UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /07 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[03:05] <nenolod> haha cool, firefox-3.0 crashes and then apport crashes trying to generate a crash report
[03:06] <nenolod> :D
[03:31] <[reed]> submit breakpad reports
[03:31] <[reed]> oh, no
[03:31] <[reed]> don't
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[08:50] <asac> hi
[08:52] <saivann> asac : Are you there?
[08:52] <asac> Mirv: i have some local changes.
[08:52] <asac> saivann: obviously ... yes ;)
[08:52] <saivann> asac : good :) sunbird-locales and lightning-extension locales are ready, if you want to take a look
[08:53] <saivann> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sunbird-locales/+bug/174290
[08:53] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 174290 in sunbird-locales "[hardy] new upstream release 0.7" [Wishlist,Fix committed]
[08:53] <saivann> asac : I can upload to REVU if you prefer
[08:54] <asac> great ... will take a look right after reading email
[08:54] <asac> no its fine
[08:54] <asac> no need for REVU
[08:54] <saivann> asac : Great, I can stay here if you want
[08:55] <saivann> asac : I fixed the sunbird-locales rules file because it didn't update debian/control file automatically. All the same for lightning-extension-locales which is now automatic
[09:29] <asac> saivann: ok ... i think we should split up the build target and move things control file generation and postinst et al to a separate rule
[09:30] <asac> s/things/things like/
[09:32] <saivann> asac : into regen_package.sh ?
[09:33] <asac> maybe ... bug regen_packages.sh should not be automatically done. updating the control file et al during build is not right.
[09:33] <asac> e.g.
[09:33] <asac> if you update the .xpi the maintainer should run:
[09:33] <asac> ./debian/rules regen-package
[09:33] <saivann> asac : Ok! I get it
[09:33] <asac> and then control file and postrm/postinst should not be touched during build
[09:35] <saivann> asac : Actually, there's only the control file part which should not be in the build-stamp?
[09:36] <asac> yes i think that would be good enough.
[09:36] <asac> the build-stamp should fail if there is a locale in the control file that isn't in .xpi
[09:36] <asac> and maybe print a warning if there are locales in the .xpi not yet in the control so it gets the uploaders attention
[09:36] <saivann> asac : Let me work on this and I'll have a solution for this very soon for both sunbird and lightining-extension..
[09:37] <saivann> asac : Ok, I'll see what I can do, that would be great
[09:37] <asac> rock!
[09:37] <saivann> asac : :)
[09:38] <saivann> asac : I have to learn very quickly, but I love it, I hope that I do a good job
[09:38] <asac> you sure that creating post/pre things with ln --symbolic works?
[09:38] <asac> e.g. is the link resolved and the file copied to the package? ... otherwise just use cp
[09:40] <saivann> I think that it always worked, but I'll look deeper around that too
[09:40] <saivann> asac : concerning the regen_package section in the rules file, should-I put this section at the end of the rules file?
[09:44] <saivann> asac : no matter ?
[09:46] <asac> in the end it doesn't matter .... but its good practice to put non-.standard rules at the end
[09:47] <saivann> asac : That's what I thought
[09:47] <saivann> asac : And concerning lightning-extension-locales package, there's actually a jar_to_xpi.sh and a regen_package.sh script. I suggest to include them all into the rules file, would that be a good idea?
[09:47] <saivann> asac : The rules file would be very long, a compromise can be to include regen_package.sh only
[09:48] <saivann> asac : It's better since I completely cleaned up jar_to_xpi.sh, but it's still long
[09:52] <asac> i think its ok to keep helper scripts
[09:52] <asac> though you should consider to move all those cat << EOF chunks to .tmpl files
[09:53] <asac> btw, the var/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/extensions.d directory isn't needed since 1.5 branch anymore
[09:53] <asac> you can just drop that
[09:53] <asac> lightningmaxVERSION=0.8 should be 0.7.* ... like what you did for tbird
[09:55] <saivann> asac : I'll fix all these problems!
[09:56] <saivann> asac : Do you see something else that should be fixed/improved on these packages?
[10:01] <asac> not atm. but no guarantees ;)
[10:01] <asac> i added these points to the bug
[10:03] <saivann> asac : Thanks, I already noted everything and it will get fixed very soon. Maybe one last question : What would be the best way to use templates file rather than cat OEF, sed?
[10:04] <asac> yes sed/awk is a viable option
[10:05] <saivann> asac : Great, thanks for your guidance, I'll give you some news very soon
[10:05] <asac> at some point we should try to make things a bit more makefile'ish ... but for now using complex .sh is good
[10:06] <saivann> asac : Ok
[10:06] <asac> mozilla Bug 402216
[10:06] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 402216 in English Other "Page isn't redirecting properly -- but this redirection works for Firefox under Windows" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=402216
[10:28] <asac> [reed]: thanks for the mozilla.in patch
[10:29] <[reed]> yw
[10:29] <[reed]> not sure why schrep stopped in the middle of approvals tonight
[10:29] <[reed]> or I would have landed it tonight
[10:55] <asac> strange ... mozilla bug 411037 appears to be a regression. It worked here back in pre beta2 times afaik
[10:55] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 411037 in Build Config "SSL error page when built using libxul doesn't have the two buttons for get me out of here/add exception" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=411037
[10:56] <asac> well ... it didn't have "get me out of here" ... but maybe i just mix this up with a a non-libxul testbuild i did back then
[11:00] <asac> armin76: there?
[11:00] <armin76> yah
[11:03] <asac> nevermind ... will come back in a minute ;)
[11:53] <asac> armin76: can you test if patch in mozilla bug 411037 doesn't break in-browser-xul builds?
[11:53] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 411037 in Build Config "SSL error page when built using libxul doesn't have the two buttons for get me out of here/add exception" [Normal,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=411037
[11:53] <asac> works for libxul-sdk here
[11:54] <armin76> sure
[11:56] <armin76> compiling...
[11:59] <asac> [reed]: we have this patch against mozilla/extensions/inspector/install.rdf to support prism ... you think its worth to submit this to bugzilla?
[12:08] <asac> [reed]: you know if gavin is really the man in charge for the AMO feature of addons?
[12:12] <asac> RAOF: which ppa?
[12:12] <RAOF> Um...
[12:13] <asac> asac?
[12:13] <RAOF> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/ubuntu hardy main
[12:13] <asac> ah right
[12:13] <RAOF> I think.
[12:13] <RAOF> Yup, that'd be it.
[12:14] <asac> RAOF: did you update the package in the archive in the meantime?
[12:14] <RAOF> No.
[12:15] <RAOF> I don't think there's any obvious bugs to be fixed at the moment.
[12:15] <RAOF> There's nothing to pull from Debian, certainly :)
[12:15] <asac> hmm ... the upload to ppa happened on 11th dec
[12:15] <asac> the upload to ubuntu on 11th dec as well
[12:16] <asac> somehow i doubt that ppa is based on latest :)
[12:16] <RAOF> The versioning suggests that it is, but I'll have a check.
[12:16] <asac> hmm ... looking at version it looks it is in deed on top of latest archive
[12:17] <asac> ok ... could you check that and review+upload?
[12:17] <RAOF> Ok.
[12:18] <asac> great
[12:18] <asac> RAOF: someone complained that miro is slow on startup ... you don't know something about that, right?
[12:20] <RAOF> Doesn't seem unusually slow to me.
[12:20] <RAOF> Are we likely to want to xul-1.9ify monodevelop, incidentally?
[12:23] <RAOF> asac: Can we send the xul-1.9 patch upstream?
[12:23] <asac> let me see
[12:25] <armin76> asac: did you read what i said about sparc?
[12:26] <armin76> you have it broken atm
[12:26] <asac> armin76: that we broke it?
[12:26] <armin76> yeah
[12:26] <armin76> mozilla's cairo got fixed, but i guess yours didn't
[12:26] <armin76> and you build with external, right?
[12:27] <asac> hmmm ... i remember that patch ... did we open a LP bug against libcairo for that?
[12:27] <armin76> no idea
[12:27] <armin76> at least i didn't :P
[12:27] <asac> lets see
[12:28] <asac> armin76: you have bz id at hand?
[12:28] <armin76> mozilla bug 409976
[12:28] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 409976 in GFX: Thebes "Cairo in trunk gives SIGBUS on SPARC" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=409976
[12:31] <asac> armin76: why are the commitids different in bugreport?
[12:32] <armin76> asac: because there were more fixes after i filed the bug
[12:32] <armin76> regarding with alignment, so i just put the latest change on that stuff
[12:33] <asac> armin76: he? ... ah so you say the last commit is really sufficient on its own? does it apply cleanly without the other?
[12:33] <armin76> yep
[12:37] <armin76> okay, ff finished compiling
[12:37] <armin76> works fine
[12:41] <asac> armin76: thanks! ... just to re-confirm: this is without system libxul, right?
[12:41] <armin76> yep
[12:41] <armin76> it took 40mins, so yes :P
[12:41] <armin76> now i've tried with system libxul, 2 mins, works fine
[12:42] <armin76> good job :)
[12:42] * armin76 applies the patch
[12:43] <RAOF> asac: You don't mind if I rewrite your changelog a little and upload with your name on it, do you?
[12:45] <asac> requested review
[12:45] <asac> RAOF: if you want to explicitly show that i am to blame for that ... you can do, yes ... but i don't mind. feel free to upload with your name ... you can add [ Alexander Sack ] on top of it
[12:46] <RAOF> Nah. It's just that since I haven't contributed anything but changing the changelog to fit my arbitary preferences it seemed fitting for you to have the credit :)
[12:47] <asac> :)
[12:47] <asac> yeah feel free to sponsor then ;)
[13:03] <asac> armin76: maybe ack in the bug.
[13:13] <asac> Ubulette: i pushed your mozclient.dev branch to mozillateam as referenced in debian/control
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[17:31] <bluekuja> [reed], new cloak?
[17:34] <bluekuja> [reed], ^^
[17:36] <[reed]> bluekuja: no... old clock
[17:36] <[reed]> cloak
[17:36] <[reed]> had this one for a long time :)
[17:36] <bluekuja> ah, it's the first time I see it
[17:37] <bluekuja> strange then
[17:37] <bluekuja> maybe you did not use it a lot
[17:37] <[reed]> asac> [reed]: we have this patch against mozilla/extensions/inspector/install.rdf to support prism ... you think its worth to submit this to bugzilla? <-- sure... Other Applications :: DOM Inspector
[17:37] <[reed]> <asac> [reed]: you know if gavin is really the man in charge for the AMO feature of addons? <-- gavin has nothing to do with AMO
[17:51] <asac> [reed]: strange mconnor told me once that he would be the right contact (but was a few month ago) ... so who is doing this? any idea?
[17:52] <[reed]> Mossop
[17:52] <[reed]> Mossop is the Firefox developer working on the AMO integration
[17:52] <[reed]> (Dave Townsend)
[17:52] <asac> ok great thanks. is he responsive on irc? or mail?
[17:53] <[reed]> IRC works fine
[17:53] <[reed]> he's dtownsend@mozilla.com if you need to mail him
[17:55] <asac> thx
[18:39] <Ubulette_> <asac> Ubulette: i pushed your mozclient.dev branch to mozillateam as referenced in debian/control <= eh ?
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
[18:40] <Ubulette> asac, ^^
[18:43] <Ubulette> oh ok, i see
[18:43] <Ubulette> nm
[19:01] <armin76> [reed]: quiiiiick! :)
[19:01] <[reed]> ;)
[19:02] <[reed]> I'll check-in stuff in a bit
[21:29] <Ubulette> iceowl is in hardy now ? what about sunbird ?
[21:38] <asac> huh?
[21:39] <Ubulette> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/iceowl/0.7-2
[21:39] <asac> oh ... iceowl was already in for 0.5-2
[21:39] <asac> sunbird + lightning are in for some time as well
[21:39] <asac> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightning-sunbird
[21:40] <asac> 0.7+nobinonly-0ubuntu1
[21:40] <Ubulette> it's not the same thing ?
[21:40] <asac> Superseded in hardy-release on 2007-11-26
[21:40] <asac> its just different branding
[21:40] <asac> lightning-sunbird is ubuntu only
[21:40] <asac> and iceowl was just auto-synched
[21:40] <asac> i never asked for it :)
[21:41] <Ubulette> no need to keep both then. one should go
[21:41] <asac> well ... i don't mind to keep both
[21:42] <asac> lets see ...
[21:42] <asac> ok iceowl has not been in gutsy ... so we maybe can remove it without transition
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[22:56] <Ubulette> asac, why is mozilla-devscripts still NEW src ?
[23:08] <asac> why would i know? my guess would be that its because of the holiday backlog in the queue
[23:09] <asac> i can ask tomorrow
[23:10] <asac> i will raise the issues you have on next platform meeting
[23:11] <asac> slowness of sponsored contributions (revu et al) ... and slowness of NEW src
[23:13] <asac> you can also raise those points ... the next platform meeting is wed 1700 i guess