UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /06 /#ubuntu-kernel.txt
Initial commit
[00:16] <yuhong> /msg NickServ IDENTIFY asdasd
[00:17] <yuhong> There are not as many kernel in ubuntu as in debian
[00:17] <yuhong> The kernels in ubuntu does not enable mce, debian kernels do.
[00:17] <yuhong> I wonder why
[02:51] <newc> hi, i have an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ and im about to compile the kernel on ubuntu 7.10 i386, on make xconfig, on processor type, should i select
[02:51] <newc> MK7 or MK8?
[02:57] <johanbr> It should run either, but you probably want k8
[02:58] <newc> so, to use 64bit compiled packages, where do i set it on kernel?
[02:58] <newc> on the quantity of RAM?
[02:58] <newc> 4 or 64 GB?
[02:58] <newc> i dont want 64bit packages, im just curious cause im kind of confused
[02:59] <newc> on the kernel stuff relatated to that
[03:00] <mjg59> You can't easily build a 64 bit kernel on a 32 bit system
[03:00] <mjg59> You'd need a cross compiler
[03:02] <newc> i see, but which kernel configs are related to the diference between building a 64bit kernel and a 32 bit one?
[03:04] <johanbr> CONFIG_64BIT
[03:05] <newc> right
[03:06] <newc> and another question: is there any ubuntu patch to the kernel or the ubuntu kernel team is resposable for packing only?
[03:08] <johanbr> The ubuntu kernels have lots of patches.
[03:09] <newc> nice, that is why it takes some time to go to the repositories, right?
[03:10] <newc> well, ill reboot, keep the nice work guys =)
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[06:48] <bullgard4> What is the main defference between kernels 2.6.22-14 and
[06:49] <bullgard4> What is the main difference between kernels 2.6.22-14 and
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=== kraut__ is now known as kraut
[13:09] <bullgard4> Where can I find definitions of the technical terms 'The latest stable version of the Linux kernel', 'The latest prepatch for the stable Linux kernel tree', 'The latest snapshot for the stable Linux kernel tree', 'The latest snapshot for the stable Linux kernel tree'? See http://www.kernel.org/kdist/finger_banner
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[13:51] <zul> www.kernel.org
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=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
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=== kraut__ is now known as kraut
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
[23:25] <crimsun> freeflying: sorry it took so long to get back to you WRT the patch. Is it an AC'97 or an HDA series?
[23:29] <crimsun> freeflying: (i.e., since I don't have that hardware, did you really mean to patch pci/hda/hda_intel.c::pci_device_id azx_ids[]?)