UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /14 /#ubuntu-classroom.txt
Initial commit
[04:11] <TheOnly1MadHatte> hey
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
[19:29] <unagi> sigh
[19:30] <jrib> sigh?
[19:30] <unagi> i dont think its going to work
[19:30] <unagi> it requires software from logitech and they dont have it for linux
[19:30] <jrib> why?
[19:30] <jrib> it doesn't
[19:30] <unagi> ?
[19:30] <jrib> I have all ~20 buttons working on my mouse
[19:31] <unagi> ok
[19:31] <jrib> the steps are going to basically be like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MX1000Mouse but updated
[19:33] <jrib> unagi: do this: sudo apt-get install xvkbd xbindkeys xmacro xserver-xorg-input-evdev
[19:33] <unagi> oooooh no
[19:33] <unagi> im not editing xorg
[19:34] <jrib> erm
[19:34] <unagi> that causes problems when dealing with a mouse
[19:34] <jrib> why not?
[19:34] <unagi> 2 times ive done something relating to the mouse and it screws up my display
[19:34] <unagi> ive edited xorg so many different other ways and its been fine
[19:34] <jrib> you make a backup and restore if it does
[19:34] <unagi> i do something with a mouse and BAM im crippled
[19:34] <unagi> wasnt that easy last time
[19:35] <jrib> k, well up to you I suppose. Using the evdev driver is the only reliable way I've found of enabling all the mice buttons
[19:36] <unagi> ok well ill try it
[19:36] <unagi> InputDevice "Logitech MX1000" "CorePointer"
[19:36] <unagi> what do i put for corepointer
[19:36] <unagi> leave it?
[19:37] <jrib> we have to work through it
[19:37] <jrib> your mouse is different
[19:37] <jrib> 1. backup your current xorg.conf
[19:38] <unagi> k here i go
[19:39] <jrib> what the...
[19:39] <jrib> of course it is going to be broken...
[19:42] <unagi> ok jrib so far so good
[19:42] <unagi> now what
[19:43] <jrib> unagi: test with xev again
[19:43] <unagi> SWEET!
[19:44] <unagi> button 6 and button 7
[19:44] <unagi> now how do i assign switching to that
[19:45] <jrib> there is an example file on the wiki page
[19:45] <jrib> go down to "Set up xbindkeys"
[19:45] <jrib> none of that does what you want, but you should get the idea on how to edit
[19:46] <unagi> doesnt do anything =/
[19:47] <jrib> pastebin your .xbindkeysrc
[19:47] <unagi> http://pastebin.org/15374
[19:48] <jrib> do you understand what those lines do?
[19:48] <unagi> not fully
[19:48] <jrib> delete the last 4 lines
[19:48] <jrib> change the 8 to a 6 and the 9 to a 7
[19:49] <jrib> restart xbindkeys
[19:49] <jrib> check if you go back (or forward) in your browser using tilt now
[19:50] <unagi> ok back and forth works
[19:50] <unagi> for browsing
[19:51] <jrib> what is the keyboard shortcut for what you want to do?
[19:51] <unagi> ctrl alt left and right
[19:52] <jrib> change the "\[Alt_L]\[Left]"" to correspond to that
[19:52] <jrib> I don't know offhand what ctrl is. Poke me if you can't figure it out
[19:56] <unagi> i dont understand
[19:56] <unagi> i changed the keyboard command to switch as alt left and alt right
[19:56] <unagi> oh
[19:56] <unagi> brb
[19:57] <unagi> sigh
[19:57] <unagi> i dont get it
[19:57] <unagi> im out of time, i guess ill have to suffer less productivity........
[19:57] <unagi> thanks for your help
[19:57] <jrib> did you restart xbindkeys?
[19:58] <unagi> i killed it and started it again
[19:58] <unagi> is there another way?
[19:58] <jrib> try imwheel
[19:58] <unagi> still nothing
[19:58] <unagi> it works on the keyboard but no ton the mouse
[19:58] <unagi> brb im going to restart x
[19:58] <jrib> you need to configure imwheel differently
[19:59] <unagi> still nothing
[20:00] <unagi> now if i could fix my mplayer problem
[20:01] <jrib> you need to configure imwheel differently
[20:02] <unagi> ?
[20:02] <jrib> it has its own configuration file and syntax
=== Gustavo is now known as guataka
=== philipp_ is now known as obstfliege
[21:30] <Mika1860> äh...test?
[21:30] <Mika1860> cool
[21:31] <Mika1860> QUIT