UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /09 /#upstart.txt
Initial commit
[04:02] <sadmac> Ahh, lets try again, and hope not for a sudden power outage.
[04:02] <sadmac> Is Mr. Remnant here?
[04:03] <ion_> Not at the moment.
[04:04] <sadmac> ion_: could you recommend an email to reach him by (specifically Re: upstart)?
[04:06] <ion_> The mailing list, or scott@netsplit.com
[04:16] <sadmac> thanks
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
[16:54] <foolano> hi
[16:54] <foolano> any example of managing apache 1.3.x with upstart?