UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /09 /#ubuntu-x.txt
Initial commit
[00:33] <tjaalton> sigh.. the openchrome uses CDBS, and the documentation is offline
[00:34] <tjaalton> ah, the package has some
[01:12] <tjaalton> ffs.. the openchrome package is crap.. I can't build the source after test building the binary
[01:12] <tjaalton> "unrepresentable changes to source"
[01:12] <bryce> erf
[01:21] <tjaalton> finally
[01:23] <tjaalton> now to bed, bye! ->
[01:32] <bryce> cya
[02:50] <ubotu> New bug: #162740 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (universe) "blender-bin crashed with SIGSEGV when starting it (DRI related)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162740
[03:25] <ubotu> New bug: #42990 in xkbutils "XGL breaks setxkbmap (kde)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42990
[03:52] <bryce> tjaalton: hmm, I added my blog to planet-ubuntu a while ago, yet my past posts did not show up. Perhaps it only pulls new ones? I'll have to mess with it
[06:28] <tjaalton> bryce: yes, new ones only
[06:44] <tjaalton> and maybe if you modify an older post
[06:47] <bryce> nope; I tried modifying the bug tool post (added a screenshot) but it didn't show up
[06:48] <bryce> I'll do another post and check that it shows up
[06:52] <bryce> wow, all my inkscape bug work over the holidays bumped my karma up quite a bit
[06:53] <tjaalton> heh
[06:55] <tjaalton> there's an upstream intel branch about which should fix EXA slowness, and I tried to build it, but failed. I'll try again today
[06:55] <tjaalton> "intel-batchbuffer"
[06:59] <bryce> oh btw, brian murray found a bug in the greasemonkey tag script where if there is a + or & in the description, the tool may change the description inappropriately
[07:05] <tjaalton> ok, I'll update it
[07:07] <bryce> tjaalton: has -intel fixed the issue that prevents DRI for virtual displays larger than 2048x2048?
[07:08] <bryce> (bug #164049)
[07:08] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 164049 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "intel xorg driver disables direct rendering for virtual display larger than 2048" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164049
[07:08] <bryce> I ask because in bug 174745, they report the crash was caused by having a virtual size over 2048x2048
[07:08] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 174745 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "xorg lockup when screen is rotated" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174745
[07:19] <tjaalton> no, it requires TTM
[07:19] <tjaalton> AIUI
[07:54] <bryce> ahh
[08:19] <bryce> yay! all -intel bug triaging is caught up :-)
[08:20] <tjaalton> heh, I noticed that my "launchpad-x" mailbox filled up :)
[08:20] <bryce> :=)
[08:21] <bryce> I got a couple new widescreen monitors today, but vowed to get -intel triaging done before I even opened the boxes
[08:21] <tjaalton> hehe, what models?
[08:21] <bryce> BenQ
[08:21] <tjaalton> sweet, I bought a BenQ last month
[08:22] <bryce> I've never bought benq before, but I did some pretty thorough research and they came out on top for my requirements
[08:22] <bryce> they also were quite highly rated on newegg, so I'm very optimistic
[08:23] <bryce> but... if I'm offline all day tomorrow you'll know why ;-)
[08:23] <tjaalton> heh, ok!
[08:23] <tjaalton> mine is a 24" with hdmi input
[08:24] <bryce> oh maybe I've got the same
[08:24] <tjaalton> so even if we won't get a new telly anytime soon, I'm still able to get a PS3 and use the full resolution
[08:24] <bryce> MNTR BENQ|24" LCD 16MS HDMI FP241W
[08:24] <tjaalton> yep, same model
[08:25] <tjaalton> you've certainly done your research :)
[08:25] <bryce> 8-)
[08:25] <tjaalton> I could've bought a 24" model half the price, but I knew this one had a higher quality panle
[08:25] <tjaalton> -el
[08:26] <bryce> how's HDMI work? dell was asking me about if we've done testing of that
[08:26] <bryce> yeah
[08:26] <tjaalton> I don't have a gfx card with HDMI
[08:26] <bryce> ah
[08:26] <tjaalton> apparently there are still issues
[08:26] <bryce> me either
[08:27] <bryce> have you played with s-video?
[08:27] <tjaalton> at least alsa lacks some support for transporting audio over it, but I guess it's almost ready
[08:27] <tjaalton> my old laptop (T23) has an s-video port
[08:28] <bryce> here's what you need for your TV: http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/01/ces-2008-keynot.html
[08:29] <tjaalton> hmm, let me recover the firefox sesssion
[08:29] <tjaalton> -s
[08:31] <tjaalton> ah, that one.. a bit pricey, but otherwise seems quite nice :)
[08:35] <tjaalton> I wonder how much power that monster will suck
[08:36] <bryce> yeah no kidding
[08:36] <bryce> but it sounds like it'd play youtube videos really well, so hey
[08:39] <tjaalton> yep, 400x300 (?) clips on a 4096x2160 screen :)
[08:39] <bryce> awwsome
[08:41] <bryce> oh btw, I learned a mechanism for marking bugs as "needs forwarded upstream" and started marking -intel bugs that look ready to report upstream
[08:42] <bryce> I wanted to focus on getting through the preliminary triage so put off reporting them upstream for now, but plan to spend a day or so in the next week or two pushing bugs upstream
[08:42] <tjaalton> ok, cool
[08:43] <tjaalton> the newest version should fix quite a fex bugs
[08:43] <bryce> excellent
[08:44] <bryce> the way to mark bugs as needs forwarded is to go Affects +Project, then submit without entering a bug url. Easy
[08:44] <bryce> if you run across other bugs that look ready to go upstream, mark 'em
[08:50] <tjaalton> ok, good to know
[09:05] <ubotu> New bug: #181437 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 (restricted) "Segmenation fault when executing aticonfig" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181437
[09:06] <ubotu> New bug: #181434 in xorg (main) "Blue screen with videos with Hardy Xorg 7.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181434
[09:34] <bryce> tjaalton: is the new version 2.2.1?
[09:34] <bryce> sounds like it'll fix VT switching and some startup issues
[09:37] <tjaalton> it's from the stable branch, so it'll become 2.2.1
[09:37] <tjaalton> not released yet though
[09:38] <bryce> gotcha
[09:38] <bryce> sounds like 2.2.1 is scheduled to be released within the month
[09:40] <bryce> 2.3 is planned for early March and will focus on modesetting bugs
[09:40] <tjaalton> it was supposed to be out before christmas
[09:40] <tjaalton> but yeah
[09:40] <bryce> heh
[11:01] <tjaalton> sigh, pretty annoying bugs in the xserver.. keys are stuck when you press then long enough
[11:01] <tjaalton> like, when playing with compiz settings like fire :)
[12:19] <ubotu> New bug: #179164 in xorg (main) "Xorg failsafe mode throws out Xorg.log" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179164
[13:05] <ubotu> New bug: #181485 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "ati driver blocks the system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181485
[15:29] <ubotu> New bug: #178935 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati (main) "screen stays off when opening laptop lid with screensaver on" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178935
[15:40] <ubotu> New bug: #181526 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (main) "[hardy] [evdev with X Input hotplug] changes keymap to greek regularly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181526
[18:11] <ubotu> New bug: #181568 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 (restricted) "aticonfig --enable-monitor=lvds crashes X" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181568
[18:36] <ubotu> New bug: #181573 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati (main) "[Hardy]Radeon Xpress 1100 IGP: screen gets partly black for a while" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181573
[19:02] <ubotu> New bug: #181334 in newt (main) "Default console font unsuitable for debconf / whiptail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181334
[20:31] <ubotu> New bug: #181595 in xkeyboard-config (main) "unable to type <, > and | while using Finnish layout on a 101-key keyboard" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181595
[20:50] <ubotu> New bug: #181602 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "ATI driver update causes Display Corruption on ATI Radeon 9500 AGP" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181602
[23:07] <ubotu> New bug: #181121 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 (restricted) "glplanet crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181121
[23:25] <ubotu> New bug: #181638 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 (restricted) "ipw3945 fails to load" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181638