UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /13 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:33] <nixternal> lots of users have contributed highly useful and quality bug reports. this is not one of them. maybe you were looking for gripes.kde.org rather than bugs.kde.org. the former redirects directly to /dev/null rather than requiring manual intervention to accomplish that.
[00:34] <DaSkreech> nixternal: Ha ha :) that's classic geek
[00:35] <nixternal> right now I am trying to figure out how/where to install a plasmoid I made
[00:37] <DaSkreech> What X is shipping with Hardy?
[00:38] <stdin> we have (2:1.4.1~git20080105-1ubuntu1) right now
[00:39] <DaSkreech> Hopefully that one doesn't crash all the time :-x
[00:40] <stdin> no, not all the time :)
[00:40] <DaSkreech> thank goodness
[00:41] <DaSkreech> I'm averaging like 5 crashes a day in Gutsy
[00:41] <hads> odd
[00:41] <DaSkreech> possibly
[00:42] <DaSkreech> but it's something about the taskbar
[00:57] <tlayton> for me in hardy, my X crashes seem to be around kaffeine and .wmv files that don't decode properly
[00:59] * DaSkreech uses niether
[00:59] <DaSkreech> In Gutsy if I mouse over the taskbar it freezes
[01:02] <yuriy> ouch
[01:02] <DaSkreech> Yeah
[01:02] <yuriy> the whole x session does?
[01:02] <DaSkreech> no
[01:02] <DaSkreech> the whole machine
[01:02] <DaSkreech> I have to hard reset
[01:03] <DaSkreech> I've changed all the drivers
[01:03] <DaSkreech> I'm on vesa now
[01:03] <DaSkreech> I've changed kernels
[01:14] <ryanakca> wow, incredible how sluggish KDE gets after an upgrade if you don't log out/in
[01:14] <ryanakca> ooh, 4.0 is out :D
[01:14] <DaSkreech> Ha ha
[01:15] <yuriy> ryanakca: under a rock and a couple planets the last couple of days?
[01:15] <ryanakca> yep :)
[01:15] <yuriy> no planets would tell you that with 4 dozen blog posts..
[01:17] <ryanakca> yuriy: feel like joining in on the mockup contet?
[01:17] <ryanakca> *contest?
[01:17] <yuriy> don't really have any ideas
[01:17] <ryanakca> crud
[01:17] <yuriy> other than make it the ubuntu site in blue
[01:18] <ryanakca> :)
[01:18] <yuriy> are you offering ubuntu messenger bags? :D
[01:18] <DaSkreech> yuriy: I went on planetkde.org yessiday
[01:18] <ryanakca> If canonical wants to supply two of them (one for me, the other for the winner), sure :D
[01:19] <DaSkreech> I swear you paged down to the bottom it looked like the same post over and over again
[01:19] <DaSkreech> the KDE4 banner was on every post
[01:19] <DaSkreech> it was hilarious So wish I had made a screencast of it
[01:19] <yuriy> i was looking at it in akregator, must look really ridiculous on the actual site
[01:20] <yuriy> ...still there, partly
[01:20] <ryanakca> lol, every single post has the banner
[01:20] <ryanakca> they must've modified their planet to subsitute the heads with the banner
[01:21] * ryanakca just marks all as read
[01:21] <yuriy> wow there are really no heads on teh banner posts
[01:23] * yuriy kicks ld
[01:30] <yuriy> mornfall: have you figured out (or run into..) the issue with linking shared libraries? (I wasn't able to build until i changed ept to STATIC just now)
[02:14] <stdin> Riddell: did you upload a fix for meta-kde4 yet?
[02:41] * stdin points Riddell to bug 182423 if he hasn't done it already
[02:41] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182423 in meta-kde4 "reports dependency on KDE4-core version 5:47" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182423
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[06:19] * Hobbsee downloads the rest of kde4
[06:33] <Hobbsee> heya manchicken!
[06:33] <Hobbsee> oooh, marble
[06:33] <manchicken> Hiya :)
[06:34] <manchicken> I'll be a daddy in as soon as four days.
[06:34] <Hobbsee> yay!
[06:35] <manchicken> The doctor said that they'll induce labor if the baby doesn't come by Wednesday.
[06:36] <crimsun> well, congrats!
[06:41] <manchicken> Thanks :)
[06:47] <Hobbsee> new kde is strange...
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[09:23] * Hobbsee is back on kde4
[09:24] <Hobbsee> mhb: where's the kde4 polyester?
[09:26] <mornfall> yuriy: Yeah, I fixed that some time ago.
[09:26] <mornfall> yuriy: Needed -fvisibility=default.
[09:27] <mornfall> yuriy: Hm, but I forgot to commit that.
[09:30] <mornfall> yuriy: Pushed.
[10:45] <Hobbsee> who wants to take responsiblity for d3lphin?
[10:47] <toma> d3lphin?
[10:48] <Hobbsee> kde3 variant of dolphin
[10:48] <Hobbsee> we've got multiple versions in the archive
[10:49] <toma> is it stupid to ask why the o is replaced by a 3 ?
[10:51] <Hobbsee> because dolphin is the kde4 variant
[11:00] <Jucato> toma: d3lphin is a KDE 3 "fork" of Dolphin. they agreed to rename it D3lphin to distance it from Dolphin and emphasize its KDE 3'ness :)
[11:10] <toma> aha
[11:10] <toma> that explains
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[11:12] <jpatrick> go Hobbsee!
[11:12] <Hobbsee> jpatrick: hm?
[11:13] <jpatrick> Hobbsee: the -ops thing
[11:13] <Hobbsee> jpatrick: ah yes.
[11:13] <Hobbsee> will probably need to have nalioth wake up again for that, though
[11:14] <Hobbsee> stdin: jussi01, Jucato, any other support people: ping
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[11:21] <jussi01> Hobbsee: ?
[11:21] <Hobbsee> jussi01: attempting to get #kubuntu-kde4 reopened.
[11:21] <Hobbsee> jussi01: the plan is to:
[11:22] <Hobbsee> have kde3 support in kubuntu, kde4 support in kubuntu-kde4, and non-GUI-specific support for the development release in #ubuntu+1
[11:22] <Hobbsee> sound reasonable? (and checking that we're all planning on the same thing here)
[11:22] <jussi01> Hobbsee: ok, thats great imho
[11:22] <jpatrick> jussi01: we'll get it done! \o)
[11:23] <jussi01> Ok, so what do I need to do to the channel?
[11:23] <jpatrick> can you join?
[11:24] <jussi01> yes
[11:24] <jpatrick> removing the banforward might put them of...
[11:25] <Hobbsee> would probably be a reasonable idea to wait for nalioth to respond first, as he's probably just going to shut it down again if he finds out
[11:25] <Hobbsee> jussi01: can i get registered as the alternate channel contact please?
[11:25] <jussi01> Hobbsee: sure
[11:25] <Hobbsee> thanks
[11:26] * jussi01 goes to look up chanserv to remind himself how to do that...
[11:27] <jussi01> Hobbsee: done
[11:29] <Hobbsee> jussi01: thanks
[11:29] <jussi01> Hobbsee: do I need to add you to the access list also?
[11:29] <Hobbsee> jussi01: that would be nice (level 30 would be good)
[11:31] <jussi01> Hobbsee: done. I assume we leave pricey with access?
[11:32] <Hobbsee> yeah, that's fine
[11:32] <Hobbsee> he's not about to do anythign foolish with it
[11:32] <Hobbsee> technically, they can (and are supposed) to get access anyway
[11:32] <Hobbsee> due to the namespace
[11:33] <jussi01> Hobbsee: Just fyi, I said to pricey last night to do what the irc council decides (as I thought that would include consulting you)
[11:33] * Hobbsee won't go into a discussion about irc politics, and namespaces, and who can act, where, and how far.
[11:33] * jussi01 hugs Hobbsee
[11:33] <Hobbsee> jussi01: council hasn't decided anything - nalioth moved on his own. this is the problem - it's an abuse of power.
[11:33] <jussi01> ahhh
[11:34] <Hobbsee> had the council discussed, and made a decision, and consulted me about it,that would have been fine
[11:34] <jpatrick> Hobbsee: could you get nalioth to get me as contact/alternative for #kubuntu-es?
[11:34] <Hobbsee> but because a rogue staffer did it, without consulting the other group contacts...
[11:34] <jussi01> Hobbsee: ok.
[11:34] <Hobbsee> jpatrick: not really - i don't exactly have privs to do that. as in, i think you asking and me asking will do the same thing there.
[11:34] <Hobbsee> jpatrick: (as i don't speak spanish)
[11:36] <jpatrick> Hobbsee: that TiMiDo guy's never around, and since your part of K Council, you could possibly push him over :)
[11:36] <jpatrick> I'm already at level 49 there tho
[11:36] <Hobbsee> jpatrick: tbh, i'm yet to see the channel contact having much use
[11:37] <jpatrick> yeah...
[11:49] <Riddell> Hobbsee: why did he shut it down?
[11:49] <jussi01> Hobbsee: ok, so what now? is it the plan we reopen the channel?
[11:50] <jpatrick> Riddell: "no need"
[11:50] <luca_b> Hello. I hope I'm not disturbing, but I'd like to report (if it makes sense) a likely packaging bug for the KDE 4 packages (I have filed a bug on LP as well)
[11:50] <Hobbsee> jussi01: yes
[11:50] <jussi01> Hobbsee: will you do that?
[11:50] <Hobbsee> Riddell: he didn't think we needed it, and i think he decided to go on a bit of a power trip
[11:51] <Hobbsee> jussi01: we'll see what nalioth says first, i think
[11:51] <Riddell> it's not for him to decide
[11:51] <Hobbsee> Riddell: exactly
[11:51] <Hobbsee> Riddell: it didn't even go to agreement for the council.
[11:51] <Riddell> no freenode staffers around for me to ask to fix it
[11:52] <jussi01> Hobbsee: ok then :)
[11:53] <Hobbsee> Riddell: i'm of the opinion that it would be just as bad to go and reopen it without actually speaking to the closer first.
[11:53] <Hobbsee> while jussi01 and myself now have privs (afaik)
[11:54] <jussi01> and pricey
[11:56] <Hobbsee> that being said, i just unlocked it anyway
[11:58] <blizzzek> hi
[12:01] <Hobbsee> hiya
[12:06] <k8> HAY all
[12:06] <k8> i need help
[12:06] <Hobbsee> !ask
[12:06] <ubotu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[12:07] <Hobbsee> and #kubuntu is for support
[12:07] <k8> how install wine
[12:07] <k8> kubuntu amd64
[12:07] <Hobbsee> k8: you want #kubuntu
[12:07] <jpatrick> !wine > k8
[12:07] <k8> yea
[12:07] <k8> s
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[12:08] <k8> how install wine
[12:08] <k8> in kubuntu
[12:08] <jpatrick> k8: please ask in #kubuntu
[12:08] <k8> ok
[12:10] <Hobbsee> interesting. asking user support questions in a development channel, using windows and opera.
[12:10] <Hobbsee> and he goes and asks exactly the same question again.
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[12:16] <jpatrick> ahoy apachelogger
[12:19] <apachelogger> Guten Morgen jpatrick
[12:20] <jpatrick> oh, das auch
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[12:22] <danimo> hi
[12:22] <jpatrick> morning danimo
[12:23] <apachelogger> Hallo danimo, gibts schon nen Termin für 4.0.1? ;-)
[12:30] <luca_b> Apparently there is a bug in packaging for KDE 4 (unsure if it affects hardy) - Dolphin and other applications cannot find servicemenus/plugins therefore even basic operations are unavailable - LP https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/+bug/182501 . Sorry for the repeated message and if it is known, please disregard it. I can help trying to find the root cause if needed.
[12:30] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182501 in kde4libs "KDE4 applications cannot load their plugins" [Undecided,New]
[12:33] <toma> i can confirm it works ok on a 4.0.0 svn kde4, so it is a kubuntu bug
[12:35] <toma> danimo, Riddell: ^
[12:37] <fabo> not the rpath issue on k-c-d ? (Urs)
[12:39] <fabo> "KPluginLoader: LD_LIBRARY_PATH Issues"
[12:59] <Hobbsee> ah, goody, my kde4 bug is listed as fixed in 4.0.1
[13:26] <sebastian^> hi folks :)
[13:34] <luca_b> fabio: AFAICS LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set in the Kubuntu startkde for KDE4
[13:35] <luca_b> if is there anything I can do to track what a KDE app does to locate plugins et al, let me know
[13:38] <nosrednaekim> heh... anyone seen the Tuxmachine KDE4 poll?
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[13:49] <danimo> apachelogger: packetier mal lieber branch :)
[13:49] <danimo> apachelogger: lohnt immer
[13:50] <apachelogger> danimo: ich bin noch daran die issues in den .0 paketen zu beseitigen :S ... dann werde ich patches aus plasma reinpacken, das ding crashed fürchterlich oft
[13:50] <apachelogger> bzw. wüsste ich garnicht wohin mit den branch paketen ;-)
[13:50] <danimo> apachelogger: bitte nimm die suse patches für kickoff rein, das sieht ja scheusslich aus im default
[13:52] <apachelogger> danimo: da wirft schon jemand ein auge drauf, soweit ich das aus den meeting log von gestern rausgelesen habe
[13:53] <mhb> is there anything besides the branding what is in the suse kickoff patches and not in upstream?
[13:53] <mhb> if so, why?
[13:54] <apachelogger> mhb: because suse loves to patch stuff ;-)
[13:54] <mhb> can't they post it upstream?
[13:54] * apachelogger adds yet another todo item: have a look at suse packages
[13:54] <danimo> mhb: well, "upstream" made it ugly in the first place
[13:55] <danimo> mhb: suse just restored what they had in the original kickoff
[13:55] <danimo> mhb: which imho looks a lot better
[13:55] * apachelogger is hoping plasma is becoming a lot better in 4.1
[13:55] <luca_b> Is there a way to see how plugin loading is going on in a KDE app? I'm trying to track down the cause of the bug I posted earlier
[13:56] <mhb> danimo: frankly, I would not want KDE4 packages to become so patched like KDE3 was
[13:56] <danimo> mhb: well, KDE 3 was a bit overpatched indeed
[13:56] <danimo> mhb: we can try to talk it over with aseigo
[13:56] * apachelogger doesn't like patching at all
[13:57] <apachelogger> only good reason to patch is bugfixes or branding
[13:58] <mhb> danimo: I'd vote for talking it over
[13:58] * apachelogger prepares to upload kde-workspace 4:4.0.0-0ubuntu2
[14:01] * jussi01 hugs apachelogger
[14:01] <apachelogger> huh
[14:01] <apachelogger> jussi01: what for?
[14:02] <danimo> mhb: let's try tonight, aseigo is asleep
[14:03] <jussi01> apachelogger: the upload :)
[14:03] <apachelogger> jussi01: hehe, do you even know what it contains? ;-)
[14:04] <jussi01> apachelogger: nope, but all uploads are genereally good :D
[14:04] <apachelogger> indeed :D
[14:05] <emonkey> *g*
[14:07] <apachelogger> stdin: I don't think we should have libqca2-plugin-ossl in recommends for kopete-kde4
[14:07] <apachelogger> should go depends
[14:07] <apachelogger> you can't use any encrypted jabber connection without it
[14:07] <apachelogger> which makes it impossible to use google talk for example
[14:08] <jpatrick> apachelogger: that package does not exist
[14:08] <apachelogger> jpatrick: in gutsy it doesn't
[14:08] <apachelogger> needs backport, btw... if you want to have a look at it ;-)
[14:08] <jpatrick> that explains it
[14:09] <apachelogger> libqca2 needs backport, current in gutsy is ~beta7, needs final
[14:09] <apachelogger> and the plugin-ossl needs backport as well
[14:09] <jpatrick> well, the rdepends don't look like it will cause a probably
[14:09] <jpatrick> problem*
[14:10] <jpatrick> file a request and I'll ack ;)
[14:11] <apachelogger> jpatrick: do a testbuild first :P
[14:11] * apachelogger doesn't do backport requests without testing
[14:12] * jpatrick uploads to ppa
[14:13] <apachelogger> jpatrick: btw, do we spell it KDE 4 or KDE4?
[14:14] <jpatrick> apachelogger: KDE 4
[14:14] <apachelogger> ok
[14:14] * apachelogger fixes kdenetwork
[14:15] * jpatrick prepares backports
[14:16] <jpatrick> libqca2 and libqca2-plugin-ossl it is?
[14:16] <apachelogger> jpatrick: from looking at the deps, yeah ;-)
[14:16] <jpatrick> ok
[14:21] <jpatrick> apachelogger: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3523/
[14:23] <apachelogger> jpatrick: line41?
[14:28] <jpatrick> apachelogger: uploading to PPA
[14:28] <jpatrick> (mine)
[14:28] * apachelogger is testbuilding kdenetwork with fixed icon paths
[14:30] <apachelogger> jpatrick: is there any policy on how to handle upstream bugs which got reported in lp?
[14:30] * apachelogger tends to close them as invalid and send the reporter upstream
[14:34] <jpatrick> apachelogger: forward them upstream
[14:35] <jpatrick> apachelogger: and link it on the LP one
[14:38] <apachelogger> god is that useless -.-
[14:43] * jpatrick wonders where the upload went...
[14:46] <apachelogger> cool, launchpad now also eats uploads? :P
[14:48] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: soyuz gets hungry, yes
[14:48] <apachelogger> hrrhrr :D
[14:48] <apachelogger> we have the hungriest systems ever
[14:53] <Hobbsee> yup
[14:53] * Hobbsee sacrifices a goat
[14:55] <jpatrick> Hobbsee: can you add me to ~k-members-kde4?
[14:56] * apachelogger notes that building kdenetwork takes way too long
[14:56] <Hobbsee> done
[14:56] <jpatrick> thank you
[14:56] <Hobbsee> wow, nice archive size there!
[14:57] <apachelogger> hehe
[14:57] <apachelogger> Hobbsee: any idea when one can remove packages from ppa?
[14:57] <jpatrick> es ist nicht unsere Schuld...
[14:57] <Hobbsee> apachelogger: sometime when the planets all align, the mountains fall into the sea, and openoffice builds on all arches, without fail.
[14:57] <Hobbsee> every time
[14:58] <apachelogger> omg :D
[14:59] <apachelogger> jpatrick: naja, meine.... ein kleines bisschen zumindest, ich habe geholfen die 50Mib wallpapers in das KDE SVN hochzuladen ;-)
[14:59] <apachelogger> now that is a sentence :D
[14:59] <apachelogger> woohoooo
[14:59] <apachelogger> kdentwork is already running debhelpers
[15:00] <jpatrick> apachelogger: seems PPA won't accept this package..
[15:01] <Hobbsee> jpatrick: seems it's fallen over, yes
[15:01] <apachelogger> jpatrick: any reason for rejection?
[15:01] <apachelogger> cool
[15:01] <jpatrick> apachelogger: no, no reject, just disappeared..
[15:01] <apachelogger> very nice
[15:01] <apachelogger> so it's really hungry today
[15:06] <jpatrick> apachelogger: I'm installing prevu on the family computer, hopefully it won't eat it there
[15:07] * apachelogger prepares for kdenetwork 4:4.0.0-0ubuntu2 upload
[15:42] <LjL> 7msg ubotu logs
[15:42] <jpatrick> apachelogger_: ok, qca2 pbuilding..
[15:42] <apachelogger_> hooray
[15:43] <apachelogger_> LjL: you should try a slash instead of a 7 :P
[15:43] <jpatrick> (just started)
[15:43] <apachelogger_> qca shouldn't take that long
[15:47] <stdin> apachelogger_: I thought qca was already backported for RC2...
[15:48] <apachelogger_> dunno, I haven't had a look into that issue
[15:48] <apachelogger_> http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=qca&searchon=names&subword=1&version=gutsy-backports&release=all
[15:48] <apachelogger_> stdin: doesn't look like it
[15:49] <jpatrick> in process now
[15:50] <apachelogger_> my pc is lagging -.-
[15:58] <jpatrick> apachelogger_: qca2 => done
[15:58] <apachelogger_> jpatrick: build? backport? or ppa? ;-)
[15:59] <jpatrick> build
[16:00] <apachelogger_> jpatrick: got a log for the backport request?
[16:00] <jpatrick> ops
[16:01] <jpatrick> meh
[16:01] <apachelogger_> oioi
[16:01] <jpatrick> I'm part of backports team ;P
[16:01] <apachelogger_> well, just backport, then :P
[16:01] <jpatrick> what to skip ppa then?
[16:02] <jpatrick> want*
[16:02] <apachelogger_> jpatrick: well, do both
[16:03] <apachelogger_> argh
[16:03] * apachelogger_ kills dolphin
[16:03] <apachelogger_> where does that thing get the create*'s from
[16:06] <jpatrick> apachelogger_: bug #182605
[16:06] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182605 in gutsy-backports "Please backport qca2 (2.0.0-3) from Hardy" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182605
[16:07] <apachelogger_> hm
[16:07] <apachelogger_> karma
[16:07] <apachelogger_> I say karma!
[16:07] <apachelogger_> jpatrick++
[16:07] <apachelogger_> ~part
[16:08] * jpatrick uploads to ppa
[16:09] <apachelogger_> ha!
[16:09] <apachelogger_> I got it
[16:10] <jpatrick> "Checking for QCA 2.0 ... yes"
[16:10] * apachelogger_ starts dancing on the table
[16:11] <jpatrick> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3526/
[16:18] <jpatrick> apachelogger_: ARG, ppa is still eating uploads...
[16:20] <apachelogger_> jpatrick: well, screw it for now, we will have to do an almost complte update to ppa when I'm done with the icon fixing
[16:20] * apachelogger_ tries getting some rbm->create entries for dolphin
[16:23] <jpatrick> apachelogger_: bug #182610
[16:23] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182610 in gutsy-backports "Please backport qca2-plugin-ossl (0.1~20070904-3) from Hardy" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182610
[16:23] <apachelogger_> jpatrick: should I comment on these?
[16:24] <apachelogger_> stdin: ping
[16:24] <stdin> apachelogger_: pong
[16:25] <apachelogger_> stdin: why does libkonq5 depend on libkonq5-tempaltes | kdesktop?
[16:25] * apachelogger_ is wondering about the kdesktop part
[16:26] <jpatrick> apachelogger_: dunno, just so you know they're there tho ;)
[16:26] <stdin> maybe because it can be installed along side kdebase-bin-kde3? not sure
[16:26] * apachelogger_ doesn't think so
[16:26] <apachelogger_> actually it's kinda bad
[16:27] <apachelogger_> libkonq5-templates provides the rbm menu create_new stuff
[16:27] <apachelogger_> which is not going to be installed if kdesktop is already available
[16:27] <apachelogger_> and then you have no items in the create_new menu
[16:27] <stdin> apachelogger_: you'll have to poke Riddell about that one, I can't see why it's like tha
[16:27] <apachelogger_> Riddell: pling pling
[16:28] <Riddell> hmm?
[16:28] <apachelogger_> Riddell: why does libkonq5 depend on libkonq5-templates | kdesktop?
[16:29] <apachelogger_> kdesktop's are located in /usr/share/templates, while libkonq5 stores them in /usr/lib/kde4/share/templates
[16:29] <Riddell> as stdin says, which is taken from debian but should indeed be changed for us
[16:29] <apachelogger_> k
[16:29] * apachelogger_ fixes
[16:40] <apachelogger_> Riddell: btw, there is an inconsistency in the maintainer tag ... is it Kubuntu Developers, or the MOTU?
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
[16:42] <Riddell> apachelogger: I don't care
[16:42] <apachelogger> will change to Kubuntu Developers then
[16:42] <apachelogger> seems more appropriate IMO
[16:42] <Riddell> maintainer tags are essentially unused in ubuntu
[16:42] <apachelogger> k
[16:42] <Riddell> anywhere that does use them is a bug in my opinion
[16:56] <jjesse> morning :)
[16:58] <jpatrick> morning jjesse
[17:07] <jjesse> hello jpatrick
[17:07] <jjesse> sorry notifications aren't working in kde4 and konverstation (the on screen display)
[17:08] <Nightrose> jjesse: yea same here - but amarok´s osd is working - which is strange since it should be about the same code
[17:09] <apachelogger> hmmmmmmm
[17:09] <jjesse> yeah i noticed that.... wonder why
[17:09] <apachelogger> so maybe I should investigate on this now
[17:09] <apachelogger> that's a no-go that jjesse doesn't get mornings
[17:10] <stdin> apachelogger: if I'd had known (ie been here when) you uploaded kdebase-workspace I'd have shown you bug 182093
[17:10] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182093 in kdebase-workspace "Patch to prevent GTK+ applications with system tray icons from crashing in KDE 4.0" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182093
[17:10] <jjesse> some people would say i don't get evenings either :0
[17:10] <apachelogger> stdin: yeah, I saw that earlier today and smashed my head on the table ;-)
[17:10] <apachelogger> but I think there will be other issues I have to fix in -workspace
[17:12] <stdin> the GTK issue is a real problem for a lot of people (or so I've heard)
[17:12] <stdin> I tested pidgin (after installing it) and it went boom! :P
[17:12] <apachelogger> hm
[17:12] <apachelogger> ok
[17:12] <apachelogger> will do asap
[17:12] <apachelogger> I think I'll include a mega patch for plasma stuff
[17:13] <stdin> yeah, mega patches are good :)
[17:13] <apachelogger> aaron fixed quite some stuff while kde was frozen and uploaded everything at once
[17:13] <apachelogger> well, I prefer them small and handy :P
[17:13] <apachelogger> but better to have a mega patch in .0 than a totally b0rked plasma
[17:13] <apachelogger> Nightrose: right? ;-)
[17:13] <Nightrose> right ;-)
[17:14] <apachelogger> muhahahaha: ping
[17:15] <muhahahaha> hm
[17:15] <Nightrose> oO apachelogger´s alter ego arrived ;-)
[17:15] <muhahahaha> this is a konversation bug
[17:15] <muhahahaha> from what I see, it can't detect whether a screensaver is active
[17:15] <muhahahaha> and in this case it just assumes the screensaver is active
[17:15] <muhahahaha> hence doesn't show the OSD
[17:16] <muhahahaha> only possible solution would be to patch konversation so it assumes the saver is inactive unless it can detect it
[17:18] <muhahahaha> Nightrose, jjesse: do you think this issue is worth overriding konversation's default behaviour?
[17:18] <Nightrose> hmm it is annoying for me to get a beeb but no osd on hili
[17:18] <Nightrose> but changing the default... hmm
[17:19] <Nightrose> would it do any harm?
[17:20] <muhahahaha> well
[17:20] <muhahahaha> I don't know
[17:20] <muhahahaha> honestly
[17:20] <jjesse> does not detect the screensaver because of plasma?
[17:20] <jjesse> is that what is happening?
[17:20] <muhahahaha> yes
[17:20] <muhahahaha> it queries kdesktop
[17:20] <muhahahaha> via dcop
[17:20] <muhahahaha> neither of them is running
[17:20] <jjesse> ah
[17:20] * jjesse learns something
[17:20] <muhahahaha> so, basically patching konversation to use the osd when it can't detect activity would even have an advantage ;-)
[17:21] <muhahahaha> you can get an osd on gnome and xfce and fluxbox and $desktop
[17:22] <jjesse> ah that owuld be on gnome i don't get the osd that i do on kde
[17:22] <jjesse> things are making sense
[17:23] <muhahahaha> the problem is, I think konversation doesn't show the OSD for secruity reasons
[17:23] * muhahahaha dgets konversation and takes a look in the code
[17:24] <jjesse> by default it doesn't show osd for security reasons?
[17:24] <muhahahaha> I think so
[17:24] <muhahahaha> well
[17:24] <muhahahaha> the thing is
[17:24] <muhahahaha> if it can't detect whether a screensaver is running
[17:25] <muhahahaha> it will always show the OSD
[17:25] <jjesse> it shouldn't show osd when a screensaver is running
[17:25] <muhahahaha> any maybe one can workaround a lock using the OSD
[17:25] <muhahahaha> or at least one can read messages
[17:25] <muhahahaha> jjesse: that's the point
[17:26] <jjesse> it makes sense slowly
[17:26] <muhahahaha> comment in src says: "err on the side of safety."
[17:27] <muhahahaha> well
[17:27] <muhahahaha> I personally think... we shouldn't do anything
[17:27] <nixternal> isn't Sho_ currently working on a KDE 4 Konversation?
[17:27] <Jucato> I think Sho_ would be interested in knowing about this, since he intends to have a 1.1 release before we release hardy
[17:27] <Jucato> nixternal: not yet I think
[17:27] <Jucato> #konversation
[17:27] <nixternal> hrmm, wonder why
[17:28] <Jucato> he just finished porting yakuake :)
[17:28] <muhahahaha> Jucato: he would have to implement a check for krunner
[17:28] <muhahahaha> not worth IMO
[17:28] <Jucato> which was almost a rewrite according to him... and konvi is probably going to go worse :/
[17:28] <nixternal> no doubt
[17:29] * Jucato isn't familiar with konvi innards... just enjoys using it :)
[17:29] <stdin> Jucato: in svn? (yakuake)
[17:29] <Jucato> of course :)
[17:29] <nixternal> irssi ftw :p
[17:29] * stdin gets it
[17:30] <blueyed> "kfmclient exec http://example.com" does not work for me in KDE3 on Hardy anymore.. it seems to try using konqueror4, which fails to start.
[17:30] <blueyed> Additionally I cannot enable debug output (using kdebugdialog) for kfmclient.
[17:31] <blueyed> It appears to be the same method as used for "alt-f2, url", which really sucks to be broken.
[17:32] <muhahahaha> Nightrose: can you please check whether amarok shows the OSD even if a screensaver is on?
[17:32] <Nightrose> muhahahaha: will do - give me a sec
[17:33] <stdin> blueyed: does konqueror-kde4 start?
[17:34] <muhahahaha> nixternal: quassel ftw!
[17:34] <blueyed> stdin: yes, konqueror-kde4 starts, but it fails to do so through kfmclient/alt-f2
[17:35] <Nightrose> muhahahaha: it does not
[17:35] <muhahahaha> Nightrose: it doesn't show the OSD when the screensaver is on????
[17:35] <Nightrose> right
[17:35] <muhahahaha> rather strange
[17:36] * muhahahaha dgets amarok and diggs in it's src
[17:36] <stdin> blueyed: hmm, "kfmclient exec http://google.com" opens konqueror kde4 here (but I'm in a kde4 session)
[17:36] * Nightrose gets a coffee
[17:37] <muhahahaha> blueyed: I think your env vars are mixed
[17:37] <blueyed> stdin: I'm getting the bumping icon, but nothing happens.. "kfmclient-kde4 exec" however works..
[17:37] <blueyed> (starts firefox, as configured)
[17:38] <blueyed> muhahahaha: does kfmclient in KDE3 work for you?
[17:38] <iRon> blueyed: same for me.. i've installed hardy alpha 3, and kfmclient exec doesn't works.
[17:38] <muhahahaha> blueyed: I don't have a kde3 to test
[17:38] <muhahahaha> iRon: strange thing
[17:38] <muhahahaha> really strange thing
[17:38] <blueyed> iRon: thanks for confirming.
[17:38] <muhahahaha> so
[17:39] <muhahahaha> please someone paste the output of `export`
[17:39] <fdoving> blueyed: do you have any other konquerors running?
[17:39] <stdin> what about "kfmclient openURL" ?
[17:39] <yuriy> port of yakuake? yay!
[17:39] <iRon> stdin: Syntax Error: Unknown command 'http://google.com'
[17:40] <iRon> stdin: on `kfmclient http://google.com'
[17:40] <muhahahaha> kfmclient exec http://kde.org
[17:40] <muhahahaha> _exec_
[17:40] <stdin> iRon: no "kfmclient openURL http://google.com/"
[17:40] <muhahahaha> try both :P
[17:40] <blueyed> muhahahaha: my env: http://pastebin.com/m56d1b5ff
[17:40] <iRon> stdin: !! openURL works just fine
[17:41] <iRon> stdin: `exec' does not
[17:41] <muhahahaha> cool
[17:41] <blueyed> same for me.
[17:41] <muhahahaha> blueyed: plz also `cat ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals && cat ~/.kde4/share/config/kdeglobals`
[17:41] <blueyed> fdoving: no other konquerors running.
[17:42] <fdoving> blueyed: not even preloaded?
[17:42] <blueyed> fdoving: not in "ps aux" at least
[17:42] <muhahahaha> meh
[17:42] <muhahahaha> Nightrose: now I have to write a mail because of you :P
[17:42] <Nightrose> muhahahaha: ? why? ;-)
[17:43] <muhahahaha> either we deactivate the check and live with the security issue
[17:43] <muhahahaha> or we don't and live with a br0ken osd
[17:44] <blueyed> muhahahaha: www.codeprobe.de/tmp/kdeglobals.tmp
[17:44] <Nightrose> hmmm - muhahahaha can´t you add a check for kde4´s screensaver stuff?
[17:45] <muhahahaha> Nightrose: are you going to hack something reliable up?
[17:45] <pdenapo> HI, I've been testing the kdelibskdebase 3.5.8 /packages por Hardy alpha3 and the have a change that I don't like: they create a lot of icons in the desktop for all the folders in the filesystem, I think this will be rather confusing for non technical users. I think it would be better to keep the desktop clean
[17:46] <muhahahaha> blueyed: very strange
[17:46] <Nightrose> muhahahaha: don´t think so :P
[17:46] <muhahahaha> Nightrose: get someone to do it, and I'll go with that solution :P
[17:46] * Nightrose looks at apachelogger and nixternal ;-)
[17:47] <muhahahaha> I has no time for c++ hacking
[17:47] <blueyed> Is there a way to debug kfmclient? kdebugdialog (from kde4 it seems) does not enable output of kddebug output..
[17:47] <muhahahaha> I already has a lot of work with debian :P
[17:47] <Nightrose> ;-)
[17:47] <muhahahaha> blueyed: what does `kfmclient --version` say?
[17:48] <blueyed> muhahahaha: qt 3.3.7, kde 3.5.8, kfmclient 2.0
[17:48] <muhahahaha> cool
[17:49] <muhahahaha> so why does it try to launch konqueror4 -.-
[17:49] <muhahahaha> blueyed: well, openURL is working?
[17:49] <iRon> muhahahaha: i've no installed kde4.. but `kfmclient exec URL' doesn't works though
[17:50] <blueyed> muhahahaha: yes
[17:50] <muhahahaha> so
[17:50] <muhahahaha> kfmclient in kde3 just doesn't support exec :P
[17:50] <iRon> :)
[17:50] <blueyed> muhahahaha: ..anymore. It worked before.. and it's what alt-f2 seems to use..
[17:50] <fdoving> here is the source of kfmclient http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/konqueror/client/kfmclient.cc?revision=569345&view=markup
[17:51] <muhahahaha> blueyed: so alt-f2 -> http://kde.org doesn't work anymore?
[17:51] <blueyed> muhahahaha: exactly.
[17:51] <fdoving> that's basically what kfmclient exec does
[17:51] <fdoving> kfmclient exec uses krun.
[17:51] <iRon> muhahahaha: i guess it does.. and i think something is wrong with MIME or something like this.. for me `kfmclient exec URL' starts `kate' :)
[17:51] <fdoving> while openUrl does not.
[17:51] <blueyed> also clicking URLs here in konvi does not work anymore
[17:51] <muhahahaha> iRon: depends on the url ;-)
[17:52] <iRon> muhahahaha: any http://..
[17:52] <muhahahaha> doesn't depends on the protocol
[17:52] <muhahahaha> but the server sent mime
[17:52] <muhahahaha> at least it should ;-)
[17:53] <blueyed> fdoving: I have the source already through "apt-get source" or are you referring to something specific?
[17:54] <fdoving> blueyed: i'm referring to the kfmclient.cc file. you can read from it what exec does, and what openUrl does.
[17:55] <blueyed> fdoving: so krun is broken?
[17:55] <fdoving> probably not.
[17:56] <fdoving> if you installed konqueror-kde4 it could be that it tries to be the default browser for http and https things, or that it tries to be the default for html pages. for example.
[17:56] <fdoving> i'd check the mime-settings first.
[17:56] <fdoving> its very unlikely that anything in kde 3.5.x suddenly breaks like that.
[17:57] <fdoving> code-wise anyway.
[17:57] <blueyed> fdoving: ok, but starting konqueror-kde4 itself works under kde3. will check mime stuff.
[17:57] <fdoving> kfmclient kde3 won't be able to communicate with konqueror4 properly.
[17:58] <fdoving> as kfmclient3 speaks dcop and konqueror4 speaks dbus.
[17:59] <blueyed> Ok, that explains it then. Configuring "konqueror" as default browser for http(s) in "default application" works.
[18:01] <fdoving> bbl, kid screams.
[18:15] <blueyed> The problem is caused by /usr/share/applications/kde4-kfmclient_html.desktop (from the konqueror-kde4 package). Removing just this file fixes it: konqueror3 then gets used instead
[18:16] <stdin> that file just runs "kfmclient-kde4 openURL %u text/html" where "%u" us the URL
[18:23] <blueyed> stdin: which fails with "ASSERT failure in KAuthorizedPrivate(): "There has to be an application name set (See QCoreApplication::instance()->setApplicationName)", file /build/buildd/kde4libs-4.0.0/kdecore/kernel/kauthorized.cpp, line 195"
[18:26] <jpatrick> apachelogger: jabber on kopete-kde4 now works
[18:26] <apachelogger> jpatrick: without rebuilding of kdenetwork?
[18:26] <jpatrick> apachelogger: no..
[18:26] <apachelogger> ok, we have to backport for the icon fixes anway
[18:27] <jpatrick> "Login failed with unknown reason."
[18:27] <apachelogger> cool :S
[18:27] <jpatrick> better than qca tcl failed to load
[18:28] <apachelogger> well, unknown < known ;-)
[18:28] <jpatrick> wait...
[18:28] <jpatrick> I'm online on jabber! :D
[18:29] <apachelogger> Oo
[18:29] <apachelogger> jpatrick: login succeeded with unknown reason? ;-)
[18:29] <jpatrick> apachelogger: wrong passwd
[18:30] <apachelogger> ic
[18:30] <jpatrick> yep, it works tm
[18:30] <ryanakca> Hmm.. who's the usability person for Kubuntu? seele ?
[18:32] <mornfall> Evening.
[18:33] <ryanakca> hey mornfall
[18:34] * apachelogger is testbuilding a mega patch for plasma
[18:35] <blueyed_> "kfmclient openURL http://kde.org text/html" also fails in a kde4 session for me..
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed-kde4
[18:36] <stdin> try kfmclient4 ?
[18:36] <blueyed-kde4> I've meant that one, yes.
[18:37] <stdin> hmm, "kfmclient openURL http://kde.org text/html" open konqueror fine in my kde4 session
[18:52] <blueyed-kde4> stdin: I bet it won't anymore, if you configure it to use "firefox" as default browser.. that's the code path which causes the ASSERT
[19:08] <apachelogger> blueyed-kde4: didn't you do that?
[19:08] * apachelogger remembers that firefox was default for kde4
[19:09] <blueyed-kde4> apachelogger: it does not matter what you set in "in the following browser", as long as you do not use the default "in an application based on the contents of the URL". Even using konqueror-kde4 triggers the assertion.
[19:10] <blueyed-kde4> I had changed it to firefox in kde4, because flash crashes konqueror there.
[19:10] <apachelogger> konqueror-kde4 is a wrapper script
[19:11] <apachelogger> stupid scripts
[19:12] <blueyed-kde4> apachelogger: the same applies to konqueror, too - which is not a script. Do you think the assertion is caused because a script is executed?
[19:12] <apachelogger> blueyed-kde4: I wouldn't be surprised
[19:12] <blueyed-kde4> but then it should fail with konqueror..
[19:13] * blueyed-kde4 wonders what qApp is about?!
[19:14] <blueyed-kde4> Is this an instance of the current application?
[19:14] <apachelogger> stdin: I can't apply the plasma patch, breaks icon aligning
[19:15] <stdin> apachelogger: we'll have to wait until .1 for that then, but we should get the gtk patch in (and probably work on the kdesu issue)
[19:17] <apachelogger> oh
[19:17] <apachelogger> stdin: kdesu is in workspace?
[19:17] <apachelogger> mhh
[19:17] <apachelogger> kdelibs
[19:17] <apachelogger> well
[19:18] <apachelogger> stdin: I think for now linking kdesu to kdesudo should do the trick
[19:18] <apachelogger> unless we find someone who wants to port it to sudo, or port kdesudo to qt4
[19:18] <stdin> it's in libs, but it should be a higher priority than getting extra patches in probably
[19:18] <stdin> (and I many be making some headway)
[19:19] <stdin> it will at least get it to use sudo for now, until kdesudo is ported
[19:19] <stdin> WOOT! found it :)
[19:20] <stdin> we need to pass "-DKDESU_USE_SUDO_DEFAULT" to cmake
[19:20] <nosrednaekim> yes!
[19:20] <nosrednaekim> :)
[19:20] * apachelogger opens konsole
[19:20] <stdin> or -DKDESU_USE_SUDO_DEFAULT=true anyway
[19:21] <apachelogger> *fixing*
[19:21] * stdin does a little victory dance (and hopes that it's not in vain)
[19:24] * apachelogger testbuilds
[19:31] <stdin> when you upload (if it works) have it close bug #182319
[19:32] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182319 in kdebase-runtime "kdesu asks for root password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182319
[19:35] <apachelogger> stdin: yep
[19:36] <jjesse> nixternal: did you see the proposed schedule mdke created on the mailing list?
[19:52] <apachelogger> stdin: what to do with bug 173364 and bug 181470
[19:52] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 173364 in kdegraphics-kde4 "package kscan-kde4 4:3.96.0-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde4/lib/kde4/kscanplugin.so', which is also in package kde4graphics" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173364
[19:52] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 181470 in kdegraphics-kde4 "[kde4-gutsy]bug in installation of some application" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181470
[19:52] * stdin looks
[19:52] <apachelogger> stdin: do you think we should conflict with the old packages?... the problem then would be that _every_ package has to conflict with the old package
[19:52] <apachelogger> since we only had big monster packages in gutsy
[19:53] <stdin> I see #182452 is invalid right now, kde4graphics = old pre-RC package
[19:53] <apachelogger> stdin: yeah
[19:53] <apachelogger> but I think it is in the archive
[19:53] <apachelogger> stdin: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/kde/kde4graphics
[19:54] <apachelogger> Riddell: what do you think?
[19:54] <stdin> conflicting/replacing may be a way, but that's a mighty 'ol headache to do
[19:54] <apachelogger> exactly -.-
[19:55] <apachelogger> well
[19:55] <apachelogger> I still have to touch most of the packages for icon fixes
[19:55] <apachelogger> -workspace needs the gtk fix
[19:55] <stdin> and it may not be worth it, to make everyone download the packages again just for a small amount of people
[19:55] <apachelogger> libs needs sudo
[19:55] <stdin> for the packages you're working on, go for it :)
[19:55] <apachelogger> ok
[19:56] <stdin> if you already have to upload a fix, may as well fix some small issues too
[19:56] <apachelogger> true
[19:58] <stdin> thing is that the pre-packages weren't really meant to be upgradable, or rather, we didn't take any special steps to avoid clashing (instructions were always "Remove old packages first...."
[20:08] <stdin> wooh, my karma has gone up 383 since yesterday :p
[20:09] <jjesse> i never understand how karma is calcuated
[20:10] <stdin> jjesse: https://help.launchpad.net/KarmaCalculation
[20:11] <toma> stdin: just don't think you are ready for your reincarnation now ;-)
[20:12] <jjesse> hrmm i wonder if that normalization is the reason mine never seems to change
[20:12] <jjesse> cause i have some points in all but mostly in bug tracking
[20:16] <jjesse> hrm why does nothing that require admin rights work under kde4? keeps giving me invalid password
[20:16] <stdin> see bug #182319
[20:16] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182319 in kdebase-runtime "kdesu asks for root password" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182319
[20:17] <jjesse> ah you've been talking about that all day havne't you?
[20:17] <stdin> yeah ;)
[20:19] <stdin> actually, I should change that to be in kde4libs...
[21:18] <apachelogger> ~professor
[21:18] <insanity> Good news everyone!
[21:18] <apachelogger> I have a working kdesu with sudo :D
[21:18] <apachelogger> hrrhrr
[21:19] <stdin> all it took was searching through tens of files of code to finally see that "su.h" was where it was set :/
[21:19] <apachelogger> :S
[21:20] <apachelogger> stdin: I actually read it once when running ccmake
[21:20] <apachelogger> totally forgot about it
[21:20] <stdin> it was one of those "I'm a moron, and I know it" moments :p
[21:20] <apachelogger> I know them... too well ....
[21:31] <apachelogger> stdin: uploading right now
[21:31] <nixternal> writing plasmoids are fun :p
[21:32] <stdin> apachelogger: great :)
[21:32] <nixternal> who will be the first to write the python engine for plasma?
[21:32] <apachelogger> nixternal: a python engine?
[21:33] <nixternal> ya, you can't write pythonized plasmoids yet that I know of
[21:33] <apachelogger> Oo
[21:33] <apachelogger> nixternal: using kross?
[21:33] <nixternal> no
[21:33] <nixternal> qtscript
[21:33] <nixternal> which blows kross out of the water
[21:33] <apachelogger> hm
[21:33] <apachelogger> *shrug*
[21:33] <nixternal> speed wise
[21:33] <apachelogger> there is a ruby plasmoid, ruby is better anyway, so :P
[21:34] <nixternal> kross definitely has more scripting languages, but I am sure plasma/qtscript will soon enough
[21:34] <nixternal> aseigo said they are fairly easy to write so I am sure someone will do so son
[21:34] <nixternal> s/son/soon
[21:34] <apachelogger> cool
[21:34] <nixternal> where is the ruby plasmoid?
[21:34] <Tm_T> hi kids
[21:34] <nixternal> I created a playground-plasma package that has all of the script plasmoids and they are all javascript
[21:35] <nixternal> ahh, ruby-clock
[21:35] <nixternal> wonder why it isn't under scripts
[21:36] <apachelogger> Tm_T: hey mom
[21:36] <nixternal> haha
[21:36] <apachelogger> woah
[21:36] <apachelogger> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/
[21:36] <apachelogger> welcome to the wonderful world of sudo
[21:36] <apachelogger> muhahahahaa
[21:37] <nixternal> kdesudo hasn't been ported yet?
[21:37] <apachelogger> nope
[21:37] <nixternal> ahh
[21:37] * nixternal goes out for a bit
[21:37] <nixternal> have fun!
[21:38] * apachelogger doesn't even think it needs to be ported, just get upstream to add an icon to kdesu with sudo and everything is fine
[21:39] * apachelogger testbuilds kdegraphics
[21:40] <vorian> afternoon :)
[21:41] <seezer> are all hardy-releases of kde4 packages going to be backported to gutsy?
[21:42] <stdin> seezer: until work on hardy+1 begins, probably they will
[21:42] <apachelogger> of course it doesn't make sense to backport every release, but I think at the end of this week we gonna make a complete backport again
[21:43] <seezer> ah ok
[22:09] <vorian> how in cmake would i call this " freetype-config --cflags" ?
[22:56] <apachelogger> stdin: anything else I can fix in kdegraphics?
[22:56] <stdin> apachelogger: nothing I know of
[22:57] <apachelogger> *uploading*
[23:00] <apachelogger> stdin: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdegraphics-kde4/
[23:01] * apachelogger likes how all the stuff is coming together :D
[23:02] <stdin> lovely jubbely
[23:04] <apachelogger> hm
[23:04] <apachelogger> Oo
[23:04] <apachelogger> oi
[23:04] <apachelogger> stdin: really, I think creating a seperated XDG desktop config directory for the wrappers is the only good solution
[23:05] <apachelogger> search in kickoff for konqueror offers ~8 konquerors
[23:05] <Nightrose> 10 here
[23:05] <Nightrose> ;-)
[23:06] <apachelogger> well
[23:06] <apachelogger> would be half in a kde4 only env I think
[23:06] * apachelogger checks
[23:06] <Nightrose> k
[23:06] <apachelogger> I get 5
[23:06] <apachelogger> though
[23:06] <apachelogger> actually
[23:06] <apachelogger> I think 4 are actually profiles
[23:06] <apachelogger> as seen in the applications directory
[23:07] <apachelogger> but this still doesn't explain why the packaged KDE popups up with twice as many
[23:07] <apachelogger> hm
[23:07] <apachelogger> Nightrose: the lost&founds are KDE3 kcms I think
[23:07] <apachelogger> mostly at least
[23:08] <Nightrose> jep
[23:08] * apachelogger is wondering what to do about this
[23:08] * Nightrose too
[23:08] <Nightrose> they should go away ;-)
[23:08] <apachelogger> yeah
[23:08] <apachelogger> but
[23:08] <apachelogger> hm
[23:08] <apachelogger> well
[23:08] <apachelogger> the problem is
[23:08] <apachelogger> even if we use 2 directories for KDE4 and KDE4AppsOnKDE3
[23:09] <apachelogger> KDE4 would still have to search the default XDG path
[23:09] <apachelogger> /usr/share/applications
[23:09] <Nightrose> hmm
[23:09] <apachelogger> and I think it does this recursive
[23:09] <apachelogger> kde3 desktop files reside in applications/kde
[23:09] <Nightrose> ah
[23:09] <Nightrose> yea seen it yesterday
[23:09] <apachelogger> so KDE4 will have to catch them
[23:10] <apachelogger> or it also doesn't finde openoffice and such stuff
[23:10] <apachelogger> which resides in the default XDG dir
[23:10] <Nightrose> can one make kickoff not search in lost and found somehow?
[23:10] <apachelogger> we can't move that stuff to /usr/share/applications-kde3 either, because then we have to patch gnome and xfce to find the apps as well -.-
[23:10] <apachelogger> Nightrose: well, I think we can make it not show the l'n'f
[23:10] <apachelogger> but
[23:11] <apachelogger> that is no option
[23:11] <Nightrose> hmm
[23:11] <apachelogger> because if a desktop file isn't spec'd but otherwise correct it will show up there
[23:11] <apachelogger> and $user can't find it because lnf isnt shown
[23:11] <Nightrose> right... so not a solution
[23:11] <apachelogger> well
[23:12] <apachelogger> maybe we can patch ksycoca somehow, so it doesn't search catch up *kcm*desktop files in the XDG search path
[23:12] <apachelogger> so these would disappear
[23:12] <apachelogger> actually
[23:12] <apachelogger> can one run kde3 apps in kde4?
[23:13] <apachelogger> oh, one can
[23:13] <apachelogger> always a good thing to know ^_^
[23:14] <Nightrose> hehe sure - how do you think I am running konversation and amarok right now.. ;-)
[23:14] <apachelogger> *shrug*
[23:14] <apachelogger> some wrapper magic
[23:16] <apachelogger> Nightrose: do you get a plasma crash when you search for something in kickoff and start it with a mouseclick?
[23:16] <Nightrose> nope
[23:16] <apachelogger> hm, can't reproduce it either, but a1ex saied it crashes his plasma all the time
[23:17] <apachelogger> might be some configuration stuff
[23:17] <Nightrose> plasma has only crashed once for me so far and not within the last 48 hours
[23:17] <apachelogger> or a desktop file collision
[23:17] <apachelogger> everything is somehow a collision :P
[23:17] <apachelogger> <-- wicked minded
[23:17] <Nightrose> ;-)
[23:17] <apachelogger> Nightrose: did you start off with a fresh profileß
[23:17] <apachelogger> ?
[23:17] <Nightrose> empty .kde4 that is? yes
[23:18] <apachelogger> well
[23:18] <apachelogger> no
[23:18] <apachelogger> completely
[23:18] <Nightrose> nope
[23:18] <apachelogger> the thing is
[23:18] <apachelogger> it doesn't necessarily have to be an issue with .kde*
[23:18] <apachelogger> could also be some xdg configuration in $home
[23:19] <Nightrose> same profile as for kde3 and I copied a few important settings over to .kde4 when I needed them
[23:19] <Nightrose> hmm that was not empty for me then
[23:21] <apachelogger> stdin: we should upload the latest versions of libs, pimlibs, base and workspace... there were some dependency issues in the debug packages, and without them it's hard to catch some of the weird issues like in bug 182077
[23:21] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182077 in meta-kde4 "multiple desktop-icons in kde4" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182077
[23:21] <apachelogger> Nightrose: ok
[23:22] <stdin> apachelogger: yeah, probably a good idea
[23:24] <apachelogger> stdin: I'll publish workspace with gtk fix and dep fix for ksysguard tomorrow morning, maybe you can upload libs, pimlibs and base to the ppa until then?
[23:25] * DaSkreech breathes threat and vengance
[23:25] <stdin> apachelogger: yeah, I'll do that before bed :)
[23:30] <apachelogger> stdin: thx
[23:31] <apachelogger> stdin++
[23:31] <apachelogger> Nightrose: one round karma for stdin :)
[23:31] <Nightrose> stdin++
[23:31] <Nightrose> ;-)
[23:31] <apachelogger> insanity: bye :P
[23:31] <apachelogger> ~part
[23:31] <stdin> heh
[23:31] <DaSkreech> stdin++
[23:31] <Nightrose> DaSkreech: too late ;-)
[23:31] <apachelogger> DaSkreech: do in #amarok plz
[23:31] <DaSkreech> I sure hope he's able to fit in the bed by the time we are done
[23:32] <apachelogger> lol
[23:33] * apachelogger scuttles off to bed
[23:33] <apachelogger> nini
[23:33] <Nightrose> nini honey
[23:35] <blueyed> I've reported the kfmclient-issue (ASSERT failure) at bug 182718 - there's also a proposed fix for this.
[23:35] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182718 in kde4libs "KRun.init can trigger assertion failure in KAuthorizedPrivate()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182718
[23:39] <blueyed> stdin: please look at the above bug and patch - would be nice to have this in your libs upload.
[23:54] <DaSkreech> 11grub
[23:54] <DaSkreech> !grub
[23:54] <ubotu> grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[23:59] <wesley> guys i got some bugs or problems found in kde4 1 in plasma translation is a bug its most like a translation fault and of the translation in dutch