UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /15 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <nalioth> LjL: ahh, you used the wrong words :(
[00:00] <LjL> i.e.?
[00:00] <nalioth> you said, 'yesterdays troll hit'
[00:01] <LjL> nalioth: well i corrected 5 seconds later :P
[00:01] <nalioth> you meant to say "gnaa troll now on the network)
[00:01] <LjL> nalioth: i meant it was the same text
[00:01] <nalioth> right
[00:45] <ubotu> astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (kid0501)
[01:12] <LjL> #ubuntu: [02:11:35] <Grammaticus> RyanPrior, should I name the machine, 'Mulciber' or 'Iapetus'?
[01:34] <LjL> today's wasn't a real mass join was it
[02:43] <Pici> hrm
[02:46] <LjL> yeah, i mistreated him.
[02:46] <Pici> I guess that would be bot abuse
[02:53] <ubotu> In #ubuntuforums-beginners, nikoPSK said: ubotu is no fun, and is dumb as hell
[02:53] <LjL> !fun > nikoPSK (nikoPSK, see the private message from Ubotu)
[02:54] <ubotu> In ubotu, nikoPSK said: !ubotu is I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[02:56] <LjL> err... yes, he knows.
[03:18] <jdong> is niko causing you guys trouble on IRC too?
[03:39] <ubotu> erawfish called the ops in #ubuntu ()
[03:40] <Pici> hrm, that was odd, my alias took forever to work.
[04:33] <tonyyarusso> Hmm, I'll be getting home about an hour and a half after the meeting starts - how slow do you plan to take it? :P
[04:34] <Pici> @now
[04:34] <ubotu> Current time in Etc/UTC: January 15 2008, 04:34:02 - Next meeting: IRC Council in 20 hours 25 minutes
[04:34] <ardchoille> tonyyarusso: hehe
[04:40] <nalioth> meeting?
[04:40] <tonyyarusso> nalioth: IRC council, Wednesday
[04:40] <tonyyarusso> Waaaaaaiiit
[04:40] <tonyyarusso> Wednesday, 1am UTC
[04:41] <tonyyarusso> That's TUESDAY for me
[04:41] <Pici> Sunday Sunday Sunday
[04:41] <tonyyarusso> That means whether I'll be there or not depends on how long my class goes
[04:41] <nalioth> irc council meeting. hmmm
[04:42] <Pici> hmmm
[04:43] * nalioth wonders if he should attend . . .
[04:45] <tonyyarusso> Pici's bringing cookies
[04:52] <ubotu> In ubotu, J-_ said: blueprints is Want to suggest, or discuss ideas of a future project? With Launchpad you can track blueprints (lightweight feature specifications) from discussion through to review, approval, and implementation. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/
[04:54] <tonyyarusso> !blueprints
[04:54] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about blueprints - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[04:55] * J-_ wonders if his factoid was agreed upon
[04:55] <tonyyarusso> Dude, we totally need a command of !whathesaid
[04:55] <tonyyarusso> J-_: looks fine to me, just working up the anti-laziness to type it
[04:55] <J-_> cool =)
[04:55] <tonyyarusso> one (minor) fix in syntax
[04:57] <tonyyarusso> !blueprints is <reply> Want to suggest or discuss ideas of a future project/feature? With Launchpad you can track blueprints (feature specification summaries) from discussion through review, approval, and implementation. See https://blueprints.launchpad.net/
[04:57] <tonyyarusso> I'll hit you if you say I'm not logged in.
[04:57] <tonyyarusso> %login
[04:57] <ubotu> OK
[04:57] <tonyyarusso> !blueprints is <reply> Want to suggest or discuss ideas of a future project/feature? With Launchpad you can track blueprints (feature specification summaries) from discussion through review, approval, and implementation. See https://blueprints.launchpad.net/
[04:57] <ubotu> I'll remember that, tonyyarusso
[04:57] * tonyyarusso hits ubotu with a medium-sized tree
[04:58] * tonyyarusso wonders why we never had that one before
[05:12] <nixternal> because only us lusers are interested in following specs :p
[05:14] <tonyyarusso> hehe, possibly true.
[05:14] <tonyyarusso> I started following them when I had bugs annoying the heck out of me and there was a related spec.
[07:02] <ubotu> In ubotu, J-_ said: answers is A structured searchable way to help users, whilst encouraging community participation and building your knowledge. Progress support requests, and receive rewards of karma to all relevant answers, volunteer to receive automatic notifications when new questions arrive in a preferred language. Remember, support requests create bug reports. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu
[07:35] <ubotu> In ubotu, J-_ said: mentor is <reply> Bugs and blueprints in Ubuntu that someone has offered to mentor. If you are a new contributor to Ubuntu and would like to know how to help, then https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mentoring is a good place to start.
[07:51] <ubotu> In ubotu, J-_ said: translate is <reply> Translate Ubuntu into your own language, important translations that are needed are listed first. See https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/
[08:05] <ubotu> In ubotu, J-_ said: milestones is <reply> Take a look at what our community, and developers have accomplished. Accomplished milestones can be viewed at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory Also see, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestones
[09:18] <ubotu> In ubotu, J-_ said: store is <reply> Buy some Official Ubuntu Merchandise & Professional Support. See https://shop.canonical.com/
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
[09:30] <ubotu> In ubotu, J-_ said: thinkwiki is <reply> Install Ubuntu on a Thinkpad - A lot of how-to, and hardware information for Ubuntu. See http://www.thinkwiki.org/
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
[09:39] <ubotu> Daviey called the ops in #ubuntu ()
[09:39] <Daviey> 09:38:33 < Armageddon> U GUYS ARE ALL ASSHOLES, what goes around comes around
[09:39] <Madpilot> dealt with
[09:39] <Daviey> ta
[09:41] * Hobbsee sighs at machines on other continents.
[09:42] <Daviey> the interweb seems broken today
[09:42] <Daviey> netsplits everywhere
[09:42] <Hobbsee> no, i tried updating a machine in germany
[09:42] <Hobbsee> now it doesn't respond to ping.
[09:45] <Daviey> Hobbsee: better go and fix it :)
[09:45] <Hobbsee> heh
[09:45] <Hobbsee> my internet is being sucky, so i'm not sure if it's that
[09:45] <Daviey> Do you have serial console *iLo etc?
[09:46] <Hobbsee> no idea
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
[10:36] <PriceChild> Hobbsee, did it respond to ping in the first place? 8-)
[10:36] <Hobbsee> PriceChild: yeah
[10:36] <Hobbsee> PriceChild: lokos like it came back up
[10:37] <PriceChild> woo :)
[11:19] * jussi01 sighs...
[11:22] <ikonia> jussi01: what's up
[11:28] <jussi01> ikonia: nm ;) all ok ;)
[11:37] <ikonia> good good
[11:52] <PriceChild> erm... i think my wordpress has been hacked :/
[11:58] <njan> PriceChild, what's the symptom?
[11:58] <PriceChild> I might just be being alarmist, but wierd links are appearing and a couple of sites on same system have gone down.
[11:58] <PriceChild> I'm going to wipe, install fresh and restore with clean backups.
[11:58] <PriceChild> Not that most of it matters anyway.
[12:12] <PriceChild> gah, huge amount of spam links was in each header
[12:19] <ikonia> keep an eye on Kalamansi he's been in the last few days asking for help on dubious topics, like "fake dns" "hiding IP's" etc etc
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
[12:38] <ikonia> is Lokii making sense to anyone else ?
[12:41] <jussi01> ikonia: I didnt really see him, but his whois is kinda funny...
[12:46] <assilva> alguen do brasil?
[12:46] <Pici> !br
[12:46] <ubotu> Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[12:46] <assilva> Pici, sim , yes
[13:35] <ubotu> dgjones called the ops in #ubuntu (super)
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu-ops to: Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu IRC Team operators | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | This channel is for operator/abuse questions in the IRC Team domain only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | LoCo channel discussion etc. to #ubuntu-irc | We reserve the right to remove idlers from the channel | Next IRC Council meeting: Wednesday 16, 1:00am UTC, agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda
[14:27] <ikonia> /whois Kalamansi
[14:27] <ikonia> oops
[14:28] <PriceChild> stalker
[14:32] <ikonia> nah, buffer from earlier
[14:32] <PriceChild> suuuuuure
[14:32] <ikonia> ha ha ha
[14:32] <ikonia> /whois pricechild
[14:32] <ikonia> oopos
[14:32] <ikonia> ;)
[14:33] <Seveas> /kill ikonia
[14:33] <Seveas> :p
[14:33] <ikonia> ahhh
[14:33] <ikonia> /touch seveas
[14:33] <ikonia> oops
[14:33] <ikonia> fingers are slipping all over the place
[14:33] <Seveas> ♪ can't touch this ♫
[14:33] <Seveas> HAMMERTIME!
[14:33] <ikonia> stop - hammer time
[14:34] <Seveas> !stop is <reply> Hammertime!
[14:34] <ubotu> But stop already means something else!
[14:34] <PriceChild> ♪do de do de♫
[14:34] <LjL> wow people are still reporting bugs against autodeb... at least they remind me it exists
[14:35] <ikonia> Seveas: genius
[14:43] <PriceChild> Hey sHINTA, how can I help?
[15:02] <jussi01> Im so sick of that bot, is there something going to be done about it?
[15:02] <ikonia> which bot
[15:02] <jussi01> sHINTA [n=sy002@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
[15:03] <jussi01> its a spambot afaik
[15:03] <LjL> it's banforwarded from #ubuntu at any rate
[15:04] <jussi01> yeah, its the one elkb*ntu was doing something about
[15:05] <jussi01> LjL: is there a reason you have chosen to have irc council meeting at such an ungodly hour?
[15:06] <LjL> jussi01: australia + the fact i don't wake up in the morning
[15:06] <Hobbsee> because it requires australians.
[15:08] <jussi01> and what would be wrong with ~ 0700 utc? ...
[15:08] <LjL> the fact that i don't wake up in the morning
[15:08] <jussi01> ahhh
[15:08] <LjL> although, i suspect 7am would be kind of ungodly even for the regularly-waking brits :)
[15:09] <LjL> well perhaps not
[15:09] <jussi01> LjL: hehe... 3 am is my kind of ungodly hour...
[15:12] <LjL> anyway if you have items to put on the agenda, i say put them there anyway, and if you can't come, explain them to me or someone else who'll be at the meeting and we'll report
[15:12] <LjL> since notice about the meeting was admittedly given a bit late
[15:13] <jussi01> stdin: is the !brokenkde factoid still correct/valid?
[15:13] <jussi01> LjL: ok, wil do :)
[15:13] <stdin> jussi01: no it can be removed now, RC2 packages are compatible with 4.0.0 upgrade
[15:14] <LjL> !-brokenkde
[15:14] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about brokenkde - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[15:14] <LjL> !-brokenkde4
[15:14] <ubotu> brokenkde4 has no aliases - added by LjL on 2007-11-21 01:19:56
[15:14] <LjL> !forget brokenkde4
[15:14] <ubotu> I'll forget that, LjL
[15:14] <jussi01> efficiency!! :)
[15:15] <LjL> i'd like to forget !brokenflash some day too...
[15:15] <jussi01> me also... grrr
[15:15] <jussi01> is it really all adobes fault? theres nothing we can do?
[15:16] <LjL> jussi01: i haven't investigated. all i read was that, "due to the new way they're packaging it", just modifying the checksum in the .deb package would not be enough
[15:16] <LjL> Pici, awake?
[15:23] <LjL> i really need channel-specific highlighting
[15:25] <jussi01> LjL: yeah...
[15:26] <LjL> jussi01: i assume we're both thinking about the same reason for it right now ;)
[15:30] <jussi01> LjL: probably not as I have no idea what you are talking about. but I would really like to have it...
[15:30] <LjL> jussi01: i'm thinking about having "kde4" and variants on highlight, to redirect people from #ubuntu and #kubuntu to #kubuntu-kde4. however that highlight would need to *not* happen in #kubuntu-kde4 itself
[15:31] <LjL> although this is just the present instance of this problem, but i have others... i have most swearwords on highlight for instance, which means i get highlighted all the time in some channels
[15:31] <jussi01> ahhh yeah
[15:31] <jussi01> yeah, me too... I come back in the morning with a load of awaylogs...
[15:34] <Pici> LjL: I was in a meeting, whats up?
[15:34] <LjL> Pici: your meeting agenda item... is it current, or just a leftover from the other meeting?
[15:35] <Pici> LjL: No, thats just cruft from the last meeting.
[15:35] <LjL> removing it then
[15:44] <ubotu> logixoul called the ops in #ubuntu ()
[15:44] <ikonia> no panic, pici is around
[15:45] <Pici> Never Fear, Pici is Here!
[15:45] <Pici> Eh, I'll just supervise..
[15:45] <Pici> #ubuntu-bo is Bolivia, not Buglaria.
[15:46] <LjL> eh, ikonia's fault :P
[15:46] <ikonia> loco page/websites are wrong
[15:47] <ikonia> ahhh the mailing list is ubuntu-bo
[15:47] <Pici> hrm...
[15:47] <LjL> sigh
[15:48] <ikonia> ?
[15:48] <ikonia> why so down
[15:49] <LjL> well it's not precisely a good thing that a loco ml has a different name from the channel, with the corresponding channel being in turn assigned to another loco
[15:49] <Pici> ikonia: Where did you see that info? I dont see them on the loco irc list.
[15:49] <ikonia> nah, looks like a few lose ends
[15:49] <ikonia> Pici: google turned it up as the loco page was pretty empty
[15:50] <ikonia> hence how I've just found the mailing lists on the lists.ubuntu.com
[15:50] <ikonia> it was my mistake in taking ubuntu-bo as a channel rather than a mailing list addres
[15:50] <ikonia> address even
[15:50] <Pici> I still dont see Bulgaria, only Bolivia
[15:50] <ikonia> hang on
[15:51] * LjL hangs up
[15:51] <LjL> toooooooooot
[15:51] <Pici> doot doot doot
[15:51] <LjL> the customer you have dialed is unavailable at the moment
[15:51] <ikonia> the fingers you have dialed are too fat, please mash the keypad now to get a dialing wand
[15:51] <ikonia> nothing in the mailing lists
[15:51] <ikonia> let me pull up the google results
[15:52] <Pici> ikonia: +1
[15:53] <Pici> I think you were a little mistaken ikonia, but no harm :)
[15:55] <ikonia> I'm looking now
[15:55] <ikonia> but it would appear I am
[15:55] <ikonia> I don't know if I've spelt it wrong
[15:55] <ikonia> the page was foreign
[15:55] <Pici> Ah
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[15:56] <ikonia> my bad
[15:56] <Pici> Oh well :)
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
[16:08] * Pici gives ikonia some aspirin
[16:09] <Jack_Sparrow> What is the link for downloading.. the check box for alternate is acting up.
[16:10] <ikonia> Pici: aspirin doesn't cure stupidity
[16:10] <Pici> ikonia: I meant for you, not the other party.
[16:10] <ikonia> ha ha, I meant for me too
[16:10] <ikonia> ;)
=== GazzaK is now known as Gary
[19:16] <jussi01> ardchoille: I dont like nuxils attitude.
[19:16] <jussi01> ie. [21:11] < nuxil> ardchoille, when someone aske me howto and i know it. i tell em how to do it, even thou its not recommended. that must the other person deside themself.
[19:17] <ardchoille> jussi01: Neither do I and I pm'ed him about it.
[19:17] <jussi01> ardchoille: ok. :)
[19:18] <LjL> that's when you invite them here and discuss
[19:18] <Pici> Or lay down the law.
[19:19] <ardchoille> LjL: Done :)
[19:20] <ardchoille> I also didn't like: < nuxil> bleh dont lechure me about root.
[19:21] * jussi01 sighs...
[19:21] <Pici> So?
[19:21] <Pici> You have the power
[19:22] <ardchoille> What? remove? kick? That's a tad drastic for this incident, isn't it?
[19:22] <Pici> I think not. Bad advice is bad.
[19:22] <ardchoille> True
[19:22] <Pici> Especially after a warning.
[19:22] <PriceChild> ardchoille, catalyse!!!!
[19:23] <ardchoille> PriceChild: I don't follow?
[19:23] <stdin> inform them that the channel has rules, and those rules will be enforced :)
[19:23] <PriceChild> http://freenode.net/catalysts.shtml
[19:23] <Pici> use !wfm, people listen to ubotu.
[19:23] <ardchoille> PriceChild: D'oh! I forgot about that. Thanks for the hint :)
[19:23] <LjL> Pici, seems a bit excessive to me: "when someone aske me howto and i know it. i tell em how to do it, even thou its not recommended. that must the other person deside themself." - this is a reasonable statement, except it's not true on our channels.
[19:24] <Pici> LjL: I assumed a reasonable amount of warning had been given.
[19:25] <ubotu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)
[19:25] * Pici slaps floodbot1 with floodbot2
[19:25] <ardchoille> hehe
[19:25] <LjL> uhm, that's really a *big* amount of joins in one minute
[19:26] <Pici> really?
[19:26] <LjL> i can't understand if the #ubuntu usage patterns are changing *widely* compared to the statistics i had... or what
[19:27] <LjL> well yes they are
[19:27] <LjL> we have 1300 users... long time since we last did
[19:27] <LjL> i think
[19:27] <PriceChild> wooo someone just gave me a double decker
[19:32] <Seeker`> PriceChild: bus?
[19:32] <Pici> Sandwich?
[19:32] <PriceChild> chocolate bar
[19:32] <PriceChild> If I had a double decker bus... what would I do
[19:33] <ardchoille> mmm.. chocolate
[19:33] <PriceChild> I'd probably tour the world...
[19:33] <PriceChild> and play feeder reeeeeally loud from huouge speakers i put in there
[20:07] <LjL> really, what's happening? we're still above 1300 users, that's... wow
[20:08] <LjL> is hardy out and no one told me?
[20:09] <Pici> LjL: I think part of it is influx from KDE4
[20:09] <PriceChild> Didn't you get the memo?
[20:09] <LjL> Pici: yes -kde4 has 30 users
[20:09] <LjL> yet
[20:10] <LjL> will do some stats on the floodbot logs
[20:10] <PriceChild> only a thousand and a bit away from record too
[20:10] <PriceChild> on forums
[20:10] <LjL> PriceChild: yet even on the forums, i can't see *that* much KDE 4 talk
[20:10] <LjL> (not looked much attentively, admittedly)
[20:10] <PriceChild> DIdn't say it was due to kde4 8-)
[20:10] <Pici> Peak for #ubuntu@freenode: 1617 (Thu Oct 18 15:16:23 2007)
[20:11] <LjL> PriceChild: well pici did. anyway sure, we're pretty far from the record, but >1300 is still pretty amazing for inter-release time
[20:12] <PriceChild> indeed
[20:12] <PriceChild> maybe people have realised the mba doesn't have an optical driver and are leaving for us?.
[20:12] <PriceChild> *drive
[20:26] <Pici> !test
[20:26] <ubotu> Failed.
[20:27] <jussi01> Pici: at least he had the sense to leave...
[21:16] <chaosrl> i was redirected to the #ubuntu-read-topic channel and followed the instructions in changing the server. could somebody help me rejoin #ubuntu?
[21:16] <PriceChild> chaosrl, on moment
[21:16] <chaosrl> ok, thanks.
[21:16] <PriceChild> chaosrl, you may rejoin #ubuntu. Please ensure you connect on port 8001 from wherever you irc.
[21:17] <chaosrl> ok. thank you!
[21:54] * jpatrick sighs
[21:55] <jussi01> jpatrick: ?
[21:55] <LjL> what's the matter
[21:55] <jpatrick> spanish guys registering #ubuntu* channels and spamming #ubuntu-es with them
[21:56] <LjL> kill em off
[21:56] <LjL> is it still evsa & friends?
[21:56] <jpatrick> no
[21:56] <jpatrick> tho I had one of them in #k-es with spam
[21:57] <jpatrick> is stuff like this /akb-able?
[21:58] <jpatrick> according to this guy there's a #ubuntuteros now
[21:58] <LjL> jpatrick: there is not
[21:58] <LjL> there is #ubunteros however
[21:58] <jpatrick> < danroj> ubuntureros
[21:58] <LjL> jpatrick: /akb = ?
[21:58] <LjL> the kickban part i can guess
[21:58] <jpatrick> -> /abk
[21:58] <LjL> jpatrick: yes i saw that, but he's lying, it's not regitered
[21:59] * jpatrick like the auto_bleh
[21:59] <ardchoille> I would thinking continued spamming after a warning is very /abk-able
[21:59] <LjL> ah yes, ubuntuReros is
[21:59] <LjL> by him
[21:59] <jpatrick> ardchoille: I've +q him
[21:59] <ardchoille> That'll do it :)
[22:00] <jpatrick> I had a guy in #k-es promoting #fedora-ni
[22:01] <jpatrick> he was a known #u-es troll to me + I'd banned him there for the same above reasons, so I made him pack his bags
[22:09] <ikonia> how sad
[22:09] <jpatrick> Yet Another Guy in #ubuntu-es
[22:09] <ikonia> you seem to get a lot of regular ones jpatrick
[22:09] <jpatrick> ikonia: ^
[22:09] <jpatrick> ok, kill time
[22:10] <LjL> banale
[22:10] <ikonia> jpatrick: are you a spanish native
[22:10] <jpatrick> ikonia: no
[22:11] <ikonia> I always had you down as usa
[22:11] <LjL> those people do it maliciously
[22:11] <LjL> they know perfectly well that they shouldn't do that
[22:11] <LjL> especially when they give full server name, port etc
[22:11] <jpatrick> ikonia: UK, mate
[22:11] <ikonia> oh cool
[22:11] <ikonia> I had no idea
[22:13] <PriceChild> jpatrick, you're british?!
[22:13] <jpatrick> PriceChild: would you like some tea?!
[22:14] <PriceChild> By jove! It would be delightful.
[22:14] * jpatrick puts on the kettle
[22:14] <LjL> eeeeek brits
[22:14] <jussi01> LOL
[22:14] <PriceChild> jdong, why have you not said anything yet?
[22:14] <ikonia> PriceChild: you didn't know either ?
[22:14] <popey> another brit wakes
[22:14] <ikonia> popey: I did know
[22:14] <LjL> meh, now they all smell the tea
[22:15] <jpatrick> LjL: Hdd1(n=_Se[B]a_@190-82-223-52.adsl.cust.tie.cl)- sorry i didnt knew... i just send it cuz i couldnt send privates...
[22:15] <popey> ikonia: you did know what?
[22:15] <ikonia> popey: that you where a brit,
[22:15] <popey> i never said you didnt
[22:15] <ikonia> popey: the : autocomplete symbol punctuated my statment badley
[22:15] <ikonia> as in "popey I did know"
[22:15] <LjL> jpatrick: it's not like PM'ing random people is any better...
[22:15] <popey> ahhh
[22:15] <popey> :)
[22:16] <jpatrick> ikonia: but yes, I have several spanish afflications
[22:16] <ikonia> jpatrick: actually, I'm telling fibs, I do remember, didn't you have an isp problem with zen at one point
[22:17] <jpatrick> no...
[22:17] <LjL> jpatrick: i suspect danroj believed he could speak (channel is +z)
[22:17] <ikonia> jpatrick: maybe not then
[22:17] <jdong> PriceChild: haha I hate being away from my keyboard; miss so many good opportunities
[22:17] <jpatrick> LjL: it's fun to watch them at that
[22:18] <LjL> jpatrick: i'd like to know what the question he stated he wanted to ask you is, though
[22:18] <LjL> since i asked him a question in his channel as well
[22:18] <jpatrick> LjL: I /msg'ed him and explained what he did wrong
[22:18] <LjL> jpatrick: what he did wrong is creating a channel in the #ubuntu domain to begin with :)
[22:19] <jpatrick> LjL: ok, the spam bit :)
[22:20] <LjL> jpatrick: sort of unsurprisingly, he is in ##linux-cool *too*
[22:20] <jpatrick> ...arg, I had to throw them all out of #u-es for... six hours of spam?
[22:32] <jpatrick> LjL: oh lord
[22:32] <LjL> yes, i saw him
[22:32] <jpatrick> evsa's back and danroj
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
[22:33] <jpatrick> I've banned him three times!!
[22:33] <Devourer> Can someone unban me from #ubuntu please? :)
[22:33] <LjL> Devourer: let me look up your ban
[22:33] <Devourer> LjL: Thanks.
[22:34] <Devourer> LjL: Actually, I might have been named Devo at the time, not sure.
[22:35] <LjL> Devourer: ah, yes.
[22:35] <LjL> why did you give this? <Devo> Guess what I just learned? rm -rf /
[22:35] <Devourer> Because I thought it was funny, I wasn't aware it was so taboo.
[22:36] <LjL> Devourer: it's not funny when people type it in
[22:36] <Devourer> I just learned about it 5 minutes prior. But I realize it was not funny and not a very smart thing to do.
[22:37] <Devourer> Will it really delete everything?
[22:37] <jpatrick> Devourer: your /home at least
[22:37] <Devourer> And you don't need sudo to complete the command?
[22:37] <jpatrick> I've seen it happen to someone on IRC, not pretty
[22:38] <jpatrick> Devourer: it can still remove your /home as you have access there
[22:38] <Devourer> Wow, that is a dangerous command.
[22:38] <Devourer> I see.
[22:38] <LjL> Devourer: and people do type commands that are given on irc channels. and it isn't fun. so, i'll unban you now, but please never do something like this again
[22:39] <LjL> !etiquette > Devourer (Devourer, see the private message from Ubotu)
[22:39] <Devourer> LjL: Thank you. I mostly used #ubuntu for questions.
[23:06] * thoreauputic pokes ompaul
[23:06] <ompaul> thoreauputic, happy pokage
[23:07] <thoreauputic> ompaul: :)
[23:07] <nalioth> thoreauputic! wow, welcome to #ubuntu-ops! :D
[23:07] <thoreauputic> ompaul: so where did the bug reports for the inXtaller get lost in the mail ;p
[23:07] <Mez> eljk, the kiba dock is uber :D
[23:07] <thoreauputic> nalioth: hello
[23:07] <Mez> elkbuntu, *
[23:07] <ompaul> thoreauputic, read the pm
[23:07] <thoreauputic> OK
[23:53] <ubotu> In ubotu, no0tic said: no rootirc is <reply> Non è tecnicamente un nostro problema, ma usare root per chattare su irc è una Idea Pessima. In effetti, fare qualsiasi cosa come root quando root non è necessario non è una buona pratica, specialmente con software che si connette a Internet.
[23:53] <no0tic> uhm, wrong bot