UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /05 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:10] <Daviey> +d = real name ban?
[00:11] <PriceChild> mhmm
[00:11] <PriceChild> !modes
[00:11] <ubotu> There are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml
[00:11] <Gary> Seveas, incoming sorry mirc user
[00:11] <Daviey> PriceChild: ta
[00:13] <Seveas> Gary, where?
[00:14] <Pici> here?
[00:14] <PriceChild> Seveas, from -irc about -nl
[00:14] <Gary> in #Ubuntu-irc at the mo, asked em to join here, but he/she is just sitting there
[00:14] <Pici> I'm guessing thats the ctcp sound person?
[00:14] <PriceChild> Gary, probs best to suggest pm first rather than here.
[00:15] <Gary> meh, I fail
[00:15] <Cnerd> hi
[00:15] <Seveas> Gary, as usual ;)
[00:15] <Seveas> hoi Cnerd
[00:15] <Cnerd> :)
[00:15] <Cnerd> ive send a ctcp in #ubuntu-nl, no, my mIRC Power Pack did it
[00:16] <Cnerd> now, i have a autoban
[00:16] <Seveas> if you disable the 'mIRC Power Crap' I will consider removing the ban
[00:16] <Cnerd> can anyone unban me please?
[00:16] <Cnerd> mIRC Power Crap
[00:16] <Cnerd> where can i find that?
[00:17] <Cnerd> lol
[00:17] <Cnerd> hi profoX`
[00:17] <Pici> profoX`: How can we help you today?
[00:17] <profoX`> Pici: err, hi
[00:18] <Pici> Hello.
[00:18] <profoX`> i don't need any help ;)
[00:18] <PriceChild> Cnerd, the scripts you have been using. Remove them.
[00:18] <Cnerd> :p
[00:18] <PriceChild> and you can ignore everyone else joining and parting and talking
[00:18] <Cnerd> so, all scipt by Aliases, Remote popusp, users and variables?
[00:19] <PriceChild> Cnerd, the mirc power pack
[00:19] <Cnerd> yes
[00:19] <Cnerd> ...
[00:19] <Pici> Cnerd: you said that 'mirc power pack' sent the ctcp, we need you to remove that before we can unban you.
[00:19] <Cnerd> i dont knowthe scipts
[00:20] <Cnerd> yes, but where is that scipt???
[00:20] <Seveas> Cnerd, we don't provide support for mirc, you are responsible for that
[00:20] <Cnerd> ./j #mircpp?
[00:20] <Seveas> but until you remove or disable obnoxious scripts, you're less than welcome
[00:22] <Seveas> shitbowl, now that is an interesting nickname
[00:22] <Seveas> what can we do for you?
[00:23] <nalioth> Cnerd: disable your mirc scripts, as i advised you in #ubuntu-irc
[00:24] <Cnerd> yes yes
[00:24] <Cnerd> how :p
[00:24] <Cnerd> ive the mIRC Scipts Editor
[00:24] <nalioth> Cnerd: you installed it.
[00:24] <Cnerd> no
[00:24] <Pici> The opposite of however you enabled it.
[00:24] <Cnerd> its auto in it, i know
[00:24] <Cnerd> :s:s
[00:25] <nalioth> interesting
[00:25] <Cnerd> ive removed all the scipts
[00:25] <Cnerd> but not aliases
[00:25] <Cnerd> thats not needed
[00:26] <Seveas> then now type (6)
[00:26] <Cnerd> ill
[00:26] <Cnerd> ok
[00:26] <Cnerd> (6)
[00:26] <Cnerd> :(
[00:27] <Pici> fail...
[00:27] <Seveas> fail very much
[00:27] <Pici> PriceChild: ping.
[00:27] <Cnerd> :)
[00:27] <Cnerd> thnx
[00:27] <Pici> no, not :)
[00:27] <Cnerd> thnx for unban on this
[00:27] <Seveas> so obviously the scripts are still there
[00:27] <Cnerd> yes
[00:28] <Cnerd> ok, im watching the files in his installtion folder
[00:28] <PriceChild> Pici, pong
[00:28] <Pici> PriceChild: pm?
[00:28] <PriceChild> anytime
[00:28] <PriceChild> shitbowl, change you nick. It is inappropriate
[00:34] <PriceChild> typos and bad timing...
[00:35] <Pici> in soviet #ubuntu-ops, nick changes you
[00:35] <Gary> set a forward to #changeyournickname :p
[00:35] <Pici> Thats why they are forwarded here.
[00:36] <Pici> *!?=shit@*!#ubuntu-ops
[00:36] <Gary> but they don't sit about for long enough
[00:36] <Mez> Pici, but he doesnt match that mask ;)
[00:36] <Seveas> --- Bans matching shitbowl!n=jason@pool-70-16-199-199.man.east.verizon.net (jason peter)
[00:36] <Seveas> --- *!*@pool-70-16-199-199.man.east.verizon.net!#ubuntu-ops
[00:37] <Pici> I wouldnt want to stay long if people kept calling me that
[00:37] <Pici> Same intentions.
[00:37] <Mez> Seveas, new version of chanserv.py ?
[00:37] <nalioth> Gary: go chase him down and mediate. you are no longer able to 'pass the buck'
[00:37] <Seveas> Mez, ancient already
[00:37] <Gary> meh
[00:37] <Seveas> --- Loaded Chanserv helper 1.0.4 by Seveas <dennis@kaarsemaker.net>
[00:37] <Mez> * Trying to download chanserv.py from kaarsemaker.net
[00:37] <Mez> * Failed to update chanserv.py
[00:38] <PriceChild> /cs bans is veeery cool
[00:38] <Seveas> kaarsemaker.net is slightly broken
[00:38] <Mez> * Loaded Chanserv helper 1.0.2 by Seveas <dennis@kaarsemaker.net>
[00:38] <nalioth> is that like "slightly pregnant" ?
[00:38] <PriceChild> nalioth, dreams of it in irssi at night
[00:38] <Mez> Seveas, so linky me!
[00:38] <Seveas> nalioth, neh, it mostly works but most links changed
[00:38] <nalioth> ah
[00:38] <Seveas> Mez, k.net/software
[00:39] <Gary> nalioth, msg him, as he is not in any channel at the mo
[00:39] <Mez> Seveas, no such domain as k.net
[00:39] <Seveas> kaarsemaker.net fool :p
[00:40] <Mez> I kow :P
[00:40] <Mez> know *
[00:40] <Pici> kde.net
[00:40] <Seveas> and /cs bans was added in 1.0.3 :)
[00:40] <Mez> * Loaded Chanserv helper 1.0.4 by Seveas <dennis@kaarsemaker.net>
[00:41] <Mez> # dv or devoice - Let chanserv decoice you/others (/cs deop, /cs deop somenick)
[00:41] <Seveas> doc bug
[00:43] <Cnerd> can i test it now?
[00:43] <Seveas> sure
[00:43] <Mez> hmm, doesnt seem to be doing anything
[00:43] <Cnerd> with unban as it not works :P
[00:43] <Cnerd> (6)
[00:43] <Cnerd> xD
[00:44] * PriceChild wonders when fsoip will be availiable
[00:44] <stdin> just get him to install xchat or some other non-evil client
[00:44] <Seveas> fsoip?
[00:44] <Myrtti> has he restarted it?
[00:44] * PriceChild whispers "use silverex.org's xchat" reaaaaaally quietly
[00:44] <popey> :)
[00:44] <Myrtti> mirc, I mean
[00:45] <Cnerd> :(
[00:46] <nalioth> hey Cnerd, try this: http://www.silverex.org/download/
[00:46] <Pici> GHOST: How can we help you today?
[00:47] <GHOST> hi whats the channel for ubuntu?
[00:47] <Seveas> #ubuntu
[00:47] <GHOST> i cant connect ??
[00:47] <PriceChild> GHOST, its cunningly named #ubuntu to catch you out
[00:47] <Seveas> --- Bans matching ghost!n=GHOST@i02m-87-89-150-252.d4.club-internet.fr (GHOST)
[00:47] <Seveas> --- *!*@i02m-87-89-150-252.d4.club-internet.fr!#ubuntu-ops
[00:47] <Cnerd> ive to go
[00:47] <PriceChild> GHOST, and by that you mean you are banned?
[00:47] <PriceChild> Cnerd, good luck, have fun
[00:47] <GHOST> i dunno mayby lol
[00:48] <PriceChild> hmm this one was me
[00:48] <GHOST> ok fine good continuation all
[00:48] <Seveas> yes, I see no reason to remove the ban
[00:49] <Seveas> bantracker shows things I don't really like :)
[00:49] <PriceChild> !nickspam | GHOST
[00:49] <ubotu> GHOST: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines
[00:49] <profoX`> Pici: are you the official greeter? ;)
[00:49] <Pici> profoX`: I like to be helpful ;)
[00:49] <profoX`> haha, ok
[00:49] <Mez> cs bans doesnt work for me
[00:49] <PriceChild> !doesn't work | Mez
[00:49] <Seveas> Mez, what's the command you tried?
[00:49] <ubotu> Mez: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.
[00:49] * PriceChild highfives ubotu
[00:50] <Mez> /cs bans GHOST
[00:50] <PriceChild> Mez, did you do that in #ubuntu? (by the way I just removed the ban)
[00:50] <Mez> yes
[00:50] <Seveas> works for me in lowercase
[00:50] <Mez> musta been the caps thing ..
[00:50] <Mez> cause /cs bans mez works
[00:51] <Mez> but not cs bans Mez
[00:51] <Seveas> interesting
[00:51] <Mez> and now neither work..
[00:51] <PriceChild> maybe this needs more testing.... *calls for guineapig Gary*
[00:51] <Gary> meh
[00:52] <PriceChild> GHOST, did you get the message from ubotu above?
[00:52] <Mez> seems it was just lag lag lag lag lag
[00:52] <PriceChild> It works for me.
[00:52] <PriceChild> ah have hte messages appeared for you now?
[00:52] <GHOST> PriceChild yes
[00:52] <Seveas> PriceChild, did you remove the ban on ghost?
[00:52] <PriceChild> GHOST, good good. Please take it into account :)
[00:53] <PriceChild> Seveas, yup
[00:53] <jussi01> Seveas: do you have time for a quick bot question?
[00:53] <GHOST> ok thank you
[00:53] <Seveas> jussi01, sure
[00:53] <Gary> why am I always the guineapig?
[00:53] <Seveas> works in uppercase for me as well
[00:53] <Seveas> no bug
[00:54] <Seveas> jussi01, sure
[00:54] <Seveas> come on
[00:54] <Seveas> give me questions!
[00:54] <GHOST> PriceChild i have to go ty and good continuation
[00:54] <jussi01> Seveas: I have a supybot/ubotu clone. I have the bug traker on, but it only works with a bug url - How do I make it work with ie. bug 1234
[00:54] <ubotu> Bug 1234 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/1234 is private
[00:54] <PriceChild> four times 2!
[00:54] <Mez> Seveas, yeah, it works now as I said - was probably lag
[00:54] <Gary> Seveas, asl? :-)
[00:54] <PriceChild> !coc-jbl | Gary
[00:54] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about coc-jbl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[00:54] <Mez> LMFAO @ Seveas
[00:54] <PriceChild> hmm ah well
[00:54] <Mez> TAG teamed!
[00:54] <Gary> meh
[00:55] <Seveas> jussi01, set a snarftarget
[00:55] <Mez> Gary, you were tagteamed :D
[00:55] <Seveas> --- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Mez
[00:55] <Seveas> <-- Gary (n=Gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary) has left #ubuntu-ops (requested by Mez: "cause you're small and furry")
[00:55] <Seveas> --- ChanServ removes channel operator status from Mez
[00:55] <Seveas> --- Seveas sets ban on *!*@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary
[00:55] <jussi01> Seveas: ok, how is that acoomplished?
[00:55] <Mez> Gary, you're staff?
[00:55] <Mez> since when ?
[00:55] <Gary> Mez, OMG you can read :p
[00:56] <Mez> @lart Gary
[00:56] <Seveas> jussi01, @config channel #channelname_here plugins.bugtracker.snarftarget name_of_target
[00:56] <Gary> snarftarget sounds so cute
[00:56] <jussi01> Seveas: thanks a million! :)
[01:04] <PriceChild> That was a long rebooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot
[01:05] <Pici> I went and got the dog some dinner too
[01:05] <PriceChild> excuses excuses
[01:05] <PriceChild> 5 people have been in and out without being greeted!
[01:06] <Pici> let me get my vest on
[01:10] <jussi01> Seveas: call me stupid, but can you give me an example of a snarf target?
[01:10] <Seveas> @bugtracker list
[01:10] <ubotu> apache, ati.cchtml.com, bug, bughost.org, bugs.gentoo.org, bugs.ghostscript.com, bugs.opencompositing.org, bugzilla.mindrot.org, bugzilla.mozdev.org, bugzilla.pculture.org, bugzilla.xfce.org, cups, debian, django, freedesktop, freedesktop2, gaim, gcc, gnewsense, gnome, gnome2, issues.workrave.org, kde, launchpad, lp, madwifi, malone, mandriva, mozilla, novell, openoffice, openoffice.org, oss.codepoet.no, (1 more message)
[01:10] <Seveas> @more
[01:10] <ubotu> redhat, sourceforge, sourceware, squid, supybot, trac, ubuntu, w3c, wine, www.gratisoft.us, wwws.clamav.net, xfce, and ximian
[01:10] <Seveas> there ya go
[01:12] <jussi01> thanks :)
[02:46] <ubotu> Oli`` called the ops in #ubuntu (Junkyard_Jeff)
[02:47] <Pici> taken care of
[03:14] <elkbuntu> junkyard_jeff hit oftc too
[03:14] <Pici> Weird.
[04:11] <onats> hi, need some help to allow me back into #ubuntu..
[04:12] <onats> anyone here?
[04:13] <elkbuntu> you may need to wait a bit
[04:14] <onats> elkbuntu, is it automatic?
[04:14] <onats> or does someone have to lift the ban
[04:14] <elkbuntu> someone has to test that you've obeyed the instructions in the topic of the other channel, then manually lift the ban
[04:16] <elkbuntu> ok you pass
[04:17] <onats> ok thanks:D
[04:17] <onats> oops, still not able to join
[04:18] <elkbuntu> yes, because i have to find your ban to lift it yet, there's a long list ;)
[04:19] <elkbuntu> join now
[04:19] <elkbuntu> sorry abotu the sexist bullshit im tring to stop in there :(
[04:20] <Pici> ugh, I'm ashamed that I share NJ with them
[04:20] * Pici goes to sleep
[04:27] <onats> elkbuntu, its ok now, thanks!
=== aryo is now known as hana
=== hana is now known as aryo
=== aryo is now known as hana
=== hana is now known as aryo
=== aryo is now known as hana
[09:52] <jussi01> and he wonders why he is here? ^^
=== aryo is now known as hana
[09:53] <elkbuntu> aryo, is there something we can help you with?
[09:53] <elkbuntu> hana, is there something we can help you with?
[09:54] <elkbuntu> oh, it's onats...
=== aryo is now known as hana
[09:57] <jussi01> wth?
[09:58] <ardchoille> Get out the kb stick :)
[10:02] <Moniker42> why am i in here? :)
[10:02] <Moniker42> i didn't join =\
[10:03] <Moniker42> unless i've made a major typing error and forgotten about it...
[10:05] * Moniker42 grumbles at staffers playing with him and wanders off...
[10:05] <Seveas> --- Bans matching moniker42!n=sean@pdpc/supporter/student/Moniker42 (Sean Anderson)
[10:05] <Seveas> --- *!*@pdpc/supporter/student/Moniker42!#ubuntu-ops
[10:06] <jussi01> Seveas: got time for another quick bot question?
[10:06] <Seveas> hmm, moniker42 has been kicked from #ubuntuforums a LOT
[10:07] <jussi01> Seveas: is it mostly by the dong??
[10:07] <Seveas> yes
[10:07] <Seveas> and yes to your other question as well :)
[10:08] <jussi01> Seveas: ok, Im having issues with the encyclopedia plugin, it doesnt work even though I have loaded it.
[10:08] <jussi01> Seveas: the dong likes to kick Moniker for fun...
[10:09] <Seveas> encyclopedia is a bitch because of the apt stuff
[10:09] <jussi01> ahh
[10:09] <Seveas> that's not a 'quick question' :)
[10:09] <jussi01> ok
[10:11] <jussi01> Seveas: is there at least som documentation you know of that you could point me to?
[10:12] <Seveas> there is documentation included with it
[10:14] * jussi01 wonders how he missed it and goes to look
[10:14] * jussi01 headdesks... readme file.... duhhh
[10:23] <jussi01> Seveas: ok, so the real question is, which dir the bot actually starting from (im trying to figure out what to put in here: @config supybot.plugins.encyclopedia.datadir ...)
[10:23] <Seveas> @config supybot.plugins.encyclopedia.datadir
[10:24] <Seveas> /home/dennis/ubotu/data/facts
[10:24] <jussi01> ahh, great :) thanks.
[10:24] <Seveas> /home/dennis/ubotu is where the config and the plugins/ dir live
[10:24] <jussi01> yep
[11:32] <jussi01> great, what is with these guys that spam linux stuff?? ie. [13:30] < freepenguin> Have fun with Free Penguin: http://www.freepenguin.it/index-en.html =)
[11:32] <jussi01> and then leaves?
[12:58] <Moniker42> ah, right... the quit message
[12:59] <Hobbsee> Moniker42: yeah, i'd say so
[12:59] <Moniker42> i can only i say i don't even remember setting that
[12:59] <Hobbsee> heh :)
[13:00] <Moniker42> well, it's been changed to something more tasteful/tasteless (depending on your view of dirty jokes) now
[13:00] <Hobbsee> cool
[13:02] * Moniker42 wanders off again to continue reading "Murder in Samarkand"
=== profoX_ is now known as profoX`
[14:20] <kbrooks> watch #ubuntu carefully
[14:20] <kbrooks> someeonbe there says they write rootkits
[14:21] <PriceChild> I'm on it
[14:21] <kbrooks> PriceChild, ty
[15:32] <Jack_Sparrow> Problem in Ubuntu with cher
[15:33] <elkbuntu> yes, im watching
[15:45] <Tm_T> Jack_Sparrow: still can't sing?
[16:01] <ubotu> MenZa called the ops in #ubuntu (famicon_ Porn spamming)
[16:01] <Seveas> Isn't MenZa an op yet?
[16:02] <no0tic> what's the problem? internet IS for pr0n :)
[16:02] * no0tic hides
[16:03] <MenZa> Seveas: No, no I'm not.
[16:09] <PriceChild> How come you started hanging around here MenZa? (not inferring anything to do with the topic etc., just interested)
[16:10] <MenZa> I dunno, actually. Reported issues, commented on #ubuntu user behaviour and such, and I just hung around.
[16:10] * MenZa shrugs
[16:10] <Daviey> MenZa: Now how welcome do you feel? :)
[16:11] <MenZa> I feel quite welcome, thank ;)
[16:12] <Seveas> /cs k MenZa how 'bout now?
[16:12] <MenZa> I would've at least expected you to use /ar, Seveas
[16:13] * MenZa runs for cover.
[16:42] <ubotu> MenZa called the ops in #ubuntu (d0n1 (spamming other channels))
[16:42] * MenZa floos.
[17:30] <ubotu> ikonia called the ops in #ubuntu (Co_pNdieM flooding)
[18:23] <jpatrick> guys what you make of: Pumperni4kle, 3, 2, 1 in #-motu?
[18:26] <ikonia> jpatrick: I think he just doesn't understand
[18:29] <jpatrick> then !nickspam ?
[18:30] <ikonia> I guess
[18:30] <jpatrick> haha, which one?
[18:31] <ikonia> changes a fair bit
[20:25] <ompaul> vis the ban forwards on nick changes - I am now doing this: grep as\ nick Ubuntu\ Servers-#ubuntu.log < then I check the nick that became the new nick it will give you a clue if the person is being stupid about it or maybe just moving away from their second / first nick
[20:36] <PriceChild> nuckinfuts eckesicle ring alarm bells for me in #ubuntu
[21:18] <ubotu> nickrud called the ops in #ubuntu (Anthony_Crane)
[21:18] <ubotu> eltux called the ops in #ubuntu (Anthony_Crane)
=== jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick
[22:06] <yourt> hi I was wondering if the denying of web clients is set in stone
[22:06] <yourt> or if it can be relaxed...
[22:09] <nalioth> yourt: we have relaxed it on an individual basis
[22:12] <yourt> could I request an exception for my client?
[22:13] <yourt> http://www.mibbit.com
[22:13] <yourt> it runs an ident server, so people are identifiable
[22:13] <yourt> by their browsers IP
[22:13] <yourt> I've had a few users report they can't join #ubuntu which makes them sad...
[22:17] <nalioth> yourt: you are the only one here from your IP
[22:19] <yourt> I'm not here from mibbit at the moment
[22:20] <yourt> btw how do you check?
[22:20] <axod> hi
[22:20] <axod> <-- yourt
[22:23] <nalioth> do you get a lot of users on there?
[22:24] <axod> it's still early days, but got a mention on ajaxian, reddit
[22:24] <axod> and was high up on del.icio.us yesterday
[22:25] <nalioth> so how are we to take action on your users, if they cause trouble?
[22:25] <axod> I run an ident server and set the user to their browser IP,
[22:25] <axod> so you can ban/kick based on that,
[22:26] <axod> if there is repeat problems beyond that I may restrict access on mibbit to registered users, then take action against them further,
[22:26] <nalioth> do you use host.allow and host.deny to block known proxies?
[22:26] <axod> good point, I do not at the moment
[22:26] <axod> I probably should
[22:27] <axod> the aim of mibbit is not to be an anonymizer
[22:27] <axod> I'll check into that
[22:28] <nalioth> a user registration schema sounds like a good first step
[22:28] <axod> sure ok, thanks for the thoughts. I'll try and implement some of those and come back
[22:46] <ubotu> vocx called the ops in #ubuntu ()
[22:59] <ubotu> In #ubuntu, HalfbakedDUKE said: ubotu: your wisdom is uncanny mr bot
[23:41] <Pici> JohnB: How can we help you?
[23:41] <Pici> or not.