UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /09 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <allee_> bigon: should it go to /usr/share/dbus-1/services so dbus find it?
[00:01] <bigon> yep
[00:01] <allee_> aka /usr/share/dbus-1/services
[00:02] <allee_> for kde specific files one needs to tweak the prefix but only for them
[00:04] <hunger> Good night.
[00:04] <allee_> hunger: nite
=== allee_ is now known as alleeHardy
[00:04] <bigon> even files in bin/
[00:05] <bigon> .
[00:06] <bigon> ?
[00:06] <alleeHardy> stuff in bin/ depends only on qt libs so /usr/bin should be okay IMHO
[00:06] <alleeHardy> s/only qt/not on kde/
[00:06] <bigon> mmm
[00:06] <bigon> http://experimental.debian.net/fetch.php?&pkg=decibel&ver=0.5.0%2Bsvn737972-2&arch=powerpc&stamp=1195781792&file=log&as=raw
[00:07] <bigon> the build log of decibel on debian
[00:07] <nixternal> ppc
[00:08] <nixternal> http://experimental.debian.net/build.php?arch=&pkg=decibel
[00:08] <nixternal> that is for all
[00:10] * bigon surrender
[00:10] <bigon> could someone else fix the FTBFS of decibel?
[00:14] <Riddell> mornfall: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Perl+Qt4?content=69747 (!)
[00:15] <mornfall> Riddell: Doesn't really seem to be compatible with perl-qt3 though? It is apparently based on SWIG and not SMOKE. Dunno though. At least if it is the same one I have seen before.
[00:18] * nixternal heads out for some sush, sake, and sapporo!
[00:18] * nixternal can't spell, sushi!!! not sush :p
[00:19] <Jucato> sush.... :P
[00:19] <Jucato> I've never tasted sake before... is it really good as they say? :)
[00:20] <nixternal> oh ya
[00:21] <nixternal> hot sake will put you on your arse..the best hacking medicine one could ask for :)
[00:21] <Jucato> hahah
[00:22] <DaSkreech> Hey Jucato
[00:22] <Jucato> hi Das
[00:22] <DaSkreech> how goes?
[00:23] <Jucato> very fine... :)
[00:23] <Jucato> made another new year's resolution...
[00:23] <Jucato> write only short blog posts unless absolutely necessary :)
[00:24] <DaSkreech> Ha ha :)
[00:24] * DaSkreech resolved not to make any resolutions
[00:25] <DaSkreech> I lost :-(
[00:25] <Jucato> :P
[00:26] <Riddell> mornfall: right, I hadn't seen it before
[00:38] <DaSkreech> Jucato: Vote!
[00:39] <Jucato> hm?
[00:39] <DaSkreech> Should I suck it up and do pure KDE4?
[00:39] <Jucato> what do you mean by "do pure KDE4"?
[00:40] <DaSkreech> Jump into KDE4 with nothing that needs KDE3 libs
[00:40] <Jucato> I vote "no"
[00:40] <DaSkreech> well as much as can be avoided
[00:41] <DaSkreech> I'll use non KDE stuff where I can
[00:41] <DaSkreech> like mplayere
[00:41] <Jucato> you're going to be using *a lot* of non-KDE stuff then :)
[00:41] <DaSkreech> How much?
[00:42] <DaSkreech> I'll do FF3 just cause I can't live without the extensions anyway
[00:42] <Jucato> as much as the KDE 4.0 apps that don't work properly yet :)
[00:42] <DaSkreech> mplayer for audio stuff
[00:42] <DaSkreech> what else do I need?
[00:42] <Jucato> 4.x apps I mean (including trunk)
[00:42] <DaSkreech> I have centerim for IM
[00:42] <DaSkreech> Hmm
[00:43] <DaSkreech> I guess irssi for IRC
[00:43] * Jucato doesn't get what's the point then...
[00:43] <jjesse> Jucato: dang how long can your posts get?
[00:43] <DaSkreech> Jucato: what else is missing?
[00:43] <Jucato> jjesse: that's hopefully the last :)
[00:43] <DaSkreech> jjesse: Is that a challenge? :-)
[00:43] <jjesse> DaSkreech: man i hope not, my eyes glazed over halfway through
[00:44] <Jucato> yeah... it's a year end review... but anyway.. like I said, no more long posts from me unless absolutely necessary :)
[00:45] <Jucato> anyway, breakfast
[00:46] <jjesse> grin just giving you a hard time
[00:47] <Jucato> nah, I gave myself a hard time too...
[00:48] <Jucato> but I still might do long personal blog posts, but those would probably not be in the planet (different tag, different feed :P)
[01:04] * DaSkreech steals Jucato back
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[01:18] <Riddell> nixternal: still no ktorrent-kde4 4.0.0
[01:20] <DaSkreech> Jucato: what else do you see as detrimentally missing?
[01:21] <Vorian> Riddell: I have it if you want an upload
[01:21] <Riddell> nixternal: rsibreak doesn't contain the magic debian/rules kludge to add wrapper scripts in /usr/bin and /usr/share/applications
[01:21] <Riddell> Vorian: does it have the magic debian/rules kludge?
[01:22] <Vorian> lemme check
[01:22] <Riddell> Vorian: http://pastebin.com/m671bbbc6
[01:22] <Riddell> you need to change the install/ target to something suitable
[01:24] <Vorian> Riddell: nope
[01:24] <Riddell> Vorian: could you add that and test it compiles?
[01:24] <Vorian> sure thing
[01:25] <Vorian> Riddell: in the kde.mk?
[01:25] <Riddell> Vorian: in debian/rules
[01:25] <Vorian> duh
[01:25] <Vorian> sorry
[01:26] <Riddell> ideally it would go in kde.mk but I can't find a target that works for all builds
[01:26] <Vorian> that makes sense
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
[01:52] <jjesse> grgh iwhy can't i get vm to vm network communication when on wireless
[01:54] <jjesse> ooo thunderstorms
[01:54] <Vorian> Riddell: it built fine
[01:54] <Riddell> Vorian: and you get something in usr/bin ?
[01:54] <Vorian> I also have his rsibreak
[01:58] <Vorian> Riddell: only usr/share and usr/lib
[01:59] <Riddell> Vorian: what did you change the install rule to?
[01:59] <Vorian> and usr/lib/kde4/bin
[02:01] <Riddell> Vorian: I need to go to bed but you need to change that top "install/kgeography-data-kde4::" to "install/ktorrent-kde4::" or maybe just "install::" whatever works
[02:01] <Riddell> debuild -nc is your friend for working out what works
[02:01] <Vorian> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51293/
[02:01] <Vorian> Riddell: thanks for the tip :)
[02:04] <Riddell> or maybe "common-post-build-indep::"
[02:05] <Vorian> i'll give that a whirl
[02:34] <DaSkreech> hi Hobbsee
[02:37] <Hobbsee> heya
[02:38] <DaSkreech> Hobbsee: Vote :) should I go KDE4 pure?
[02:38] <Hobbsee> n oid ea;0
[02:38] <DaSkreech> I want to help with Bug reports etc
[02:39] <DaSkreech> I think I'll find my way into KDE3 most of the time if it annoys me
[02:39] <DaSkreech> I'm sick of Gutsy freezing on me now so I'm going to hardy
[02:39] <DaSkreech> but I thinking hardy && KDE4 pure :)
[02:40] <coreymon77> hardy=when?
[02:40] <DaSkreech> coreymon77: for me or for release ?
[02:41] <coreymon77> the latter
[02:42] <DaSkreech> april
[02:42] <coreymon77> ah
[02:42] <DaSkreech> coreymon77: want to toss a vote in?
[02:42] <coreymon77> i wonder whats gonna be done for I
[02:42] <coreymon77> DaSkreech: for what
[02:42] <DaSkreech> Should I go KDE4 pure?
[02:43] <coreymon77> dunno
[02:43] <coreymon77> havent tried it yet
[02:43] <DaSkreech> coreymon77: Gut feeling :)
[02:43] <coreymon77> with my desktop box, im waiting till its stable
[02:43] <DaSkreech> Yeah reasonably I should as well
[02:44] <coreymon77> i sure hope that the release after hardy is gonna be lts, because pretty soon im gonna have to stop upgrading my distro on my desktop box
[02:45] <coreymon77> but i want to wait for a lts for that
[02:46] <Hobbsee> .....*decides not to comment*
[02:46] <coreymon77> sooner or later, my computers not gonna be able to handle newer distros
[02:46] <coreymon77> Hobbsee: what, i was told that hardy is not gonna be a kubuntu lts, isnt that right?
[02:48] <DaSkreech> coreymon77: it is not
[02:49] <coreymon77> DaSkreech: i know
[02:49] <coreymon77> which is why im wondering if i should bother will kde4 yet at all on my desktop
[02:49] <coreymon77> im wondering if it can handle it
[02:50] <DaSkreech> coreymon77: it will after a while
[02:50] <coreymon77> huh?
[02:50] <coreymon77> whats that supposed to mean
[02:50] <coreymon77> isnt the 11th stable release?
[02:50] <DaSkreech> KDE and Macs drop system requirements after the first few iterations
[02:51] <coreymon77> DaSkreech: my desktop is a dell box
[02:51] <coreymon77> DaSkreech: from 2002
[02:51] <coreymon77> DaSkreech: only my laptop is a mac
[02:52] <coreymon77> DaSkreech: my mac will be able to handle it easy
[02:53] <DaSkreech> coreymon77: :-)
[02:53] <coreymon77> its the dell box im not sure about
[03:08] <nixternal> you won't see a Kubuntu LTS possibility until 2010
[03:08] <nixternal> who runs LTS anyways?
[03:09] <Jucato> that is the question )
[03:09] <Jucato> :)
[03:09] <nixternal> Riddell: haven't uploaded ktorrent-kde4.0 just yet
[03:09] <Jucato> well, some individual users do... but not major rollouts of Kubuntu.. nothing Canonical can make money from :)
[03:09] <Vorian> nixternal: it needs to change
[03:09] <nixternal> Riddell: should every app have that magic kludge btw? this is the first I have seen it I think
[03:10] <nixternal> bah, I am to drunk tonight to do it possibly :p
[03:10] <Vorian> lololol
[03:10] <nixternal> to much magic developer juice
[03:10] <Jucato> you're two drunk? O.o
[03:10] <Jucato> hm... which reminds me :)
[03:10] <nixternal> ya, I went with 4 sakes and 4 sapporos
[03:10] <nixternal> 8x to many
[03:11] <Jucato> man! I wish I knew a place here that sold/served sake
[03:11] <Vorian> nixternal: I'll send you the updated ktorrent
[03:11] <Vorian> and some aspirin
[03:11] <nixternal> oh jeesh, /me closes email
[03:11] <nixternal> hehe
[03:11] <Vorian> lol
[03:11] <nixternal> no aspirin, sake and sapporo leaves you hangover free
[03:12] <Vorian> werd
[03:13] <nosrednaekim> #join #ronpaul
[03:13] * DaSkreech hits nosrednaekim
[03:14] <nosrednaekim> OOPS :)
[03:14] <nosrednaekim> manchicken is gonna kill me
[03:14] * manchicken stabs nosrednaekim
[03:14] <nixternal> boooyah
[03:14] <Jucato> heh :)
[03:14] <nixternal> who is ron paul? they don't talk about him on tv :p
[03:15] <nosrednaekim> heh
[03:16] <manchicken> nixternal: That's because he's an idiot.
[03:16] <nixternal> is clinton whoopin' obama right now? to lazy to crawl to the tv
[03:16] <nixternal> The NH primary was completed faster than my gentoo install :(
[03:16] <nixternal> hahahhaha, that is from twitter
[03:16] <nixternal> good stuff
[03:17] <nosrednaekim> haha, yeah... clinton is winning so far as I have heard.
[03:17] <nixternal> clinton and mccain win NH...Live Free or Die is their state motto, obviously they all want to die :p
[03:18] <manchicken> heh
[03:18] <nosrednaekim> my uncle voted Ron Paul.... I guess he is goning to live ;)
[03:18] <nixternal> hah, giuliani beat paul...about time...hell manchicken could be paul :p
[03:18] <nixternal> s/be/beat
[03:18] <nixternal> sorry, don't want to clump you in with him
[03:19] <manchicken> nixternal: I hope Fred Thompson is appropriately ashamed for having lost to a white nationalist. He should have worked harder.
[03:19] <nixternal> oh lord, i see thompson just below "write-ins"
[03:19] <nosrednaekim> haha
[03:20] <nixternal> he still thinks the primaries are a citcom
[03:20] <manchicken> Nice.
[03:20] <yuriy> under Paul you could live free AND die
[03:20] <manchicken> nixternal: Where are you looking?
[03:20] <nixternal> fox news
[03:20] <Vorian> fox news ftw
[03:21] <Vorian> !
[03:21] <nixternal> everything else *.liberal is beat up by adaware :p
[03:21] <manchicken> That's where I'm watching, but only because they're doing well with their reporting.
[03:21] <nixternal> that's a first
[03:21] <Vorian> seriously, who would vote for McCain or Huckabee?
[03:21] <nixternal> I am voting for mickey mouse
[03:22] <manchicken> Well, nobody else is framing in their commercials with the poll results coming in even through the commercials.
[03:22] <nixternal> fox news went all espn like they do for auto racing :p
[03:22] <nixternal> speaking of auto racing, 1 more month until nascar
[03:23] <yuriy> Vorian: NH and iowa respectively apparently..
[03:23] <Vorian> yuriy: they don't count though :)
[03:23] <Vorian> ok
[03:23] <Vorian> 5 or 6 delegates
[03:24] <DaSkreech> nixternal: wouldn't want to front my Bro 700 dollars :)
[03:24] <DaSkreech> nixternal: I can pay you back by Weekend
[03:24] <nixternal> if I had $700 I would cut my wrists and die rich
[03:25] <Jucato> http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/pointers.png (intermission)
[03:25] <DaSkreech> nixternal: you really are drunk :-)
[03:25] <Jucato> nixternal: not before you transfer that $700 to me right? :)
[03:26] <Vorian> nixternal: incoming
[03:30] <Jucato> heh Vorian's recent blog post was the complete opposite of mine :)
[03:30] * Jucato should learn to write one-liner posts :/
[03:30] <Vorian> :)
[03:31] <Vorian> yours was teh bestest tho Jucato :)
[03:31] <Jucato> haha
[04:04] <jjesse_> wow its crazy stormying out
[04:04] <DaSkreech> Here too
[04:04] <jjesse_> tornado warning
[04:04] <jjesse_> wait just a tornado watch
[04:04] <jjesse_> DaSkreech: where are you at?
[04:05] <Jucato> 83.6F... :/
[04:05] <DaSkreech> jjesse_: no where near you
[04:05] <jjesse_> ah :0
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[04:51] * Hobbsee comes back
[04:58] <ScottK> Sounds ominous
[04:59] * Hobbsee DOOMs ScottK
[04:59] <ScottK> At least I'd get some rest.
[04:59] <Hobbsee> no you wouldn't.
[04:59] <Hobbsee> well, depends where you get doomed too
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
[10:04] <Tonio_> hi there
[10:48] <mhb> morning
[10:50] <Riddell> abend
[10:51] <mhb> Riddell: abend? wo bist du denn?
[10:52] <Riddell> hmm, you beat me
[10:52] <mhb> Riddell: are you overseas again?
[10:54] <mhb> Riddell: australia?
[10:57] <Riddell> not yet
[10:57] <Riddell> US next week
[10:58] <mhb> ah, the forbidden land
[10:58] <Riddell> yeah, I didn't give back my green immigration slip last time I was there, they may get grumpy and not let me in
[11:00] <mhb> it's the UDSprint, right? Enjoy it (and support Kubuntu as much as possible)!
[11:00] <Riddell> it's the KDE release event
[11:01] <mhb> ah
[11:01] <mhb> UDSprint elsewhere? or offline?
[11:01] <mhb> it says January 24th in the schedule, so I assumed
[11:02] <mhb> totally forgotten about the release event :o) anyway, good luck convincing people to try Kubuntu! Those that are not biased, that is :o)
[11:08] <Riddell> hardy sprint is in London in Canonical Towers
[11:09] <mhb> ah
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[12:41] <hunger> Any idea what might break kwallet in hardy?
[12:50] <Riddell> hunger: it works for me
[12:51] <mhb> hunger: well
[12:51] <hunger> Riddell: I found a bugreport for feisty which describes my problem (#86168)
[12:51] <mhb> hunger: .kde/ -> .kde4/ home dir might be it
[12:52] <hunger> Unfortunately removing the kwalletrc which was given as a workaround there does not work for me:-(
[12:52] <mhb> bug 86168
[12:52] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 86168 in kdelibs "kded crashes in KWallet (forgotten KMail password)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86168
[12:52] <hunger> mhb: I never ran kde4 with my normal user.
[12:52] <mhb> hunger: hmm, yes, I had trouble with KDE4 & kwallet, but no crashing
[12:52] <mhb> this is something different
[12:53] <hunger> Deleting the ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet fixes the issue. But then the passwords are gone just as they are now.
[12:54] * hunger grumbles that he can not update the bugreport in LP.
[12:54] <hunger> The password is in kwallet.
[12:56] <Riddell> hunger: why can't you update the bug report?
[12:56] <Riddell> oh, I see
[13:02] <hunger> Riddell: The sympthoms are similar to those described here: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64671
[13:02] <ubotu> KDE bug 64671 in general "Kded uses 100% of the CPU on first Wallet access" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]
[13:03] <hunger> It is supposed to have been a qt bug.
[13:22] <Riddell> anyone able to test today's daily CD? it doesn't work for me
[14:07] <bddebian> Heya
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[14:40] <jpatrick> Riddell: who can I ask for a kubuntu-es ML?
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[14:43] <mhb> jpatrick: canonical admins is my guess
[14:44] <jpatrick> mhb: yes, but I need someone's email to bug
[14:44] <jpatrick> :)
[14:45] <Jucato> mailman@lists.ubuntu.com maybe?
[14:45] <mhb> well, you should request stuff at rt@admin.canonical.com
[14:46] <Jucato> oh
[14:46] <mhb> I don't recommend it as you're gonna wait a long time before someone takes a look at it
[14:46] <mhb> a month at least
[14:48] <jpatrick> hmm
[14:53] <jpatrick> hi claydoh
[14:54] <jpatrick> jussi01: mate, that was jono, the Community manager (or something) like that for Ubuntu
[14:55] <claydoh> hi jpatrick
[14:55] <jussi01> jpatrick: he should know better... :P
[14:55] * claydoh is chatting on a 10 year old laptop from bed
[14:56] <jpatrick> jussi01: and you too :p
[14:56] <jussi01> LOL
[14:56] * claydoh had knee surgery yesterday
[14:56] * jussi01 goes home... too long at work...
[14:56] <Jucato> claydoh: oh... chatting and chatting at the same time... how are you feeling?
[14:57] <claydoh> fine actually
[14:57] <Jucato> why the surgery? something happened?
[14:57] <claydoh> tho this boat anchor thinlpad 770 is rather heavy
[14:57] <Jucato> O.o
[14:58] <claydoh> kneecap issues, tears and cycts in the cartilage
[14:58] <claydoh> nothing major, was only out for about 2 hours total
[14:59] <Jucato> ouch :(
[14:59] <Jucato> still a surgery :)
[14:59] <claydoh> yeah needles an stuff
[15:01] <claydoh> but the persistent pain ive had the past few monts/year is already gone :)
[15:01] <Jucato> that's good :)
[15:01] <Jucato> sKalpel...
[15:02] <claydoh> they used a small scope and a small tool, very small cuts, and I have pictures of the inside of my knee lol
[15:03] <Jucato> O.o
[15:03] <Jucato> gRoss
[15:04] <jpatrick> Jucato: *G*ross
[15:04] <Jucato> :P
[15:05] <claydoh> not really
[15:05] <Jucato> it's more fun to say gRoss..or gnome-ross
[15:27] <allee> Riddell: I'm rsyning the daily-live. Is a virtualbox install okay or should it be real hardware?
[15:36] <Riddell> allee: anything thanks
[15:38] <allee> Riddell: vbox: life-sys booted and install copied 50 % data, growing 55% ...
[15:43] <jpatrick> hmm, should I point jono in #kde-devel to the PPA archive?
[15:44] <Artemis_Fowl> When will the KDE4 packages be available? Friday?
[15:44] <jpatrick> Artemis_Fowl: when KDE4 is released
[15:45] <Artemis_Fowl> The same day?
[15:45] <jpatrick> most probably (I guess)
[15:45] <Artemis_Fowl> nice...
[16:43] * hunger grumbles about hardy.
[16:43] <hunger> aptitude crashes, kwallet is broken, gcc ICEs a lot, suspend is broken, ... really annoying.
[16:47] <hunger> monotone does not work anymore either:-(
[17:02] <amachu> Riddell: hi
[17:11] <Riddell> allee: please report on the iso testing site
[17:20] <TheInfinity> hmm
[17:34] <jpatrick> Riddell: can you please process bug 181558
[17:34] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 181558 in gutsy-backports "Please backport kdmtheme (1.2.2-0ubuntu1) from Hardy" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181558
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[17:45] <allee> Riddell: sorry was busy. URL? in wiki Testing/ISO seem to be about gutsy
[17:46] <allee> ah google suggests iso.qa.u.c
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[18:29] <Riddell> allee: that's the one
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | Next meeting: 12nd January 11:00 | Please test candidate CDs http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
[18:47] <Serega> hi all
[18:48] <jpatrick> Serega: /topic
[18:48] <jpatrick> hi ;)
[18:48] <Serega> :)
[18:48] <Serega> nice topic
[18:48] <Serega> as usual
[19:26] <articpenguin3800> if dual boot hardy and gutsy is it ok to give hardy my /home too?
[19:28] <fdoving> articpenguin3800: can be, but i won't suggest it, as newer versions of apps may upgrade the configfiles.
[19:28] <articpenguin3800> ok i will just copy the /home files to the hardy partition then =)
[19:29] <fdoving> i would rather recommend having a separate mountpoint for your gutsy-home.
[19:29] <fdoving> yep.
[19:29] <fdoving> or mount your gutsy-home to /home/username/gutsy - for example.
[19:30] <articpenguin3800> or /home/john/hardy
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[19:51] <tlayton> anybody having problems with pidgin on hardy? i get random crashes and it doesn't show in the tray
[19:52] <tlayton> i've tried both the hardy repo version (2.2) and a ppa version (2.3.1)
[19:53] <tlayton> oops, forgot to mention, this is in KDE 4, doesn't happen in KDE 3
[19:55] <DaSkreech> Crashes/Freezes/irreconcilable stoppages suck
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[20:01] <davmor2> Riddell: which needs testing most 32bit or 64bit?
[20:04] <allee> Riddell: can you kick a build of libkdcraw on hppa ia64 i386 and amd64? IMHO that not likdcraw fault: E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. or E: There are problems and -y was used without --force-yes
[20:05] <Riddell> davmor2: everything!
[20:06] <Riddell> davmor2: I did 32 bit desktop
[20:06] <davmor2> :D don't know if I got that long ;)
[20:06] <allee> davmor2: then 64 bit ;)
[20:07] <davmor2> I'll start with 64 and move on to 32 bit alt or live as a preference?
[20:07] <Riddell> I usually test live first
[20:08] <davmor2> np
[20:08] <Riddell> since if something is horribly broken you may not have to wipe your hard disk to find out
[20:08] <davmor2> I got spare test machines now :)
[20:08] <allee> ... or whatever untested at: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
[20:09] <davmor2> allee: check out http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/subscriptions and see which have davmor2 in :)
[20:12] <allee> davmor2: looks like you have too much free time ;)
[20:12] <TheInfinity> http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,grossbild-1064101-527737,00.html <-- wie ekelig.
[20:12] <TheInfinity> arghj sorry
[20:12] <TheInfinity> wrong channel ;)
[20:13] <TheInfinity> here i wanted to ask if somebody tried hardy in a vm with vmware software
[20:13] <TheInfinity> because i get a compile error
[20:13] <TheInfinity> and this makes testing hardy more diificult ;)
[20:13] <TheInfinity> and also the question if its known that kde4 is completly broken
[20:14] <davmor2> allee: that's not the time killer it's burning the 22 cd images to cd-rw's that's the killer :)
[20:15] <davmor2> anybody know of a cd burner that can do it in half the time please god let me know ;)
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[20:39] <kwwii> Riddell: did you see the mail aobut banners on ev-marketing?
[20:39] <kwwii> Riddell: I assume that we want a kubuntu banner to be on display somewhere?
[20:45] <davmor2> Riddell 64bit live installing seems okay on install will have a look at the live once it's finished :)
[20:46] <davmor2> Riddell: spoke to soon :( I still get the message pop up saying a new medium has been detected once the hard-drive has been formatted.
[20:47] <DaSkreech> Jucato: I will miss Basket
[20:48] <Riddell> davmor2: in virtual machine?
[20:49] <Riddell> kwwii: no, I'm not on ev-marketing, what does it say?
[20:49] <davmor2> no real
[20:49] <davmor2> Riddell:^^ I only test on real machines :)
[20:53] <smarter> does Hardy still use /etc/default/kdm.d/20_kubuntu_default_settings ?
[20:54] <smarter> Many users have troubles changing there wallpaper/theme since kubuntu use /etc/default/kdm.d
[20:54] <smarter> (see Bug #132723 )
[20:54] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 132723 in kubuntu-default-settings "[gutsy] kdm use the default theme instead of the kubuntu one" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132723
[20:57] <jpatrick> our theme rocks
[20:57] <smarter> jpatrick: I agree, but that's not a reason to force people to use it ;)
[20:58] <jpatrick> smarter: it's our distro
[20:58] * jpatrick ducks
[20:59] <smarter> "KDE customization: WE KNOW BETTER THAN YOU" ^^'
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[21:01] <smarter> So bug #132723 is not a bug but a feature? :P
[21:01] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 132723 in kubuntu-default-settings "[gutsy] kdm use the default theme instead of the kubuntu one" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132723
[21:16] <Riddell> smarter: there's probably a bug there, although I'm not clear what it is
[21:17] <smarter> Riddell: but why do we use /etc/default/kdm.d ?
[21:19] <Riddell> smarter: it lets us customise the kdm settings without editing a config file (which causes unnecessary and confusing questions when upgrading)
[21:20] <Riddell> it also should allow users to make their own changes, if it doesn't that is indeed a bug
[21:21] <smarter> Riddell: the kcm module to change kdm background still use kdmrc
[21:21] <smarter> so if you change it here, /etc/init.d/kdm does weird things
[21:21] <smarter> and people reported that kdmtheme doesn't work at all
[21:21] <Riddell> it should just see that it's changed and not overwrite it
[21:22] <davmor2> Riddell: why is there so much stuff in lost and found?
[21:22] <smarter> Riddell: Yes but it test if the theme or the background is changed, and it assume that if you changed the background, you changed the theme
[21:22] <smarter> so if you change the background you get the default ugly kde3 theme
[21:23] <smarter> and it's very confusing for users
[21:23] <Riddell> davmor2: xdg menu sillyness, it'll be fixable
[21:23] <Riddell> smarter: that'll be a bug then :)
[21:24] <davmor2> You forgot the Honest guvnor ;)
[21:31] <Riddell> jpatrick: everything ok in #kubuntu-es?
[21:31] <jpatrick> Riddell: more or less
[21:31] <jpatrick> Riddell: having my worse day as op
[21:33] <jpatrick> oh, looks like something's wrong
[21:34] <jpatrick> err, I'm putting +m for a while :\
[21:35] <jpatrick> let things cool down for a while
[21:49] <davmor2> Riddell: is Kub using pulse now? if so is there any chance of toning it down a bit by default..... It near blew my bloody ears off ;)
[21:50] <Riddell> davmor2: no, it's not
[21:50] <davmor2> oh it's just loud then :)
[21:52] <davmor2> Riddell: most things seem to be working okay anyway install was okay and it seems a bit faster than gutsy too
[21:52] <jpatrick> davmor2: you using amarok?
[21:53] <Longfield> hello here. I've been a Kubuntu user for a while and with KDE4 coming, I would like to help the distro I use. I'm a Computer Engineer, and I have experience in both C++ and pyhton, and QT too (not with python bindings yet) ... where would be my help appreciated ?
[21:54] <davmor2> jpatrick: no, I have but it was the system login sound that woke me up
[21:54] <jpatrick> davmor2: ha right
[21:54] <jpatrick> Longfield: of course!
[21:57] <jpatrick> Longfield: we need help porting the apps to KDE4 right now
[21:57] <Longfield> jpatrick: ok, good, maybe you could point me to something specific where I could start off ?
[21:58] <jpatrick> Longfield: I'm not sure, maybe mhb can help you
[21:59] <bobofett> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu
[21:59] <bobofett> Read that page if you have not.
[21:59] <bobofett> Register for Launchpad if you have not.
[22:00] <bobofett> And lots of decent links there on that page I just gave you to get you started....I'm just starting with trying to help myself, but I wouldn't call myself a developer by any stretch of the imagination...Just testing and whatever I can do along the way.
[22:00] <nosrednaekim> Longfield: AFAIK, the major thing is porting kde3 systemsettings modules to KDE4
[22:01] <Longfield> bobofett: thanks for the pointer ...
[22:01] <bobofett> hey I that's all I know too...lol The one thing I could pretend to help with...haha
[22:05] <mhb> hubba wa?
[22:05] <nosrednaekim> mhb: we have a new slave for you.... introducing Longfield
[22:06] <mhb> hello Longfield
[22:06] <Longfield> hey mhb
[22:08] <mhb> Longfield: your help would be appreciated anywhere
[22:09] <mhb> Longfield: we are currently very much lacking on good system configuration tools ... that means the GUIs are often too complex and there is bit rot all over them
[22:10] <mhb> (those are usually written in Python, they're called Guidance configuration tools)
[22:10] <Longfield> like guidance-power-manager for instance ?
[22:11] <mhb> Longfield: yes and no. g-p-m was a part of the Guidance set, but KDE4 is going to have a new power manager that should be Good Enough for us to use
[22:11] <mhb> sebas: ^^ how's the KDE4 power manager, by the way?
[22:11] <mhb> Longfield: so guidance-power-manager is doomed to die of old age.
[22:12] <Longfield> OK, but I seen what you mean in general
[22:12] <mhb> Longfield: but they are tools like "mountconfig", "displayconfig" and "userconfig" that really need care
[22:12] <mhb> first of all, they're not ported to Qt4 yet
[22:12] <nosrednaekim> mhb: its terrible feature wise... pretty much only battery life(unless you aren't talking about the default plasmoid)
[22:13] <mhb> nosrednaekim: I'm talking about the g-p-m replacement sebas promised :o)
[22:13] <nosrednaekim> oh.. ok
[22:14] <Longfield> so one first step could be to port them to port one of them to at least qt4 ?
[22:14] <sebas> mhb: No progress, other than the plasmoid
[22:14] <mhb> Longfield: right
[22:15] <mhb> Longfield: that's one of the tasks Kubuntu really needs,
[22:16] <Longfield> good. Could you just tell me quickly where I can find some information about this Guidance set, and their codebase ?
[22:16] <mhb> Longfield: the good thing is that Kubuntu is the only KDE distribution that tries hard to integrate its configuration tools into KDE upstream = so all projects can easily benefit from them
[22:16] <mhb> Longfield: sure
[22:16] <mhb> Longfield: the easiest way is "apt-get source kde-guidance
[22:16] <mhb> "
[22:18] <sebas> Longfield: svn+ssh://svn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/extragear/kde3/utils/guidance
[22:19] <davmor2> Riddell: mystery new device window appears on 32 bit too :)
[22:24] <Longfield> There are 6 guidance tools (display, mount, power, service, user and wine) and power is aimed to disappear because it should be included in KDE4, correct ?
[22:24] <mhb> right
[22:31] <davmor2> allee: you about still?
[22:34] <davmor2> Riddell: 64bit Alt dies trying to install language files Red Screen Of Death :)
[22:34] <Riddell> uh oh
[22:35] <davmor2> do you want me to try without installing language packs?
[22:36] <davmor2> got a feeling it is going to be a key issue
[22:37] <Riddell> davmor2: are there any handy log files to say what the problem is?
[22:37] <Riddell> it could just be a bad CD burn, maybe try a new CD?
[22:39] <davmor2> Riddell: it was running fine to the point where it asks if you want to download language packs
[22:40] <davmor2> I'll try it again and see :)
[22:40] <Riddell> davmor2: what language are you installing in?
[22:40] <Riddell> it shouldn't need to download anything if you're using English
[22:40] <davmor2> english
[22:40] <Riddell> spooky
[22:41] <davmor2> just running check cd
[22:47] <mhb> Riddell: are python-kde4 libraries in the Gutsy KDE4 repositories?
[22:47] <mhb> or anyone
[22:47] <nosrednaekim> mhb: yes
[22:47] <Riddell> mhb: I think stdin put them in the ppa
[22:48] <davmor2> Riddell: Disc checks out on both md5sum and running check disk
[22:48] <Riddell> davmor2: a problem in d-i should affect all variants
[22:49] <Riddell> davmor2: noticed any ubuntu desktop testers complaining?
[22:50] <davmor2> don't think they have been tested yet. I've not been here all day although I will be tomorrow :)
[22:50] <Riddell> I didn't see any reports on isotesting
[22:51] <davmor2> Riddell: there's no alt tests done yet
[22:55] <davmor2> Riddell: died again this time selecting no don't download any laguages
[22:56] <Riddell> so it might be a problem in whatever follows the languages bit
[22:56] <Riddell> davmor2: might be worth testing an ubuntu desktop CD, see if it has the same issue
[22:57] <Riddell> I'm afraid my machine is tied up just now
[22:58] <davmor2> Riddell: bunch of error on Ctrl+Alt+F4. Can't find package language-pack-en then further down it says can't find task minimal and can't find task standard
[23:00] <Riddell> uh oh
[23:01] <davmor2> Riddell: I got to go unfortunately. I can try them all tomorrow but that's another day away.
[23:01] <davmor2> posted to testing to try and get someone else to try
[23:01] <Riddell> davmor2: ok, thanks for your help
[23:02] <davmor2> np I'll be back tomorrow morning
[23:02] <Longfield> I cannot install python-kde4 under gutsy, it wants want install kdebase-runtime-bin but cannot, any clue what it is ?
[23:03] <nosrednaekim> Longfield: why can't it?
[23:03] <stdin> Longfield: I think it'll need rebuilding against the new kde4libs et all
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[23:04] <Longfield> stdin: yeah, it could be a version problem (not good version that is packaged ..)
[23:05] <mhb> stdin: how soon can we expect a sane version to be in the repos?
[23:06] <stdin> around when 4.0.0 is out
[23:06] <mhb> stdin: thank you
[23:07] <stdin> when 4.0.0 comes out it'll be easier to maintain a package like that, less of a moving target
[23:08] <Longfield> thank you stdin ... I can easily understand that's it's complicated to keep all these different package versions in sync !
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[23:10] <allee> dav/usr/share/pycentral/python-zodb/site-packages/ZEO/mkzeoinst.pyq:jjjj:qqq
[23:10] <allee> upps sorry
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