UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /10 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <Pici> _MMA_: I haven't seen anything, which channels?
[00:00] <_MMA_> Well I just kicked him from #ubuntustudio. Posting this: http://pastebin.com/f6543af5a
[00:01] <MenZa> Oh God
[00:01] <_MMA_> Asked not to spam. "dn4ia: don't tell me what to do then" Which is weird because it implies I told him something 1st. :)
[00:01] <MenZa> Not one of those Ron Paul freaktivists.
[00:02] <Pici> Doesnt seem to be a bot, it asked some on-topic questions in #ubuntu earlier
[00:02] * MenZa giggles at Pici's choice of pronoun.
[00:03] <_MMA_> "Its not" Ive seen him be an ass in #lad before.
[00:03] <_MMA_> gah
[00:03] <_MMA_> *"Its" not...
[00:03] <_MMA_> Anyway. Just wanted to see if it was known.
[00:03] <_MMA_> Later.
[00:04] <Pici> _MMA_: c...ya
[02:29] <ubotu> soundray called the ops in #ubuntu (Bra_Wearer_Samue spamming)
[02:29] <jdong> are these people really trying to help Mitt Romney? because I might exclude him from my candidates just because of this guy :D
[02:39] <elkbuntu> jdong, yes
[02:40] <Vorian> no way
[02:41] <Vorian> they gotta be anti campaigns
[02:41] <Vorian> :)
[02:41] <Vorian> who would think that would actually help?
[02:42] <ubotu> NickPresta called the ops in #kubuntu ()
[03:03] <LjL> ok, floodbot1 now has a feature to temporarily mute flooders and inform them that they should use the pastebin
[03:03] <LjL> if it causes problems, deop and kick, the other two will do fine
[03:03] <LjL> if another bot gets op (and bot1 is *not* causing problems), please reop bot1 instead
[03:12] <Hobbsee> neat
[03:29] <intelikey> just a passing curioucity, is my user name or my b class banned from #ubuntu ?
[03:30] <Hobbsee> intelikey: root@
[03:30] <intelikey> k
[03:30] <intelikey> thank you.
[03:30] <Hobbsee> intelikey: because connecting as root to irc is kinda bad :)
[03:30] <Pici> Hobbsee: are we banning that now?
[03:30] <Hobbsee> Pici: we have forwarded it to here for ages
[03:30] <Pici> Really?
[03:30] <Hobbsee> afaik, yes
[03:30] * Pici checks the tracker
[03:30] <intelikey> this is a new thing.
[03:31] <Pici> I didnt think it was... I'm checking our ban list right now
[03:31] <intelikey> if you check your logs, back a month ago i was in #ubuntu some.
[03:31] <intelikey> same client and settings.
[03:31] <Pici> hmmm
[03:31] <Hobbsee> erm...
[03:31] <Hobbsee> @btlogin
[03:32] <Hobbsee> this is strange.
[03:32] <intelikey> mneptok: any way. thanks for the info Hobbsee
[03:32] <Hobbsee> intelikey: wait, i told you wrong
[03:32] * Pici mashes on the tracker
[03:32] <intelikey> ...
[03:32] <Hobbsee> well, we were bannign root@. apparently not now
[03:32] <Pici> I see a ban from chanserv.
[03:32] <Hobbsee> @btlogin
[03:33] <Hobbsee> Pici: what is it?
[03:33] <Pici> Hobbsee: Dunno, he just joined and it banned him
[03:33] * Hobbsee looks thru the rest
[03:33] <Pici> There was a dec 29th ban on the same mask, but it was removed.
=== Am|NickTaken is now known as Amaranth
[03:34] <Hobbsee> intelikey: what about the piracy stuff?
[03:34] <intelikey> piracy stuff ?
[03:34] <intelikey> i was trying to ask a "leagle" question...
[03:34] <Hobbsee> intelikey: how does it relate to ubuntu support?
[03:35] <intelikey> got banned for using the word warez
[03:35] <Pici> ah, didnt see that.
[03:35] <Hobbsee> ubuntu doesn't even support warez?
[03:35] <Hobbsee> Pici: few down
[03:35] <intelikey> Hobbsee hardware driver
[03:36] <intelikey> i'm not interested in getting a ban lifted. hey if they don't want me in there. i'm good with that. but was wondering if it was my address or my user name that got the ax
[03:37] <intelikey> there are others that do connect from time to time with this address. "shared connection"
[03:37] <intelikey> i didn't want to cause them any extra fizz
[03:38] <nalioth> jdong: it is a rom ney smear campaign
[03:40] <intelikey> so i waited... do you have something else to say? or do i go now ?
[04:23] <nathangrubb> hello
[04:25] <nathangrubb> hello niko
[04:25] <nikoPSK> Greetings
[04:33] <nathangrubb> hello
[04:36] <nathangrubb> hello all
[04:39] <tonyyarusso> nathangrubb, nikoPSK: Hi, what can we do for you?
[04:40] <nikoPSK> Oh hello, we are just checking out this channel. :)
[04:40] <tonyyarusso> Ah
[04:40] <nathangrubb> yes :)
[04:41] <tonyyarusso> This acts as a place for voicing concerns and having specific problems addressed regarding the main Ubuntu channels (#ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu).
[04:41] <tonyyarusso> Due to the nature of the business, idling isn't appropriate for here. You are however welcome to let us know whenever there is an issue that you need our help for!
[04:42] <tritium> Not even so much as a good-bye...
[04:42] <nikoPSK> Okay, Thank you for your time and goodbye
[04:42] <nikoPSK> I said goodbyue ;)
[04:42] <tonyyarusso> have a good day!
[04:42] <tonyyarusso> :)
[05:24] <ubotu> PurpZeY called the ops in #ubuntu ()
[05:24] <ubotu> astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (Hermana38B_Brawe)
[05:25] <tonyyarusso> I love when people thank ubotu
[05:47] <ubotu> nickrud called the ops in #ubuntu (LoveHermana38B_B)
[05:48] <nalioth> nixternal: kline evader
[05:48] <nixternal> lovely
[05:49] <stdin> I remember that ident/real name combo
[05:49] <stdin> (n=her@cpe-24-161-5-95.hvc.res.rr.com) : her used to have an unafilliated/her cloak
[06:38] <Tm_T> mooh
[07:19] <Seveas> !ping
[07:20] <Seveas> I was afraid of that
[07:20] <Seveas> when's the last time he said something?
[07:21] <stdin> around 07:00 UTC as far as I can see
[07:21] <Jucato> almost less than 2 hours ago in here
[07:23] <Seveas> hosting companies network is once again broken
[07:25] <stdin> shell we send ubotwo to the rescue then?
[07:36] <Tm_T> stdin: shell no, shall yes
[07:36] * Tm_T hides
[07:36] <Jucato> lol
[07:36] * Jucato didn't even notice that
[07:37] <Tm_T> Jucato: good morning my young padawan
[07:37] <Jucato> moin Tm_T! :)
[07:37] <Tm_T> Jucato: look now what did you done
[07:38] <Tm_T> is that how I raised you?
[07:38] * Jucato nds
[07:38] * Jucato hides
[07:38] <Tm_T> thats my boy
[07:38] <stdin> Tm_T: I've been up all night packaging, my spelling bound to slip :)
[07:39] <Jucato> Ubotwo: whoami
[07:39] <Jucato> hm... nvm...
[07:39] <Tm_T> Jucato: =)
[07:39] <Jucato> apparently it obeys me without knowing me :)
[07:40] <stdin> ok, but don't tell it to part, ok? :p
[07:40] <Tm_T> Jucato: noone obey you without my allowance!
[07:40] <Jucato> stdin: sure. until ubotu returns, that is...
[07:40] <Jucato> we don't want echoes in the channels :D
[07:41] <stdin> you should be able to /msg Ubotwo part #ubuntu too
[07:41] <stdin> (but not yet)
[07:41] <Jucato> that's how I made him rejoin :)
[07:42] <Jucato> s/part/join/
[07:42] <stdin> I told it to join to, so who knows :p
[07:42] <Jucato> you do, apparently
[07:43] <Tm_T> I don't
[07:43] * Tm_T hides
[07:43] <stdin> try getting it to join a private channel, then part it (like ##Jucato )
[07:43] <stdin> see if you have bot-foo
[07:43] <Jucato> yeah I do :)
[07:43] <Jucato> unless you changed it
[07:44] <stdin> I can't, it's not my bot :)
[07:44] <Jucato> well I thought you could do anything nowadays :)
[07:45] <stdin> almost, except sleep at the right time
[07:45] <Tm_T> heh
[07:45] <Jucato> sleep is overrrrrated :)
[07:45] <elkbuntu> so how does one log into ubotwo?
[07:45] <stdin> I don't think ones does
[07:46] <stdin> you have to be given access by the owner
[07:46] <Jucato> you register.. and then LjL enables you
[07:46] * Tm_T hugs elkbuntu
[07:46] <stdin> indeededoodle
[07:46] <elkbuntu> put him in #ubutu-au then please
[07:46] <elkbuntu> thanks :)
[07:46] <Jucato> :)
[07:46] <stdin> ubutu? is that a new distro ;)
[07:47] * Jucato wonders if stdin is wondering who made it join...
[07:47] * stdin thinks he knows
[07:47] * Jucato thinks he knowstwo
[07:47] <stdin> I didn't tell it to do anything, so it's either you or some mysterious stranger
[07:47] <elkbuntu> stdin, yes, it's the 'what happens when melissa does stuff when eating' variant
[07:48] <elkbuntu> it has food on the desktop
[07:48] <Tm_T> elkbuntu: the Ubuntu desktop or the desktop?
[07:48] <elkbuntu> the desktop engine is built on a stew framework
[07:48] <stdin> when stdin get's no sleep "shell" and "shall" become the same word
[07:49] <Tm_T> when Tm_T get's no sleep he is awake, mostly, atleast should, I hope, right?
[07:49] <elkbuntu> Tm_T, his *body* gets no sleep
[07:49] <elkbuntu> his brain on the other hand, has powernaps occasionally
[07:49] <Tm_T> who's he?
[07:50] <elkbuntu> stdin
[07:50] <Tm_T> I see
[07:50] <elkbuntu> oh, /me is misreading
[07:50] <elkbuntu> i meant you
[07:50] <Tm_T> who?
[07:50] <Tm_T> I don't have anybody
[07:50] <Tm_T> or, should I say, any body
[07:50] <Jucato> :D
[07:51] <Jucato> I'd be surprised if you had everybody :)
[07:51] <elkbuntu> brb
[07:51] <Tm_T> Jucato: just if you knew...
[07:52] <stdin> woah, I made 98 uploads to PPA today :p
[07:52] <stdin> just checked my email
[07:52] <Jucato> your da ppap
[07:52] <Jucato> ppapimp I mean
[07:52] <Tm_T> stdin: "please stop spamming to ppa" mail?
[07:53] <stdin> no all "[PPA kubuntu-members-kde4] Accepted: <package> <version> (source)"
[07:54] <Tm_T> :(
[07:55] <stdin> and around another 30 saying things failed to build
[07:56] <Tm_T> :))
[07:56] <Tm_T> stdin: I would've hug you but I'm not that kind of girl
[07:57] <stdin> I can hug my laptop, it's warm from all the instances of "debuild" I ran :)
[07:59] <Tm_T> you can tell I'm home when loads does rise from 1-2 to 5-20
[08:30] <PriceChild> teehee... leaving for exam in a minute, thought was wierd i hadn't heard anyone else about the house, so just went and knocked on the door of another with exam now housemate and he was still asleep
[08:30] <ardchoille> PriceChild: Good luck with the exam
[08:30] <PriceChild> gah rewriting sentences in xchat doesn't work
[09:03] <ikonia> ubotu appears to be not responding in #ubuntu and ubotwo doesn't seem to know the full factoid database
[09:04] <ardchoille> ubotu quit
[09:04] <ardchoille> Last Seen Quit Msg: Connection timed out
[09:04] <ikonia> ubotwo doesn't appear to use the same factoid database
[09:04] <ikonia> I don't know if thats correct or not
[09:05] <ardchoille> I think you're right about that
[09:05] <Tm_T> ikonia: it tries to use, but, sometimes it doesn't have it synced yet, I believe
[09:05] <ikonia> ok, thanks
[09:05] <ikonia> nice to understand
[09:06] <ardchoille> Yes, Tm_T good info
[09:15] <Tm_T> and it can't until our bot page is up again
[09:15] <Tm_T> (and usually that means ubotu too)
[09:16] * ardchoille is still learning how all of this is connected
[09:19] <Seveas> hoster is now hooking up a new switch
[09:19] <Seveas> the old one broke
[09:19] <ikonia> ahhh simple hardware failure
[09:20] <Seveas> and they're lousy enough to need several hours to fix that
[09:20] * Seveas needs a new colo provider
[09:20] <Tm_T> mmmmmgh
[09:24] <ikonia> Seveas: your welcome to mirror it onto one of my DC boxes
[09:26] <Seveas> ikonia, this involves more than ubotu
[09:27] <Seveas> also all of ubuntu-nl.org and personal crap
[09:28] <ikonia> Seveas how much space ?
[09:29] <Seveas> few gb, few dozen gb bandwith monthly
[09:30] <ikonia> do-able
[09:43] <Tm_T> huzzah
[09:43] <Seveas> :)
[09:43] <Tm_T> mmmmgh, ubot3 is silent?
[09:50] <Jucato> is ubotu ok now?
[09:51] <Jucato> looks ok...
[09:53] <ardchoille> Jucato: It was a hardware failure
[09:54] <Jucato> yeah. I was just asking so that I could make ubotwo leave #kubuntu already :)
[09:54] <Jucato> anyway, done that already
[09:54] <ardchoille> Oh, I thought all the bots were suppoed to be there
[09:54] <Jucato> nope. otherwise we'll be hearing echoes everytime :)
[09:54] <Jucato> (unless of course they're muted, but then...)
[09:54] <ardchoille> hehe, oh yeah
[10:11] <ikonia> can you kick ubotwo from #ubuntu ?
[10:11] <ikonia> please.
[10:12] <Tm_T> no kicking ;)
[10:12] <ikonia> mute the sucker then please.
[10:14] <Tm_T> erm
[10:14] <Tm_T> ikonia: just calm down :)
[10:14] <ikonia> ok
[10:14] <Tm_T> sassy_girl: hi how can we help you?
[10:14] <Tm_T> ikonia: and thank you
[10:15] <jussi01> Tm_T: isnt that just that spambot?
[10:15] <Tm_T> jussi01: no idea
[10:15] <Tm_T> jussi01: what "that" ?
[10:15] <ikonia> thank you ?
[10:15] <Tm_T> ikonia: for being our eyes and ears
[10:15] <ikonia> Tm_T: yeah, it's the smapbot, elk was trying to get it k-lined
[10:15] <ikonia> ha ha, no problem
[10:16] * Tm_T isn't in #ubuntu
[10:16] <elkbuntu> they wont kline it until it does it's spamming again
[10:16] * jussi01 crys
[10:16] <ikonia> tad annoying with two bots flooding each ! request
[10:17] <elkbuntu> ikonia, ubotu is alive again?
[10:17] <ikonia> yes
[10:17] <Tm_T> elkbuntu: it is
[10:17] <ikonia> working will in #ubuntu
[10:22] <Jucato> you still need Ubotwo out of #ubuntu?
[10:23] <ikonia> no thanks
[10:24] <Jucato> ok, if you need him to leave, ping me
[10:25] <ikonia> Jucato: be handy if you could drop him please.
[10:25] <ikonia> Jucato: he's echoing most of ubotu's comments
[10:26] <ikonia> thanks
[10:26] <Jucato> np
[12:53] <jpatrick> interesting, I connect a gut ctcps me and /msg's me, but whois brings up nothing about him
[12:54] <jpatrick> s/gut/guy
[12:54] <Pici> What nick?
[12:54] <jpatrick> xoqa
[12:55] <jpatrick> ah, finally /whois brings something
[12:55] <Pici> I was just going to say it worked for me..
[13:19] <jpatrick> hello ardchoille
[13:19] <ardchoille> jpatrick: Hi :)
[13:38] <Pici> leagris: Is there anything we can help you with?
[13:40] * Hobbsee watches #ubuntu-devle, and wonders what crack this guy is smoking
[13:41] * Pici looks
[13:41] <Hobbsee> look more effectively like that :P
[13:41] <elkbuntu> Hobbsee, i bet you it was a conversation script
[13:41] <Pici> thanks ;)
[13:41] <Hobbsee> elkbuntu: i have no idea
[13:41] <Hobbsee> elkbuntu: it appeared to react and realise that it had been muted
[13:45] <leagris> Pici, thanks, it's ok
[13:45] <Pici> !idle | leagris
[13:45] <ubotu> leagris: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.
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[14:43] <PriceChild> !-idle
[14:43] <ubotu> idle-#ubuntu-ops has no aliases - added by LjL on 2008-01-09 02:56:57
[15:19] <jussi01> Tm_T: sorry... I have my terminal set really small atm... missed it
[15:19] <Tm_T> ;)
[15:19] <Tm_T> jussi01: just teasing
[15:19] <jussi01> Tm_T: lol
[15:19] <jussi01> they were and are still ot
[15:19] <Tm_T> yup
[15:20] <Tm_T> well, not totally ot but sort of yes
[15:21] <jussi01> Tm_T: yeah... but it really isnt support... they are discussing wm heaviness...
[15:21] <Tm_T> jussi01: yup, I'm going AFK now so push them if they need it
[15:21] <jussi01> Tm_T: kk
[15:33] <dgjones> can i point out Quatrux spamming a link - I think was kicked/banned a day or so ago for doing the same link under a different name and website, but the content is the same
[15:33] <dgjones> that was in #ubuntu
[15:34] <LjL> fixed
[15:34] <dgjones> thanks
[15:35] <ikonia> gusy tockitj spamming
[15:41] <jussi01> can we alias !stupid to !dumb please?
[15:41] <LjL> !dumb
[15:41] <ubotu> The only dumb or stupid question is the one not asked. Please do not tell people off for asking something, just because it seems simple or obvious -- we discourage this attitude in all our channels.
[15:41] <LjL> !stupid is <alias> dumb
[15:41] <ubotu> I'll remember that, LjL
[15:42] <jussi01> thanks LjL
[15:59] <ubotu> dgjones called the ops in #ubuntu (bluuuuuuu (spamming))
[15:59] <Pici> ehh. I just got back to my desk
[16:00] <Mez> !ping > Mez (tesT)
[16:00] <Pici> yes, !foo > bar (blah) works
[16:05] <jdong> !jdong is <alias> stupid
[16:05] <ubotu> In #ubuntu-ops, jdong said: !jdong is <alias> stupid
[16:05] <jdong> rofl
[16:21] <jussi01> if anyone thinks Im worth it, the Community council meeting is now on, and Im going for membership. Fanclub members are welcome :)
[16:22] <PriceChild> jussi01, now?
[16:22] <PriceChild> jussi01, what channel are you an op in?
[16:22] <jussi01> PriceChild: correct, they arent up to me yet, but its on
[16:22] <PriceChild> ok
[16:22] <PriceChild> thanks :)
[16:22] <jussi01> PriceChild: :)
[16:23] <PriceChild> jussi01, what channels are you op in?
[16:23] <jussi01> PriceChild: #kubuntu #ubuntustudio
[16:24] <PriceChild> jussi01, how long have you been an op in those two?
[16:25] <PriceChild> jussi01, unrelated to the above question, you kicked a staffer for nickspam
[16:25] <jussi01> PriceChild: around christmas for #kubuntu and since ummm, a bit after feisty release for #ubuntustudio
[16:26] <jussi01> PriceChild: no, i didnt
[16:26] <jussi01> I just !nickspam > jono
[16:26] <PriceChild> jussi01, denny is a staffer :)
[16:26] <jussi01> (blushes)
[16:26] <nalioth> now let's hold on a minute
[16:26] <jussi01> PriceChild: when was this?
[16:27] <nalioth> i think this 'action' on 'nickspam' is going too damned far
[16:27] <nalioth> if a user is changing their nick often, that's one thing
[16:27] <nalioth> but just because a user chooses to /nick nalioth|away when they are, doesn't mean we need to punish them for their choice
[16:28] * jdong works on writing a SOCKS proxy over IRC that communicates solely with nick changes...
[16:28] <nalioth> there is a difference (a very big one) in a troll /nick'ing to disrupt and a regular user /nick'ng to show status
[16:28] <Pici> nalioth: It was communicated to me that !nickspam/!away existed for a reason.
[16:28] <nalioth> Pici: it is WRONG.
[16:28] <jdong> well then it should probably be changed...
[16:29] <jdong> the last time I looked our guidelines had something that specifically discourages this practice
[16:29] <nalioth> are we gonna start telling people how they can talk next?
[16:29] <Pici> Then someone (irc-council) needs to make a decision about it.
[16:29] <Pici> !away
[16:29] <ubotu> You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu-opsnel - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users. (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.) The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also !Guidelines
[16:29] <nalioth> "You must precede your sentences with the nick of the person you are addressing. If you are not addressing a person, preface your sentences with QUERY. Not complying with this will be cause of removal from the channel."
[16:30] <Pici> opsnel... nice. the variable is $chan not $channel fyi.
[16:30] <jdong> rofl
[16:30] <nalioth> Pici: nobody on the irc council made a decision on it in the first damned place!
[16:30] <Pici> nalioth: I understand that. But now that we have a council in place I think this is the sort of thing that should be decided/put into effect by them.
[16:31] <nalioth> this is [you|us] meddling in other peoples regular business
[16:31] <nalioth> Pici: it wasn't put into place by a council member in the first place
[16:32] <Pici> nalioth: I'm not arguing with you. I agree.
[16:32] <nalioth> i mean, yes. away nicks suck. that doesn't mean we have to eject the people that use them out of the channel
[16:33] <nalioth> i don't like smokers, shall we ask everyone who joins if they smoke or not?
[16:33] <mneptok> I DO!
[16:33] <nalioth> and then remove them if they admit to it?
[16:33] <Pici> I'm against banforwarding on that too.
[16:33] <mneptok> OOO! OOO! P I C K M E !!!!!
[16:33] <ardchoille> Well, it's still in the guidelines. If this !nickspam and !away is a bad thing, I feel someone should change the guidelines so that we, as ops, are promoting the proper behaviour. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[16:34] <nalioth> this !nickspam]away thing is way way way off in the "let's mind someone elses business, because they don't know any better" zone, and it is bollocks.
[16:34] <jdong> well let's do away with it then (no pun intended)
[16:34] <Pici> Well, imo, the !away and banforward on /nick are two sepearate issues.
[16:35] <Pici> Related, but seperate.
[16:35] <PriceChild> banforward on /nick?
[16:35] <Pici> The !away thing has been here since before I became an op. Ompaul decided recently to start the banforward when people /nicked too much
[16:36] <PriceChild> banforward where?
[16:36] <Pici> I dont know who he conferred with... but whatever.
[16:36] <Pici> PriceChild: here.
[16:36] <jdong> whom.
[16:36] <Pici> ompaul
[16:36] <PriceChild> I only knew about removes
[16:37] <Pici> zJohn64 (zJohn64!n=jhford@bas3-toronto12-1128689569.dsl.bell.ca) has left #ubuntu (requested by ompaul: "please don't nick change in #ubuntu - ask for ban to be removed in #ubuntu-ops") -- just something random I picked out of the tracker
[16:38] <Pici> *** ompaul sets mode: +b *!*@bas3-toronto12-1128689569.dsl.bell.ca!#ubuntu-ops
[16:40] <Pici> Additionally, from what I understood, was that any of the nickspam rules were only to be active in #ubuntu, and not any of the other #*buntu* channels
[16:40] <jussi01> PriceChild: I just had a quick look at my logs, I didnt know denny was a staffer, he didnt have a cloak, and he changed nick 2x...
[16:41] <jdong> 11:41 -!- denny [i=denny@freenode/staff/denny]
[16:41] <jdong> well he does now.
[16:42] <jussi01> jdong: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51453/
[16:43] <jdong> jussi01: probably not the same denny then
[16:43] <jussi01> so I didnt kick a staffer?
[16:44] <jdong> doesn't look like it
[16:44] <jdong> that looks like someone picked a random nick... the behavior is unlike that of a staffer
[16:44] <jdong> and in this case it did look like the guy was just picking random nicks to no end
[16:45] <ardchoille> He must have disregarded the message that nciskserv sends when you /nick to one that is registered
[16:45] <PriceChild> It is irrelevant anyway.
[16:56] <PriceChild> Whatever we think about removes, i think bans are out of the question for the nick changes we were discussing above and will have a natter with ompaul about it.
[16:56] <Pici> I'm sure he talked to someone here about it (and not just me)
[16:56] * Pici greps
[16:56] <PriceChild> Lets just leave it to "/msg ubotu away > $nick" for now, and only remove in #ubuntu if its hairy and getting disruptive.
[16:56] <PriceChild> I think I was around but not around when he talked about it.
[16:57] <PriceChild> jussi01, why should I +1 you?
[16:59] <jussi01> PriceChild: I am often in #kubuntu helping (ask Tm_T ), i do my best to be a helpful and good operator I have contributed to ubuntu studio since before feisty...
[16:59] <PriceChild> (by +1, i mean *cheer*)
[17:00] <jussi01> PriceChild: the first 2, plus forums stuff as I am a mod there also
[17:00] <PriceChild> teehee at floodbot's earlier ban
[17:00] * Seeker`` really should apply for membership
[17:01] <PriceChild> jussi01, are you on xchat with chanserv.py?
[17:01] <jussi01> PriceChild: no, I use irssi
[17:02] <PriceChild> ah
[17:04] <PriceChild> We're going to have lots of member requests also aren't we
[17:04] <jussi01> PriceChild: why do you say th?
[17:04] <PriceChild> Somewhere... a nalioth is feeling a disturbance in the force.
[17:04] <PriceChild> jussi01, membership approvals.
[17:04] <PriceChild> i meant for cloaks
[17:05] <Pici> oh
[17:05] <jussi01> PriceChild: ahhh
[17:05] <Pici> I thought you meant for a second irc-council aproving memberships.
[17:05] <jussi01> oooh, candidates now
[17:05] <PriceChild> Pici, nope
[17:05] <PriceChild> We should really have a meeting.
[17:05] <PriceChild> I will organise one.
[17:05] <Pici> Good idea :)
[17:06] <PriceChild> We had a poke from jono about getting a team report together too for the 22nd.
[17:06] <Pici> Then some time before that would be a good idea.
[17:08] <Pici> Have there been any applications to the missing council member position?
[17:09] <Tm_T> jussi01: noone asks from me ;(
[17:09] <jussi01> Tm_T: sad... will you be there to cheer for me?
[17:09] <PriceChild> Pici, Not sure what we're going to do about that.
[17:10] <Seeker``> can I be a missing council member?
[17:10] <PriceChild> Pici, It came up the other day but there were a few other higher priorities.
[17:12] <Tm_T> jussi01: umm sorry, would, but my current status won't allow me
[17:12] <Tm_T> nalioth: aye, I usually politely ask people to not use awaynicks
[17:13] <Tm_T> nalioth: usually I do punish them after that, though only because their behaviour then, or so in most cases
[17:13] <jussi01> Tm_T: I was under the impression any ubuntu member could cheer for someone...
[17:14] <Tm_T> jussi01: that's not the status I'm talking about ;)
[17:14] <PriceChild> jussi01, don't have to be a member to cheer either
[17:14] * Tm_T is the Overseer, like it or not
[17:14] <Pici> Are you the gatekeeper?
[17:14] <jussi01> PriceChild: really, excellent :)
[17:14] <Seeker``> Overseer?
[17:15] <Tm_T> Pici: just Overseer, sorry
[17:15] <jussi01> IM on!
[17:15] <Tm_T> Seeker``: yup, currently overseeing myself
[17:15] <ardchoille> jussi01: Where is this? I want to cheer for you too :)
[17:16] <Pici> ardchoille: #ubuntu-meeting
[17:16] <jussi01> ardchoille: #ubuntu-meeting
[17:16] <ardchoille> jussi01: Let me know when you are up
[17:17] <jussi01> ardchoille: Im up now
[17:17] <ardchoille> ok
[17:17] * Seeker`` sniggers at jussi01's comment
[17:17] <Seeker``> I really should be more mature
[17:20] <PriceChild> no quorum
[17:20] <jussi01> :(
[17:20] <Pici> :(
[17:21] <jpatrick> oh man
[17:21] <jpatrick> same happened with my application
[17:22] * jussi01 hugs jpatrick
[17:23] * jpatrick hugs jussi01
[17:23] <jussi01> :)
[17:23] <jpatrick> now, go make some KDE packages
[17:24] <Tm_T> ?
[17:24] <jussi01> Im off to spend some time with the wife, see you all
[17:24] <Tm_T> oh, my applications always failed because I wasn't online when meeting was, no matter what was my plans
[18:00] * jussi01 was just approved!! :D :D :D
[18:01] <Pici> yay
[18:01] <Pici> Congrats!
[18:01] <jussi01> thankyou :)
[18:01] <no0tic> congrats jussi01 :)
[18:01] <jpatrick> congrats jussi01!
[18:03] <jussi01> PriceChild: can I request an Ubuntu cloak please?
[18:03] <jussi01> jpatrick: no0tic thanks :)
[18:03] <ardchoille> jussi01: Congrats! :)
[18:04] <PriceChild> jussi01, launchpad url?
[18:04] <jussi01> PriceChild: https://edge.launchpad.net/~jussi01
[18:04] <PriceChild> Wow its a jussi!
[18:05] <jussi01> hehe
[18:05] <PriceChild> Look at him! With his hair... and nose.
[18:05] <ardchoille> hehe
[18:05] <PriceChild> nalioth, cloak for jussi01 please.
[18:12] <nalioth> purple or red, jussi01 ?
[18:13] <ardchoille> hehe
[18:20] <jpatrick> guys, help needed in #ubuntu-meeting it seems
[18:21] <jpatrick> (I think)
[18:22] <Pici> with?
[18:23] * PriceChild looks in
[18:24] <PriceChild> jpatrick, what's wrong?
[18:25] <jpatrick> < zLox> [IDEA] We stop using Launchpad, since it's proprietary and evil.
[18:25] <jpatrick> < somerville32> zLox,please stop
[18:25] <jpatrick> looks like a joke tho
[18:29] <ikonia> who sommerville32 ?
[18:29] <Pici> no, zLox
[18:29] <ikonia> ;)
[18:30] <Pici> jpatrick: I suppose if he does it again, remind him that there is a meeting going on and that it isnt the proper forum for such complaints.
[18:31] <PriceChild> I would suggest that it is just left alone
[18:31] <PriceChild> they can handle their own meetings
[18:31] <Pici> I assumed jpatrick was a meeting participant.
[18:34] <Pici> #ubuntu seems particularly busy the last few days
[18:34] <ikonia> agreed
[18:34] <ikonia> quite hectick too
[18:35] <ikonia> not looking forward to 8.04 with it being an LTS release
[18:38] <nalioth> ikonia: c'mon, i know you're waiting to see how they configure it to directly upgrade from 6.06
[18:40] <ikonia> nalioth: thats one of the delights on my list
[18:40] <ikonia> I'm personally looking forward to 8.04
[18:40] <ikonia> not looking forward to "why don't my desktop effects work on 8.04 I've upgraded from 7.04"
[18:48] <PriceChild> Hey darkride, how can I help?
[18:51] <jpatrick> Pici: no, I was just watching
[18:53] <jpatrick> nalioth: what does "SendQ exceeded" mean?
[18:54] <PriceChild> nalioth, I think it means that the amount of text the network had in a buffer to send the user got to a high enough limit to kick them off.
[18:55] <jussi01> nalioth: thanks
[18:55] <PriceChild> gah
[18:55] <PriceChild> i'm tired
[18:55] <jpatrick> well, my bot just /quit because of it :)
[18:55] <PriceChild> and it seems you are too ;)
[18:55] * jussi01 hands PriceChild a nice cup of coffee
[18:55] <PriceChild> jpatrick, really don't take my word for it
[18:56] <PriceChild> jussi01, I don't drink coffee :)
[18:56] <jussi01> PriceChild: red bull?
[18:56] <PriceChild> nope
[18:56] * jussi01 sighs hands PriceChild a herbal tea and sends him off to bed
[18:56] <PriceChild> :)
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
[19:28] <bodhi_zazen> Anyone familiar with the user LeAstrale ?
[19:29] <PriceChild> Hey bodhi_zazen.
[19:29] <PriceChild> I think we've had an idler here with similar name.
[19:29] <bodhi_zazen> 'lo pressenter
[19:29] <PriceChild> bodhi_zazen, where's the issue?
[19:29] <bodhi_zazen> PriceChild,
[19:30] <bodhi_zazen> lol
[19:30] <bodhi_zazen> He is asking to join the beginners team and I thought I recognized the nick
[19:30] <bodhi_zazen> wanted to check on any history
[19:33] <bodhi_zazen> what do you mean by idler exactly ?
[19:34] <PriceChild> bodhi_zazen, someone we don't know who just never left after their issue was resolved (if they even had an issue in the first place)
[19:34] <PriceChild> but i don't think this is who i was reminded of
[19:34] <bodhi_zazen> OK
[19:34] <bodhi_zazen> thanks PriceChild
[19:34] <PriceChild> No problem.
[19:35] <bodhi_zazen> S/he claims to be a windows admin interested in Ubuntu
[19:35] <bodhi_zazen> posts of forums are not technical
[19:39] <PriceChild> bodhi_zazen, very new... I'd suggest you want people more experienced and with a longer contribution
[19:39] <bodhi_zazen> Yea
[19:39] <bodhi_zazen> I have a quiz I give to folks
[19:39] <bodhi_zazen> new user questions type of thing
[19:40] <bodhi_zazen> I find post history does not alwys reflect actual knowledge or ability to help new users
[19:40] <bodhi_zazen> plus I get a look at their temperment by watching them squirm a little
[19:42] <bodhi_zazen> I accept a few "green" users, it helps me keep my focus as it is easy to forget what it is like to boot Ubuntu for the first time ...
[20:12] <pressenter> bodhi_zazen: ?
[20:19] * mneptok wants to be a new user!
[20:19] <mneptok> can i have a lobotomy and steroid injections?
[20:20] <mneptok> i'll settle for human growth hormone ....
[20:22] <pressenter> Yea, i would like that hormone to. :/
[20:29] <LjL> ah, congrats jussi01
[20:30] <Gary> whats he done?
[20:30] <LjL> Gary: /whois
[20:30] <Gary> ahh, woo well done petal
[20:31] <Gary> suppose I ought to go for it someday
[20:31] * LjL hides
[20:38] <mneptok> congrats jussi01
[20:38] * mneptok should probably become an Ubuntu member someday
[20:38] <Gary> you really ought to
[20:38] <Gary> "p
[20:38] <Gary> eek, fail :p
[20:39] <mneptok> anyone here in .es?
[20:39] <LjL> mneptok: -es? yes
[20:39] <LjL> .es, no
[20:40] <LjL> mneptok: for people who *are* in .es, ask in -irc
[20:40] <mneptok> no worries. MagicFab found someone.
[20:42] <bodhi_zazen> lo pressenter
[20:43] <bodhi_zazen> sorry, random act of tab completion
[20:46] <PriceChild> mneptok, was that announcing spanish support?
[20:48] <jpatrick> mneptok: hola
[20:49] <mneptok> jpatrick: que tal?
[20:49] <jpatrick> mneptok: bien bien
[20:49] <jpatrick> mneptok: y usted? (even if we should move this to -irc)
[20:50] <mneptok> jpatrick: ahora se hace. gracias.
[20:52] <pressenter> bodhi_zazen: Ah, no problem m8.
[20:52] <bodhi_zazen> :)
[20:53] <jpatrick> mneptok: hmm, even the channel contact is there now
[21:48] <PriceChild> Hey trudy, change your username pleae.
[21:49] <ikonia> interesting name
[21:59] <bodhi_zazen> 'lo joejaxx, you are like everywhere man
[21:59] <joejaxx> hi
[21:59] <joejaxx> bodhi_zazen: yeap :)
[21:59] <joejaxx> and across multiple servers too
[21:59] <joejaxx> lol
[22:00] <bodhi_zazen> lmao
[22:00] <PriceChild> and behind you
[22:02] <PriceChild> Hey there emonkey, how can I help?
[22:02] <PriceChild> Hey yuriy, how can I help?
[22:02] <yuriy> i got membership last week, can i get a cloak?
[22:03] <emonkey> PriceChild, I'm Member since I while and I'm wondering if I can get a cloak
[22:03] <PriceChild> emonkey, yuriy, could you give me your launchpad urls please?
[22:04] <emonkey> PriceChild, https://launchpad.net/~emonkey
[22:04] <PriceChild> makes sense ;)
[22:04] <yuriy> PriceChild: https://launchpad.net/~yuriy-kozlov
[22:05] <PriceChild> yuriy, emonkey, have you registered two nicks, linked one to the other and set an email via nickserv?
[22:05] <emonkey> PriceChild, I've got several nicks, the main nick initially was m-onkey
[22:06] <PriceChild> emonkey, the main nick will become the end of your cloak, so choose the one you think is nicest :)
[22:06] <yuriy> no, no, and i think so but it was a while ago so i need to check i guess
[22:06] <nalioth> yuriy: you need to link an alt nick, please
[22:08] <ikonia> spam bot ivelin
=== yuriy is now known as gamemank
[22:09] <PriceChild> hehe
[22:10] <ikonia> nalioth: he's in mandriva doing the same spam I think
[22:10] <ikonia> can you look in ?
[22:10] <ikonia> please I should say
[22:10] <ikonia> didn't mean to drop the manners
=== gamemank is now known as yuriy
[22:11] <PriceChild> yuriy, all done?
[22:11] <yuriy> PriceChild: yep
[22:12] <PriceChild> yuriy, cool, nalioth should get you cloaked in a minute :)
[22:13] <nalioth> emonkey: which nick did you want in the cloak?
[22:14] <emonkey> nalioth, emonkey please
[22:15] <PriceChild> Uuu do you not have to have the main nick in the cloak anymore? Funky.
[22:15] <emonkey> :)
[22:17] <PriceChild> Congrats yuriy, you have your cloak. Anything else we can help you with?
[22:18] <nalioth> emonkey: /msg nickserv set master emonkey and lmk
[22:18] <yuriy> that's it, thanks PriceChild, nalioth
[22:18] <emonkey> nalioth, done
[22:19] <PriceChild> maybe not then 8-)
[22:19] <emonkey> and lmk?
[22:19] <emonkey> uh here is it... nice :)
[22:19] <PriceChild> emonkey, "let me know", i assume
[22:20] <nalioth> emonkey: yes, 'let me know'
[22:20] <emonkey> nalioth, PriceChild, thank you very much
[22:20] <emonkey> PriceChild, unfortunatley wtf didn't know it ...
[22:20] <emonkey> $ wtf lmk
[22:20] <emonkey> Gee... I don't know what lmk means...
[22:20] <ljsmithx> !meeting woman
[22:20] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about meeting woman - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[22:21] <ljsmithx> AAHHAHAH
[22:21] <emonkey> o_O
[22:21] <ljsmithx> lol
[22:21] <PriceChild> emonkey, never knew about wtf
[22:22] <ljsmithx> wtf win the for!
[22:22] <PriceChild> Hello there ljsmithx :)
[22:22] <ljsmithx> hello!
[22:22] <emonkey> PriceChild, nice command, it's in the package bsdgames
[22:22] <PriceChild> yup just found it thanks
[22:22] <PriceChild> LjL, how can I help?
[22:22] <PriceChild> gah
[22:22] <PriceChild> ljsmithx, how can I help?
[22:23] <ljsmithx> umm
[22:23] <ljsmithx> No, I didnt ask for any help... but thanks anyway :)
[22:23] <ljsmithx> I like playing with the bot lol
[22:23] <PriceChild> ljsmithx, oh wait... you're .au so I assume something to do with someone before who I remember was .au
[22:24] <ljsmithx> ?
[22:24] <ljsmithx> .au?
[22:24] <ljsmithx> I'm in aus yes
[22:24] <PriceChild> ljsmithx, if you have no further business here then please /part :)
[22:24] <ljsmithx> :(
[22:25] * ljsmithx shanks PriceChild in the face
[22:25] <ljsmithx> :)
[22:25] <PriceChild> Different isp to dbmoob though.
[22:25] <PriceChild> He'll be back
[22:25] <Tm_T> he had his fun already
[22:25] <Tm_T> sure
[22:25] <Tm_T> I'm not in my kindest mood
[22:26] <PriceChild> Why would plane flight tickets go down 2 months before the date?
[22:26] <PriceChild> Its ridiculously annoying.
[22:26] <ljsmithx> why did you do that?
[22:26] <ljsmithx> :'(
[22:26] <PriceChild> ljsmithx, because you're offtopic for this channel. Any further offtopic discussion *will be ignored*.
[22:27] <Tm_T> PriceChild: may I do one thing, please?
[22:27] <ljsmithx> but this is #ubuntu-offtopic is it not?
[22:27] <PriceChild> aha
[22:27] <Tm_T> ;)
[22:27] <PriceChild> ljsmithx, this is #ubuntu-ops and you have been banforwarded here :)
[22:27] <ljsmithx> I have?
[22:27] <ljsmithx> :O
[22:27] <PriceChild> ljsmithx, next time read /topic before you embarrass yourself.
[22:28] <ljsmithx> why is that?
[22:28] <PriceChild> just finding out
[22:28] <ljsmithx> ok
[22:28] <ljsmithx> ohh
[22:28] <ljsmithx> the microsoft thing prob
[22:29] <ljsmithx> WOAH
[22:29] <ljsmithx> is this ubuntu-ops?
[22:29] <ljsmithx> crap
[22:29] <ljsmithx> im in the wrong place
[22:30] <PriceChild> ljsmithx, you have been *banforwarded* into here from -offtopic.
[22:30] <ljsmithx> ok
[22:30] <ljsmithx> dont hurt me :)
[22:31] <PriceChild> hmm don't see it on the bt
[22:31] <PriceChild> ping pici
[22:31] <PriceChild> (not you)
[22:31] <ljsmithx> whats ping pici?
[22:31] <ljsmithx> a ping thingo?
[22:31] <PriceChild> ah got it
[22:31] <Pici> pong
[22:32] <Tm_T> Pici: | .|
[22:32] <ljsmithx> bong
[22:32] <ljsmithx> | ' |
[22:32] <Pici> ljsmithx: Do you perhaps know why you may have been removed from the channel?
[22:32] <PriceChild> Pici, I found the ban, the forward didn't show up in there for some reason? Want to deal with it?
[22:32] <ljsmithx> Pici no i don't
[22:32] <Pici> PriceChild: Yeah, I remember it, I couldnt find the forward either when I did it.
[22:32] <ljsmithx> it doesnt matter akk that much
[22:32] <ljsmithx> all*
[22:32] <Pici> Why not?
[22:33] <Tm_T> because he is only fooling around?
[22:33] * Tm_T hides
[22:33] <ljsmithx> i dont mind being removed from things
[22:33] <ljsmithx> i'll just sit back and chill in all your 1337ness
[22:34] <Pici> ljsmithx: I had requested that you stop abusing the bot, I stepped away from the computer for a few minutes to take care of some business and when I came back you were at it again. You quit however before I could address the issue.
[22:34] <Pici> !botabuse | ljsmithx
[22:34] <ubotu> ljsmithx: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.
[22:34] <ljsmithx> Ahhk
[22:35] <Pici> I dont care if you play with it in a query, just not in a channel, okay?
[22:35] <ljsmithx> I apologize for that
[22:35] <nalioth> ljsmithx: we're not a cold storage channel
[22:35] <ljsmithx> ?
[22:35] <ljsmithx> cold storage lol
[22:35] <nalioth> you can "chill" somewhere else, please
[22:35] <ljsmithx> can i sit?
[22:35] <gnomefreak> i think he means read topic
[22:35] <Pici> nalioth: eh? I'm not done with him.
[22:36] <ljsmithx> you all hate me lol
[22:36] <ljsmithx> i think anyway...
[22:36] <Pici> ljsmithx: You can rejoin #ubuntu-offtopic now, I ask that you part this channel though.
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
[22:36] <Pici> and we don't hate you... just dont give us a reason to though ;)
[22:36] <ljsmithx> just one more thing
[22:36] <gnomefreak> i cant hate you i dont know you ;)
[22:37] <ljsmithx> i'm not even sure why i started xchat lol
[22:37] * ljsmithx gives money to everyone
[22:37] <ljsmithx> CYA!
[22:42] <PriceChild> jrib, the floodbot handles the paste now :D
[22:43] <jrib> nice
[23:30] <LjL> @lart pricechild