UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /03 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[10:14] <asac> [reed]: there?
[10:16] <asac> [reed]: what do i need to request in order to get things in atm? blocking1.9? or just approval1.9 on the patch?
[10:16] <asac> (or both) ?
[10:16] <[reed]> asac: is it a blocker?
[10:16] <asac> depends for whom :)
[10:17] <[reed]> is the patch reviewed yet?
[10:17] <asac> mozilla bug 408062 ... build system improvement, but important for distros
[10:17] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 408062 in Build Config "Provide short-hand includetype=unstable .pc files for libxul and libxul-embedding" [Enhancement,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=408062
[10:17] <[reed]> you can't request approval until you have review
[10:17] <[reed]> once you have review, then you should request approval
[10:17] <asac> well its good, i just have to update according to comment
[10:17] <[reed]> well, he gave you r-
[10:17] <[reed]> means you need to get r?bsmedberg again
[10:17] <asac> now i wonder if i need to rerequest review
[10:17] <[reed]> yes, you do
[10:17] <[reed]> since he gave you r-
[10:18] <asac> sure ... but didn't you say that one doesn't need to rerequest if its just a tiny modification that is addressed?
[10:18] <asac> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=408062#c3
[10:18] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 408062 in Build Config "Provide short-hand includetype=unstable .pc files for libxul and libxul-embedding" [Enhancement,Assigned]
[10:18] <[reed]> correct, but that's only when the reviewer gives you r(eview)+
[10:18] <[reed]> he gave you r-, so he wants you to re-request review
[10:18] <asac> ok thanks.
[10:23] <[reed]> once he gives you r+, then request approval1.9 and give a short comment on what the patch does and risk/reward
[10:23] <asac> so blocking1.9 would mean that i want to nominate a blocker ... which only makes sense if there isn't a patch? so if there is a patch one needs approval?
[10:23] <[reed]> no, you can nominate something for blocking at any poinmt
[10:23] <[reed]> point
[10:23] <[reed]> but you better make a good case as to why it should block 1.9 release
[10:23] <asac> yes thats clear
[10:24] <[reed]> basically, the requirements for landing a patch are either that the bug be blocking1.9+/blocking-firefox3+ or that the patch have approval1.9+
[10:24] <[reed]> (and all appropriate reviews, of course)
[10:25] <[reed]> so, you only need one or the other, really
[10:25] <[reed]> bah
[10:25] <[reed]> I screwed up
[10:25] <asac> again?
[10:25] <[reed]> I changed the assignee on you
[10:25] <[reed]> :)
[10:25] * [reed] fixed
[10:26] <[reed]> I moved it to XULRunner
[10:26] <asac> he? qua contact you mean?
[10:26] <[reed]> well, the component
[10:26] <[reed]> it was in Toolkit :: Build Config
[10:26] <asac> which did i use before?
[10:26] <[reed]> I moved it to Toolkit :: XULRunner
[10:26] <[reed]> since it's XULRunner only thing
[10:26] <asac> hmm its still build config here :/
[10:27] <asac> well at least the drop down box shows it as selected
[10:27] <[reed]> shift-reload?
[10:27] <asac> haha
[10:27] <asac> strange is that just reload updated the QA contact but not the combo box :)
[10:27] <[reed]> well, it makes sense, in some strange way
[10:27] <asac> i can imagine ;)
[10:28] <[reed]> in case you've made changes but want to reload the page for updates
[10:28] <[reed]> or something
[10:28] <[reed]> dunno, ask bz!
[10:28] <asac> right
[10:28] <[reed]> :P
[10:31] <asac> [reed]: now i have fixes for some other issues that overlap with the code o the patch above ... should i include the full diff when opening those bugs or an incremental one with Depends on: on that bug?
[10:31] <[reed]> incremental with depends on
[10:32] <asac> good ... i have them because i use a patch system, but how would you do that with CVS ?
[10:32] <asac> most likely you won't :)
[10:32] <[reed]> a lot of our devs use hg or git now for their personal repos
[10:32] <[reed]> they import CVS
[10:32] <[reed]> and diff against it
[10:33] <asac> [reed]: mozilla bug 373918
[10:33] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 373918 in Embedding: GTK Widget "gtk_moz_embed_get_nsIWebBrowser not in the glue" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=373918
[10:33] <asac> i wonder if that is the right patch as its clearly a follow up now for the microb backout
[10:34] <asac> haven't found the right bug though for adding the missing symbols :(
[10:34] <[reed]> dunno... I know nothing about gtkmozembed :)
[10:34] <[reed]> file a bug if you don't see a dupe
[10:37] <asac> its a mess
[10:37] <asac> mozilla bug 408238
[10:37] <asac> :)
[10:38] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 408238 in Embedding: GTK Widget "back out unreviewed microb changes." [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=408238
[10:38] <[reed]> well, that's what happens when stuff doesn't get proper review
[10:38] <asac> its completely unclear to me how things will proceed ;)
[10:38] <[reed]> :)
[10:38] <[reed]> well, maybe you should comment in mozilla.dev.platforms.linux ?
[10:38] <asac> thats true ... i wonder why it was checked-in ... e.g. did they just send him the cvs account without educating about checkin rules?
[10:38] <[reed]> who landed most of the stuff?
[10:38] <asac> no idea :) ... i think some nokia guy
[10:38] <[reed]> timeless or some other people?
[10:38] <[reed]> oh
[10:39] <[reed]> probably
[10:39] <[reed]> timeless was supposed to be watching him
[10:39] <[reed]> timeless failed
[10:39] <asac> ah ;)
[10:39] <asac> well if he just checks in there is nothing timeless could do :)
[10:40] <[reed]> http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvsquery.cgi?branch=HEAD&dir=mozilla%2Fembedding%2Fbrowser%2Fgtk&date=explicit&mindate=2006-07-01&maxdate=2007-04-01
[10:41] <[reed]> looks like timeless landed most of the stuff from that branch he was using!
[10:41] <[reed]> so, we can all just blame timeless :)
[10:41] <asac> he should have known better :)
[10:41] <[reed]> yes, he should have
[10:42] <[reed]> he knows we have high expectations for mozilla code
[10:45] <asac> mozilla bug 384304
[10:45] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 384304 in Startup and Profile System "/usr/bin/firefox is not able to handle symlinks due to error in script" [Major,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=384304
[10:46] <[reed]> yes?
[10:46] <asac> reed i think that hasn't landed on 1.9
[10:46] <asac> but has approval
[10:46] <asac> at least we stiill have that patch in build-tree
[10:46] <[reed]> comment #7
[10:46] <[reed]> landed
[10:47] <asac> well ... the patch still applies :)
[10:47] <[reed]> http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvslog.cgi?file=/mozilla/browser/app/mozilla.in&rev=HEAD&mark=1.16
[10:47] <asac> otherwise i would have got build failures i guess
[10:47] <asac> strange
[10:47] <asac> oh damn
[10:48] <asac> its against mozilla/xulrunner/app/mozilla.in
[10:48] <asac> now browser
[10:48] <[reed]> haha
[10:48] <asac> so how many mozilla.in files do exist?
[10:48] * [reed] looks
[10:49] <asac> i have a tree with xulrunner,browser,mail i guess ... if there is more i need to do a new checkout
[10:49] <[reed]> http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/find?string=mozilla.in
[10:49] <asac> ok calendar as well
[10:49] <[reed]> file a new bug that deals with the others?
[10:49] <[reed]> or reopen that bug
[10:49] <[reed]> and attach a new patch
[10:49] <[reed]> that fixes the others
[10:49] <asac> i reopen the bug and attach a patch for the rest
[10:50] <[reed]> k
[10:50] * asac checks out ,+calendar
[10:50] <[reed]> I just have a checkout of all of HEAD
[10:50] <[reed]> :)
[10:50] <[reed]> that I use for committing
[10:51] <asac> mozilla bug 344818
[10:51] <asac> all?
[10:51] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 344818 in Build Config "Linking - missing library deps" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=344818
[10:51] <[reed]> yes
[10:51] <[reed]> all :)
[10:51] <[reed]> looks like vlad didn't understand
[10:51] <[reed]> reopen the bug
[10:51] <[reed]> say which patch is against 1.9
[10:51] <asac> yeah
[10:51] <[reed]> re-request review
[10:52] <asac> i'll do
[10:52] <asac> let me check if the patch is complete
[10:52] <[reed]> reed@jarodplus:~/mozilla/HEAD/mozilla$ du -hs .
[10:52] <[reed]> 719M .
[10:52] <[reed]> repo isn't too big
[10:52] <[reed]> :)
[10:53] <[reed]> reopen the bug
[10:53] <[reed]> and request review from vlad specifically
[10:53] <[reed]> not the wind
[10:53] <asac> yes done
[10:53] <[reed]> k
[10:54] <asac> mozilla bug 386610
[10:54] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 386610 in XPCOM "pyxpcom fails to build against python 2.5 (api changed)" [Normal,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=386610
[10:55] <asac> do i need approval for that even though its in a n unsupported component?
[10:55] <[reed]> no
[10:55] <[reed]> if it's not part of the normal Firefox build
[10:55] <[reed]> you don't need approval
[10:55] <asac> so how do i ask for landing ... keyword need-checkin ?
[10:55] <[reed]> checkin-needed
[10:55] <[reed]> keyword
[10:56] <asac> thanks
[10:56] <asac> good
[10:56] <asac> bug 404634
[10:57] <asac> mozilla bug 404634
[10:57] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 404634 in Embedding: GRE Core "http urls don't render in TestGtkEmbed" [Critical,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=404634
[10:57] <asac> ok
[10:58] <[reed]> that's blocking1.9+
[10:58] <[reed]> so, once it gets review
[10:58] <[reed]> you can just add the checkin-needed keyword
[10:58] <[reed]> no approval needed
[10:58] <[reed]> got it? :)
[10:59] <asac> yeah ... i am learning :)
[10:59] <asac> how the hell can i file a bug directly against xulrunner installer
[11:00] <asac> i cannot find it in the new bug wizard :(
[11:00] <[reed]> Toolkit :: XULRunner ?
[11:00] <asac> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi ?
[11:00] <asac> where from there?
[11:00] <[reed]> what do you see on that page
[11:00] <asac> ah
[11:00] <asac> :)
[11:00] <[reed]> lol
[11:01] <[reed]> for 404634, you might want to request superreview from bz
[11:01] <[reed]> just to speed stuff up
[11:01] <[reed]> I don't know if bsmedberg is a valid docshell reviewer
[11:01] * [reed] looks
[11:02] <[reed]> oh
[11:02] <[reed]> he is
[11:02] <[reed]> he owns it
[11:02] <[reed]> n/m!
[11:02] <armin76> !
[11:02] <[reed]> http://www.mozilla.org/owners.html#docshell
[11:02] <[reed]> :)
[11:03] <armin76> asac: did you read what i told you yesterday?
[11:03] <asac> [reed] so i need superreview?
[11:04] <[reed]> not really... bsmedberg is a super-reviewer
[11:04] <asac> armin76: system hunspell?
[11:04] <armin76> yeah
[11:04] <[reed]> I'll take his r+ as enough
[11:04] <[reed]> :)
[11:04] <asac> [reed]: so is it a bad idea to ask him directly for review or what?
[11:04] <[reed]> no
[11:04] <[reed]> you did the right thing
[11:04] <asac> i usually end up asking him and not his peers
[11:04] <[reed]> well, you basically want to pick who-can-review-it-the-quickest
[11:05] <[reed]> but-still-give-me-a-good-review
[11:05] <[reed]> ;)
[11:05] <asac> which is hard to say :) ... he has been more or less responsive for me
[11:05] <[reed]> yeah, he's a good choice
[11:05] <[reed]> he's pretty quick
[11:05] <[reed]> but it's been the holidays
[11:05] <[reed]> so, he probably hasn't looked at patches lately
[11:05] <[reed]> you might could ping him in #developers on moznet tomorrow
[11:06] <asac> yeah ... i am not that good on following up either ... so i have no point in blaming him for slowness anyways :)
[11:06] <[reed]> hehe
[11:06] <[reed]> true
[11:06] <asac> all this porting of embedders sucks up a lot of time
[11:06] <asac> we are the first that do all this ... fedora just did some basic porting ... so it ends up all here ;)
[11:07] <[reed]> hehe
[11:07] <[reed]> well, go ubuntu
[11:07] <[reed]> I'll land the python xpcom stuff later today
[11:07] <[reed]> it's 5:08am now
[11:07] <asac> thanks
[11:07] <[reed]> I should sleep :)
[11:07] <asac> oh ... you are on the other side ... right :)
[11:07] <asac> good night!
[11:07] <[reed]> hehe
[11:08] <[reed]> yeah, I'm in the USA
[11:08] <[reed]> but I'm a nightowl
[11:08] <[reed]> stay up late
[11:08] <[reed]> hehe
[11:08] <asac> my days have shifted to the dark side as well
[11:08] <asac> :)
[11:09] <asac> armin76: yes, that might be true
[11:09] <asac> armin76: well it is true ;)
[11:09] <asac> did you run into issues with that?
[11:21] <asac> armin76: ?
[11:23] <armin76> errr...not sure
[11:23] <armin76> i'm using external hunspell atm using a patch, but doesn't seem to pick up the dicts
[11:24] <armin76> it doesn't work if i put the dicts in ${ffdir}/dictionaries
[11:24] <armin76> using internal works fine, though
[11:31] <asac> hmm
[11:31] <asac> have that patch?
[11:38] <armin76> http://overlays.gentoo.org/proj/mozilla/browser/www-client/mozilla-firefox/files/100_system_myspell-v2.patch
[11:39] <armin76> asac: ^
[11:39] * asac looking
[11:41] <asac> which hunspell version?
[11:41] <asac> (do you ship in system)
[11:42] <armin76> 1.1.9
[11:43] <asac> trunk has: "Update Hunspell to version 1.1.12, patch by Ryan VanderMeulen, r+sr=mscott, a=dsicore "
[11:43] <asac> so maybe its too old?
[11:44] <asac> oh right
[11:44] <asac> hmm
[11:44] <asac> http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvsview2.cgi?diff_mode=context&whitespace_mode=show&subdir=mozilla/extensions/spellcheck/hunspell/src&command=DIFF_FRAMESET&file=mozHunspell.cpp&rev1=1.3&rev2=1.4&root=/cvsroot
[11:44] <asac> do you already have that patch in your trunk sources?
[11:45] <asac> otherwise it would be loaded from /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9/dictionaries ... but since it works for you with in-source hunspell i guess that its the version mismatch
[11:45] <armin76> nope
[11:45] <armin76> probably
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
[11:59] <armin76> will try
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
[14:58] <armin76> asac: this is stuppid
[14:58] <armin76> stupid
[14:59] <armin76> wtf ff3 builds with MOZ_XUL_APP=1 by default?
[15:00] <armin76> unless i force it in a patch...
[15:00] <armin76> nope
[15:00] <asac> he?
[15:01] <asac> armin76: why is that wrong in your opinion?
[15:02] <armin76> dunno *g*
[15:03] <armin76> asac: thing is, MOZ_XUL_APP is set 1 when using --with-libxul
[15:03] <armin76> however it's already the default
[15:04] <armin76> isn't MOZ_XUL_APP when ff is built against xul?
[15:05] <asac> no ... it just means that its a XUL_APP
[15:05] <asac> that applies even if its in-source
[15:05] <asac> xul
[15:06] <asac> do you run into issues because of that?
[15:06] <asac> armin76: ?
[15:06] <armin76> http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/extensions/spellcheck/hunspell/src/Makefile.in
[15:06] <armin76> look at line 66
[15:08] <armin76> thing is, with the patch i told you(which is not mine), it'll only load the myspell dicts if MOZ_XUL_APP is not set
[15:09] <asac> is the spellchecker an external component or is it in libxul?
[15:09] <armin76> no idea :/
[15:09] <asac> oh maybe DirProvider is buggy?
[15:10] <armin76> if MOZ_XUL_APP is not set, it uses mozHunspell.cpp, but if it's set it uses mozHunspellDirProvider.cpp
[15:10] <armin76> however in the patch, the modified thing to load dicts from /usr/share/myspell is on mozHunspell.cpp
[15:11] <asac> armin76: it looks in a different directory
[15:13] <asac> try to link the dictionaries directory in $XUL_DIR/extensions/
[15:13] <asac> e.g. $XUL_DIR/extensions/dictionaries/
[15:17] <asac> i still don't get whyt that behaviour would change if you use system hunspell
[15:18] <armin76> nope, nothing
[15:35] <asac> armin76: strace -f -eopen ... then grep for dictionaries :)
[15:35] <asac> it should try some dirs
[15:38] <armin76> it doesn't
[15:38] <armin76> at least with 'dic' 'spell'
[15:38] <asac> he?
[15:38] <armin76> it doesn't try to open anything with 'spell' or 'dic' in the name
[15:39] <asac> so there is no entry with dictionaries in the path?
[15:41] <armin76> nope
[15:51] <Some_Person> Is there a package that makes the Totem plugin work with Firefox 3 Beta 2?
[16:05] <asac> nope ... i could provide it though. lets see.
[16:06] <Some_Person> that would be awesome
[16:16] <asac> Some_Person: ok in an hour or so you can get the new totem packageset from mt ppa
[16:16] <Some_Person> thank you very much
[16:16] <asac> https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive
[16:16] <asac> (hardy)
[16:17] <Some_Person> oh, its for hardy?
[16:17] <asac> you need gutsy?
[16:19] <asac> Some_Person: ?
[16:19] <Some_Person> yeah, i use gutsy
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
[16:19] <asac> Some_Person: then please test the firefox-3.0 and xulrunner-1.9 in the mt archive
[16:19] <asac> the apt lines you can get by using the combo box
[16:20] <Some_Person> that will work with totem? because right now im using the build from mozilla
[16:20] <asac> i will try to upload the same package to gutsy ppa ... lets see
[16:20] <Some_Person> worth a shot
[16:20] <asac> hmm
[16:20] <asac> yeah?
[16:20] <asac> good
[16:20] <asac> please install it
[16:20] <asac> and tell if it works ... its beta2
[16:21] <asac> if it doesn't work it doesn't make sense to push up a totem try
[16:21] <Some_Person> ok, i'll try it
[16:24] <Some_Person> Are your packages supposed to be "not authenticated"?
[16:24] <asac> yes ppas unfortunately are not authed yet
[16:25] <Some_Person> thats ok, as long as it works, i dont care
[16:28] <Some_Person> ok, i installed the PPA firefox 3 package
[16:28] <Some_Person> but no plugins are installed
[16:31] <Some_Person> ah, i see, your link to the plugins folder points to the wrong place
[16:32] <asac> he?
[16:32] <asac> what do you mean?
[16:32] <Some_Person> the link to the plugins folder in your package points to '/usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins'
[16:32] <asac> welll linking to the old plugins folder is wrong because some might crash new ffox
[16:33] <asac> that is a link to xulrunner-addons, right?
[16:33] <Some_Person> it links to /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins
[16:33] <asac> but that is a link as well?
[16:33] <asac> or just a dir?
[16:33] <Some_Person> but shouldn't it link to the old one?
[16:33] <asac> no
[16:33] <Some_Person> as thats where ubuntu stores its plugins
[16:33] <asac> read above
[16:33] <asac> please tell me if /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins is a link on its own
[16:34] <asac> so i can prepare the proper totem
[16:34] <Some_Person> its a folder
[16:34] <asac> ok thanks
[16:34] <asac> the other plugins just need to be linked into that new dir (if you want them)
[16:34] <Some_Person> yeah, and i just did that
[16:35] <asac> totem unfortunately makes use of xul symbols and thus needs to be rebuilt
[16:36] <Some_Person> so it uses symbols that are incompatible with ff3 so it crashes, correct?
[16:36] <asac> yes
[16:36] <asac> other plugins should work fine
[16:37] <Some_Person> they do, i just checked, flash and java are working
[16:52] <asac> will take a while ... my gutsy chroot is completely outdated ... takes ages to upgrade
[16:54] <Some_Person> thats ok, thank you very much for doing this by the way
[16:55] <Some_Person> i think you'll please a lot of people using FF3 in gutsy
[16:55] <asac> let me know if you have issues with the ppa package
[16:55] <asac> that package is a test before upgrading the one in gutsy
[16:56] <Some_Person> ok
[16:57] <Some_Person> the ff3 package seems fine
[17:59] <asac> Some_Person: uploaded a totem package ... one hour or so and you should be able to test
[17:59] <Some_Person> ok
[19:08] <asac> ok off
[19:10] <asac> Some_Person: the package is built
[19:10] <Some_Person> great
[19:11] * armin76 builds asac
[19:11] <asac> armin76: no! ... i just wanted to bail out ;)
[19:11] <asac> :-P
[19:11] <asac> ok reall out for a while
[19:12] <Some_Person> ok, im downloading it
[19:14] <Some_Person> it works!
[19:16] <Some_Person> thank you thank you very very much
[19:52] <armin76> asac: got it
[19:52] <armin76> http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvslog.cgi?file=/mozilla/extensions/spellcheck/hunspell/src/mozHunspell.cpp&rev=HEAD&mark=1.4
[19:53] <armin76> the latest change is what broke the patch
[19:58] <asac> armin76: that code looks good to me
[19:58] <armin76> yeah, but maybe with the patch for external myspell it changes something
[19:58] <armin76> let me show you...
[19:58] <asac> NS_XPCOM_CURRENT_PROCESS_DIR == "/usr/lib/firefox-3.0/" .... NS_GRE_DIR=/usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9
[20:05] <armin76> http://rafb.net/p/oLRNOH45.html
[20:05] <armin76> that's the current code + external patch
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[20:11] <asac> [reed]: any idea why mozilla bug 408791 has no switch to request blocking1.9?
[20:11] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 408791 in Password Manager "nsLoginManagerPrompter.js does not work with TestGtkEmbed prompt." [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=408791
[20:13] <asac> [reed]: maybre its the wrong component? e.g. use Toolkit -> Security instead?
[20:21] <Ubulette> /usr/lib/firefox-3.0-3.0b3pre/firefox-3.0: relocation error: /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9b3pre/libxul.so: symbol SEC_StringToOID, version NSS_3.12 not defined in file libnss3.so.1d with link time reference
[20:23] <armin76> asac: thing is it never loads the dicts because the loaddicts function is inside the else
[20:23] <armin76> before that change, it was outside
[20:26] <armin76> so a small hack would be load the dicts inside the if
[20:32] <asac> armin76: have you tried to link the dictionaries dir in the xul dir?
[20:35] <asac> armin76: look at the code path ... if anything is successful it would load the dictionaries
[20:35] <asac> armin76: maybe the install now has DICTIONARY_SEARCH_DIRECTORY ... and thus the GRE + APP dirs are not tried?
[20:53] <asac> armin76: you should remove the whole else block ... e.g. the gre+app dir code should be always run .
[20:54] <asac> armin76: and finally i understand your problem ... if you use system-xul the spellchecker will be built without the dirprovider ... if you use in-source xul it will be built with the dirprovider ... all this can't be right
[20:54] <armin76> yeah, i dropped the else block
[20:55] <asac> don't you use system-xul?
[20:56] <asac> its strange anyway ... from what i understand Get(DICTIONARY_SEARCH_DIRECTORY ... should always fail
[20:56] <asac> at least in mozHunspellDirProvider.cpp there is no match for that key
[20:56] <asac> GetFile -> always NS_ERROR_FAILURE
[20:56] <armin76> nope i don't, i have to look at it
[20:57] <asac> GetFiles -> always NS_ERROR_FAILURE except for DICTIONARY_SEARCH_DIRECTORY_LIST
[20:57] <armin76> this patch is derived from debian's myspell one for ff
[20:57] <armin76> 2
[20:59] <asac> armin76: ok so you should probably just remove the ifdef MOZ_XUL_APP blocks from the myspell patch you have
[21:06] <[reed]> asac: that's because it's under Firefox
[21:06] <[reed]> so, it's blocking-firefox3
[21:06] <[reed]> instead
[21:12] <asac> [reed]: ok, thats what i thought ... now i just wonder if it really belongs there ... its toolkit/.*/passwordmgr code
[21:14] <[reed]> yes
[21:14] <[reed]> bugzilla is lame, so it's a huge pain to move components
[21:14] <asac> ok
[21:36] <[reed]> yay for asac requesting approval
[21:36] <[reed]> go asac
[21:36] <[reed]> go asac
[21:36] <[reed]> :)
[21:43] <armin76> go me
[21:49] <asac> bug 172368
[21:49] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 172368 in firefox "Downloaded the update from "Main Server" for Firefox. Now some sites (eg. vodacom4me.co.za) dont display as before. Cannot log in to this site now." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172368
[21:50] <asac> [reed]: yay ... you can even checkin another now: mozilla bug 404634
[21:50] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 404634 in Embedding: GRE Core "http urls don't render in TestGtkEmbed" [Critical,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=404634
[21:51] <[reed]> yep
[21:51] <asac> painful as it was ;)
[21:51] <[reed]> as long as you add checkin-needed keyword, I'll get to them soon
[21:51] <asac> sure
[22:09] <armin76> asac: http://rafb.net/p/iE0yx866.html
[22:09] <armin76> that's the definitive patch
[22:09] <armin76> wfm, feel free to fix :)
[22:14] <asac> armin76: so thats broken?
[22:16] <asac> armin76: the code in line 123-126 looks wrong
[22:16] <asac> at least for us its /usr/share/myspell/dicts :)
[22:17] <asac> armin76: thats broken ... i mean you try to open myspell directory ... and then you don't try anything else
[22:17] <asac> because that dir exists
[22:17] <asac> (well except DICTIONARY_SEARCH_DIRECTORY_LIST which is probably empty)
[22:18] <asac> armin76: anyway ... imo that hunk is not needed anymore
[22:18] <asac> you just install a proper link to the right directory: done!
[22:36] <[reed]> asac: mozilla bug 409803, comment #9
[22:36] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 409803 in Build Config "gcc zealously avoids inlining at -Os" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=409803
[22:36] <[reed]> please comment?
[23:35] <armin76> asac: in gentoo they get installed in /usr/share/myspell
[23:35] <armin76> feel free to modify, it works fine for me
[23:38] <armin76> asac: http://dev.gentoo.org/~armin76/spell.png