UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /06 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <Pandemic187> hmm
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[00:00] <Pandemic187> i have .themes, but for some reason it seems to be recognized as an archive
[00:00] <TheSheep> Pandemic187: that's the archive you just renamed with mv
[00:00] <Pandemic187> umm..
[00:01] <TheSheep> just rename it to something else
[00:01] <Pandemic187> okay
[00:01] <brianski> shoot, i just installed ubuntu instead of xubuntu... is there a list somewhere of packages i should remove before i apt-get install xubuntu-desktop? (i have very little disk space on this machine)
[00:01] <Pandemic187> so the theme file is a .tar.gz within a .tar.gz; do i have to unpack both?
[00:01] <TheSheep> brianski: I think you can just remove ubuntu-desktop and then do autoremove
[00:01] <brianski> is that enough?
[00:02] <brianski> hmm, i guess i'll find out
[00:02] <brianski> thanks TheSheep
[00:02] <TheSheep> Pandemic187: yes, but thunar should unpack both at the same time
[00:02] <Pandemic187> ah, i got it!
[00:02] <Pandemic187> thanks
[00:03] <Pandemic187> Would you mind answering one more question, TheSheep?
[00:04] <Pandemic187> Oh wait, I might not need help.
[00:04] <TheSheep> Pandemic187: there are two kinds of themes, gtk and xfce themes. the first is for general looks, and you choose it in UI settings, the other is for the window borders, and you set it in WM settings
[00:04] <Pandemic187> Or maybe I do.
[00:05] <Pandemic187> Ah.
[00:05] <Pandemic187> Okay
[00:05] <Pandemic187> Are icon themes installed in a similar fashion?
[00:05] <TheSheep> Pandemic187: yes, but they go to .icons
[00:05] <Pandemic187> Makes sense.
[00:06] <TheSheep> there are also system-wide locations: /usr/share/themes and /usr/share/icons, but you need administrator rights to write there
[00:06] <TheSheep> you can start thunar in admin mode with 'gksu thunar'
[00:06] <Pandemic187> Okay
[00:06] <TheSheep> themes you put there are visible for all users
[00:06] <Pandemic187> Well I only have one user, so it doesn't really matter.
[00:07] <Pandemic187> Hmm
[00:07] <Pandemic187> I assume icon themes need to be unpacked within the .icons folder?
[00:08] <TheSheep> yes
[00:08] <solomo1> how do i change my system fonts in xubuntu?
[00:08] <solomo1> in ubuntu there's just preferences -> fonts or whatever but i can't find such a thing in xubuntu... it probably doesn't help that it's on a tv so it's quite difficult to make out everything until i do manage to increase the font sizes :)
[00:08] <TheSheep> solomo1: settings->user interface settings
[00:09] <Pandemic187> Strange, I did that for the icon theme and it didn't show up
[00:10] <solomo1> TheSheep: thanks a bunch :)
[00:10] <TheSheep> Pandemic187: is there a index.theme file in there?
[00:10] <Pandemic187> umm
[00:11] <Pandemic187> There are lots of folders
[00:11] <TheSheep> it should be in the same folder where 16x16, 24x24, etc. folders are
[00:11] <Pandemic187> I don't see folders like that, and I know what you are talking about
[00:12] <TheSheep> Pandemic187: so what kind of folders are there?
[00:12] <slow-motion> n8
[00:12] <Pandemic187> actions, apps, devices, emblems, mimetypes, places, states
[00:12] <Pandemic187> status*
[00:13] <TheSheep> so it's one level lower already
[00:13] <TheSheep> what's inside, .png or .svg files?
[00:13] <Pandemic187> svg
[00:13] <TheSheep> then make a folder called 'scalable' and move them into it
[00:13] <Pandemic187> within .themes?
[00:13] <Pandemic187> err within .icons?
[00:14] <TheSheep> it should be .themes/ThemeName/scalable/thesvgfiles.svg
[00:14] <TheSheep> sorry
[00:14] <TheSheep> .icons
[00:14] <TheSheep> not .themes
[00:14] <TheSheep> sorry again
[00:14] <Pandemic187> umm
[00:14] <Pandemic187> okay
[00:14] <TheSheep> it should be .themes/ThemeName/scalable/applications/thesvgfiles.svg
[00:14] <TheSheep> it should be .icons/ThemeName/scalable/applications/thesvgfiles.svg
[00:14] <Pandemic187> it's strange because the folder does not have the icon theme's name
[00:14] <TheSheep> etc.
[00:15] <Pandemic187> okay..
[00:15] <TheSheep> probably somewhat raw, not prepared for distribution
[00:15] <Pandemic187> perhaps
[00:16] <Pandemic187> so i created a folder for the theme name since there wasn't one
[00:16] <Pandemic187> now i have .icons/Crashbit/scalable...
[00:18] <TheSheep> hehe, somehow I knew it's this theme
[00:18] <Pandemic187> lol
[00:18] <Pandemic187> I like it a lot
[00:18] <Pandemic187> Is that right though?
[00:18] <Pandemic187> Because I still don't see it under the theme manager.
[00:19] <TheSheep> Pandemic187: they don't hae the index file, they are just images
[00:19] <Pandemic187> so does that mean they have to be applied manually somehow?
[00:20] <TheSheep> Pandemic187: I suppose you could copy the index file from some other icon theme in /usr/share/icons
[00:20] <TheSheep> and see if that works
[00:20] <TheSheep> but I would just wait for the official release
[00:20] <Pandemic187> Copy it to where exactly?
[00:20] <Pandemic187> yeah that's probably a good idea.
[00:20] <TheSheep> to the .icons/CrashBit/
[00:20] <Pandemic187> But I think that a previous realease had worked better.
[00:20] <Pandemic187> aka it had an index file.
[00:20] <Pandemic187> oh well.
[00:21] <Pandemic187> Maybe I'll just use black-whtite
[00:21] <Pandemic187> white*
[00:22] <Pandemic187> Anyway, thanks for your help!
[00:22] <Pandemic187> Dinner time though.
[00:57] <march> goodnight
[00:58] <march> 02:00 AM here ;)
[01:13] <Pandemic187> hi
[01:33] <Pandemic187> Anyone use the ALSA mixer on Xubuntu?
[02:09] <narius> can someone help me get my wireless card working?
[02:56] <Zrax`> Hai people!
[02:57] <Zrax`> I was wondering is anyone knows how to connect to a windows computer and access the shared files on a network?
[03:08] <thruxton> Zrax`: look for an smb client
[03:10] <Zrax`> whats smb?
[03:11] <thruxton> Zrax`: smb is file sharing protocol
[03:13] <thruxton> Zrax`: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605
[03:13] <Zrax`> Thankyou
[03:13] <Zrax`> <3
[03:15] <thruxton> Zrax`: that might not be the most up to date but it will give you an idea, you might even have samba installed, I'm not sure if its in the default install
[03:15] <Zrax`> Yeah, I do recall seeing a samba
[03:15] <Zrax`> Oh and just one more question
[03:15] <Zrax`> Whats the difference between all those different desktops?
[03:16] <Zrax`> Like KDE and Gnome and xfce
[03:17] <thruxton> Zrax`: they all do the same job, Gnome and KDE are the two largest and full featured, each is built with its own `toolkit' so they look and feel entirely different
[03:17] <thruxton> xfce4 attempts to be more lightweight whilst still retaining functionality
[03:18] <thruxton> Zrax`: nothing stopping you from trying them all out
[03:18] <Zrax`> Ok, umm, do some programs only work with certain desktops?
[03:19] <thruxton> gennerally no, lets say you are running gnome and wish to install a kde app, that kde app will need some of the basic kde libraries to run, so on startup it might feel a bit slower
[03:19] <thruxton> but once loaded it will be fine
[03:19] <Zrax`> Ok, so...
[03:19] <Zrax`> Each desktop comes with its own libraries?
[03:20] <thruxton> yes
[03:20] <thruxton> xfce and gnome share some of the same gtk libs though
[03:20] <Zrax`> So if those libraries arn't there and a program needs them to run, I will need to install the libraries for it to run?
[03:21] <thruxton> http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Desktops
[03:21] <thruxton> Zrax`: yes, but apt will install them for you
[03:22] <Zrax`> Automaticly?
[03:22] <thruxton> Zrax`: thats the intent yes
[03:23] <thruxton> sometimes there are problems but debian/ubuntu has a very good packaging system
[03:23] <Zrax`> Cool
[03:23] <Zrax`> Thankyou once more
[03:23] <thruxton> np, good luck!
[03:24] <Zrax`> No doubt I will be back in here again at a later stage :P
[03:24] <thruxton> :)
[05:03] <ronnie_> having some audio problems with mixer, anyone mind helping? http://i6.tinypic.com/72tpppc.png
[05:04] <ronnie_> don't know if ubuntu mixer is same as xfce one
[05:04] <ronnie_> maybe I should toy with alsamixer some
[09:56] <brianski> does xubuntu use significantly less cpu than gnome?
[09:57] <brianski> i mean i know it uses less ram, but what about cpu?
[10:00] <TheSheep> brianski: by default, it uses applications that are faster and require less cpu
[10:00] <TheSheep> brianski: for example, abiword instead of openoffice
[10:00] <brianski> yeah, but what about the gui itself
[10:01] <brianski> i mean, i mainly use firefox, pidgin, perl, and cc
[10:01] <brianski> does it use some sort of firefox on a diet? ;-)
[10:01] <TheSheep> I don't think those four differ
[10:02] <TheSheep> you could try Opera instead of firefox, I guess
[10:02] <TheSheep> or epiphany
[10:03] <brianski> ugh i've tried epiphany
[10:03] <brianski> and opera doesn't do much or me
[10:03] <brianski> guess i'll just stick with my bloated gnome for now
[10:03] <brianski> thanks tho
[10:04] <TheSheep> ah, and xubuntu doesn't have those .Net plugins :)
[10:05] <TheSheep> brianski: one thing I noticed is that using a fast gtk theme engine helps a lot -- the Human theme is not very fast
[10:05] <TheSheep> brianski: xubuntu uses Murrina which is much faster
[10:18] <Pandemic187> Anyone alive?
[10:26] <kwhk> hi, any one has upgraded to pidgin 2.3.1 on xubuntu?
[13:07] <maxi_> Hi, I'am using Xubuntu 7.04
[13:08] <ere4si> !hi
[13:08] <ubotu> Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!
[13:08] <maxi_> I've a problem with screen saver setting
[13:08] <ere4si> what happens?
[13:08] <maxi_> When try to access to Screen Saver Configuration the system hang
[13:09] <ere4si> tried a reboot?
[13:09] <maxi_> yes
[13:11] <maxi_> Then I can't disabled the screensaver
[13:14] <ere4si> try this page - http://linuxreviews.org/quicktips/screenblanking/
[13:17] <maxi_> Are there any manner to change screensaver setting by hand, modify a config file maybe?
[13:19] <ere4si> To turn off screen blanking: xset s off
[13:19] <ere4si> a quote from that page
[13:22] <ere4si> xscreensaver can be stopped and terminated with xscreensaver-command -exit. add to apps-system-pref-sessions-startup
[13:23] <maxi_> ok, I will try
[13:24] <ere4si> k
[13:26] <maxi_> I tried to set off with xset s off, but this not work
[13:28] <maxi_> when I try to access at screensaver setting the system hang and I must reboot
[13:33] <ere4si> in a terminal type xset and see the last options - does it say anything about screensaver maxi_?
[13:35] <maxi_> doing a xset -q, the screen saver config are:
[13:35] <maxi_> prefer blanking: yes
[13:36] <maxi_> allow exposure: yes
[13:36] <maxi_> timeout:0 cycle:0
[13:37] <ere4si> I installed vlc to watch movies 'cause it has an option to disable the screensaver
[13:37] <maxi_> sorry, I'am a linux beginner :(
[13:37] <ere4si> is that what your trouble is?
[13:37] <ere4si> watching movies :)
[13:38] <ere4si> try xset s noblank
[13:46] <maxi_> my main problem is when I try to update Xubuntu 7.04 to Xubuntu 7.10, then after some time, apparently the screen saver begin to work and the installation hang (because the system hang of course)
[13:48] <TheSheep> maxi_: update from the command line
[13:48] <TheSheep> maxi_: press alt+ctrl+f1 to switch to a text console
[13:53] <ere4si> do it from the login prompt
[14:06] <maristo> hello
[14:06] <maristo> I have not questions...
[14:06] <maristo> :)
[14:10] <thruxton> maristo: just ask them
[14:10] <ere4si> maristo: lucky you :)
[14:54] <ICQnumber_> hi, howto start an application as root in alt f2 window, something like kdesu in kde?
[15:01] <TheSheep> sudo
[16:09] <maxi_> Is possible update xubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 from CD ?
[16:10] <maxi_> Are the any comand line for this ?
[16:11] <TheSheep> maxi_: you'd just have to add the cd as a package source
[16:13] <maxi_> sorry, how can do it?
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[16:23] <TheSheep> maxi_: I'm not sure
[16:23] <TheSheep> !upgrade
[16:23] <ubotu> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[16:28] <xubnik> Good morning!
[16:30] <xubnik> I'm new on using Linux systems, so I started with xubuntu. My first "problem": How to playback .mp3-files? - I tried with a double-click, and a media player opened, but it didn't playback, but it shut down.
[16:30] <WinMac> I have tried to install xubuntu 7.10 on my other computer, When i put in my live cd, i select "Start or Install Xubuntu", the linux kernal loads, the Xubuntu loading thing moves left and right, and something called "Busy" somthing loads and i have a list of commands
[16:31] <xubnik> Which driver do I have to install?
[16:31] <xubnik> And where can I get it?
[16:32] <TheSheep> !mp3
[16:32] <ubotu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[16:34] <xubnik> Thanks! I'll try to install extra plugins.
[16:40] <xubnik> So I'm installing vlc player now (apt-get install vlc*)
[16:41] <TheSheep> good choice
[16:41] <TheSheep> for movies at least
[16:41] <TheSheep> for music I recommend mpd+sonata
[16:41] <xubnik> Yes, I heared about this before, it opens files like streams, so it could read damaged files, too.. ;)
[16:42] <xubnik> mpd and sonata? - this I didn't heared.
[16:42] <TheSheep> xubnik: mpd is nice beacuse it runs on yuor computer as service, starts playing before you log out and plays even when you swithc users. Sonata is just a kidn of remote control for it
[16:42] <TheSheep> before you log in
[16:43] <TheSheep> you can also control it from another computer
[16:43] <xubnik> Oh, nice.
[16:43] <xubnik> I think I hae to get it. ;)
[16:43] <TheSheep> there are a lot of clinet (controllers) for mpd, I use Sonata and mpc (a command line client, for binding to keys)
[16:43] <xubnik> Thank you for this tip.
[16:44] <xubnik> Ok, and which ones are GUI-clients/-remotecontrol applications for mpd?
[16:46] <xubnik> If my English is bad, I'm sorry: I'm from Germany. ;)
[16:48] <TheSheep> xubnik: I know of Sonata, Pympd, Gmpc
[16:48] <TheSheep> xubnik: your English is very good
[16:49] <xubnik> Ok, Thank you.
[16:49] <TheSheep> xubnik: there is a list at http://musicpd.org/clients.shtml
[16:49] <TheSheep> xubnik: there is even a panel plugin for xfce :)
[16:53] <TheSheep> omg, gbemol looks like another amarok clone :(
[16:57] <patogen> How do I connect to a wlan?
[16:58] <patogen> Using iwlist eth1 scan I get two available
[16:59] <patogen> one is mine and the other is my neighbour
[16:59] <TheSheep> patogen: the simpliest way is through system->network
[17:01] <patogen> Hehe thank you, worked like a charm :D
[17:01] <patogen> How do I start that from the terminal?
[17:02] <TheSheep> iwconfig eth1 essid any
[17:02] <TheSheep> or essid 'your essid here'
[17:02] <TheSheep> !wifi
[17:02] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[17:03] <PsynoKhi0> greetings, shouldn't xubuntu gutsy be able automount USB pens out of the box?
[17:03] <TheSheep> patogen: yes
[17:03] <TheSheep> sorry
[17:03] <TheSheep> PsynoKhi0: yes
[17:04] <PsynoKhi0> hmm
[17:04] <PsynoKhi0> HAL detects the hotplug but that's it
[17:04] <PsynoKhi0> hang on
[17:04] <TheSheep> PsynoKhi0: you can configure it in thunar in edit->prefernces->advanced->configure volume manager
[17:05] <xubnik> TheSheep: OK. Now I have installed mpd and sonata, but if I set up my music folder (external drive), and search for *.mp3 file name, he doesn't find anything..
[17:05] <patogen> TheSheep: Thank you very much :-)
[17:05] <TheSheep> xubnik: hmm... is it readable for user mdp?
[17:05] <TheSheep> mpd?
[17:05] <xubnik> I don't know. Is there a user "mpd"?
[17:06] <TheSheep> xubnik: there is since the moment you installed mpd
[17:06] <PsynoKhi0> TheSheep: yep, every box is ticked in there for removable media
[17:06] <TheSheep> PsynoKhi0: then it seems it has trouble detecting/mounting it
[17:07] <TheSheep> PsynoKhi0: check dmesg
[17:07] <xubnik> It's a FAT-system (I'm using windows normally), I don't know if xubuntu doesn't give permission for other users to access external drives.
[17:07] <TheSheep> xubnik: it may be the case
[17:07] <TheSheep> xubnik: you can try and mount it so that it's readable for all users (there are tutorials) or just use some simplier music player
[17:08] <xubnik> Wait, I'll try..
[17:10] <PsynoKhi0> TheSheep: usbview doesn't recognize the drive... usbdevfs missing?
[17:10] <TheSheep> PsynoKhi0: unlikely
[17:11] <TheSheep> PsynoKhi0: did you try to mount it manually?
[17:11] <PsynoKhi0> TheSheep: no
[17:11] <PsynoKhi0> not yet
[17:12] <PsynoKhi0> trying to exhaust other possibilities first
[17:12] <PsynoKhi0> ok I have dmesg here, what should I look for?
[17:12] <TheSheep> look at the last few lines after you insert the pen
[17:13] <TheSheep> it should tell about how it found a new device and stuff
[17:13] <TheSheep> look if there are any errors
[17:13] <PsynoKhi0> ah you mean dmesg from a terminal, not the logfile... hang on
[17:14] <TheSheep> it's the same
[17:14] <PsynoKhi0> here goes: sda1
[17:14] <TheSheep> if it's more than 3 lines, use pastebin please
[17:15] <PsynoKhi0> ok will do
[17:20] <PsynoKhi0> TheSheep: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50979/
[17:20] <PsynoKhi0> a firewal event slipped in there but that should be it
[17:21] <TheSheep> PsynoKhi0: looks good
[17:29] <PsynoKhi0> I think I managed once to make usbview see the USB pen with a modprobe stunt, but that was when hotplug didn't work at all
[17:41] <TheSheep> PsynoKhi0: have you tried googling for your pen make/model and linux/ubuntu?
[17:41] <PsynoKhi0> on it right now
[17:44] <WinMac> I put in my Xubuntu 7.10, select "Start or Install Xubuntu", the Linux Kernal loads, then the Xubuntu logo shows up, and the loading bar moves back and forth, then i get a "BusyBox v1.1.3" How can I install Xubuntu, the cd worked on my other computer.
[17:52] <TheSheep> WinMac: you can try with different boot options
[17:52] <TheSheep> WinMac: you get a help screen when you press f1 at the boot menu
[17:52] <TheSheep> WinMac: you can also try searching the forums for your particular make/model of the computer, maybe someone had already a similar problem
[17:53] <WinMac> I dont get it, It installed 100% fine on a slower computer, and now it wont work on this faster one
[17:54] <WinMac> i'll try the F1 thing now
[17:54] <TheSheep> WinMac: it might require some boot options if the hardware is not 100% compatible
[17:56] <PsynoKhi0> USB 2.0 devices are backward compatible with the USB 1.1 standard anre't they?
[17:56] <TheSheep> PsynoKhi0: they are
[17:57] <PsynoKhi0> thought I was getting nuts
[17:57] <nanonyme> PsynoKhi0, yes, at USB 1.1 speeds
[17:59] <PsynoKhi0> gnome-volume-manager is up and running too...
[18:00] <PsynoKhi0> or is it...
[18:01] <PsynoKhi0> ermm ps -ef | grep gnome-volume-manager returns 11517 11411 3 18:51 pts/0 00:00:00 grep gnome-volume-manager
[18:05] <TheSheep> PsynoKhi0: thunar has its own volume manager
[18:06] <PsynoKhi0> ah
[18:07] <TheSheep> and I think it doesn't have to run all the time -- dbus will start it when needed
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[18:43] <PsynoKhi0> ok I even have gnome-mount installed... clueless
[18:53] <PsynoKhi0> thunar-volman is there too...
[18:56] <TheSheep> PsynoKhi0: try mounting it with mount
[18:57] <TheSheep> PsynoKhi0: as root
[19:04] <PsynoKhi0> sudo mount -vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbkey ?
[19:05] <PsynoKhi0> ffs I so hate how Firefox ends up eating all my CPU power after a while
[19:09] <PeckaH> dual core -> it eats only one core :P
[19:09] <totalwormface> :D
[19:09] <PeckaH> and BOINC eats the other core..
[19:13] <Pandemic187> Can anyone help with configuring my sound?
[19:21] <PsynoKhi0> Pandemic187: what soundcard are you suing?
[19:21] <PsynoKhi0> using even
[19:21] <Pandemic187> An SB Audigy 2
[19:22] <Pandemic187> My sound works fine in Ubuntu when I use the ALSA mixer, but that doesn't seem to be an option in Xubuntu, PsynoKhi0
[19:25] <Pandemic187> hello?
[19:25] <PsynoKhi0> do you see the sound mixer plugin on your top desktop bar?
[19:25] <PsynoKhi0> or wherever you get it
[19:26] <Pandemic187> Oh good
[19:26] <Pandemic187> Well, I added one
[19:26] <Pandemic187> There wasn't one there already.
[19:26] <PsynoKhi0> ok
[19:26] <Pandemic187> So I do have two device options.
[19:26] <PsynoKhi0> can you increase the volume?
[19:27] <Pandemic187> yes
[19:27] <PsynoKhi0> oh... Audigy and AC97?
[19:31] <PsynoKhi0> nvm, is it working now?
[19:31] <PsynoKhi0> ok what directory should I mount my USB to?
[19:33] <PsynoKhi0> something like /media/usb ?
[19:34] <thruxton> PsynoKhi0: yeah, /media/ is a good place for removable stuff
[19:34] <PsynoKhi0> ty
[19:35] <PsynoKhi0> fat or vfat as a file system? the key has files from a WinXP machine
[19:37] <thruxton> most likely vfat
[19:37] <thruxton> try it, mount will tell you if its wrong
[19:39] <PsynoKhi0> ok I tried /media/usb mountpoint doesn't exist
[19:39] <thruxton> sudo mkdir /media/usbdrive/
[19:39] <thruxton> or whatever you want to call it
[19:39] <PsynoKhi0> I don't want to call it anything I want it to automount :(
[19:40] <thruxton> you still need a mount point
[19:40] <thruxton> your hanging another filesystem off the / tree, it needs to know where to put it
[19:41] <PsynoKhi0> ermm are USB mp3 players handled differently from plain USB keys?
[19:42] <thruxton> it depends, I have /media/ipod/ for example and my ipod can be read directly just like any other usb drive
[19:42] <Pandemic187> i'm having connection problems - i'll be back
[19:44] <PsynoKhi0> ok no error message when mounting by hand... trying to access the key's content now
[19:46] <Pandemic187> ugh
[19:46] <Pandemic187> I'm back..
[19:46] <PsynoKhi0> wb
[19:46] <PsynoKhi0> ok so I can see the files in Thunar
[19:47] <PsynoKhi0> took a while to show up though
[19:48] <PsynoKhi0> ermm can't see anything anymore :)
[19:49] <PsynoKhi0> the key disconnected itself...
[19:49] <PsynoKhi0> it isn't appearing in the device manager anymore
[19:52] <PsynoKhi0> is there some kind of timeout on USB hubs??
[19:53] <thruxton> not that I know of
[19:53] <thruxton> brb
[19:57] <PsynoKhi0> alright, dmesg returns a lot of stuff like this
[19:57] <PsynoKhi0> [28212.608000] FAT: Directory bread(block 24891) failed
[19:57] <PsynoKhi0> [28212.608000] scsi 4:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device
[20:03] <Niklas_25> I did CTRL+Z on a process and it stopped. How do I resume that process? And, when I have got my process back, how do I get a running process into the background without stopping it? CTRL+Z stopping the process...
[20:05] <proog> how do i make a launcher accept a file being drg'n'dropped on it?
[20:06] <proog> nalioth, do you know how o make a launcher in xfce accept file arguments?
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[20:19] <Ec1ipseR> !ru
[20:19] <ubotu> Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[20:40] <Laney> Anyone know how to stop the display from suspending after 10 minutes? It happens no matter what I disable (even DPMS in xorg.conf)...
[20:43] <PsynoKhi0> standby mode or blank screensaver?
[20:45] <Laney> PsynoKhi0: I changed my screensaver to something else to see if it was that, and I get a blank screen after 10 minutes. I also increased all of the timeouts I could find to above 10 minutes and it still cuts off exactly on 10.
[20:46] <PsynoKhi0> Laney: ah... sorry I don't know :(
[20:46] <protocolX> hi guys
[20:46] <protocolX> happy new years all
[20:47] <protocolX> just wonderin..ibm notpad ...p2 ..64 megs of ram..will xbuntu run on it
[20:48] <protocolX> im new to linux..been done with Windows for a while...Macs whch i use are a tad bit pricey for my taste..so linux here i come
[20:48] <protocolX> any help would be apreciated
[20:49] <PsynoKhi0> xubuntu should run as long as you install from an Alternate CD and stay away from big apps like OpenOffice (stick to AbiWord and Gnumeric)
[20:50] <PsynoKhi0> you could try even lighter distro like Puppy Linux
[20:50] <PsynoKhi0> och Slax Popcorn
[20:50] <protocolX> noted
[20:50] <protocolX> thanks man
[20:50] <PsynoKhi0> though Xubuntu has a larger support and better translation (if it' important to you)
[20:51] <PsynoKhi0> it gets updated more regularly too, and the community is kinda big
[20:52] <protocolX> like i said i new to linux..i gonna buy myself a new but cheap laptop, hows wifi support in linux
[20:52] <PeckaH> good
[20:52] <protocolX> ya, im really liking what im discovering online when it comes to community, i think linux is gonna be great and breath of fresh here
[20:52] <protocolX> aier
[20:52] <protocolX> air
[20:53] <protocolX> damm stubby fingers. :=)
[20:53] <protocolX> I'm a hug MAC fan, but im finding harder and harder to justify the prices they charge
[20:55] <protocolX> Gotta split, thanks all...ill be seeing ya around
[20:57] <PsynoKhi0> ah crap, forgot puppy linux wasn't that great to start from the live CD with less than 128MB
[20:58] <tuxic1> what is Puppy linux
[20:58] <PsynoKhi0> a small linus distro
[20:58] <PsynoKhi0> linux*
[20:59] <tuxic1> isnt this the xubuntu chat?
[20:59] <PsynoKhi0> he was asking if Xubuntu would work on his old comp
[20:59] <tuxic1> oh ok
[21:00] <tuxic1> nm then
[21:30] <rokra> Hello
[21:32] <PsynoKhi0> hi
[21:34] <PsynoKhi0> Laney?
[21:34] <Laney> PsynoKhi0?
[21:34] <PsynoKhi0> just a wild guess, do you have ACPI on?
[21:35] <Laney> PsynoKhi0: Er, I don't know. How do I check?
[21:35] <Laney> (I'm seeing this on two machines)
[21:38] <PsynoKhi0> several ways I can think of.... /var/log/dmesg file, ps -ef | grep acpi in a terminal... the hal device manager(
[21:39] <Laney> I see an acpid process
[21:41] <PsynoKhi0> that's for energy management
[21:42] <PsynoKhi0> but lsmod | grep acpi shows if ti's loaded
[21:42] <PsynoKhi0> it's*
[21:43] <Laney> I see asus_acpi on my laptop and acpi_cpufreq on desktop
[21:43] <Laney> Shall I try rmmod?
[21:44] <PsynoKhi0> only those 2?
[21:44] <Laney> http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/acpi is desktop's output
[21:45] <PsynoKhi0> I wouldn't touch it on the laptop
[21:45] <Laney> Can't see cpufreq having anything to do with it - seems like it's just for speedstep
[21:45] <PsynoKhi0> yup
[21:47] * Laney grumbles
[21:47] <Laney> I asked on ubuntu-uk, hopefully they'll have some answers
[21:47] <PsynoKhi0> *note to self: dump wild guesses*
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[22:33] <PsynoKhi0> anyone available?
[23:33] <rokra> PsynoKhi0: alway
[23:34] <PsynoKhi0> hehe
[23:34] <PsynoKhi0> can ACPI cause random disconnects from the USB hub on a pre-2000 PC?
[23:40] <PsynoKhi0> or maybe APIC?
[23:41] <crimsun> ACPI on pre-2000 machines? Heh, yeah, can be very problematic.
[23:42] <crimsun> I don't think that's necessarily where I'd start troubleshooting hardware, however.
[23:43] <PsynoKhi0> hmmm APIC then
[23:43] <PsynoKhi0> ?
[23:43] <crimsun> do you have an AMD K6-2 or something?
[23:44] <PsynoKhi0> yes
[23:47] <crimsun> then it's probably not ACPI at all but apic as you alluded to.
[23:47] <crimsun> have you tried using " noapic nolapic"?
[23:48] <PsynoKhi0> not yet
[23:50] <PsynoKhi0> do I need to do update-grub after modifying the menu.lst file?
[23:51] <crimsun> yes
[23:52] <crimsun> presuming you edited the # KOPTS line
[23:52] <PsynoKhi0> alrighty I'll try that
[23:52] <crimsun> (or is it # KOPT?)
[23:52] <PsynoKhi0> do I need to add irqpolli pci=routeirq
[23:52] <PsynoKhi0> oops irqpoll*
[23:53] <crimsun> only if you need them
[23:53] <PsynoKhi0> how do I know? hehe
[23:55] <crimsun> you'll know. :-)
[23:58] <PsynoKhi0> that sounds scary :(