UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /11 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:31] <ubotu> New bug: #181903 in zope3 "unicode results needed for atom feeds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181903
[00:54] <Rinchen> Bug 14062
[00:54] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 14062 in yelp "GNU documentation not available in yelp" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14062 - Assigned to Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
[00:54] <Rinchen> Bug 144062
[00:54] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 144062 in launchpad-bazaar "The list of 'Recent revisions' should include the 'author' when appropriate" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144062 - Assigned to Tim Penhey (thumper)
[00:55] <Rinchen> bug 137910
[00:55] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 137910 in launchpad-bazaar "Eliminate user@ portion of ssh codehosting URLs" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137910 - Assigned to Tim Penhey (thumper)
=== gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak
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[04:49] <poolie_> is staging down/broken?
[04:51] <poolie_> hm, it is really slow
[04:52] <Fujitsu> Perhaps it's being upgraded.
[04:57] <jamesh> we know there are problems with staging, and are looking at fixing it
[04:58] <Fujitsu> Thanks jamesh.
[04:59] <jamesh> the staging db restores are taking excessive amounts of time
[05:00] <Fujitsu> Restores? Copying of the production DB, and any schema changes?
[05:00] <jamesh> yeah
[05:00] <jamesh> the "copying production data" bit is done by restoring a dump
[05:00] <Fujitsu> Aha.
[05:00] <Fujitsu> I can imagine that might take a while, particularly with Rosetta bits.
[05:02] <jamesh> well, the Rosetta bits are a lot smaller than they were a few months ago
[06:00] <ubotu> New bug: #181938 in launchpad "single announcement page has no link back to other announcements" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181938
[07:15] <ubotu> New bug: #181942 in launchpad-bazaar "bzr pull --remember fails with lp style url" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181942
=== fabbione is now known as thegodfather
[08:11] <carlos> morning
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[11:01] <ubotu> New bug: #181969 in launchpad "person/+projects page lists inappropriate projects " [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181969
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=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
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[12:46] <ubotu> New bug: #181986 in launchpad "[Hardy-A3]OK button from installation dialogue invisible in VirtualBox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181986
=== mwh_ is now known as mwh
[13:05] <ubotu> New bug: #181994 in launchpad "Project status does not seem to be updating for Answers." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181994
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
=== salgado_ is now known as salgado
[13:55] <ubotu> New bug: #182011 in launchpad "Extend ILink to have .permitted attribute" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182011
[14:05] <ubotu> New bug: #182014 in launchpad "launchpad's search interfaces are confusing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182014
[14:05] <ubotu> New bug: #182015 in launchpad "We need an "actions" like menu for navigation between different views" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182015
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
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[15:09] <secor> Someone is using Launchpad to send spam. Is there a way to report this abuse?
[15:20] <secor> Well, it looks like everyone's busy at work today. Yeah right ;-)
[15:21] <salgado> secor, please file a question at https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
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=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
[17:01] <Beber80> hi !
[17:02] <Beber80> I'm new to packaging and I just opened my PPA
[17:02] <Beber80> I successfuly uploaded the files with dput but I can't see the package from the web interface
[17:02] <Beber80> any idea about what could have gone wrong ?
[17:05] <gnd_> Is PPA backlogging at the moment? I have waited an hour now for my PPA to appear, and it hasn't showed up yet.
[17:06] <gnd_> running dput twice says my package has already been uploaded.
[17:06] <Beber80> me too
[17:06] <Beber80> do you also have the Not running dinstall message ?
[17:06] <rulus> you normally get an e-mail telling it was accepted
[17:07] <gnd_> Ahh, haven't checked that one. my webmail sucks.
[17:08] <Beber80> right, I've got the email telling me there's an error
[17:08] <Beber80> I'll try to figure it out
[17:10] <gnd_> Doh! I was using -m=email@address.com so the = was put in front of the email
[17:10] <gnd_> Nice service though. Thumbs up!
[17:18] <gnd_> How do i set the "canged by" field in the changes file?
[17:18] <gnd_> it seems to be set to my local user on this PC rather than the one in my GPG key.
[17:19] <pochu> export DEBEMAIL
[17:19] <pochu> export DEBFULLNAME="Emilio Pozuelo Monfort"
[17:19] <pochu> export DEBEMAIL="pochu@ubuntu.com"
[17:19] <gnd_> Thank you :D
[17:20] <pochu> gnd_: dch uses that to set who changed the package
[17:20] <pochu> You can put that on your ~/.bashrc
[17:20] <gnd_> Ohh, so i need to run dch again :-/
[17:20] <pochu> dch -e
[17:21] <pochu> and man dch ;)
[17:21] <gnd_> Wow - that's more like it
[17:34] <gnd_> Umm. It now gets rejected that i don't have rights to upload to universe?! However it's a PPA i'm uploading. How do i specify where to upload?
[17:36] <LarstiQ> gnd_: the first argument to dput is the host
[17:36] <gnd_> Ahh, it must be set to ppa.launchpad.net?
[17:37] <LarstiQ> gnd_: also see man dput.cf
[17:37] <gnd_> Well, i have it in my ~/.dput,cf file
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
[17:38] <gnd_> Ahhh, it was a typo.
[17:38] <gnd_> Yawn
[17:42] <gnd_> Wee my first PPA :)
[17:55] <ubotu> New bug: #182066 in malone "people / team bug advanced bug search has no way to filter on project or distribution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182066
[18:00] <Beber80> I've just uploaded a source package to my PPA and got a successful confirmation email
[18:00] <Beber80> but now, the package is in "pending" state
[18:00] <daniel_ki> it takes a while
[18:01] <Beber80> ok, I'll wait ;)
[18:01] <daniel_ki> should be done with in a few hours, I hope
[18:09] <stdin> daniel_ki: you can use https://launchpad.net/~<your LP ID>/+archive/+builds to see the status of it, it'll take a while to show up, then it'll be pending building, then it'll build and eventually go into the archive
[18:09] <daniel_ki> Beber80: what stdin said
[18:10] <stdin> damn my tabby lazynes :p
[18:10] <daniel_ki> hehe
[18:11] <nxvl_work> i have just uploaded a file to my ppa
[18:11] <nxvl_work> my first one
[18:11] <nxvl_work> but it doesn't build
[18:11] <nxvl_work> well, i haven't get an error
[18:11] <stdin> look at the log to find out why
[18:11] <nxvl_work> but i don¿t see it on the queue
[18:11] <daniel_ki> you will get an error if it breaks
[18:11] <daniel_ki> wait
[18:11] <daniel_ki> it takes a while
[18:12] <stdin> how long ago did you upload it? and yes you'll get an email if it fails
[18:12] <nxvl_work> like
[18:12] <nxvl_work> 5 minutos ago
[18:12] <nxvl_work> minutes*
[18:12] <nxvl_work> 11
[18:12] <daniel_ki> wait at least an hour or so
[18:12] <nxvl_work> oh ok
[18:12] <nxvl_work> it takes that long?
[18:12] <daniel_ki> from my experience it builds for i386 last
[18:12] <daniel_ki> not always
[18:12] <stdin> yeah, it'll be at least 30 mins to get into the build queue
[18:13] <daniel_ki> amd64 is often done more quickly
[18:14] <nxvl_work> oh ok
[18:14] <nxvl_work> so i will wait
[18:14] <nxvl_work> thanks
[18:15] <nxvl_work> btw, thanks for changing the way the source files are named (the directory in which they are uploaded) i hated when i need to upload them one by one instead of dgeting them
[18:15] <nxvl_work> :D
[18:18] <PibbRelay> <Rinchen> :-)
[18:19] <Rinchen> ah good, we're back :-)
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
[18:20] <nxvl_work> if my package builds without problems i will get a mail also?
[18:21] <daniel_ki> no, IIRC
[18:21] <daniel_ki> but you'll see it on the page
[18:21] <jdahlin> Hi, Is it possible to fetch the vcs imports via the bzr smart server protocol yet?
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
[19:38] <nxvl_work> i'm getting an 404 error on the apt process at build of my PPA package
[19:38] <nxvl_work> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11302257/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.terminator_0.7-0ubuntu1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz
[19:40] <cprov-afk> nxvl_work: please, retry this build, it usually happens when the PPA indexes are modified while a package is building (probably because I've uploaded a new source or another binary is being published)
[19:41] <nxvl_work> i have tried it 3 times
[19:41] <nxvl_work> i will continue retrying
[19:45] <geser> cprov-afk: are chrootwait errors on the official buildds automatically retried or should I ask an build-admin for a retry?
[19:46] <nxvl_work> cprov-afk: i'm still getting the srror
[19:46] <nxvl_work> error*
[19:50] <geser> nxvl_work: hmm, although terminator is listed as published in your PPA, http://ppa.launchpad.net/nvalcarcel/ubuntu gives a 404
[19:51] <nxvl_work> i have uploaded it using nxvl user
[19:51] <nxvl_work> and then changed it to nvalcarcel
[19:51] <nxvl_work> maybe is that
[19:51] <nxvl_work> try http://ppa.launchpad.net/nxvl/ubuntu
[19:52] <geser> that works
[19:54] <nxvl_work> mmm
[19:54] <nxvl_work> ppa should take the changes made to the profile
[19:54] <nxvl_work> what should i do? rename the package and upload again?
[19:56] <geser> nxvl_work: bug #87326
[19:56] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 87326 in soyuz "Support PPA Renaming and Reassignment" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87326
[20:02] <cprov-afk> I knew it was just a matter of time ...
[20:04] <nxvl_work> cprov-afk: it's building working once again?
[20:04] <cprov-afk> nxvl_work: if you want to use the new username file a question in soyuz to rename your archive.
[20:05] <nxvl_work> ?
[20:05] <cprov-afk> nxvl_work: sorry, I didn't understand your last question ?
[20:05] <nxvl_work> cprov-afk: you say "I knew it was just a matter of time ..." are you talking about the 404 i'm getting?
[20:05] <cprov-afk> nxvl_work: no, i was talking about the bug
[20:06] <nxvl_work> heh
[20:06] <nxvl_work> ok ok
[20:06] <cprov-afk> nxvl_work: it hasn't happened before
[20:07] <cprov-afk> nxvl_work: anyway, I have to leave now. Please file a question if you want us to rename your ppa repo
=== cprov-afk is now known as cprov-out
[20:10] <nxvl_work> what is soyuz?
[20:10] <nxvl_work> and where need i go to file a question on it
[20:13] <geser> nxvl_work: https://edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/ and https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/
[20:23] <nxvl_work> geser: thnx
[20:23] <nxvl_work> mmm
[20:23] <nxvl_work> still getting 404 on build
[20:24] <geser> nxvl_work: wait till your PPA got renamed manually
[20:26] <nxvl_work> heh
[20:26] <nxvl_work> no, on build
[20:26] <nxvl_work> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11302673/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.terminator_0.7-0ubuntu1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz
[20:28] <geser> nxvl_work: yes, because it tries to use "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nvalcarcel/ubuntu hardy main" which gives the 404 now
[20:29] <nxvl_work> oh
[20:38] <nxvl_work> mm
[20:38] <nxvl_work> ok
[20:38] <nxvl_work> it finish building, but i still don't see the deb on my ppa
[20:38] <nxvl_work> does it take some time too?
[20:56] <Beber80> when uploading my files with dput, I get a MD5 error
[20:56] <Beber80> any idea of where it could come from ?
[21:00] <``Cube> hello, are the CANONICAL PEOPLE back from holidays?
[21:02] <geser> ``Cube: yes, but now in the weekend
[21:03] <``Cube> oh ok
[21:03] <``Cube> thanks geser
[21:03] <``Cube> do you think they'll reply to my mail (as now there are more then 300 that have been sent after it) about the new icon, geser?
[21:04] <geser> which mailing list?
[21:05] <``Cube> uhm
[21:05] <``Cube> bzr-gtk, geser
[21:05] <``Cube> geser: 0,5 minutes, be right back
[21:06] <``Cube> ok back
[21:06] <geser> sorry, I don't know
[21:06] <``Cube> ok
[21:06] <``Cube> should I ask them personally?
[21:11] <Beber80> I found out why I had the MD5 error while uploading to my PPA
[21:11] <Beber80> it seems to be because I changed the .orig.tar.gz file
[21:12] <Beber80> is there any way to remove the files that are already in my PPA ?
[21:14] <Fujitsu> Beber80: You can file a question on the Launchpad project requesting that they be removed.
[21:15] <Beber80> Fujitsu: I'm not sure I understand what you mean....
[21:16] <Fujitsu> https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
[21:16] <Fujitsu> Ask a question there, requestitng that they be removed.
[21:16] <Beber80> ok, thx
=== gryc_ is now known as gryc
[21:40] <ubotu> New bug: #182137 in launchpad "LP marks bug 'fix released' against wrong pocket" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182137
[21:42] <mwolson> can a launchpad admin please bump the size limit for the ubuntu-elisp ppa to around 200MB? we've got builds of several versions and backports of Emacs and need the space
[21:49] <Fujitsu> mwolson: Isn't it 1GB by default?
[21:50] <mwolson> oh, sure enough, i misread the size
[21:51] <mwolson> so make that 1GB -> 2GB instead of 100MB -> 200MB
[21:55] <mthaddon> mwolson, if you can ask that as a question on LP I can take care of it - https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion
[21:55] <mwolson> mthaddon: thanks, will do
[21:55] <mthaddon> np
[21:55] <mwolson> the email i received said "contact a launchpad admin" -- perhaps that should be revised to mention that URL instead
[21:55] <Fujitsu> I believe there's a bug about that.
[21:56] <mwolson> since the launchpad interface has no obvious "ask an admin" button or link
[21:56] <mthaddon> yeah, there is
[21:56] <Fujitsu> Bug #180990
[21:56] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 180990 in soyuz "Misleading warning on oversized PPAs" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180990 - Assigned to Celso Providelo (cprov)
[21:56] <Fujitsu> So it will be fixed with 1.2.1.
[21:57] <mwolson> excellent
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[21:59] <mwolson> https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/21976
[22:01] * Fujitsu likes bug #180392.
[22:01] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 180392 in soyuz "PPA authorized_size field limited to 2GB" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180392 - Assigned to Celso Providelo (cprov)
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: LP going down 10:30UTC for approx 15 mins for maintenance - Next development meeting (all welcome): Thu 10 Jan 2008, 1400UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: LP going down 22:30UTC for approx 15 mins for maintenance - Next development meeting (all welcome): Thu 10 Jan 2008, 1400UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
[22:21] <mtaylor> hey all - just wanted to say kudos on the upload-a-file-signature thing
[22:48] <owh> I'm all for scheduled maintenance, but only if it's scheduled. There is no reference in http://news.launchpad.net/maintenance, or on the feed here: http://news.launchpad.net/category/notifications/feed, so something in the scheduling is borked IMO.
[22:49] <ScottK> And it's not 15 minutes either.
[22:49] <elmo> ScottK: we ran into some technical problems; it's coming back online now
[22:49] <owh> Hey, I can understand things going into the crapper, it happens :)
[22:49] <ScottK> elmo: Thanks.
[22:50] * ScottK goes back to trying to edit the wiki.
[22:50] * owh hopes that Firefox kept the 60 minute wiki edit in memory.
[22:51] <owh> elmo: May I suggest an .ics calendar somewhere that we can subscribe to?
[22:52] <Rinchen> owh, we have a page for that but unfortunately we didn't update it for today. http://news.launchpad.net/notifications
[22:52] <owh> I noticed :)
[22:53] <Rinchen> owh, there is also http://news.launchpad.net/maintenance
[22:54] <owh> Rinchen: If you saw my first post you'll notice I commended on that page :)
[22:54] <Rinchen> owh, I'll get an email started to see if we can't find a way to make that happen more consistently.
[22:54] <owh> Luckily, Firefox saved my post in memory. I now have a second copy in a local editor :)
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: Next development meeting (all welcome): Thu 10 Jan 2008, 1400UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
[22:55] <owh> Rinchen: That would be excellent. I see a world where I can subscribe to the calendars of the servers that I use and that my desktop warns me 15 minutes before an event that a server is expected to go down.
[22:56] <Rinchen> We've been thinking about some sort of notification inside launchpad (not necessarily the wikis) for that. We're also working on some changes to improve the robustness so we would see less overall end user impact. After all, we're end users too :-)
[22:59] <Fujitsu> Rinchen: Isn't there already a `Launchpad will be going down for maintenance in X.' warning?
[23:01] <Rinchen> Fujitsu, we have some good folks who change the IRC topics but not something that reaches out, grabs you by the collar, and flashes a stobe light in your face :-)
[23:01] <Rinchen> Ideally we don't want to take Launchpad offline, ever.
[23:01] * Fujitsu looks at read-only-launchpad
[23:01] <Rinchen> Right. Until we get to that point, we should have some visible advanced warning for users.
[23:02] <Fujitsu> Yes.
[23:02] <Fujitsu> It would also be ideal if you could take the various applications offline seperately (particularly with some Rosetta things), although due to the integration that's probably not feasible...
[23:03] <Fujitsu> The entirety Launchpad probably shouldn't have to go down for several hours just because some Rosetta schema changes are required.
[23:04] <Fujitsu> *entirety of
[23:04] <Rinchen> It's a bit challenging to do that today because of how we optimized the hosting and the system itself.
[23:05] <Rinchen> Since we use LP too, we know it's a problem.
[23:05] <Rinchen> :-D
[23:06] <Fujitsu> Once you have the world domination you seek, shutting down the open source development world for more than a few minutes is likely inadvisable.
[23:08] <ScottK> And of course people editing wiki.ubuntu.com lose the ability to save their work no matter what LP warning you generate.
[23:09] <Fujitsu> Oh, that too. Having OpenID providers go down for several hours is also not a good idea.
[23:10] <Fujitsu> Will the new SSO be able to operate more independently of production LP?
[23:12] <Rinchen> Fujitsu, that's the goal.
[23:12] <Fujitsu> Good.
[23:12] <Fujitsu> So only LP will be directly affected by the huge amount of downtime, hopefully.
[23:13] <Rinchen> ScottK, the SSO/OpenID stuff will make that MUCH MUCH better.
[23:19] <Rinchen> I really like the new code overview page on edge
[23:23] <Fujitsu> Rinchen: It looks nice, but uses screen real estate very inefficiently.
[23:23] <Fujitsu> The first column will have a mere one item in it for the majority of cases.
[23:24] <spiv> thumper got some feedback about that page last night.
[23:24] <Rinchen> spiv, and more from me yesterday too :-D
[23:25] <Rinchen> but I still like it!
[23:25] <spiv> The "Latest Branches" part may as well not be there, because it is far down the page that I didn't even know it was there until someone pointed it out to me!
[23:25] <Fujitsu> And, erm... `Example: bzr branch lp:mplayer'
[23:25] <Fujitsu> Example of what?
[23:25] <Fujitsu> spiv: Yep.
[23:25] <spiv> It's heading in the right direction, but it's not there yet :)
[23:25] <Fujitsu> Latest Branches could well go under Official Branches.
[23:26] <Fujitsu> It is much nicer than the old one.
[23:27] <Fujitsu> `List currently active branches' looks like it should be an action, too... And how do I see inactive branches?
[23:35] <ubotu> New bug: #182152 in launchpad-bazaar "Punctuation error Change Branch Details (+edit)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182152
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