UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /10 /#ubuntu-kernel.txt
Initial commit
[05:17] <bullgard4> Is the following a correct definition of a kernel quirk? ""In the kernel, quirks are routines or variables you program to make hardware work that has abnormal or out-of-spec behavior."
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[09:19] <amitk_> bullgard4: that definition sounds right
[09:20] <bullgard4> amitk_: ok, thank you.
[10:10] <xivulon> mjg59 hi, did you have a chance to look at the suspend-to-ram issues with fuse filesystems
[10:30] <Toma-> Im trying to track down the change to the Makefile in lum as to why the rtl8180 and rtl818x drivers were disabled...
[10:32] <Toma-> (for hardy)
[11:39] <kraut> moin
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[13:15] <Toma-> Hey, im trying to find the reason behind rtl8180 and rtl818x drivers being disabled in the Makefile for linux-ubuntu-modules in hardy
[13:16] <Toma-> Its not mentioned at all in the changelog
[14:38] <linuxboy> Hi
[14:38] <linuxboy> I'm having issues booting a new IBM box
[14:39] <linuxboy> with 1 CPU (4 cores) it is fine
[14:39] <linuxboy> with more then 1, it hangs at Brought up 8 CPUs
[14:39] <linuxboy> this is on a gutsy 64bit frech install
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[16:07] <asac> hmmm ... still no restricted modules package for 2.6.24 -rt?
[16:10] <rtg> asac: working on it.
[16:10] <asac> \o/
[16:12] <_MMA_> rtg: Are you looking at the metas also? linux-rt and such?
[16:12] <rtg> yes
[16:12] <_MMA_> Thank you.
=== amitk_ is now known as amitk
=== BenC_ is now known as BenC
=== smb is now known as smb_away
=== smb_away is now known as smb
=== smb is now known as smb_away
=== smb_away is now known as smb
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away