UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /06 /#bzr.txt
Initial commit
[00:11] <jelmer> mtaylor: You mean if you abort a commit halfway through?
[00:12] <mtaylor> mtaylor: no, I mean if you run bzr uncommit
[00:12] <mtaylor> carap
[00:12] <mtaylor> jelmer: although I suppose aborting commit halfway through might be interesting too
[00:34] <thatch> dlee: are the branches related?
[00:35] <jelmer> mtaylor: maybe in bzr_log.*~ in the cwd
[00:40] <dlee> thatch: Yes, one formed the other at some point.
[00:41] <dlee> Actually, this particular situation came from a cvsps-import: I think the "dgl" branch was a CVS vendor import, and "head" was used from then on. But dgl contains 48 revisions in bzr, and I want to see if anything diverged, because I actually don't *know* that "dgl" was an import branch.
[00:42] <dlee> But I asked a generic question because I've wanted this sort of comparison in less peculiar circumstances. :)
[01:19] <LeMec> hi! can somebody remember me where is this chat logged? I have discussed in the past here about Mac support
[01:19] <LeMec> and I would like to check if there was something more said on the topic
[01:28] <LeMec> well, I've seached around and it looks like except the lucky win users and those using the Leopard distro there is no nice installer
[01:31] <mtaylor> LeMec: there's an IRC link on the inside.mysql.com homepage
[01:31] <mtaylor> LeMec: I believe it links to the place where the logs are
[01:31] <mtaylor> LeMec: nevermind... wrong IRC window
[01:31] <mtaylor> :)
[02:00] <thatch> LeMec: bzr.arbash-meinel.com/irc_log/bzr/ last I knew for logs
[02:01] <LeMec> thatch: it works thanks! wouldn't it be nice to have this link in the topic? so newbies are seeing it immediately?
[02:01] <thatch> LeMec: I think it's because they're unofficial?
[02:02] <LeMec> does it really count? I think unofficial is still better than nothing, isn't it?
[03:06] <Verterok> thatch, LeMac: I think http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ is what you are looking for ;)
=== thumper_laptop is now known as thumper
[11:12] <Qhestion> is there a command to merge a local branch into a foreign branch (!)
[11:12] <Qhestion> foreign=remote
[11:14] <Odd_Bloke> Qhestion: You could create a local copy of the remote branch, perorform the merge and then push it to the remote location.
[11:14] <Odd_Bloke> *perform
[11:14] <Qhestion> too complicated.
[11:14] <Qhestion> well, i would just use a checkout but...
[11:15] <Odd_Bloke> Qhestion: It's three commands, that's not especially complicated...
[11:15] <Qhestion> why three? why not one?!
[11:15] <Qhestion> i am working from 3 computers on the same thing. problem is, the path to the central repository changes.
[11:16] <Qhestion> so i would have to unbind/bind for nearly every commit.
[11:16] <Qhestion> (once a day. not a problem, but definitely not elegant)
[11:16] <Odd_Bloke> Because merging into a remote repository where you can't fix conflicts is a Bad Idea.
[11:16] <Odd_Bloke> s/repository/branch/
[11:16] <Qhestion> hmm sounds logical.
[11:35] <ale666> hi guys, i have just installed bzr. where is the revision downloaded?
[11:35] <ale666> and i have downloaded a branck of a project but i dont know where it is
[11:54] <thumper> ale666: what did you type?
[11:55] <thumper> ale666: sorry, 1am here and time to sleep
[13:01] <ale666> good night :) i figured it out. bzr is so nice!
=== Verterok is now known as Verterok_
[17:44] <JordanC> Ahoy
[17:45] <JordanC> Are there windows-based bzr clients?
[17:45] <JordanC> (That have been released)
[17:46] <Peng> Windows-based?
[17:48] <JordanC> Yup
[17:50] <mtaylor> well, there's bzr
[17:51] <mtaylor> which works on windows. :)
[17:51] <JordanC> GUI based? :P
[17:52] <mtaylor> I think someone is working on a tortoisebzr but I really don't know
[17:53] <mtaylor> there's also a visual studio plugin... but again, I'm not sure of the status
[17:59] <Peng> There are multiple GUI plugins. QBzr, TortoiseBzr, bzr-gtk.
[18:03] <JordanC> QBzr is wierd
[18:03] <JordanC> But it works :D
[18:03] * Peng shrugs.
[18:04] <Peng> I don't use any of them.
[18:04] <Peng> Partly because I'm happy with the command line, partly because I don't want to figure out how to install PyQt and whatnot. :P
[18:04] <luks> Peng, apt-get install python-qt4 :)
[18:06] <luks> JordanC, the current qbzr is not intented to be a "bzr gui", just a tool to help with tasks where the command line is not enough. is that the weird part, or is it something else?
[19:41] <mtaylor> when I send a merge directive, it lists target_branch: and source_branch: in the human readable comments
[19:41] <mtaylor> if I open the revision bundle, are those stored within? Or do I need to parse them from the comments?
[19:42] * mtaylor guesses the second, but I thought I'd check
[19:44] <beuno> mtaylor, bundles are generated with the commit's metadata, including the comment
[19:45] <jelmer> mtaylor: The merge directive parser should be able to return them to you
[19:45] * dato would *guess* that the source branch is not in the bundle
[19:46] <mtaylor> jelmer: know where I'd look for the parser? is that in merge_directive.py ? :)
[19:46] <jelmer> the source branch can be in the bundle because you should be able to send a merge directive without a patch
[19:46] <mtaylor> mmm right
[19:47] <jelmer> yes
[19:47] <mtaylor> so I
[19:47] <jelmer> You can call MergeDirective.from_lines()
[19:47] <mtaylor> ha! I was just about to ask if that was the one. great! thanks
[19:50] <mtaylor> ROCK
[19:50] <mtaylor> that's fan-frickin-tastic
[19:50] <jelmer> :-)
[20:08] <lifeless> thumper: reminding you to mail me :)
[20:25] <thumper> lifeless: ta
[20:26] <jelmer> 'morning lifeless
[20:27] <jelmer> lifeless: what sort of format changes do you plan to work on?
[20:30] <lifeless> jelmer: journalled inventories for now
[20:30] <lifeless> theres a ton of stuff in the queue; but I'll probably take a break from bzr at some point ;)
[20:31] <lifeless> file_ids are a big bugbear right in my target sights
[20:50] <jelmer> hmm, that's a word I had to look up :-)
[20:51] <jelmer> it would be awesome if file ids could be made more flexible or replaced by sometihng better
[20:52] <lifeless> path tokens
[20:52] <lifeless> is my current plan
[20:53] <lifeless> basically memoising the revision-path graph of a path object, allowing for splits and joins (allowing one requires the other for reversability)
[20:54] <jelmer> ah, nice. I didn't know path tokens were that concrete already
[20:55] <jelmer> I really need to finish that shallow branches code as I have been promising for the last half a year
[20:55] <Peng> Would this help with copies?
[20:55] <jelmer> Peng: yes
[20:56] <lifeless> Peng: by 'help' do you mean 'allow' ? :)
[20:56] <Peng> lifeless: Heh, yes.
[20:56] <Peng> That sounds good.
[20:56] <Peng> What are path tokens?
[20:57] <lifeless> Peng: yes, and also the reverse - combining two files that were separate into one.
[20:57] <lifeless> or directories for that matter.
[20:57] <Peng> That sounds nice.
[20:57] <lifeless> path tokens are the code name I gave the concept
[20:57] <Peng> How's it work?
[20:59] <lifeless> I mailed the list a whlie back
[21:00] <lifeless> we ended up talking about whether copies were desirable
[21:03] <thumper> lifeless: what is Branch format 6?
[21:03] <thumper> is that the tags one?
[21:04] <Peng> Yes.
[21:04] <thumper> Peng: ta
[21:17] <thumper> if I have a repository on one machine that is corrupt by missing a knit index file
[21:18] <thumper> how can I get a client to push enough to fix it?
[21:18] <lifeless> you can't
[21:19] <lifeless> we only check references as we push, so to push everything you need to remove all the revisions
[21:19] <thumper> I was going to move the .bzr directory
[21:19] <thumper> a repush would fix yes?
[21:40] <dlee> thumper: repush?
[21:41] <thumper> dlee: what I ment was push again
[21:41] <dlee> lol ok...thought this might be another hidden command :)
[21:41] <dlee> ... there being a remerge and all
[21:56] <Peng> 'bzr help criss-cross' needs to be updated for LCA merge, doesn't it?
[22:05] <j1mc> hi all - i was wondering if bzr revision control would even work on openoffice docs. does anyone know?
[22:13] <Peng> Well sure, it can store any sort of file.
[22:13] <Peng> No diffing or merging though.
[22:15] <lifeless> there is a plugin to diff oo files
[22:16] <Peng> Nice.
[22:39] <j1mc> lifeless and Peng ... thanks. :)
=== Verterok_ is now known as Verterok