UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /02 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:34] <Artimus> Did those new KDE4 packages "fix" KDE4 in Hardy? I lost my hardy virtual machine, so I'll be reinstalling tomorrow. I'm curious if I'll have KDE4 to look forward to.
[00:43] <bardyr> !info linux-image-generic
[00:43] <ubotu> linux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB
[00:44] <bardyr> !info nvidia-glx-new
[00:44] <ubotu> nvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 100.14.19+ (hardy), package size 4897 kB, installed size 14844 kB
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[03:04] <derekS> hi. has anyone else come across a problem with compiz crashing? The compiz.real package uses 100% of the cpu for a short time then the wm dies. i am using nvidia-glx-new (if that makes a difference) and everything is vanilla from the hardy repos.
[03:05] <crdlb> derekS: try disabling the animation plugin
[03:05] <derekS> crdlb: hmm, can you help me out with how?
[03:06] <crdlb> do you have ccsm installed?
[03:06] <derekS> crdlb: let me check, i typically don't play with compiz stuff because i don't care about effects
[03:06] <crdlb> !ccsm
[03:06] <ubotu> To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion
[03:06] <derekS> simple-ccsm is not installed
[03:07] <crdlb> the package name is 'compizconfig-settings-manager'
[03:08] <derekS> nope, i have a bunch of libconizconfig packages installed (2 of them) but none by that name
[03:08] <crdlb> so install it ... :)
[03:08] <derekS> haha
[03:08] <derekS> ok
[03:08] <derekS> but if its not installed, why would it be crashing?
[03:09] <crdlb> because the animation plugin (which is enabled by default) seems to cause lockups and such
[03:10] <crdlb> only on nvidia afaik
[03:10] <derekS> crdlb: now its making sense, and this just allows me to turn it off :)
[03:10] <crdlb> yeah
[03:10] <crimsun> crdlb: no, it's a known issue and is fixed in hardy.
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[03:11] <derekS> crimsun: i am using hardy.... and just did a full upgrade to make sure i am using latest
[03:11] <derekS> only thing that was kept back was epiphany, iirc
[03:12] <crimsun> derekS: does it match bug 175744?
[03:12] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 175744 in compiz "Hardy freezes when using compiz" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175744
[03:13] <derekS> crimsun: checking
[03:13] <crdlb> that doesn't mean there's no another problem with animation :)
[03:13] <crdlb> not*
[03:14] <crimsun> crdlb: certainly not, which is why I'm interested in narrow it down
[03:15] <crimsun> narrowing*
[03:15] <derekS> crimsun: prob not the same bug, my system doesn't lock up... compiz usually just crashes
[03:15] <crdlb> derekS: is there something you're usually doing that causes it?
[03:17] <derekS> crdlb: no, its as soon as i log into gnome, the system becomes slow for like 90 seconds, then poof there goes my wm (and compiz.real dies)
[03:19] <crdlb> hrm
[03:20] <derekS> just disabled animations
[03:20] <derekS> lets see if that helped
[03:20] <crdlb> if that doesn't help, try: compiz.real --replace decoration move resize
[03:20] <derekS> crdlb: it worked :)
[03:20] <derekS> i think
[03:22] <crimsun> make sure you file a bug :-)
[03:22] <crdlb> derekS: disabling animation worked?
[03:22] <derekS> crdlb: yeah
[03:23] <derekS> crimsun: going to do that now
[03:27] <derekS> crimsun: seems its bug 102883
[03:27] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 102883 in compiz "[apport] compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV after restarting Gnome" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102883
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[10:59] <Toma-> has rtl8180 been dropped from hardy?
[10:59] <Toma-> (the module)
[11:45] <Toma-> Would the build log give suggestions as to why certain modules are skipped in the kernel build?
[11:48] <Hobbsee> Toma-: probably
[11:49] <Toma-> thx
[11:50] <Toma-> grr cant find a build log :(
[11:51] <Toma-> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/i386/linux-source-2.6.24/2.6.24-2.4
[11:51] * Hobbsee suspects some of them have been told not to build
[11:52] <Toma-> ..but im using the built package :/
[11:56] <e_r_c_e> hello
[11:56] <e_r_c_e> i'm so stupid :)
[11:56] <e_r_c_e> i need to format floppy in 8.04
[11:56] <e_r_c_e> how to?
[11:57] <Toma-> mkfs.whatever
[11:57] <Toma-> same as every other release of ubuntu
[11:57] <e_r_c_e> mkfs floppy0
[11:57] <e_r_c_e> or mkfs.floppy0
[11:58] <Toma-> hmmm should you be running hardy?
[11:59] <e_r_c_e> yes
[11:59] <e_r_c_e> hardy is my comp
[12:00] <Toma-> should you be formatting floppies then? :)
[12:00] <e_r_c_e> moment please
[12:00] <Toma-> 'man mkfs'
[12:00] <Toma-> Hobbsee➜ where can I find a build log for at least 1 of the hardy kernel?
[12:01] <e_r_c_e> MKFS-Build a Linux file system
[12:01] <e_r_c_e> what IF i want FAT 32
[12:01] <e_r_c_e> ?
[12:01] <nanonyme> should you be using hardy if you don't know how to use format utilities in linux? :)
[12:01] <Toma-> scroll down to see also
[12:01] <Hobbsee> nanonyme: i don't know that either
[12:02] <Hobbsee> but this guy is seeming fairly clueless
[12:02] <e_r_c_e> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50487/
[12:02] <Hobbsee> Toma-: it's under linux now
[12:02] * nanonyme starts "when is it going to fail" timer about now
[12:03] <Hobbsee> Toma-: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+builds?build_text=linux&build_state=all
[12:03] <Toma-> thanks a bunch!
[12:05] * nanonyme eyerolls at the failed ppc restricted modules build log
[12:05] <nanonyme> "/bin/sh: /usr/bin/gcc-4.1: not found
[12:05] <nanonyme> " o.O
[12:05] <Toma-> lawl
[12:07] <nanonyme> someone should tell ross to fix his build environment...
[12:07] <Hobbsee> has gcc even built then?
[12:07] * nanonyme shrugs
[12:08] <Toma-> well this has been a huge cup of fail for me.
[12:08] <Hobbsee> curse it.
[12:08] <nanonyme> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/ build environment should already have been fully built to even attempt that
[12:08] <Hobbsee> nanonyme: that would suggest that gcc died.
[12:09] <Hobbsee> yup
[12:10] <Toma-> rtl8180.ko has been silently taken out :(
[12:10] <Toma-> i suspect the CIA >_>
[12:11] <nanonyme> Hobbsee, hmm, i guess. to me it just looked as if it's trying to use gcc 4.1 when it didn't exist on the computer
[12:11] <Hobbsee> er, gcc-4.1 is not part of build-essentials anymore, i expect
[12:12] <nanonyme> what is, 4.2?
[12:12] <Hobbsee> yes
[12:12] <nanonyme> right
[12:12] <nanonyme> so just a slight version-mismatch probably then
[12:13] <Hobbsee> means the kernel team screwed up, it appaers
[12:13] <nanonyme> they've probably been notified already, right?
[12:14] <Hobbsee> oh, those l-r-m are old anyway
[12:15] <nanonyme> so yes
[12:15] <Hobbsee> erm, at least, should be.
[12:15] <Toma-> So... is there anyway to find out where this module has gone? and when?
[12:53] <DOLLY> wann kommt die ubuntu 8.04 beta raus?
[12:53] <hit> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule
[12:54] <DOLLY> danke
[17:00] <Arjun> hey every one
[17:01] <Arjun> MMMM
[17:01] <Arjun> ok well Ive just installed ubuntu for the first time and it has picked up my ethernet card
[17:02] <Arjun> it however doesnt wanna ping my router and can not b pinged from other pcs
[17:02] <Arjun> I can ping myself though
[17:02] <Arjun> anyhelp please kinda new to the whole linux thung
[17:03] <Arjun> really dont wanna go back to the evilness of satans os
[17:03] <Arjun> anyone thewre
[17:03] <Arjun> there ??
[17:05] <Arjun> oops wrong channel
[17:05] <Arjun> bye
[17:05] <Arjun> #ubuntu
[17:05] <Arjun> argh
[17:35] <i00_000i> how to stop daemons from starting up automatically during booting
[17:37] <pvandewyngaerde> edit/remove the startup scripts ?
[17:39] <i00_000i> but wher r they...in fedora one can control the services from /sbin/services but like that in ubuntu
[17:39] <sn0> i00_000i try system > administration > services
[17:40] <i00_000i> sn0: entire list is not ther ...i installed the server edition ...plz tell me how to stop hal daemon
[17:40] <i00_000i> sn0: one can start and stop hal daemon from /sbin/services in fedora but itz not available in ubuntu
[17:42] <sn0> i00_000i ok well working from the server you can manually start / stop the services from init.d
[17:42] <i00_000i> sn0: but hal daemon in not in /etc/init.d
[17:43] <i00_000i> sn0: i looked for httpd also itz also not ther
[17:43] <sn0> i00_000i im not sure this is a ubuntu development version question, but fedora works differenty to ubuntu, so if it was httpd in fedora, this is called apache or apache2 in ubuntu
[17:43] <sn0> for eg sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
[17:43] <Pici> i00_000i: Are you using Hardy/8.04?
[17:44] <sn0> hal should be likewise, /etc/init.d/hal but im just checking on my vm image
[17:45] <i00_000i> Pici: not 7.o4
[17:45] <Pici> i00_000i: This channel is only for 8.04/Hardy support.
[17:46] <sn0> i00_000i you can ask in #ubuntu , or we can talk about it in there :)
[17:46] <i00_000i> sn0: i have been using fedora for a long time jst tried ubuntu as fedora is not recognising my laptops keyboard..
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[18:25] <bardyr> !info nvidia-glx-new
[18:25] <ubotu> nvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 100.14.19+ (hardy), package size 4897 kB, installed size 14844 kB
[18:26] <bardyr> anyone got and idea when the new nvidia driver is in or when the kernel is updated
[18:26] <bardyr> its a bit behind the ubuntu kernel git tree
[18:27] <aslaen> hello, I am running the latest ubuntu hardy x86_64 alpha.. I installed elisa using apt-get install elisa, and it installed fine. When I try to launch it it never opens a UI. Here is the output from terminal.. http://nopaste.com/p/aM7UkgiP2
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[20:07] <gouchi> Hi there
[20:07] <gouchi> is it plan to add support for OpenChrome card in Hardy
[20:08] <gouchi> I mean include the X.org driver directly in the CD
[20:08] <gouchi> didn't find any spec
[20:13] <Spec> gouchi: 'sup
[20:14] <gouchi> Spec : ?
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[20:15] <Spec> <gouchi> didn't find any spec
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[20:21] <aslaen> has anyone here successfully run elisa using the amd64 debs in hardy universe repo?
[20:21] <Spec> gouchi: what's OpenChrome?
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[21:00] <jtholmes> can anyone tell me how i find out who in the Ubuntu org is responsible for gdm
[21:00] <awen_> jtholmes: look at the bug contacts for the package on launchpad ?
[21:06] <jtholmes> awen_, thanks will do
[22:09] <tcpdumpgod> Okay, im going to hang out in here.
[22:09] <tcpdumpgod> Too many noobs in #ubuntu
[22:32] <Oli``> How stable is Hardy?
[22:34] <bardyr> Oli``, as stable as you can except from a ubuntu alpha2
[22:35] <Oli``> I can't remember when I jumped onto Gutsy but I think it was about the same sort of time... I'm just getting bored of the monotony of a stable system ^_^
[22:35] <bardyr> heh
[22:36] <bardyr> im been on hardy but it was just too unstable for me
[22:36] <bardyr> waiting for the new nvida driver to be upped and im on it again
[22:37] <awen_> Oli``: Kubuntu seems incredible stable for a alpha (at least with kde 3.5.*)