UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /05 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[01:33] <[reed]> armin76: wallet hasn't been cvs rm'd yet?
[01:33] <[reed]> hehe
[01:33] <[reed]> everybody hates wallet
[01:33] <[reed]> horrible code
[03:21] <[reed]> armin76: ping!
[03:21] <[reed]> armin76: mozilla bug 361415... you should have requested approval :)
[03:21] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 361415 in XPCOM "PowerPC64 not supported." [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=361415
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[07:27] <[reed]> ugh
[07:27] <[reed]> this Nokia guy is getting on my nerves
[07:28] <[reed]> if you're going to make a patch, make it against trunk
[07:28] <[reed]> not some random repo
[07:28] <[reed]> that is definitely not Mozilla
[10:25] <armin76> [reed]: yeah, sorry :(
[10:26] <armin76> thanks for adding it :)
[10:27] <armin76> and no, wallet hasn't been removed :)
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
[11:39] <nenolod> Ubulette, where's your ppa? i'll try that one
[11:40] <Ubulette> https://edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+archive
[11:40] * nenolod pulls the deb and installs it
[11:40] <Ubulette> no
[11:41] <Ubulette> don't try unless you grab all the deps (ie libnss/nspr)
[11:41] <nenolod> Ubulette, yours is 2 days newer
[11:41] <nenolod> Ubulette, could be that they fixed it already
[11:41] <Ubulette> it's easy to revert though. just grep for +fta
[11:42] <[reed]> nenolod!
[11:42] <[reed]> ltns
[11:42] <nenolod> hi [reed]
[11:42] <nenolod> Ubulette, yeah. i just put the apt repo in.
[11:42] <nenolod> [reed], how's gnu these days
[11:42] <[reed]> good, though I'm mostly doing Mozilla stuff nowadays
[11:43] <[reed]> trying to kick these Ubuntu guys into shape to drive their patches through correctly :)
[11:43] <nenolod> Ubulette, ok, testing with your 1/03/08 snapshot (hardy is 1/01/08)
[11:44] <nenolod> still does it
[11:44] <nenolod> bummer.
[11:45] <armin76> bad ubuntu guys
[11:45] <Ubulette> the big difference between my version and the one in hardy is indeed not that. it's nss.
[11:45] <nenolod> oh well
[11:46] <nenolod> DarkMageZ, i had an adventure tonight after upgrading my ram
[11:46] <nenolod> DarkMageZ, i just wound up replacing all dimms
[11:46] <nenolod> DarkMageZ, http://nenoblog.net/?p=11
[11:46] <nenolod> oh. whoops. this isn't #conspire.
[11:47] <nenolod> sorry for the offtopic banter. :P
[11:47] <armin76> fail
[11:47] <DarkMageZ> nenolod, lol @ no spd chip.
[11:48] <DarkMageZ> that should be illegal.
[11:48] <nenolod> DarkMageZ, yeah. there's a bit of sarcasm in that post, because i was quite ticked off that i wasted 2 hours chasing down a bug in gtk+ about pointers which was because that valueram dimm was being overclocked 150%
[11:48] <nenolod> :D
[11:49] <DarkMageZ> oh, so that's what you and persia were chatting about?
[11:49] <DarkMageZ> i missed most of that conversation.
[11:49] <nenolod> no
[11:49] <nenolod> we were talking about bug #180463
[11:49] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 180463 in gtk+2.0 "gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in idle_populate_func()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180463
[11:50] <DarkMageZ> ah
[11:50] <nenolod> which was unrelated to my memory fun
[11:53] <Ubulette> nenolod, as i said, it was b3pre too so it didn't matter. I was more doubting an extension, hence safe mode
[11:54] <Ubulette> but maybe [reed] knows better
[11:54] <[reed]> ?
[11:54] <nenolod> Ubulette, i don't use any extensions or anything
[11:54] <[reed]> what's the problem?
[11:54] <nenolod> [reed], http://nenolod.net/pornlibisgreat.png
[11:54] <Ubulette> oh
[11:55] <[reed]> hmm, I saw something like that the other day
[11:55] <Ubulette> when loading http://nenolod.net/canhasdesktop.png
[11:55] <Ubulette> i can't reproduce here
[11:55] <nenolod> [reed], why is it called pornlib anyway
[11:55] <nenolod> or is it libporn?
[11:55] <[reed]> libpr0n, you mean?
[11:55] <nenolod> yeah. that.
[11:55] <[reed]> dunno... stuart, the creator and maintainer, named it that
[11:56] <[reed]> he was in his teens at the time
[11:56] <[reed]> :)
[11:56] <nenolod> at any rate
[11:56] <nenolod> firefox3 causes me to have renewed faith in mozilla products
[11:56] <[reed]> nenolod: for what reasons particularly?
[11:56] <nenolod> don't screw it up
[11:56] <nenolod> ;p
[11:57] <nenolod> [reed], it doesn't sit there and memory leak 600mb of pixmap/normal memory after 1 hour of use
[11:57] <[reed]> hehe
[11:57] <[reed]> yeah
[11:57] <[reed]> we have a large leak only on Linux right now, too... it's going to get looked at next week
[11:57] <[reed]> http://pastebin.mozilla.org/287777
[11:58] <nenolod> firefox2 left me with the feeling that "mozilla developers are clearly morons and if i really had time i would try to make gtk-webcore not suck"
[11:58] <[reed]> if any of you all want to try to fix it, that would also be great ;)
[11:58] <nenolod> and then webkit came out
[11:58] <[reed]> hah
[11:58] <[reed]> well, Firefox 3 is over two year's worth of work
[11:58] <nenolod> so what was firefox2 then?
[11:58] <nenolod> a cheap hack? :P
[11:59] <[reed]> yes! :)
[11:59] <armin76> +1
[11:59] <[reed]> lol
[11:59] <nenolod> "we took buggy POS firefox 1.5 and gave it new graphics. it's COOL GUYS."
[11:59] <[reed]> nenolod: besides the stabbing of leaks, what else do you like about Firefox 3?
[11:59] <nenolod> [reed], oh well. i can thank the mozilla corporation for giving me motivation to waste $400 on memory for my computer so that firefox2 is usable
[12:00] <armin76> [reed]: that url is empty :P
[12:00] <[reed]> armin76: bah, let me repost it
[12:00] <nenolod> [reed], i figure it'll take a lot of web browsing to clog up 4GB of memory
[12:00] <[reed]> armin76: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/291342
[12:01] <nenolod> (and i am sorry if that seems harsh, but it's the truth!)
[12:01] <[reed]> yeah
[12:01] <[reed]> Firefox 2 was really bad
[12:01] <nenolod> [reed], that's a "huge leak"?
[12:01] <armin76> bad
[12:01] <[reed]> nenolod: well, at least one leak we're seeing
[12:01] <DarkMageZ> the truth is better than giving people false hope in their own product
[12:01] <nenolod> [reed], what about the 500mb per hour memory leak in firefox2?
[12:01] <[reed]> we're not done fixing leaks :)
[12:02] <[reed]> nenolod: hah, fixed by various things
[12:03] <nenolod> [reed], please please let the world know in the firefox3 press release that you had the guy responsible for that leak shot
[12:03] <[reed]> lol
[12:03] <nenolod> "we don't want to talk about that guy. we sort of arranged an accident for him after that 500mb per hour leak."
[12:03] <nenolod> "it's better for the world. he can't write crappy code anymore afterall."
[12:04] <nenolod> seriously, my views on firefox2, xulrunner 1.8, and all of it, is mostly unprintable
[12:05] <nenolod> i don't blame debian for rebranding firefox
[12:05] <[reed]> lol
[12:05] <nenolod> at least then they could go fix crappy code without being bothered
[12:05] <nenolod> "you can't call this firefox2. it's actually /good/"
[12:05] <[reed]> they didn't, though
[12:05] <[reed]> they just made a large mess
[12:05] * Ubulette agree
[12:05] <[reed]> I've read their "patch"
[12:05] <nenolod> the idea was in the right spot!
[12:05] <[reed]> it's a huge mess
[12:06] <[reed]> anyway, Firefox2 is behind us
[12:06] <[reed]> look to the future!
[12:06] <[reed]> :)
[12:07] <nenolod> i think mozcorp should apologise to the world for firefox2
[12:07] <nenolod> you know, something along the lines of "We're sorry about that. We really should have done some QA or something. It won't happen again."
[12:07] <[reed]> I can definitely tell you perf/leaks wasn't as huge of a thing in Fx2 time as it is now
[12:07] <armin76> [reed]: do you like http://dev.gentoo.org/~armin76/ssl.png vs http://dev.gentoo.org/~armin76/ssl1.png ? :)
[12:08] <[reed]> it's huge now
[12:08] <[reed]> (time and effort put into preventing perf regressions and stopping leaks)
[12:08] <[reed]> armin76: the first
[12:08] <[reed]> :)
[12:08] <nenolod> i remember firefox 1.0
[12:08] <nenolod> it was good
[12:08] <nenolod> it didn't leak .. much.
[12:08] <armin76> lol
[12:08] <[reed]> nenolod: no, NS4 was good
[12:08] <[reed]> :p
[12:09] <nenolod> [reed], hell no
[12:09] <nenolod> [reed], wait
[12:09] <DarkMageZ> at the time it was only important to show internet explorer up. not be the highest quality product possible.
[12:09] <nenolod> WAIT.
[12:09] <nenolod> hoooold it.
[12:09] <armin76> [reed]: i mean...do you like the second? :) because its what happens when you build ff against xulrunner
[12:09] <[reed]> armin76: heh, file a bug
[12:09] <[reed]> that should be fixed
[12:09] <[reed]> like, asap
[12:09] <[reed]> make sure you aren't causing it first
[12:09] * armin76 files a bug against Ubulette
[12:09] <[reed]> then file it against us :)
[12:09] <armin76> i am not, same on ubuntu :P
[12:10] <armin76> <armin76> it gets it from http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/netErrorApp.dtd instead of http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/browser/locales/en-US/chrome/overrides/netError.dtd
[12:11] <armin76> that's from yesterday
[12:11] <armin76> Ubulette: did you look into it?
[12:12] <[reed]> you all should be pulling the browser netError
[12:12] <[reed]> not the dom one
[12:12] <Ubulette> armin76, no, i didn't.
[12:13] <Ubulette> armin76, why do you want to file a bug against me ?
[12:13] <Ubulette> what did i do ? ;)
[12:13] <armin76> nothing
[12:13] <armin76> that's why :P
[12:14] <armin76> [reed]: so where i file it?
[12:14] <[reed]> armin76: how are you building?
[12:14] <[reed]> what patches are you using
[12:14] <[reed]> and what's your .mozconfig look like?
[12:15] <Ubulette> lol. on that flow of questions, i'm leaving for the w-e
[12:15] * nenolod files a bug report against whoever was responsible for firefox2 being such crap
[12:15] <armin76> [reed]: dunno, ask Ubulette :P
[12:16] <Ubulette> just libxul should be enough
[12:16] <Ubulette> (and you'll answer it's not supported)
[12:16] <nenolod> [reed], i was thinking .. maybe you should concentrate on netscape3 code excellence level instead of netscape4
[12:17] <nenolod> netscape4 is where they added all the crap that nobody had use for (calendaring and friends)
[12:18] <Ubulette> you're describing sunbird and seamonkey ;)
[12:18] <Ubulette> ok, leaving for good now
[12:18] <Ubulette> cu
[12:19] <armin76> bye
[12:19] <[reed]> it's 6:20am
[12:19] * [reed] goes to bed
[12:19] <armin76> bye
[12:29] * armin76 stabs Ubulette and asac
[12:29] <armin76> you guys broke ff3 on hardy on sparc :P
[12:29] <armin76> armin@bender:~$ firefox-3.0
[12:29] <armin76> *NOTICE* No previous firefox profile found, starting with a fresh one
[12:29] <armin76> Bus error
[12:29] <armin76> armin@bender:~$
[14:50] <bobb13> hi
[14:50] <bobb13> anyone can help with firefox - ubuntu?
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[19:17] <Volans> Hi asac, I have a question about licenses for firefox addons, can you grant me 5 minutes of your time?
[19:40] <Volans> I go to launch, maybe I came back later, bye
[20:18] <armin76> omg, he's going to do a launch!