[12:24] <mc44> LjL: yep. Only its sort of monophonic, only giving one whiny note |
[12:32] <SportChick> Seveas: hrm? |
[12:32] <Seveas> SportChick, nothing |
[12:32] <SportChick> :p |
[12:32] <Seveas> xchat was being irritating |
[12:32] <Seveas> you were the victim of that |
[12:32] <PriceChild> Lol no she wasn't... |
[12:32] <Seveas> actually, mc44 was |
[12:32] <Seveas> you were only mildly abused |
[12:33] <SportChick> heh |
=== SportChick feels tortured :p |
[12:34] <mc44> Seveas: curses! |
[12:34] <Seveas> mc44, ncurses rather |
[12:34] <mc44> LjL: Science, it works! |
[12:35] <LjL> mc44: yup. it's unfortunate how lab test subjects have to suffer though |
[12:37] <mc44> LjL: yes. yes it is. Even more sad is when the test subjects rise up against their evil masters and destroy them with their mutated superpowers |
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ |
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ |
=== Vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
[12:57] <ubotu> In ubotu, stdin said: welcome is <alias> hi |
=== PriceChild wonders why anyone would type !welcome rather than !hi |
[01:01] <LjL> hello and welcome to the official ubuntu support channel is <alias> hi |
[01:01] <PuMpErNiCkLe> o.O |
=== PuMpErNiCkLe [n=pumperni@about/essy/bacon/PuMpErNiCkLe] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PuMpErNiCkLe] by ChanServ |
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ |
=== PuMpErNiCkLe [n=pumperni@about/essy/bacon/PuMpErNiCkLe] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PuMpErNiCkLe] by ChanServ |
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Mez] by ChanServ |
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=== Vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== Vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== Vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== beuno [n=martin@] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
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=== maxamillion [n=max@r74-192-178-37.htvlcmta01.hnvitx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
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=== QMario [n=QMario@cpe-70-116-124-115.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu-ops |
[05:01] <SportChick> !vhost |
[05:01] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about vhost - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi |
[05:13] <nalioth> !cloak |
[05:13] <ubotu> Tor & other common anonymizing proxies get abused to attack & spam Ubuntu channels, so they're blocked. Get a cloak from Freenode instead, and stop wasting your time with Tor: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks |
[05:14] <nalioth> c'mon SportChick we don't call it a vhost here |
[05:14] <SportChick> is THAT what he meant?! |
[05:14] <nalioth> vhost = cloak |
[05:14] <nalioth> some other networks call it a vhost (virtual host) |
[05:22] <SportChick> nalioth: heh |
=== QMario [n=QMario@cpe-70-116-124-115.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu-ops |
[05:52] <tritium> What will we cover in the meeting on Monday? |
[05:53] <nalioth> the irc council |
[05:53] <tritium> Are we forming one? |
[05:53] <nalioth> tritium: the ubuntu-irc mailing list archives have the latest info, if you dont subscribe |
[05:53] <nalioth> tritium: we've had one |
[05:54] <tritium> I see. |
[05:55] <tritium> I'll check the archives, since I have delivery off. |
[06:02] <ubotu> In ubotu, luvkit said: what is your purpose |
[06:03] <nalioth> !ubotu > luvkit |
=== maxamill1on [n=max@r74-192-178-37.htvlcmta01.hnvitx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== maxamillion [n=max@r74-192-178-37.htvlcmta01.hnvitx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
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=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ |
=== Hobbsee wonders what 2300 UTC is in normal time |
[07:24] <mneptok> 0800+1day for you |
[07:24] <Hobbsee> ah, 10am |
[07:24] <Hobbsee> [17:24] <Ubugtu> Schedule for Australia/Sydney: 16 Mar 21:00: MOTU Council | 18 Mar 02:00: Xubuntu | 20 Mar 02:00: Kernel Team | 20 Mar 10:00: IRC Operators | 21 Mar 05:00: Community Council | 21 Mar 23:00: Edubuntu |
=== mneptok checks his math |
[07:25] <Hobbsee> which i wont be able to make...oh wait, yes i will |
[07:25] <Hobbsee> not sure what time i'm working, but i'll be able to connect in a bit after that at uni |
[07:35] <ubotu> In ubotu, predder said: chocolate is the food of the gods, or if you eat 200 g at once it'll make you feel sick |
[07:36] <Jucato> O.o |
[07:37] <ubotu> In ubotu, predder said: beer is liquid gold mate |
[07:38] <Hobbsee> heh |
=== Hobbsee ROFL's at mneptok |
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v gnomefreak] by ChanServ |
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Madpilot] by ChanServ |
[07:51] <mneptok> Hobbsee: hmm? |
[07:52] <Hobbsee> mneptok: your telitubbies pic |
[07:52] <mneptok> oh :) |
[07:52] <Seveas> teletubbies? |
[07:52] <mneptok> Seveas: fixed the splash |
[07:52] <Seveas> mneptok and teletubbies... sounds deadly |
[07:52] <Seveas> mneptok, URL? |
[07:52] <mneptok> http://people.ubuntu.com/~mneptok/ubuntu-slick.png |
[07:52] <LongPointyStick> Seveas: yes, that. |
[07:53] <Seveas> hahaha |
=== Hobbsee gets kicked out |
[07:54] <Hobbsee> bye! |
=== Seveas --> work |
=== jenda --> slacking |
[07:55] <Seveas> lazy bastard |
[07:55] <Kamping_Kaiser> hobbsee --> gone! |
[07:55] <Seveas> by the way: http://blog.andrew.net.au/2007/03/15#funky_flautist |
[07:55] <Seveas> ! |
[07:55] <Seveas> !! |
[08:01] <jenda> Seveas: that's mega cool. |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ |
[08:04] <jenda> Seveas: but... I think it's fake... |
[08:05] <Hobbsee> what'd i miss? |
[08:06] <Kamping_Kaiser> <Seveas> by the way: http://blog.andrew.net.au/2007/03/15#funky_flautist |
[08:06] <jenda> <Kamping_Kaiser> hobbsee --> gone! |
[08:07] <Kamping_Kaiser> all in all, not much ;) |
[08:07] <mneptok> i changed my diaper. |
[08:08] <Hobbsee> oh good |
[08:08] <jenda> Somebody stuff something up that guy's throat... |
[08:08] <Hobbsee> all by yourself? |
[08:08] <Kamping_Kaiser> diaper? |
[08:08] <jenda> yes, for example... |
[08:11] <mneptok> "what's for dinner?" "depends." |
[08:12] <Kamping_Kaiser> speaking of dinner. bbl |
[08:12] <Hobbsee> 34% [8 linux-image-2.6.20-11-generic 8610568/23.3MB 36%] 33.9kB/s 18m35s |
[08:13] <Hobbsee> miserable... |
=== mneptok pats Hobbsee onna head |
=== Hobbsee has lost her USB drive, too :D |
=== mneptok tempts fate in doing so |
[08:22] <Hobbsee> er, :'( |
=== Hobbsee bites mneptok |
=== mneptok bastes the other side |
[08:23] <mneptok> give my abdomen another 20 minutes over the coals |
[08:42] <Hobbsee> sigh. my USB stick definetly isnt in the friend's care |
[08:42] <Hobbsee> -e |
[08:42] <Hobbsee> it's either in back dock at work, or totally gone. |
[08:55] <mneptok> i tried my USB in the back dock. it never appeared in df -h and i couldn't sit for a week. |
[08:58] <Hobbsee> heh |
[09:20] <Hobbsee> incoming troll |
[09:21] <Madpilot> Hobbsee, who & where? |
[09:21] <Hobbsee> Madpilot: openno |
[09:21] <Madpilot> ah |
[09:21] <Hobbsee> Madpilot: ubuntu, ubuntu-offtopic, ubuntu-devel |
[09:22] <Hobbsee> nalioth: i've got ops there |
[09:22] <Hobbsee> nalioth: just didnt think that kickban on sight was a good move |
=== francis [n=apokryph@87-194-86-227.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v apokryphos] by ChanServ |
=== Hobbsee is starting to think we should be allowed to kickban on sight of known trolls |
=== OpenNo [n=As@219-89-21-152.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
[09:29] <OpenNo> I like to lodge a formal complaint |
[09:29] <Hobbsee> nalioth: here we go. |
[09:29] <Hobbsee> OpenNo: please see and obey topics, adn dont troll. |
[09:29] <nalioth> OpenNo: what is up? |
[09:29] <OpenNo> Hobbsee drunk my coffee |
[09:29] <mneptok> OpenNo: to do so you need to be wearing a tuxedo, |
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
[09:30] <OpenNo> I can't believe Hobbsee drunk my cold coffee |
[09:30] <nalioth> OpenNo: your complaint please? |
[09:31] <OpenNo> I have a cup of coffee to have with my smoke but Hobbsee drunk it. |
[09:31] <mneptok> OpenNo: we say "drank" for the past perfect in English. |
[09:31] <OpenNo> I'm not happy. |
[09:31] <Hobbsee> good. |
[09:31] <Hobbsee> but you're a known troll, and dont follow rules and topics, so we cant really help you. |
[09:31] <nalioth> OpenNo: this is a resolution channel. do you have a legitimate complaint? |
[09:31] <OpenNo> Yes. |
=== StevenK [n=stevenk@] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
[09:32] <OpenNo> Taxes are too high. |
[09:32] <OpenNo> Also free tibet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
[09:32] <mneptok> you're not very good at this. |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b %*!*@219-89-21-152.dialup.xtra.co.nz] by nalioth |
=== OpenNo [n=As@219-89-21-152.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has left #ubuntu-ops [] |
[09:32] <Hobbsee> hooray |
[09:32] <Kamping_Kaiser> :) |
[09:33] <Madpilot> fascinating specimen. |
=== StevenK [n=stevenk@] has left #ubuntu-ops [] |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b %*!*@219-89-21-152.dialup.xtra.co.nz] by nalioth |
[09:33] <Jucato> :D |
=== Kamping_Kaiser wonders if you can studdy trolls in labs, or only in the wild |
[09:33] <Jucato> only in the wild... they're too destructive when confined in labs |
[09:33] <Hobbsee> right, watch out for the other two channels |
[09:33] <Hobbsee> Kamping_Kaiser: hehe |
[09:33] <Kamping_Kaiser> ;) |
[09:34] <nalioth> what an idjit |
[09:34] <Hobbsee> gone in all three - nice! |
[09:34] <Hobbsee> right, next time he comes, can we kickban him on sight? |
[09:34] <Jucato> heheh |
[09:35] <Hobbsee> (yay for an unusual ISP) |
[09:35] <Kamping_Kaiser> Hobbsee, why is there a rule against it? |
[09:35] <Hobbsee> Kamping_Kaiser: dont think so, but it tends to be bad form, i would have thought |
[09:35] <Kamping_Kaiser> um.... wellllll... fair enough |
=== Hobbsee should probably put dialup.xtra.co.nz on a highlight |
[09:37] <Madpilot> isn't xtra.co.nz a fairly large ISP? I know I've seen that IP before |
=== GazzaK [n=Dogbert@colchester-lug/GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
[09:37] <Kamping_Kaiser> Madpilot, i thought i had too |
[09:37] <Madpilot> s/seen/banned users of |
[09:37] <Madpilot> come to think of it :) |
[09:37] <Hobbsee> Madpilot: it's the same guy, over and over. |
[09:39] <Kamping_Kaiser> i see a lot of users from the isp, but also a lot of bans being placed |
[09:39] <Kamping_Kaiser> in my logs |
=== Hobbsee didnt think he came that often |
[09:41] <Hobbsee> heya GazzaK |
[09:41] <elkbuntu> Kamping_Kaiser, because it is the el-cheapo of nz isps... sort of like dodo to us |
[09:42] <Kamping_Kaiser> elkbuntu, *shudder* |
=== Hobbsee should find a powerpoint |
[09:42] <Hobbsee> Battery 1: discharging, 18%, 00:33:29 remaining |
[09:42] <Hobbsee> Thermal 1: ok, 49.0 degrees C |
[09:42] <Hobbsee> AC Adapter 1: off-line |
[09:43] <Hobbsee> might have to unplug a computer monitor or something |
=== Kamping_Kaiser thinks 18% with 30+ minutes to go isnt to slouchy |
[09:43] <mneptok> Hobbsee: http://www.beunited.org/bebook/The%20Kernel%20Kit/System.html <- "System Info Functions" |
=== stdin [n=tez@unaffiliated/binary2k2] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
[09:44] <Hobbsee> heh. including the "is the system on fire" |
[09:44] <Hobbsee> heya stdin |
[09:45] <stdin> hey Hobbsee |
[09:45] <GazzaK> morning Hobbsee |
[09:46] <mneptok> Hobbsee: you can accuse the BeOS devs of many things. "not enjoying themselves" is not among them. ;) |
[09:46] <Hobbsee> hehe |
[09:47] <Madpilot> Hobbsee, perhaps we could just ban *!*@*.nz and be done with it. :) |
[09:47] <Kamping_Kaiser> Madpilot, as long as no one in #Ubuntu-nz wants to wander the rest of the community ;) |
[09:47] <mneptok> can't we just ban the Mordor part? |
[09:48] <Hobbsee> Madpilot: heh |
[09:50] <Hobbsee> stdin: :) |
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ |
[10:29] <mneptok> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS_tUaZaQ3g&mode=user&search= |
=== apokryphos [n=francis@unaffiliated/apokryphos] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v apokryphos] by ChanServ |
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v jenda] by ChanServ |
[12:13] <ikonia> anyone awake |
[12:13] <Myrtti> no |
[12:13] <jenda> nope... |
[12:14] <ikonia> apokryphos: your awake now, can you take a look at madasoka please "windows rox, linux suxx, use vista etc etc etc" trolling |
[12:14] <nalioth> ikonia: we see him/her/it |
[12:14] <ikonia> ta |
[12:14] <ikonia> sorry, thought you where sleeping |
[12:15] <elkbuntu> nalioth, seems a serial troll |
[12:16] <ikonia> yup |
[12:19] <jenda> elkbuntu: get rid of him, he's up to no good. |
[12:20] <elkbuntu> jenda, i tend to wait for them to say something unbaited |
[12:20] <jenda> okeydoke. |
=== Jucato [n=jucato@ubuntu/member/Jucato] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Jucato] by ChanServ |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ |
[12:22] <jenda> elkbuntu: I suspect his name is wordplay, too... |
[12:25] <PriceChild> <PriceChild> <Madasoka> D00ds come help in trolling #ubuntu-offtopic !!! |
[12:25] <PriceChild> <PriceChild> That was in ##windows |
[12:25] <PriceChild> put that into #ubuntu-offtopic first by accident :s |
[12:28] <jenda> heh |
[12:29] <jenda> I muted him in #ubuntu too |
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ |
=== PriceChild groans at new beryl bug tricking him into closing xchat |
[12:34] <Seeker`> PriceChild: What bug? |
[12:35] <PriceChild> windows that appear on top don't always seem to be in "reality" 8-) |
[12:35] <PriceChild> anyway that's ot :) |
[12:37] <jenda> hehe |
[12:37] <mc44> beryl != reality :) |
[12:37] <PriceChild> mc44, note the "'s ;) |
[12:49] <Hobbsee> PriceChild: there's a simple solution... |
[12:50] <PriceChild> noooooo :( |
=== PriceChild debates turning everything off but scale, fade to desktop and window borders. |
=== SportChick [n=essy@freenode/staff/about.essy.sportchick] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v SportChick] by ChanServ |
=== jenda` [n=jenda@] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
[01:03] <jenda> whee |
[01:04] <apokryphos> wuwoweewah |
[01:05] <mc44> waaaweeewaaweeewaa |
[01:09] <jenda> Borat :) |
=== jenda` [n=jenda@] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
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=== jenda` [n=jenda@] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== jenda` [n=jenda@] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
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=== jenda` [n=jenda@] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
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=== phos-phoros [n=donovan@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Pricey] by ChanServ |
=== Pricey [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
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=== LjL [n=ljl@unaffiliated/ljl] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
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=== Seeker` [n=irc@ip-62-105-182-26.dsl.twang.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ |
[04:43] <apokryphos> nalioth: hehe |
[04:43] <nalioth> woops |
=== PriceChild wonders why he didn't get hilighted in #ubuntu.... |
=== PriceChild blames irssi :P |
[04:43] <nalioth> PriceChild: you have to set all that up |
[04:43] <nalioth> so blame yourself |
[04:44] <gnomefreak> PriceChild: irssi works fine :) |
[04:44] <PriceChild> But your hilights are working fine now! :) |
[04:44] <PriceChild> Why didn't ubotus? :( |
[04:45] <gnomefreak> PriceChild: not sure |
=== PriceChild tinkers |
[04:46] <apokryphos> [15:46:44] <kudda> rofl, I been here for days on another ident..... I am here now on 2 diff connections ;x |
[04:46] <apokryphos> [15:46:48] <kudda> aka malt |
[04:46] <apokryphos> [15:46:53] <kudda> #fail |
[04:46] <apokryphos> [15:46:58] <kudda> PLZ |
[04:46] <apokryphos> !staff |
[04:46] <ubotu> Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :) |
[04:47] <apokryphos> (in an /msg ) |
[04:47] <nalioth> apokryphos: and? |
[04:47] <nalioth> trolls love attention. ignore |
[04:47] <nixternal> damn bots are talking out loud, scary |
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ |
[04:56] <PriceChild> gnomefreak: seemsl ike I'm only being hilighted if my name is the first word of the sentence |
[04:57] <nalioth> PriceChild: keep tinkering |
[04:57] <PriceChild> hehe :) |
[04:57] <gnomefreak> PriceChild: back up before each tinker :) |
[04:57] <PriceChild> Hehe am doing |
[04:57] <gnomefreak> wait irssi might have auto backup |
[04:57] <nalioth> nope |
[04:57] <nalioth> it does not |
[04:58] <gnomefreak> oh |
[04:58] <nalioth> gotta be a real man to run linux, gnomefreak |
[04:58] <nalioth> no hand holding here |
[04:58] <gnomefreak> :) |
[04:58] <PriceChild> hehe |
[04:58] <PriceChild> Fixed :) |
[04:59] <gnomefreak> almost too easy |
=== gnomefre1k [n=gnomefre@c-71-225-172-3.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v gnomefreak] by ChanServ |
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ |
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@82-133-64-183.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== PriceChild growls |
[06:58] <PriceChild> -Jetfighter(n=Wildfire@ Don't abuse the bot if you are. (This is an auto-message sent from: Jetfighter) |
[07:01] <PriceChild> apokryphos: gnomefreak Amaranth him and "zoki" were talking.... maybe good to watch out for the other :) |
[07:02] <apokryphos> where did you get that? |
[07:03] <PriceChild> The notice? or about zoki & jugofoo ? |
[07:03] <gnomefreak> i saw zoki but he was just typing letters afaict but im only good with english and that is debatable |
[07:03] <apokryphos> he was responding to the bot char; removed him for now |
[07:04] <PriceChild> thanks apokryphos |
[07:05] <apokryphos> always remove on-site people/bots that respond to ! |
[07:06] <PriceChild> Jetfighter's a new guy who's been starting out with ubuntu... finding hard to grasp the basics but has been a bit cocky using !botabuse against people |
=== Seeker`_ [n=cjo20@85-211-143-0.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
[07:07] <apokryphos> and yet heh knows about auto-responders? Hm |
=== Seeker`_ [n=cjo20@85-211-143-0.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== Pricey [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Pricey] by ChanServ |
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v ompaul] by ChanServ |
[07:43] <LjL> jetfighter is what i call i good troll, actually. and so is hollywoodcode |
[07:43] <LjL> or core, or whatever he's called |
[07:49] <SportChick> en 17 |
[07:49] <SportChick> oops, sorry |
=== maxamillion [n=max@r74-192-178-37.htvlcmta01.hnvitx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v maxamillion] by ChanServ |
=== Whebeft [n=tommy@c-69-248-93-153.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== Whebeft [n=tommy@c-69-248-93-153.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Konversation] |
[08:20] <PriceChild> Re: Jetfighter |
[08:20] <PriceChild> 19:15 <Jetfighter> Oh, yeah, sorry, I was just trying something, I used wine to get something to work :P |
[08:20] <PriceChild> He promptly disappeared, as am I :) |
[08:23] <apokryphos> yup; fine now, he turned it off |
[08:33] <Seveas> @lart apokryphos |
=== Ubugtu tickles apokryphos's feet with a feather |
[08:34] <PriceChild> That's hardly a lart is it... |
[08:34] <apokryphos> possibly worse than the photo one |
[08:34] <Seveas> @lart apokryphos |
=== Ubugtu pierces apokryphos's nose with a rusty paper hole puncher |
[08:34] <apokryphos> oh, you must not be ticklish? |
[08:34] <maxamillion> PriceChild: the forums are offline? |
[08:34] <Seveas> better? :) |
[08:35] <apokryphos> rust is deadly |
[08:35] <PriceChild> maxamillion: The forums are currently offline. We will return shortly. |
[08:35] <Seveas> PriceChild, HURRY :p |
[08:35] <mc44> PriceChild: are the forums still offline? :p |
[08:35] <PriceChild> Seveas: calm down! I know how much need them... |
[08:36] <Seveas> brb, kernel upgrade |
[08:36] <PriceChild> mc44: only been a few minutes? |
[08:36] <maxamillion> PriceChild: thanks ... i hadn't already read that ;) |
[08:36] <mc44> PriceChild: oh I was just nagging you for funsies :) |
[08:36] <PriceChild> lol maxamillion what do you want me to say? :) |
[08:37] <PriceChild> I'm only a lowly moderator... I'm sure ubuntu-geek will have it back up in the next few minutes. |
[08:37] <PriceChild> This is planned so I'm sure it'll be as fast as possible. |
[08:41] <maxamillion> PriceChild: ah, cool cool ... i just always ask you because you are the only one i know who has any ties to the forums |
[08:41] <PriceChild> maxamillion: jenda? |
[08:41] <PriceChild> maxamillion: jen da's been a mod longer than me :) |
[08:42] <maxamillion> oh ... didn't know that |
=== maxamillion is still a newbie in the op relm |
[08:42] <PriceChild> Oh and I'll promise I'll poke about your titles again soon... but I've been doing too much poking lately :) |
[08:42] <apokryphos> I also have a spectacular 10 or so posts |
=== PriceChild highfives apokryphos |
[08:43] <maxamillion> PriceChild: titles? ... me? |
=== maxamillion tries to remember if he flamed anyone lately |
[08:44] <apokryphos> @lart maxamillion for possibly flaming |
=== Ubugtu stabs maxamillion for possibly flaming |
[08:44] <PriceChild> maxamillion: xubuntu? Or was that just somerville? |
[08:44] <apokryphos> @lart ubugtu |
=== Ubugtu uses apokryphos as a biological warfare study |
[08:44] <apokryphos> :o |
[08:44] <PriceChild> Those are proper larts ^ |
[08:44] <PriceChild> None of that tickling nonsense |
[08:45] <maxamillion> PriceChild: wait ... what? ... i op xubuntu, somerville used to, i wasn't a part of that massive op war, and i don't think he has a forums account .... and i can't remember if i have started a thread on the forums in over a month |
=== maxamillion is very confused |
[08:46] <PriceChild> Someone asked me for dev titles for xubuntu devs on the forums... Must have just been somerville. I thought it was you as well... maybe not. :) |
[08:48] <maxamillion> naw, not i |
[08:49] <maxamillion> i'm just a lowly community member :P |
[08:49] <maxamillion> he's the ubuntu member |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b *!*@ubuntu/member/seveas] by ChanServ |
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Seveas] by ChanServ |
[08:50] <SportChick> heh |
[08:50] <SportChick> banned yourself, Seveas ? |
[08:50] <Seveas> ? |
[08:50] <apokryphos> just a broken script :P |
[08:50] <apokryphos> [19:49:41] ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has set mode -b *!*@ubuntu/member/seveas |
[08:50] <apokryphos> [19:49:53] Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
[08:50] <Seveas> really... |
[08:51] <Seveas> don't know who banned me :) |
[08:51] <apokryphos> no-one has |
[08:51] <Seveas> --- Cannot join #ubuntu-ops (You are banned). |
[08:51] <SportChick> 12:49:25 -!- mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b *!*@ubuntu/member/seveas] by ChanServ |
[08:51] <SportChick> 12:49:37 -!- Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
[08:51] <SportChick> 12:49:37 -!- mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Seveas] by ChanServ |
[08:51] <apokryphos> but you were talking earlier? |
[08:51] <Seveas> so someone has |
[08:51] <Seveas> I had +v |
[08:51] <apokryphos> ah |
[08:51] <apokryphos> @btlogin |
[08:51] <Seveas> meh, whocares :) |
[08:57] <jenda> aloha |
=== jenda waves at maxamillion |
[08:58] <maxamillion> hi hi |
=== LjL applauds the unknown banner |
[09:05] <LjL> Seveas: it was ompaul :P |
=== SportChick secretly bans Seveas just for a challenge |
[09:06] <Seveas> tsk tsk |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o ompaul] by ChanServ |
=== LjL [n=ljl@unaffiliated/ljl] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested] |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b *!*@unaffiliated/ljl] by ompaul |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o ompaul] by ChanServ |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b *!*@unaffiliated/ljl] by ChanServ |
=== LjL [n=ljl@unaffiliated/ljl] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v LjL] by ChanServ |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o Seveas] by ChanServ |
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested] |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b *!*@gnewsense/friend/ompaul!#emacs] by Seveas |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-vvv LjL Seveas SportChick] by ChanServ |
[09:06] <LjL> and the party starts |
[09:06] <apokryphos> mehehe |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b *!*@gnewsense/friend/ompaul!#emacs] by Seveas |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+vvv LjL Seveas SportChick] by Seveas |
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v ompaul] by ChanServ |
[09:07] <ompaul> thanks |
[09:07] <ompaul> they say nothing there |
[09:08] <apokryphos> heh |
[09:08] <LjL> ompaul: do they say anything in #vi? i'd go check |
[09:08] <LjL> anyway, i take it back, it wasn't you banning. i grepped but i didn't read the date :P |
[09:08] <LjL> [Thu Dec 14 2006] [23:28:13] Mode ompaul sets mode: +b *!*@ubuntu/member/seveas |
[09:08] <Seveas> LOL |
[09:09] <ompaul> LJL I'll have you know that I used to have a dialup static ip of vivivi-ppp in former days |
[09:09] <LjL> ompaul: i'd have had nanonanonano-ppp, but it wouldn't look elegant |
[09:10] <ompaul> LjL, just cos you have no class it should have been |
[09:10] <LjL> tsk |
[09:10] <ompaul> shazbad-nano-nano-ppp |
=== ompaul just figured out that LjL would not get the gag |
=== ompaul phaints |
=== LjL is in the process of googling, indeed :P |
[09:11] <LjL> with little luck |
=== SportChick was only kidding :( |
[09:12] <ompaul> SportChick, we play games in this space all the time |
=== SportChick hides |
=== jenda_ [n=jenda@] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v jenda_] by ChanServ |
=== jenda_ [n=jenda@] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== tsmithe` [n=tsmithe@ubuntu/member/tsmithe] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== jenda_ [n=jenda@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.jenda] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v jenda_] by ChanServ |
[10:57] <maxamillion> PriceChild: who do i talk to about the CSS borking on the forums? |
[10:58] <PriceChild> maxamillion: ubuntu-geek |
[10:59] <maxamillion> PriceChild: rgr |
=== AfroMan [n=F00BaR@82-42-56-84.cable.ubr06.knor.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
[11:16] <LjL> !staff | please look at F0O in #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #ubuntu+1, #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-effects |
[11:16] <ubotu> please look at F0O in #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #ubuntu+1, #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-effects: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :) |
[11:26] <ompaul> AfroMan, whats the deal? |
[11:27] <AfroMan> huh? |
[11:27] <ompaul> so why were you banned from #ubuntu? |
[11:28] <AfroMan> kiddie fuckin brother |
[11:28] <LjL> bye |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o LjL] by ChanServ |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b *!*@82-42-56-84.cable.ubr06.knor.blueyonder.co.uk] by LjL |
=== AfroMan [n=F00BaR@82-42-56-84.cable.ubr06.knor.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested] |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o LjL] by LjL |
[11:28] <Fujitsu> Subtle. |
[11:28] <LjL> quite. |
[11:28] <ompaul> like a brick |
[11:28] <maxamillion> yeah, good solid ban |
[11:28] <PriceChild> He's in #ubuntuforums... |
[11:28] <BearPerson> "some people wouldn't recognize subtlety if it hit them over the head" |
[11:29] <PriceChild> He seems to be asking a legitimate question... |
[11:29] <maxamillion> PriceChild: just watch him |
[11:29] <LjL> PriceChild: wait for the abuse, it'll come. quickly. |
[11:29] <PriceChild> I'm ready :P |
[11:30] <maxamillion> lol |
[11:30] <LjL> well, i suppose i might not have given him a fair chance of an appeal (*snort*) |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o LjL] by ChanServ |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b *!*@82-42-56-84.cable.ubr06.knor.blueyonder.co.uk] by LjL |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o LjL] by LjL |
[11:32] <ompaul> you are almost evil |
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Madpilot] by ChanServ |
[11:45] <ompaul> heads up |
[11:46] <maxamillion> ? |
[11:46] <PriceChild> ? :s |
[11:47] <ompaul> #ubuntu had 8 joins and no comments |
=== ompaul thought that should be recorded |
[11:48] <maxamillion> lol |
=== vorian [n=ashfaith@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops |
[12:13] <Fujitsu> AfroMan is in #-devel. |
[12:14] <PuMpErNiCkLe> Why? O.o |
[12:22] <PriceChild> F00BAR just joined forums... |
=== Fujitsu curses the 20-channel limit. |
[12:23] <PriceChild> Fujitsu: You can request for it to be lifted if you've a good enough reason ;) |
[12:24] <PriceChild> Afroman left... |
[12:24] <Fujitsu> Ah. Well, I normally like to sit in around 18 channels, but every so often I'll wish to join another couple... and boom. Who do I ask? |
[12:24] <PriceChild> ah, same host lol :P |