UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /10 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:08] <khatsalano> exit
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[08:29] <carlos> morning
[08:42] <LaserJock> carlos: do you have a minute to help me with the gutsy gcompris translations again?
[08:43] <carlos> sure
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[08:44] <LaserJock> I still don't see a gcompris.mo in the latest language-pack-fr PPA build
[08:44] <LaserJock> I'm fairly lost/confused
[08:45] <carlos> let me check...
[08:46] <LaserJock> in fact I can't find a gcompris .mo anywhere
[08:46] <LaserJock> I'm installing fr support currently on my laptop just to see what all gets installed
[08:46] <LaserJock> as I know that fr should be fully translated upstream
[08:51] <carlos> LaserJock: we didn't rollout a new language pack since we fixed it
[08:51] <carlos> that's the problem
[08:51] <carlos> let me check with Martin Pitt
[08:53] <LaserJock> carlos: but I checked pitti's PPA upload from the 8th
[08:53] <ddaa> Hello
[08:54] <carlos> LaserJock: no translation yet?
[08:54] <carlos> hmm
[08:54] <LaserJock> there isn't a .mo for gcompris in the .deb
[08:59] <carlos> LaserJock: ok, that's a problem with our cache system, it should be easy to fix. Let me talk with Danilo and Jeroen about it and see whether we could provide an easy fix for next language pack update in February
[09:04] <LaserJock> carlos: that would be great
[09:05] <carlos> LaserJock: but please, don't take this as a promise, I'm not sure whether we will be able to fix it so fast
[09:05] <carlos> although I will try to get it scheduled
[09:05] <LaserJock> well, as long as it's going to be worked on
[09:05] <carlos> that's for sure
[09:05] <LaserJock> I'll just keep fr lang support installed and test after updates
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[09:29] <mpt> Goooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!
[09:30] <Fujitsu> Hey mpt.
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[11:18] <jaalto> Is there a metrics page in launchpad: number of registered users, projects etc. I'm conducting a study
[11:23] <Fujitsu> jaalto: https://launchpad.net/people and https://launchpad.net/projects should have that information.
[11:24] <ubotu> New bug: #181728 in linux-source-2.6.22 ""Ethernet controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 191 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter" can't work on Ubuntu 7.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181728
[11:24] <ubotu> New bug: #181736 in soyuz "PPA rebuilds copied sources even when binaries were copied too" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181736
[11:25] <ubotu> New bug: #181707 in rosetta "KeyError for invalid plural-form index on import" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181707
[11:25] <ubotu> New bug: #181725 in launchpad "Distribution "Domain" isn't useful" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181725
[11:34] <jaalto> Fujitsu: Thank you
[11:34] <jaalto> Fujitsu: Could you tell (cite) when Launchpad was founded?
[11:38] <Fujitsu> jaalto: Some time 2004, I believe, but there are many others who would know for sure.
[11:41] <jaalto> Fujitsu: Thanks for the year, that narrows my search
[11:50] <ubotu> New bug: #181740 in malone ""Remote bug watches" box is unnecessary" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181740
[13:25] <ubotu> New bug: #181766 in launchpad "fix mailing list message headers and footers" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181766
[13:59] <mrevell> Launchpad team meeting in #launchpad-meeting now. All are welcome!
[14:01] <ubotu> New bug: #181770 in launchpad "Oops deleting a package link" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181770
[14:07] <balor> How do I see the closed bugs that I've reported on launchpad?
[14:08] <matsubara> balor: launchpad.net/people/+me/+reportedbugs, go to advanced search and choose fix released status
[14:09] <balor> matsubara: thanks
[14:15] <salgado> carlos, #launchpad-meeting
[14:15] <carlos> salgado: indeed...
[14:15] <carlos> thanks
[14:35] <statik> mrevell: thanks for that tutorial, I'm going to try it out today
[14:36] <mrevell> statik: Oh cool. Joey's filed a bug as his bug feed isn't validating, which was causing a problem when he tried to use his feed in Wordpress. However, mine validated when I tried it.
[14:36] <mrevell> statik: I've also done it with straight MagpieRSS at http://launchpad.understated.co.uk
[14:37] <statik> mrevell: ok. there are some fixes on edge in the feeds, try there first if you have any trouble
[14:37] <mrevell> statik: Thanks
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=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
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[16:46] <\sh> moins...
[16:47] <\sh> one question :) how hard it is to present the uploaded filename on the edit patch page of a bug report in malone?
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[17:29] <Rinchen> \sh, interesting question
[17:30] <Rinchen> \sh, it probably should be easy. Can you do a bug search and if you don't find one, file a bug on that for us please.
[17:33] <\sh> Rinchen: sure I will :)
[17:33] <Rinchen> thanks
[17:37] <\sh> Rinchen: I think bug #82897 is this what I mean (but more in detail)
[17:37] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 82897 in malone "Bug attachments should display file-size aswell as filename (dup-of: 62357)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82897
[17:37] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 62357 in malone "Display more info in attachment links" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62357 - Assigned to Abel Deuring (adeuring)
[18:18] <Rinchen> \sh, so that bug is dup of one that's already been fixed. Is there more that you are after that was not in the bug report?
[18:18] <Rinchen> (sorry was on the phone)
[18:23] <Rinchen> \sh, or better yet, do you have an example page in LP that I could look at to help me visualize what you're after?
[18:29] <\sh> Rinchen: sure...https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/174252
[18:29] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 174252 in libungif4 "transition to libgif" [Undecided,In progress]
[18:29] <\sh> Rinchen: when you scroll downto the bug attachements portlet...click on edit at one of the attachements...and this page which will show, there should be at least the uploaded filename of the attachement mentioned
[18:31] <ubotu> New bug: #181834 in soyuz "lp-remove-package.py removed binaries from -updates when removing package from -proposed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181834
[18:31] <Rinchen> \sh, interesting. For me the title is the attachment name. e.g. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/174252/attachments/182805
[18:31] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 174252 in libungif4 "transition to libgif" [Undecided,In progress]
[18:33] <\sh> Rinchen: that's the description of the attachment not the uploaded patch file name...e.g.
[18:33] <\sh> Rinchen: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/174252/attachments/188403
[18:34] <Rinchen> I see what you mean now
[18:35] <Rinchen> so it looks like bug 82897 was duped against 62357 but that bug didn't include the filename as mentioned in the duped bug.
[18:35] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 82897 in malone "Bug attachments should display file-size aswell as filename (dup-of: 62357)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82897
[18:35] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 62357 in malone "Display more info in attachment links" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62357 - Assigned to Abel Deuring (adeuring)
[18:35] <Rinchen> matsubara, ^^ You prefer we open a new bug or reopen that one?
[18:36] <matsubara> Rinchen: open a new one
[18:36] <Rinchen> \sh, would you mind filing a new bug for the filename?
[18:37] <Rinchen> I'm sorry we missed that with the duped bug
[18:37] <\sh> Rinchen: will do...I'm on the phone too...give me a few minutes :)
[18:37] <\sh> Rinchen: np :) I just thought this info would be good to read on this page
[18:38] <Rinchen> \sh, indeed. please include that sample page link in the bug report too. that will give us a starting place
[19:12] <Basher_> Get paid to click on website-link. i make 90$ a week doing nothing rofl, check out http://bux.to/?r=basher11
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
[19:56] <\sh> Rinchen: bug #181859 :)
[19:56] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 181859 in malone "Showing uploaded attachement filename on "Edit Attachment" page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181859
[19:56] <Rinchen> great thanks \sh
[20:06] <ubotu> New bug: #181859 in malone "Showing uploaded attachement filename on "Edit Attachment" page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181859
[20:50] <frafu> Hello, I am trying to copy a launchpad branch to gnome svn. I have already created the repo on gnome svn; when I try bzr svn-push it tells me that the branches have diverged.
[20:52] <frafu> Can anybody please help?
[20:52] <thumper> frafu: you might want to ask jelmer
[20:52] <thumper> frafu: or if he isn't around, try #bzr
[20:53] <frafu> ok; should I ping him?
[20:53] <frafu> jelmer: ping
[20:54] <jelmer> frafu, pong
[20:55] <jelmer> frafu: the directory you push to in svn can't exist yet
[20:55] <frafu> how can I remove it?
[20:56] <jelmer> svn rm <url>
[20:56] <frafu> it should go into trunk
[20:56] <frafu> can I remove trunk?
[20:57] <frafu> could you also give me the form of the url: http or svn+ssh?
[21:00] <frafu> jelmer: svn rm svn+ssh://frfumanti@svn.gnome.org/svn/mousetweaks/trunk opens nano
[21:02] <jelmer> Yeah, allows you to enter a commit message
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[21:06] <frafu> jelmer: I don't understand: why should I add a commit message if I am removing trunk? Is that message not stored in trunk?
[21:09] <frafu> jelmer: moreover: I tried bzr svn-push to a non existing dir: it worked, but the commit history was lost
[21:09] <jelmer> frafu: where in gnome svn is this?
[21:10] <frafu> svn.gnome.org/svn/mousetweaks/trunk
[21:10] <frafu> svn.gnome.org/svn/mousetweaks/first-lp-copy
[21:13] <jelmer> frafu: And where is your bzr branch you're pushing?
[21:14] <frafu> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mt-devel/mousetweaks/gnome
[21:14] <frafu> a local copy on my hd
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[21:15] <frafu> I push it from within the copy on my harddisk
[21:15] <jelmer> frafu: it looks fine, it has just only pushed the first revision
[21:15] <jelmer> did it abort?
[21:17] <frafu> are you talking from trunk or first-lp-copy on gnome svn?
[21:18] <jelmer> first-lp-copy on gnome svn
[21:18] <jelmer> trunk in svn is empty
[21:18] <frafu> I don't remember if first-lp-copy aborted
[21:19] <frafu> I did it a few hours ago
[21:20] <frafu> how can I get the code of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mt-devel/mousetweaks/gnome into trunk in gnome?
[21:20] <jelmer> create a local copy of that branch
[21:20] <jelmer> then run "bzr svn-push svn://svn.gnome.org/svn/mousetweaks/trunk" fomr that branch
[21:22] <frafu> I get bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Use the merge command to reconcile them.
[21:23] <frafu> I tried to merge without success.
[21:24] <frafu> I tried to first merge localy, but it did not work
[21:24] <jelmer> frafu: You need to remove trunk first
[21:24] <jelmer> it's still there
[21:24] <jelmer> like I mentioned earlier
[21:25] <frafu> bzr merge -r 1..88 '/home/frafu/developing/mousetweaks-gnome' from the local gnome directory
[21:26] <jelmer> if you merge it that way, you'll end up with one revision, indeed
[21:27] <frafu> svn rm svn+ssh://frfumanti@svn.gnome.org/svn/mousetweaks/trunk gives
[21:27] <frafu> svn: 'pre-commit' hook failed with error output:
[21:27] <frafu> A valid MAINTAINERS file is required. See http://live.gnome.org/MaintainersCorner#maintainers (2-1)
[21:28] <frafu> Of course there is no maintainer file; it is empty
[21:29] <frafu> How would the correct merge command be?
[21:32] <frafu> Again for the remove command: what should I do?
[21:33] <jelmer> frafu: You can't use merge for this
[21:33] <frafu> ok
[21:34] <jelmer> frafu: you really need to use svn rm, push to a different branch, or recreate the repository
[21:35] <frafu> thus svn-push is the solution: but how can I avoid the MAINTAINERS file problem when doing rm
[21:35] <jelmer> frafu: that's a GNOME-specific pre-commit hook
[21:35] <jelmer> frafu: I can't help you there
[21:35] <frafu> I don't get svn rm to work
[21:35] <frafu> ok
[21:36] <frafu> And there is no other way besides removing trunk?
[21:37] <jelmer> frafu: push to a different branch, or recreate the repository
[21:38] <frafu> ah; I can simply recreate the repo? Will the current one be replaced by the new one?
[21:40] <frafu> But it will not help either because the trunk dir is automatically created during the creation of the repo
[21:41] <jelmer> frafu: I'm not familiar with how that works on gnome.org, sorry
[21:41] <frafu> What happens to the current mousetweaks repo in gnome if I create a new mousetweaks repo in gnome?
[21:42] <jelmer> You'll have to remove the old one first, otherwise it'll complain
[21:43] <frafu> ok. Thanks for your help. I will continue tomorrow. Bye.
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