UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /02 /#ubuntu-fridge.txt
Initial commit
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
[12:46] * svaksh2 checks connection
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
[18:49] <Rinchen> hey nix
[18:49] <Rinchen> nixternal
[18:49] <Rinchen> why are you using the i810 driver instead of the "intel" driver?
[18:49] <Rinchen> http://blog.nixternal.com/2007.12.30/intel-945-video-hint/
[18:51] <Rinchen> I don't have those video issues with the intel driver
[19:49] <boredandblogging> Rinchen: just saw your email about the fridge layout. By webmaster, do you mean newz2000?
[19:49] <Rinchen> ya
[19:49] <Rinchen> I hope we can hire another one.
[19:49] <boredandblogging> I've shown it to him already
[19:49] <Rinchen> but it's outside of my area
[19:49] <Rinchen> cool
[19:50] <Rinchen> I asked him for feedback too
[19:51] <boredandblogging> but he was also saying that with the new ubuntu.com theme coming out, it might be worth looking into
[19:51] <boredandblogging> argh, s/but//
[19:52] <boredandblogging> the colors and content were just to fill up space, I just wanted to show the layout for the most part
[19:53] <boredandblogging> and it wasn't meant to be a final design, just some thoughts on a different layout
[19:54] <boredandblogging> but I do agree it might be worth trying out
[19:55] <boredandblogging> if newz2000 can clean up some of my ugly css hacks :-P
[20:52] <nixternal> Rinchen: I will be your webmaster :)
[20:55] <Rinchen> boredandblogging, yeah, that was my general item too :-)
[20:55] <Rinchen> nixternal, being my personal webmaster doesn't pay. :-)