UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /09 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
=== Dave2 is now known as Dave2`
=== Dave2` is now known as Dave2
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
[02:01] <blkorpheus> lirc-modules-sources, has been broken, is broken..
[02:01] <blkorpheus> I found one kernel where it will compile
[02:01] <blkorpheus> I'd like to keep running the kernel
[02:02] <blkorpheus> but if I want my remote back, have to back up a kernel
[02:07] <Whizkid> I'm trying to netboot Hardy on an old laptop with a PCMCIA card reader. I've tried one image that always says there are no kernel images. Which boot image should I be using, and if I'm using the right one, how does one get around the kernel issue?
[02:14] <blkorpheus> startupmanager still renaming the good kernel image as a backup, thus halting grub with an error 15
[02:18] <DanaG> Random link to my battery issue bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/181101
[02:18] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 181101 in ubuntu "Hardy: new 2.6.24 'power_supply' interface confuses HAL (sees duplicate batteries)" [Undecided,New]
[02:22] <blkorpheus> There is no package name 'lirc-modules-source ' published in Ubuntu
[02:22] <blkorpheus> trying to file a bug for this package lirc-modules-source
[02:22] <blkorpheus> its been broken for a few versions now
[02:22] <blkorpheus> even debian
[02:27] <blkorpheus> Bug #147440
[02:27] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 147440 in lirc "cannot make lirc_i2c kernel module" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147440
[02:27] <blkorpheus> where is the fix?
[02:50] <teethdood> I'm about to take the plunge to hardy. Any last words of wisdom?
[02:51] <WorkingOnWise> teethdood: ever run an alpha OS before?
[02:51] <teethdood> WorkingOnWise: yes, ubuntu 6.10, 7.04, 7.10
[02:52] <WorkingOnWise> teethdood: in that case....dive! dive! Dive! hehe...
[02:52] <teethdood> 7.10 doesn't excite me anymore :) I need things to break so I can sweat and cuss, and stuff
[02:52] <cwillu> ooo, so it's time for the unwashed masses to start installing 7.10?! :)
[02:53] <WorkingOnWise> teethdood: ever run Windows? It provides lots of that....
[02:53] <cwillu> mythtv can provide sufficient cussing too, depending on your expectations
[02:53] <WorkingOnWise> sems aroun here all we ever get is a broke xserver sometimes.
[02:54] <teethdood> I want to get my hands on PulseAudio..I hear good things about it
[02:54] <WorkingOnWise> cwillu: I looked at mythtv back with 7.04 and decided i'd give it a year to simmer before I tried that brain damage again :)
[02:54] <cwillu> :p
[02:55] <cwillu> I had a hauppauge 150 card lying around, makes for a surprisingly smooth install
[02:55] <WorkingOnWise> teethdood: I have it installed...not a clue what it is, but it sure sounds cool! :D
[02:55] <WorkingOnWise> cwillu: of mythtv?
[02:56] <cwillu> all it really needs is somebody who didn't grow up with it to point out all the really really stupid configuration options that no normal person should ever see
[02:56] <teethdood> audio that pulses...what more can you ask for
[02:56] <cwillu> yes
[02:56] * DanaG loves having multiple audio devices.
[02:56] <cwillu> WorkingOnWise, better yet, I bought a 500 (150$, dual tuner), and it just worked
[02:56] <WorkingOnWise> cwillu: have u messed with elisa?
[02:56] <teethdood> elisa is nice!
[02:56] <cwillu> no, what is that?
[02:56] <WorkingOnWise> cwillu: really? in Ubuntu?
[02:57] <cwillu> mythbuntu
[02:57] <cwillu> the base hauppauge cards have good support
[02:57] <cwillu> /dev/video0 outputs an mpeg2 stream
[02:57] <teethdood> elisa would be a lot nicer if it allows me to type in a description for each movie file I have on there
[02:57] <teethdood> right now it just lists the movie filenames
[02:57] <WorkingOnWise> cwillu: it's in the repos. looks like a media center of sorts. didnt impress me much, but it is much simpler to install that myth is at least.
[02:58] <cwillu> tv and remote support?
[02:58] <WorkingOnWise> no clue.
[02:58] <teethdood> elisa doesn't do TV
[02:59] <cwillu> under development
[02:59] <cwillu> good
[02:59] <teethdood> it's just a nice interface for throwing media files at it
[02:59] <WorkingOnWise> i use my laptop as a mini (yeah right....17" display) dvd player sometimes and want a little more integration that totem or mplayer...
[02:59] <cwillu> I've got users that depend on their tv
[02:59] <cwillu> inherited a blurry 22" monitor, and the roommates' tv blew up at the same time
[02:59] <cwillu> our tv is now a blurry 22" monitor ;p[
[02:59] <WorkingOnWise> lol
[03:00] <teethdood> someone just pointed me to MediaTomb...allows you to stream music/videos to all your networked computers so they work like cable TV
[03:00] <cwillu> apparently we've got a 42" projection tv coming next weekend, but they got addicted to 'pause live tv' really really quickely
[03:00] * DanaG wishes CableLabs weren't 'in bed with the devil', so to speak, and would allow Linux use of CableCard -- even if it's not open-source.
[03:01] <cwillu> so, I've got a collection of 16 git repo's, all around 1-2 gigs in size
[03:01] <cwillu> that have never been repacked
[03:01] <cwillu> This, it would seem, Is Not A Supported Use
[03:01] <DanaG> Where 'the devil' is the MAFIAA ( http://mafiaa.org/ ).
[03:02] <WorkingOnWise> cwillu: are there any reasonable ways to get a good signal to a laptop for viewing cable tv wirelessly?
[03:02] <cwillu> define reasonable :p
[03:03] <cwillu> I know you could stream the mpeg2 output from the capture card to the laptop via netcat or something
[03:03] <WorkingOnWise> some small usb or firewire device as a reciever for the laptop, and a transmiter on the cable tv connection
[03:03] <cwillu> I _think_ myth tv would let you use the laptop as a frontend (viewing live the output from the backend containing the capture card)
[03:03] <DanaG> Or do this:
[03:03] <DanaG> cable -> amplifier -> antenna
[03:03] <DanaG> antenna on laptop -> tuner.
[03:04] <cwillu> hauppauge sells a box to do that, but they only officially support windows, and none of their usb devices have linux support yet afaik
[03:04] <DanaG> But watch out for the FCC...
[03:04] <cwillu> honestly, if I were doing it, I'd go with having a machine plugged into the cable, and doing something over 802.11 to get to the laptop
[03:05] <WorkingOnWise> DanaG: is that site a joke? MAFIAA?
[03:05] <cwillu> I don't need to deal with yet another wireless device on my laptop :p
[03:05] <WorkingOnWise> cwillu: i only have 4 now...plenty of room! :D
[03:06] <DanaG> Look at the date.
[03:06] <WorkingOnWise> DanaG: it must be....
[03:06] <cwillu> 802.11, bluetooth, what else?
[03:07] <cwillu> dual usb wireless adapters?
[03:07] <cwillu> and a cell card for the really remote locations?
[03:07] <DanaG> Bluetooth is slow.
[03:07] <WorkingOnWise> DanaG: I see the date...that cant be for real....even the RIAA isnt That stupid!
[03:08] <WorkingOnWise> cwillu: two 802.11, usb wireless mouse and keyboard for the docking station...
[03:09] <DanaG> I tried even PulseAudio's RTP thingy over 11g (at 36 megabits, for some reason), and that was droppy.
[03:09] <DanaG> http://reports.internic.net/cgi/whois?whois_nic=mafiaa.org&type=domain
[03:09] <DanaG> Not any industry name.
[03:09] <DanaG> But anyway, that's off-topic.
[03:10] <cwillu> bah, forgot about wireless input :p
[03:10] * cwillu shudders at the mention of rtp
[03:11] <cwillu> really, I'm shuddering more at java's implementation of rtp about 6 years ago
[03:11] <UnNaturalHigh> After adding the hardy repositories on a test machine I have noticed that quite a few things will be upgraded. Is it possible to remove the hardy repository and go back to a gutsy repository or is that going to break?
[03:11] <cwillu> but the nightmare's are still there
[03:11] <DanaG> It's possible.... but really really unadvised.
[03:11] <UnNaturalHigh> DanaG, for example, things are going to break-due to configuration files being changed?
[03:11] <cwillu> UnNaturalHigh, there's some settings you can put in /etc/apt/preferences to make it not automatically use gutsy repos for upgrades
[03:12] <cwillu> if you haven't installed anything, then reverting sources.list and apt-get update'ing should bring you back to a sane state
[03:12] <DanaG> Oh, I didn't notice that you said you hadn't upgraded.
[03:12] <UnNaturalHigh> cwillu, I am aware that I can remove the sources.list entry, but I am just curious about being able to move backwards and forwards
[03:13] <cwillu> did you want to upgrade completely, or are you trying to just get some upgraded packages in an otherwise working gutsy install?
[03:14] <UnNaturalHigh> cwillu, exactly
[03:14] <cwillu> which?
[03:14] <UnNaturalHigh> I wish to use the latest GCC and kernel for some things I am developing
[03:14] <cwillu> you can just download and install the debs directly, assuming they don't rely on anything
[03:14] <cwillu> I run the hardy kernel on that myth box I was talking about above on gutsy, for instance
[03:15] <cwillu> the backports page on the ubuntu wiki shows how to add a repo without using it by default
[03:15] <UnNaturalHigh> so the best way is to download the individual deb's or can I add the repositories and through some mechanism tell apt to use only certain packages from the hard repository?
[03:15] <cwillu> you probably want to do that, and then install the package you want via synaptic | force version
[03:15] <cwillu> or that, yes
[03:16] <UnNaturalHigh> cwillu, sorry, the later way is the one you would suggest?
[03:17] <cwillu> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports, except use the hardy repo instead of the backports repos'
[03:17] <cwillu> it has instructions for the preferences file, which will do the second thing you mentioned (the synaptics | force version)
[03:18] <UnNaturalHigh> cwillu, perfect, thank you
[03:18] <UnNaturalHigh> I find this mixing of repositories something lacking in ubuntu
[03:18] <cwillu> it's not a recommended state really
[03:18] * UnNaturalHigh is to sued to rolling update styles such as in archlinux/gentoo
[03:18] <cwillu> it's only necessary when you're mixing repo's with very large numbers of packages that aren't designed to work together
[03:18] <UnNaturalHigh> *used
[03:21] <cwillu> is #ubuntu still full and crazy with compiz issues, or have those calmed down since release?
[03:21] <cwillu> I haven't dared to look in a while :p
[03:21] <UnNaturalHigh> cwillu, have not seen many of those personally
[03:21] <WorkingOnWise> cwillu: it has smoothed a bit.
[03:22] <cwillu> nice
[03:22] <DanaG> I have downgraded a system once, and it actually worked. However, I then missed everything that was new in the newer version, and upgraded to it again.
[03:22] <cwillu> I noticed hardy turns compiz on on my radeon now
[03:24] <WorkingOnWise> cwillu: biggest things i see now are ppl either not knowing what hardware they have, or trting to force their trident video card with 4mb of vid ram to do full 3d rendering
[03:24] <cwillu> lol
[03:24] <cwillu> did that once (voodoo3)
[03:24] <cwillu> yay for software rendering :p
[03:25] <UnNaturalHigh> DanaG, I have two laptops, and one which runs archlinux and I miss some of the new features on my ubuntu laptop
[03:26] <cwillu> woot, 5 minutes, and not a single compiz issue :)
[03:26] <UnNaturalHigh> which do you guys recommend to use more aptitude/apt-get to install/remove packages?
[03:27] <UnNaturalHigh> I have read that aptitude is much more robust then apt-get, is that true?
[03:27] <WorkingOnWise> cwillu: lol...i haven't had any problems with compiz-fusion at all. real stable.
[03:27] <UnNaturalHigh> btw, thx for the info cwillu on the repositories, it works great!
[03:27] <Pici> I believe apt-get's behavior is more similar to aptitude's now. But I personally use aptitude.
[03:27] <cwillu> UnNaturalHigh, n[
[03:27] <cwillu> np even :p
[03:28] <WorkingOnWise> UnNaturalHigh: I use Synaptic and have never had a problem.
[03:28] * IdleOne uses aptitude
[03:28] <Pici> But then again, I review what exactly it wants to do, what packages it wants to remove, and all the changelogs as well.
[03:29] <UnNaturalHigh> I heard that aptitude has better package tracking allowing it to completely remove packages 'properly'
[03:29] <WorkingOnWise> UnNaturalHigh: unless I have a seriously broken package, then I use apt-get
[03:29] <cwillu> WorkingOnWise, still needs to do the repo thing, but synaptic supported what he's looking for
[03:29] * UnNaturalHigh doesn't use synaptic
[03:29] <UnNaturalHigh> I prefer cli
[03:29] <Pici> I prefer cli as well.
[03:30] <Pici> I have a shell alias setup to run `sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade`.
[03:30] <WorkingOnWise> cwillu: I like the fact that synaptic will allow me to backport individual packages and manage repos too...
[03:30] * cwillu uses apt-get, aptitude, dpkg, synaptic, and occasional direct python hacking of the apt cache :p
[03:30] * DanaG always uses aptitude.
[03:31] <UnNaturalHigh> cwillu, doing this method of pinning, will it also update them when I update my system?
[03:31] <Pici> WorkingOnWise: I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that it only did that with respect to itself, so if you use another tool, it won't necesarrily pin properly.
[03:31] <DanaG> well, 'always' is a bit too strong, but I use for mostly everything.
[03:31] <cwillu> UnNaturalHigh, yes; it's not really pinning, it's pinning the repo it'll try to download from
[03:32] <DanaG> You can also pin by release name.
[03:32] <WorkingOnWise> Pici: not sure actually. I only have one package back ported to an old version, and I always uncheck it before I update.
[03:32] * UnNaturalHigh is excited to get b43 going on this laptop
[03:32] <UnNaturalHigh> I have heard b43 is much better then bcm43xx
[03:33] <DanaG> Oh hey, cwillu: you said you have, or had, a voodoo3? I have one of those lying around, and I'm wondering what, if anything, it's useful for nowadays.
[03:33] <teethdood> what is this "Gobuntu"? this is the first I've seen it
[03:33] <cwillu> it'll run 2d accelerated
[03:33] <cwillu> not much use for 3d
[03:34] <Pici> !gobuntu
[03:34] <ubotu> gobuntu is a freedom-focused flavour of Ubuntu intended for experienced Linux enthusiasts. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/gobuntu for more information and download mirrors..
[03:34] <DanaG> And where can I go for a "Stopbuntu"?
[03:34] <cwillu> might be able to get a second head up on it if it's pci, but you'll lose dri for any remotely sane setup
[03:35] <teethdood> DanaG: this is OSS, roll your own Stopuntu :)
[03:35] <UnNaturalHigh> it is nice to see all these ubuntu variants spawning with e17
[03:35] <UnNaturalHigh> e17 has a lot of potential
[03:35] <DanaG> And 'elbuntu' reminds me of 'elbonia'.
[03:36] <WorkingOnWise> whats e17?
[03:36] <teethdood> there's an elbuntu?!? what's the world coming me
[03:36] <teethdood> to
[03:36] <DanaG> I remember once comparing (in Windows) my voodoo3 to a GeForce2.
[03:36] <iN00DLE> e17 = enlightenment 17 WorkingOnWise
[03:36] <Pici> elbuntu?
[03:36] <UnNaturalHigh> WorkingOnWise, a "Desktop Manager"; something between a window manager and a desktop environment
[03:36] <DanaG> Big thing I noticed: GeForce 2 couldn't do video overlay at the nice resolution (for 19" CRT at that time) of 1280x960.
[03:37] <UnNaturalHigh> WorkingOnWise, www.enlightenment.org and www.get-e.org
[03:37] <WorkingOnWise> iN00DLE: i see today that 2 way works between evolution and gcal
[03:37] <iN00DLE> O.O I hadn't checked WorkingOnWise
[03:38] <teethdood> ok here we go...I'm taking the plunge!
[03:38] <teethdood> 8.04 upgrading
[03:38] <iN00DLE> so you preloaded ubuntu+1 channel just in case teethdood ?
[03:38] <WorkingOnWise> I tinkered with Enlightenment a while back but didnt have the time to figure it out. It looks sweet, but was so differant from with I expected/was used to....
[03:39] <teethdood> iN00DLE: I always come here when upgrading...you never know :)
[03:39] <iN00DLE> the only thing I liked from enlightenment was the dock'ish bar, but I came to find I prefer Gimmie over even AWN curves and such
[03:40] <DanaG> gimmie?
[03:41] <WorkingOnWise> i do like gimmie.
[03:41] <iN00DLE> it is proposed for the official 8.04 final release
[03:41] <iN00DLE> if you set it in the gnome panel vs on the desktop, it gets even sweeter, especially if you like tweaking your eye candy
[03:42] <WorkingOnWise> iN00DLE: didnt know u could set gimmie on the desktop
[03:42] <iN00DLE> took me a while to figure it out WorkingOnWise , I had seen it but couldn't find the preferences
[03:42] <teethdood> for the dock thing, I like Kibadock the best
[03:43] <iN00DLE> WorkingOnWise, turns out you right click on the gnome panel and there it is under ADD
[03:43] <WorkingOnWise> iN00DLE: I thought that was only to add to a panel?
[03:43] <UnNaturalHigh> one thing missing is some sort of interface to manage lvm2 (GUI wise)
[03:43] <iN00DLE> and preferences can then be set for it as far as the panel goes, and I divided it up, turned it to text only and it is pretty spiffy for my desktop
[03:44] <DanaG> What is this 'gimmie' thing?
[03:45] * UnNaturalHigh is also interested in this "gimmi" thing
[03:45] <iN00DLE> should be in the repo, but here is the home page http://beatniksoftware.com/gimmie/Main_Page
[03:46] <UnNaturalHigh> does gimmie require 3D acceleration?
[03:47] <teethdood> Gimmie's colors make me want to shoot myself
[03:48] <WorkingOnWise> UnNaturalHigh: no it doesn't
[03:48] <UnNaturalHigh> WorkingOnWise, that is definitely neat
[03:49] <WorkingOnWise> teethdood: u can turn off the colors
[03:49] <UnNaturalHigh> #ubuntu+1 > #ubuntu
[03:49] <WorkingOnWise> well, mostly
[03:49] <UnNaturalHigh> to many noobs in #ubuntu
[03:50] <WorkingOnWise> thats who Ubuntu is for...It's goo theres a place for them to go and get solid help... :)
[03:51] <iN00DLED> power outage FTL
[03:52] <RadiantFire> anyone here tried installing Hardy in VirtualBox and/or managed to get the guest additions built?
[03:52] <iN00DLED> DanaG, Mint uses Gimmie by default as of 4.0
[03:53] <UnNaturalHigh> brb, rebooting into new kernel
[03:55] <WorkingOnWise> iN00DLEdo u run gimmie in hardy?
[03:55] <iN00DLED> yes WorkingOnWise
[03:55] <iN00DLED> it is proposed for the final release as well
[03:55] <WorkingOnWise> in a panel, or on the desktop?
[03:55] <iN00DLED> I run it in a panel
[03:55] <WorkingOnWise> its in the repos now....
[03:55] <Pici> Its was in the Gutsy repos iirc.
[03:56] <WorkingOnWise> i want to run it as a dock.....like the project page shows.
[03:56] <iN00DLED> not sure Pici
[03:56] <iN00DLED> it runs that way by default WorkingOnWise
[03:56] <Pici> !info gimmie gutsy
[03:56] <ubotu> gimmie: desktop organizer for Linux, alternative GNOME panel. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2.7repack-0ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 219 kB, installed size 1176 kB
[03:56] <iN00DLED> wait...project page?
[03:57] <iN00DLED> I will have to see what it looks like there WorkingOnWise
[03:57] <WorkingOnWise> iN00DLE ok
[03:57] <iN00DLED> I use it on the panel, I broke it up using preferences and removed the Icon option
[03:57] <iN00DLED> so I have 3 seperate text buttons (also removed People)
[03:57] <WorkingOnWise> thats how I have it too
[03:57] * Pici tries it out again.
[03:58] <WorkingOnWise> on the website, it shows it as a dock, not part of the Gnome panel
[03:58] <iN00DLED> the slickest part is typing in the program in the find box, very nice for the windows person checking out or migrating to Ubuntu/Linux
[03:58] <Pici> WorkingOnWise: link?
[03:59] <WorkingOnWise> http://beatniksoftware.com/gimmie/Screenshots
[04:00] <iN00DLED> to access the preferences when in that dock form, WorkingOnWise , you go to gconf-editor and under Apps>Gimmie they should be found
[04:01] <iN00DLED> however I couldn't manipulate them as well such as removing People, WorkingOnWise , couldn't find another set of Preferences
[04:02] <cwillu> how up to date is the gimmie in gutsy?
[04:03] <WorkingOnWise> cwillu: newest version is in the repo
=== iN00DLED is now known as iN00DLE
[04:03] <DanaG> What sets the 'people' things there?
[04:04] <iN00DLE> your chat programs and such, it keeps track of them
[04:04] <cwillu> sweet
[04:04] <WorkingOnWise> DanaG: all your evolution and pidgin contacts, and their online status
[04:05] <DanaG> It's not seeing my AIM ones.
[04:05] <WorkingOnWise> DanaG: as in aim client, or aim contacts in pidgen?
[04:06] <DanaG> Contacts.
[04:08] <WorkingOnWise> DanaG: not sure. I use Pidgin and Evolution, and sync pidgin with evolution, and Gimmie shows them all.
[04:09] <DanaG> Okay, it sees my AIM account (with a yahoo-looking icon), but it shows 100% of people as offline.
[04:10] * DanaG tries restarting Pidgin...
[04:10] <cwillu> what's the standard way of undoing a make install?
[04:10] <cwillu> make uninstall?
[04:10] <Pici> usually. or installing with checkinstall the first time around.
[04:10] <cwillu> grrrrrr
[04:10] <DanaG> Nope, now absolutely nobody is shown as online.
[04:11] <Pici> cwillu: or make remove. It all depends on what the developer has setup as make targets
[04:11] <DanaG> I also have Evolution integration turned off, because I don't use Evolution.
[04:11] <cwillu> ya, nothing obvious showed up in the makefile, and I was hoping that maybe that was because of some make magic
[04:12] <WorkingOnWise> DanaG: did u click "Online now" in People?
[04:13] <DanaG> Yeah.
[04:13] <WorkingOnWise> what chat client do u use?
[04:14] <DanaG> Pidgin.
[04:15] <DanaG> OOh, coolest thing I just did: enable printer sharing on 2 computers, and enable showing networked printers.
[04:15] <DanaG> It's that amazingly easy now to print to announced printers.
[04:15] <WorkingOnWise> DanaG: forgive the dumb question.... u do have any contacts online in pidgin
[04:17] <DanaG> Yes.
=== nivek_ is now known as nivek
[04:22] <teethdood> 25 minbefore 8.04 make or break
[04:23] <WorkingOnWise> DanaG: not sure. did u just install it?
[04:28] <cwillu> gl teethdood
[04:30] <teethdood> thanks cwillu :) 3 months of waiting is long enough :)
[04:30] <cwillu> lol
[04:30] <cwillu> teethdood, you have more than one machine I hope?
[04:30] <cwillu> or a good backup regiment?
[04:30] <cwillu> or a willingness to live in a strangly broken system for longish periods of time?
[04:31] <teethdood> I have 7.10 CDs on hand :)
[04:31] <cwillu> preferably all three?
[04:31] <DanaG> Oh yeah, I did just install 'gimmie'.
[04:31] <teethdood> alternate works for me :)
[04:31] <teethdood> how is gimmie? anyone ever tried kibadock?
[04:32] <DanaG> If I restart gimmie, it shows only one of my contacts as online.
[04:35] <UnNaturalHigh> any of you own a seagate free agent hard drive?
[04:38] <cwillu> I've got a 500gb usb drive, not a freeagent though
[04:48] <UnNaturalHigh> I am just wondering if there is a way to fix the problem with them spinning down and then coming back on at usb1
[04:49] <teethdood> UnNaturalHigh: I read this in slashdot awhile back
[04:49] <UnNaturalHigh> yea, my friend has one
[04:49] <teethdood> google or search slashdot
[04:49] <UnNaturalHigh> his first day on ubuntu and his first problem
[04:50] <teethdood> ok I ought to shutdown running apps...installing 8.04 right now
[04:51] <teethdood> good night all if it breaks, see you all in a bit if it works
[04:51] <DanaG> I had the "drive unloads heads way too frequently" issue; I don't remember what I did to fix it.
[04:51] <DanaG> Hitachi 7k200 200GB.
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
[05:13] <DanaG> I found a lovely way to confuse PulseAudio:
[05:13] <DanaG> use the tunnel module on both ends, and set the playback "for <hostname>" on each to point to the other.
[05:18] <DanaG> Or even better, have a 'simultaneous' on each.
[05:32] <teethdood> alright, I survived the upgrade!
[05:33] <cwillu> woot!
[05:38] <WorkingOnWise> teethdood: i was kinda disappointed when I did mine.
[05:39] <teethdood> you were expecting some breakage huh? ;)
[05:39] <WorkingOnWise> teethdood: yeah
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[05:40] <WorkingOnWise> but noooooooo.... they gotta make their alpha stuff work right too! These ppl just dont understand a users needs :D
[05:40] <teethdood> I got a couple of issues already though
[05:40] <DanaG> gaack, Pidgin doesn't deal well with changing NICs.
[05:40] <WorkingOnWise> teethdood: cool! what?
[05:41] <teethdood> I have my top panel autohide. It doesnt unhide
[05:41] <WorkingOnWise> I always get nick collisions cuz I sign into freenode and ubuntu irc servers at the same time.
[05:41] <WorkingOnWise> teethdood: that could be a bit tricky!
[05:42] <SeveredCross> Uh, freenode == ubuntu servers.
[05:42] <DanaG> gaack, Pidgin doesn't deal well with changing NICs. Oh, and I still can't see any contacts.
[05:42] <DanaG> Is it a redirect, or just a DNS entry?
[05:42] <WorkingOnWise> SeveredCross: huh?
[05:43] <teethdood> WorkingOnWise: the thing is, it unhides when I move the mouse towards the left or right corners...interesting
[05:43] <SeveredCross> I believe it's a redirect.
[05:43] <SeveredCross> I connect to "Ubuntu Servers" listed in XChat's network list and can join Freenode channels without any issues.
[05:43] <WorkingOnWise> sounds like a confilct between compiz-fusions Expose and gnome panel ?
[05:43] <SeveredCross> So, as far as I can tell, Ubuntu Servers === Freenode.
[05:44] <WorkingOnWise> that last was to teethdood
[05:44] <WorkingOnWise> SeveredCross: I see channels in freenode I dont see in ubuntu.
[05:44] <teethdood> WorkingOnWise: yeah...I'm off to bugtracker
[05:45] <WorkingOnWise> teethdood: enjoy
[05:45] <SeveredCross> WorkingOnWise: Really?
[05:45] <SeveredCross> I don't.
[05:45] <teethdood> WorkingOnWise: hehe loving it :P
[05:45] <SeveredCross> Which channel, for example
[05:46] <WorkingOnWise> SeveredCross: I'll go find one..bbs
[05:52] <DanaG> How do I fix my contacts for 'gimmie'?
[05:52] <WorkingOnWise> SeveredCross: hmmm....can't find any....musta just missed some when I was lookin in ubuntu and saw then when I was lookin in freenode
[05:52] <SeveredCross> :-)
[05:53] <SeveredCross> Look at your server status window.
[05:53] <WorkingOnWise> so I'll stop loggin to both and causing my nick colission!
[05:53] <SeveredCross> The Network says "Ubuntu Servers" because that's what XChat knows it as, but the server status window says calvino.freenode.net
[05:54] <WorkingOnWise> I use pidgin for irc....
[05:55] <DanaG> I'm going to try something: perhaps 'telepathy' will work with that 'gimmie' thing.
[05:55] <WorkingOnWise> DanaG: have u shut down gimmie and pidgin?
[05:55] <DanaG> Yeah, I've tried restarting each. In which order should I start them?
[05:56] <WorkingOnWise> it doesnt matter for me. I would imagine since it is a panel app, start gimmie and then pidgin since gimmie will start before pidgin during a log in.
[05:57] <DanaG> I've done it that way already, and all I get is no contacts listed as online.
[05:57] <WorkingOnWise> wierd.
[05:58] <DanaG> I'm watching with dbus-monitor, and it seems like Pidgin is only ever returning 0 on 'purplebuddyisonline' queries.
[05:58] <WorkingOnWise> are u up to dat with pidgin and gimmie? I have 2.2.2 for pidgin
[05:59] <DanaG> I'm using whatever's in the package manager.
[05:59] <WorkingOnWise> I have everything in the repos for pidgin and purple installed....maybe thats it?
[05:59] <WorkingOnWise> then u are up to date there..
[06:00] <WorkingOnWise> do u have all the pidgin plugins installed? and all the stuff for purple? I think there are 2 libs for purple...
[06:01] <DanaG> Yeah, except for things like 'sipe' and 'thinklight' and 'guifications'.
[06:02] <DanaG> Purple is returning 0 for buddyisonline.
[06:05] <WorkingOnWise> I installed all, except things that were guarenteed not to wotk, like thinklight. try just installing everything related to pidgin. reading the webpage, it seems like the person writing it may not be a great documenter of his code. It is possible he is calling some odd function in a seemingly unrelated plugin. I am pretty sure buddyisonline will return 0 for both 0 online, and for not recieving a request since startup. If
[06:06] <WorkingOnWise> it is written in python, so the error handleing isn't very good unless the programer writes good traps
[06:06] <DanaG> I also have tried with 'dbus example' plugin both disabled and enabled.
[06:06] <teethdood> what alpha version are we on now guys?
[06:06] <WorkingOnWise> Alpha 2
[06:07] <teethdood> WorkingOnWise: thanks, doing that bug report
[06:07] <WorkingOnWise> DanaG: where are u looking at dbus info? I'l see what mine is doing
[06:07] <teethdood> btw, the culprit is the Desktop Wall compiz plugin messing around with gnome-panel
[06:07] <WorkingOnWise> teethdood: yw
[06:08] <DanaG> dbus-monitor (in console)
[06:08] <WorkingOnWise> teethdood: thats y i never see it. I turn it off to turn on something with the cube as soon as I enable compiz-fusion
[06:09] <DanaG> Yeah, buddyisonline is returning 0 always.
[06:09] <DanaG> Who knows, maybe it's case-sensitive.
[06:09] <DanaG> I just had a buddy sign on, and still nothing.
[06:10] <teethdood> WorkingOnWise: dunno if I should file in launchpad or with the compiz ppl, probably launchpad
[06:10] <UnNaturalHigh> have any of you guys tried using rtorrent in hardy?
[06:10] <WorkingOnWise> teethdood: I would do launchpad and let them forward it if needed...
[06:11] <DanaG> Do you have 'dbus example' enabled?
[06:11] <WorkingOnWise> no
[06:12] <DanaG> Nope, didn't fix it.
[06:13] <WorkingOnWise> i am not seing anything for buddiesonline at all...
[06:13] <DanaG> Try clicking on stuff in the 'people' panel.
[06:18] <WorkingOnWise> wow....lots of stuff, nothing for purplebuddiesonline.
[06:18] <WorkingOnWise> brb
[06:18] <DanaG> Oh, now I no longer see that myself, either.
[06:20] <DanaG> Okay, I do see it again.
[06:30] * DanaG goes to reboot to new kernel, and hopes scheduling is better.
[06:30] <DanaG> Most likely, it won't be. :(
[06:54] <DanaG> Well, I compiled 'gimmie' myself, and now it crashes instead of not working.
[06:56] <DanaG> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'list_addressbooks'
[06:57] <DanaG> Can't use it. I'll just disable that broken feature, and go back to the packaged version.
[07:08] <DanaG> dang brokenness.
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[10:17] <sarthor> Hi, 'Salam' i want to get help about ddclient.conf, if i am on wrong place, tell me. my ddclient.conf is here " http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51330/ " i dont want to use crontab for updating, how to update after 120 minutes
[10:30] <sarthor_> Hi, 'Salam' i want to get help about ddclient.conf, if i am on wrong place, tell me. my ddclient.conf is here " http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51330/ " i dont want to use crontab for updating, how to update after 120 minutes
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[12:58] <rama_8086> how to search a particular channel in irc
[12:59] <IdleOne> rama_8086: /list *
[13:02] <Ziroday> anyone know when they pick a new theme>
[13:02] <Ziroday> *?
[13:05] <Pici> when?
[13:05] <Ziroday> yeah
[13:05] <Ziroday> one of the specs is a new theme
[13:06] <Pici> Oh, I thought I was in a different channel, had no idea what you were talking about.
[13:06] <Pici> I'm not sure when the artwork decisions get made.
[13:06] <Ziroday> lol thanks
[13:11] <IdleOne> !release
[13:11] <ubotu> Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases
[13:11] <IdleOne> !schedual
[13:11] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about schedual - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[13:12] <IdleOne> what is the link for the release schedule
[13:12] <IdleOne> how ever it is spelled
[13:19] <Ziroday> IdleOne: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule
[13:22] <IdleOne> Ziroday: ty . that is where you might find your answer
[13:51] <Raubkopierer> Hello :)
[13:53] <Raubkopierer> I would like to know where to config my graphic-card. xorg and so on. was where any change from gutsy to hardy?
[13:53] <Raubkopierer> sorry, i don't speak english very well :P
[14:40] <napsy_> hello. is it possible to downgrade my ubuntu from hardy to gutsy?
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[14:41] <Pici> !downgrade | napsy_
[14:41] <ubotu> napsy_: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.
[14:41] <napsy_> ok tnx
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[16:27] <WorkingOnWise> anyone here very farmiure with ff3 and it's plugins?
[16:27] <WorkingOnWise> farmilure
[16:28] <teethdood> familiar :)
[16:30] <WorkingOnWise> is it using the ff2 plugins, or did the seveloders roll their own? I show realplayer plugin for ff3 but I havent installed it yet, and dont have it for ff2.
[16:30] <WorkingOnWise> i'm a rednek
[16:31] <WorkingOnWise> up here we say farmiluar or fermilyer
[16:31] <WorkingOnWise> :D
[17:21] <TheInfinity> anyone tried vmware fusion modules?
[17:21] <TheInfinity> in hardy? because i get a compile error ...
[18:05] <bullgard4> Is s2ram available for Hardy?
[18:13] <specx> hi.I have downloaded hardy heron alpha 2.When the stable version will be released,it will be possible to upgrade the alpha 2 version ? thanks to all
[18:13] <Jeeves_> bullgard4: Doesn't look like it
[18:14] <Jeeves_> specx: You can always upgrade
[18:14] <specx> thanks Jeeves for the reply
[18:15] <bardyr> Spec, hardy will be released in April, there is a release schedule on the ubuntu wiki
[18:16] <specx> I know bardyr,but I want to try it before the stable release :)
[18:18] <Spec> what?!
[18:18] <Spec> there's a specx?!
[18:20] <WorkingOnWis1> is there a working java plugin for ff2 or 3 in Hardy?
[18:21] <Spec> specxx: how long've you been a spec?
[18:21] <specxx> my real nick nameis spectre,but I'm not registered yet
[18:23] <nanonyme> spectre is though
[18:24] <nanonyme> apparently for the past 8 years ^^
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[18:32] <WorkingOnWis1> does the j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin plugin actually work?
[18:42] <]Spectre[> BYE BYE
[18:52] <WorkingOnWis1> who has a working plugin for jave in firefox 2 or 3?
[18:52] <WorkingOnWis1> !java
[18:52] <ubotu> To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)
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[19:00] <khamael> is there a feature list for hardy?
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[19:09] <]Spectre[> c
[19:12] <dirk`> I just installed the latest Hardy Alpha and gnome session is hanging on login. Any fixes?
[19:24] <SeveredCross> No idea, I haven't seen the issue but I'm due for a reboot after the Alpha 3 upgrade cycle today.
[19:25] <SeveredCross> Maybe it's GFX card drivers...FGLRX got an update today.
[19:26] <Pici> dirk`: which alpha?
[19:30] <dirk`> Pici, Daily build from 1-7
[19:30] <dirk`> updated
[19:30] <Pici> dirk`: It doesnt surprise me that a daily build install isnt working. Those isos don't get even close to the same amount of testing as the alphas do.
[19:31] <dirk`> Well. it did the same on alpha 1 and 2
[19:31] <dirk`> Xfce is working fine, but no Gnome
[19:58] <cavediver> Hello-
[19:58] <cavediver> Is there a way to get avant-window-navigator for hardy ?
[19:58] <cavediver> ooops
[19:58] <cavediver> it was even in the repo.. my mistake
[20:15] <TheInfinity> somebody tried vmware software in hardy?
[20:15] <TheInfinity> i get a compile error there ...
[20:45] <clever> is it posibly to make a hardy rootfs using debootstrap?
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[21:52] <tumbleweed__> yup, hardy is runnin fine
[21:53] <blkorpheus> for me as well
[21:53] <blkorpheus> I just wish I could compile lirc-modules-source for the other kernels
[21:53] <marco> anyone able to install KDE4 in hardy? there are dependencies and broken packages, seems to me
[21:53] <marco> (kubuntu )
[21:53] <blkorpheus> nomasteryoda, yes they error out kde4
[21:54] <blkorpheus> ???
[21:54] <marco> ok, so "just" need to wait until they fix
[21:54] <blkorpheus> it appears
[21:54] <nomasteryoda> marco, it will be included in hardy
[21:54] <marco> :)
[22:13] <khamael> is there a list over what features are planned for hardy?
[22:15] <clever> is it posible to make a hardy rootfs using debootstrap?
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[23:07] <timing> Hey!
[23:07] <timing> I upgraded to hardy a few days ago
[23:07] <timing> now i notice a lower video performance with compiz and such
[23:08] <timing> this is my video card:
[23:08] <timing> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)
[23:08] <timing> the intel driver is used in hardy
[23:08] <timing> was this the case in gutsy as well?
[23:09] <timing> I want to see if switching to the older driver can help me with a better performance
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[23:09] <timing> (the driver of gutsy that is)
[23:10] <timing> I'll idle for a bit here, see you guys around later!
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[23:50] <napsy_> I heard that fedora 8 ships with networkmanager 0.7. Are there plans for 0.7 inclusion in hardy?