UbuntuIRC / 2007 /03 /25 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[01:12] <asac> of course its for breezy and dapper
[01:23] <asac> ok dapper/breezy/edgy update will probably land soon ... so keep your eyes open. If you see any hints for regressions, bug me somehow :)
[01:24] <Admiral_Chicago> will do
[01:24] <asac> thanks :)
[04:10] <gnomefreak> dapper is getting it too?
[04:12] <asac> 1.5
[04:12] <asac> yes
[04:13] <asac> hopefully upstream will support till
[04:13] <asac> :)
[04:27] <gnomefreak> but if upstream supports than why would we put in dapper?
[04:27] <gnomefreak> oh ok same fixes differnet version nuymber
[04:35] <gnomefreak> night
=== asac_ [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
[05:27] <asac_> ?
[05:27] <asac_> gnomefreak: read above i never said that will get into dapper
=== poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=Admiral_@ubuntu/member/admiral-chicago] has left #ubuntu-mozillateam []
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=Admiral_@ubuntu/member/admiral-chicago] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
[09:01] <Admiral_Chicago> apport needs to get working
=== hjmf [n=hjmf@62.Red-83-45-116.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=Admiral_@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=Admiral_@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
[12:43] <hjmf> gnomefreak: did you managed to do local retraces on feisty? I'm unable with apport 0.61 and apport 0.69 trying to use -r option
[12:44] <hjmf> :/ see bug #94882
[12:44] <hjmf> *I mean* local retraces vs launchpad reports
[01:07] <gnomefreak> hjmf: no i cant seem to with 0.69
[01:09] <gnomefreak> did hit repos yet?
=== AlexLatchford [n=alex@82-44-193-109.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
[01:17] <gnomefreak> asac: what do you want to do with bug 95791. I am assuming he is using upstream firefox since haasnt hit archives yet.
[01:17] <Ubugtu> Malone bug 95791 in firefox "Browser security" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95791
[01:50] <hjmf> I've ended with manual gdb run against coredump file on bug 94882
[01:50] <Ubugtu> Malone bug 94882 in firefox "[feisty] Firefox Crashed -libjavaplugin- [@CNSAdapter_NSPR::JDFileDesc_To_FD] " [High,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94882
[01:58] <gnomefreak> hmmm
[01:59] <gnomefreak> thats strange but i guess since we have more dbg packages it would work
[02:03] <gnomefreak> hjmf: what did you run to get the gdb of it?
[02:14] <gnomefreak> i really wish this would get fixed
[02:25] <gnomefreak> this is strange nsCOMTypeInfo<nsISupports>::GetIID
[02:27] <gnomefreak> i think its flash but hard to tell atm
[02:28] <gnomefreak> the i386 tag doesnt work well
[02:47] <hjmf> gnomefreak: gdb -nx /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin -core CoreDump 2>&1 | tee gdb.log
[02:47] <hjmf> with -dbgsym installed
[02:50] <hjmf> ... in my feisty's chroot
[02:52] <gnomefreak> ok ill try it out. is /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin the uploaded file from apport? or the excutable path?
=== gnomefreak needs to go lay down before i start up chainsaw for the day :(
[02:55] <asac> for me bug 95791 looks like a scam
[02:55] <Ubugtu> Malone bug 95791 in firefox "Browser security" [Undecided,Rejected] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95791
[02:56] <asac> he is a troll. ask him to state clearly and distinct, what his problem is ... otherwise reject bug i guess :)
=== poningru_ [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
[04:45] <asac> Admiral_Chicago: ping ... you test with upstream
[04:45] <asac> its not yet in the archive :)
[04:46] <asac> so i wonder if your bug confirmations are really what they claim:)?
[04:50] <asac> Admiral_Chicago: ah ... you use likely-dup ... i am fine with that, but we should document in our wiki as well
[04:50] <asac> and add to tags page
[04:51] <asac> Bug 94167
[04:51] <asac> dup of Bug 91798
[04:51] <Ubugtu> Malone bug 94167 in firefox "firefox on first startup shows silly upstream ad page" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94167
[04:51] <Ubugtu> Malone bug 91798 in firefox "Default Ubuntu home page concealed by Firefox welcome" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91798
[04:52] <asac> duped
[05:01] <hjmf> Is apport retracing service working? I'm seeing a lot of emails with just only: ** Tags removed: need-i386-retrace
[05:01] <hjmf> but no retrace indeed
[05:04] <asac> yeah
[05:04] <asac> probably broken :)
[05:04] <asac> does default apport install work well?
[05:04] <asac> now?
[05:05] <hjmf> This morning I tried once against a local coredump file but didn't work (I know that maybe was too much for apport but I went back to old version)
[05:05] <asac> really strange
[05:06] <asac> just coredump file or the complete set?
[05:06] <asac> we really have to figure this out
[05:06] <hjmf> bug #94882
[05:06] <asac> it doesn't help if we go back on our accounts ... things *need* to work out of the box
[05:06] <Ubugtu> Malone bug 94882 in firefox "[feisty] Firefox Crashed -libjavaplugin- [@CNSAdapter_NSPR::JDFileDesc_To_FD] " [High,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94882
[05:06] <asac> ;)
[05:07] <asac> hmm
[05:07] <asac> CreateSecureEnv
[05:07] <asac> i guess we already have a dupe
[05:07] <asac> with that
[05:07] <hjmf> that was the bug of the test
[05:07] <asac> yeah i know :) ... anyway ;)
[05:07] <asac> sorry for switching contextss
[05:07] <asac> bug 86002
[05:07] <Ubugtu> Malone bug 86002 in firefox "MASTER firefox crash in java [@JavaPluginFactory5::CreateSecureEnv] [@ProxyJNIEnv] " [High,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86002
[05:08] <asac> does it look the same?
[05:08] <hjmf> java6 vs java5
[05:09] <hjmf> grrr I hate gnomefreak's retrace logs :)
[05:09] <asac> yeah ... but still the same
[05:09] <asac> agree
[05:09] <asac> :)
[05:10] <asac> but he doesn't do it anymore afaik
[05:10] <hjmf> seems the same. do we create a master for that?
[05:14] <hjmf> afk for a while
[05:24] <asac> 86002 is already a master
[05:24] <asac> bug 86002
[05:24] <Ubugtu> Malone bug 86002 in firefox "MASTER firefox crash in java [@JavaPluginFactory5::CreateSecureEnv] [@ProxyJNIEnv] " [High,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86002
[05:41] <hjmf> ...already a Master; I guess I need glasses 8-)
[06:05] <asac> :)
[06:19] <asac> hjmf: can you take a look at bug 94753
[06:19] <asac> maybe its just that libc-dbg packages are not installed
[06:20] <asac> or do we have dbgsym packages?
[06:20] <asac> for edgy?
[06:22] <asac> hjmf: oh gnomefreak still attaches full logs :)
[06:23] <asac> gnomefreak: why do you do that :) ?
[06:23] <asac> Bug 95510
[06:23] <asac> for instance .. and it has a corrupted stack :(
[06:23] <asac> not good
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[06:23] <asac> apport-retrace appears to be still broken
[06:29] <hjmf> asac: I'm gonna look about libc dbg packages. I'll tell you soon
[06:49] <hjmf> asac: back again
[06:49] <hjmf> dpkg -l | egrep "libc.*dbg"
[06:49] <hjmf> ii libc6-dbg 2.4-1ubuntu12. GNU C Library: Libraries with debugging symb
[06:49] <hjmf> ii libcairo2-dbgs 1.2.4-1ubuntu2 debug symbols for package libcairo2
[06:49] <asac> yes
[06:49] <hjmf> is that enough
[06:50] <hjmf> that was already installed
[06:50] <asac> hmm
[06:53] <hjmf> maybe I could do a test un-installing libc6-gdb and checking that apport downloads libc6-dbgsym if any
[06:57] <hjmf> WARNING: version 2.4-1ubuntu12.3 of package libc6-i686-dbgsym not available
[06:57] <hjmf> WARNING: version 1:4.1.1-13ubuntu5 of package libgcc1-dbgsym not available
[06:58] <hjmf> lets force some things
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[07:12] <hjmf> ... no i can't get a better retrace than the one in the report
[07:13] <hjmf> ... even forcing the install of libc6-i686-dbgsym which should help to retrace lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
=== hjmf gives up, after all is sunday :)
[07:34] <asac> ye
[07:34] <asac> thx
[08:15] <Admiral_Chicago> asac: which bug?
[08:15] <Admiral_Chicago> i think its bug 94167
[08:15] <ubotu> Malone bug 94167 in firefox "firefox on first startup shows silly upstream ad page (dup-of: 91798)" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94167
[08:15] <ubotu> Malone bug 91798 in firefox "Default Ubuntu home page concealed by Firefox welcome" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91798
[08:16] <Admiral_Chicago> i thought might have been out, i'm still on .2 , was confused last night
[08:16] <Admiral_Chicago> plus I was triaging at about 4 in the morning
[08:17] <asac> :)
[08:17] <asac> sure
[08:17] <asac> np
[08:18] <Admiral_Chicago> i looked at over 150 before I went to bed...got another 50 while i slept
[08:18] <Admiral_Chicago> coulrd be worop
[08:18] <Admiral_Chicago> worse*
[08:23] <Admiral_Chicago> asac: how are we hadling languages not being displayed incorrectly
[08:25] <Admiral_Chicago> for example, the Kurdish language one, i seem to remember another language as well
[08:29] <asac> thai will be fixed
[08:29] <asac> depends on what means "not displayed correctly"
[08:29] <asac> ??
[08:29] <asac> for thai there were multiple issues
[08:30] <asac> fuer kurdish there should be not that many
[08:30] <asac> most likely: it lacks a locale package
[08:30] <asac> -> kurdish people should get their act together and provide one to upstream
[08:30] <asac> another problem: fonts ... if that is missing provide a font package :)
[08:31] <gnomefreak> whats wrong with full logs? its much easier than copy and pasting the sections to another test file
[08:32] <asac> yeah ... but its harder to read
[08:32] <asac> copy paste is one time
[08:33] <asac> read might be a hundred times :)
[08:33] <asac> best do it like hjmf ... he copied topmost stack elements to comment
[08:33] <asac> gnomefreak: probably if you don't use -v
[08:33] <asac> the logs are not that inflated
[08:34] <gnomefreak> ill try it but -v tells me what im missing if anything
[08:34] <hjmf> hi ...
[08:35] <gnomefreak> hi
[08:35] <hjmf> I'm using -v too it's very useful, but I'm also using sed
[08:35] <hjmf> :)
[08:36] <hjmf> ... and apport's submitting to launchpad stuff ...
[08:37] <hjmf> it is very handy
[08:38] <gnomefreak> is ther ea command that will do everything at once? and i havent played with hte automatic upload of attachments
[08:40] <gnomefreak> wait a minute asac you still havent released have you?
[08:41] <hjmf> no there isn't a command afaik but is easy to script it
[08:42] <hjmf> just use sed for the logs, and the bug.add_comment() function from launchpadBugs.HTMLOperations python library
[08:43] <hjmf> If you want to see a nigthmare of bad script habits and too locally focused I can show you the scripts I'm using
[08:44] <gnomefreak> --cookie=COOKIE_FILE???
[08:44] <hjmf> yes the one used by firefox for example
[08:45] <gnomefreak> see help shows that but says just add the bug number. the bug number is not a cookie file though
[08:50] <Admiral_Chicago> is bug #95510 a problem with flash?
[08:50] <ubotu> Malone bug 95510 in firefox "firefox crashed" [High,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95510
[08:53] <gnomefreak> Admiral_Chicago: im gonna say yes but i cant be positive on it
[08:54] <Admiral_Chicago> seems to be
[08:54] <Admiral_Chicago> maybe the reporter has some information for us
[09:00] <Admiral_Chicago> yea, crash after playing video, i'm rejecting
[09:03] <gnomefreak> i wouldnt reject it just yet we have a bunch of bugs with same stacktrace up until it dies on me.
[09:10] <gnomefreak> hjmf: can you get me an example of the script im writting. i still havent figured out how to use varibles. i can only do simple scripts atm this one needs a placeholder for bug number
[09:10] <hjmf> gnomefreak: wait a second...
[09:16] <hjmf> gnomefreak: get the script I'm using from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HMontoliu it's the one named upload_comments.py
[09:16] <hjmf> is just a copied and pasted code from apport-retrace
[09:16] <gnomefreak> k
[09:17] <hjmf> the stuff to strip the retrace logs is inside the retrace_bug.sh script
[09:18] <hjmf> btw the cookie file is the one used by firefox
[09:19] <gnomefreak> this script just unpacks and uploads files?
[09:19] <hjmf> no its much more dirty and complicated; how it works, retrace_bug.sh does the retracing and strip of the resulting logs, then a second an
[09:21] <gnomefreak> so i just run the scripts inside the dir. im using?
[09:21] <hjmf> a second script opens gvim with three 'folds' stactrace, apport error log and the posting text, and calls the upload_comments.py to upload it to LP if I agree with the resulting stacktrace
[09:21] <hjmf> ... you cannot use those scripts since are totally focused to myself, but you can use them to get an idea
[09:24] <gnomefreak> # Input $@ bugnumbers
[09:24] <gnomefreak> BUGNUMBERS=$@
[09:24] <gnomefreak> that line == replace with bug number
[09:24] <hjmf> call the script as
[09:25] <hjmf> retrace_bug.sh bug1 bug2 ...
[09:25] <hjmf> what ever bug numbers you might want to retrace
[09:26] <gnomefreak> so adding that will allow me to use apport-retrace bleh bleh 91345 2>&1 bleh bleh
[09:26] <hjmf> the it run apport-retrace on the edgy or feisty chroot , depends on the report
[09:26] <hjmf> ^the/then/
[09:26] <hjmf> yes
[09:26] <hjmf> apport-retrace -o retraced.crash -d -c -C /tmp/ddebs $(basename ${ATTACHMENT_URLS[0] }) 2>&1 | tee retrace.err;
[09:27] <hjmf> on edgy
[09:27] <hjmf> and apport-retrace -s -v -d -C /tmp/ddebs $BUGNUMBER 2> retrace.err > retrace.out
[09:27] <hjmf> on feisty chroot
[09:27] <hjmf> ... im using schroot
[09:27] <gnomefreak> dchroot here
[09:27] <hjmf> just change it in the code of the script
[09:28] <hjmf> I used dchroot at the beginning and worked
[09:28] <gnomefreak> CHROOT_CMD="schroot --chroot=" just change schroot to dchroot?
[09:28] <hjmf> yes, but read man page...
[09:28] <hjmf> wait, I'll look
[09:28] <gnomefreak> same commands for most part
[09:29] <hjmf> dchroot --chroot=edgy ; it's the same
[09:31] <hjmf> notice that prior to run apport-retrace it calls handle_ff_versions_feisty.sh or edgy's to install the right and usable version of apport
[09:31] <gnomefreak> i need to make a home/bugsquad/retrace_tmp for retraces?
[09:31] <hjmf> you can adapt it to your likes,
[09:31] <hjmf> I use an individual directory to each retrace
[09:31] <gnomefreak> i can change that to ~/edgy-retraces/firefox
[09:32] <hjmf> home/bugsquad/retrace_tmp/e_# for edgy
[09:32] <hjmf> yes
[09:32] <asac> gnomefreak: no is not yet out
[09:32] <hjmf> and home/bugsquad/retrace_tmp/f_# for feisty
[09:32] <asac> its stuck in security queue
[09:32] <gnomefreak> asac: ok thats what i thought
[09:32] <asac> and here i have waited for libthai which should now be available
[09:32] <hjmf> bugsquad is a shared mount to both chroots
[09:34] <gnomefreak> what is /current_bugs_tmp
[09:34] <hjmf> ... ah! handle_ff_versions_feisty.sh does what it's name indicates, changes the ffirefox packages installed depending on reporter's version of ff
[09:35] <hjmf> nothing to care about, was an attempt to log and to look later for batch retraces
[09:35] <asac> where from?
[09:36] <gnomefreak> just leave it the same? or remove it?
[09:36] <hjmf> remove it
[09:37] <gnomefreak> *crash) echo "$BUGNUMBER @edgy" >>
[09:37] <gnomefreak> leave that or get rid of full area
[09:37] <hjmf> the full line
[09:37] <gnomefreak> k
[09:37] <hjmf> gnomefreak: you are scaring me, don't dare to run it your self, write an script using the ideas on mine
[09:38] <hjmf> mine is too specific to me
[09:38] <hjmf> :)
[09:38] <hjmf> to my ill mind
[09:38] <hjmf> :)
[09:39] <hjmf> for example notice that the handle_ff_versions_feisty.sh should be located inside your feisty chroot
[09:39] <hjmf> and check what it does before running it
[09:41] <hjmf> ... btw wait a couple of minutes and I'll upload the versions that I'm using right now
[09:51] <hjmf> done. buf!! it's difficult to upload things to the wiki, it complaints about all :)
[09:52] <hjmf> out for a while
[10:02] <hjmf> gnomefreak: on line *crash) echo "$BUGNUMBER @edgy" >>
[10:02] <hjmf> I meant from "echo" to the end of the line
[10:02] <hjmf> sorry
[10:02] <gnomefreak> ah ok
[10:03] <hjmf> really out for dinner :)
[10:41] <gnomefreak> sed -n '/^--- thread/,$ {p}' retrace.out > retraced_Thread_Stacktrace.txt" not working :(
=== gnomefreak goes to dinner.
[10:52] <hjmf> gnomefreak: that depends on the version of apport-retrace you use
[10:53] <hjmf> because of the regex that limits the stacktrace
[10:54] <hjmf> for example on apport 0.50 from edgy the stacktrace starts with ^Stacktrace: and ends with ^ThreadStacktrac
[10:54] <hjmf> that's why with apport 0.50 I use:
[10:54] <hjmf> sed -n '/^Stacktrace:/,/^ThreadStacktrace:/ {s/^Stacktrace:/--- stack trace ---/;s/^ThreadStacktrace:/--- end of stack trace ---/g;p}' retraced.crash > retraced_Stacktrace.txt
[10:55] <hjmf> so you need to see which are the expressions that limits the stacktrace
[10:56] <hjmf> the sed -n '/^--- thread/,$ {p}' retrace.out > retraced_Thread_Stacktrace.txt" is for apport 0.61 output
[10:57] <hjmf> ... as the retrace output depends on the apport-retrace version you are using
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