UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /15 /#ubuntu-kernel.txt
Initial commit
=== _MMA1 is now known as MetalMusicAddict
[04:56] <TheMuso> c
[04:56] <TheMuso> ugh wrong tab
=== TheMuso_ is now known as TheMuso
=== fabbione is now known as thegodfather
=== TheMuso_ is now known as TheMuso
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
[10:00] <asac> http://paste.ubuntu.com/3571/ <- "update of the scan
[10:00] <asac> capability patch"
[10:00] <asac> do we have that as well?
[10:16] <aantipop> is there a reason for linux-generic pointing to 2.6.24-3 and not to -4 ?
[10:21] <Mithrandir> aantipop: yes, we change it by hand when we want to push people to a new revision. (And I uploaded that change about 30 minutes ago)
[10:21] <aantipop> thanks for the info
=== doko_ is now known as doko
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== TheMuso_ is now known as TheMuso
=== MetalMusicAddict is now known as _MMA_
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== smb is now known as smb_away
=== smb_away is now known as smb
[17:04] <bdmurray> BenC: ping
[17:04] <BenC> bdmurray: hey
[17:05] <bdmurray> BenC: A bit ago I noticed there are 2 kernel teams in Launchpad and I wanted to get them consolidated. I submitted a question about it - https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/12069 - and it seems like we are at a point where it can be done
[17:07] <BenC> bdmurray: problem is, kernel-team is created automatically by launchpad when we upload packages...I tried to resolve this awhile back, but I gave up trying to keep it that way
[17:07] <BenC> bdmurray: it comes from the fact that our email address is kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com, but we don't want to use this as the team email for ubuntu-kernel-team, since it means all bug traffic will go there
[17:09] <bdmurray> BenC: Okay, that makes a bit of sense. Can mailman filter e-mail based on the headers though - like the assignee?
[17:09] <BenC> bdmurray: not sure
[17:10] <BenC> bdmurray: what I need, and I think I asked for this from lp folks, is to be able to have a team email address (mailing list), but still have all team related emails sent to team members instead of the mailing list
[17:14] <voraistos> hi. my question not exactly kernel dev related, but maybe someone here can tell me what drivers are being used by the default ubuntu kernel for broadcom wifi cards ?
[17:14] <bdmurray> BenC: Okay, its been quite a while since I asked that question, but I think my concern was finding packages (and their bugs) maintained by the kernel team. As both teams have packages.
[17:15] <voraistos> the kernel is 2.6.22 and i cant remember if the new versions of the drivers are being used or what.
[17:15] <voraistos> bcm43xx b43, b43legacy
[17:15] <BenC> voraistos: bcm43xx
[17:15] <voraistos> ok thank you
[17:15] <voraistos> this sucks though :(
[17:16] <BenC> using bcm43xx sucks in many ways
[17:16] <BenC> and I mean the hardware, not the driver
[17:16] <voraistos> well, it cant load the firmware, so the hardware doesnt work much :(
[17:16] <BenC> voraistos: in reality, the best way to use broadcom 43xx wireless is with ndiswrapper
[17:16] <BenC> voraistos: download the firmware then
[17:17] <voraistos> oh
[17:17] <voraistos> but i did
[17:17] <voraistos> i think i will do it all manually
[17:17] <voraistos> is the firmware located in /lib/firmware or was it patched so it goes somewhere else ?
[17:18] <BenC> voraistos: install bcm43xx-fwcutter package...it handles everything
[17:18] <voraistos> i know
[17:18] <voraistos> i just paid a visit to /lib/fimware
[17:18] <voraistos> it seems it installed the wrong one
[17:19] <BenC> Ok, I can't answer that problem
[17:19] <voraistos> probably a bug in the software that does things automatically
[17:19] <BenC> complain to broadcom for not supporting linux drivers :)
[17:19] <voraistos> but i do :P
[17:19] <voraistos> they just dont care !
[17:19] <BenC> or use ndiswrapper, or keeping mucking around with manual firmware install
[17:19] <voraistos> those $%^&**&^%
[17:19] <BenC> voraistos: then support intel wireless...they rock and deserve your purchase
[17:20] <voraistos> i was thinking about geting an atheros
[17:20] <voraistos> however my sis bought a laptop with an atheros card and i took me ages to get support for it
[17:21] <voraistos> the drivers didnt exist at first, then only an unstable incomplete one existed
[17:21] <voraistos> i used to have an intel one, but its not compatible with my new laptop
[17:23] <voraistos> ill fill in a bug report on whatever the automatic firmware installer is called, if bug there is.
[17:23] <BenC> voraistos: bcm43xx-fwcutter is unsupported (universe), and has border-line legal issues, so I wouldn't expect much
[17:24] <voraistos> is it a good idea to install a recent vanilla kernel on ubuntu? or will i loose functionality ? the splash screen is not a functionality btw.
[17:24] <BenC> voraistos: it's not a good idea, no
[17:24] <BenC> voraistos: because then we wont answer any of your questions, and we can't even guess what will happen
[17:24] <voraistos> is there a documentation page on what modifications are made to the kernel ?
[17:25] <BenC> voraistos: not a concise document, no, just the changelog, and the git history
[17:25] <voraistos> ok
[17:25] <voraistos> thank you BenC
[17:26] <voraistos> as you stated before, getting a real driver -with still a damn firmware- to at least handle hardware decryption would be best i think
[17:26] <voraistos> thank you again fro your help
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
[17:37] <reynaldo> hi BenC
[17:37] <reynaldo> happy new year!
[17:37] <reynaldo> :P
=== smb is now known as smb_away
=== macd_ is now known as macd
=== amitk_ is now known as amitk-bbl
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
=== smb_away is now known as smb
=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
=== amitk-bbl is now known as amitk
[23:31] <ph8> Hi all - i'm running the xen version of 2.6.22-14(-xen) and i'm having a massive problem with realtek NICs - the mac address shows up as FE:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
[23:31] <ph8> which means that bridging (and hence virtual machine hosting) doesn't work!
[23:31] <ph8> has anyone got any idea how i can fix this? I know there's a bug report in but it seems a bit stagnant