UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /09 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:18] <ari_stress> morning everyone :D
[00:29] <pygi> morning ari_stress
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
[11:54] <RichEd> === edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting = in 5 mins ===
[13:56] <jsgotangco> hello
[14:07] <bddebian> Heya
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
[16:05] <stmartin> How to remove Local Disk and sda1 from Desktop?
[18:31] <grezer> Morning All
[18:32] <grezer> quick question for you all, im using xampp on my server, and before I can start it up, i have to turn off apache2, mysql, and proftpd, is there any way i can make it so these servces dont auto on boot ??
[18:33] <johnny> uhmm..
[18:34] <grezer> johnny, how ??
[18:34] <johnny> uhmm.. why would you use xampp when you already have all those tools installed?
[18:34] <johnny> xampp seems only useful on windows
[18:34] <grezer> well, ok
[18:34] <johnny> i don't see a reason to use it on linux at all
[18:34] <grezer> I was very new .. and needed to get everything working .. and that was the easyest thing for me to do at the time
[18:35] <grezer> three clicks and it was up and working, I was having issues with PHP and apache working frendly with each other so I used xampp instead
[18:36] <grezer> I dont want to change anything right now ( until i get my new faster better server going )
[18:37] <grezer> its just a pain having to turn everything off and then start xampp
[18:37] <grezer> I would like to have xampp start on start up
[18:44] <grezer> did I scare everyone with my question ? or place my self in a black hole
[18:50] <johnny> go ask them :)
[18:50] <johnny> or use the services section in administration
[18:50] <johnny> the menu
[19:05] <grezer> ask who jonny
[19:18] <johnny> xampp people silly
[19:18] <johnny> but try the services menu option
[19:18] <johnny> i almost forgot
[19:18] <grezer> services menu option
[19:18] <grezer> ok
[19:18] <grezer> good start jonny, thank you for the assistance
[19:25] <hubuntu_> ok guys ihow do I install a thin client on a computer? Just iusing the Classroom Server CD and choosing workstation?
[19:26] <johnny> you don't install it
[19:26] <johnny> you network boot them
[19:26] <johnny> workstation is for standalone edubuntu
[19:26] <hubuntu_> ut they need some kind of software, don'tthey?
[19:26] <johnny> depends
[19:26] <hubuntu_> or just start a NXE boot option and tah's it?
[19:26] <johnny> if your PCs have PXE bootrom
[19:26] <johnny> yes
[19:26] <johnny> try that
[19:26] <hubuntu_> if not, what?
[19:26] <johnny> if you are sure that the various ltsp server optiosn are installed
[19:27] <johnny> buy PXE boot containing NICs
[19:27] <hubuntu_> of course, isn't it the default?
[19:27] <johnny> or use a CD
[19:27] <johnny> or floppy
[19:27] <hubuntu_> get the idea...
[19:27] <johnny> from etherboot site
[19:27] <hubuntu_> amazingly easy...
[19:27] <johnny> or usb.. whatever works for you
[19:27] <johnny> or even on a partition on the HD
[19:27] <johnny> if you got it
[19:27] <hubuntu_> should come out louder on the website.. din't quite get it, but it might just be me
[19:28] <johnny> always room for improvement
[19:28] <johnny> but you should read the full edubuntu docs
[19:28] <johnny> before you proceed
[19:28] <johnny> the handbook that is
[19:40] <hubuntu_> thanx man
[19:45] <LaserJock> ogra: around?