UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /13 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:30] <telexicon> How on earth do I disable gdm?
[00:31] <MenZa> As in... stop gdm?
[00:31] <telexicon> yes.. /etc/init.d/gdm stop doesnt work anymore
[01:46] <fruitbag> Hey
[01:47] <MenZa> Herro.
[01:47] <fruitbag> I have a problem: whenever I boot Ubuntu from disk and run it, I get an out-of-range resolution message from my monitor.
[02:01] <forsaken> i just installed hardy and my mouse when i drag down the right side doesn't scroll, it did in alpha 2, anyone know why this is?
[02:01] <forsaken> dell intel laptop
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[02:29] <selckin> choudesh_: needs a stable connection
[02:52] <telexicon> is something wrong with the I/O scheduler in hardy?
[02:53] <telexicon> im on gigabit and trying to copy a file across gigabit over ftp and I can only get 10MB/s
[02:53] <telexicon> on gutsy I was able to get 50MB/s
[02:56] <telexicon> well i dunno if thats IO scheduler.. could be a driver thing.. the system lags out so much while transferring it becomes unusable
[03:01] <kevogod> What kind of success are people having with the latest alpha release?
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[03:45] <LimCore> can I use kernel with my 7.10 ? or is it too old?
[03:47] <Hobbsee> LimCore: this is not 7.10 support
[03:47] <LimCore> and for Hardy?
[03:47] <LimCore> well, never mind
[03:49] <Hobbsee> LimCore: you can try, but don't expect support for it
[04:50] <crimsun> right, so alsa* fixed from earlier. Apologies for the logic snafu.
[04:53] <ryanpg> hey, I've got a weird one. I'm running hardy on a toshiba satellite A215, USB devices work once (I can plug a mouse in and it will be found) but only once, if a device is unplugged USB will be disabled
[04:54] <ryanpg> dmesg won't even report an attached device
[04:54] <ryanpg> BUT
[04:54] <ryanpg> if I run lsusb the device (like a mouse) will be found!
[04:54] <ryanpg> it has to be attached when I run lsusb however
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[05:20] <ryanpg> it doesn't appear in /proc/bus/usb either
[05:23] <blkorpheus> ?
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[06:00] <richard_> I want to help out more with ubuntu where should I start?
[06:00] <DanaG> Oh yeah, something new with ALSA?
[06:01] <teethdood> totem is beyond stuttering...it's crawling frame by frame. I used to edit the preferences and changed the video plugin to something else
[06:01] <teethdood> but the preferences menu is gone!
[06:01] <DanaG> Oh, and here's a novel use of PulseAudio: allow people to use the Dolby Digital encoding on nvidia's ancient, abandoned nvsound / nvaudio OSS drivers with ALSAapps.
[06:02] <crimsun> bypass ALSA altogether and just use OSSv4 (or newer) as the backend.
[06:02] <DanaG> Doesn't do the Dolby Digital ENcoding. I don't need it, but some people do.
[06:03] <DanaG> Unless I'm misinterpreting your response.
[06:03] <DanaG> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=253725&page=16
[06:04] <DanaG> oopsie, wrong page of the thread, but whatever.
[07:26] <sparr_> do -backports questions belong here?
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[09:53] <Oli``> Does X lock (for a second or two) up intermittently for anybody here when you use the main menu (notably Places, for me)?
[11:04] <mlpug> I took hardy test 3, downloaded sources and compiled dvb/dvb-usb modules. outputted .ko files are roughly ten times as big as the corresponding .ko files under /lib/modules. Any idea why is this? Is this OK?
[11:05] <DarkMageZ> debugging symbols could be part of it.
[12:22] <picard_pwns_kirk> how do I configure my touchpad?
[12:22] <picard_pwns_kirk> I want to enable edge scrolling, and disable the tap to click, but there's no xorg.conf file
[12:29] <picard_pwns_kirk> is there any way I can set this?
[12:44] <Tomcat_> picard_pwns_kirk: You can try gsynaptics
[12:44] <picard_pwns_kirk> already did
[12:44] <picard_pwns_kirk> needs a setting in the xorg.conf file
[12:46] <Tomcat_> picard_pwns_kirk: man synaptics
[12:48] <picard_pwns_kirk> it refers me to a bunch of settings in the xorg.conf
[12:48] <picard_pwns_kirk> and I've already tried creating one by hand
[12:49] <Tomcat_> picard_pwns_kirk: Well, that's about how you configure your touchpad. ;)
[12:49] * Hobbsee suspects picard_pwns_kirk was looking in the wrong place, or did a typo, or something
[12:49] <Hobbsee> xorg.conf's usually get generated, unless they get deleted
[12:49] <picard_pwns_kirk> new version of xrog
[12:49] <picard_pwns_kirk> xorg**
[12:50] <picard_pwns_kirk> read the release notes
[12:50] <Tomcat_> picard_pwns_kirk: http://www.compass.com/synaptics/ <- That's the only other thing I can suggest.
[12:51] <Hobbsee> picard_pwns_kirk: sure, but i thought they still generated an xorg.conf by default anyway
[12:51] <picard_pwns_kirk> hopefully it gets fixed, I'll subscribe to any bugs
[12:51] <Tomcat_> Well, in Alpha 3 there is one. ;)
[12:51] <Tomcat_> It's just... barely empty.
[12:54] <Tomcat_> Eh, almost empty.
[13:00] <mlpug> where is information about the role of the files in /lib/firmware? when are they used and what triggers their use? do drivers have "pointer" to corresponding .fw and when driver is loaded then .fw is loaded to the device or what is this?
[13:07] <Tomcat_> mlpug: See /etc/udev/rules.d/80-programs.rules ... seems udev is doing that when a driver is loaded.
[13:08] <Tomcat_> mlpug: Some (sparse) info is available in /usr/share/doc/udev
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[13:11] <Tomcat_> mlpug: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/hotplug/udev.git;a=blob_plain;f=extras/firmware/firmware.sh;hb=HEAD <--- See this for what the firmware_helper does
[14:02] <Enselic> I have just upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy Alpha 3, and gnome-panel crashes for me because of this: gnome-panel: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgio-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: glib_gettext. Any clues? libglib2.0-0 seems to be up to date
[14:03] <Enselic> Ah right, I have my own versino of gnome-panel in /usr/local...
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[16:00] <Enselic> Um what password should I use to unlock id_rsa? Neither login or key pass works
[16:00] <Enselic> nor*
[16:07] <selckin> the one you used to create it
[16:12] <Enselic> that's the "key pass" and I have tried that
[16:12] <Enselic> I discovered that if I take Deny, ssh will still be able to use the key..
[16:19] <LjL> NOTICE - KDE 4.0 support is to be obtained in #kubuntu-kde4
[16:24] <_stress_> do you know any good "webpage creator" for linux that does the same work as dreamwave?
[18:02] <DanaG> That's odd: you can no longer set the brightness of the LCD when on battery.
[18:02] <DanaG> Now it's just "Reduce Backlight Brightness".
[18:06] <DanaG> And the logic of "Brightness when on battery" in gconf is BACKWARDS.
[18:06] <DanaG> I set it to 63%, I get 37% brightness, and vice versa.
[18:47] <nwps> can anyone help; i just moved from gentoo to hardy alpha 3. i have a encrypted partition from gentoo that uses cryptoloop, but i can't seem to be able to mount it on kubuntu. cryptoloop and aes-generic modules are loaded, but i still get "mount: you must specify the filesystem type". any ideas?
[18:49] <DanaG> Perhaps there's a package you need to install to get crypto support.
[18:49] <DanaG> (I'm just guessing; I've never used cryptoloop.)
[18:50] <DanaG> search for 'crypt' in the package manager (such as aptitude).
[18:50] <nwps> i always thought you just needed util-linux with "crypto" support (USE="crypt" on gentoo) and the kernel modules.
[18:50] <blkorpheus> where is the key?
[18:51] <blkorpheus> probably still on the gentoo box?
[18:51] <blkorpheus> what used to be gentoo?
[18:52] <nwps> no, i don't think cryptoloop even uses separete key files? i have done re-installs before and the encrypted partition always worked after that.
[18:53] <DanaG> !info cryptsetup
[18:53] <ubotu> cryptsetup: configures encrypted block devices. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.0.5-2ubuntu8 (hardy), package size 86 kB, installed size 404 kB
[18:55] <nwps> i have had the same kind of problem before on gentoo. then i had to re-emerge util-linux with "old-crypt" use-flag, but that was probably 2 years ago, when something big was changed in util-linux (i think).
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[19:57] <WorkingOnWise> any ideas why the built in media reader doesnt see any cards? the reader is seen by Ubuntu. I tied 2 differant media cards (memory stick (256mb) and sd card (128mb) Both cards do read/write fine in another machine.
[19:59] <WorkingOnWise> if i boot up with the card in the reader, or if i insert it after i am logged in, still nothing
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[20:31] <h3sp4wn> Anyone know of a window manager I can get from the repos with proper xrandr 1.2 support
[20:32] <crdlb> hmm? I didn't know window managers had to care about that
[20:34] <crdlb> I know that most (if not all) video drivers can't do rotation with compiz running, but that's not compiz's fault
[20:37] <h3sp4wn> Well otherwise how do you switch the primary screen
[20:37] <h3sp4wn> i.e to set which screen you want apps to open onto etc
[20:38] <crdlb> oh, no idea
[21:26] <vinicius_> after I did the upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy (and a few installations and configurations), every time I login, after typing username and password on GDM, the system popups a window saying in portuguese "no language pt_BR available", or something like that... how can I know wich program is popping up this window? it does not really deny me of using everything normally, but it's annoying...
[21:30] <nanonyme> vinicius_, what does locale tell you when you run it in terminal?
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[21:35] <Javid> Is there even a beta yet?
[21:36] <UnNaturalHigh> Javid, www.google.com
[21:37] <Javid> I see avoiding being actually helpful is still the preferred approach.
[21:37] <UnNaturalHigh> Javid, no, but catering to people who lack the intelligence to look before they ask is not what this channel is about
[21:38] <UnNaturalHigh> simple google searches such as "ubuntu hardy heron" or "ubuntu 8.04" are far from difficult to conceive and execute
[21:38] <Javid> If you supplied a "yes" or a "no" we'd be entirely done with this conversation already
[21:39] <Javid> I can only conclude that you don't know either and are being a dick for your own amusement.
[21:39] <crdlb> let's cut that out now
[21:39] <crdlb> there is not a beta yet
[21:39] <crdlb> the beta comes out approximately a month before release
[21:39] <Javid> That's what I was after, thanks
[22:01] <serios> meh it really sucks that mac -> linux filesystem compatabilty is about nil
[22:01] <serios> :|
[22:01] <serios> sharing 2 hfs+ journaled drives on the network via ubuntu is going to be a sucky affair
[22:02] <vinicius_> nanonyme, says I have pt_BR language
[22:08] <BluesKaj> ok folks what's the recomendation for the konq flash plugin , or is it still broken for kubuntu 8.04 users ?
[22:18] <GuyFromHell> anyone got a solution for dependancies ultimate-failure when trying to get kde4 installed?
[22:30] <Adlai> aptitude just segfaulted when I marked a package 'to be upgraded'
[22:30] <Adlai> this hopefuly isn't common
[22:30] <Adlai> s/l/ll
[22:42] <BluesKaj> hey what's the fix for orphaned modules? I can't understand why there would be such a problem after a clean install .
[23:34] <MGrunde_> !apparmor
[23:34] <ubotu> For information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor
[23:34] <MGrunde_> Is there a still a problem with AppArmor in alpha three?
[23:49] <twb> Are release candidates for the live .iso's publicly accessible? If so, from where?
[23:50] <twb> If they will be, but aren't yet, what is the time scale for same?