UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /16 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:38] <Keybuk> keescook: have you ever seen valgrind affect signal delivery?
[00:38] <lifeless> Keybuk: you pung
[00:38] <Keybuk> lifeless: yes, but abentley answered first :)
[00:47] <emgent> keescook, ping^2
[00:55] <Keybuk> emgent: a square ping? but does it go in a round hole?
[00:57] <emgent> Keybuk, lol
[01:14] <jdong> keescook: ping
[01:17] <jdong> keescook: the 1/03 apparmor uploads introduced some regressions. bin.ping still needs "/var/run/avahi-daemon/socket w" to do mdns resolution
[01:17] <jdong> keescook: also now sbin.klogd needs /proc/kallsyms read access else it segfaults on bootup with profile enforced
[01:17] <jdong> kthxbye
[01:17] <jdong> *vanish*
[01:27] <ScottK> lifeless: If you're still around I'm deeply interested in how sbuild virtual package dependencies is going?
[01:27] <lifeless> ScottK: sounds fascinating; what is it ?
[01:28] <ScottK> Argh.
[01:28] <lifeless> [I think you have the wrong nick]
[01:28] <ScottK> I do. It was it was infinity.
[01:28] <ScottK> Sorry about that.
[01:28] <ion_> :-)
[01:30] <jdong> :)
[01:30] <ScottK> lifeless: Depending on how fascinating you thought it was, the bug is Bug 178536
[01:30] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 178536 in sbuild "Preinstalled Build-Depends not properly detected" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178536
[01:36] <calc> anyone know is partman being broken on alpha3 is a known issue?
[01:37] <calc> i installed using it a few days ago but now it hangs and doesn't come up
[01:45] <somerville32> ScottK, It appears that Edgy is also vulnerable
[01:46] <somerville32> Erm, wrong channel
[01:46] <Keybuk> -> #embargo ? :-)
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[03:02] <desrt> hai! plz to upload debdiff?
[03:02] <desrt> http://desrt.mcmaster.ca/random/esd.debdiff ???
[03:02] <desrt> k thx!!
[03:02] * somerville32 blinks.
[03:02] <Hobbsee> desrt is strange ;)
[03:06] <RAOF> #gnome-hackers gives some context, there :)
[03:08] <desrt> Hobbsee; hai =)
[03:12] <jamesh> desrt: have you filed your bug report yet?
[03:12] <desrt> jamesh; yes. i have.
[03:13] <desrt> just attached the patch
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[03:14] <desrt> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/esound/+bug/183411
[03:14] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 183411 in esound "libesd leaks pipe file descriptors" [Undecided,New]
[03:41] <nenolod> desrt, nono. you say "CAN HAS DEBDIFF UPLOADZ"
[03:42] <desrt> sry :p
[03:42] <nenolod> and .. be sure to attach an lolcat to the bug.
[03:42] <ion_> And preferably a bukkit.
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[04:44] <mekius> Hi, I was wondering what is responsible for auto-loading the battery kernel module at boot?
[06:17] <desrt> Hobbsee; thanks for the upload :)
[06:43] <Hobbsee> desrt: hm?
[06:43] <desrt> nm. received some bad information from mjg59 concerning who silently uploaded that package for me :p
[06:43] <desrt> crimsun; thank you instead :)
[06:49] <jdong> grumble my macbook whines on Hardy now :(
[07:07] <desrt> jdong; set your max cstate to 2
[07:07] <desrt> macbook hardware bug :(
[07:09] <StevenK> Oh don't be silly, Apple makes hardware that has no bugs. Steve Jobs says so.
[07:09] <StevenK> </sarcasm>
[07:21] <Mithrandir> calc: any idea when we'll see an amd64 build of ooo? It seems to still have failed. Have you talked with Adam about what might be wrong?
[07:27] * desrt figured out the most confusing thing at UDS boston
[07:27] <desrt> that "T = 2 pi sqrt(1/a)" on the bedsheets
[07:27] <desrt> the 1 is actually a lowercase L!
[07:28] <desrt> and it's the period of a pendulum of length l and weight a
[07:28] <slangasek> Mithrandir: hmm? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/1:2.3.1-3ubuntu2/+build/491532 lists as 'Successfully built'
[07:28] <StevenK> Bwahaha, pitti and I spent like 20 minutes discussing the equations
[07:28] <ion_> I want math bedsheets too
[07:29] <desrt> s/weight/gravitational acceleration/
[07:29] <slangasek> ion_: you can buy them at the Hotel@MIT, IIRC
[07:29] <desrt> slangasek; for $$$
[07:29] <Mithrandir> openoffice.org-common: Depends: openoffice.org-core (> 1:2.3.1) but 1:2.3.0-1ubuntu5.3 is to be installed
[07:29] <Mithrandir> slangasek: ^ Something does at least seem unhappy here.
[07:30] <Mithrandir> (and yes, I'm using archive.u.c)
[07:30] <slangasek> Mithrandir: sure, the state is 'finished: 58 minutes ago', so hasn't gotten through a publisher cycle yet? :)
[07:30] <Mithrandir> slangasek: ah, ok.
[07:30] <Mithrandir> that'd explain it.
[07:31] <Mithrandir> why doesn't the kernel and lum use dpkg triggers for update-initramfs?
[07:40] <desrt> what's the deal with blue titlebars with orange buttons occasionally appearing on hardy?
[07:40] <somerville32> desrt, Rogue artists
[07:41] <desrt> i like the look
[07:41] <StevenK> Kubuntu trying to assert itself?
[07:42] <somerville32> If it is Kubuntu, we need to beat it down quickly with a stick
[07:43] <desrt> seriously
[07:43] <desrt> it looks really nice
[07:44] <somerville32> Take a screenshot the next time it happens then:P
[07:44] <Mithrandir> desrt: jpeg!
[07:44] * Hobbsee stomps on Mithrandir's feet
[07:44] * Hobbsee tickles Mithrandir too, then runs away
[07:44] * Mithrandir levitates
[07:44] <Hobbsee> too slow. far too slow.
[07:48] <ion_> mithrandir: Jpeg, huh?
[07:49] <Mithrandir> ion_: I'm not picky.
[07:49] <Mithrandir> ideally, it should be png, but jpeg works.
[07:49] <ion_> Lossy compression for a screenshot is teh evil. :-)
[07:50] <desrt> it's doing it again!!!
[07:50] <somerville32> Omgz!! Camera, quick!
[07:50] <Mithrandir> desrt: pix!
[07:50] <desrt> hold on
[07:50] <desrt> i had a blue theme on
[07:51] <desrt> lemme change it to orange and see if i can get it to happen
[07:51] <desrt> arf. no love.
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[07:51] <somerville32> : O
[07:54] <desrt> ha ha
[07:54] <desrt> got it!
[07:55] <somerville32> spiffy
[07:56] <dholbach> good morning
[07:56] <desrt> http://desrt.mcmaster.ca/random/weird-theme.png
[07:56] <Mithrandir> shiny
[07:57] <desrt> ya
[07:57] <desrt> awesomeness by accident
[07:57] <desrt> i think it's a weird race condition
[07:57] <desrt> where one of the compiz colours is properly updated by the other remains default
[07:57] <Mithrandir> desrt: what does "bus" on your desktop do?
[07:57] <desrt> it's a folder. it has bus schedules in it.
[07:57] <somerville32> lol
[07:57] <Mithrandir> ah
[07:58] <somerville32> desrt, It does look nice
[07:58] <desrt> i say!
[07:58] <desrt> when the installer booted up i was like "nice!"
[07:58] <desrt> i was really sad when i found out it was a bug :p
[07:59] * Hobbsee looks, blinks, and looks again
[08:01] <desrt> how do i submit this to the hardy artwork thing? :p
[08:02] <Hobbsee> desrt: you apply a large hammer to kwwii until he says "OK, that's the new default"
[08:02] <Mithrandir> today's xkcd is a work of beauty.
[08:03] <desrt> Hobbsee; isn't it mark who decides that?
[08:04] <desrt> (or at least holds veto...)
[08:05] <Hobbsee> desrt: doubly-apply the hammer, then.
[08:07] <somerville32> Here is a screenie of my desktop :) http://cody.zapto.org/Screenshot-1.png
[08:07] <desrt> that's one ugly-ass theme :p
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[08:07] <somerville32> : O
[08:09] <desrt> it's annoying that they still haven't fixed the bug with the incorrect logout icon
[08:09] <desrt> it confuses people quite a bit :(
[08:09] <somerville32> In Xubuntu?
[08:10] <desrt> maybe?
[08:10] <desrt> in ubuntu, at least
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[08:11] <desrt> i'm just poking my way around my new hardy install
[08:13] <highvoltage> show off :)
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[08:15] <calc> and btw i don't know if/when sparc is going to properly build OOo it seems to fail most of the time
[08:15] <calc> it almost always ICEs
[08:17] <desrt> seb128 will help me!
[08:18] <seb128> hey desrt
[08:18] <desrt> hi seb
[08:18] <desrt> i'm trying to make a new metacity theme :D
[08:18] <seb128> I know nothing about themes
[08:19] <desrt> seb128 will not help me!
[08:19] <desrt> check out this whacky effect: http://desrt.mcmaster.ca/random/weird-theme.png
[08:19] <seb128> try to ask to thos on gimpnet?
[08:19] <desrt> a bug in hardy makes that happen from time to time
[08:19] <desrt> but it looks so splendid that i want it forever
[08:20] <seb128> ah ah
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[08:20] <seb128> you are using compiz?
[08:21] <desrt> yes
[08:21] <desrt> bad pitti :p
[08:21] <Hobbsee> guten morgen pitti!
[08:21] <seb128> that happens when gtk-window-decorator starts before the gnome-settings-daemon
[08:21] <seb128> hey pitti
[08:21] <desrt> seb128; it's good. can we make that happen more often? :)
[08:21] <geser> good morning pitti
[08:22] <seb128> mvo: do you know what theme is used when the gtk-window-decorator doesn't use human correctly?
[08:22] <pitti> Good morning
[08:22] <pitti> desrt: I love you too
[08:23] <desrt> pitti; :)
[08:23] <desrt> good morning :)
[08:23] <pitti> desrt: what's up?
[08:23] <mvo> seb128: no
[08:23] <desrt> seb128; i think it has more to do with GTK
[08:23] <mvo> seb128: if the problem is reproducable for you, would you mind testing a patch ?
[08:23] <desrt> it's the "selected" colour from the default GTK theme before the GtkSettings kick in
[08:24] <seb128> desrt: might be
[08:24] <seb128> mvo: I get it at every login on my laptop, testing a patch should be no issue
[08:24] <desrt> pretty sure
[08:24] <desrt> the metacity theme refers to it like value="shade/gtk:bg[SELECTED]"
[08:41] <seb128> desrt: nice work on the esound issue ;-)
[08:42] <seb128> desrt: bug #164971 is likely due to that
[08:42] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 164971 in nautilus "Gnome freezes after moving or deleting many files" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164971
[08:42] <desrt> a nice
[08:43] <desrt> i skipped over that report because the summary line is a lie :)
[08:43] <desrt> should i dup it?
[08:43] <seb128> desrt: I already did
[08:43] <desrt> thanks
[08:43] <seb128> thank *you* for fixing the bug ;-)
[08:43] <desrt> it was fun :)
[08:44] <desrt> that's why i said "bad pitti" when he joined :)
[08:44] <seb128> hehehe
[08:44] <desrt> how do nominations work?
[08:44] <pitti> desrt: as if I hadn't done everything possible to get rid of esound :)
[08:45] <desrt> pitti; you did a little too much :p
[08:45] <StevenK> Only because esound sucks ...
[08:47] <desrt> does anyone know anything about this new cpuidle stuff?
[08:50] <desrt> like how to set a maximum cstate....
[09:06] <pitti> calc: are you working on the OO.o-l10n FTBFS? it's wreaking some havoc now (lots of uninstallability)
[09:13] <pitti> soren: hm, 'sudo kvm -cdrom gutsy-desktop-i386.iso' just crashes; is that supposed to work?
[09:15] <mvo> pitti: why do you need to run it with sudo?
[09:15] <pitti> mvo: well, otherwise it complains about /dev/kvm not being accessible and falling back to qemu
[09:16] <pitti> I'll try running it on 2.6.24
[09:16] <mvo> pitti: there is a kvm group
[09:16] <mvo> pitti: if you add your user, it should be fine
[09:16] <pitti> mvo: the device is root:root 660, though
[09:17] <pitti> I don't need kvm-source, right?
[09:19] <soren> pitti: If you "sed -e 's/GFXBOOT bootlogo/#FXBOOT bootlogo/g' < yourgutsyimage.iso > thisworks.iso", you're all good :)
[09:19] <pitti> soren: lol
[09:19] <soren> pitti: I'm afraid there's no way around it. It's due to limitations in intel's virtualisation extensions and gfxboot.
[09:19] <soren> pitti: Yeah, it's a bit of a hack.</understatement>
[09:20] <mvo> soren: wasn't there a patch for this? I remember something on the ML a while ago
[09:20] <Mithrandir> soren: or just hold shift while it boots.
[09:20] <mvo> pitti: oh? it is root,kvm for me
[09:20] <pitti> hm; well, I'm still running the gutsy kernel so that I don't loose wifi; I'll try the hardy one
[09:21] <soren> Mithrandir: What? Really?
[09:21] <soren> mvo: YEs, it's fixed in hardy.
[09:21] <pitti> shift doesn't work for me
[09:21] <Mithrandir> soren: yes, workaround for broken video bioses.
[09:21] <soren> Mithrandir: I had no idea.
[09:21] <Mithrandir> pitti: you might need to try a few times, it seems it sometimes help to just push it every now and then.
[09:21] <pitti> I have the kvm window for about 0.3 seconds, and I'm holding shift the entire time
[09:22] <Mithrandir> soren: also, sed -i.
[09:22] <pitti> Mithrandir: no -i for me, I want a copy :)
[09:22] <soren> Mithrandir: That works, too, yes. I just didn't want to break the integrity of my isos.
[09:22] <Mithrandir> well, yes.
[09:23] <pitti> soren: how is the /dev/kvm group solved in the kernel? I thought this was udev's job?
[09:23] <soren> pitti: It is.
[09:23] <soren> pitti: $ dpkg -S /etc/udev/rules.d/*kvm*
[09:23] <soren> kvm: /etc/udev/rules.d/45-kvm.rules
[09:24] <pitti> hm, I have that rules files
[09:24] <pitti> s/s$//
[09:24] <soren> And you've rebooted since installing kvm?
[09:24] <pitti> aah
[09:24] <soren> ...or just removed kvm-intel and inserted it again?
[09:24] <pitti> soren: I still had it loaded from the test from yesterday
[09:24] <soren> (that should also do the trick)
[09:24] <pitti> but without kvm installed :)
[09:24] <soren> Right :)
[09:24] <pitti> yep, that did it
[09:25] <soren> \o/
[09:25] <soren> I've just finished the changes to virt-manager, I wrote about on distro-team yesterday. I'll upload them in a bit. It's looking really slick now.
[09:25] <pitti> rockin', booting now
[09:26] <pitti> soren: the manager allows you to create virtual disks, and so on? or what does it do?
[09:26] <soren> pitti: That's one thing, yes.
[09:27] <soren> pitti: It also makes your vm's run in the background (well, libvirt does that, but virt-manager helps you), so that you can detach from them and attach elsewhere and such.
[09:27] <soren> It's pretty nifty :)
[09:28] <soren> I just want to send half my patch upstream, and then I'll upload.
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[09:36] <pitti> soren: can you please give the -proposed .debs of bug 160176 a quick test?
[09:36] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 160176 in bind9 "L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET record needs an update" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160176
[09:37] <pitti> soren: I'd like to move them to -updates, so that we can release ubuntu 6.06.2
[09:38] <soren> pitti: Sure.
[09:38] <pitti> soren: does KVM have problems with usplash as well? I just get a black screen now while the gutsy desktop boots
[09:39] <ion_> tjaalton: The updated nvidia_supported apparently didn’t make it into the latest linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24. (Bug #182237)
[09:39] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182237 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "restricted manager does not recognize nvidia 8600M GT on hardy" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182237
[09:39] <tjaalton> ion_: nope..
[09:41] <ion_> tjaalton: I still don’t see why a git repo isn’t used for the development of l-r-m. Whenever someone does a release of l-r-m, the pushed changes made by others working on it would be included automatically. :-)
[09:41] <soren> pitti: I'm not sure about usplash, to be honest. I haven't been using it (only server installs).
[09:41] <tjaalton> ion_: not my problem really :)
[09:42] <tjaalton> ion_: but I'm not sure how it scales with large binaries
[09:42] <tjaalton> perhaps if the packaging could be kept separate, but there are multiple debian-directories..
[09:43] <mvo> pitti: does your suspsend/resume keeps working with kvm-intel?
[09:44] <pitti> mvo: suspend was broken previously on hardy; I just did a dist-upgrade, will test with the new pm-utils
[09:44] <pitti> and then with kvm-intel
[09:45] <mvo> pitti: thanks, I'm curious, my laptop is not upgraded yet, but willbe soon
[09:45] <pitti> oh, nifty, with 2.6.24-4 I now have two batteries
[09:46] <mvo> pitti: cool, if I get a additional battery from 2.6.24-4, I install that too
[09:46] <pitti> ah, cool, suspend seems to work again, thanks mjg59!
[09:46] <Amaranth> yay, free battery
[09:47] <pitti> mvo: suspend works fine with kvm-intel loaded; trying hibernate now
[09:48] <mvo> pitti: thats great, thanks mjg59
[09:48] <pitti> tjaalton: any problems with the cups in dapper-proposed so far? (bug 44196)
[09:48] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 44196 in cupsys "gnome-cups-icon uses 100% CPU" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44196
[09:49] <tjaalton> pitti: no, g-c-i doesn't eat cpu anymore :)
[09:49] <pitti> tjaalton: rockin'
[09:49] <pitti> a day of great news as it seems
[09:49] <tjaalton> hehe
[09:49] <pitti> tjaalton: can you please add a bug comment about this? (paper trail)
[09:50] <tjaalton> sure
[09:50] <pitti> mvo: hibernate works, too
[09:50] <pitti> hm, previously hibernation destroyed the text VTs
[09:50] <pitti> now I cannot even switch to them
[09:51] <pitti> with chvt they are still broken, but *shrug*, I don't care much
[09:51] <tjaalton> pitti: done
[09:53] <pitti> oh, and 2.6.24-4 fixes iwl3945, too! cool, I can drop the gutsy kernel now
[09:53] * pitti hugs everyone
[09:54] <pitti> Keybuk: hm, my wifi shouldn't be called 'wlan0_rename', right?
[09:55] <tjaalton> pitti: btw, I uploaded a new xorg-server for dapper-proposed (bug 113679), not approved yet
[09:55] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 113679 in xorg-server "xorg freezes when running openoffice" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113679
[09:56] <tjaalton> oh, should subscribe SRU team to it?
[09:57] <pitti> tjaalton: yes, please
[10:03] <hunger> When will the ooo-l10n debs become available? They keep OOo un-upgradeable for weeks now.
[10:04] <pitti> soren: oh, in case it wasn't clear: please start verifying bind9 on dapper; the other releases aren't as urgent
[10:04] <Hobbsee> pitti: er, how was that broken before?
[10:05] <pitti> Hobbsee: bug 177624
[10:05] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 177624 in linux "iwl3945 has very poor signal reception, whereas ipw3945 works perfectly" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177624
[10:06] <pitti> soren: hm, booting with nosplash doesn't help either (kvm)
[10:06] <soren> pitti: I've checked on i386. Looks fine.
[10:06] <Hobbsee> pitti: ah, strange.
[10:06] <pitti> soren: thanks; please do a followup comment to have a papertrail
[10:10] <pitti> soren: oooh! x starts in kvm (desktop CD)! even noquiet nosplash didn't help against the black screen
[10:11] <pitti> hm, but no gdm
[10:11] <tjaalton> pitti: yes, I played with it on Friday
[10:15] * pitti gets a pretty sloppy mouse now and lots of "psmouse.c: throwing 5 bytes away", and "resync failed, issuing reconnect request"; hmm
[10:16] <geser> pitti: please give-back evolution-exchange. Thanks
[10:16] <Ng> seb128: is the network-admin gnome system tool known to not work in hardy atm for static network setups?
[10:16] <Ng> pitti: I get the two batteries thing too
[10:16] <seb128> Ng: not that I know but I doubt it got lot of testing
[10:17] <Ng> seb128: mmkay, I do use it, and I've found two bugs so far that I'll report. It lost my Location settings from gutsy, and it's not able to configure an interface ;)
[10:17] <seb128> Ng: did you upgrade today and did you restart since?
[10:18] <Ng> seb128: nah, I upgraded a few days ago and have restarted a lot since because suspend isn't working either ;)
[10:18] <seb128> upgrade to the version uploaded yesterday then and restart
[10:18] <geser> pitti: I've looked at the beagle depwait (it waits on two packages in universe). I tried to build it without those but it fails to build then. How to resolve this?
[10:18] <seb128> if you still get the issue using the new version you can report a bug
[10:19] <seb128> geser: why does it depwait if the packages are available?
[10:19] <seb128> geser: the standard reply would be to get those to build if they don't
[10:19] <geser> seb128: beagle is in main
[10:19] <pitti> geser: we want to move beagle to universe
[10:19] <seb128> geser: no it's not
[10:20] <pitti> seb128: it's still in main
[10:20] <pitti> f-spot still b-deps on it
[10:20] <pitti> it needs to move to libbeagle-dev
[10:20] <seb128> pitti: ah, I though we said to make it stop using beagle for now the other day
[10:21] <pitti> since it's only a b-dep, I'll demote beagle now; that won't render it uninstallable
[10:21] <pitti> seb128: the fun thing is that f-spot doesn't actually depend on beagle, just b-deps on it
[10:21] <pitti> so it might even just be an unneeded b-dep
[10:22] <pitti> geser: demoted; should start building in an hour or two
[10:23] <geser> pitti: thanks
[10:23] <geser> seb128: should I wait longer on slomo uploading evolution-sharp or could you do it?
[10:24] <seb128> slomo: ^
[10:24] <seb128> I'll do the sponsor if he doesn't reply
[10:24] <seb128> looks like he's too busy or something
[10:32] <carlos> pitti, seb128: we are importing Hardy files uploaded 9 days ago so we would be in a good status to start preparing language packs if you don't want to wait one or two more days
[10:34] <cjwatson> ion_: following the Hotel@MIT experience, my wife made me pillowcases covered in equations for Christmas
[10:35] <StevenK> Way cool
[10:35] <ion_> cjwatson: Aaww :-)
[10:36] * TheMuso must have missed something with all these equations around the hotel. :p
[10:36] <TheMuso> I thought they were concerned about accessibility with braille numbers everywhere. Seems that they weren't on the ball. :)
[10:37] <Mithrandir> TheMuso: I'm somewhat happy my bedsheets weren't braillified. I think it might be a bit like sleeping with sandpaper-y bedsheets. :-)
[10:37] <StevenK> Haha
[10:37] <TheMuso> Mithrandir: Well if it comes to that, I agree with you.
[10:37] <StevenK> What would the brallie say, though?
[10:37] <Mithrandir> StevenK: the same as the equations, I'd imagine?
[10:37] <StevenK> "This is the edge of the bed" "This is next to the edge of the bed" ? :-)
[10:38] <StevenK> And then the sheets move and confuse TheMuso
[10:38] * TheMuso chuckles at StevenK's comment dispite the sillyness of it
[10:38] <TheMuso> StevenK: They may confuse a totally blind person, but not me. :)
[10:38] * StevenK finds his USB key
[10:39] <StevenK> The cat was lying on it
[10:39] <TheMuso> Lovely.
[10:39] <Hobbsee> put the cat outside. problem solved.
[10:39] <StevenK> Hmph
[10:39] * Hobbsee is surprised the cat didn't chew it.
[10:39] <ogra> cats dont chew stuff
[10:39] <ion_> The designers of braille were kind enough to include the Wannabe Hacker Emblem in the symbols.
[10:40] <Hobbsee> ogra: that one does. computer cables.
[10:40] <TheMuso> They just tear it appart
[10:40] <ogra> crazy
[10:40] <StevenK> Or electrical cables, like phone chargers
[10:40] <TheMuso> Does that cat have any other dog instincts? :p
[10:40] <ogra> you know that you need to feed it, right ? :)
[10:41] <StevenK> She doesn't sit, stay or roll over and she dislikes the dog.
[10:41] <StevenK> ogra: Hmph
[10:42] <Mithrandir> one of our cats knows how to sit.
[10:42] <ion_> mithrandir: URL?
[10:42] <Mithrandir> ion_: location://home/top-of-shelf ?
[10:43] <StevenK> Hah
[10:43] <TheMuso> Mithrandir: Yeah, when it wants to. :)
[10:44] <Mithrandir> TheMuso: and with a suitable treat, it tends to want to.
[10:44] <TheMuso> Right
[10:44] <pitti> soren: hm, I tried booting the hardy desktop in kvm on my desktop (no VT support, so just qemu), and gfxboot works there
[10:44] <soren> pitti: Yes.
[10:44] <soren> pitti: I fixed it in hardy.
[10:45] <soren> pitti: Well, I'm the one who uploaded it anyway :)
[10:45] * soren actually reads what pitti wrote
[10:46] <pitti> so it just breaks when using kvm-intel
[10:46] <soren> pitti: Just with qemu, gfxboot should have worked all the time.
[10:46] <soren> pitti: With kvm, gfxboot works as of hardy.
[10:47] <pitti> I see
[10:47] <pitti> soren: is there actually any difference between using kvm and qemu directly?
[10:47] <pitti> (without kernel/CPU support, I mean)
[10:47] <soren> pitti: kvm's qemu is slightly more up to date than what's in the qemu package.
[10:47] <soren> pitti: Other than that, no.
[10:48] <soren> pitti: And the qemu package should be updated shortly (Debian maintainer is working on it).
[10:48] <pitti> soren: hm; I thought the Recommends: qemu would mean that kvm just uses the qemu package itself?
[10:49] <soren> pitti: Hm.. I think that recommendation should probably be dropped.
[10:49] <soren> pitti: I'd have to check, though.
[10:49] <pitti> The recommended qemu package contains the the qemu-img program needed to create
[10:49] <pitti> virtual disk images as well as the script /usr/sbin/qemu-make-debian-root,
[10:49] <pitti> which uses debootstrap to build a debian disk image.
[10:49] <pitti> ah
[10:50] <soren> Oh, right.
[10:50] * soren considers splitting those out into a qemu-utils package.
[10:52] <pitti> wow, module-assistant and kqemu-source work like a piece of cake
[10:52] <pitti> soren: maybe /dev/kqemu should also get a group
[10:53] <soren> pitti: I'm considering it. I'm just getting annoyed with all these new groups.
[10:53] <pitti> yeah :/
[10:54] <pitti> soren: it's about the same level as, say, 'video', but using video might be confusing
[10:54] <soren> slightly :)
[10:55] <soren> Except video actually gives you access to hardware.
[10:55] * soren tries to think of a situation where you wouldn't want users to have access to kqemu..
[10:55] <soren> Well, I guess the memory used by the qemu process in question will be pinned by the kernel module, so it can't be swapped out.
[10:55] <TheMuso> pitti: Do you have any ideas as to whats happening wrt pulseaudio and the realtime group, for better performance?
[10:56] <TheMuso> pitti: in terms of Ubuntu?
[10:56] <TheMuso> pitti: I know users on other distros using such settings, and finding much better performance, especially with on-board cards.
[10:57] <pitti> soren: kvm: invalid option -- '-kernel-kqemu'
[10:57] <pitti> soren: how's that called in kvm?
[10:57] <soren> pitti: Yeah, kvm doesn't support kqemu.
[10:57] <pitti> ah
[10:57] <pitti> neither does our qemu, as it seems
[10:57] <soren> Sure?
[10:57] <soren> It really should.
[10:57] <pitti> $ qemu -kernel-kqemu -cdrom hardy-desktop-amd64.iso
[10:57] <pitti> qemu: invalid option -- '-kernel-kqemu'
[10:58] <pitti> that's the option described in file:///usr/share/doc/kqemu-common/kqemu-doc.html
[10:58] <soren> The build logs claim that it's enabled.
[10:58] <soren> Oh, -kernel-kqemu might not work.
[10:59] <pitti> soren: ah, qemu-system-x86_64 -kernel-kqemu works
[11:00] <soren> pitti: Oh, yes, I remember now. kqemu only works when the emulator you're running matches the host, but qemu upstream insists that "qemu" should execute the i686.
[11:01] <pitti> 10037.001587] kqemu: aborting: Unexpected exception 0x0d in monitor space
[11:01] <soren> hysterial raisins, but still.
[11:01] <pitti> *sniff*
[11:01] * Mithrandir gives soren a c
[11:01] <soren> ta
[11:01] <Mithrandir> (and then eats his raisin)
[11:02] <soren> Oh, well, that's about as many uploads as I can do before lunch..
[11:02] <soren> Aw!
[11:02] * soren contemplates making a "your mom" joke out of it, but decides not to.
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[11:40] <xst_> Does anyone know when there will be put an effort to make dual monitors (e.g. a laptop together with an external monitor (a fairly common setup)) work? Currently one have to manually edit xorg.conf which is clearly a no-go for laptop users that often plug/unplug the external monitor.
[11:41] <Mithrandir> xst_: have you tried xrandr --auto?
[11:41] <xst_> No. What is that?
[11:41] <Mithrandir> if your video driver supports xrandr 1.2, you should be able to hotplug monitors.
[11:42] <xst_> I tried to plug in my external monitor using Kubuntu Hardy alpha 3 but it stayed blank. I had to reboot in order to recognize it. But then it stayed at the same (low) resolution as my laptop :-(
[11:42] <Mithrandir> it probably defaults to clone mode.
[11:43] <xst_> Unfortunately I wasn't able to alter the monitor settings as the Display&Monitor module was broken in alpha 3. And in alpha 2. And alpha 1. :-(
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[12:04] <tjaalton> xst_: what device?
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[12:15] <xst_> tjaalton: What do you mean by "what device"?
[12:15] <tjaalton> xst_: gfx card
[12:16] <xst_> ATI Radeon X1300
[12:16] <tjaalton> heh
[12:16] <tjaalton> ok, so you are using vesa, which does not support multihead
[12:16] <tjaalton> try radeonhd
[12:17] <pitti> bdmurray, pedro_: btw, I eliminated the 6 hour lag of http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html, and it's generated hourly now, after the publisher
[12:17] <pedro_> pitti: great, thanks
[12:17] <xst_> I could - theoretically - use the official "restricted" ATI driver but not even the "restricted drivers" module works in alpha 3 (or alpha 2 or alpha 1). It simply doesn't exist in the Settings window
[12:19] <xst_> So, in summarize, screen configuration in ubuntu/kubuntu is still only practically possible for geeks having the will to manipulate xorg.conf and spend hours/days on getting drivers to work.
[12:20] <xst_> -it certainly does not meet the "Linux for everyone" goal in Ubuntu
[12:22] <tjaalton> xst_: mind you that you are running the development version
[12:22] <tjaalton> besides, restricted-manager is there if you want to enable fglrx
[12:24] <xst_> I run the test version (from a live CD) in order to provide bug reports to LP. I have Feisty installed on my laptop - but screen configuration is a no-go here also.But besides that, the "restricted manager" is NOT there in Hardy so I can't enable fglrx.
[12:33] <tjaalton> xst_: oh, it wouldn't work with the livecd anyway
[12:33] <tjaalton> xst_: it's good that people test things
[12:33] <xst_> :-)
[12:33] <tjaalton> xst_: maybe for the next alpha you'll use ati or radeonhd instead of vesa..
[12:34] <xst_> automatically?
[12:34] <tjaalton> yes
[12:34] <xst_> nice!
[12:35] <cjwatson> xst_: please, we understand that bugs are bugs and we do generally appreciate their importance; we would appreciate it if people didn't resort to pejorative terms in order to try to get bugs recognised
[12:35] <cjwatson> it isn't necessary and it just inflames the temperature
[12:35] <cjwatson> appreciate importance> as you can see from tjaalton's comments :)
[12:41] <Mithrandir> \sh: regarding bug 182920; please don't sync + reapply patches, but rather just get a merge done. Adilson is going to do that now, so this note is just for the future.
[12:41] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182920 in galculator "[MoM Sync] please sync galculator" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182920
[12:41] <\sh> Mithrandir, I talked to adilson ... and he was fine with a sync, drop the hildon patches because he needs to to some more work on the new upstream anyways
[12:42] <Mithrandir> \sh: well, that makes old changelogs get dropped, which we don't want when we have patches that we want to keep.
[12:42] <Mithrandir> \sh: anyway, no harm done in this case, but please be careful in the future.
[12:43] <ogra> hrm
[12:43] <\sh> Mithrandir, as I said, I was discussion this first with him...but you are right, I'll do a fakesync in this case, because the hildon patch doesn't apply cleanly
[12:43] <\sh> Mithrandir, so disabling the patch is better in this case, imho
[12:43] <ogra> ifup seems to not like to be run in /target ...
[12:43] <Mithrandir> \sh: no, please don't. Adilson said ok because he didn't know the procedure, and he's been told now what the right procedure is.
[12:44] * ogra wonders how else to bring up the interface without to much hacking
[12:44] <Mithrandir> \sh: the patch should just be updated, then.
[12:44] <\sh> Mithrandir, ah :) this sounds different no problem :) I'll be happy to work with him on that :)
[12:46] <\sh> Mithrandir, i would be good if we have a bzr tree for those apps which have special patches (for ubuntu-mobile) applied...but I didn't see any of it in the ubuntu-mobile bzr tree
[12:46] <Keybuk> pitti: it does that if you upgraded from gutsy atm
[12:46] <Keybuk> pitti: add ', ATTR{type}=="1"' to /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules lines
[12:47] <pitti> Keybuk: yes, that's what I did (upgrade)
[12:47] <pitti> Keybuk: it actually works, it just looks wrong
[12:47] <pitti> Keybuk: do you want a bug for this? or is it already fixed for gutsy->current hardy upgrades?
[12:50] <Keybuk> pitti: if it doesn't already have a bug, it should get one
[12:54] <DarkSun88> Hi all
[12:58] <calc> pitti: looking into it, i am running a test build on my local machine to see if i can find out what is happening
[12:58] <pitti> calc: cool, thanks
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[13:58] <Hobbsee> this backlight problem is getting old.
[13:59] <StevenK> Backlight problem?
[14:00] <Hobbsee> yeah. if the machine goes idle for a bit, as soon as it detects mouse or keyboard movement, it goes back to full brightness.
[14:00] <StevenK> Ah
[14:00] <Hobbsee> as in, idle for around a minute, without keyboard/mouse input
[14:05] <Hobbsee> or randomly goes back to full brightness. gah.
[14:15] <Hobbsee> strange. appears to work now.
[14:37] <slomo> seb128: do it if you want, i'll hopefully find some time to do it tomorrow in the morning if that's early enough (for all my stuff)
[14:39] <slomo> seb128: and yes, i'm a bit busy... should be better from tomorrow on :)
[14:39] <slomo> bbl again
[14:39] <seb128> slomo: I'll wait if you can do those because I've lot to do with GNOME updates
[14:44] <geser> pitti: please give-back evolution-exchange. Thanks
[14:44] <pitti> geser: kicked
[14:45] <calc> wow i386 took 8h20m to fail the l10n build, its 2hr in on my box so far so good, heh
[14:48] <geser> There was a move from db4.* to db4.6. Does it also apply for the db4.* c++ bindings (move to libdb4.6++)?
[14:49] <calc> geser: the move is more general than just db4.* its reducing duplication in general so that would be a good idea as well
[14:49] <calc> geser: db4.* is just one of the more common packages that have lots of copies floating about
[14:50] <calc> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReducingDuplication
[14:53] <geser> calc: is the goal to get those duplicated libraries out of main or out of the archive?
[14:53] <calc> geser: out of main primarily, but out of the archive would be good as well
[14:53] <calc> most duplicated libraries have no reason to exist other than packages haven't transitioned yet
[14:54] <calc> duplicated packages like old gcc, etc sometimes have other uses but probably shouldn't be in main
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[16:00] <jdstrand> amitk, ogasawara: is there any reason why raid1 is not included in the kernel initramfs (esp. server)? I had a bit of a time realizing this was the problem on a gutsy install
[16:01] <jdstrand> (perhaps it's documented somewhere and I am blind...)
[16:02] <pitti> seb128: hm, my panel crashes about three times a day now (gnome-panel[6042] general protection rip:7f0d63568d71 rsp:7fff6d268620 error:0)
[16:02] <pitti> seb128: however, I don't get apport reports; does it have its own crash handler now?
[16:02] <seb128> pitti: no it doesn't
[16:03] <seb128> pitti: maybe those are not SIGSEGV and apport doesn't crash those?
[16:03] <pitti> oh, whoops, seems I blacklisted it; sorry
[16:03] <pitti> unblacklisted, I'll check it when it happens again
[16:03] <pitti> seb128: sorry for the noise
[16:03] <seb128> ok
[16:03] <seb128> pitti: that is alright
[16:12] <pochu> pitti: if it crashes during a build, it's likely bug 180463
[16:12] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 180463 in gtk+2.0 "gtk_recent_files_menu_populate() does not properly guard against recursion" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180463
[16:13] <ogra> zul, !!!!!
[16:13] * ogra hugs zul
[16:24] <jdstrand> ogasawara: this is probably bug #174428
[16:24] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 174428 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Gutsy initramfs fails to boot from md partition" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174428
[16:27] <zul> thanks ogra
[16:28] <ogra> great news :))
[16:29] <zul> it is
[16:42] <pochu> Can someone explain me why tasks is MANUALDEPWAIT in libosso-dev, but libosso was succesfully built about 5 months ago? Is this a soyuz bug, or am I missing something? This is on lpia
[16:48] <geser> pochu: you mean on lpia?
[16:51] <geser> pochu: tasks is in main while libosso is in universe
[16:56] <jdong> any core-devs around who care about Transmission or is willing to invest 2 minutes of effort to update it to the latest version?
[16:56] <Keybuk> jdong: do you have an update ready for sponsorship?
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[16:57] <jdong> Keybuk: yes, one moment please :)
[16:58] <Keybuk> jdong: --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess
[16:58] <jdong> Keybuk: alright, I'll stick it on the queue :)
[16:59] <ogasawara> jdstrand: sorry, was in a meeting. I'm not aware of any specific reason why raid1 is not included
[16:59] <calc> evand: if you have a chance can you take a look at the bug i filed last night :)
[16:59] <evand> indeed
[16:59] <ogasawara> jdstrand: but if you can add a comment to that bug, I'll nudge the kernel guys about it
[16:59] <calc> evand: i eventually was able to install using alpha3 but it took a lot longer than it should have
[16:59] <jdstrand> ogasawara: already did ;)
[16:59] <jdstrand> ogasawara: np on the meeting btw :)
[16:59] * calc be back soon, eating brunch
[17:02] <ogra> cjwatson, i have a slight problem with ssh here ... and like to hear your input
[17:05] <pochu> geser: oh, thanks. That's a consequence of bug 149275.
[17:05] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 149275 in osso-gwconnect "First cut of source packages for -mobile promotions" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149275
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[17:14] <slangasek> calc: what needs to happen now to get a working ooo-l10n build?
[17:21] * ogra goes for food ...
[17:21] * slangasek glares back at the sun glaring through his window
[17:22] <slangasek> dear Portland, please pick a brightness setting and stick with it so I can stop adjusting my window shades
[17:23] <amitk> slangasek: can you put in a request for the brightest setting for the last week of this month?
[17:23] <calc> slangasek: its building on my box right now, trying to track down why its failing
[17:23] <calc> slangasek: its been running about 4.5hr so far
[17:24] <calc> evand: back :)
[17:24] <evand> calc: looking into it and consulting cjwatson. Nothing in the logs jumps out at me as being erroneous.
[17:25] <calc> evand: ok
[17:25] <calc> it eventually got up to 118 cycles or so for partman log when it actually completed
[17:25] <evand> So I am quite perplexed, especially considering the install ran through just fine, just ridiculously slow. I suppose I was hoping for a full on failure :).
[17:26] <calc> i can do any other testing wanted as well, i will be bringing the laptop to sprint so you can take a look then too if you want
[17:26] <slangasek> amitk: what would you like it to be? I can put in the request, and then we can file a grievance form after that request gets lost in the paperwork shuffle
[17:26] <evand> calc: fantastic
[17:26] <keescook> Keybuk: I haven't used valgrind a lot, but it didn't mess with signals when I did use it. however, given your deep poking at signals and ptrace, I would not be surprised if you found a bug in valgrind :)
[17:26] <keescook> emgent: late pong. :)
[17:26] <emgent> heheh cool keescook
[17:27] <emgent> have u saw my emial? :)
[17:27] <amitk> slangasek: hehe
[17:27] <emgent> s/emial/email/
[17:27] <keescook> jdong: did the apparmor profiles actually change in the upload? I'll double-check the before/after packages. if so, sorry for the regression!
[17:27] <slangasek> evand: so is the installer really doing a vfat fsck? that seems odd to me if it is
[17:28] <cjwatson> calc: 118 cycles is not particularly unreasonable; that just means 118 communications with parted_server
[17:28] <evand> slangasek: no, I don't believe it is.
[17:28] <cjwatson> it's a shame the partman log isn't timestamped
[17:28] <cjwatson> it could be that ntfsresize is taking ages
[17:29] <cjwatson> that gets called to determine whether the ntfs filesystem is resizable and if so by how much
[17:29] <calc> cjwatson: ok so its just the timing that is whats off
[17:29] <jdong> keescook: I'm 95% sure they changed, as they were correct in the Gutsy release. Anyway, thanks so much for looking into it :)
[17:30] <calc> cjwatson: btw this is on the same system that does the fsck on boot on fat32 each time (haven't had a chance to verify dosfstools yet)
[17:30] <calc> cjwatson: and configuring the mount point for that fs takes a while to return as well
[17:30] <calc> cjwatson: that was why i was wondering in the bug report if fsck is called when you modify settings for a partition in the gui installer
[17:33] <cjwatson> calc: no, it isn't
[17:34] <calc> brb, getting laptop
[17:34] <cjwatson> calc: for configuring the mount point, how much is a whiel?
[17:34] <cjwatson> while
[17:36] <calc> i didn't time it but iirc it was over a minute at least
[17:36] <calc> configuring the mount points for the others was nearly instant (< 5s anyway)
[17:40] <calc> i'll run back through the process and see how long each part takes
[17:45] <pitti> calc: openoffice.org-core on sparc is the only package which still holds db4.5 and neon26 in main; it FTBFSed due to a segfault in gcc
[17:45] <pitti> calc: did you see that before? is it worth trying a rebuild?
[17:45] <calc> pitti: can we just drop OOo out of sparc entirely?
[17:46] <calc> pitti: it ICEs 50%+ of the time
[17:46] <calc> at least from what i recall
[17:46] <pitti> calc: hm, 50% success rate is pretty good :)
[17:46] <calc> haha
[17:46] <pitti> calc: yes, I wouldn't mind unseeding it on sparc
[17:46] <pitti> calc: I'll give it a shot
[17:46] <calc> the last time we got it to work on sparc doko had to do something special, i don't know what he did though
[17:46] <pitti> I think we had it build on the other buildd
[17:47] <calc> pitti: oh
[17:47] <calc> pitti: well that might work if it hasn't been tried yet :)
[17:47] <calc> if that does work doesn't that mean the buildd has bad hardware?
[17:48] <pitti> calc: I set sejong to manual, so artigas will grab it
[17:48] <pitti> however, one is busy with gcc, the other with boost, so it'll take a while until they will grab it
[17:51] <calc> ok
[17:52] <calc> even if it fails differently that will be interesting
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[18:07] * calc is watching clock to see how long it takes to reach the main partition screen
[18:07] <calc> 6min+ so far
[18:08] <calc> cjwatson: oh yea while its hanging around doing seemingly nothing the hard drive light is lit up constant
[18:08] <cjwatson> what processes are running?
[18:09] <cjwatson> ideally look at the last one or two on the list aside from the shell and ps
[18:09] <calc> /lib/partman/display.d/10initial_auto (twice)
[18:09] <calc> /lib/partman/automatically_partition/10resize_use_free
[18:10] <cjwatson> anything below that?
[18:10] <calc> just gnome-terminal/bash/ps
[18:10] <calc> parted_server is using some cpu
[18:10] <calc> not all that much though
[18:10] <cjwatson> could you reboot, and before starting the installer add 'set -x' on the second line of /lib/partman/automatically_partition/10resize_use_free ?
[18:10] <calc> 47.3%wa according to top
[18:11] <cjwatson> should get some useful stuff in /var/log/syslog then
[18:11] <calc> ok
[18:11] <cjwatson> err, that's probably /lib/partman/automatically_partition/10resize_use_free/choices actually, but add 'set -x' to .../do_option as well
[18:11] <cjwatson> it may be in a loop somehow
[18:11] <slangasek> hmm, i386 alternate size looks ok even with OOo 2.3.1 on it now; time to consider re-seeding -base?
[18:14] <calc> slangasek: up to you guys... i think once lzma is used it should have plenty of space not to need to get bumped back off
[18:17] <ogra> cjwatson, ldm uses ssh -X to connect to a desktop session, now that consolekit sets all permissions for admin tasks in the session i need to find a way to make ldm set this, but since people might want to do something like: ssh -X user@server sudo time-admin i wonder if it shouldnt rather be implemented on ssh level than on DM level
[18:18] <calc> last thing i see in syslog (where i guess the set -x output is going?) is + read exception_type
[18:19] * calc is guessing the whole log is probably more useful than just one line ;)
[18:20] <ogra> cjwatson, we can talk about that later though, no pressing issue atm
[18:21] <calc> ah more but waited 3.5m
[18:22] <cjwatson> calc: whole log, yes
[18:22] <cjwatson> ogra: hmm, ok, I'm not quite sure what's involved in setting such permissions
[18:22] <cjwatson> ogra: let's talk about it next week?
[18:22] <calc> now its waiting in do_option
[18:23] <ogra> there is a libpam-ck-connector in universe ...
[18:23] <ogra> cjwatson, sure
[18:23] <calc> i'll stick a set -x in there too if you want?
[18:24] <pitti> slangasek: alternate size> hm, seems the cdbs fix for reducing gnoem packages finally works
[18:27] <slangasek> calc: ok, once -l10n is sorted then, I'll look at re-seeding the metapackage
[18:28] <calc> ok
[18:28] <slangasek> pitti: ah, what cdbs fix is that?
[18:28] <pitti> slangasek: to symlink together identical gnome help files, which saves quite a lot (untranslated duplicated screenshots)
[18:29] <pitti> slangasek: we did this a while ago, but it was missing a dependency (fdupes)
[18:29] <pitti> (or, rather, it had two Depends: lines, so fdupes got shadowed)
[18:29] <Keybuk> keescook: heh, oddly enough, it *is* those test cases that fail under valgrind
[18:29] <slangasek> pitti: right, ok :)
[18:30] * Keybuk would have thought you use it a lot to quickly check software for bogus memory operations
[18:31] <calc> it took right at 14m to get to the main partition screen (guided vs manual)
[18:31] <ToyKeeper> "perforate" includes an app to hard link identical files together.
[18:32] <calc> cjwatson: i am going to grab a full install log for the report, it might have something useful in it for the second problem as well
[18:32] <ToyKeeper> ( finddup --link --dir /foo )
[18:35] <calc> restarting with all the set -x in place this time
[18:48] <keescook> Keybuk: I find valgrind too noisy for useful memory analysis -- lots of false positives
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[19:04] * desrt finishes up the hardy accident theme
[19:04] <slangasek> keescook: really? the only false-positives I recall seeing from valgrind were passing pointers to uninitialized memory to a syscall where the caller knows the kernel's going to overwrite it on success
[19:06] <calc> cjwatson: looks like all the issues in the installer are related, its some sort of error handling timeout (afaict) i will be attaching the new logs soon
[19:07] <calc> cjwatson: the first screen appears to cause the timeout to happen 3 times in a row, then it does a single timeout (i think still waiting) when i tell it the mount point for the vfat/fat32 partition
[19:07] <calc> the timeout takes about 3.5m each time
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[19:32] <calc> evand: uploading full syslog with set -x output (should be in the bug report in a few minutes)
[19:32] <evand> calc: great, thanks
[19:32] <calc> appears to be some sort of error that takes 3.5m to timeout, but that is just a guess
[19:33] <calc> and it looks like it might be the same error each time, just repeated at the first hang which causes it to hang ~ 14m
[19:33] <calc> ok the logs are all there now :)
[19:33] <calc> cjwatson: new logs up for the bug :)
[19:48] <ceekay> is anyone able to point me to some info on packaging kernel modules? i am interested in turning intel's ixgbe driver (available on sourceforge) into a .deb
[19:52] <amitk> ceekay: is this the pci-e ethernet driver?
[19:53] <amitk> ceekay: an igb module was pushed to linux-ubuntu-modules last week
[19:56] <ceekay> the project i'm working on is using feisty
[19:59] <amitk> ceekay: Is this package only for internal use? Typically kernel modules aren't packaged separately. They are integrated in the Ubuntu's external module package. But Feisty won't take new modules anymore.
[20:04] <ceekay> amitk: yeah just for internal use..
[20:05] <ceekay> the main issue i have (which i guess isn't module specific) is that the ixgbe driver source is all in ixgbe-<version>/src rather than in the top-level directory and dh_make doesn't seem to like that
[20:05] <ceekay> is there some standard procedure to follow when upstream packages its source like that?
[20:05] <ceekay> i suppose i could rename src/ to ixgbe-<version>/ or copy the contents of src up one level
[20:06] <amitk> ceekay: I am far from a debian packaging expert. Typically, we just copy the sources to a directory inside linux-ubuntu-modules and create a Makefile.
[20:07] <amitk> ceekay: download the source for linux-ubuntu-modules to see how the modules have been added.
[20:09] <ceekay> ah, excellent
[20:09] <ceekay> i guess i can even grab the one from hardy and see how ixgbe is done :)
[20:10] <emgent> hello
[20:12] <ceekay> thanks amitk
[20:12] <ceekay> by the way, is there a reason feisty is no longer accepting modules? is it just because it'd been released?
[20:14] <amitk> ceekay: because it is in maintenance mode. So only critical bugfixes are made. No new features are added. For new features, you can upgrade to Gutsy.
[20:15] <ceekay> gotcha, thanks
[20:35] <keescook> slangasek: valgrind> there are other things it yells about that are certainly bugs, but not security issues. perhaps I'm using it wrong. :)
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[20:40] <slangasek> keescook: ah, well, I find it less effort to fix all the bugs than worry about whether they're security issues :)
[20:40] <slangasek> but I can see how you might have a different pov
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[22:01] <ceekay> anyone who knows how to use make-kpkg to build platform-dependent modules around?
[22:04] <Kmos> ceekay: try to ask in #ubuntu-motu
[22:05] <ceekay> cool thanks
[22:07] <ScottK> Kmos: make-kpkg is for making custom kernels. #ubuntu-kernel would have been a much better suggestion.
[22:07] <ScottK> ceekay: ^^^
[22:08] <ceekay> well i guess, the question i actually have is: i have an ixgbe-<version>-source.deb that i put together (because it's not available in feisty), but i want to make a platform-dependent binary ixgbe-<version>-modules.deb so that i can put it on machines that don't have build tools... what tool should i be using for this?
[22:12] <keescook> jdong: so, I don't see any regressions gutsy to hardy in the apparmor profiles. looking specifically at "ping", the avahi-daemon/socket was added to the "nameservice" abstraction, and is there in both gutsy and hardy. if you still still issues, go ahead and open a bug and we can go from there. :)
[22:13] <jdong> keescook: ok, maybe I failed to notice it. Did you see /proc/kallsyms in sbin.klogd though?
[22:13] <jdong> keescook: that seems to be a recent one.
[22:14] <keescook> checking...
[22:14] <jdong> it wasn't required just last week in hardy...
[22:14] <torkel> ceekay: still off topic for this channel :-) but take a look at module-assistant
[22:14] <jdong> but now klogd segfaults if it's denied access to it
[22:15] <keescook> Ah, agreed, that's missing from klogd (but it wasn't there in gutsy at all either). klogd is in complain mode by default.
[22:15] <ceekay> torkel: thanks
[22:16] <keescook> jdong: I'll get that into the package. :)
[22:17] <emgent> hello there
[22:21] <jdong> keescook: thanks :)
[22:22] <Kmos> ScottK: we're always learning..
[22:38] <lakritz> if I remember correctly there were plans on integrating Totem and MythTV in some way for Ubuntu Hardy. Anyone know how that's going?
[22:40] <torkel> lakritz: try #ubuntu-mythtv
[22:41] <emgent> https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome-enthusiasts
[22:41] <emgent> ;)
[22:43] <lakritz> torkel: ok =)
[22:43] * snadge knows of a couple of ubuntu contributors who have cracked it and gone to sidux / OpenSuse etc :(
[22:47] <snadge> apparently over infighting (heated differences of opinion), and too many bugs which make it through to release.. i tried to pull the philosophy card, and failed to win them back... ahh well :)
[22:47] <snadge> aka haphazard release schedule
[22:50] <snadge> perhaps more paid contributors are needed in the area of bug fixing / quality control.. and also to help rally the community to get more involved
[22:51] <lakritz> snadge: you're not responding to me are you?
[22:51] <snadge> no sorry, just random noise.. its morning here im having my coffee and stalling going to work :/
[22:51] <lakritz> hehe, alright
[22:52] <snadge> trying to think of ideas to improve the quality of ubuntu
[22:52] <snadge> whilst im still not deterred, its saddening to see talented people give up
[22:52] <crimsun> pitti: may I pick your brain for a few moments regarding CleanupAudioJumble?
[22:54] <lakritz> maybe making it easier to contribute to the quality. For example I'd really like that, if I encounter bad translations in a dialog box, there'd be a really easy and direct way to fix it and send my changes upstream
[22:54] <snadge> im sure this idea has been thought of, but what about offering bounties for fixing bugs.. like if someone makes a confirmed fix to a confirmed problem, they could get a prize or money
[22:54] <snadge> it might even be possible for someone to make a living out of going through launchpad and fixing problems
[22:55] <lakritz> that'd be cool, and a way for people to assign bounty to bugs that really nags them =)
[22:55] <lakritz> that would be sort of a self-organizing system
[22:56] <snadge> thats right, if a bug really (for want of a better way to phrase it) pisses you off.. you could offer your own money to whomever fixes it
[22:56] <lakritz> yup
[22:56] <snadge> and perhaps canonical could sponsor the rest
[22:56] <snadge> it would especially make sense close to release date
[22:57] <snadge> get as many people testing, reporting and fixing the rc as possible
[22:57] <lakritz> they could use the system the same way altough they'd probably be like someone with a lot of bugs nagging them and a lot of money to put in =)
[22:58] <snadge> shock horror, maybe even delay a release if there are too many "black screen on boot", "no networking" etc problems
[22:58] <snadge> because all releasing with those types of problems does.. is really aggravate a lot of people
[22:58] <snadge> people who might not be willing to give ubuntu another try
[22:58] <lakritz> well they do that already don't they? I seem to remember there was a relesase scheduled for April that got pushed back to June
[22:59] <crimsun> desrt: yw.
[23:00] <lakritz> gutsy was pushing it a bit hard (that was the point) but otherwise I think Ubuntu does a fine job with the quality/polish in the releases
[23:00] <snadge> my brother for example.. has an 8800gt, gutsy wont boot in normal or safe graphics mode.. the suggested fix, use the alternate install.. to which he promptly gave up because it was "too hard" .. granted, you can point the finger at nvidia for not having drivers.. and his laziness for not persisting with it
[23:02] <lakritz> yupp, really there's just so much you can do when dealing with hardware vendors that don't open up their spec
[23:03] <cj> anyone know whether it's user error that I can't get javaws to work in hardy on amd64?
[23:04] <cj> when do we get an Open video card?
[23:08] <lakritz> if by open you mean that specs are available, intel's are already open and AMD are in the process of opening up as well
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[23:36] <asac> imbrandon: there?
[23:39] <cj> lakritz: excellent. by AMD, you mean ATI, no?
[23:41] <lakritz> cj: since AMD acquired ATI some time ago I guess I meant both
[23:41] <lakritz> =)
[23:41] <ScottK2> slangasek: Bug 178536 is fixed on the buildd's now, so could I please have a give back on libmail-box-perl and mime-tools?
[23:41] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 178536 in launchpad-buildd "Preinstalled Build-Depends not properly detected" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178536
[23:42] <geser> ScottK2: you're fast
[23:42] <geser> ScottK2: add bioperl to that list
[23:43] <ScottK2> Right. Forgot about that one. That one hadn't burned me personally.
[23:47] <geser> libpod-constants-perl, libtest-base-perl need also a give-back
[23:48] <geser> and the HASH bug on the buildd got also fixed, scons can be synced the next time
[23:50] <slangasek> ScottK2: not my department, I'm not a buildd admin
[23:51] <ScottK2> Right.
[23:51] <ScottK2> Sorry.
[23:52] <elmo> infinity: ^--
[23:52] <ScottK2> elmo: Thanks.
[23:52] <ScottK2> It's his fix, so he should get the honor anyway.
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[23:56] <infinity> elmo: Yes dear. :)
[23:58] <ScottK2> infinity: Thanks to you fixing sbuild for the versioned depends thing, we'd hoped for give backs on libmail-box-perl, mime-tools, bioperl, libpod-constants-perl, and libtest-base-perl
[23:59] <infinity> ScottK2: The first one was already retried (it was my test case), just gave back the rest.
[23:59] <ScottK2> infinity: Thanks
[23:59] <infinity> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libmail-box-perl/2.078-1/+build/455558