UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /09 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:06] <wweasel> brb
[01:23] <lime4x4> was there a problem with the updates yesterday?
[01:24] <lime4x4> now when i try to do a recording i get and error about is the backend server running can't connect
[01:26] <wweasel> Gah, I can't get NVidia TVout working...
[01:26] <blkorpheus> make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/modules/lirc/drivers/lirc_pvr150'
[01:26] <blkorpheus> Makefile:185: *** missing separator.
[01:26] <blkorpheus> I can't build the lirc driver for certain kernels
[01:27] <blkorpheus> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=582262
[01:28] <blkorpheus> guess I will have to go back to a older kernel, non server edition
[01:29] <Seeker`> hey
[01:29] <Seeker`> I keep getting a pink screen while trying to watch TV, which I believe I have read is caused by nvidia drivers. Is there a known fix?
[01:29] <KaiForce> are you watching lifetime?
[01:30] <Seeker`> huh?
[01:30] <KaiForce> nm joke.
[01:34] <Seeker`> anyone know a solution?
[01:35] <blkorpheus> which nvidia driver you using?
[01:39] <blkorpheus> http://groups.google.com/group/linux.debian.bugs.dist/browse_thread/thread/3ac8c4820de83e4c/b28aa97db455524c
[01:39] <Seeker`> how do I find out?
[01:39] <blkorpheus> uh oh
[01:40] <blkorpheus> you've got bigger problems then
[01:40] <blkorpheus> but now you've got a starting point
[01:40] <Seeker`> i'm using the proprietry driver
[01:41] <Seeker`> the -new one
[01:41] <blkorpheus> "new" is a relative term
[01:41] <blkorpheus> learn to use your os to get pertinent info
[01:41] <Seeker`> I mean nvidia-new rather than nvidia
[01:41] <blkorpheus> cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version
[01:42] <Seeker`> I.e. I have a more recent graphics card
[01:42] <blkorpheus> that still says nothing meaningful
[01:42] <blkorpheus> use the cmd I gave you
[01:42] <Seeker`> 100.14.19
[01:43] <blkorpheus> whatever, that aint the latest and greatest from nvidia
[01:44] <Seeker`> its the latest from the repos
[01:44] <blkorpheus> and your too green to be able to install the latest...
[01:44] <blkorpheus> my statement stands
[01:44] <blkorpheus> the latest from Nvidia has the most recent bug fixes
[01:44] <blkorpheus> might want to read up on it
[01:45] <Seeker`> I am capable of doing it, I just prefer to stick with repo packages
[01:48] <blkorpheus> you like pink huh?
[01:48] <blkorpheus> relax, I'm jonesing you
[01:48] <Seeker`> not particularly
[01:49] <blkorpheus> I'm on the hunt to fix an issue of my own
[01:49] <blkorpheus> I reccomend the driver from nvidia
[01:49] <blkorpheus> it won't break a thing
[01:49] <blkorpheus> it made compiz more stable for me
[01:49] <blkorpheus> and the changelog specifically says it fixes MANY issues
[01:50] <blkorpheus> once I reboot, to use Hardy's older kernel, so I can have my remote back, I will have to recompile my nvidia driver
[04:51] <javatexan> so I add a mpeg2 file to the recordings directory and how do I add it to the database so I can transcode, commercial rip, etc?
[04:51] <javatexan> on the BE...sorry
[04:53] <javatexan> i am looking at mythfilldatabase --file, but I don't think that is what I want, is it...I dont really have a source, offset, or an xmlfile for this....do I?
[04:53] <javatexan> I guess I don't fully understand what it is asking me for
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[04:55] <javatexan> will findorphans work for this?
[04:58] * tritium kicks his myth box for disobeying a direct order to record the national championship game!
[05:03] <javatexan> tritium: I know how you feel
[05:05] <tritium> javatexan: oh well...
[05:05] <javatexan> good thing it was a terrible game...eh?
[05:05] <javatexan> ;)
[05:06] <tritium> I don't know! I didn't get a chance to see it ;)
[05:59] <MythbuntuGuest31> need some hep with a nexus-s 2.1 card, can someone help?
[05:59] <MythbuntuGuest31> or point me in the right dirrection
[06:01] <MythbuntuGuest31> can anyone answer a dvb ?
[06:58] <rogue780> superm1, howdy
[07:00] <rogue780> who do I talk to about translating mythbuntu apps?
[11:45] <frink__> mooo
[11:46] <directhex|bsp> oink
[11:57] <frink__> barrrf
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[20:33] <javatexan> rhpot1991: you there?
[20:37] <rhpot1991> yep
[20:37] <rhpot1991> whats up?
[20:39] <javatexan> i am so close on this little project....can I bounce ideas off you?
[20:39] <rhpot1991> sure
[20:39] <javatexan> This is what I have so far running as a cron job. Goto folder where .tivo files saved, convert tivo to mpeg, copy file to ..../mythtv/recordings, add them to mythtb db....Now I need to convert mpeg to mp4 or avi or what ever is best and then rip out commercials
[20:40] <javatexan> my wife loves her tivo....so I cant get rid of it, so I am trying to work the two together
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[20:40] <javatexan> unfortunately as soon as I add the files to the mthtv db, it changes their names so I cant script against the name anymore...does anyone have a suggestion on how to get around it?
[20:41] <rhpot1991> why don't you just rip them to your end container right away
[20:41] <rhpot1991> instead of mpeg2?
[20:41] <rhpot1991> I'm also not sure how the mythcommflag works, if it requires the video to be in a certain format or not
[20:43] <rhpot1991> if you do it in a perl script you can query the database to get info, thats what I do with my ipod scripts
[20:43] <javatexan> im not sure either. when you decodeTivo, it leaves the mpeg2 behind. I would love to convert it to avi or h.264 before I add it to myth, but I can't find a 'good' way to do it. I am very, VERY green with transcode, mencoder, ffmpeg
[20:44] <rhpot1991> ah ok
[20:44] <rhpot1991> I thought you were maybe using something like ffmpeg to make the mpeg2's
[20:45] <javatexan> naw...I take the .tivo file, run it through decodetivo and I am left with mpeg2
[20:45] <rhpot1991> I would first research and see how you would go about using mythtv's commflaging on your recordings
[20:45] <javatexan> not sure if its raw, or what
[20:45] <rhpot1991> btw how are you getting the files from tivo?
[20:45] <javatexan> i know it has to be in the db to use commflagging
[20:45] <javatexan> galleon
[20:45] <javatexan> galleon.tv
[20:45] <javatexan> it rocks
[20:46] <javatexan> decoding using a new linux project called tivodecoder, i think....it unencrypts the file, but leaves it as a mpeg2
[20:47] <rhpot1991> hmmm, do you need a certain tivo series or anything to use it?
[20:47] <rhpot1991> my brother has one through DTV and he has been wondering if he can use tivotogo or anything with it
[20:48] <javatexan> yep, that is exactly the process I am working on
[20:48] <javatexan> I have a HD series 3, but the tivodecode seems to think it will work with others
[20:48] <rhpot1991> how is your tivo hooked up to other things, network?
[20:49] <rhpot1991> he claims there is usb on his box and ethernet on another one in the house
[20:49] <javatexan> network, yes
[20:49] <rhpot1991> do you have to do anything to access it, or does it just work?
[20:49] <javatexan> not sure what tivo does with the usb
[20:50] <javatexan> galleon will find tivo boxes on the same network segment and it just works, after you add your tivo encryption key
[20:50] <javatexan> they call it the MAK
[20:50] <rhpot1991> ah
[20:50] <rhpot1991> I'll have to take my laptop home and try it out there
[20:51] <rhpot1991> as far as your stuff: once you import the recording can you go into the recordings, select it and run the commflag job?
[20:53] <javatexan> can I script that?
[20:53] <rhpot1991> sure
[20:53] <rhpot1991> just try it there first and see what happens
[20:53] <rhpot1991> it can be run cli
[20:53] <javatexan> cli
[20:53] <rhpot1991> command line interface
[20:55] <rhpot1991> mythcommflag
[20:55] <rhpot1991> is the command
[20:55] <javatexan> okay, I guess I will have to bang the db to find the right file......wait, I found this script in the forums it uses VIDEODIR and FILENAME AND calls several
[20:56] <javatexan> mythcommflag -f $VIDEODIR/$FILENAME
[20:56] <javatexan> mythcommflag --gencutlist -f $VIDEODIR/$FILENAME
[20:56] <javatexan> mythtranscode --honorcutlist --showprogress -i $VIDEODIR/$FILENAME -o $VIDEODIR/$FILENAME.tmp
[20:56] <javatexan> mv $VIDEODIR/$FILENAME.tmp $VIDEODIR/$FILENAME
[20:56] <javatexan> mythcommflag -f $VIDEODIR/${FILENAME} --rebuild
[20:56] <javatexan> mythcommflag --clearcutlist -f $VIDEODIR/$FILENAME
[20:56] <javatexan>
[20:56] <rhpot1991> is that the one from the wiki?
[20:57] <javatexan> yes
[20:57] <javatexan> i don't remember its name, I called it autoRMCommercials.sh ;)
[20:58] <javatexan> but once I add the file to the db, mythtv changes the name of the file, so I cant script against it.
[20:58] <javatexan> i guess I could hold the name, query the db for the new name, then run this script
[20:58] <javatexan> would that work?
[20:59] <rhpot1991> I can't find it in the wiki anymore
[20:59] <rhpot1991> I tried something that was in there and didn't like the results
[21:00] <javatexan> maybe we are trying the same one...I was hoping not to have to learn the complete CLI for mythcommflag and mythtranscode...;)
[21:00] <javatexan> lazy...lazy...lazy....I know
[21:00] <rhpot1991> well first of all myth doesn't always catch the commercials 100% correct
[21:00] <rhpot1991> so that right there may be a problem
[21:01] <rhpot1991> which is why by default it just marks that point and lets you skip and doesn't actually remove them
[21:01] <javatexan> okay...so I shouldn't script that part anyways then
[21:03] <javatexan> i don't know the actual durations of the files so I am blanketing them all with 3 hours, and hoping that myth will adjust the duration after I remove the commercials
[21:03] <javatexan> will it break myth if the actual duration is 30 and you put in 15, will myth only show 15 min of the show?
[21:03] <rhpot1991> I had problems where that script was somehow screwing up the timing tracks of my recordings
[21:04] <javatexan> that would explain a lot
[21:04] <rhpot1991> hmmm when does it ask the duration, on that myth.rebuild script?
[21:04] <javatexan> I kept getting an error that the first fram was not a B-frame , I think
[21:04] <javatexan> yes it asks in myth.rebuild
[21:05] <javatexan> btw, you are awesome for helping me
[21:05] <rhpot1991> thats an encoding issue I think
[21:05] <javatexan> hopefully I can return the favor, after I learn more about this system...Its pretty big
[21:06] <rhpot1991> do the imported recordings actually play in myth?
[21:06] <javatexan> Thats what I though, I hope it will go away when I transcode to new type, like avi or h.264
[21:06] <javatexan> yes they do
[21:06] <directhex> avi is a container
[21:06] <directhex> h264 is a codec
[21:07] <javatexan> yeah..thats right....sorry still learning terminology
[21:07] <javatexan> how do i get the h264 in a mp4 container?
[21:08] <rhpot1991> encode it with ffmpeg
[21:08] <rhpot1991> its super slow on gutsy though
[21:08] <rhpot1991> better off going xvid
[21:08] <javatexan> how do i do that? xvid...not familiar with it
[21:10] <javatexan> can i do the encoding with ffmpeg from within mythtv?
[21:10] <rhpot1991> mythtranscode can make you xvid videos, but I have no clue how to script it
[21:11] <rhpot1991> you can just call ffmpeg to do it
[21:11] <rhpot1991> what are you going to do about commflagging?
[21:11] <rhpot1991> going to just use the flag points, or going to remove them?
[21:11] <rhpot1991> them == commercials
[21:12] <javatexan> know of any good examples....after I ffmpeg it, I will try to commflagg it...I hope to remove them, but well have to see
[21:12] <javatexan> i was looking at mencode, that is a beast!!!
[21:12] <javatexan> not sure if I would ever figure it out
[21:12] <rhpot1991> google around and see if you can commflag after you transcode/encode
[21:12] <rhpot1991> I wouldn't be certain that you can
[21:13] <rhpot1991> I can give you the ffmpeg lines I use for ipod, you are gonna want a higher quality/resolution prob
[21:13] <javatexan> do you think it has to be 'raw
[21:13] <rhpot1991> not sure
[21:13] <javatexan> mpeg2 to work
[21:13] <javatexan> ok...Ill check around
[21:13] <rhpot1991> I know most cards leave them there in mpeg2 or nuv format
[21:14] <javatexan> myth would really eat up the hd space then
[21:14] <rhpot1991> just a wii bit
[21:14] <rhpot1991> mine run 2gb per 30 mins
[21:15] <javatexan> the h264 I was converting via tivo desktop were 1/4 the size of the mpeg2 files with the commercials left in .... ;)
[21:15] <javatexan> just not sure what options they used.... :((
[21:15] <javatexan> that part rocked
[21:15] <rhpot1991> I have heard that ffmpeg h264 in hardy runs a lot quicker
[21:16] <rhpot1991> you can do h264 now if you want, but it takes a loooong time
[21:16] <javatexan> so I should use ffmpeg with what was it?
[21:17] <javatexan> xvid?
[21:18] <rhpot1991> thats what I would use, but its your call
[21:26] <abovebrew> Hello, is anyone familiar with STB cards?
[21:27] <abovebrew> Found an old STB card that I would like to get working with Mythbuntu. Card was made in 1996. Anyone know if it might work?
[21:27] <directhex> STB card is an oxymoron. STB means "set-top box". it's the exact opposite of a tuner
[21:27] <directhex> of a card, even
[21:28] <abovebrew> It says STB Systems on the card
[21:29] <abovebrew> On Mythbuntu hardware support page, I see "STB TV PCI FM" as a supported software encorder card
[21:29] <directhex> THAT stb? christ, going back a few years...
[21:29] <Daviey> abovebrew: if it's that old it probably will work - but why not just try it?
[21:29] <abovebrew> yeah man...very old
[21:29] <directhex> what's the chip on the card?
[21:29] <Daviey> i'll bet it's a BT
[21:29] <abovebrew> well, they cover the chip with a sticker... but its a "Bt848KPF"
[21:30] <directhex> Daviey, gotta check
[21:30] <abovebrew> Daviey: I'm gonna plan on trying it :)
[21:30] <directhex> abovebrew, will more than likely be fine then. very old, supported chip
[21:30] <directhex> abovebrew, remember there are many downsides to using cpu-based cards like that though
[21:31] <Daviey> BT 848 is pretty uncommon, my money was on the 878
[21:31] <directhex> Daviey, 848 still works, no?
[21:31] <Daviey> i guess so, no experience with it
[21:31] <abovebrew> directhex: do you think a p4 2.0ghz will decode analog catv?
[21:31] <Daviey> in the 2 mins we've gone through this - you could have tested it :)
[21:32] <Daviey> abovebrew: catv is regardless
[21:32] <abovebrew> Daviey: I couldn't... i'm new to the linux world
[21:32] <Daviey> abovebrew: it'll be fine
[21:32] <directhex> abovebrew, yeah, but res will be low, interoperability will be low, quality will be low
[21:32] <Daviey> it's fine for testing until you get hooked and buy a decent one :)
[21:32] <abovebrew> directhex: i'm just going for cheap that works :)
[21:33] <Daviey> resolution will sure be low tho
[21:33] <abovebrew> Daviey: yeah, thats exactly my plan ... cheap til i understand it... then move into the big boy areana
[21:33] <javatexan> when running myth-rebuilddatabase --file, why does it ask you for the duration anyway...that could/should be calculated to be sure its right....Is the duration important for recordings table?
[21:33] <abovebrew> Daviey, directhex: Thanks guys
[21:33] <directhex> javatexan, there's no easy way to work it out from the recording, as there's no header on mpeg2-ts
[21:34] <directhex> javatexan, the only way to work it out is to scan the entire file
[21:34] <Daviey> and there can't be - you don't know the size of the file until it's recorded
[21:35] <Daviey> and myth doesn't need it - so shouldn't waste cpu time to calculate
[21:35] <javatexan> oh...what does myth use the duration for. I am pretty sure I am giving it the wrong duration size. How will it affect mythtv if its too long or too short?
[21:36] <Daviey> use the orphans script, in contrib :)
[21:37] <rhpot1991> that is what he is using
[21:38] <Daviey> myth-rebuilddatabase ?
[21:38] <rhpot1991> myth.rebuilddatabase.pl
[21:39] <Daviey> i mean myth.find_orphans.pl.
[21:39] <Daviey> /usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/myth.find_orphans.pl.gz
[21:40] <rhpot1991> that doesn't exist on mine
[21:41] <rhpot1991> though I do have it in my home dir, I forget where I got that from
[21:41] <rhpot1991> and doesn't that just find orphans and clean them from the db if you want it to
[21:41] <rhpot1991> or clean recordings with no db info
[21:41] <Daviey> no
[21:41] <Daviey> http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Myth.find_orphans.pl
[21:42] <rhpot1991> ya
[21:42] <Daviey> It adds orphaned files to the db - which is what he's trying to do!
[21:42] <Daviey> geez
[21:43] <rhpot1991> so does myth.rebuilddatabase -f file
[21:44] <Daviey> but myth.find_orphans.pl will scan the mpeg file for length AIUO
[21:44] <Daviey> AIUI
[21:45] <rhpot1991> I'm pretty sure it doesn't
[21:45] <rhpot1991> # By default, running the script will simply return a list of problems it finds.
[21:45] <rhpot1991> # Running with --dodbdelete will remove db recorded rows for which there is no matching
[21:45] <rhpot1991> # media file. Running with --dodelete will delete media files for which there is no
[21:45] <rhpot1991> # matching db record.
[21:47] <rhpot1991> I've used myth.findorphans to clean up extra junk in my recordings dir before
[21:47] <rhpot1991> I swear it didn't come in the apt packages though
[21:48] <Daviey> dunno
[21:51] <blkorpheus> mythtv-backend scripts dies upon start
[21:51] <blkorpheus> one must run mythtvbackend from terminal
[21:54] <yotux> Can any one offer advice on using mythbuntu with Dish network
[21:55] <blkorpheus> read the wiki's how to on the matter?
[22:11] <solarbaby> Would the Matrox G450 be an ideal card for Multimonitors and TV output via svideo?
[22:11] <solarbaby> oh and my pc is small form factor as well.. so half height issues
[22:12] <solarbaby> unless i get the pci version .. then I have more space
[22:12] <solarbaby> yotux: I use mythbuntu with dish network
[22:37] <yotux> solarbaby what reciever do you have
[22:38] <solarbaby> yotux: its an old one with a hard drive in it
[22:38] <yotux> 625?
[22:39] <solarbaby> yotux: dishpvr 100 gig hard drive i believe
[22:39] <solarbaby> yotux: doesn't even matter which one, they all work
[22:39] <yotux> do you use lirc?
[22:39] <solarbaby> yotux: yup
[22:39] <solarbaby> yotux: I use a usbuirt
[22:39] <solarbaby> yotux: and i wrote the docs on how to make it work
[22:40] <solarbaby> yotux: its somewheree in the ubuntu forum
[22:40] <yotux> cool I will have to order one of those, I have been looking and googling and most post are from 2005 - 2006
[22:40] <solarbaby> yotux: mines 2007
[22:40] <solarbaby> yotux: i'll see if I can locate the howto I wrote for you
[22:41] <yotux> ok
[22:42] <solarbaby> yotux: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3552425
[22:42] <yotux> I found your post on the forums
[22:42] <solarbaby> it was funny all i had to type in to google was "solarbaby usbuirt" and the whole history of my experiences popped up :)
[22:44] <yotux> that is also what I googled
[22:44] <yotux> strange we thought along the same lines
[22:47] <solarbaby> yotux: it took me weeks to figure out how to make my usbuirt work with lirc
[22:48] <solarbaby> yotux: there are better devices for working with lirc.. but I made mine work none the less
[22:48] <solarbaby> yotux: read the post carefully and in a quoted conversation I had with the creator of usbuirt he gives me a little insight why
[22:50] <yotux> if your codes work I should not have to learn new ones
[22:50] <yotux> I was thinking thought if one has windows access maybe a user could use windows to get a code set. I am not sure if this would be useful for nix users or not
[22:52] <solarbaby> I tried.. they weren't compatable
[22:52] <rhpot1991> javatexan: anything new?
[22:52] <solarbaby> yotux: I added all the codes you'll need for PVR functionality
[22:52] <solarbaby> yotux: channels, power
[22:53] <javatexan> not yet....
[22:54] <rhpot1991> ideally if you can commflag an mpeg4 video, then you can encode it before you add it to myth
[23:02] <solarbaby> any recommendations on sff video cards with dual head?
[23:03] <solarbaby> or if the term fits ya better.. half height video cards with dual head
[23:10] <directhex> xfx make some
[23:10] <directhex> of pny make some cheapo quadros
[23:13] <solarbaby> directhex: do you think they will be compatable with ubuntumyth?
[23:13] <directhex> sure, why not
[23:14] <solarbaby> directhex: right on
[23:14] <directhex> the vga out on the low profile xfx cards is shit though
[23:14] <solarbaby> directhex: ah
[23:14] <solarbaby> directhex: matrox has a external device that I have my eye on.. check this out http://www.engadget.com/2006/03/02/matrox-triplehead2go-gives-your-laptop-3-more-screens/
[23:15] <solarbaby> directhex: im not seeing any linux drivers for it just yet.. unfortunately.. but I haven't really looked very hard .. perhaps theres a 3rd party solution out there
[23:15] <directhex> solarbaby, matrox stopped bothering with linux years ago
[23:15] <solarbaby> directhex: that was a really poor decision to not bother with linux
[23:16] <directhex> solarbaby, why? linux users are cheap. they'd rather buy old g450 cards than new cards
[23:17] <solarbaby> directhex: good point.. but linux pvr users spend alot of money, and thats all happening very fast now
[23:17] <yotux> is there support for 1080i with mythbuntu using an asus motherboard
[23:17] <directhex> solarbaby, TINY markey
[23:17] <directhex> market
[23:17] <solarbaby> directhex: in the scheme of things, you are correct
[23:18] <solarbaby> directhex: well I'll just have to get both a video card with dual head, and this device.. Im pretty sold on it for the windows side of things.. It looks like it was truly devloped with the gamer in mind, and thats fascinating.. I might start playing computer games again.. hehe.. haven't done that since amiga days
[23:19] <directhex> solarbaby, matrox have never developed hardware with the gamer in mind
[23:20] <directhex> solarbaby, even parhelia, which was meant to bring 3-head graphics to games, had proper support in like 2 games, and was severely outclassed by every ati and nvidia card on the market
[23:20] <directhex> solarbaby, okay, i lie, the matrox mystique was developed with the gamer in mind, back in the msdos days
[23:20] <solarbaby> directhex: hehe.. i read a tid bit, that sez with this external device.. games can be played on both monitors, although the computer thinks its only 1 wide screen
[23:21] <directhex> solarbaby, right. and as soon as you ask it to draw some polygons, it chokes because it's not as good as an nvidia. i think there's an asus external pcie thing available, which would be a much better external graphics card with a good geforce inside
[23:21] <directhex> http://www.asus.com/news_show.aspx?id=5369
[23:21] <solarbaby> directhex: Thanks!
[23:25] <solarbaby> directhex: this device requires a pci express slot.. thats something Im not sure I wanna be forced to use
[23:25] <alexvd> anyone using the mythbuntu live autostart package. I want to run a frontend via the cd but need to be able to modify nfs mount and setup a irman lirc configuation for my ira reciever
[23:25] <solarbaby> directhex: unless I can add a pci express slot to my desktop computer as well
[23:26] <solarbaby> alexvd: as far as I know.. if you wanna make changes you have to install it
[23:26] <alexvd> This package can be used on a Mythbuntu live cd to tailor the session for usage without a hard drive. When running, it will let you create a configuration that is stored on any type of media that is mounted in /media. The next time the session is started, this configuration file will be read in and used to run the envionment
[23:27] <alexvd> Currently, it supports:
[23:27] <alexvd> * Samba Mount (W/ optional username or password)
[23:27] <alexvd> * NFS Mount
[23:27] <alexvd> * Automatic frontend launch
[23:27] <alexvd> * Hostname modification
[23:27] <alexvd> * External Home Directory
[23:27] <alexvd> * Remote Control selection
[23:27] <alexvd> http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/x11/mythbuntu-live-autostart
[23:28] <alexvd> should i punt this over to mythtv-users
[23:28] <solarbaby> alexvd: this stuff keeps getting better and better ;)
[23:28] <alexvd> solarbaby: yeah after 3+ year I am amazed
[23:33] <alexvd> fack Lirc 8.2 has broken the irman