UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /06 /#ubuntu-x.txt
Initial commit
[07:05] <ubotu> New bug: #180742 in xserver-xorg-video-amd (main) "lx800 amd_drv.so(with xorg 1.3) still crashes the screen after ctrl alt BS or in shutdown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180742
[08:44] <pwnguin> man this is crazy. my user is making hardy crash like 8 out of ten times i log in =(
[08:46] <pwnguin> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50905/
[09:24] <tjaalton> bug 175682
[09:24] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 175682 in gnome-keyring "GNOME rarely starts from GDM in Hardy" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175682
[09:24] <tjaalton> pwnguin: ^
[09:24] <tjaalton> gone ->
[10:06] <tjaalton> actually, g-k doesn't make the xserver crash.. logfile is more useful than .xsession-errors though
[11:55] <ubotu> New bug: #180770 in xorg-server (main) "xorg crash after nvidia splash screen blacks out and X crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180770
[15:40] <ubotu> New bug: #180802 in xorg-server (main) "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in _IO_vfscanf()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180802
[16:37] <tjaalton> bryce: do you think we should get the discover-free xorg merge in for alpha3?
[16:38] <tjaalton> it's not out yet (maybe later today)
[16:41] <tjaalton> without that there isn't much for people to test :)
[16:43] <tjaalton> jcristau: I noticed that -intel has libI810XvMC in it, but our openchrome puts it in a separate library. what do you prefer if we'd push openchrome to git.d.o?
[16:44] <tjaalton> openchrome depends on the lib anyway
[16:45] <jcristau> in a separate package you mean?
[16:46] <tjaalton> uh, yes :)
[16:46] <jcristau> i don't think it needs one
[16:47] <tjaalton> right, if it's not meant for general consumption
[16:47] <tjaalton> which I don't think it is
[16:48] <jcristau> i'm not quite sure how xvmc is supposed to work tho
[16:49] <tjaalton> "This package provides the XVMC libraries used by the xorg driver"
[16:50] <tjaalton> I'll ask the packager
[16:50] <jcristau> it looks like libxvmc dlopens the driver
[16:51] <jcristau> so yeah, no need for a separate package afaics
[16:51] <jcristau> (from a quick look at libxvmc/src/XvMCWrapper.c)
[19:35] <ubotu> New bug: #180841 in mesa (main) "glXDestroyContext causes segmentation fault with Via Unichrome graphics" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180841
[20:11] <pwnguin> anyone know if tjaalton thanks
[20:11] <pwnguin> yikes
[20:11] <pwnguin> tjaalton: thanks for th elink
[20:12] <tjaalton> pwnguin: actually, I don't think it's the same bug :)
[20:12] <pwnguin> me either
[20:12] <pwnguin> i get a straight up crash
[20:13] <pwnguin> not a hang
[20:13] <pwnguin> and a new user fixes the problem
[20:13] <tjaalton> provide the Xorg.0.log
[20:14] <pwnguin> shall i file a bug and attach?
[20:14] <bryce> morning
[20:14] <tjaalton> hi bryce
[20:14] <bryce> tjaalton: yes, if there's time to get the discover-free xorg in, I say go for it
[20:14] <pwnguin> its noon, even in portland
[20:14] <tjaalton> hehe
[20:14] <tjaalton> that's what I thought too :)
[20:15] <tjaalton> pwnguin: put it in pastebin first
[20:15] <bryce> heh ok so we got up late here ;-)
[20:15] <tjaalton> luxury
[20:15] <pwnguin> I should just move to australia
[20:15] <bryce> was up til 4am working on inkscape
[20:16] <pwnguin> i seem to live their schedule
[20:16] <pwnguin> tjaalton: 0.log doesn't have the crash in it =/
[20:16] <tjaalton> .old
[20:17] <pwnguin> hmm, a backtrace
[20:17] <pwnguin> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51001/
[20:18] <tjaalton> nvidia..
[20:18] <tjaalton> do you get the same with nv?
[20:18] <pwnguin> i can try
[20:18] <pwnguin> but i think so
[20:19] <pwnguin> i know how you guys like to blame everything on nvidia
[20:19] <tjaalton> <g>
[20:20] <tjaalton> a third of all the bugs on x-swat packages are from restricted-modules (>500)
[20:21] <tjaalton> that backtrace doesn't look like it's nvidia's fault though
[20:22] <pwnguin> same happened
[20:23] <tjaalton> then you should get a proper backtrace with gdb
[20:25] <tjaalton> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingXorg
[20:25] <tjaalton> since it doesn't hang the machine you can use a vt for gdb
[20:26] <pwnguin> that package doesn't exist
[20:27] <pwnguin> oh
[20:27] <pwnguin> seperate repo
[20:27] <tjaalton> or xserver-xorg-core-dbg
[20:28] <pwnguin> is there a difference?
[20:28] <tjaalton> you can install -dbg directly
[20:28] <tjaalton> otherwise no
[20:47] <pwnguin> time for breakfast
[20:53] <bryce> ha, so it _is_ morning!
[21:05] <pwnguin> you misunderstand. breakfast is whenever you break the fast
[21:05] <pwnguin> i happened to wake up at 2
[21:09] <bryce> hrm, well I'm certain it's morning somewhere
[21:54] <pwnguin> i have a feeling you'll love this
[21:55] <pwnguin> two backtraces
[21:55] <pwnguin> one broken pipe and one segfault
[21:56] <pwnguin> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51014/ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51015/
[21:58] <pwnguin> broken pipes happen even with the good user, so the second paste is my culprit
[22:08] <pwnguin> null pointer dereference
[22:08] <pwnguin> somehow, XkbFindSrvLedInfo returned null
[22:10] <pwnguin> which causes sli-> to null pointer die
[22:12] <pwnguin> which is entirely possible
[22:14] <tjaalton> pwnguin: ok, please file a bug on xorg-server, and attach the backtraces
[22:14] <pwnguin> okies
[22:14] <pwnguin> already workin on it ;)
[22:15] <pwnguin> oh, i love the dupe finder
[22:15] <pwnguin> Phil Collins causes Nautilus to segfault
[22:16] <tjaalton> there'll be a new xorg-server snapshot probably tomorrow
[22:16] <tjaalton> dupe finder?
[22:16] <pwnguin> on launchpad
[22:16] <pwnguin> you file a bug, and it suggests possible dupes
[22:17] <tjaalton> oh right
[22:17] <tjaalton> similar would be useful for bug triaging
[22:17] <pwnguin> it helps a bit
[22:18] <pwnguin> but they either need google level intelligence to figure the algorthim out or smarter users
[22:18] <pwnguin> xorg-server or xserver-xorg-core?
[22:21] <pwnguin> does xorg not have their code on some webgit interface?
[22:21] <tjaalton> yes they do
[22:21] <pwnguin> im failing to find it by simply browsing their site =(
[22:22] <tjaalton> http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/
[22:22] <tjaalton> xorg-server is the source package of xserver-xorg-core
[22:22] <pwnguin> thanks
[22:22] <tjaalton> so x-x-core bugs end up in xorg-server queue
[22:23] <pwnguin> unfortunately, a new pull doesnt appear like it will fix the bug
[22:25] <tjaalton> maybe not
[22:25] <tjaalton> then we'll forward it upstream
[22:26] <tjaalton> you can try searching bugzilla.fd.o if it's reported already
[22:34] <bryce> tjaalton: brian murray recommends bughelper for dupe finding while triaging
[22:35] <bryce> I've not looked at it in a while; apparently it's got new docs and stuff so should be easier to use I hope
[22:37] <tjaalton> bryce: cool, I'll check that out
[22:40] <ubotu> New bug: #180884 in xorg-server (main) "xkbLEDs causes segfault on login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180884
[23:19] <IceKiller> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=633068 <--
[23:19] <IceKiller> the Intel driver + MESA 7.01 shipped with Gutsy is quite buggy with Intel GM965, there are new 'drivers' and was wondering if it was going to be included in the mainstream
[23:19] <IceKiller> http://www.mesa3d.org/relnotes-7.0.2.html where it mentions among other things that: "Fixed an assortment of i965 driver bugs" && a new Intel driver, version 2.2.0: http://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/...l-2.2.0.tar.gz
[23:20] <tjaalton> IceKiller: try hardy alpha2, which has those
[23:20] <IceKiller> tjaalton k ty :)
[23:21] <IceKiller> tjaalton anychance they are going to update it in their mainstream
[23:22] <tjaalton> what do you mean? backports for gutsy?
[23:23] <IceKiller> yeah
[23:23] <IceKiller> well included into the 'update' stuff..
[23:23] <tjaalton> I don't know
[23:23] <IceKiller> hm k :) tx
[23:35] <bryce> no probably not
[23:35] <pwnguin> if you want stuff fixed, test and report the testing versions ;)
[23:35] <bryce> it's a lot of work to backport significant driver changes, and the effort is better invested into making hardy better
[23:36] <tjaalton> yeah
[23:37] <bryce> right; if you want to put in some elbow grease to get patches ported to Gutsy, that would be a great thing! But I've backported as much for -intel as I'm planning for gutsy
[23:55] <tjaalton> hum, checked how many new bugs there were reported in 2007.. (re: perriers blog on planet.d.o)
[23:56] <tjaalton> the first bug-id of 2007 was bug 77587, and the first in 2008 was bug 179627
[23:56] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 77587 in ivi "Assertion `expr` failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77587
[23:56] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 179627 in ubuntu "Laptop battery icon disappears" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179627
[23:56] <tjaalton> but not all of the id's are ubuntu bugs
[23:57] <tjaalton> don't know how to get reliable data out from it