UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /02 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[01:26] <osmosis> Can anyone help me with this dpkg apt-get install error? http://dpaste.com/29601/
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[08:05] <kraut> moin
[08:26] <AnRkey> I have a file called -v
[08:26] <AnRkey> how do i delete it?
[08:26] <AnRkey> when i use rm -v, the rm program things the -v is part of the command
[08:28] <kraut> rm -rf \-v
[08:28] <kraut> perhaps this works?
[08:31] <AnRkey> kraut, rm \ -v did it, thanks
[08:31] <AnRkey> i had to put a space in though between the \ and the -v
[08:31] <AnRkey> sheesh, that drove me nuts
[08:31] <AnRkey> 15min to delete a friggin file
[08:32] <AnRkey> happy new year
[08:32] <kraut> AnRkey: anyhow, mc is a good tool to delete files with crappy names
[08:32] <kraut> --exclude= for example
[08:33] <soren> AnRkey: If you needed a backslash there, it wasn't called "-v", but " -v"..
[08:34] <soren> The trouble with a file called "-v" is that it's interpreted as an option to rm. To delete a file called "-v", you can either "rm -- -v" or "rm ./-v".
[08:36] <AnRkey> thanks soren
[08:36] <AnRkey> kraut, mc is a nice tool
[08:38] <AnRkey> i love mcedit
[08:40] <kraut> i hate mcedit ;)
[08:48] <AnRkey> i love the find/replace in mcedit
[08:48] <AnRkey> for when i am lazy
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[10:25] <CrummyGummy> Hi all-> I have on occasion foind that I've restarted heartbeat and new heartbeat process have been spawned without killing the old ones. This generally happens when things are going wrong and has caused a whole lot of problems, I have also found the same problems in my custom scripts. Has anyone here found something similar.
[10:26] <CrummyGummy> /foind/found/
[10:41] <CrummyGummy> K, I've been looking at the heartbeat script and its got nothing to do with the other scripts that I'm having trouble with.
[13:04] <sergevn> where is the Samba smbpasswd database stored?
[13:18] <avatar_> sergevn: afaik somewhere under /var/lib
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[13:34] <sergevn> How is it possible to see the currently active users in that database?
[13:41] <zul> sergevn: pdbedit
[13:45] <sergevn> root@manny:/var/lib/samba# pdbedit passdb.tdb -u serge
[13:45] <sergevn> serge:1000:Serge van Namen,,,
[13:45] <sergevn> So there is no password set?
[13:55] <soren> sergevn: You can't say based on that.
[13:55] <soren> sergevn: Try pdbedit -L -v
[13:55] <soren> Er...
[13:55] <soren> No.
[13:55] <soren> I meant -L -w
[14:00] <sergevn> Hmm the usernames are there, I have a clean ( i think ) samba configuration, but still those users get permission denied when they try to access the folder
[14:07] <soren> Do they have access, you think?
[15:09] <sergevn> There always needs to be an Unix users for each samba user correct?
[15:21] <soren> sergevn: The correct answer: no. The answer you're proably looking for: yes.
[15:22] <soren> sergevn: There are verious ways to work around the need, so in fact, it's not needed, but you really should either add Unix users to match the Samba ones or teach your Unix system to use Samba as a user db backend.
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[19:15] <pteague_work> hmm... how do i change my server's hostname?
[19:25] <nealmcb> pteague that is a surprisingly complicated question :-)
[19:25] <nealmcb> it could mean dns, hostname, /etc/hosts, apache config, etc
[19:32] <pteague_work> the hostname on the actual computer... but it seems the virtual server isn't liking whatever it has as a network card so guess i'm reinstalling anyways
[20:24] <StuTheBearded> hi :)
[20:25] <StuTheBearded> i was wondering if anyone could help me with a hard drive problem I can't find an answer too?
[20:26] <StuTheBearded> the problem is with the detecting of /dev/hdX, where my hard drives are labelled from hde not hda even though the primary disc is on the primary ide controller and the kernel is reporting it can't fine /dev/hde3
[20:27] <StuTheBearded> dev/hde3 should is /
[21:39] <XiXaQ> is there any software package to install if you want to setup dynamic dns for a domain?
[21:55] <jdstrand> hi sommer
[21:56] <jdstrand> sommer: I sound an inaccuracy in https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/httpd.html
[21:56] <sommer> jdstrand: okay, which part?
[21:56] <jdstrand> s/sound/found/
[21:57] <jdstrand> +CompatEnvVars should not be used:
[21:57] <jdstrand> Syntax error on line 11 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/strandboge.com_ssl:
[21:57] <jdstrand> SSLOptions: Illegal option 'CompatEnvVars'
[21:57] <jdstrand> heh-- you got a little more than I intended... :)
[21:58] <sommer> jdstrand: I wondered about those options myself... they are listed in the Apache docs
[21:58] <jdstrand> sommer: all the otehrs work fine
[21:58] * jdstrand wonders why he can't type...
[21:58] <sommer> jdstrand: do you know if they are really needed?
[21:58] <sommer> all of them that is
[21:59] <sommer> from my testing it works fine without that line, but I wasn't 100% sure
[21:59] <jdstrand> sommer: hold on...
[22:00] <sommer> jdstrand: standing by... heh
[22:02] <jdstrand> sommer: ok
[22:02] <jdstrand> +StrictRequire should definitely be there IMO
[22:02] <jdstrand> it makes sure that when using SSLRequireSSL that access is forbidden
[22:03] <jdstrand> (that is the intuitive use of SSLRequireSSL)
[22:03] <jdstrand> I am not sure FakeBasicAuth is a good default
[22:04] <jdstrand> it allows using a client cert instead of basic authentication if the client has a valid one
[22:04] <jdstrand> sommer: that is not an intuitive use IMO and would be site-specific
[22:04] <sommer> jdstrand: seems like most of those options are more advanced than what we're trying to document
[22:05] <sommer> jdstrand: I agree, should we just remove the SSLOptions line?
[22:05] <jdstrand> ExportCertData seems harmless enough-- exports ssl environment variables so cgi can access them
[22:05] <jdstrand> it too seems site-specific
[22:06] <jdstrand> so really, all can go with no problems, but I really think +StrictRequire should stay
[22:06] <sommer> jdstrand: okay... works for me
[22:07] <sommer> I'll update it, thanks for the input
[22:07] <jdstrand> sommer: cool, so you'll fix that?
[22:07] <jdstrand> ah great-- thanks!
[22:07] <sommer> it'll be for hardy anyway
[22:07] <jdstrand> sommer: should I come to you on this sort of thing in the future, or is there a package I can assign a bug to in LP?
[22:09] <sommer> jdstrand: works for me, but if you'd like to file a bug you can just assign it to the doc team
[22:09] <jdstrand> ok thanks
[22:09] <sommer> there is also the ubuntu-serverguide package
[22:09] <sommer> no problem, thank you
[22:10] <jdstrand> sommer: I'll file the bug to see if we can get the gutsy docs fixed, or at least errata'd
[22:11] <sommer> cool... I'm not sure what the exact process for that is, but someone on the doc list will know I'm sure
[22:12] <sommer> it's probably the same as the SRU process... I'm thinking
[22:19] <mathiaz> sommer: yes. ubuntu-serverguide being a package, the SRU process should applied to update the package for a stable release.
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[22:28] <pteague_work> anybody know how i could export a vm from my vmware server on my work devel box & import it on my home devel box?
[22:50] <GSaldana> can anyone help me with apache2 and mod rewrite rules? I have enabled it with a2enmod rewrite, but the .htaccess rules dont work
[22:52] <GSaldana> aahh nevermind, i had to put AllowOverride All on my sites enabled file
[23:14] <sommer> mathiaz: cool... and welcome back
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[23:17] <mathiaz> sommer: thanks :)
[23:47] <joejaxx> mathiaz: thanks :)
[23:48] <macd> mathiaz, off hand do you know who packages ruby in ubuntu? or is it just a upstream sync type of thing?
[23:52] <mathiaz> macd: it's a sync from debian IIRC.
[23:53] <macd> I'm wondering if we can jsut repackage mongrel to have the monglre cluster scripts in it already
[23:53] <macd> rather than having a package with literally 3 files in it
[23:54] <mathiaz> macd: are you refering to the meta-package with 3 files in it ?
[23:56] <macd> in your email you noted that a package for mongrel cluster was needed, which would be about 3 files, and anyone wanting to run more than a single mongrel isntance would want that, so why not make the base package include the cluster portions to manage the config/start/stop of mongrel
[23:59] <mathiaz> macd: Makes sense. (I'm not familiar with the mongrel package)
[23:59] <mathiaz> macd: could the mongrel_cluster init script replace the one shipped by mongrel ?