UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /06 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <yuhong> BTW, iwl3945 should be the default in next version of ubuntu, it does not require the restricted regulatory daemon like ipw3945 do.
[00:02] <bardyr> nice
[00:04] <Amaranth> yuhong: it already is
[00:04] <Amaranth> yuhong: afaik ipw3945 does not even exist in hardy
[00:04] <Amaranth> yuhong: but it was not ready in gutsy, intel had not yet certified it
[00:07] <yuhong> Thanks, I had to manually blacklist ipw3945 and load iwl3945 in gutsy.
[00:09] <rainwalker> when is the next hardy alpha coming out?
[00:12] <Tomcat_> rainwalker: Thursday probably.
[00:13] <rainwalker> sweet!
[00:13] <rainwalker> thanks
[00:13] <rainwalker> Aren't there daily builds somewhere?
[00:13] <yuhong> BTW, machine check is disabled in the gutsy kernel.
[00:13] <bardyr> hey, i have a problem with my X freezing and sound starts to repeat/hack, alt+ctrl+backspace or alt+ctrl+prt scr + k does not work
[00:14] <yuhong> And in general there are not as many kernels in ubuntu as in debian.
[00:14] <bardyr> im not sure how to debug it or find the sinner
[00:15] * DanaG loves Magic Sysrq, but hates when he needs Magic Sysrq.
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[01:09] <zeld> hi to all..
[01:11] * Hobbsee waves
[01:37] <e-uoaphys> what does dapper, edgy, feisty, and gutsy gibbons and hardy heron mean?
[01:37] <e-uoaphys> are they names from toy story?
[01:39] <Pici> e-uoaphys: no..
[01:39] <Pici> !codenames | e-uoaphys
[01:39] <ubotu> e-uoaphys: Ubuntu has awesome release codenames. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames for more
[01:39] <Pici> See that link for the rationale (?) behind them
[01:48] <WorkingOnWise> /msg ubotu flash
[01:48] <WorkingOnWise> no ubotu?
[01:49] <Pici> Dont use the space in front of /msg
[01:51] <WorkingOnWise> hmmm...my keyboard has ghosts tonight....
[01:52] <WorkingOnWise> can I assume that flash in hardy is broken for the same reasons as in Gutsy and the same solution will (hopefully) work for both?
[01:52] <iN00DLE> yes
[01:53] <iN00DLE> I had java 5.0 and things worked, upgraded to hardy and it broke again
[01:53] <iN00DLE> issue is with java
[01:54] <WorkingOnWise> I can live better with broke java than broke flash...
[01:54] <iN00DLE> your flash is broke? I misread
[01:54] <iN00DLE> I have no issues with flash
[01:54] <Pici> Me either.
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[01:55] <WorkingOnWise> hmmm....just, like rebooted into it 10 minutes ago... finished upgrading to Hardy 64bit and the only error i got was for flash nonfree
[01:56] <Hobbsee> how's flash broke now?
[01:56] <Pici> WorkingOnWise: Perhaps its something else, you are running 64bits...
[01:57] <albert23> some required 32 bit libs are missing in ia32-libs
[01:57] <WorkingOnWise> I may be assuming too much here. The error was just that it failed to install. I automaticlly blamed it on the change adobe made to the tar
[01:57] <WorkingOnWise> ball
[01:57] <iN00DLE> so you haven't tested if it works yet then?
[01:58] <WorkingOnWise> oh yes, I went to yahoo video and it said I needd flash, and none of the vides play
[01:58] <WorkingOnWise> I always test first :)
[01:58] <iN00DLE> I had that issue with firefox 3.0 on gutsy (32bit)
[01:58] <WorkingOnWise> it's assuming instantly I know the cause that gets me into trouble sometimes :)
[01:59] <iN00DLE> I don't recall how I fixed it, but the current repo of ff 3.0 on hardy works like a charm
[01:59] <WorkingOnWise> I wont be going to ff3 till my plugins catchup....
[01:59] <iN00DLE> was flash working in ff2 on gutsy for you?
[01:59] <WorkingOnWise> nope
[02:00] <albert23> WorkingOnWise: flash does not work because of bug 180478
[02:00] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 180478 in ia32-libs "pulseaudio support, broken nspluginwrapper/flash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180478
[02:01] <WorkingOnWise> albert23: ty. looking at it now...
[02:03] <Hobbsee> oh goody
[02:04] <WorkingOnWise> well....looks like I might not be enjoying flash tonight after all....
[02:05] <|neon|> how can i update from gutsy to heron using apt?
[02:05] <DarkMageZ> |neon|, if you have to ask then we advise against it.
[02:05] <DanaG> Oh yeah, firefox 3.0 doesn't see firefox plugins, unless you symlink the plugin dir.
[02:05] <DanaG> /usr/lib/firefox-3.0/plugins
[02:06] <DanaG> And be aware that some Firefox 2.0 plugins crash 3.0.
[02:07] <|neon|> DarkMageZ: i know that there is a chance i have to re-install everything again , just curious so i do not have to do a fresh install
[02:07] <Hobbsee> who needs flash anyway...
[02:07] <Hobbsee> |neon|: if you have to ask, don't run it. see /topic
[02:08] <Gnine> -d
[02:09] <Gnine> and be ready to possibly having to resolve hostname or you wont be able to run sudo
[02:09] <Gnine> meep
[02:09] <Pici> be ready for anything
[02:09] <scizzo-> |neon|: when the time comes that you can go from gutsy -> hardy it will tell you in the update-manager
[02:10] <scizzo-> |neon|: that is when the release is stable....
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[02:10] <Gnine> anyhow, i like the new kernel
[02:13] <Seeker`> how is heron running atm? is it broken often?
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[02:16] <Pici> Seeker`: Its definitely not ready for release
[02:43] <jtt> hewus you around
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[02:57] <Hewus> jtt: yes
[02:57] <Hewus> I just got hardy working this morning!
[02:57] <Hewus> I don't really know how tho
[02:59] <Hewus> I suspected it was something to do with grub not being able to see my other two HDDs, and after a lot of playing with grub 2 and various switching around, I made another menu for grub legacy and it worked!
[02:59] <Gnine> good for you that you have not found an hostname error, Hewus
[02:59] <Hewus> hostname error?
[02:59] <Gnine> i found it while apt upgrading from gutsy
[03:01] <Hewus> Gnine: I have gutsy on my sda1 and put hardy on sdb1. I had huge Error 15: File not found problems with grub. I didn't upgrade, just put it alongside gutsy :-)
[03:01] <Hewus> I wish I could pinpoint what it is I did that made it work, from what I can tell my menu.lst is the same
[03:01] <Hewus> actually I'll check it in detail now
[03:05] <Hewus> apart from a UUID change due to a format/reinstall, it's exactly the same. A very strange issue indeed.
[03:06] <Hewus> For the record, sdb is a WD SATA 200GB, in case someone knows there is an issue with that drive
[03:07] <Hewus> around 2.6.18 kernels, that drive is not detected in linux (eg debian etch, ubuntu dapper)
[03:07] <Hewus> I did a lot of testing on it haha, so much installing and changing of stuff..
[03:18] <Oli``> What kernel is the current dev version on?
[03:22] <DarkMageZ> 2.6.24
[03:22] <Oli``> cheers
[03:56] <wfarr> Anyone else had issues printing with devices that worked prior?
[03:58] <wfarr> ah nvm
[03:58] <wfarr> it wanted the usb URI instead of the hp
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[04:14] <WorkingOnWise> I see a package in synaptic called irqbalance. it says it can balance interupts among multiple cores or cpus, and that usually interupts are typically serviced only by the by the first core. Is this something I need to be aprised of for my dual core laptop? AMD Turion.
[04:27] <kosha> Is it possible to install KDE4 RC2 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha2?
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[04:28] <stdin> kosha: yes, just follow the guide in the #kubuntu topic just without adding the PPA repositories. all the packages are in universe
[04:34] <kosha> All right so following the guide to install KDE RC2 won't break my KDE3 correct/
[04:34] <kosha> ?
[04:47] <jimmygoon> How is the GUI revisions coming? Anything solid yet?
[04:52] <WorkingOnWise> where can I pose this question. Why do we now have 2 GUI's for Truecrypt in the repos, but truecrypt isn't in the repos?
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[05:18] <jimmygoon> What are the two GUIs? I've been using cmd line and it is annoying :/
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[05:35] <mohkohn> has the virtualbox-ose package in hardy been upgraded for the 2.6.24 kernel?
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[05:48] <DanaG> Oh yeah, speaking of VirtualBox:
[05:48] <DanaG> 1.5.4 has been released, and it fixes lots of stuff.
[06:01] <DanaG> !samba
[06:01] <ubotu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[06:49] <vwhydrowv> anyone around?
[06:50] <aslaen> vwhydrowv: what's up ?
[06:51] <vwhydrowv> im having issues with mounting a removable drive and ntfs-3g not recognizing read/write access
[06:52] <vwhydrowv> have u ran into this issue before?
[06:53] <aslaen> what's it say?
[06:53] <aslaen> what have you done...
[06:53] <vwhydrowv> on the mount point should i use the directory or the /dev/
[06:53] <aslaen> what do you mean... it should auto mount
[06:53] <aslaen> are you trying to mount manually.
[06:54] <vwhydrowv> its not
[06:54] <vwhydrowv> yes
[06:54] <aslaen> you can try
[06:54] <aslaen> mount -t nfs-3g /path/to/device /path/to/directory/to/mount
[06:54] <aslaen> change paths obviously
[06:55] <vwhydrowv> ok
[06:55] <vwhydrowv> ill try that
[06:55] <vwhydrowv> other issue with directly with ntfs-3g
[06:55] <vwhydrowv> but let me get this first
[06:55] <aslaen> you're running hardy right?
[06:55] <vwhydrowv> yup
[06:55] <vwhydrowv> wait, it finally mounted
[06:56] <vwhydrowv> under properties though, its not noticing it as a removable drive
[06:56] <vwhydrowv> its a usb drive
[06:56] <aslaen> well it is a USB drive right?
[06:56] <vwhydrowv> yes
[06:57] <vwhydrowv> which should show up as a removable drive right?
[06:57] <vwhydrowv> and when i try to change read-only to read+write it says, the permissions could not be changed, sorry, coulnt change the permissions of "drobo"
[06:57] <vwhydrowv> drobo being the removable drive
[06:58] <aslaen> vwhydrowv: did you mount it yourself or did it get mounted with hal ?
[06:58] <vwhydrowv> fairly new to linux, what is hal?
[06:59] <vwhydrowv> it mounted it on its own, just took a bit of time
[07:02] <vwhydrowv> u still there?
[07:03] <bullgard4> vwhydrowv: HAL stands for Hardware Abstraction Layer.
[07:04] <vwhydrowv> ok
[07:04] <vwhydrowv> well im not sure,
[07:04] <vwhydrowv> how do i check
[07:06] * DanaG wishes ntfs-3g had an automatic fallback to read-only.
[07:06] <DanaG> Otherwise, it's so boggling when your volumes simply don't mount.
[07:07] <vwhydrowv> its definitely mounting now
[07:07] <vwhydrowv> just cant get read/write access
[07:11] <Laser87> vwhydrowv: try to mount it manually with umask=007
[07:11] <vwhydrowv> ok
[07:12] <aslaen> vwhydrowv: umm... and you have ntfs-3g and ntfs-config installed?
[07:12] <aslaen> did you run the config and tell it to make it writable?
[07:12] <vwhydrowv> yes
[07:12] <vwhydrowv> i do
[07:12] <vwhydrowv> yes i did
[07:14] <aslaen> vwhydrowv: what do you see /var/log/messages when it mounts it?
[07:14] <aslaen> what is the error if you type
[07:14] <aslaen> mount -o remount,rw /media/whatever ?
[07:14] <vwhydrowv> ok ill try that
[07:14] <aslaen> replace /media/whatever with where the drive is mounted.
[07:15] <vwhydrowv> hrm
[07:15] <vwhydrowv> command went through
[07:15] <vwhydrowv> lemme check
[07:15] <vwhydrowv> read only
[07:16] <vwhydrowv> when i change it via the gui, says permissions could not be changed
[07:16] <aslaen> do you see anything in /var/log/messages about it?
[07:17] <vwhydrowv> going to it now
[07:17] <AnAnt> Hello, hardy has a new module for broadcomm wifi cards, yet it automatically loads bcm43xx module, how can I make it automatically load the new module (b43) instead ?
[07:17] <aslaen> AnAnt: you can try adding bcm43xx to /etc/modules.d/blacklist or something like that
[07:18] <aslaen> oops
[07:18] <aslaen> modprobe.d
[07:18] <DanaG> Hmm, another bug: 75-persistent-net-generator.rules doesn't create rules for wmaster interfaces.
[07:18] <vwhydrowv> says write protect is off
[07:18] <aslaen> vwhydrowv: if you type mount
[07:19] <aslaen> does it ro or rw in the options for that drive?
[07:19] <aslaen> does it say*
[07:19] <vwhydrowv> rw
[07:19] <vwhydrowv> in the gui
[07:20] <AnAnt> aslaen: then ?
[07:20] <vwhydrowv> ok
[07:20] <aslaen> vwhydrowv: ok, so you should be ok then.. if you browse to that directory can you create a file?
[07:20] <vwhydrowv> 1 sec
[07:20] <vwhydrowv> no, sorry
[07:20] <vwhydrowv> read it wrong
[07:21] <vwhydrowv> looking at the logs
[07:22] <vwhydrowv> im not finding that info in the logs
[07:22] <Sonicadvance1> cpu[1 x AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+ (AuthenticAMD) @ 1000MHz w/ 1024 KB L2 Cache]
[07:22] <aslaen> AnAnt: do you have b43-fwcutter installed ?
[07:22] <aslaen> vwhydrowv: ya I know
[07:22] <aslaen> at the command line
[07:22] <aslaen> type "mount" without the quotes
[07:23] <Sonicadvance1> There is a problem on that line. a AMD Athlon 64 X2 has 2 CPU cores, why does Hardy think there is only one?
[07:23] <aslaen> and look at the device you are having problem with.
[07:24] <vwhydrowv> alot of stuff
[07:24] <vwhydrowv> what am i looking for specifically
[07:24] <aslaen> vwhydrowv: it should look like this.
[07:25] <vwhydrowv> oh
[07:25] <aslaen> $ mount
[07:25] <bardyr> Sonicadvance1, i have AMD 64 X2 tl-56 and im seeing 2 cores
[07:25] <aslaen> /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
[07:25] <aslaen> see where it has rw
[07:25] <vwhydrowv> . /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw, errors=remount -ro)
[07:25] <aslaen> does it say rw or ro on the line for your usb drive?
[07:25] <Sonicadvance1> It used to see two cores
[07:26] <Sonicadvance1> Until recently when I decided to show someone my specs
[07:26] <vwhydrowv> ro
[07:26] <aslaen> vwhydrowv: and when you run "sudo mount -o remount,rw /media/usb/disk it works ?
[07:27] <vwhydrowv> says no such file or directory
[07:28] <aslaen> vwhydrowv: ya you're not supposed to type it just like that
[07:28] <aslaen> ok.. let's start over... where did the drive mount?
[07:28] <aslaen> /media.... something
[07:28] <vwhydrowv> ya i am
[07:30] <aslaen> vwhydrowv: where did it mount the drive ?
[07:31] <vwhydrowv> . /media/Drobo
[07:31] <vwhydrowv> i got someone going to ssh into it, i do appreciate you trying to help though man
[07:31] <vwhydrowv> im just too new to this
[07:33] <Sonicadvance1> So. I'm currently running on one core now. Anyone know how to fix this problem I seem to have gained?
[07:36] <AnAnt> aslaen: yes I do
[07:36] <AnAnt> aslaen: actually I modprobe b43 by hand and it works fine
[07:37] <AnAnt> aslaen: it's just that I want it to get loaded automatically
[07:37] <aslaen> AnAnt: uh. ok.. just one sec
[07:37] <DanaG> /etc/modules
[07:38] <aslaen> vwhydrowv: I'm glad you're running linux, but you should not be running hardy if you are not familiar with Linux.. it can cause problems you may not wanna fix :)
[07:40] <AnAnt> DanaG: isn't /etc/modules a deprecated method ?
[07:42] <vwhydrowv> aslaen, i chose hardy because of ntfs-3g
[07:42] <vwhydrowv> lol
[07:43] <Laser87> vwhydrowv: you can use GutsyGibbon with ntfs-3g too
[07:43] <aslaen> wraund: I run ntfs-3g in gutsy just fine
[07:43] <aslaen> Laser87: lol you beat me to it.
[07:44] <Laser87> But let's see - unmount /media/Drobo again
[07:45] <Laser87> And mount it with umask=007
[07:45] <vwhydrowv> so sudo umask=007 /media/Drobo?
[07:45] <Laser87> no^^
[07:46] <Laser87> already unmounted?
[07:46] <vwhydrowv> not yet, actually i cant do anything at the present, someone is ssh'd into it and trying to fix it for me
[07:46] <vwhydrowv> i can in a few
[07:46] <vwhydrowv> if he cant get it working
[07:47] <vwhydrowv> its a friend of mine
[07:47] <Laser87> ah, ok - then I'll wait - tell if it works
[07:47] <vwhydrowv> ok
[07:50] <Laser87> But I have a question too - adding a new user destroyed all my rights. I've been in no group anymore. Took an older Kernel and added me to all groups again
[07:51] <Laser87> But still I don't have access to "users and groups" in the GUI (and a few other, I guess)
[07:52] <Laser87> and HAL also is not working - don't know if that depends (failed to initializ HAL)
[07:53] <Laser87> What could it be, that I cannot use "users and groups" after(!) typing in the pwd?
[07:55] <Sonicadvance> Just realized, I had Dual-Core Yesterday, and Yesterday I installed some updates. Today I restarted and now I don't have my other core
[07:59] <Laser87> I'm in the groups: joe adm dialout cdrom audio dip video plugdev lpadmin haldaemon admin usb - anything missing?
[08:02] <Laser87> no idea? And what about the HAL problem?
[08:19] <vwhydrowv> ok fixed
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[09:52] <bullgard4> Laser87: I cannot help you much with your HAL problem particularly as you don't state the exact error message. But one hint: I once had a similar error message and got rid of it after I restored the Gnome menu system to its original format.
[10:06] <bullgard4> Laser87: May be you need to be a member of the groups floppy src powerdev usb scanner also. But this will depend on your particular circumstances.
[10:22] <Laser87> bullgard4: thx - I'll try
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[11:41] <telexicon> are there known issues with unicode in hardy? All my chinese stuff shows up as ??? in gnome-terminal but it looks fine on my gutsy box
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[12:32] <pvandewyngaerde> are there qt 4.4 packages for hardy ?
[12:43] <Ayabara> Anyone seen a vmware image for hardy?
[12:45] <Ayabara> found one on vmware's site (so nevermind) :-)
[13:08] <jtt> Hewus, are you around
[13:09] <Hewus> jtt: yes
[13:09] <Hewus> jtt: it's just past midnight here and I was about to head to bed :P
[13:09] <jtt> Hewus, i found your exact bug last night on launchpad
[13:09] <Hewus> jtt: I got hardy working but I don't really know how
[13:09] <Hewus> jtt: oh really!
[13:09] <jtt> ok wont keep you
[13:09] <Hewus> link?
[13:10] <Hewus> nah I can spare a few minutes :)
[13:10] <Hewus> I'd be interested in seeing the bug
[13:10] <jtt> let me see if i can find it again
[13:10] <Hewus> thank you
[13:10] <Hewus> jtt: I did a lot of installing and formatting, playing with grub, and eventually I got it working but I can't find out what changed exactly
[13:10] <jtt> i tried to send you email at the address in /whois but it failed
[13:11] <Hewus> oh, I don't believe I've set an address there, hmm
[13:11] <jtt> you didnt it was the one that irc picked up
[13:11] <Hewus> ah ok
[13:11] <jtt> in any case let me find it again and i will tell you the number
[13:11] <Hewus> yea I don't publicise my email if I can help it :-)
[13:11] <Hewus> thank you jtt
[13:12] <jtt> and you can bring it up and say you also have the problem
[13:12] <jtt> and i can mark it confirmed and perhaps someone will
[13:12] <jtt> look at it.
[13:12] <jtt> where are you physically in the world
[13:13] <jtt> what country
[13:13] <Hewus> jtt: Sydney, Australia
[13:13] <jtt> ah yes, i am in georgia, usa
[13:13] <Hewus> :-)
[13:14] <Hewus> it is now Monday 7th January. Hello from the future! :P
[13:14] <jtt> later get some sleep
[13:14] <jtt> good bye from the past
[13:14] <Hewus> haha cya, have a good day :-)
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[15:52] <slipttees> yo..ubuntu hardy don't changer backgourd!
[15:52] <slipttees> it is bug ?
[15:54] <slipttees> ??
[15:55] <tuxice> probably a bug. what are you trying to change the backround from (mozilla or an already installed)
[15:56] <slipttees> no add nothing photo in apparence!
[15:56] <slipttees> none photo*
[15:56] <tuxice> ?????
[15:56] <tuxice> youre trying to set a photo as a wallpaper
[15:56] <slipttees> i can't add new backgroud
[15:56] <slipttees> ok ?
[15:57] <tuxice> hmmmmm.... im not a dev but you should be able too
[15:58] <tuxice> you right click on desktop click -changedesktop backround - and then add - then navigate to /home/USER or whever the back is stored
[15:59] <tuxice> is that what you were doing
[15:59] <slipttees> yes
[16:00] <slipttees> i can't add
[16:00] <tuxice> no windows pops up to add? or is the button disabled
[16:00] <slipttees> no see new background in tab backgourd
[16:00] <slipttees> background*
[16:01] <tuxice> hmmmm report it in bugzilla
[16:03] <slipttees> reported!
[16:03] <slipttees> :-)
[16:04] <slipttees> launchpad reported!
[16:05] <tuxice> :)
[16:09] <Laser87> slipttees: Tried it with the GUI? system - preferences - screen-background (or something like that - my Ubuntu is German)?
[16:09] <slipttees> nope..double click in Desktop and charge backgourd
[16:10] <slipttees> system - preferences - apparence ? Laser87 ?
[16:11] <slipttees> osp
[16:11] <slipttees> rigth click
[16:11] <slipttees> soory
[16:11] <slipttees> kkkk
[16:11] <slipttees> sorry*
[16:14] <Laser87> slipttees: In German it is Desktop-Hintergrund - desktop-background...
[16:14] <slipttees> eheehhe
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[16:19] <tuxice> hi
[16:20] <slipttees> hi
[16:20] <tuxice> hi
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[16:34] <Laser87> slipttees: Got your background?
[16:35] <slipttees> nope...I can't add new background
[16:35] <slipttees> i can change background of system default
[16:37] <Laser87> but?
[16:38] <slipttees> Got ?
[16:41] <Laser87> but u can't change what?
[16:43] <slipttees> i can change background default
[16:44] <slipttees> but add new i can't!
[16:47] <Laser87> ah ok...
[16:50] <Laser87> as a workaround u could cp your pic to the right folder, but plz don't ask me its name - otherwise no idea and I didn't test it on my Hardy-PC
[16:51] <Laser87> sry
[16:56] <Laser87> have to leave now - cu
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[18:49] <henrix> I don't know if this is the right channel to ask but... here it goes:
[18:50] <henrix> last week lilypond package was broken after an upgrade of hardy and I open a new bug report on it
[18:50] <henrix> I also found a similar bug report on debian and linked it in the bug report.
[18:51] <henrix> this debian bug report refered to a workaround that was just to checkout the src pck, compile it and reinstall
[18:51] <henrix> I just tested this and it actually works.
[18:51] <henrix> shall I report it somewhere? in my bug report maybe...?
[18:52] <Tomcat_> henrix: Yes, mention it in your bug report.
[18:52] <henrix> Tomcat_: ok, thanks ;)
[19:07] <MrFeetio> I am getting a dependency error when I try yo update it, seems my libc6 isn't the needed version
[19:08] <MrFeetio> several bluetooth packages are not being upgraded, because of my libc6 problems(btw gusty 86_64)
[19:09] <MrFeetio> woops, wrong tab
[19:09] <MrFeetio> sorry
[19:09] <MrFeetio> I feel silly now
[19:11] <Pici> tuxice is batting 0 today...
[19:12] <Pici> oops
[19:13] <Pici> wrong tab, /me feels silly now.
[19:48] <Redhammer_the_Ol> hello short question: does anyone else have problems with avahi daemon not starting, I am using amd turion x2 with nvidia motherboard chipset
[19:51] <tuxice> lol
[19:54] <Redhammer_the_Ol> why lol ? is my question stupid ?
[19:54] <tuxice> no help help im being repressed
[20:05] <Redhammer_the_Ol> anybody got any ideas how to fix avahi daemon start failure
[20:07] <slipttees> ayo
[20:07] <slipttees> someone have problem with ethernet in the Hardy ?
[20:11] <slipttees> Whenever I leave the pc with the screen blocked after a few minutes or even hour, I am no internet, as if the dead had ethernet!
[20:11] <slipttees> :-(
[20:11] <Redhammer_the_Ol> lol I caaaannot even get an ip address
[20:11] <slipttees> me too
[20:12] <slipttees> problem in change ip address!
[20:13] <Redhammer_the_Ol> yes when I check my boot I can see the avahi daemon fails to start
[20:13] <slipttees> Redhammer_the_Ol, this :-)
[20:18] <slipttees> avahi-daemon[4769]: No service file found in /etc/avahi/services
[20:18] <Redhammer_the_Ol> but how to fix it
[20:18] <slipttees> ?
[20:19] <slipttees> Redhammer_the_Ol, Whenever I leave the pc with the screen blocked after a few minutes or even hour, I'm without internet, as if the dead had ethernet!
[20:36] <AnAnt> Hello, I got a problem in Hardy Alpha2, I get several interfaces for the wireless interface: eth1 and wlan0_rename, and eth1 has a wierd hardware address
[20:36] <AnAnt> and the NetworkManager cannot connect using the wireless interface wlan0_rename, so I have to bring it up manually
[20:36] <AnAnt> is there a solution for this ?
[20:38] <slipttees> AnAnt, problem Look
[20:38] <slipttees> i have problem look
[20:39] <slipttees> ip static problem
[20:39] <slipttees> :S
[20:39] <AnAnt> ?
[20:39] <slipttees> hardy avahi problem
[20:40] <slipttees> check boot it fails in startup
[20:40] <slipttees> :S
[20:40] <AnAnt> dunno about avahi
[20:41] <slipttees> AnAnt, Whenever I leave the pc with the screen blocked after a few minutes or even hour, I'm without internet, as if the dead had ethernet!
[20:41] <slipttees> i need reboot!
[20:41] <slipttees> :S
[20:42] <AnAnt> dunno
[20:43] <AnAnt> gotta sleep anyways
[20:46] <hit> hit@hit:~$ glxgears
[20:46] <hit> Xlib: extension "ATIFGLRXDRI" missing on display ":0.0".
[20:46] <hit> Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual
[20:46] <hit> anyone?
[20:46] <hit> ati drivers
[20:46] <hit> not official
[20:47] * Roy slaps » JiMiGj « around a bit with a large trout :)
[20:47] * JiMiGj slaps Roy around a bit with a large trout
[20:47] * Roy HëHë » JiMiGj « Slaps BacK! ;)
[20:47] <JiMiGj> hahhaha
[20:47] <JiMiGj> ..
[20:52] <Redhammer_the_Ol> anybody got any idea to fix the static ip address / avahi daemon issue
[21:42] <MGrunde> Is the flash plugin broken?
[21:42] <MGrunde> on x64?
[21:42] <crimsun> yes.
[21:43] <crimsun> (meaning x86_64)
[21:43] <MGrunde> Yeah.
[21:43] <crimsun> it's technically not flashplugin-nonfree at fault; it's ia32-libs
[21:44] <MGrunde> Ah. I don't suppose there's a workaround?
[21:44] * BluesKaj decides to stick with Gutsy for now :)
[21:44] <crimsun> there's some script floating around on the forum that you can use to grab the libs
[21:44] <MGrunde> ubuntuforums?
[21:44] <crimsun> it does clobber ia32-libs, however, so be warned.
[21:45] <crimsun> yes, that one.
[21:45] <MGrunde> Okay, thanks a lot.
[22:21] <BluesKaj> what's a fairly fast hardy download source for North America ?
[22:35] <yoda> anyone alive?
[22:39] <crimsun> well, yes.
[22:39] <yoda> just afk...?
[22:39] <crimsun> well, busy, yes.
[22:39] <yoda> all 152 of you... it always fascinates me how IRC seems to defy the laws of probability
[22:41] <crimsun> did you have something to ask? :)
[22:41] <yoda> probably, gdm/xfce and kde all hang on load in hardy... I'm borrowing a GUI from a neighbouring system atm, but it's not a permanent solution =\ so I decided to appeal for help
[22:42] <crimsun> is it reproducible on a fresh boot?
[22:43] <yoda> well yes
[22:44] <yoda> but I don't like rebooting it, I have a few daemon's I'd rather not vanquish :P
[22:45] <yoda> oops, don't know how that apostrophe got in there...
[22:45] <yoda> daemons*
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[22:55] <crimsun> yoda: it's best to see if a bug is filed against the display manager or sessions
[22:55] <crimsun> yoda: if not, go ahead and file one using Launchpad.net
[22:57] <yoda> good poa, I'll go ahead and do that, thanks
[23:08] <Laney> Is kde4 packaging broken atm?
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[23:33] <crimsun> nothing like a sigsegv-happy evolution while attempting to compose e-mail regarding linux patches.
[23:34] <yoda> yeah there is, there's a sigsegv-happy thunderbird while attempting to compose e-mail regarding linux patches
[23:34] <yoda> I think that's one of the main ideals of open-source, in fact, is that the end-user should have a choice of software... isn't it?
[23:35] <crimsun> I don't think so. This isn't utopia; it's IRC.
[23:36] <yoda> oh... I thought... so where's utopia? can I apt-get that? :P
[23:38] <crimsun> not any easier than you can apt-get IRC.
[23:39] <yoda> good point
[23:40] <yoda> mind you, I have a sneaking suspicion that "apt-get install irc" would work, I think there's a client called "irc"
[23:40] <yoda> although it might be ircii I'm thinking of
[23:41] <crimsun> E: Invalid operation IRC
[23:41] <crimsun> likewise:
[23:41] <crimsun> E: Invalid operation utopia
[23:41] <yoda> :s that's "apt-get irc" not "apt-get install irc"
[23:41] <yoda> same with utopia
[23:42] * crimsun makes sure he typed 'apt-get IRC' four minutes ago
[23:43] <yoda> yeah ok, I get what you're saying
[23:43] <yoda> but I didn't mean apt-get, I meant apt-get install
[23:44] <crimsun> :)
[23:44] <yoda> I was under the impression it was a legitimate abbreviation...
[23:44] <crimsun> too many legit operations can be given to apt-get :-)
[23:45] <yoda> install, update, upgrade, autoremove, remove, clean, dist-upgrade, check
[23:45] <yoda> any I'm missing?
[23:46] <crimsun> yeah, see apt-get(8) :-)
[23:47] <yoda> I'm missing 3
[23:47] <yoda> autoclean, clean, source
[23:47] <yoda> oh and dselect-upgrade
[23:47] <yoda> so 4
[23:48] <crimsun> 2.6.24-rc7 time.