UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /10 /#upstart.txt
Initial commit
[04:14] <Gadi> can somebody tell me if I can make an event file similar to control-alt-delete but keyed off of a different key combo?
[04:14] <Gadi> (like kbrequest in inittab, keyed off of alt-uparrow)
[09:30] <foolano> hi again
[09:33] <foolano> have you ever tried to manage apache 1.3 with upstart?
[09:33] <foolano> i'm experiencing some issues
[09:36] <Keybuk> no
[09:36] <Keybuk> not yet
[09:36] <Keybuk> what issues are you experiencing?
[09:36] <foolano> well
[09:37] <foolano> if i launch apache without -F, it's started it correctly
[09:37] <Keybuk> what does -F do?
[09:37] <foolano> but it can't be stopped
[09:37] <foolano> foreground
[09:37] <foolano> if i launch it with -F
[09:37] <foolano> start apache-perl never returns
[09:38] <Keybuk> no idea, sorry
[09:38] <Keybuk> I don't know apache 1.3 well enough
[09:38] <foolano> i used -F when i used runit to manage it
[09:39] <foolano> is there any option in upstart i can try?
[09:39] <foolano> cuz the only option related to this in apache is -F
[09:40] <foolano> which is intended for supervisors
[09:40] <mbiebl> foolano: what do you mean by "it can't be stopped"?
[09:41] <Keybuk> right
[09:41] <Keybuk> -F sounds like the right option to me
[09:41] <foolano> the problem with -F is what i said
[09:41] <Keybuk> what's "start apache-perl" ?
[09:41] <Keybuk> oh
[09:41] <Keybuk> you ran that on the command-line?
[09:41] <foolano> yep
[09:41] <foolano> that's it
[09:41] <Keybuk> (you named the job "apache-perl" not "apache"? :P)
[09:41] <Keybuk> did you include "service" or "respawn" in your job definition?
[09:42] <foolano> just exec
[09:43] <foolano> right
[09:43] <foolano> with respawn
[09:43] <foolano> works just ok
[09:43] <foolano> :)
[09:43] <Keybuk> the default behaviour in Upstart for jobs is that they are tasks, not services
[09:43] <Keybuk> (since that's less destructive)
[09:43] <foolano> ok i c
[09:43] <foolano> my bad
[09:44] <foolano> thanks a lot :)
[09:44] <foolano> i thought respawn was just to rerun the job in case it exists
[09:44] <Keybuk> right
[09:44] <Keybuk> that's what it does
[09:44] <Keybuk> it also implies "service"
[09:44] <Keybuk> if you don't want it respawned, use "service" instead
[09:45] <foolano> i want it respawned
[09:45] <foolano> great
[09:45] <foolano> :)
[09:45] <foolano> thx again guys