UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /10 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
[00:37] <Burgundavia> is meeting in -meeting or here?
[00:43] <_MMA_> Burgundavia: Has been -meeting.
[00:44] <Burgundavia> _MMA_: ok, fridge event says that
[10:22] <lapo> hi
[15:46] <solac> hi
[17:35] <kwwii> less than 30min now
[17:35] <andreasn> ah, right
[17:35] <andreasn> should probably try to attend
[17:35] <andreasn> (after getting some coffee :) )
[17:35] <kwwii> it would be nice if you attended
[17:49] <kwwii> ok, make that last run to the toilet or to the fridge or coffee machine
[17:55] <encompass> hi guys... this the place for the meeting?
[17:56] <Who_> encompass: apparently we'll be in ubuntu-meeting
[17:56] <encompass> ok thx
[17:57] <damianvila> I think it's #ubuntu-meeting
[18:00] <CpidWolf> hi
[18:02] <CpidWolf> alooooone
[18:02] <Who_> if you're here for the meeting we're in ubuntu-meeting
[18:03] <Who_> and hi, by the way :)
[18:04] <CpidWolf> lol
[18:04] <CpidWolf> ty
=== CpidWolf is now known as CupidWolf
[18:09] <somerville32> kwwii, heya
[18:11] <Who_> somerville: the art team is in #ubuntu-meeting
[18:15] <Who_> encompass: for the meeting perhaps move the discussion about memaker thmes into here...
[18:17] <encompass> Who_: I can
[18:18] <encompass> Who_: are you interterested in memaker?
[18:27] <Who_> encompass: I don't have the time for artwork on it, I'm afraid :)
[18:27] <encompass> Who_: no worried
[18:34] <Who_> andreasn: that icon review page is really great. Are you doing the tweaking?
[18:35] <andreasn> Who_: well, I'm going to do fixes for it upstream at some point
[18:36] <andreasn> but for ubuntu-specific stuff (human-icon-theme) I'm too short on time with my new job and stuff
[18:36] <Who_> upstream? I thought that Human was originally designed by a paid artist and dumped in Ubuntu?
[18:36] <Who_> andreasn: design job?
[18:36] <andreasn> yeah, at imendio
[18:37] <andreasn> I'm going to fix it in gnome, but I'm not going to draw any human-icon-theme icons
[18:40] <Who_> cool :). Congrats on the imendio Job. Seems like a fun place to be...
[18:40] <andreasn> yeah, I like it
[18:41] <Who_> (seems, in the 'I've read some blogs and seens oem cool work' sense - I'm not claiming much knowledge :)
=== damianvila_ is now known as damianvila
[19:12] <Who_> _MMA_: what name do you go by on the list? I'm trying to put names to ... names
[19:13] <_MMA_> Cory K.
[19:13] <Who_> ahhh :)
[19:18] <_MMA_> somerville32: Pull a branch of example-look: bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/example-look/dev Then look at ubuntustudio-look: bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-look/UbuntuStudio ubuntustudio-look If you look you'll see how alot of source files are duplicated.
[19:25] <somerville32> kwwii, Just so you know...
[19:25] <somerville32> kwwii, or wait
[19:25] <somerville32> kwwii, Did you notice that Alpha 2 had no background image? :P
[19:26] <kwwii> somerville32: no, that would really such
[19:26] <kwwii> suck
[19:26] <kwwii> nobody mentioned anything to me yet
[19:26] <somerville32> Well, I hope you don't notice that Alpha 3 won't have one either :P
[19:26] * somerville32 ducks.
[19:33] <_MMA_> lol.
[19:33] <_MMA_> Well thats not as bad as not having a kernel. ;)
[19:34] <somerville32> :]
[19:35] <somerville32> However, I have uploaded the fix so Alpha 4 will have a desktop image (the elephant one indeed)
[19:44] <Who_> somerville32: I was thinking about updating some aspects of Blubuntu... would you be able to give me a hand on the packaging?
[19:44] * _MMA_ _REALLY_ suggests working with TheMuso 1st.
[19:45] <somerville32> Who_, sure
[19:45] <Who_> okay - Uni term is kinda full so it might never happen - no promises, but I'll see
[19:45] <Who_> thanks :)
[19:45] <somerville32> np
[19:48] <_MMA_> Who_ kwwii: Wanna have a quick Skype chat about Theme Teams?
[19:48] <Who_> _MMA_: How quick?
[19:49] <_MMA_> Depands on Ken and you actually.
[19:49] <_MMA_> I have all the time in the world. ;)
[19:50] <Who_> Cos I have about 5 mins, I'm afraid
[19:51] <Who_> we could schedule another time?
[19:51] <_MMA_> Sure.
[19:51] <_MMA_> Hit me up when you have time.
[19:51] <Who_> kwwii: you?
[19:51] <_MMA_> Hopefully kwwii will be around.
[19:51] <kwwii> hrm?
[19:51] <kwwii> sure
[19:52] <kwwii> let me run to the bathroom and get a drink first :-)
[19:52] <bersace> Hi everyone
[19:52] <_MMA_> kwwii: I dont think Who can but hit me up when you're on.
[19:52] <bersace> Everyone, please take a beer to welcome that brand new shiny tangoish update-notifier icon :D
[19:52] <Who_> _MMA_ are you around on IRC a lot, kwwii too?
[19:53] <bersace> wih tango apport icons will lands soon ;)
[19:53] <_MMA_> Who_: Yeah.
[19:53] <_MMA_> I have to for Ubuntu Studio.
[19:59] <Who_> cool. I'm off. talk soon