UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /04 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
[01:39] <alek_desk> amitk: ping
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[08:35] <alek_desk> amitk: ping
[08:35] <amitk> alek_desk: hi
[08:36] <alek_desk> I saw your mail, and Rob also talked me about the 2.6.24 patches about Poulsbo
[08:36] <alek_desk> according to my comparison and test, I did not find any issue in the patches.
[08:37] <amitk> alek_desk: right. So were you able to use them as-is in your tree?
[08:38] <alek_desk> amitk: I did not use your patches directly (except for sigmatel patch), but I DID compare them with yours
[08:38] <amitk> alek_desk: any reason not to use the patches as-is?
[08:39] <amitk> I ask because it would be easier for us to keep our trees in sync if we used the same set of patches
[08:39] <alek_desk> before I knew you already converted those patches, I also finished and tested many of them.
[08:40] <alek_desk> BTW: amitk, I did not see your USBC patches
[08:41] <amitk> alek_desk: I didn't get the USBC patch from Intel yet, IIRC.
[08:41] <alek_desk> oh.
[08:42] <amitk> alek_desk: I would really like to keep our patchset in sync, so that we can drag-n-drop patches from one tree to another. This will help when you update patches in your tree and I need to put them in the Ubuntu tree.
[08:42] <alek_desk> I guess you could directly get the patch from Moblin now. Though some guy would drop a new release for me to integrate after new Poulsbo stepping
[08:43] <alek_desk> amitk, agree
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[08:44] <amitk> alek_desk: Should we make a list of all known patches applied to both trees and see which ones can be common?
[08:44] <alek_desk> amitk, this would be helpful.
[08:44] <amitk> Could you reply to my email with the moblin list of patches. I will reply with the Ubuntu list and lets sync from there.
[08:45] <alek_desk> amitk, ok, will do.
[08:45] <amitk> alek_desk: I will clone your git repo in the meanwhile.
[08:46] <amitk> thanks alek_desk
[08:46] <alek_desk> amitk, thanks. the git tree should be under http://moblin.org/repos/projects/kernel-mid-2.6.24.git
[08:48] <amitk> alek_desk: BTW, what timezone are you in?
[08:49] <alek_desk> well. UTC+8, I guess I will attend next ubuntu-intel meeting in 1AM :-(
[08:53] <amitk> alek_desk: ouch
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[14:27] <raji> asac, you there? I would like to know the procedure for sending a patch to the NetworkManager?
[15:15] <InSearchOf> agoliveira, can you point in the right direction to see some screenshots of UME?
[15:16] <agoliveira> InSearchOf: Hmmm... I think we don't have any online but I'm not 100% sure.
[15:16] <_slacker_> hi guys, little question, no ipconfig on UMobile?
[15:17] <InSearchOf> _slacker_, I think you may mean ifconfig?
[15:18] <_slacker_> InSearchOf, sorry! of course
[15:18] <_slacker_> InSearchOf, ifconfig, as well as iwconfig
[15:19] <InSearchOf> _slacker_, I wont work with UME, yet that is :-)
[15:19] <InSearchOf> s/wont/dont
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[16:45] <InSearchOf> _slacker_, you still looking for an answer?
[16:49] <_slacker_> InSearchOf, if possible... ;)
[16:49] <InSearchOf> :-) what user are you logged in as?
[20:22] <tonyespy> /away
=== cprov is now known as cprov-away
[23:29] <bryce> I've been having trouble getting libdrm2 and -psb built for ubuntu.