great :)
[16:09] <petina> i currently have ChemSketch (windows), Mathematica, and SAS
[16:10] <lucky_lucas> for matrix computation you may need scilab
[16:11] <petina> please explain what that is :)
[16:11] <zhangkai> mathematica for linux
[16:12] <petina> yep i was planning on getting that!
[16:12] <lucky_lucas> I can't explain very well I used just once or twice http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scilab
[16:13] <petina> okay thank you!
[16:13] <zhangkai> you can search Mathematica_V5.0_linux.tar.gz.
[16:14] <petina> what do you mean?
[16:14] <petina> i am waiting for the Scilab page to load, gotta love dial up :P
[16:19] <petina> this sseems pretty dead for so many people!
[16:27] <nicholai> great. problem solved. the ati xorg driver in gutsy was buggy
[16:27] <NightFire> nicholai: great
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=== girish is now known as mint2
[16:44] <randi_> wow
[16:44] <randi_> how can one normalize user management in kubuntu?
[16:45] <oreth> guys
[16:45] <oreth> i just installed kubuntu
[16:45] <oreth> rdowngraded from 8.04
[16:45] <oreth> to 7.10
[16:45] <oreth> everytime i load up Adept Manager its telling me that the database is locked
[16:45] <oreth> even if it's the first thing I do after reboot
[16:45] <randi_> does anyone know how to normalize the user and su in Kubuntu?
[16:46] <wassi> hey
[16:46] <randi_> to be linux style
[16:46] <wassi> I've got a little problem with Konqueror in combination with Openoffice...
[16:46] <wassi> I want to copy a french text from wikipedia to openoffice, but it can't do it correctly
[16:46] <wassi> seems to be an encoding issue
[16:47] <wassi> (can't deal with special french characters)
[16:47] <wassi> any ideas ?
[16:47] <oreth> no idea, mate
[16:47] <oreth> but then again
[16:47] <oreth> i'm no expert
[16:47] <wassi> me neither ;)
[16:47] <wassi> just switched to kubuntu 2 months ago
[16:48] <wassi> anyone knows whether it should be possible ?
[16:48] <wassi> so it may just be a configuration issue... ?
[16:49] <kozz> might also be the font, if it not has support for those characters
[16:55] <Daisuke_Ido> wassi: did you install the localization for OOo
[16:55] <Daisuke_Ido> i don't know if that would fix it, but hey, worth a shot
[16:55] <mint2> i am using kubuntu 7,10
[16:56] <Daisuke_Ido> mint2: congratulations
[16:56] <mint2> when i switch my external hard drive on, it shows up on the desktop
[16:56] <mint2> but when i click on it
[16:56] <mint2> i get hal-storage-removable-mour refused uid 1000
[16:56] <raptor_> speak french?
[16:56] <Daisuke_Ido> !mount
[16:56] <ubotu> Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter
[16:57] <Daisuke_Ido> meh... this is a common issue, i just don't remember how to fix it
[16:57] <Daisuke_Ido> try google?
[16:57] <mint2> hmm
[16:58] <raptor_> yo
=== Distance is now known as Distance66
[16:59] <Distance66> Hey guys
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[17:01] <matttis> hi
[17:01] <matttis> is there a countdown tool for (k)ubuntu ?
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[17:02] <neville> Ktimer
[17:02] <mint2> can anyone help to set my external hd
[17:02] <neville> Is that what you're after?
[17:02] <matttis> neville: maybe
[17:03] <jel> mint2: what's teh problem?
[17:03] <matttis> mint2: whats the problem ?
[17:03] <jel> *the
=== TimS|Working is now known as TimS
[17:03] <mint2> i am on kubuntu 7..10
[17:03] <mint2> and when i switch my external hd on
[17:04] <mint2> but when i click on it
[17:04] * jel has a bad feeling about this already :)
[17:04] <mint2> get hal-storage-removable-mour refused uid 1000
[17:05] <LjL> !info kdoomsday | matttis
[17:05] <ubotu> matttis: kdoomsday (source: kdoomsday): countdown timer panel applet for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-4.1 (gutsy), package size 37 kB, installed size 188 kB
[17:05] <LjL> !info kalarm | matttis
[17:05] <ubotu> matttis: kalarm (source: kdepim): KDE alarm message, command and email scheduler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.7enterprise20070926-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 669 kB, installed size 1924 kB
=== dominique is now known as UnMus
[17:05] <mint2> can anyone help
[17:05] <jel> mint2: try something like sudo addgroup yourusernamehere disk Then logout and back in
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[17:10] <wassi> daisuke: sorry, was away a bit...
[17:10] <wassi> i installed the german localization
[17:10] <wassi> should i install french one ?
[17:12] <mint2> exit
[17:13] <matttis> LjL: thx, kalarm seems to be the best one
[17:14] <LjL> !info kteatime | matttis, there's also this :)
[17:14] <ubotu> matttis, there's also this :): kteatime (source: kdetoys): KDE utility for making a fine cup of tea. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 95 kB, installed size 396 kB
[17:14] <biopod> hi everyone... is this is the place where i can cry about how kde4 messed my life?
[17:14] <LjL> !kde4 > biopod (biopod, see the private message from Ubotu)
[17:14] <biopod> :)
[17:14] <Five_star> what command would I enter to find out what version I'm running
[17:14] <matttis> LjL: well, no thanks, thats toooo special
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[17:15] <biopod> thanks
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[17:16] <Five_star> what would I do to go about finding out what version I'm running (as far as ubuntu goes)
[17:17] <Five_star> because apt said there was a distro update available but I could have sworn I downloaded 7.10
[17:20] <matttis> how do i search in my installed packages ?
[17:22] <matttis> I want to find out which package, listed with "sudo apt-cache search" are installed
[17:29] <NickPresta> matttis, `dpkg -l | grep "^ii"`
[17:30] <sipri> moi
[17:32] <Tm_T> sipri: moi
[17:36] <petina> hello
[17:36] <Distance66> Hey, is there a way to add a printer thats on another windows machine on the same network?
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[17:40] <NickPresta> Distance66, add the machine as you would normally, except the device location is a samba address (ie. smb://workgroup/COMPUTER/PRINTER). Check out !printer
[17:40] <NickPresta> !tell Distance66 about printer
[17:41] <xxpor> hey
[17:51] <draik> !wireless
[17:51] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[17:53] <draik> Has anyone had an issue where you can see the wireless AP, you know the pw, but you are not being connected?
[17:54] <thewhitepelican> has anyone run into this problem with the new gwenview for kde 4.0.0? When I right click on an image, there is no External tools menu
[17:56] <NickPresta> thewhitepelican, ask in #kubuntu-kde4
[17:57] <Jucato> thewhitepelican: most probably not yet implemented. but ask in #kubuntu-kde4 anyway
[17:58] <thewhitepelican> i just did
[17:58] <thewhitepelican> guess the whole prgram was rewritten
[17:58] <Jucato> lots of stuff aren't feature complete yet in 4.0 anyway
[17:59] <thewhitepelican> true
[17:59] <thewhitepelican> I notice that gimp 2.4.3 came out 4 days ago
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[17:59] <thewhitepelican> not in portage yet
[18:00] <jpatrick> thewhitepelican: this is a Kubuntu channel :)
[18:00] <thewhitepelican> true
[18:00] <thewhitepelican> it is
[18:00] <thewhitepelican> :)
[18:00] <applehypnosis> no biggy =]
[18:05] <kalos> hello everybody
[18:05] <applehypnosis> salutations kalos
[18:06] <applehypnosis> what it is
[18:06] <kalos> I'm new user of kubuntu, I'm cam back from opensuse, so, very well this kubuntu...
[18:06] <applehypnosis> nice to meet you kalos. you will enjoy it
[18:07] <applehypnosis> 6 month release schedule, kde4 in the pipes
[18:07] <applehypnosis> this is a high time to be here
[18:07] <kalos> ah
[18:07] <kalos> I've seen kde4, but I prefer 3.5
[18:07] <applehypnosis> ditto.
[18:07] <kalos> I think is better
[18:09] <applehypnosis> i wonder if kde4 will ever make kde3 like.. obsolete to the point where it's not worth using
[18:09] <applehypnosis> or if it will end up being like gallery, with a 2.0 and a 1.6 branch forever
[18:09] <applehypnosis> :S
[18:10] <kalos> I tryed
[18:10] <kalos> the kde4, with a live cd, but in my small display of my notebook, the
[18:10] <manuel__> does anybody know where is the repositorie for download konversation into kubuntu edgy???
[18:11] <kalos> it is better kde 3.5
[18:11] <jpatrick> !info konversation edgy | manuel__
[18:11] <ubotu> manuel__: konversation (source: konversation): user friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 5027 kB, installed size 12988 kB
[18:11] <manuel__> oh thanks so much
[18:12] <MaskedOne> So does aanyone here use a browser other than FireFox? I'm looking for something with decent features like tabs but that is quick (unlike FF)
[18:12] <blizzzek> re
[18:13] <applehypnosis> MaskedOne: konqueror is ok
[18:14] <MaskedOne> Ok, know of any AdBlock plugin for it?
[18:14] <MaskedOne> Main plugin I like with FF
[18:14] <jpatrick> MaskedOne: it's in the options
[18:14] <Freku> Opera works good too
[18:15] <draik> Has anyone received this error message with BCM43xx...
[18:15] <draik> Incomplete code in keymac_write() at /build/buildd/linux-source-2.6.22-2.6.22/drivers/net/wireless/bcm43xx/bcm43xx_main.c:1112
[18:15] <NickPresta> MaskedOne, I find Konqueror has all the (basic) feature that Firefox has. It is indeed faster too.
[18:15] <kalos> goodby
[18:16] <DFlame> Opera is nice, especially with the built in ad blocker
[18:16] <applehypnosis> oh yeah, completely forgot about theme
[18:16] <DFlame> you using ndiswrapper or the restricted drivers draik?
[18:16] <draik> DFlame: restricted
[18:16] <DFlame> I never got along with them, I would try ndiswrapper
[18:17] <draik> I followed the instructions for the restricted driver install
[18:17] <draik> How do I use ndiswrapper?
[18:17] <NickPresta> !ndiswrapper | draik
[18:17] <ubotu> draik: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[18:18] <draik> I only see it for AMD64
[18:18] <hola> i made a ping between tuo machine in the net, it works but telnet or rlog no, why?
[18:18] <MaskedOne> ah thanks, I'll switch to Konq then
[18:18] <number21pix> can anyone help me with rendering video?
[18:19] <number21pix> i cant render more than 10 minutes of video
[18:19] <DFlame> draik, ndiswrapper has pretty thorough instructions here
[18:19] <DFlame> http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/index.php?/component/option,com_openwiki/Itemid,33/id,installation/
[18:19] <NickPresta> draik, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper
[18:19] <jel> number21pix: what do you mean, rendering video? What are you doing? What's going wrong?
[18:20] <number21pix> i am using kdenlive-- but whenever i try to render, the computer crashes halfway through
[18:20] <number21pix> the same happens even on cinelerra
[18:22] <hola> ping works but not telnet or rsh, sameone can help me
[18:22] <number21pix> jel: i have renderd upto 10 min on kdenlive
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[18:25] <flamesage> Do you guys know if the KDE4 packages that were in the repos are going to be updated with the SVN?
[18:26] <jel> flamesage: don't see why not. BUT, the kubuntu packages are really bad compared to trunk right now.
[18:26] <JoshOvki> flamesage: thats the department of #kubunutu-kde4
[18:26] <martijn81> howto get nvidia working for nexius?
[18:26] <XBehave> will kde support multi pointer x in hardy?
[18:26] <hola> how i can enable the port for telnet, rsh etc
[18:27] <zhobbs> I'm having issues with video playback and xinerama...video will only play in my primary monitor
[18:27] <raptor_> quelqun parle frenchi?
[18:27] <XBehave> !fr
[18:27] <ubotu> Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.
[18:29] <ibou> hi
[18:29] <NickPresta> hi, ibou
[18:34] <parkin> is it possible to invert the colors on the monitor in kde 3.5 as ive seen it been done in kde 4.0?
[18:35] <parkin> or do i need compiz etc for that+
[18:36] <NickPresta> parkin, I'm sure you need compiz-fusion for that in KDE 3.5.X
[18:36] <parkin> ok
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[18:42] <gladier> anyone know how to install glade-sharp and dbus-sharp?
[18:42] <JoshOvki> whats the command to find out what graphics card is installed?
[18:43] <gladier> JoshOvki: lspci
[18:43] <JoshOvki> thanks
[18:46] <willy> hi i am having problems playing mp3s in amarok, and the mp3 file supported download didnt work.. i am new to linux (using kubuntu 6.04)
[18:47] <jel> willy: "problems"?
[18:47] <ibou> i can't open any file format with soundkonverter...
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[18:48] <lucky_lucas> hi, I may need help to clear a situation : the coexistency of qt4 and qt3 to compile kde from svn (and compile qt though), and compile other app with packaged qt 4
[18:49] <willy> yes problemos, what ever, but i am wondering should i use new audio player mayby?
[18:49] <DFlame> willy, have you been through this? - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats
[18:49] <DFlame> same for you ibou
[18:49] <willy> no :S
[18:50] <marius__> hello to all
[18:50] <marius__> i need help
[18:50] <ballongen> when can i download the kde4 stable through ubuntu repositarys?
[18:51] <DFlame> marius__, shoot
[18:51] <DFlame> ballongen, not sure
[18:51] <lucky_lucas> ballongen: Not sure if the word stable is right.
[18:51] <marius__> i can't find information about mac-style for kde
[18:52] <marius__> can u help me flame?
[18:52] <marius__> can u help me Dflame?
[18:52] <DFlame> tried looking for what you want on http://www.kde-look.org/ ?
[18:52] <marius__> ok
[18:52] <marius__> thank u
[18:55] <ibou> i can't open any file format with soundkonverter although i have all the librarys. The silly thing is that i can open them by using "open with" after selecting them in konqueror...
[18:57] <willy> thanks for the info Dflame btw..
[18:59] <miranda> Having trouble getting a clone of my desktop on a secondary diisplay (two video caard setup) Do i need xinerama running to get clone desktop enabled?
[18:59] <DFlame> no probs willy
[19:00] <DFlame> I'm still new myself >.>
[19:01] <justin_> when i try to enable the nvidia driver this happens "there was and error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages." what did i do wrong
[19:02] <justin_> when i try to enable the nvidia driver this happens "there was and error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages." what did i do wrong
[19:03] <oreth> everytime i use Adept
[19:03] <oreth> it says "Could not Commit Could break packages"
[19:03] <oreth> what does this mean
[19:06] <parkin> is there a command to "lock session" in kde?
[19:07] <DFlame> oreth, you might get better luck using synaptic instead of adept
[19:07] <DFlame> open up konsole and "sudo apt-get install synaptic"
[19:07] <miranda> oreth: also try using apt from a terminal, as it is more verbose about errors.
[19:07] <DFlame> parkin, lock session is in the KDE menu
[19:07] <DFlame> above log out, under switch user
[19:08] <parkin> yeah, i want to make a keyboard shortcut for it
[19:08] <parkin> in accessibility
[19:08] <oreth> will synaptic work in KDE?
[19:08] <oreth> wow.. that's a dumb question :()
[19:08] <stdin> parkin: it usually defaults to Ctrl-Alt-L
[19:09] <DFlame> yeah, I use it myself oreth
[19:09] <justin_> it says dpkg is open and active when uits not ubuntu linuxj pisses me off
[19:09] <parkin> ok thanks :) ill use that^
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[19:14] <justin__> wtf is up with apt
[19:14] <ibou> i can't open any file format with soundkonverter although i have all the librarys. The silly thing is that i can open them by using "open with" after selecting them in konqueror... Does anyone know something about that bug
[19:14] <ibou> ?
[19:15] <kristjan_> ibou: it works here
[19:16] <justin__> evertime i try to upgrade install a package or anything with apt it freakin says it cant cuz it might break packages or something if it commits
[19:16] <ibou> kristjan_: yes i just format end reinstalled and after i had that issue
[19:17] <justin__> what is wrong with apt is anyone else having the same problem
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[19:17] <justin__> evertime i try to upgrade install a package or anything with apt it freakin says it cant cuz it might break packages or something if it commits
[19:18] <ibou> loool
[19:18] <XBehave> oreth: yes it will just require the gtk libraries to load, so may be abit slow on old pcs, but i regularly run synaptic on my desktop
[19:18] <ibou> je viens de réessayer
[19:18] <justin__> evertime i try to upgrade install a package or anything with apt it freakin says it cant cuz it might break packages or something if it commits
[19:18] <justin__> anyone going to help me
[19:18] <DFlame> hang on justin__
[19:18] <ScorpKing> !grub > me
[19:19] <justin__> the exact error is
[19:19] <omega^> hi
[19:19] <omega^> to all
[19:19] <omega^> need help!
[19:20] <DFlame> that'd be useful justin if you could paste it
[19:20] <DFlame> omega, whats wrong?
[19:20] <justin__> there was a error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.
[19:20] <omega^> i've did not find info about mac-style
[19:21] <pag> justin__, pastebin the whole output of 'sudo apt-get install -f'
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[19:23] <justin__> justin@justin-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install -f
[19:23] <justin__> E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)
[19:23] <justin__> E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?
[19:23] <justin__> justin@justin-desktop:~$
[19:23] <justin__> nothing else is open
[19:23] <justin__> i look through the process table too
[19:23] <BluesKaj> !paste | justin__
[19:23] <ubotu> justin__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[19:23] <pag> !aptfix | justin__
[19:23] <ubotu> justin__: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[19:23] <justin__> wait apt-get is open it wont let me kill it
[19:25] <justin__> it still wont close
[19:25] <justin__> dpkg: status database area is locked by another proces
[19:25] <justin__> i h8 apt
[19:25] <justin__> with a passion
[19:25] <pag> sudo kill -9 PID_of_apt-get
[19:27] <justin__> it comes up with its uses and says its a grabage command
[19:28] <pag> justin__, probably because you just copied the command instead of correcting the PID to the right one
[19:28] <BluesKaj> the ubotu , command din't work , justin__ ?
[19:29] <justin__> PID command did
[19:29] <justin__> thanks
[19:29] <justin__> i swear tho if this apt BLOWS UP 1 more time ill be just as happy with my fedora or slackware
[19:30] <azlon> how can i uninstall gnome and install kde?
[19:30] <jpatrick> !purekde > azlon
[19:30] <justin__> download kubuntu
[19:31] <jpatrick> !purekde > justin__
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[19:35] <Five_star> if I just enabled the restricted drivers
[19:35] <Five_star> for Nvidia
[19:35] <Five_star> do I need to restart the whole computer or can I just restart X?
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[19:35] <jpatrick> Five_star: restart so the kernel can get the new modules
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[19:38] <ballongen> is KDE4 TESTING in ubuntu repositarys the the final version of KDE4? which u can downlaod from the web
[19:39] <jpatrick> ballongen: yes
[19:39] <sime_> how can i get better aquainted with the terminal
[19:40] <BluesKaj> !Konsole
[19:40] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about konsole - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[19:40] <dhq> sime_: learn all the basic commmands
[19:40] <BluesKaj> !terminal
[19:40] <ubotu> The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
[19:42] <Five_star> wow. I just realized how much of an improvement has been made to ubuntu in the last four years. I remember spending entire weekends getting restricted drivers working. Now you check a box and restart x. Amazing.
[19:43] <sime_> thx ubotu
[19:43] <sime_> great advice
[19:44] <JoshOvki> sime_ thank BluesKaj, he told the bot to tell you
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[19:44] <sime_> sry thanks blueskay
[19:45] <BluesKaj> heh, np
[19:46] <sime_> how do i get ubuntu working on the ibm thinkpad
[19:46] <sime_> everytime i reboot it wont let me start the live cd
[19:47] <sime_> i know im doin the right thing bc it worked fine wen i tries to installl it on my comp (hp pavillion)
[19:47] <ScorpKing> sime_: you might have to change the boot device priority in the BIOS
[19:48] <tmske> Hi, does someone know an easy way to print a ghostscript document in an other color than black? (I'm out of black ink and I need to print something)
[19:48] <ballongen> sime_: take the alternative cd
[19:48] <ballongen> sime_: the alternative cd worked for me
[19:49] <sime_> scorpking_wat do i change in the bios page
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[19:49] <ScorpKing> sime_: does it even try to boot from the cd?
[19:51] <sime_> i cant get in to the bios page there a pic of a lock on the upper left corner of the screen
[19:51] <sime_> wat does that mean
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[19:52] <makers_mark> if i install ubuntu on an xp partition,how should the final partition arrangement look > windows;linux,linux swap ?
[19:52] <squid0> hi! I use knemo to monitor my network usage. But is there a way to filter what is monitored? ie. I only want to keep track of transfers that are to/from outside my LAN; I don't care about intra-LAN traffic...
[19:52] <ScorpKing> sime_: try pressing <F2> or <DEL> to get to the BIOS.
[19:53] <KaOS-bEat> hji all, I'm trying to enable DVD-playback. I installed libdvdcss2 an libdvdread3
[19:53] <sime_> scorpking_ok ill try that
[19:53] <KaOS-bEat> I made all the nescessary symlinks to my /dev/dvd
[19:53] <BluesKaj> some pcs are F1 to get BIOS ay bootup
[19:53] <squid0> KaOS-bEat: you need to run a script that comes with the libdvdcss2 package
[19:53] <squid0> look on the ubuntu wiki page
[19:53] <ndre> hi! what was the command options to keep the program running but hiding its shell?
[19:53] <ScorpKing> makers_mark: i'd make it linux,linux,swap,windows. using the windows MBR on the main partition can be problematic sometimes
[19:54] <KaOS-bEat> squid0: just installing it is not enough?
[19:54] <squid0> KaOS-bEat: no
[19:54] <KaOS-bEat> ok tnx
[19:54] <squid0> KaOS-bEat: search for dvd playback on the ubuntu wiki...
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[19:55] <ubuntu_> hello
[19:55] <squid0> hi
[19:55] <petina> anyone know where there is a list of the best repositories to add?
[19:55] <ubuntu_> isnt pacman enough?
[19:55] <jpatrick> !source-o-matic > petina
[19:55] <BluesKaj> actually makers_mark , you were right the firdst time , if windows is already installed.
[19:55] <squid0> !source-o-matic > squid0
[19:55] <makers_mark> thanks
[19:56] <sigma_1234> !info libdvdcss2
[19:56] <ScorpKing> ndre: bg?
[19:56] <ubotu> Package libdvdcss2 does not exist in gutsy
[19:57] <sime_> scorpking_nope i still get the lock sign
[19:57] <sigma_1234> what does the libdvdcss package do?
[19:57] <jpatrick> !dvd > sigma_1234
[19:57] <ndre> yes
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[19:57] <sime_> are there any hackers here that can tell me how to get around that
[19:58] <ScorpKing> ndre: not sure what you mean but <ctrl>+<c> and then bg wil put it in the background
[19:58] <das6745> !info libdvdcss2
[19:58] <ubotu> Package libdvdcss2 does not exist in gutsy
[19:58] <ScorpKing> sime_: what is installed on the laptop atm?
[19:58] <emezeta> <ctrl>+<z> ScorpKing
[19:58] <sime_> wats atm?
[19:59] <ScorpKing> at the moment
[19:59] <applehypnosis> why isn't there any linux-686 in the repository for ubuntu
[19:59] <ScorpKing> lol. ty emezeta.
[19:59] <sime_> oh windows xp
[19:59] <fignew> applehypnosis: cause it isn't archlinux ;)
[19:59] <petina> anyone know any good repositories to add to kubuntu's add/remove programs?
[19:59] <jpatrick> applehypnosis: linux-386 is all you need
[19:59] <ibou> what is the difference between mysql and sqlite in amarok?
[20:00] <ScorpKing> sime_: there's a program on the kubuntu cd that you can run in windows and it will boot the livecd
[20:00] <fignew> petina: the official ones are enough
[20:00] <jpatrick> petina: you don't need any more :)
[20:00] <petina> haha i think i do :P
[20:00] <fignew> I know you dont ;)
[20:00] <jpatrick> ibou: mysql works better with larger connections
[20:00] <jpatrick> collections*
[20:00] <nuxil> ibou, sqlite is a mini version of mysql you migh say
[20:00] <justin__> how can i make it so that kdevelop starts on line 0 instead of 1
[20:00] <sime_> scorpking_ok great how do i do that
[20:00] <petina> apparently there's something called sourceomatic that adds some... but it doesn't work? http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/
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[20:01] <emezeta> ibou sqlite file based db, mysql is engine based db
[20:01] <jimmy51> does kubuntu have any apps that will convert a *.flv to an *.avi?
[20:01] <KaOS-bEat> jimmy51: mencoder
[20:02] <squid0> jimmy51: ffmpeg
[20:02] <squid0> ... I think
[20:02] <mefisto__> does anyone know about the xine-plugin for firefox? I want to disable quicktime support and let mozilla-mplayer handle embedded quicktime in firefox
[20:02] <KaOS-bEat> squid0: th instructions just say to install, not to run a script afterwards
[20:02] <jckl> whats a good music player that has a graphical interface like winamp?
[20:03] <jimmy51> KaOS-bEat, squid0: thanks i'll check those out
[20:03] <ScorpKing> sime_: press <tab> to complete nicks in irc. i don't always see when you talk to me and not use my full nick. one sec.
[20:04] <mefisto__> jimmy51: try installing kmplayer, which will let you open flv and save in another format with either mencoder or ffmpeg
[20:04] <cn28h> anybody find a suitable solution for making tvtime work on Gutsy?
[20:04] <sime_> ScorpKing: ok will do
[20:05] <cn28h> it seems it usew OSS for sound, and I'm thinking that' the problem
[20:05] <BluesKaj> cn28h, what graphics and tvtuner cards ?
[20:05] <cn28h> BluesKaj, ATI TV Wonder, ATI Radeon 9000 -- video works fine, no sound
[20:05] <ScorpKing> sime_: can you look for .exe files on the livecd? my cdrom is broken
[20:06] <jpatrick> ScorpKing: I believe it's called WinFoss
[20:06] <sime_> ScorpKing: how i do that
[20:06] <BluesKaj> ok, you hjave to use the line in on the soundcard from your source , I have the same tvtuner card
[20:06] <ScorpKing> jpatrick: that will boot the livecd?
[20:07] <BluesKaj> cn28h, did you get that ?
[20:07] <jpatrick> ScorpKing: I don't know, I've never used it (don't even have windows)
[20:07] <ScorpKing> jpatrick: haha. same here.
[20:08] <ubuntu_> have anyone tried cinelerra?
[20:08] <azlon> when i remove ubuntu and install kubntu-desktop... what kind of problems can i expect?
[20:08] <jpatrick> azlon: none
[20:08] <ScorpKing> sime_: hang around. i'm still looking for the program
[20:08] <jpatrick> azlon: see apt-cache show kubuntu-desktop
[20:08] <cn28h> BluesKaj, yeah -- it's connected correctly as it worked fine in Edgy, and I know it's not muted/turned down in my mixer settings. In tvtime the volume is stuck at 99-100% (I had this problem in the past when I built a kernel with no OSS support nad tried using the OSS plugin wit xxms)
[20:08] <azlon> so its just like a straight-up install of KDE?
[20:08] <jimmy51> mefisto__: i've installed kmplayer and see how to play and save, but don't see where i choose the output format...
[20:09] <BluesKaj> aha , yeash choose alsa instead of OSS
[20:09] <cn28h> therein lies the problem -- yo ucan't afacit
[20:09] <cn28h> afaict
[20:10] <mefisto__> jimmy51: the square red button (bottom of screen) will open up a dialog to encode with mencoder/ffmpeg
[20:10] <jimmy51> mefisto__: (and i've already downloaded mencoder and ffmpg)
[20:10] <mefisto__> jimmy51: or just go to settings > recording (same dialog)
[20:11] <jimmy51> mefisto__: ok... trying. thanks for the help, fellas
[20:12] <ScorpKing> sime_: can you look what files are in the /install directory on the cd?
[20:12] <cn28h> BluesKaj, I figured I could fix it by building a kernel iwth OSS compatibility, I guess I'll have to try that next
[20:12] <mefisto__> anyone using xine-plugin for firefox?
[20:12] <sime_> ScorpKing: yes i can
[20:13] <ScorpKing> sime_: see if there's any .exe (programs) files
[20:13] <BluesKaj> cn28h, why OSS ...alsa is known to work
[20:14] <cn28h> BluesKaj, because compiling a kernel with OSS support is easier than rewriting the audio code in tvtime
[20:14] <BluesKaj> well, if you must build your kernel , may the gods be with you :)
[20:15] <cn28h> meh, building a kernel is no big deal ;P
[20:15] <cn28h> I was just hoping there was a way to make tvtime use alsa
[20:15] <BluesKaj> then include alsa support
[20:15] <cn28h> if only I had the spare time right now to do that, heheh
[20:15] <BluesKaj> tvtime does use alsa AFAIK
[20:16] <cn28h> what?
[20:16] <cn28h> hm
[20:16] <mefisto__> "building a kernel is no big deal" would make a really macho-looking tatoo
[20:16] <BluesKaj> that's why i'm using the line in on my soundcard
[20:18] <cn28h> haha
[20:18] <cn28h> BluesKaj, I am using the line in on my sound card, but I can't get any sound to come through it -- arey ou using tvtime?
[20:18] <BluesKaj> the ati tvwonder card sound isn't seen
[20:18] <BluesKaj> yes
[20:18] <cn28h> isn't seen?
[20:19] <BluesKaj> there are no sound support drivers available for tvwonder on kubuntu from my experience
[20:21] <cn28h> well, I just use a mini to mini cable from the audio out on my card to the line in on my sound card
[20:22] <cn28h> which worked fine on Edgy
[20:22] <azlon> when i browse my kubutnu-alternate cd, i see an ubuntu folder... is this correct?
[20:22] <azlon> im not sure if i mislabeled a cd or something
[20:23] <cn28h> azlon, I don't know but it wouldn't be surprising -- after all, they are the same distro aside from their choice of DEs
[20:24] <azlon> well thats what i thought
[20:24] <BluesKaj> cn28h, been using tvtime on my setup with alsa since dapper and it's been the same right thru .
[20:24] <azlon> but im trying to install kubuntu-dekstop package from the alternate cd and its not finding it...
[20:24] <MaskedOne> Some things are changed to better suite KDE though
[20:25] <MaskedOne> That is why somethings do not work in Ubuntu but do in Kubuntu for some people
[20:25] <cn28h> BluesKaj, are you using the stock kernel that comes with Gutsy?
[20:25] <BluesKaj> yup
[20:25] <cn28h> hm
[20:25] <azlon> crap... how can i install kubuntu-dekstop from the CD?
[20:26] <azlon> the package...
[20:26] <nuxil> you cant if you dl ubuntu
[20:26] <nuxil> you must dl it from a repo
[20:27] <azlon> i was in here yesterday and they said i could, i just needed the alternate CD
[20:27] <azlon> crap
[20:27] <mefisto__> azlon: if its a kubuntu cd, add the cdrom to your sources.list
[20:28] <azlon> mefisto__: ok, i did that: deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/ gutsy main restricted
[20:28] <azlon> crap!
[20:28] <azlon> it is the wrong CD, huh?
[20:29] <azlon> can somebody check their KDE-alternate cd to see if it says the same thing?
[20:30] <draik> Ok. I got the drivers loaded. It sees the AP. I have the pw to it. I cannot connect. It fails. What am I doing wrong?
[20:30] <ScorpKing> sime_: see anything on the cd?
[20:31] <mefisto__> azlon: the kubuntu-desktop deb is in /pool/main/k/kubuntu-meta/ maybe you could try installing it direct from the deb?
[20:31] <azlon> hrmm
[20:32] <mefisto__> but it's a metapackage, so you'll still need the cdrom in sources.list
[20:32] <azlon> perfect
[20:32] <jimmy51> fyi, this is working great for my flv to avi conversion need: http://www.linux.com/articles/56642
[20:32] <azlon> ok, now how do i install it now that i see it on the CD?
[20:32] <azlon> and i have th CD in my sources.list
[20:33] <val0> does anyone know of a good source for info regarding the kernel that a person with a limited (not a guru) knowledge can understand? trying to learn more about it but most material that I found was way too detailed and over my head
[20:34] <kat_> ack! i plugged in a usb flash drive, and as soon as i did, i lost all my sound... kaffiene was playing an avi, that lost sound... i tried opening firefox and playing a youtube video, and sound is gone there.... rebooted, still no sound!
[20:35] <azlon> lol
[20:35] <draik> Should I use Network Manager or Wireless Assistant to use my wireless card?
[20:36] <draik> FYI: AP is mine
[20:37] <kat_> i agree, kinda funny, but would be nice if I could get some help...?
[20:38] <draik> kat_: I am not questioning your intelligence, but did you check the volume settings and make sure you're not on mute or volume down to 0%?
[20:38] <kat_> draik; trying to find it right now
[20:38] <draik> kmix
[20:38] <kat_> kaffeine has volume up all the way
[20:39] <draik> You want to check the master control
[20:39] <kat_> i know before when i used to have problems with amarok crashing, it would mute the volume... which i sometimes forgot about, but that is resolved
[20:39] <draik> ALT+SPACE kmix
[20:40] <DFlame> kat_, try opening terminal and running "alsamixer"
[20:41] <DFlame> check your master, master mono and PCM lines
[20:41] <DFlame> keyboard controls, Esc quits
[20:41] <kat_> master, master mono, pcm are all near the top
[20:41] <draik> DFlame: I followed the instructions. I got ndiswrapper loaded up and all. I can still see my AP, but cannot connect. It keeps failing
[20:41] <DFlame> I'm still new, so I'm spent :/
[20:42] <DFlame> hullo draik
[20:42] <DFlame> nice to see you've made progress
[20:42] <mefisto__> "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart" will restart sound
[20:42] <DFlame> what are you using to manage your connection?
[20:42] <azlon> mefisto__: ok, i did: sudo dpkg -i kubuntu-desktop_1.59_i386.deb
[20:42] <azlon> but it didnt work
[20:42] <azlon> it gave me a list of packages it needed in order to install
[20:42] <draik> DFlame: I'm switching between Network Manager and Wireless Assistant. Neither seem to connect me
[20:43] <DFlame> bear with me a second :)
[20:43] <draik> azlon: It will give you that list since you are installed a meta-package
[20:43] <draik> DFlame: Sure. :)
[20:43] <mefisto__> azlon: did it not find the packages?
[20:43] <azlon> it didnt
[20:44] <azlon> the first one was ark... i looked on the cd but couldnt find it
[20:44] <draik> azlon: If you're online, why not get it all from the net?
[20:44] <kat_> sudo /etc.... didn't seem to work
[20:44] <DFlame> alright draik
[20:44] <azlon> draik: i have really slow connection... im stuck in kuwait
[20:45] <DFlame> I have a wireless here as well and i prefer to use wicd to manage it
[20:45] <DFlame> visit https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=194573&package_id=229460
[20:45] <DFlame> you should be able to download the .deb for it there
[20:45] <draik> azlon: :( Have you checked online for the packages?
[20:45] <azlon> draik: im sure i can get those from the net... but it will take days
[20:46] <draik> I'm surprised ark isn't on the CD
[20:46] <DFlame> one thing draik
[20:46] <draik> Ok
[20:47] <DFlame> it removes the default network manager by default, so you might disconnect if you're working on the box you're connecting from
[20:47] <DFlame> when installed, you can reconnect the wired connection via opening wicd in the KDE menu, under internet
[20:47] <kat_> brb, going to command line restart sound, and then reboot
[20:48] <draik> DFlame: removes as in uninstalls or as in swaps out primary manager?
[20:48] <azlon> f it
[20:48] <azlon> ill try doing a fresh install from the CD
[20:48] <azlon> brb
[20:48] <DFlame> i believe mine uninstalled the default managers
[20:48] <DFlame> It obviously works though ;)
[20:49] <draik> Haha. Yup
=== dad is now known as flats
[20:49] <mefisto__> azlon: /pool/main/k/kdeutils/ark_3.5.8-0ubuntu1_i386.deb
[20:49] <DFlame> you've managed to get lights up on your card and see an AP at least, so it should just be a matter of installing and reconnecting
[20:49] <draik> :( It didn't want to install
[20:50] <DFlame> error?
[20:50] <draik> wicd conflicts with network-manager
[20:50] <draik> network-manager is present and installed
[20:51] <draik> Remove it first?
[20:51] <flats> Hello I just installed ...honestly, I don't know which version I installed. I believe 7.10. My password works for all the configuration settings but when I use su in a terminal and type in the password, it says sorry wrong password. Any ideas?
[20:51] <draik> flats: Did you create a root password?
[20:51] <DFlame> is it just that one package conflicting draik?
[20:51] <draik> DFlame: Yes
[20:51] <flats> Hmmm. good question. I can't confirm that but I assume I porbably didn't
[20:52] <flats> Can I do that now?
[20:52] <DFlame> if so, open up konsole and sudo apt-get remove network-manager
[20:52] <das6745> flats: sudo -s
[20:52] <DFlame> then install the deb
[20:52] <draik> DFlame: You got it
[20:52] <das6745> then yor pswd
[20:52] <Dragnslcr> flats- you don't use su in Ubuntu
[20:52] <DFlame> g'luck
[20:52] <Dragnslcr> !sudo | flats
[20:52] <ubotu> flats: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.
[20:52] <flats> yep now it says root
[20:54] <kat> woot all kosher now, sound working... thanks draik, mefisto__
[20:54] <jussi01> !supportroot | DFlame
[20:54] <flats> Why thank you. 1 more and I promise I'll leave. I downloaded Firefox beta ( I use in windows and like ) I go to root and run ./run-mozilla.sh and get a cannot execute error
[20:54] <ubotu> DFlame: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)
[20:54] <draik> kat: What was it?
[20:55] <kat> i am so blogging this (i keep a blog of problems as they arise, and what fixes 'em so i don't lose track of commands i don't use often)
[20:55] <jussi01> flats: chmod a+x filename
[20:55] <draik> jussi01: You beat me to it
[20:55] <draik> DFlame: I do not see it
[20:55] <kat> i'm guessing alsa just needed a restart, and then a reboot after
[20:55] <draik> It was installed, it was successful, but it's not listed
[20:55] <das6745> flats: did you run it from root 1st time?
[20:55] <flats> no.
[20:56] <flats> same thing after chmod
[20:56] <das6745> hmm...
[20:56] <draik> DFlame: Sorry, found it
[20:56] <das6745> there is a few files in ~
[20:56] <flats> the run-mozilla.sh is -rwxr-xr-x
[20:56] <DFlame> had me worried then draik :P
[20:56] <flats> for what it's worth
[20:57] <draik> It found my AP...
[20:57] <draik> It's "obtaining an IP"...
[20:57] <draik> :( Not Connected
[20:57] <DFlame> alright, are you using WPA or WEP or open network?
[20:57] <das6745> flats: does it work to type firefox
[20:58] <flats> no, It asks me to apt get it but I'm sure thats only firefox 2
[20:58] <draik> DFlame: There is a WEP
[20:58] <draik> I put it in the Advanced Settings
[20:58] <DFlame> but still no dice huh
[20:58] <draik> WEP (Passphrase)
[20:58] <draik> Nope
[20:58] <draik> :(
[20:59] <das6745> flats: probably you get src package and should comiple it
[20:59] <DFlame> set up your router to auto accept new stations?
[20:59] <flats> doh, not that linux savy yet
[20:59] <DFlame> i had to do that before i could get a connection to my BT homehub
[20:59] <flats> but I understand. guess I gotta learn sometime
[20:59] <das6745> flats: give me url to download ff beta
[20:59] <jckl> a wep key is different then a passphrase
[21:00] <jckl> usually wep keys are hexadecimal
[21:00] <draik> Hmmm
[21:00] <draik> Ok
[21:00] <flats> just mozilla.com and click on developer link and you will get a link to dl the firefox3 beta2
[21:01] <DFlame> if you still cant get a connection after that, or theres nowhere to control adding new stations, remove the encrytion and see if you can connect to the network with no encryption in place
[21:02] <wesley_> how do you start systemsetting from kde4 in root ?
[21:03] <das6745> flats: eng one?
[21:03] <ardchoille> wesley_: kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde4
[21:03] <flats> yes sir
[21:03] <draik> Ok
[21:03] <draik> WEP off
[21:03] <draik> Let's see...
[21:04] <draik> Nope
[21:04] <draik> I'm about 20-30 feet away from the AP
[21:04] <draik> Still failed
[21:04] <DFlame> what's the model of the router?
[21:04] <draik> It's a Verizon DSL
[21:04] <draik> Does the channel matter?
[21:05] <jussi01> !enter | draik
[21:05] <ubotu> draik: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[21:05] <DFlame> channel doesnt matter a lot
[21:05] <jckl> channel could but its usually automatic
[21:05] <draik> jussi01: Thanks. Sorry about that
[21:05] <jussi01> :)
[21:05] <draik> I have it on CH6. Should it be CH 11?
[21:06] <parkin> is it possible to zoom in the presentation mode in KPDF ?
[21:06] <DFlame> unless there;s other APs around, theres no real reason to have to change your channel
[21:06] <jckl> 11 will help with interference issues but probably not needed
[21:07] <das6745> flats: that sux
[21:07] <flats> what?
[21:09] <draik> DFlame: Nope. There are only 2 other APs. Both are CH11
[21:10] <jckl> are you typing in the ssid?
[21:10] <DFlame> I'm pretty spent on this one, but I'm pretty sure it's a setting on your router someplace
[21:10] <DFlame> being as the card seems to be working perfectly
[21:11] <jckl> If not, an ssid is case-sensative.
[21:11] <DFlame> the SSID isn't hidden as far as i can tell
[21:12] <draik> DFlame: Yeah. I never had this issue with my $CABLE. Verizon DSL can suck on mud for all I care.
[21:12] <DFlame> and theres a connection going on, but the router is refusing to deal out an IP address to the box
[21:12] <draik> jckl: It's lowercase and that is how I enter it.
[21:12] <jckl> what kind of router
[21:12] <jckl> or ap
[21:12] <das6745> flats: ./run-mozilla.sh should run other executable
[21:12] <draik> Verizon POS. Hold on let me find out...
[21:13] <flats> yep not werkin on mine
[21:14] <draik> Verizon GT704WG
[21:15] <jckl> hmm an actiontec
[21:15] <jckl> those are garbage in my opinion
[21:15] <LogicalDash> Kubuntu still defaults to opening folders in Konqueror, how do I set it up to always open them in Dolphin instead?
[21:15] <_Angelus_> i want a kubuntu banner for my website to link to kubuntu,org , cab someone please tell me where i can get one?
[21:16] <niall_> how do I configure audio CD ripping in K3B?
[21:16] <LogicalDash> niall_, what exactly is it that you want to configure?
[21:16] <niall_> what encoding it's going to use, where it's going to put the files, what it's going to call them
[21:16] <niall_> all that jazz
[21:17] <LogicalDash> oh, you get a dialog for that after you insert a CD and click Start Ripping
[21:17] <niall_> ha ;D I hadn't started because I wanted to make sure it was right first :x
[21:17] <LogicalDash> enjoy
[21:18] <_Angelus_> i want a kubuntu picture/banner for my website to link to kubuntu,org , cab someone please tell me where i can get one?
[21:19] <LogicalDash> _Angelus_, https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuArtwork
[21:19] <_Angelus_> thankz
[21:21] <_Angelus_> which is the best type, svg or png?
[21:21] <LogicalDash> svg is more scalable but I don't think it's good to actually use it on a webpage
[21:21] <jussi01> _Angelus_: depends what you are doing...
[21:21] <LogicalDash> you could download the svg, scale it to the size you want, then export to png
[21:22] <_Angelus_> oh
[21:22] <_Angelus_> i see
[21:22] <_Angelus_> so svg doesnt loose quality when you resize it?
[21:22] <jussi01> thats correct
[21:22] <jussi01> svg = scalable vector graphic
[21:22] <_Angelus_> oh
[21:22] <_Angelus_> i see
[21:22] <_Angelus_> thanks xD
[21:23] <LogicalDash> OK guys, I like to use the Universal Sidebar to quickly access various places in my filesystem, but it's opening everything in Konqueror. How do I set it to open in Dolphin instead?
[21:23] <brentp> hi, i have a kubuntu-only machine, it's been working fine. now when i boot, i get a grub 17 error. now, i boot from cd and fdisk -l shows that /dev/sda1 is the boot but its of type W95 FAT32 (LBA)
[21:24] <brentp> how can i get back my real boot?
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[21:24] <justin__> how do i get americas army to work on kubuntu
[21:25] <aleksanteri> what is america's army?
[21:25] <LogicalDash> it's a game, I think it's for Windows
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[21:25] <justin__> game made by US government
[21:25] <LogicalDash> justin__, go ask the folks at #wine
[21:25] <draik> jckl: Verizon GT704WG. It's both modem and wifi router
[21:25] * aleksanteri was just about to suggest wine
[21:25] <justin__> no thie linux version
[21:25] <aleksanteri> oh, it supports linux?
[21:26] <jckl> draik: right
[21:26] <justin__> a older version
[21:26] <justin__> that mac users and linux users play
[21:26] <aleksanteri> right
[21:26] <LogicalDash> justin__, if they offer a debian package try installing that, otherwise they probably have instructions inside the tarball
[21:26] <jckl> draik: do you have any other wireless computers?
[21:26] <justin__> its not possible to play online cuz of punkbuster
[21:26] <justin__> its a .run file
[21:26] <justin__> i have it installed
[21:26] <brentp> here's my fdisk http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52831/
[21:26] <LogicalDash> I have no idea what a .run file is
[21:27] <justin__> but when i go to the executable it wont work
[21:27] <draik> jckl: Just my sister's. Per our treaty, we don't touch each other's computers. She's running winxp and is able to access the AP
[21:27] <jckl> justin__: i take it wine and punkbuster dont work together?
[21:27] <justin__> no not very well
[21:27] <justin__> lol
[21:27] <jckl> if hers works then i would assume its more an issue with the laptop
[21:28] <jckl> or computer i should say
[21:28] <justin__> it does a lil with the battlefield series
[21:28] <justin__> cedega has "partial" support for PB i have cedega they dont support AA tho
[21:28] <draik> Oh well.
[21:28] <jckl> justin__: cool thanks for the info. This is the only reason i still have windows on my desktop
[21:29] <jckl> draik: you said you turned the encryption off right?
[21:29] <justin__> ? i would keep it if i where you
[21:29] <draik> jckl: Yup. Still wouldn't connect
[21:29] <justin__> my HD is only 80 gigs
[21:29] <justin__> so i have only 1 OS at a time i will get windows once i get my sata RAID going
[21:29] <jckl> my laptop is 80gigs but my desktop is 500gigs
[21:29] <justin__> lucky
[21:29] <justin__> im poor
[21:30] <jckl> i use to be. now i work 12 hours a day to buy me toys
[21:30] <justin__> my computer can play COD4 at full grafix no prob but i was to cheap to buy a bigger HD
[21:30] <paolo> hi. is there a software with a whiteboard, like netmeeting for windows?
[21:30] <draik> Lucky. I asked, "Will you marry" and I had to put away my toys
[21:30] <draik> *asked, "Will you marry me?"
[21:31] <Tm_T> !ot
[21:31] <ubotu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[21:31] <justin__> ahahaha
[21:31] <Tm_T> ;)
[21:31] <jckl> that i stayed away from as of now ;)
[21:31] <justin__> rofl will you marry me
[21:32] <jpatrick> !ot > justin__
[21:32] <justin__> i have made like 734563563 notes to self never to have kids
[21:32] <jckl> draik: does the wireless work with any other router or have you not tried it
[21:32] <brentp> anyone have any pointers? my boot partition seems to be taken over by windows? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52831/
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[21:33] <draik> jckl: There are two other APs. Both of which are channel 11. One is Linsys with WEP (which I assume to be admin/pw) and an open AP with "Mars and the Moon" for the name. Cannot connect to either.
[21:35] <jckl> do you recieve any ip address at all? at the least you should get a 169.254
[21:35] <neville> Let me know if I sound stupid, but, is it at all possible to have two consecutive video drivers, for the same card, installed at the same time, and you can choose which you prefer to use, say, at boot?
[21:35] <draik> I do get 169.254....
[21:37] <jckl> what manager are you using?
[21:37] <^gtt^> neville: that's the point of the restricted drivers manager...
[21:37] <draik> jckl: network-manager
[21:38] <draik> wicd wasn't working for me
[21:38] <draik> I keep switching between network-manager to Wireless Assistant
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[21:39] <neville> Not from what I can see?
[21:39] <neville> It only allows me to disable the current driver, which isn't what I want
[21:41] <jckl> have you tried from a terminal?
[21:41] <draik> jckl: Tried what? I'm not too familiar with the CLI when it comes to networking
[21:41] <CppIsWeird> i sent a bunch of stuff to my trash to free up some space, however it is neither in my trash nor where it was. It says i have 1mb of freespace when i deleted about 500mb of stuff, anyone have any ideas?
[21:42] <jckl> open a terminal and type "iwconfig"
[21:42] <SSJ_GZ> CppIsWeird: How did you delete it?
[21:42] <CppIsWeird> the del key
[21:42] <SSJ_GZ> CppIsWeird: From within Konqueror?
[21:42] <CppIsWeird> dont know
[21:43] <CppIsWeird> asked me if i wanted to send it to the trsh
[21:43] <CppIsWeird> i clicked ok
[21:43] <jckl> draik: what do you see for ESSID?
[21:43] <draik> I see 2... Linksys and sandra
[21:43] <SSJ_GZ> CppIsWeird: And it doesn't appear when you enter trash:/ as the URL in Konqueror?
[21:44] <CppIsWeird> nor does it apper ~/.trash
[21:44] <draik> brb
[21:44] <SSJ_GZ> CppIsWeird: What about ~/.local/share/Trash/files?
[21:44] <hdevalence> Will 8.04 use 3.5.8 or 3.5.9 ?
[21:45] <CppIsWeird> yep
[21:45] <CppIsWeird> where is that and why were they sent there?
[21:46] <SSJ_GZ> CppIsWeird: That's where KDE's trash folder for your user is.
[21:46] <draik> ok, back
[21:46] <CppIsWeird> how gay
[21:46] <pesymista> take it easy
[21:47] <jckl> draik: what is your ssid
[21:47] <draik> sandra
[21:47] <jckl> for your router
[21:47] <jckl> try
[21:47] <Tm_T> !guidelines | CppIsWeird
[21:47] <ubotu> CppIsWeird: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[21:47] <jckl> sudo iwconfig interface essid sandra
[21:48] <WaltzingAlong> CppIsWeird: what was the issue?
[21:48] <WaltzingAlong> CppIsWeird: should you wish to store the files elsewhere, feel free to hack at the code
[21:48] <jckl> draik: maybe "sudo iwconfig essid sandra"
[21:48] <draik> Ok
[21:49] <draik> iwconfig: unknown command "sandra"
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[21:49] <justin__> how do i get kdevelop to start on line 0 instead of 1
[21:50] <justin__> because i wont let me go to line 0 i get a lot of compile error
[21:50] <justin__> s
[21:51] <dappermuis> im using xrandr and when I enter xrandr --addmode S-video 800x600 I get the error "xrandr: cannot find output "S-video"" - any ideas?
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[21:51] <WaltzingAlong> sudo iwconfig DEVice (eth1) essid sandra
[21:52] <WaltzingAlong> ie sudo iwconfig eth1 essid sandra enc off mode managed
[21:52] <justin__> OSS sound will not work
[21:52] <justin__> how do i get it to work
[21:52] <justin__> ALSA will work but no OSS
[21:52] <draik> Ok. I will try that WaltzingAlong
[21:53] <jckl> after that make sure encryption is turned off in the router
[21:54] <jckl> WaltzingAlong: does he need to type dhclient eth1
[21:54] <WaltzingAlong> sure follow it with dhclient eth1 to fetch a new ip
[21:54] <WaltzingAlong> but iwconfig by itself to verify the settings, essid should show sandra and quality should be something suchas 83/100
[21:56] <draik> No DHCPOFFERS received. No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.
[21:56] <draik> iwconfig states 0/100
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[21:57] <draik> essid is "sandra"
[21:57] <jckl> and encryption in the router is off
[21:57] <draik> 10-4
[21:58] <draik> Everything done to your specifications
[21:59] <jckl> when you type iwconfig what does it say for link quality
[21:59] <draik> 0/100
[21:59] <jckl> can you move closer to the router?
[21:59] <draik> Sure
[21:59] <draik> How much closer?
[21:59] <draik> I'm about 20 feet away
[21:59] <draik> direct eye-sight
[22:00] <jckl> what is signal level and noise level
[22:00] <draik> Nothing in the way
[22:00] <draik> -256 dBm each
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[22:01] <jckl> i would try to move as close as possible or try to restart both the router and the computer
[22:01] <WaltzingAlong> sudo iwlist eth1
[22:01] <WaltzingAlong> sudo iwlist eth1 scanning
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[22:02] <draik> Ok. What do you need?
[22:02] <tlayton> !search file DBCFile.h
[22:02] <ubotu> Found: files, defrag, tab, tar, offline, mldonkey, burners, dolphin, chmod, cvs
[22:03] <jckl> what does it show for quality and signal level
[22:03] <jckl> and noise level
[22:03] <tlayton> !search DBCFile.h
[22:03] <ubotu> Found:
[22:03] <tlayton> !file DBCFile.h
[22:03] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about file dbcfile.h - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[22:03] <draik> Quality: 99/100 Signal: -35 dBm Noise: -60 dBm
[22:04] <jussi01> !find DBCFile.h
[22:04] <jckl> what is it for encryption key
[22:04] <ubotu> Package/file dbcfile.h does not exist in gutsy
[22:04] <draik> encryption key: off
[22:04] <jckl> essid is sandra?
[22:04] <draik> Yes
[22:04] <jckl> hm
[22:05] <jckl> try to set a manual ip address
[22:05] <draik> sudo iwconfig 192.168.x.x?
[22:05] <jckl> no
[22:05] <jckl> one sec
[22:06] <draik> sudo iwconfig eth1 192.168.x.x?
[22:06] <jckl> sudo ifconfig eth1 192.168.x.x netmask
[22:07] <jckl> then sudo ifconfig eth1 down
[22:07] <jckl> then sudo ifconfig eth1 up
[22:07] <azlon> anybody use firefox 3.0 with kubuntu?
[22:07] <draik> ok
[22:08] <jckl> now does the wireless work?
[22:08] <draik> Will find out in just a sec
[22:09] <draik> Nope. Google.com was not found
[22:09] <draik> Ummm... Seems that I'm missing a gateway IP
[22:09] <jckl> type iwconfig
[22:10] <jckl> need the router ip as your gateway
[22:10] <draik> Right
[22:10] <draik> How do I put that in?
[22:10] <jckl> sudo route add default gw 192.168.x.x
[22:11] <draik> ok
[22:11] <jckl> also do
[22:11] <jckl> or well try that
[22:12] <jckl> might need to also do sudo echo nameserver 192.168.x.x >> /etc/resolve.conf
[22:12] <jckl> also when you type iwconfig what is the mode
[22:13] <draik> What is 192.168.x.x? gateway or my ip?
[22:13] <jckl> gateway
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[22:13] <draik> Permission denied
[22:13] <draik> Mode: Managed
[22:14] <draik> Ok. Done.
[22:14] <jckl> you use "sudo echo nameserver 192.168.x.x >> /etc/resolve.conf"
[22:14] <draik> Missed the sudo. Sorry
[22:14] <jckl> should probably do "sudo ifconfig eth1 down"
[22:14] <jckl> and "sudo ifconfig eth1 up"
[22:15] <draik> Ok
[22:15] <jckl> now try
[22:15] <draik> Nope. :(
[22:16] <jckl> can you ping the gateway?
[22:18] <draik> Nope. Destination Host Unreachable
[22:19] <azlon> anybody here use skype 2.0?
[22:19] <jckl> not to sure. seems like the wireless connection will not connect but can see the router. i would try to restart both the router the comp if you have not yet
[22:19] <draik> Ok
[22:19] <draik> Will do.
[22:19] <draik> Thank you for your help, jckl
[22:19] <jckl> np and good luck
[22:28] <azlon> where does Konquerer download to by default?
[22:29] <nosrednaekim> azlon: you mean before or after its installed?
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[22:57] <lupul> hi. does anyone know a way to reduce the cooler speed on my nvidia graphic card? cause it's driving me crazy
[22:57] <biovore> throw a resister in line on the fan power....
[22:58] <lupul> ?
[22:58] <biovore> I don't think there is software control of the fan speed
[22:58] <lupul> ok
[22:59] <lucky_lucas> lupul: nvclock
[22:59] <lucky_lucas> you want to search somehting about nvclock
[22:59] <lupul> ok
[22:59] <lupul> thanks
[22:59] <lupul> very much
[23:00] <lucky_lucas> I have seen that it's a common problem with the last driver
[23:00] <lucky_lucas> and the last version of nvclock could fix this
[23:00] <lucky_lucas> you may look on phoronix forums
[23:01] <lucky_lucas> I didn't pay that much attention because I don't have the problem but, I am prety sure to heard of nvclock to solve this
[23:01] <lupul> it doesn't
[23:01] <Sanne> lupul: I have this to adjust the speed of my CPU fan, dunno if it works for GPU fans as well: http://www.zalman.co.kr/eng/product/view.asp?idx=70&code=017. Least noisy would be, though, a case with a good airflow and a passiv graphics card.
[23:01] <lupul> 8800gt
[23:02] <lucky_lucas> even the last version, 0.3 ?
[23:02] <lucky_lucas> if there is a new version
=== Rift2 is now known as Darkrift411
[23:03] <lupul> i just installed nvclock
[23:03] <lupul> and it says that my video card does not support fan speed adjustment
[23:03] <lucky_lucas> you may want to check the version
[23:04] <Darkrift411> I know this is the wrong place to ask, but i cant think of anywhere else. I have a compaq laptop that i put kubuntu on and my wifi died. i have to send it in tomarrow for warranty, and i cannot find my restore dvd, and i removed the restore partition. does anyone know where i can find compaq restore cd's/dvd's at?
[23:04] <lucky_lucas> lupul http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7237&highlight=nvclock
[23:05] <lucky_lucas> I told you to look at phoronix, it's one of the best knowledge base for linux graphics
[23:05] <nubee> hi
[23:05] <cn28h> Darkrift411, why do you need the restore dvd?
[23:05] <Darkrift411> because im afraid they will use linux on here as an excuse not to fix it
[23:06] <Darkrift411> guys on the phone seemed dumbfounded when i mentioned linux
[23:06] <Darkrift411> i want it to be in factory condition
[23:06] <nubee> i am on a dell insperon 1501 what is the best kubuntu or ubuntu?
[23:06] <Darkrift411> he already tried saying that linux is not covered by the warranty, and the only reason he helped me is because i still had windows on here.
[23:07] <biovore> kubuntu ubuntu and xubuntu are all the thing basicly.. just install a different gui program by default..
[23:07] <biovore> Darkrift411: what dose there factory warnnity say..
[23:08] <Darkrift411> not sure
[23:08] <Darkrift411> i cant find my copy
[23:08] <nubee> ok so any linux that would run the best on his?
[23:08] <Darkrift411> nubee they are just different looks
[23:08] <lucky_lucas> lupul: ?
[23:08] <nubee> dark what you running?
[23:08] <Darkrift411> kubuntu
[23:08] <Darkrift411> i like kde more
[23:08] <Darkrift411> never was a gnome fan
[23:09] <nubee> what brand of computer?
[23:09] <Darkrift411> compaq
[23:09] <Darkrift411> laptop
[23:10] <nubee> ok they say that if you change your windows "vista ,xp etc."it voids your waranty
[23:10] <Darkrift411> ?
[23:10] <biovore> nubee: kubuntu and ubuntu will both work on it.. you might need to tweek the command line for it to work though.. Needs acpi=force irqpoll because the bios has a bug in it.
[23:10] <nubee> any os changes voids the worenty
[23:11] <Darkrift411> i didnt change the os
[23:11] <Darkrift411> i added another one
[23:11] <nubee> ya i am running ubuntu with forced drivers
[23:11] <cn28h> strange, in gutsy I have gcc installed but all the C headers are missing
[23:11] <nubee> ya i have four
[23:12] <nubee> vista/ubuntu/puppy/and fedora
[23:12] <nubee> fedora sucks
[23:13] <nubee> puppy is good for my kids
[23:13] <Sanne> cn28h: install build-essential
[23:13] <cn28h> yeah, just found that -- strange that that's off by default
[23:13] <lupul> lucky_lucas thank you so much.... i can finally sleep now thanks to nvclock
[23:13] <FaiDillinGer> i love kubuntu
[23:13] <lupul> you were right. v3 works
[23:13] <lupul> i love kubuntu too
[23:14] <lucky_lucas> lupul: hehe you welcome
[23:14] <nubee> anyone know how i can get my gdesklets to work ?
[23:14] <lucky_lucas> never underestimate the power of bleeding edge over packaged hihihihi
[23:14] <lupul> :))
[23:14] <lucky_lucas> sleep well
[23:14] <lupul> thanks
[23:14] <lupul> same for you
[23:14] <lupul> bye
[23:14] <Sanne> cn28h: I heard it's a design decision for Ubuntu... lots of people won't need the gcc and dev headers, and those who do, can easily install them.
[23:15] <lucky_lucas> thank you
[23:15] <lucky_lucas> bye bye
[23:15] <nubee> anyone know how i can get my gdesklets to work ?
[23:15] <ardchoille> !patience | nubee
[23:15] <ubotu> nubee: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[23:16] <Lynoure> nubee: gdesklets? in KDE?
[23:16] <Lynoure> nubee: Do you know if it generally can be done? / if someone has done it before?
[23:17] <nubee> no
[23:17] <Lynoure> nubee: KDE has something similar, called SuperKaramba
[23:17] <nubee> its got me scratching my head
[23:18] <nubee> can i use kubuntu pacs on ubuntu?
[23:18] <Lynoure> nubee: Better ask the project channel, if it has one.
[23:18] <Lynoure> oh "currently works on most of the modern Unix desktops (including GNOME, KDE, Xfce)."
[23:19] <nubee> ok i will try that
[23:19] <azlon> how can i use firefox on KDE?
[23:19] <nubee> i think that it wont work cus of the forced ati driver
[23:19] <Lynoure> nubee: I'll be sleeping any moment now, but if you tell someone how they do not work, what errors you get and what you have tried, maybe they can help
[23:19] <azlon> i downloaded the tar, but im not sure what to do with it now
[23:20] <nubee> it dosnt give any errors
[23:20] <Dragnslcr> azlon- is there some reason you can't just use the normal package from the repository?
[23:20] <azlon> hrmm
[23:21] <nubee> ok i click on it it shows the window blank then turn back off
[23:21] <azlon> good call
[23:21] <azlon> thx
[23:25] <azlon> !divx
[23:25] <ubotu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[23:29] <sunny_> Wie kann ich Java installieren
[23:29] <Lynoure> !java
[23:29] <ubotu> To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.
[23:30] <Lynoure> sunny_: I hope it will helps.
[23:31] <sunny_> Zeitüberschreitung auf dem Server
[23:31] <NickPresta> !de | sunny_
[23:31] <ubotu> sunny_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[23:31] <sunny_> danke
[23:32] <wonderboy> hello?
[23:32] <sunny_> hallo
[23:32] <wonderboy> how are you?
[23:34] <cn28h> Sanne, yeah, I see that but the odd thing was that gcc *was* installed.. just no headers
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[23:37] <Sanne> cn28h: That's indeed a bit weird.
[23:37] <azlon> im trying to play an xvid video... but it is like its fastforwarding...
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[23:41] <Dr_willis> azlon, video online? got a link?
[23:41] <azlon> no
[23:42] <azlon> video on my hd
[23:42] <cn28h> what are you using to play it?
[23:43] <azlon> uhmm
[23:43] <azlon> Keffeine
[23:43] <mint2> is bad for health
[23:43] <azlon> im trying to stay away from VLC
[23:43] <cn28h> try mplayer
[23:43] <azlon> what would you suggest for a player?
[23:43] <azlon> mplayer... k, brb
[23:44] <yao_ziyuan> just installed ubuntu
[23:44] <yao_ziyuan> awesome...
[23:44] <mint2> yao_ziyuan - it is yeah
[23:44] <yao_ziyuan> will go to install kubuntu-desktop as well
[23:44] <mint2> which one did u install
[23:44] <mint2> i do prefer kde over gnome though
[23:44] <yao_ziyuan> this way the chinese input tool will be automatically available to my kde desktop
[23:45] <yao_ziyuan> mint2: ubuntu 7.10
[23:45] <mint2> cool
[23:45] <yao_ziyuan> mint2: i like kde too
[23:45] <yao_ziyuan> mint2: but it doesn't come with chinese input and display very well
[23:45] <mint2> then kubuntu gutsy gibbons
[23:45] <mint2> is the right one
[23:45] <yao_ziyuan> mint2: frankly it sucks in that aspect
[23:45] <mint2> i can understand yeah
[23:46] <azlon> same thing with mplayer
[23:46] <azlon> i think its a codec issue
[23:46] <azlon> but i dont know what codec pack to download
[23:46] <lovely> anyone want to help trouble shoot an "odd" thing? my camera usb stopped working a few months ago, been trying to get udev to recognize it for a while to no avail, and now my usb hard drive is lost as well.
[23:46] <yao_ziyuan> the masses still prefer dirty yellow gnome ubuntu haha
[23:46] <mantan> guys
[23:46] <cn28h> lovely, what comes up in dmesg when you plug them in?
[23:47] <mantan> how do i get second monitor working?
[23:47] <yao_ziyuan> it would be perfect if there is a gnome theme resembling kde
[23:48] <lovely> I have no idea... whats the site for code listing?
[23:48] <hola> how is possible to enable a connection between two machine with telnet or rsh?
[23:48] <lovely> cn28h: what is the site for listing such things?
[23:49] <cn28h> lovely, http://rafb.net/paste would do
[23:49] <cn28h> hola, you'd have to enable telnetd, but why not use ssh?
[23:51] <yao_ziyuan> also,
[23:51] <yao_ziyuan> that 3d chess in gnome is nice...
[23:52] <Dr_willis> You have to enable ssh also. :)
[23:52] <lovely> cn28h: ok, i have just dmesg and got a loooong list here is about half http://rafb.net/p/6Vd1xa79.html
[23:52] <azlon> where can i download divx/xvid codecs?
[23:52] <NickPresta> !codecs | azlon
[23:52] <ubotu> azlon: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[23:52] <azlon> yes, i read those pages
[23:53] <azlon> they didnt help much
[23:53] <cn28h> lovely, that doesn't look related to your problem. Unplug the device, plug it in again, and check what shows up at the end of dmesg
[23:53] <yao_ziyuan> question:
[23:53] <yao_ziyuan> if i install kubuntu-desktop in ubuntu,
[23:54] <yao_ziyuan> will i see ubuntu-desktop applications in a kde session's start menu?
[23:54] <yao_ziyuan> and run them
[23:54] <g2g591> yao_ziyuan: most likely
[23:54] <lovely> cn28h: http://rafb.net/p/bD3R7o93.html
[23:54] <g2g591> yao_ziyuan: thats how i initally installed kubuntu, but i cant remember for sure
[23:54] <g2g591> yao_ziyuan: you can at least run them in the run dialog
[23:55] <yao_ziyuan> and maybe i want to install a fresh kde4...
[23:55] <yao_ziyuan> is there a kde4-desktop or something
[23:55] <cn28h> lovely, okay, it found it -- is this a mybook by chance?
[23:56] <g2g591> yao_ziyuan: nope, there will be for hardy though, and 4.0.0 is buggy and no where near as good as 3.5 , to install 4.0 anyway see the directions in the annuncement at kubuntu.org
[23:56] <lovely> cn28h: not that I am aware of.. western digital, has worked on this os for 2 years now
[23:56] <yao_ziyuan> yes, i now recall kde4 doesn't have chinese support
[23:56] <cn28h> lovely, just cursious, I have a WD MyBook and it kind of pisses me off :) anyways -- what does fdisk -l /dev/sdb (might have to do this as root) show?
[23:58] <lovely> cn28h: http://rafb.net/p/y0oQ0a39.html
[23:58] <cn28h> lovely, sounds about right, can you mount it manually?
[23:59] <yao_ziyuan> downloading kubuntu-desktop
[23:59] <yao_ziyuan> 199MB
[23:59] <lovely> cn28h: ahh shit, what is that mount sdb1 in my case? I am fairly new at the direct aproch, been using GUI's primarily