UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /11 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:31] <turno> soldats: that worked, thank you
[00:31] <soldats> awesome
[00:31] <soldats> im glad
[00:38] <turno> thats a really difficult factory setting
[00:40] <soldats> im thinking of asking to have it implemented as a clickable feature for hardy
[01:09] <Kniggit> hi
[01:10] <soldats> hello
[01:10] <Kniggit> just installed 7.10
[01:11] <Kniggit> so far so good
[01:13] <soldats> cool
[01:15] <Kniggit> I'm still downloading system updates, just installed restricted nvidia driver
[01:15] <Kniggit> hopefully then I can run at the monitor's native res
[01:15] <soldats> yuh
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[01:20] <JohnnyNoBueno> I'm a total n00b. Anyone have any ideas on getting an SIIG scsi controller to work on a fresh install of 7.10?
[02:39] <wsguede> hey I am installing xubuntu via alternate cd
[02:39] <wsguede> and its stuck at gathering information for the install report
[02:40] <wsguede> how long does it normally take to finish
[02:40] <wsguede> ?
[02:43] <wsguede> anything
[02:44] <soldats> did you run the md5 on the cd
[02:45] <wsguede> if it did it on its own then yeah, but I didn't go out of my way to do it
[02:46] <wsguede> I ran the alternate cd step by step as it gave me
[02:46] <soldats> !md5
[02:46] <ubotu> To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows
[02:47] <soldats> also make sure you have a good connection to the internet if your doing with internet as well
[02:48] <wsguede> what do you mean doing it with the internet? and by md5 do you mean check to see if the cd is good? because I did do that a little be ago, and the cd has no faults
[02:48] <soldats> ok is it an internet install
[02:48] <wsguede> no
[02:49] <wsguede> I am using the cd
[02:49] <wsguede> I have the internet connected to it
[02:51] <wsguede> the install is done, its just hanging on gathering info about the install... the cd has been taken out
[02:53] <soldats> maybe you should have left the cd in until it tells you to take it out
[02:53] <wsguede> it did
[02:53] <wsguede> infact
[02:53] <wsguede> it shot out the cd
[02:53] <wsguede> and was all like
[02:53] <wsguede> get this shit outta here
[02:53] <soldats> im really not so sure since i havent experimented with the alternate cd yet
[02:53] <soldats> lol
[02:53] <wsguede> hmm
[02:53] <soldats> did you try a rebot
[02:54] <wsguede> I did before
[02:54] <soldats> s/rebot/reboot
[02:54] <wsguede> this is like the 400th time I have installed this thing
[02:54] <wsguede> it hangs here for a while
[02:54] <wsguede> and so I figured that it was ok to hard boot
[02:54] <wsguede> so I did
[02:54] <soldats> is it possible to try the livecd
[02:54] <wsguede> and it brought up grub 1.5
[02:54] <wsguede> I will get to that
[02:55] <wsguede> so grub 1.5
[02:55] <wsguede> is like a cmd prompt
[02:55] <wsguede> ok
[02:55] <wsguede> so the live cd
[02:55] <wsguede> I dled it twice (torrent)
[02:55] <wsguede> and both cds didn't work
[02:56] <wsguede> it goes to the screen where it asks to install or less grafix... blah blah
[02:56] <wsguede> then I hit install / try
[02:56] <wsguede> and then it goes blank
[02:56] <soldats> hmm strange
[02:56] <wsguede> it looks like it loads but it doesn't I guess
[02:56] <wsguede> like the monitor is off
[02:56] <soldats> on the alternate cd doest it drop to a cmd
[02:56] <wsguede> when?
[02:56] <wsguede> when I put it in
[02:57] <wsguede> it goes to the same type of screen as the life cd... but instead of try/install, it says install via text mode or something
[02:57] <soldats> after reboot or install
[02:57] <wsguede> after this
[02:57] <wsguede> after where I am now
[02:58] <wsguede> if I hard boot it it goes to something like a cmd
[02:58] <wsguede> it says loading grub 1.5
[02:58] <soldats> ok well at the cmd type startx
[02:58] <wsguede> that's not one of the choices it give me (if I can remember right
[02:59] <soldats> it doesnt tell you to log in either
[02:59] <wsguede> I don't want to hard boot it right now just in case
[02:59] <wsguede> no
[02:59] <wsguede> no login
[02:59] <wsguede> just some cmd
[02:59] <soldats> hmm, another suggestion would be to install in textmode cause the gui still has problems i believe
[02:59] <wsguede> like a grub cmd
[02:59] <wsguede> yeah that's what the alternate cd is
[02:59] <wsguede> all text mode
[03:00] <soldats> hmm see i havent used it yet. i probly should so ill be more fluent in its problems
[03:01] <soldats> !install
[03:01] <ubotu> Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate
[03:01] <wsguede> if I install 6.06 can I upgrade to to 7.1
[03:01] <soldats> yes
[03:01] <soldats> sudo apt-get update
[03:06] <wsguede> I might end up doing that
[03:07] <soldats> its worth a shot but suggest looking into the forums for similar problems or the pages ubotu spewed out
[03:07] <wsguede> where are those?
[03:08] <soldats> !install
[03:08] <ubotu> Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate
[03:08] <soldats> maybe common problem on installs page
[03:08] <wsguede> nope
[03:08] <wsguede> looked there
[03:08] <soldats> hmm damn
[03:09] <soldats> !forums
[03:09] <ubotu> The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.
[03:09] <soldats> i wish i could help more but id have to look at it
[03:09] <wsguede> at the screen?
[03:10] <soldats> err be in front of it
[03:10] <wsguede> haha litterally the only thing on the screen right now is a bar stuck at 85% saying
[03:10] <wsguede> Gathering information for installation report
[03:10] <soldats> wierd ive never heard of that happening yet
[03:14] <wsguede> yeah the forums dong help much either
[03:14] <wsguede> some guy had this kind of problem with reg ubuntu, no one answered him
[03:15] <soldats> hmm shitty
[03:15] <wsguede> yeah
[03:15] <wsguede> I have burned like 4-5 cds just for this shit
[03:16] <soldats> is it a desktop
[03:16] <wsguede> yeah
[03:16] <wsguede> 2.7 pent 4 256 mb mem
[03:17] <wsguede> old as shit
[03:17] <wsguede> only supposed to need 64 mb mem to install xubuntu with the alternate cd
[03:18] <soldats> 2.7ghrtz
[03:18] <wsguede> eyah
[03:19] <soldats> mine crappier
[03:19] <wsguede> yeah I don't know
[03:20] <soldats> i had a slightly similar problem but it turned out to be the cd drive not responding and i put in a new one and it worked flawlessly
[03:20] <soldats> but you get way further than i did
[03:20] <wsguede> yeah
[03:20] <soldats> s/get/got
[03:20] <wsguede> my other drive did the same thing
[03:20] <wsguede> ?
[03:20] <wsguede> s/get/got?
[03:21] <soldats> instead of saying *got
[03:21] <wsguede> ok
[03:26] <wsguede> I am going to dl the 6.06 and then just upgrade it from that
[03:27] <soldats> cool
[03:32] <mindframe> what's hardy status for xubuntu right now?
[03:32] <wsguede> you can dl it
[03:32] <mindframe> any known critical bugs?
[03:32] <wsguede> alpha 3
[03:32] <wsguede> http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/hardy/
[03:33] <mindframe> i'd be upgrading from an existing 7.10 install
[03:33] <wsguede> ok
[03:36] <soldats> !hardy
[03:36] <ubotu> Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu
[03:37] <soldats> not in releasing stages yet
[03:38] <wsguede> soldats: ok so I ended up hard booting
[03:38] <wsguede> and now it actually boots into the system... or I think it does
[03:38] <wsguede> because it goes blank
[03:38] <wsguede> and I can't see anything
[03:39] <wsguede> and the torrent dls for 6.06 and 7.04 are slow as hell
[03:39] <wsguede> and reg dl from mirrors I am at like 10 kbps average
[03:40] <wsguede> soldats: what's "power pc"
[05:02] <JohnnyNoBueno> 'evening!
[05:02] <JohnnyNoBueno> any savvy ubunteros about?
[05:03] <JohnnyNoBueno> if anyone is reading, I just installed Gutsy and can't see any of my scsi devices.
[05:03] <TheSODOM> kjjj
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[05:07] <JohnnyNoBueno> Can't access my scsi devices. Help?
[05:13] <zoredache> really? what kind of devices...
[05:13] <zoredache> and where are you looking?
[05:15] <JohnnyNoBueno> I have an old AdvanSys adapter and I can't seem to access my cdrw or hdd. I have gutsy installed on an ide drive.
[05:16] <JohnnyNoBueno> i've looked everywhere. I even updated my kernel to 2.6.24 (hardy) on a clue that it may be a kernel issue.
[05:17] <JohnnyNoBueno> Seeing as I'm new to linux, I don't know the exact ins and outs of dealing with hardware (if it was M$, I'd be done already)
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[06:05] <htmljunkie> hello all
[10:32] <hollunder> hi there, my system tried to do a dist-upgrade right now, which as a bit strange I think...
[10:40] <hollunder> it could be because of backports, but that it makes a distupgrade is new to me
[10:54] <sacarasc> hi! my friend is using xubuntu and pretty much everything he seems to use gets zombied and will only disappear after he logs out and back in again
[10:54] <sacarasc> is this a known problem or something to do with his stuff?
[11:05] <TheSheep> sacarasc: what's the problem exactly?
[12:55] <volker___> hi everybody. I have installed xubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu 7.10. Is it possible to enable compize as easy as in gnome?
[12:57] <volker___> help
[12:57] <sacarasc> TheSheep: he runs stuff, when he closes it (via the x button in the corner) it just zombies itself
[12:58] <TheSheep> sacarasc: and?
[12:58] <sacarasc> that's it, it's just an annoyance (and very sloppy)
[12:59] <TheSheep> sacarasc: I suppose it's a bug in the xfce menu, it's already being rewritten from scratch for 4.6 though
[12:59] <sacarasc> earlier he had 37 zombie processes just handing around
[12:59] <sacarasc> i use xfce myself, and it all works well
[12:59] <TheSheep> sacarasc: zombie processes don't use up resources
[13:00] <TheSheep> sacarasc: it *is* a little messy, but it doesn't hurt
[13:00] <TheSheep> sacarasc: you can report a bug if you want, at bugs.ubuntu.com
[13:00] <TheSheep> (serach for an existing one first, please)
[14:41] <radioaktivstorm> hello...anyone having problems with the volume control in their xubuntu. my keybindings for the volume buttons fail to work.
[14:43] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: what keybindings?
[14:44] <radioaktivstorm> volume control xf86AudioLowerVolume and RaiseVome
[14:45] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: what commands are bound to them?
[14:45] <radioaktivstorm> i see in the keyboard shortcuts window that they are there to control aumix (which i didnt have at first)
[14:46] <radioaktivstorm> aumix -v0
[14:46] <radioaktivstorm> for mute
[14:46] <TheSheep_> did you try these commands from your terminal?
[14:46] <radioaktivstorm> aumix -v-10 lowervolume, aumix -v+10
[14:47] <radioaktivstorm> those are the defaults but those ones didnt work... and i tried something like aumix set Master +10 or something
[14:47] <radioaktivstorm> from reading around
[14:47] <radioaktivstorm> if i remember it did work in the terminal
[14:47] <radioaktivstorm> but not with the keyboard shortcut
[14:48] <radioaktivstorm> whats interesting, is when i add a test command through the graphical interface for shortcuts, and press the raise volume button, it captures a blank
[14:49] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: do you have the keyboard type set properly?
[14:49] <radioaktivstorm> sorry?
[14:49] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: keyoard layout that is
[14:50] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: last tab in the keyboard settings
[14:50] <radioaktivstorm> it is set on the default X configuration
[14:50] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: you have to set it to the keyboard you actually use, or similar
[14:50] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: and what is the default X configuration?
[14:51] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: it should show you in grayed-out
[14:51] <radioaktivstorm> i dont recall, i think i just set it to 105 keyboard
[14:51] <radioaktivstorm> yes that is what it says
[14:51] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: us 105 doesn't have media keys
[14:52] <radioaktivstorm> which would explain a lot...I just sort of assumed that xf86Audio stuff would work given that it does in the other desktop environments and thought it was something i did.
[14:52] <radioaktivstorm> thanks ill fix that right now
[14:55] <radioaktivstorm> ive set it to the dell latitude series keyboard
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[14:56] <CraZy675> hey i've been using linux now for about 5 years
[14:57] <radioaktivstorm> when i reopen it is set to use x configuration with the model being dell latitude series ( because it changes xorg.conf?). it still captures a blank when i try to add commands with the media buttons
[14:57] <CraZy675> but i've not contributed
[14:57] <CraZy675> I'd like to help test the alpha or beta of the next xubuntu, how would I do this?
[14:57] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: it doesn't change the X default
[14:57] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: you can run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' to chenge it
[14:58] <TheSheep_> CraZy675: see the xubuntu.org
[14:58] <radioaktivstorm> ok... so then it is bad that id magically checks the use X configuration then
[14:58] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: probably
[14:58] <CraZy675> TheSheep_: yea I just found that sorry
[14:58] <TheSheep_> CraZy675: the 'get involved' link
[14:58] <TheSheep_> CraZy675: no need to be sorry :)
[14:59] <TheSheep_> CraZy675: you can also lurk on #xubntu-dev
[14:59] <CraZy675> okay thanks
[15:01] <radioaktivstorm> i decided to check aumix, since i was in the terminal, it looks like i just get " SOUND_MIXER_READ_DEVMASK" when i try the commands that were in the default xubuntu configuration for volume.
[15:04] <radioaktivstorm> is there a way to skip the things i dont want to change?
[15:05] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: just press enter
[15:05] <radioaktivstorm> ok
[15:14] <radioaktivstorm> i assume i need to restart x
[15:14] <radioaktivstorm> brb.
[15:18] <radioaktivstorm> TheSheep_ thank you :) it looks like the keys are properly captured, however, the commands do not.
[15:18] <radioaktivstorm> *do not work
[15:19] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: personally, I use mpd and have mpc bound to those keys
[15:19] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: you say they work from the terminal?
[15:19] <radioaktivstorm> the default ones, no.
[15:20] <radioaktivstorm> the only output i get from aumx is this rather cryptic: "aumix: SOUND_MIXER_READ_DEVMASK"
[15:20] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: if youo have time, file a bug report
[15:20] <radioaktivstorm> alright
[15:27] <radioaktivstorm> ah
[15:27] <radioaktivstorm> it seems that this one has been filed before
[15:29] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: add a 'metoo'
[15:33] <radioaktivstorm> ok :) it looks like people who rebuilt the aumix package from source from the gutsy repos got it working. but it appears that it wont be changed until the next release? hmm
[15:34] <TheSheep_> radioaktivstorm: if it's not a critical bug, then no
[15:36] <radioaktivstorm> ok
[15:39] <bcpage_> besides the window manager what is the difference from ubuntu?
[15:44] <TheSheep_> bcpage_: default set of applications and initial settings
[15:44] <TheSheep_> bcpage_: for example, different file manager, different editor, different word processor, etc.
[15:45] <radioaktivstorm> TheSheep_ i found the command i used that did work: amixer. I'll suggest it as an alternative in my comment on the bug report and change out my commands. thanks for all of your help!
[15:46] <TheSheep_> bcpage_: also, different settings subsystem
[15:47] <bcpage_> is there any restriction on the apps/packages I can install?
[15:47] <TheSheep_> bcpage_: no
[15:48] <TheSheep_> bcpage_: except for when an application comes in two versions, for gnome and gtk, then you can have only one of them installed, but you can choose which
[15:52] <bcpage_> I'm switching from PClinux os and trying to decide between xubuntu and ubuntu. My comp is a 1.2 Ghz 512 ram. Not the fastest comp but it works
[15:53] <bcpage_> how much of a performance could I see?
[15:53] <bcpage_> differance*
[15:58] <radioaktivstorm> my laptop has 1.4GHz 512MB RAM, and if i remember baseline, xfce starts off closer to 100MB ram and gnome closer to 200MB. i suppose if youre really into performance, you should go with xfce, but gnome runs fine on my machine, and kde does as well (although much of the ram is consumed when i start doing things)
[16:00] <radioaktivstorm> i dont think i have ever had any real performance problems in gnome. I just like xfce :P
[17:09] <Spaggy> How do I know if my newly bought wireless network card will work on my laptop running xubuntu?
[17:10] <TheSheep_> you could try to boot a livecd
[17:10] <TheSheep_> and see
[17:11] <Spaggy> I have the os already, but I don't want to open the package of the card without knowing it will work.
[17:14] <TheSheep_> then how do you want to check it?
[17:14] <TheSheep_> it's not *that* wireless
[17:16] <Spaggy> I'm not sure, is there any resources that I can check regarding what will work on my laptop and what will not?
[17:16] <TheSheep_> there is a compatibility list on ubuntu.com
[17:17] <TheSheep_> but it's not complete -- if something's not there, it doesn't mean it doesn't work
[17:19] <TheSheep_> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport
[17:26] <Spaggy> Thanks!
[17:26] <Spaggy> :)
[17:57] <slow-motion> hi
[18:22] <mklebel> so I compiled my kernel by hand, edited my /boot/grub/menu.lst, and it says it cant find the boot partition, does anybody have any experiance with setting the root= option?
[18:22] <mklebel> i think thats the prob
[18:22] <mklebel> i tried, /dev/sda1, (hd0,1)
[18:22] <mklebel> no worky
[18:27] <TheSheep> mklebel: try /dev/hda1
[18:28] <mklebel> ok
[18:28] <mklebel> brb
[19:46] <mikubuntu> my mouse on my dell d600 laptop has gone mad. happens with or without usb mouse attached. cursor starts drifting slowly northeast to top right corner of screen, and the longer i stay on the computer, the faster it drifts, till it's impossible to controll or counteract at all, thus leaving me with no way to navigate. i found this page of posts with similar problems on ubuntu forums, but...
[19:46] <mikubuntu> ...they are from 2006 and appear never to have been addressed. does anyone know what to do about this MAJOR prob? is it some kind of malicious code that a micromole from gates team managed to slip into my updates? heeeeEEEELLLLLppppp.
[19:46] <mikubuntu> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207677
[20:49] <evil_tech> how do i write zeros to a drive from the cli?
[20:56] <TheSheep> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/your_drive
[20:56] <TheSheep> evil_tech: be aware that this will destroy all the data on your_drive
[20:57] <evil_tech> thats my intent
[20:59] <TheSheep> evil_tech: be also aware that this data can be recovered using specialistic hardware and laboratory expertise
[20:59] <nerous2> Hey all
[20:59] <nerous2> hows it goin
[20:59] <evil_tech> i thought writing zeros a couple times made that a very expensive proposition
[21:00] <nerous2> hey so can someone please tell me why i cant copy my themes files from the desktop to the /usr/home/themes folder
[21:01] <nerous2> sorry not home, share
[21:02] <TheSheep> nerous2: run 'gksu thunar' and try with it
[21:03] <nerous2> am i running that from the term?
[21:03] <TheSheep> yes, or from alt+f2
[21:04] <TheSheep> the point is, to write anywhere outside of your home you have to be root
[21:04] <nerous2> ok that worked.
[21:04] <nerous2> oh ok
[21:04] <nerous2> i tried it in root at the term
[21:05] <nerous2> but when i put in my line, it said ommiting "x" folder
[21:05] <TheSheep> you need -r option for cp to copy directories too
[21:05] <nerous2> oh thanks!
[21:06] <nerous2> i spent 5 days trying to switch from ubuntu to another os...i tried gentoo, and slack, and goblinx...but none of them would install for me.
[21:06] <nerous2> but i want to try something other than ubuntu 6.06 so i am trying this. now i am trying to install a different theme...but im still learning
[21:06] <nerous2> might see me around a bit
[21:07] <TheSheep> sure thing
[21:07] <TheSheep> don't hesitate to ask
[21:09] <nerous2> TheSheep: i have a large X on the side of the folder i copied
[21:09] <nerous2> would you mind giving me a few steps to installing a theme
[21:11] <TheSheep> nerous2:check the permissions
[21:11] <TheSheep> nerous2: in the directory's properties
[21:11] <nerous2> ok
[21:12] <nerous2> i have changed them to allow user
[21:12] <nerous2> is there something that i can look for to tell you that will help?
[21:14] <nerous2> afk
[21:17] <nerous2> back
[21:26] <nerous2> TheSheep: are you still there?
[21:31] <TheSheep> nerous2: no :)
[21:31] <TheSheep> nerous2: still not working?
[21:32] <TheSheep> nerous2: are you sure you're looking into the right menu?
[21:32] <TheSheep> nerous2: there are two kinds of themes, gtk themes, for general look of applications, and you change them in your user interface settings, and xfce themes, for the windows borders, and these are set in the window manager settings
[21:32] <nerous2> sorry i didnt realise you were back
[21:33] <nerous2> ok
[21:33] <nerous2> let me close all my windows, and then i will start from the begining ok?
[21:34] <nerous2> ready whenever you are
[21:35] <TheSheep> what kind of theme did you try to install?
[21:35] <TheSheep> got a link?
[21:35] <nerous2> i have a few here
[21:36] <nerous2> i want to install file:///home/jason/Desktop/65299-Leopardish.tar.gz
[21:36] <nerous2> do you want the link to the theme on the web?
[21:36] <TheSheep> yes, that would be more useful
[21:36] <nerous2> of course
[21:38] <FactTech> Question: Does Xubuntu use ALSA by default?
[21:39] <nerous2> http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Leopardish?content=65299
[21:39] <nerous2> there you go TheSheep
[21:39] <TheSheep> FactTech: yes
[21:39] <TheSheep> nerous2: ok, it's a gtk theme
[21:40] <TheSheep> nerous2: you should have it listed under settings->user interface settings
[21:40] <nerous2> is that a bad think?
[21:40] <TheSheep> no, it's good
[21:40] <nerous2> ok...its still in tar.gz format on my desktop
[21:40] <nerous2> there are 3 files...
[21:40] <nerous2> i donwloaded all 3
[21:41] <TheSheep> ok, icons should go to /usr/share/icons
[21:41] <TheSheep> unpacked, of course
[21:41] <TheSheep> theme to /usr/share/themes
[21:42] <TheSheep> and the mouse cursors too, I think
[21:42] <FactTech> TheSheep, Thanks. Do you happen to know why Xubuntu does not have a /etc/asound.conf file by default?
[21:42] <nerous2> in the themes folder?
[21:43] <TheSheep> FactTech: it autodetects by default
[21:44] <TheSheep> FactTech: yes, so you should have /usr/share/themes/Leopardish and /usr/share/themes/Leopardis-normal
[21:44] <FactTech> TheSheep, The reason I'm asking is... I had a persistent problem with intermittent clicking when playing sounds at certain bitrate/frequency combinations... I just went through a whole rigamarole to get a new sound card working. One thing I did was add a new /etc/asound.conf file, and that seems to have fixed it.
[21:45] <TheSheep> FactTech: you can just create that file
[21:45] <TheSheep> FactTech: it will be respected
[21:45] <FactTech> TheSheep, Is there any way to provide hints to the autodetect process without overriding everything?
[21:45] <TheSheep> no idea
[21:45] <FactTech> TheSheep, OK, well, thanks.
[21:45] <TheSheep> but if it should be done, then it should be done globally
[21:46] <TheSheep> in that case, report a bug, and some developers will contact you for details
[21:46] <TheSheep> see if the bug is not reported already
[21:46] <TheSheep> http://bugs.ubuntu.com
[21:46] <FactTech> TheSheep, If I can reproduce it reliably, I will report it.
[21:46] <nerous2> TheSheep: how do i pull up the root file manager again
[21:47] <TheSheep> nerous2: gksu thunar
[21:47] <nerous2> thanks
[21:47] <FactTech> TheSheep, What does asound.conf feed into? I'm still learning my way around the sound subsystem(s).
[21:49] <nerous2> got it
[21:49] <TheSheep> FactTech: I guess it's used when running /etc/init.d/alsa-utils
[21:50] <nerous2> its working TheSheep
[21:50] <nerous2> except for my tool bars...they look.....bare!
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[21:51] <TheSheep> nerous2: that's because this theme was prepared for a patched system
[21:51] <TheSheep> nanonyme: that has the main menu at the top of the screen
[21:51] <TheSheep> nanonyme: sorry
[21:51] <TheSheep> nerous2: like macos
[21:52] <TheSheep> nerous2: use the -normal one for unpatched system
[21:52] <FactTech> TheSheep, Can I ask you one more newbie-type question? I have only one user set up on my box. I want to change the username (and home directory to match), but when I try to do it in usermod, it fails saying "can't lock password file". I assume this is because I am logged in as that user. Would this work if I started in single-user mode?
[21:52] <nerous2> oh ok
[21:53] <TheSheep> FactTech: probably
[21:53] <FactTech> TheSheep, And that's the same as "recovery mode" in the GRUB menu, right?
[21:53] <TheSheep> yes
[21:54] <TheSheep> they sure like to invent new names for making things 'user firendly'
[21:54] <FactTech> TheSheep, OK, I'll give it a shot. I appreciate your help and your patience.
[22:03] <nerous2> TheSheep: i am trying to find the how to get the finder bar at the top
[22:04] <TheSheep> nerous2: it's definitely an advanced topic
[22:04] <nerous2> oh ok
[22:04] <nerous2> so i should basically stick with what ive got!
[22:06] <FactTech> What are the best reasons to upgrade to 7.10 from 7.04?
[22:08] <TheSheep> FactTech: restricted drivers manager, network manager, slightly newer xfce, new gimp
[22:08] <TheSheep> FactTech: depends on what you use, I guess
[22:09] <nerous2> thanks for your help TheSheep
[22:11] <nerous2> TheSheep: is it possible to install gnome on xubuntu
[22:11] <TheSheep> nerous2: yes
[22:11] <nerous2> nice
[22:11] <nerous2> ok
[22:11] <TheSheep> nerous2: you can have all three, xubuntu, ubuntu and kubuntu isntalled at the same time
[22:11] <nerous2> Sweet!
[22:11] <TheSheep> nerous2: ad choose which one to run on the login screen
[22:11] <TheSheep> nerous2: just install the ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop package
[22:12] <nerous2> ubuntu-desktop package?
[22:12] <nerous2> from the synaptic package installer
[22:13] <TheSheep> yes, it will install full ubuntu system together with your xubuntu
[22:13] <TheSheep> or you can install just the gnome
[22:13] <TheSheep> then it won't install all the ubuntu apps
[22:13] <nerous2> yea i just need the gnome because i want to install mac4lin
[22:13] <nerous2> have you used that?
[22:13] <TheSheep> no
[22:13] <nerous2> oh.
[22:14] <TheSheep> somehow I don't like the macos looks
[22:14] <nerous2> i used it when i was growing up. really i want to get the term built in to the desktop
[22:14] <nerous2> i want to start using term more
[22:15] <TheSheep> there is that 'verve commandline plugin'
[22:15] <TheSheep> you can add it to your panel
[22:15] <TheSheep> and type commands into it
[22:15] <nerous2> my panel?
[22:15] <TheSheep> but it's not like real terminal
[22:15] <TheSheep> you know the two strips at the top and bottom of the screen
[22:15] <TheSheep> these are panels
[22:16] <nerous2> Ah. gotcha
[22:16] <TheSheep> you can right-click on them and change their looks
[22:16] <nerous2> oh ok
[22:16] <TheSheep> and position and what's on them
[22:16] <TheSheep> for example, mine looks like this: http://atos.wmid.amu.edu.pl/~sheep/shot.png
[22:18] <nerous2> cool
[22:18] <nerous2> how did you get the launchbar at the bottom
[22:18] <nerous2> and the terminal is almost see thru
[22:19] <TheSheep> nerous2: it's all in the options
[22:19] <TheSheep> nerous2: if you right-click and select 'preferences' or 'customize panel'
[22:21] <nerous2> cool
[22:21] <TheSheep> nerous2: to get transparency and shadows you need to enable compsotign in settings->window manager tweaks
[22:23] <nerous2> got it
[22:23] <TheSheep> compositing, sorry :)
[22:24] <nerous2> thats ok
[22:24] <TheSheep> nerous2: good night, and good luck with your new desktop
[22:24] <nerous2> thanks TheSheep
[22:25] <nerous2> same to you, thanks for your help
[22:28] <Rohsputina> hi. i wish to to install xubuntu(using grub) to hdb.on hda i have windows and wish to boot back and forth once in a while ( hda or hdb ) will the grub used on hdb have any effect when i boot my hda (windows only)
[23:00] <nerous2> hey all
[23:04] <nerous2> hey can anyone help me with this probelm?
[23:04] <nerous2> "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:Deskbar_Applet".
[23:04] <nerous2> Do you want to delete the applet from your configuration?"
[23:04] <nerous2> its a GNOME error