UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /07 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:15] <CheGuevara> evening
[00:18] <coreymon77> hi everyone
[00:18] <coreymon77> im back!
[00:18] <coreymon77> well, kinda
[00:19] <coreymon77> im still in the airport, but im on my way home
[00:19] <crimsun> welcome!
[00:19] <coreymon77> been gone on vacation for a while
[00:19] <coreymon77> anyone miss me?
[00:20] <crimsun> the lazyweb surely did.
[00:21] <coreymon77> anyone else?
[00:27] <coreymon77> i guess the people im used to seeing on when i am arent atm because im in a completely different timezone than at home
[00:29] <coreymon77> oh come on, did anybody else even realize i was gone?
[00:33] * stdin wonders who this coreymon77 fellow is ;)
[00:33] <coreymon77> stdin: hey!
[00:34] <stdin> how you been mate?
[00:34] <coreymon77> now theres a nick i recognize
[00:34] <coreymon77> great
[00:34] <coreymon77> whats been happening while ive been gone
[00:34] <coreymon77> did i miss alot?
[00:35] <stdin> just the uproar about hardy not being LTS, that got a bit of activity here for a few days
[00:35] <coreymon77> ??? hardys not lts
[00:35] <coreymon77> well theres a surprise!
[00:35] <yuriy> kubuntu hardy isn't
[00:35] <coreymon77> oh]
[00:35] <coreymon77> ubuntu hardy is
[00:35] <coreymon77> ?
[00:36] <stdin> yeah, but who cares about ubuntu :p
[00:36] <coreymon77> lol
[00:36] <stdin> so we're going with KDE4 in hardy (from shipit)
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[00:36] <coreymon77> so, whens kde4 finally coming?
[00:36] <stdin> the 11th afaik
[00:37] <coreymon77> and is it stable enough?
[00:37] <yuriy> coreymon77: summary: http://mhb.ath.cx/blog/kubuntu/frequently-asked-questions/
[00:37] <stdin> we hope so, we have time to test it before it's too late
[00:37] <coreymon77> lol
[00:38] <yuriy> but right now i just stopped using kde4 after a day because the whole session crashed 4 times during that time
[00:38] <coreymon77> figures, i leave and thats when all the action happens! im here, dead!
[00:38] <stdin> and we've just put some svn versions of kde4 (from a few days ago) in the kubuntu-members-kde4 repo and hardy/universe
[00:40] <coreymon77> phew, being off the internet for three weeks sure causes you to miss quite a bit
=== Nightrose_ is now known as Nightrose
[01:33] <Vorian> evening :)
[01:34] <Vorian> are the paths changing in the rules file for 4.0?
[01:41] <stdin> not as yet
[01:44] <nixternal> my thoughts on OS X after 1 hour of use: IT SUCKS
[01:44] <nosrednaekim> heh
[01:44] <nixternal> maybe in one hour I can do a IT_SUCKS--;
[01:44] <Vorian> lol
[01:44] <Vorian> ok then
[01:45] <nixternal> who in the hell likes this stuff, and why?
[01:45] <yuriy> 2% of the market :D
[01:45] * Jucato raises his hand and ducks
[01:45] <Vorian> nixternal: artists and rockstrars
[01:45] <nixternal> hehe
[01:45] <Jucato> *quack*
[01:45] <Vorian> stars*
[01:45] <nixternal> ie. people with money
[01:45] <Jucato> actually I just like seeing it... haven't really had the chance to really use one :)
[01:45] <Vorian> what would need to change in the rules file on ktorrent?
[01:45] <Jucato> although I would have probably gone crazy with no right mouse button :)
[01:46] <Jucato> (in the old days maybe...)
[01:46] <yuriy> how about no middle button?
[01:47] <nosrednaekim> I could live without one....but I do like it
[01:54] <Jucato> how about no button? (the whole mouse is a big button...)
[01:55] <nixternal> shoot, is it me or do you always have to restart after installing with osx
[01:55] <nixternal> and the stupid startup sound is annoying..need to figure out how to shut that thing off
[01:56] <nosrednaekim> nixternal: did you get a MAC or something?
[01:56] <nixternal> ya
[01:57] <nosrednaekim> just curious... why not a Ubuntu Dell?
[01:58] <Jucato> a MAC or a Mac? :)
[01:58] <nixternal> cuz this was free as in free beer
[01:58] <Jucato> nixternal: if you hate it so much, you could always send it my way, btw :)
[01:58] * Jucato loves free beer too :)
[01:58] <nosrednaekim> nixternal: wow....how'd you manager THAT?
[01:58] <nixternal> honestly, I don't know
[01:58] <nixternal> a rich friend of mine gave it to me
[01:59] * Jucato only personally knows one person who owns a Mac... and he's running Mac OS 9...
[01:59] <nixternal> I was talking to him that I always wanted to mess around with a mac but couldn't afford one, so he gave me one
[01:59] <Jucato> wow! I need to get more rich friends too :)
[01:59] * Jucato thinks nixternal is a friend magnet :P
[01:59] <nixternal> people hate me in real life
[01:59] <nosrednaekim> wow....
[01:59] <Vorian> libphanon-dev
[01:59] <Jucato> obviously not true... else you won't get a Mac :P
[01:59] <Vorian> gaar
[02:00] <nixternal> libphonon-dev :)
[02:00] <Vorian> sorry
[02:00] <Jucato> but I can't imagine anyone hating nixternal :)
[02:00] <Hobbsee> nixternal: that's because of the free money, no?
[02:00] <nixternal> hehe
[02:00] <nixternal> vista, mac...what's next?
[02:00] <nosrednaekim> commodore64
[02:00] <nosrednaekim> ;)
[02:00] <Jucato> bsd?
[02:00] <nixternal> have that
[02:00] <nixternal> and that
[02:00] <Jucato> haiku?
[02:00] <nixternal> nope
[02:00] <Jucato> :)
[02:00] <Hobbsee> solaris.
[02:00] <Jucato> ReactOS!!!
[02:00] <nixternal> have that
[02:00] <Jucato> Hobbsee!!!!!!!!
[02:01] <nixternal> solaris that is
[02:01] <Jucato> you'll have Hobbsee!
[02:01] <Jucato> O.o
[02:01] <Jucato> that didn't sound right
[02:01] <nixternal> lol
[02:01] <Vorian> haha
[02:01] <Hobbsee> heya Jucato!
[02:01] * Hobbsee is unhavable.
[02:01] <Jucato> heheh
[02:01] <yuriy> it's the OS that beats you with a long pointy stick until you do what it wants
[02:02] <yuriy> Hobbsee sounds a little like vista...
[02:02] <nixternal> how the hell do you see what is a) installed and b) run what is installed
[02:02] * Hobbsee vistafies yuriy
[02:02] <Jucato> s/vistafies/nixternalizes/
[02:02] <yuriy> nixternal: i think everything is supposed to be in Applications
[02:03] <Jucato> nixternal: totally different workflow :)
[02:03] <nosrednaekim> nixternal: what? mac's care evolved enough to take voice comands yet? "tell me what you have mah dear cat"
[02:04] <nosrednaekim> s/care/aren't
[02:04] <nixternal> heh, it does have speach...this OS is goofy to me
[02:05] <Jucato> Goofy would be insulted
[02:05] <Vorian> haha
[02:05] <Jucato> coreymon would be insulted even more (he's back btw...)
[02:09] <nixternal> oh wow, to uninstall a program in osx, you just drag its application folder to the trash
[02:10] <nixternal> something tells me that leaves stuff behind
[02:10] <yuriy> possibly, but the idea is that every application is self contained in it's little folder
[02:10] <yuriy> klik follows the same idea
[02:10] <Jucato> uhuh
[02:10] <Jucato> GoboLinux too
[02:10] <Jucato> although klik doesn't really *install* per se... but that's more of a technicality (right?)
[02:11] <yuriy> GoboLinux does the os-x like folder renaming too
[02:11] <yuriy> Jucato: i think it installs as much as OS X does
[02:11] <Vorian> holy cow
[02:12] <Vorian> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51034/
[02:12] <Vorian> the package built fine
[02:22] <stdin> Vorian: just ignore it
[02:23] <Vorian> alrighty then :)
[02:23] <Vorian> I have a candidate ready then
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[04:54] <sigma_123> devs i need your help. how do i remove the standby and hibernate buttons from the logout dialog? i asked in kubuntu but no one knows. i assume someone here programmed that dialog
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[11:30] <Riddell> imbrandon: how did kdebindings get along?
[11:44] <Tonio_> hi everyone
[11:45] <Tonio_> Riddell: tested the userconfig patch, works like a charm, I'm now testing the package and uploading
[11:45] <Riddell> thanks Tonio_
[11:45] <Riddell> Tonio_: can you also close http://launchpad.net/bugs/177366 if it's been added
[11:45] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 177366 in kde-guidance "misspelling found - lowercase 'w' in 'wine'" [Low,Triaged]
[11:47] <Tonio_> sure, that was already set to be close with the changelog
[11:57] <Tonio_> Riddell: uploaded
[11:57] <Riddell> whee
[12:08] * Tonio_ can't wait to see a fully translated power-manager working :)
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[13:22] <jpatrick> http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-commits&m=119969933902243&w=4
[13:54] <Riddell> jpatrick: looks like fabo is on the case
[14:04] <jpatrick> :)
[14:05] <jpatrick> Riddell: did you get my kubuntu.org patch?
[14:08] <Riddell> jpatrick: oh yes, sorry, I need to do that
[14:10] <Vorian> morning :)
[14:10] <Vorian> Riddell: I finished your task and nixternal uploaded it last night
[14:11] <jpatrick> moin Vorian
[14:12] <Vorian> hey jpatrick :)
[14:12] <Riddell> Vorian: hmm, I don't see it in New queue
[14:12] <Vorian> hmm
[14:12] <Vorian> he had me send him the debdiff
[14:12] <Riddell> probably nixternal's fault :)
[14:12] <Vorian> he also had me package kmldonky
[14:13] <Vorian> lol
[14:13] <Riddell> Vorian: great
[14:13] <Vorian> it was my first from scratch :)
[14:13] <Vorian> well... that took less than a day
[14:14] <Vorian> is there anything you need help with today?
[14:14] <jpatrick> prephaps bug triage? :)
[14:14] <Vorian> kk
[14:15] <jpatrick> Vorian: http://tinyurl.com/2pbx9u
[14:16] <Vorian> *checks*
[14:16] <Vorian> alrighty
[14:16] <jpatrick> those are untriaged bugs for Kubuntu
[14:16] <Vorian> like !-kubuntu-bugs
[14:17] <jpatrick> hmm, kinda (I guess)
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[15:37] <bddebian> Heya
[15:41] <TheInfinity> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/85225 <-- perhaps somebody can close this bug
[15:41] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 85225 in linux-source-2.6.17 "SoundBlaster Audigy 2 NX USB 2.0 behind USB 2.0 hub = strange things happen" [Undecided,New]
[15:41] <TheInfinity> perhaps i should start a wish "warning, if usb bandwich is reached" ... ;)
[15:51] <luis_1234> Hello! Please let me know if you plan to support more Ricoh Memory card readers in the next kernel version. I have an Asus laptop (A6500) and those card readers (Manufacturer : Ricoh) do not work with Ubuntu.
[15:51] <Riddell> luis_1234: this is a desktop channel
[15:52] <jpatrick> luis_1234: ask in #ubuntu-kernel
[15:56] <luis_1234> thanks, sorry for choosin wrong channel.
[16:15] <articpenguin3800> is it better to test hardy on a seperate partition or is ok in virtualbox
[16:18] <Riddell> either should be fine
[16:19] <Jucato> a virtual machine would probably be more convenient. but a separate partition/installation would let you test hardware-related/specific areas (like compositing, audio, usb, etc)
[16:25] <articpenguin3800> i usually wait till beta then i upgrade my install to the new version of kubuntu.
[17:30] <Riddell> LWN coverage of non-LTS http://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/263161/f81437367b341cb5/
[17:31] <jpatrick> "December 28, 2007"
[17:31] <jpatrick> that's the one where nixternal said "oh, lord, they quoted me"
[17:33] <Lure> Riddell: that is old stuff
[17:35] <Riddell> ok, I hadn't seen it before
[17:54] <Lure> Riddell: for some reason, kdm-kde4 wants to start /etc/X11/X as x-server
[17:54] <Lure> :-(
[17:55] <Lure> There is debian patch to retry with proper /usr/bin/X path, but not sure if this is really correct (it sure does not work for us)
[17:55] <Lure> Riddell: did kdm-kde4 work for anybody in kubuntu (like with earlier releases)?
[17:56] <nixternal> wasn't my fault...I didn't upload ktorrent-kde4 last night, I will do it here in a few...fell asleep watching a movie
[17:59] <Riddell> Lure: I've not heard of anyone using it
[18:00] <Lure> Riddell: ok ;-)
[18:00] <Lure> and now you expect me to fix it? ;-)
[18:01] <Riddell> Lure: you'd win my eternal gratitude if you did manage to
[18:14] <tlayton> on kdm-kde4, i installed it, went through the configuration dialogs and chose kdm-kde4. everythings been working fine. but just checked process list and /usr/bin/kdm is showing up.
[18:25] <Lure> tlayton: kubuntu hardy?
[18:25] <Lure> tlayton: if /usr/bin/kdm is running, then you have kde3 version
[18:29] <tlayton> lure: yes, hardy
[18:33] <yuriy> i couldn't get kde4's kdm working on gutsy, don't remember what the problem was exactly
[18:34] <iRon> hm.. i have a working kdm from kde4.. from svn
[18:35] <Lure> yuriy: here it complains about "cannot stat /etc/X11/X"
[18:35] <Lure> iRon: where do you install it? To /usr/bin or somewhere else?
[18:37] <iRon> Lure: actualy in /opt/kde4/bin :)
[18:37] <Lure> iRon: and how do you start it? Via /etc/init.d/kdm* ?
[18:39] <iRon> Lure: yes, i've changed path in /etc/init.d/kdm from /usr/bin/kdm to /opt/kde4/bin/kdm
[18:39] <Lure> iRon: ok, will try something similar here...
[18:39] * Lure is currently testing on clean kde4-only install
[18:40] <iRon> Lure: and set /opt/kde4/bin/kdm in /etc/X11/default-display-manager
[18:44] <tlayton> iRon,Lure: I'll give it a try now too, just for the heck of it
[18:46] <Lure> it looks like my X server might be incomplete
[18:46] <Lure> installing kubuntu-desktop, then removing kde3
[18:46] * yuriy wonders if it would be possible to build a screen-like feature into konversation
[18:47] <Lure> ok, kde3 works now
[18:50] <Nightrose> yuriy: you mean run it on a server and connect a gui? try quassel when it is released - it will rock - developed by a friend of mine and aaron seigo seems to like it ;-)
[18:52] <yuriy> i was thinking just something like "keep me signed in to irc while i log out" + maybe a text-based front end that you can then latch onto that session with
[18:52] <Riddell> yuriy: kwwii has a proxy he connects to which does something like that, of course it's on a remote server
[18:53] <Nightrose> yuriy: quassel will do that for you - not released yet though
[18:53] <yuriy> interesting
[19:05] <tlayton> iRon,Lure: kdm-kde4, a few bugs here, logging in to kde3&kde4 just produced a terminal window, all accounts were listed in the garbled looking list, and it said 'welcome to debian' instead of 'kubuntu'
[19:06] <tlayton> also, unlike kdm, kdm-kde4 didn't remember the last user login name
[19:08] <Lure> tlayton: welcome to Debian is to be fixed
[19:08] <Lure> tlayton: I think it is missing some config
[19:08] <Lure> tlayton: I got it started now (using patched kde3 config)
[19:09] <Lure> tlayton: but it took several minutes hanging on kde_config
[19:16] <tlayton> Lure: are you talking about kdmrc?
[19:17] <txwikinger> Riddell: will the flash/konqui issue get an SRU for gutsy?
[19:18] <Riddell> txwikinger: yes if a fix becomes available
[19:18] <txwikinger> Isn't it already fixed on hardy?
[19:18] <Riddell> there's a prelininary patch
[19:18] <txwikinger> ah ok.. thanks
[19:19] <Lure> tlayton: kdmrc and X* files in /etc/kde3/kdm dir
[19:29] <nixternal> I still can't play flash stuff in hardy..I get the sound but no video
[19:30] <iRon> nixternal: why not to use opera browser? ;-)
[19:30] <nixternal> cuz I only prefer Konqi
[19:31] <nixternal> plus the less non-free stuff I have the happier I am
[19:31] <nixternal> kind of hard to advocate freeness when I use something non-free
[19:34] <Vorian> nixternal: did you get my kmldonky?
[19:34] <nixternal> ya, I am going to work on them here in a bit
[19:34] <Vorian> sweet
[19:34] <nixternal> thanks!
[19:34] <Vorian> np
[19:53] <DaSkreech> Right
[19:53] <DaSkreech> I'm either jumping to hardy or installing Pclinux
[19:54] <jpatrick_> DaSkreech: the choice is yours
[19:54] <DaSkreech> What's the status on hardy?
[19:54] <DaSkreech> is it still in high churn?
[19:55] <jpatrick_> just time I tried upgrade it wanted to remove a ton of stuff (yesterday)
[19:55] <DaSkreech> remove? :)
[19:55] <DaSkreech> Me likes :)
[19:55] <DaSkreech> KDE4 is still ppa right now?
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[19:55] <jpatrick_> DaSkreech: in hardy
[19:56] <DaSkreech> sweet :)
[19:57] <tlayton> jpatrick_: a lot of X apps are removed b/c they are now in new packages x11-apps, x11-utils
[19:58] <DaSkreech> tlayton: May want to repeat :)
=== jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick
[19:58] <tlayton> jpatrick: a lot of X apps are removed b/c they are now in new packages x11-apps, x11-utils
[19:59] <jpatrick> tlayton: I know
[20:01] <DaSkreech> So is there a kubuntu4-desktop for hardy ?
[20:01] <Lure> DaSkreech: not yet
[20:01] <DaSkreech> or is it just vanilla kde4 so far
[20:01] <Lure> DaSkreech: kde4 package is as near as you can get
[20:01] <DaSkreech> ok
[20:01] <Lure> DaSkreech: no real customization yet
[20:01] <Lure> we first need to make it work ;-)
[20:01] <DaSkreech> ok MIght do pclinux for a month or so then jusmp back to kubuntu
[20:02] <DaSkreech> really can't take the computer freezing every 15 minutes
[20:02] <tlayton> DaSkreech: there is a kde4-core, but i don't have it installed here
[20:12] <ScorpKing> hiya guys
[20:12] <ScorpKing> uga: you here?
[20:25] <Lure> oh, it was Riddell himself ;-)
[20:37] <Riddell> Lure: uh oh, what did I do now?
[20:38] <nixternal> I think the better question would be "what haven't I done" :p
[20:38] <ScorpKing> ugh.. nite
[20:41] <DaSkreech> Ha ha
[20:43] <Lure> Riddell: nothing ;-)
[20:43] * Lure just thought he found the cause
[20:43] <Lure> ;-)
[20:43] <nixternal> haha
[20:45] <Lure> still strugling to understand how cmake works (genkdmconf does not get executed in build -> no kdm confign in package)
[20:46] <DaSkreech> !webcam
[20:46] <ubotu> Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras
[20:47] <DaSkreech> Well that was easy :)
[20:47] <DaSkreech> no KDE4 for PClinuxOS
[20:47] <DaSkreech> Guess I'm reinstalling on Hardy then
[20:49] <Riddell> DaSkreech: why not?
[20:49] <DaSkreech> Riddell: why not on PClinuxOS?
[20:49] <Riddell> DaSkreech: yes
[20:50] <DaSkreech> not LTS quality :-P
[20:50] <Riddell> ah
[20:51] <DaSkreech> they keep pointing me to the source
[20:51] <Riddell> DaSkreech: I see they have a gnome edition though
[20:52] <DaSkreech> a number of them run it but no repos for it and no plans for it right now
[20:52] <DaSkreech> A gnome4 ? :)
[20:54] <nixternal> ya, they just released the Gnome edition
[20:54] <nixternal> I thought that PCLOS was going to do a KDE 4 disc
[20:54] * nixternal goes and eats before passing out
[20:55] <DaSkreech> Yeah they seem to have a repo and a Kde repo
[20:55] <DaSkreech> :-p
[20:56] <DaSkreech> Kinda like Fedora
[21:03] <Riddell> ok, dudes, who speaks a foreign language?
[21:03] * DaSkreech speaks Jamaican
[21:03] * Nightrose speaks german
[21:03] <Nightrose> and a little spanish and latin
[21:03] <Riddell> oh and has kde 4 installed
[21:04] <Nightrose> packages from ppa yes
[21:04] * DaSkreech goes quiet
[21:04] <DaSkreech> I will in like 3 weeks
[21:04] * jpatrick speaks German, Spanish and Catalan
[21:07] <Lure> same question also here for people with cmake knowledge
[21:07] <Lure> [22:06] <Lure> can somebody explain why kdm config files are not generated/installed during build. I do not understand why the last part of kdebase/workspace/kdm/kfrontend/CMakeLists.txt does not get executed
[21:07] <Lure> Riddell: ^^^
[21:08] <Lure> jpatrick: you forgot English ;-)
[21:08] <Lure> Riddell: foreign for you? ;-)
[21:08] <jpatrick> Lure: that goes without saying
[21:08] <Lure> jpatrick: you just live in Spain, right?
[21:08] <jpatrick> Lure: yep
[21:09] <Lure> Riddell: I speak Slovenian & Croatian
[21:10] <Riddell> still uploading de
[21:10] * smarter speaks french and is currently building KDE4 from SVN on gutsy
[21:11] <Riddell> Nightrose, jpatrick: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kde-l10n-de_4.0.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb
[21:12] <Riddell> you'll need to --force-all it
[21:12] * jpatrick wgets
[21:12] * Nightrose starts laptop
[21:13] * Lure grabs German while waiting ;-)
[21:14] <Nightrose> wgetting
[21:17] <Lure> Riddell: ups, now I got Deutsch ;-)
[21:18] <Lure> Riddell: either translation of system settings is not good or something does not work
[21:18] * uga wonders what ScorpKing wanted
[21:18] <DaSkreech> Nope apparently it's KDE with a Gnome edition
[21:19] <DaSkreech> Wonder why it has a KDE repo
[21:19] <DaSkreech> Anyway I hope I'll have loads of KDE4 Cds after the release party :)
[21:25] <jpatrick> Riddell: german working fine here
[21:26] <Lure> jpatrick: also in system settings?
[21:26] <Lure> jpatrick: I had still English in parts of Regional&Language
[21:27] <jpatrick> yep, good point
[21:27] <Lure> jpatrick: like .desktop files would be translated, but not window elements (Overview, Search...)
[21:29] <Lure> even logout/login did not improve it here
[21:29] <jpatrick> apart from System Settings, most of it is in german
[21:30] * allee prepares a laptop for tests... Argl. libxine1 from gutsy-backports requires lots of additional gnome pkgs :(
[21:32] <Riddell> allee: there's a newer version in hardy if you want to see if that's backportable
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[21:33] <Lure> Riddell: only .desktop files are translated here, so would be good to know what is different here from jpatrick's system
[21:35] <Lure> Riddell: I just changed language in Regional&Language (Add language, move it to top) - do I need to do something more?
[21:37] <Riddell> Lure: that should be all
[21:37] <allee> Riddell: k I'll look at it when I've hardy running
[21:38] <Nightrose> hmmm can´t open systemsettings kde4 to change the language..
[21:38] <Nightrose> anything else i can do?
[21:38] <Nightrose> or try?
[21:39] <allee> Nightrose: check .xsession-error for err msgs
[21:39] <Nightrose> k
[21:39] <Riddell> Nightrose: export KDE_LANG=de
[21:39] <Lure> Nightrose: does it work from Konsole (systemsettings)
[21:40] <Nightrose> hehe easy on me guys ;-) this laptop is _lame_
[21:42] <Nightrose> hmm nope that did not work - something else is borked here - will try to find out what
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[21:51] <Nightrose> wohoo - works now
[21:51] <Nightrose> logging out and in to check
[21:53] <Nightrose> Riddell: same here - most is in german but some stuff in systemsettings for example is still in english
[21:54] <Riddell> Nightrose: could just be an incomplete translation
[21:54] <Nightrose> possible
[21:55] <Nightrose> thoguh it seems to be all the stuff inside the tabs and the heading of the tabs
[21:55] <Nightrose> seems like there is a system in it ;-)
[21:55] <Nightrose> will get you a screenshot
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[21:56] <tlayton> i'm using superkaramba in kde4 on hardy. my monitor applet works fine, but liquidweather complains about 'kross' not being available. any ideas?
[21:58] <neversfelde> hat jemand von euch Lust am KDE 4 Artikel für das Portal mitzuarbeiten?
[21:58] <neversfelde> sorry, wrong channel
[21:58] <Riddell> tlayton: poke imbrandon into packaging kdebindings
[21:58] <apachelogger> lol
[21:58] <apachelogger> neversfelde: everyone busy these days :P
[21:58] <apachelogger> you should just copy'n'paste from kde.de
[21:58] <neversfelde> apachelogger: hehe
[21:59] <apachelogger> omg amarok without iconloader compiled
[21:59] * apachelogger starts testing
[22:00] <apachelogger> -.-
[22:00] <Riddell> Nightrose: hmm yes, it doesn't seem to translate kcontrol modules
[22:00] <Nightrose> Riddell: http://www.lydiapintscher.de/tmp/snapshot1.jpg
[22:01] <Nightrose> sorry http://www.lydiapintscher.de/tmp/snapshot1.png
[22:01] <Nightrose> like this everywhere i checked
[22:02] <apachelogger> Nightrose: tried relogin?
[22:02] <Nightrose> apachelogger: sure
[22:02] <apachelogger> not good
[22:04] <Lure> Nightrose: interesting - similar here, I just do not have Overview and Search translated too
[22:04] <Lure> just .desktop files
[22:04] <Nightrose> hmm
[22:04] <Nightrose> strange
[22:04] <Lure> Nightrose: did you use Regional&Settings or set LANGUAGE manually
[22:05] <Nightrose> regional and settings after i tried language and it did not work
[22:05] <Lure> Nightrose: where did your tabs go (General/Advanced)?
[22:06] <Nightrose> ?
[22:07] <Nightrose> I only get them in the overview
[22:07] <Lure> Nightrose: right, I was looking at main page and got confused
[22:07] <Nightrose> hehe ok
[22:07] * Nightrose note that she does not like to use her system translated to german
[22:08] <Nightrose> like to work on an english system a lot more
[22:08] <Nightrose> it just all feels so wrong ;-)
[22:08] * apachelogger thinks that barely matters if one speaks both languages :P
[22:09] <Lure> Nightrose: I can not even cope with Slovenian keyboard (useless for coding) ;-)
[22:09] <Nightrose> well just an observation after using a german one again after a few years;-)
[22:09] <Nightrose> Lure: hehe
[22:12] <apachelogger> bah
[22:12] <apachelogger> who installed kompare on my system?
[22:12] <blizzzek> apachelogger: Mr. Schäuble
[22:12] <apachelogger> meh
[22:13] <apachelogger> without asking me
[22:13] <apachelogger> :(
[22:13] <allee> Nightrose: I agree with out about de desktop. But we need devels that test the translation, so stick with it ;)
[22:13] <Nightrose> allee: sure
[22:13] <Nightrose> after all it is only my laptop i use for testing and when traveling ;-)
[22:13] * allee found someone else using de desktop, so he can switch back to english :)
[22:14] <Nightrose> it is to lame for daily use
[22:14] <Nightrose> allee: oO
[22:14] <Nightrose> not fair!
[22:14] <Nightrose> ;-)
[22:14] <allee> hehe
[22:14] * Nightrose needs to trick apachelogger into using it
[22:14] <Nightrose> :P
[22:15] <Nightrose> or blizzzek maybe
[22:15] <allee> Nightrose: ask Schäuble to do install de for you on apachelogger host :)
[22:15] <Nightrose> rofl
[22:15] * Nightrose calls
[22:15] <apachelogger> well
[22:15] <apachelogger> first
[22:16] <apachelogger> I have to remove iconloader from amarok
[22:16] <apachelogger> plus I have no, absolutely no kde4 package installed
[22:16] <apachelogger> all source here
[22:18] <Lure> apachelogger: that is no excuse to install one kde4 package with --force-all to break your from-source only install ;-)
[22:18] <Lure> to not install even
[22:19] <apachelogger> might be tricky to force the paths into 2 directions at the same time :P
[22:19] <apachelogger> well, iconloader is still on the light table anyway
[22:24] <blizzzek> gn8
[22:32] <Nightrose> Riddell: need something else tested or can I switch the laptop off again?
[22:45] <voonte> Do you guys need any help testing kde4 for kubuntu?
[22:51] <apachelogger> apache|mobile: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kde-l10n-de_4.0.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb
[22:59] <apache|mobile> Nightrose: you're using rc2, aren't you?
[22:59] <Nightrose> jep
[22:59] <apache|mobile> ok
[22:59] <Nightrose> ppa packages
[22:59] <apache|mobile> Riddell: works like a charm in final
[23:00] <apache|mobile> Riddell: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/snapshot62.jpg
[23:10] <Riddell> apache|mobile: packages or self compiled?
[23:10] <Riddell> Nightrose: that's all
[23:11] <apache|mobile> Riddell: package, well, I moved the files to my kde-devel user
[23:11] <apache|mobile> would be easier to test if you could provide final packages of pimlibs, libs and base ;-)
[23:18] <jjesse_> #ubuntu-bugs
[23:18] <jjesse_> doh
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[23:36] <tlayton> anybody know what the kdeglobalsXXXXX.new from .kde4/share/config are or if they can be removed? there's about 20 of them
[23:36] <tlayton> there's also a bunch of kpgprcXXXX.new files as well
[23:37] <tlayton> oh, my bad, i was in the kde3 config. sorry about that
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[23:58] <nixternal> Vorian: I need your .orig.tar.gz for ktorrent-kde4-4.0.0
[23:59] <nixternal> and for kmldonkey as well