UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /12 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:22] <zul> evening
[01:48] <jords> afternoon
[01:48] <jords> :S
[05:03] <inkaico> hello does someone know how to setup a network printer?
[05:34] <Burgundavia> inkaico: in what sense?
[05:34] <Burgundavia> you want to plug a computer into an ubuntu computer and have it on the windows machines?
[05:39] <inkaico> Burgundavia, i have a Pc running ubuntu server7.10 ans a printer conected to it, i want the other pc (windows and linux) to be able to use the printer
[05:40] <inkaico> exactly like if im on windowd with a printer pluged to it and share the printer
[05:44] <Burgundavia> right
[05:44] <Burgundavia> so the linux machine is easy, assuming it ubuntu as well
[05:44] <Burgundavia> that can be done with zeroconf
[05:44] <Burgundavia> but you need to install cups
[05:45] <inkaico> yes the server is ubuntu 7.10
[05:46] <inkaico> how do i share it ? via samba?
[05:52] <Burgundavia> yes
[05:53] <inkaico> that what i tried but it didnt work
[05:55] <Burgundavia> you need to configure both cups and samba
[05:56] <inkaico> is there a page where i can see what to put into the samba.conf file?
[05:58] <Burgundavia> hmm, it appears that you don't need samba
[05:58] <Burgundavia> just share out the printer the normal way and then point your windows machine at it
[05:58] <Burgundavia> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrinterSharing
[06:05] <inkaico> how do i exit manmpage?
[06:08] <ScottK> q
[06:15] <Burgundavia> ScottK: ebox ftw
[06:16] <ScottK> Yeah. I almost had is set up and then hard drive space ran out.
[06:16] <ScottK> New hard drive ought to get here Monday or Tuesday.
[06:31] <XiXaQ> has anyone here setup subversion for document collaboration? I'd like each user to have a folder in their homes, pointing to a structure of documents stored on an svn server. They should work with the files as if they're nothing special, and use nautilus to check in and out.
[06:32] <Burgundavia> XiXaQ: the doc team does, but not like that
[06:32] <Burgundavia> the issue is that you are going to have huge files going back and forth, due to office files being binary so no diffing
[06:32] <XiXaQ> ok? I'm just dreaming up possibilities. Perhaps there is a better way?
[06:32] <Burgundavia> alfresco has an ms office plugin?
[06:33] <XiXaQ> I'm not using ms office though. Only ubuntu desktops with openoffice, planner, etc.
[06:33] <Burgundavia> right
[06:34] <XiXaQ> odt files aren't binary, are they?
[06:34] <Burgundavia> they are zipped xml
[06:34] <Burgundavia> thus binary
[06:34] <XiXaQ> oh..
[06:34] <XiXaQ> but version control would still work?
[06:34] <Kamping_Kaiser> yes
[06:35] <Burgundavia> absolutely, you just won't be able to see what changed
[06:35] <Burgundavia> just who
[06:35] <XiXaQ> oh.. I see. So what would happen if two users worked on the same document at the same time?
[06:36] <Burgundavia> nothing, just massive collision
[06:36] <Burgundavia> what you need is realtime collaboration
[06:36] <Burgundavia> abicollab is part of that, but nobody is funding the work (it badly needs to be done)
[06:37] <XiXaQ> how does that work in contrast?
[06:38] <Burgundavia> that works like gobby
[06:38] <Burgundavia> passing the data in real time back and forth
[06:38] <XiXaQ> but they'd still use their normal applications?
[06:38] <Burgundavia> yes, but there is no OO.o plugin
[06:38] <Burgundavia> so you back at square 1
[06:38] <Burgundavia> I lie about the nobody working on it
[06:38] <Burgundavia> telepathy tubes are supposed to be this
[06:40] <XiXaQ> heh, ok, so real-time is in the future then? :)
[06:40] <Burgundavia> yes, basically
[06:41] <Burgundavia> OLPC uses telepathy tubes for their activities
[06:42] <XiXaQ> perhaps it would be easier to setup the shared area to only be writable by one user, then let all the users who should be able to edit it access that user via nx or vnc or something?
[06:43] <Kamping_Kaiser> XiXaQ, can you tell us what your trying to do with more detail, there may be a different way to what your thinking of
[06:45] <XiXaQ> well. I'm not entirely sure, to be honest, because I'm not sure what's possible. I'd like different users to be able to edit a set of public documents, without conflicts.
[06:46] <Burgundavia> you could use abicollab
[06:46] <XiXaQ> when I put it like that.. Since this will be a fairly low number of users, perhaps the best way to go would be a locking system, granting only one user the right to edit files at the same time. That'd be easily implemented in nautilus, I think.
[06:46] <Kamping_Kaiser> file locking should do that]
[06:46] <XiXaQ> abicollab?
[06:47] <Burgundavia> abiword collaboration
[06:47] <Kamping_Kaiser> XiXaQ, at The Hut (a community centre i have ubuntu setup at) theres ~30 people who will be editing documents. they have a shared space where the docs are, and edit them in there
[06:48] <Kamping_Kaiser> if they need to, they can make a copy in their home and work on it there and put it back in called something different
[06:49] <XiXaQ> that is, you can read files, add files, but not change existing files?
[06:50] <XiXaQ> Burgundavia, but it should work with any kind of document, preferably.
[06:51] <Kamping_Kaiser> no thats not the case :)
[06:51] <XiXaQ> ok.. :)
[06:54] <Burgundavia> XiXaQ: abi can read ms office and odf jsut fine
[06:55] <XiXaQ> yes, but what about planner-files, for instance?
[06:55] <Burgundavia> for that you are screwed
[06:55] <Burgundavia> what we need is for tubes to finished and in the default gnome/kde desktops
[06:55] <Burgundavia> then we can start doing cool collaboration bits
[06:56] <XiXaQ> any url to tubes? I have no idea what they are, except someone told me that's what the internet is made of.
[06:56] <Kamping_Kaiser> *grin*
[06:56] <Burgundavia> http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/Tubes
[06:57] <XiXaQ> thanks :)
[06:58] <XiXaQ> uh.. I read the words, but they told me nothing. :)
[06:59] <Burgundavia> basically it is remote dbus
[07:00] <Burgundavia> data goes into dbus, gets munged over the tub and comes back out of dbus on the other computer
[07:00] <Burgundavia> all the apps need to do is start a session
[07:00] <Burgundavia> telepathy deals with all the nasty bits like NAT transveral, etc.
[07:01] <XiXaQ> oh, I see.
[07:01] <XiXaQ> well, actually, that might have been a slight exaggeration.
[07:01] <Burgundavia> hmm?
[07:01] <XiXaQ> what's the point?
[07:02] <Burgundavia> you are the point
[07:02] <XiXaQ> would it replace sockets?
[07:02] <Burgundavia> you need to have people collaborate
[07:02] <Burgundavia> apps writers don't want to duplicate huge amounts of network code
[07:02] <Burgundavia> it makes it trivial to have stuff collaborate
[07:02] <XiXaQ> ah, ok.
[07:03] <XiXaQ> but it wouldn't do anything to help existing applications?
[07:03] <Burgundavia> existing apps would need to have plugins added to talk to the tube
[07:03] <Burgundavia> but once the interface is nailed down and is in the major distros, it will happen
[07:04] <XiXaQ> and that would for instance let me see the changes other people made in the document that I'm currently editing?
[07:04] <Burgundavia> yes, it would allow real time collaboration
[07:04] <Burgundavia> OLPC is using it, as I said, to allow all the little kiddies to work together on their stories and pictures
[07:05] <XiXaQ> that sounds cool.
[07:05] <Burgundavia> and it very groundbreaking, because no other OS has it tied into that level
[07:06] <XiXaQ> how far ahead are we talking?
[07:06] <Burgundavia> 6 months, a year for the final telepathy stuff to shake out
[07:06] <Burgundavia> 18 months before you see the first apps
[07:07] <Burgundavia> might be less for the apps
[07:07] <Burgundavia> stuff might start adding optional tube stuff as early as 8.10
[07:07] <XiXaQ> difficult to predict such things.
[07:08] <Burgundavia> yes
[07:08] <Burgundavia> if they run into major issues with the spec as written, they migth have to change stuff
[07:09] <XiXaQ> yes.
[07:14] <Burgundavia> anyway, I have to sleep
[07:58] <jords__> ok, I just followed these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/serverguide/C/httpd.html and setup ssl on my ubuntu 7.10 server. https://www.shadowservices.biz is working, but http://www.shadowservices.biz is'nt - sites-enabled/000-default.conf snippet of what i changed: http://pastebin.com/m58b16e4b
[10:17] <_ruben> hmm .. installing ubuntu server on a via c3 800mhz board sure aint the fastest install i'v seen :p
[10:17] <Kamping_Kaiser> *grin*
[10:18] <_ruben> also got a 533mhz version which is passivly cooled .. wonder if i even wanna attempt to install on that one ;)
[10:19] <Kamping_Kaiser> vias are.... different :/
[10:21] <_ruben> yup .. did some reading up first since i recalled having to do some nasty hacks beck in the day when i used slackware on one (had to roll my own install floppies with special kernel) .. seems with ubuntu i needa install linux-386 prior to rebooting the install
[10:22] <Kamping_Kaiser> slack off floppies on a via?
[10:22] <Kamping_Kaiser> thats a bit different
[10:23] * _ruben crosses fingers ... linux-386 is installing ...
[10:24] <Kamping_Kaiser> gl!
[10:26] <XiXaQ> _ruben, I don't understand it. I've run Ubuntu on 550MHz for a long time. It was fine..
[10:27] <_ruben> install completed .. lets see if it'll boot
[10:27] <_ruben> XiXaQ: this is a rather special cpu
[10:27] <Kamping_Kaiser> XiXaQ, via ?
[10:27] <XiXaQ> well, no.. AMD.
[10:27] <Kamping_Kaiser> XiXaQ, via are *much* lower clock and bus speed
[10:27] <XiXaQ> I thought they were supposed to be faster relative to clock speed?
[10:28] <_ruben> thats another line of via cpus
[10:28] <_ruben> these are low power ones
[10:28] <XiXaQ> oh, ok.
[10:29] <_ruben> micro-atx board .. measures 17x17 centimeters .. sweet little things :)
[10:30] <_ruben> wonder if there are already workarounds for the "showing boot messages after login prompt already shown"
[10:30] <_ruben> not that it really matters, since it'll be headless anyways
[10:30] <XiXaQ> is that the kind that's used in thinclients?
[10:31] <_ruben> thats one common purpose of em yeah
[10:31] <Kamping_Kaiser> nice for embedded/routers etc
[10:32] <_ruben> yeah
[10:32] <XiXaQ> they have no fans, etc?
[10:32] <_ruben> hmm .. apt-get remove linux-generic doesnt pull out the kernels with it .. bugger
[10:32] <Kamping_Kaiser> no, it shouldnt
[10:33] <_ruben> XiXaQ: well .. my 533Mhz one doesnt .. the 800Mhz has a small fan (the size of tnt2 gfx card cooler)
[10:33] <Kamping_Kaiser> apt-cache rdepends linux-generic, and remove that
[10:34] <_ruben> did an apt-get upgrade .. and noticed it wanted to upgrade linux-*-generic .. which would most likely have me end up booting the -generic kernel instead of -386 next time
[10:34] <Kamping_Kaiser> tell grub to boot a specific kernel
[11:07] <_ruben> hmm .. seems the fix for bug #141601 isnt released as stable yet
[11:07] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 141601 in debconf "tasksel packages stays at 100%" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141601
[12:42] <pkane> i want to publish to ubuntu-server via quanta, i was thinking of using vsftpd on the server, but not sure how to configure the ftp server.
[13:33] <ivoks> hi all
[13:34] <jords> hello
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[21:08] <tonix> is this an ubuntu-server channel???
[21:20] <lamont> hrm... given access to the ldap port, is there a convenient way to dump the schema for an ldap DB, or does one just get to discern it from the fields that are unique to records with a given objectClass?
[21:46] <Kamping_Kaiser> lamont, i'm not aware of a remote way to dump a database
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[21:50] <[diablo]> lamont, what exactly do you want to do?
[22:18] <soren> lamont: I think it depends on the ldap implementation. I belive some expose schemas in the directory as well.
[22:19] <soren> lamont: Is it openldap?
[22:19] <soren> lamont: Which version? I think openldap 2.4 does this.
[22:20] <soren> lamont: IIRC you can even add schemas as well.
[22:21] <lamont> probably 2.2, dunno
[22:22] <soren> Erk.
[22:23] <soren> http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/slapdconf2.html#cn=schema
[22:26] <soren> ...as I read it, allegedly, you should be able to read all the schemas by fetching cn=schema,cn=config
[22:30] <soren> I get "Insufficient access", though, when I try.
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