UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /19 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <XiXaQ> it didn
[00:02] <XiXaQ> t seem like anything was copied.
[00:03] <nealmcb> how did you create the new user?
[00:14] <XiXaQ> sorry.. It seems like I didn't copy it properly :)
[00:15] <KillerKiwi2005> Hello, Whats the correct way for a deb to add a user to the fuse group??
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[08:03] <luckyone> hello - can anyone help me get dovecot setup correctly?
[08:04] <soren> !ask
[08:04] <ubotu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[08:04] <luckyone> I am having trouble getting a mail server set up
[08:04] <luckyone> I need advice - I have followed the tutorials and things *seem* to be working
[08:05] <luckyone> but alas, I cannot send/receive mail from the accounts that I created with postfixadmin
[08:06] <soren> What's postfixadmin?
[08:06] <luckyone> it is a php frontend that helps manage a postfix database for virtual domains/virtual users
[08:07] <soren> Well, you probably need to teach dovecot about postfixadmin's user database, so it'll look in the right place for their mail spool (and for authentication info).
[08:07] <soren> I've never used postfixadmin, so I haven't a clue.
[08:08] <luckyone> yeah, I specified passwd <file> and user <file> where file is /etc/dovecot/dovecot-mysql.conf
[08:09] <soren> That's not going to work.
[08:09] <soren> At least I don't think so.
[08:09] <soren> Er..
[08:09] <soren> Sorry.
[08:09] <soren> Yes, it might.
[08:09] * soren just got out of bed and is a bit confused
[08:10] <luckyone> yeah, it is supposed to... I am confused as to why dovecot isn't making directories for my users
[08:10] <luckyone> or maybe why postfixadmin isn't
[08:10] <soren> Making directories?
[08:10] <soren> When you do what?
[08:11] <luckyone> in /home/vmail/<domain>/<user>
[08:11] <luckyone> when I create the mailbox using postfixadmin
[08:11] <luckyone> seems like it is just creating the entry in the database
[08:14] <soren> It's not dovecot's responsibility to create the user's mailbox.
[08:14] <soren> Send the user a test mail (which I recommend anyway) and postfix should create it for you.
[08:17] <luckyone> how do I do that from the cli?
[08:17] <luckyone> postfix doesn't seem to be receiving mail...
[08:17] <soren> mail newuser@domain.com
[08:18] <luckyone> PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 13): 553 sorry, relaying denied from your location []
[08:18] <soren> From localhost?!?
[08:19] <soren> You've got worse problems that dovecot not creating mailboxes then :)
[08:19] <luckyone> from gmail...a
[08:19] <soren> Just do it from the mail server.
[08:19] <luckyone> I don't have mail installed - I thought postfix would be what I am using as my MTA
[08:20] <soren> It probably is.
[08:20] <soren> No mail or mailx installed?
[08:20] <soren> Just install mailx. is that a problem?
[08:21] <luckyone> not especially - but I think I am going to get some sleep and start fresh tomorrow
[08:21] <luckyone> thanks for your help
[08:21] * luckyone bows in appreciation to soren
[08:21] <luckyone> buenos noches amigo
[08:22] <soren> np :)
[08:24] <yapyccky> hello everyone. i've a problem. i'm trying to install a server on a old p3 500mhz but i've a problem during partition. i get an aror that says that i cant mount partition on root
[08:24] <yapyccky> may someone help me to solve this problem? i cant go on ...
[15:51] <lamont> ScottK: I'm preparing 2.5.0~rc2-1 for upload to debian
[16:26] <lamont> ScottK: is debian bug 291288 fixed in 2.5? (what version, if any?)
[16:26] <ubotu> Debian bug 291288 in postfix "feature request for inclusion of the libspf2 c patch to postfix" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/291288
[17:05] <luckyone> hello - anyone want to help me debug why postfix isn't starting up smtpd correctly? http://pastebin.com/de6e7aef
[17:57] <luckyone> when trying to connect dovecot to mysql, does the default dovecot package not have mysql support in
[17:59] <Nafallo> luckyone: look at the depends and you'll have your answer
[17:59] <luckyone> Nafallo: well - I ran dovecot --build-options and saw that it was infact built with support for mysql
[18:00] <luckyone> Nafallo: however - it does not seem to like driver = mysql in my /etc/dovecot/dovecot-mysql.conf file
[18:00] <Nafallo> well, I use postgresql
[18:01] <Nafallo> and the file would be dovecot-sql.conf surely?
[18:05] <luckyone> well, it is whatever you name it
[18:06] <luckyone> you define what file you want to use in /etc/postfix/main.cf
[18:06] <luckyone> or /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf rather
[18:46] <Nafallo> I use the default :-)
[18:48] <zul> dovecot has postgresql support doesnt it?
[18:56] <Nafallo> yes
[18:57] <Nafallo> and mysql
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[20:11] <ScottK> lamont: You should won'tfix that bug (291288). They should use a policy server instead.
[20:13] <ScottK> lamont: You want me to write something up on that?
[20:26] <ScottK> lamont: I'm going to reply in the bug.
[20:50] <ScottK> lamont: Bug commented.
[21:11] <lamont> ScottK: tanks
[21:11] <lamont> thanks, too. :-)
[21:11] * lamont was afk
[21:12] <ScottK> No problem.
[21:41] <lamont> ScottK: you could have tagged it +wontfix yourself.. I'd have been ok with that.
[21:41] <lamont> and 2.5.0~rc2-1 is in experimental
[21:41] <ScottK> OK. I figured that was up to the Maintainer to decide.
[21:41] * ScottK remembers for the future.
[21:42] <lamont> ScottK: it is. :-)
[21:42] <lamont> you're my defacto SPF maintainer-guy, you see....
[21:42] <ScottK> OK. Makes sense.
[21:42] <ScottK> Any more SPF stuff, I'll just deal with it then.
[21:46] <lamont> thanks. you know my general philosophy and such on spf, and I promise to listen to you when you say something is a _good_ thing...
[21:55] * lamont goes afk again for several hours.
[22:39] <pubo> Hi all
[22:39] <pubo> anybody has configured Bind9?
[22:43] <andol> pubo: Just ask your question :)
[22:45] <pubo> oki, I've installed dhcp-server v3 and bind9. I'd like bind9 to search in dhcpd files (dhcpd.leases) or something like that, to assign DNS to clients dynamicly
[22:45] <pubo> So from any other client I could ping it without given IP. (ping client1, ping client2, ...)
[22:46] <pubo> andol, do you understand what I want to mean? (bad english)
[22:47] <andol> pubo: Yes, but not a compination I've tried myself. Right now I'm thinking on whatever I think it is a bad idea or not :-)
[22:49] <pubo> I'd like to have something like in windows networks but without having to edit manually DNS files...
[22:52] <pubo> Uhm.. I thinl I got it! I'm going to test...
[22:56] <nijaba> possible
[22:56] <nijaba> err... wrong window
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[23:46] <pubo> uhh, lot of problems with ddns + bind9 :'(. Can anybody help me?
[23:52] <Travitron> basic question: after i've installed ubuntu 7.10 server, how do I get X up and running if I want it?