UbuntuIRC / 2007 /03 /07 /#ubuntu-meeting.txt
Initial commit
=== geser [n=mb@ubuntu/member/geser] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Liberate]
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@complex1-372-179.resnet.yorku.ca] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
[12:44] <SpudDogg> @schedule new york
[12:44] <Ubugtu> Schedule for America/New_York: 07 Mar 07:00: Edubuntu | 08 Mar 11:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 11 Mar 06:00: LoCo Team | 12 Mar 14:00: Derivative Team | 13 Mar 12:00: Forum Council | 13 Mar 16:00: Technical Board
=== doko_ [n=doko@dslb-088-073-078-078.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== hoora_ [i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-6dd194d2c95c25b7] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== freeflying [i=root@gobstopper.dreamhost.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== gbutler [n=gbutler@69-168-169-204.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@keele-a233-60.airyork.yorku.ca] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-035-205.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== j_ack [n=rudi@p508D9D44.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== lando [n=lando@adsl-153-127-223.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== _3oo3 [n=Royalty@nicholas-applebee.roaming.usm.maine.edu] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
[02:19] <_3oo3> ?? what's ubuntu?
=== j_ack [n=rudi@p508D9D44.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
[02:23] <PriceChild> Hey _3oo3
[02:23] <PriceChild> !ubuntu | _3oo3
[02:23] <PriceChild> bah
[02:24] <PriceChild> Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome
[02:33] <_3oo3> i have no idea what that means, really, other than 'its a linux distro'
[02:34] <tonyyarusso> _3oo3: what else did you need to know?
[02:34] <tonyyarusso> Actually, this should be an #ubuntu-offtopic question - see you there.
[02:35] <_3oo3> what ubuntu is is an offtopic question? that's obscene :\
[02:35] <tonyyarusso> For -meeting it is, see the topic
[02:36] <_3oo3> development, right?
[02:36] <tonyyarusso> This is the channel for various online meetings for all kinds of teams. #ubuntu is support questions. #ubuntu-offtopic is general chat.
[02:37] <_3oo3> oh, so it isn't open to the public?
[02:38] <tonyyarusso> It's open to join, sure - but it still has a topic to stick to, like any other channel.
=== _3oo3 yawns
[02:40] <_3oo3> so you guys talk about meetings in here? like for waht?
[02:41] <tonyyarusso> No, we *have* meetings. That'll be all.
[02:47] <_3oo3> Meetings about meetings? All I see is 'meeting'...no topic...you should fix that, because I'm really confused, now.
=== lando [n=lando@adsl-153-127-223.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
[03:03] <_3oo3> well, that explains why no one wanted to tell me in here. you should have a meeting about user knowledgability, and how to make it start happening.
=== _3oo3 [n=Royalty@nicholas-applebee.roaming.usm.maine.edu] has left #ubuntu-meeting [""I]
=== lando [n=lando@adsl-153-127-223.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== bordy [n=bordy@153-161.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== slomo__ [n=slomo@pD9547421.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== bordy is now known as bordy_away
=== Rinchen [n=Rinchen@ubuntu/member/rinchen] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== fernando [n=fernando@unaffiliated/musb] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== mark007 [n=mark@x40-240.dhnet.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== bordy_away is now known as bordy
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=== mark007 [n=mark@x40-240.dhnet.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== asac_ [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== mark007 [n=mark@x40-240.dhnet.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== fabbione [i=fabbione@gordian.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== Lure [n=lure@external-7.hermes.si] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== AstralJava [n=jaska@cm-087-94-053-172.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
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=== dholbach [n=daniel@i59F70192.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== mruiz [n=mruiz@ubuntu/member/mruiz] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Bye!"]
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=== rdx [n=rdx@modemcable033.1-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== sky_walkie [i=czzhrd02@xdsl-563.lodz.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== peppe84 [n=peppe84@host5-47-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== peppe84 [n=peppe84@host5-47-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Baciamo]
=== slomo [n=slomo@ubuntu/member/slomo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== LongPointyStick [n=user@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
[12:30] <LongPointyStick> @schedule sydney
[12:30] <Ubugtu> Schedule for Australia/Sydney: 07 Mar 23:00: Edubuntu | 09 Mar 03:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 11 Mar 21:00: LoCo Team | 13 Mar 05:00: Derivative Team | 14 Mar 03:00: Forum Council | 14 Mar 07:00: Technical Board
[12:30] <LongPointyStick> @schedle
[12:30] <LongPointyStick> @schedule
[12:30] <Ubugtu> Schedule for Etc/UTC: 07 Mar 12:00: Edubuntu | 08 Mar 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 11 Mar 10:00: LoCo Team | 12 Mar 18:00: Derivative Team | 13 Mar 16:00: Forum Council | 13 Mar 20:00: Technical Board
=== LongPointyStick [n=user@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Edubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 08 Mar 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 11 Mar 10:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 12 Mar 18:00 UTC: Derivative Team | 13 Mar 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 13 Mar 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
=== lfittl_ [n=lfittl@81-223-149-226.rasumofskygasse.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== siretart [i=siretart@tauware.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== cbx33 [i=c2df514b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/linuxpreview.org/x-597682b8f6879847] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
[01:01] <cbx33> meeing 5 minutes?
[01:01] <cbx33> meeting
=== ogra waves
[01:08] <daviey> @schedule london
[01:08] <Ubugtu> Schedule for Europe/London: Current meeting: Edubuntu | 08 Mar 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 11 Mar 10:00: LoCo Team | 12 Mar 18:00: Derivative Team | 13 Mar 16:00: Forum Council | 13 Mar 20:00: Technical Board
[01:08] <ogra> so, seems we're not many today
[01:08] <ogra> RichEd didnt show up yet after travelling home
=== cbx33 is here
[01:09] <ogra> no idea where willvdl is at ...
[01:09] <cbx33> poor guy he must be shattered
[01:09] <ogra> (but i havent checked the holiday schedule)
[01:09] <cbx33> didn't willvdl say he was going on holiday
[01:09] <ogra> i trust that he is ;)
[01:09] <ogra> sooo, tech update ...
[01:10] <ogra> the winfoss software entered the add-on CD this week
[01:10] <highvoltage> been a while since we had everyone here
[01:10] <highvoltage> maybe next week :)
[01:10] <cbx33> yeh
[01:10] <ogra> in case you have a windown machine around, please test it
[01:10] <ogra> and report bugs if you find any
[01:11] <cbx33> of course
[01:11] <cbx33> ;)
[01:11] <ogra> apart from that herd5 went well ...
[01:11] <ogra> if you did test installs you might have noticed that the -generic kernel was installed on ltsp clients
[01:11] <ogra> i'm just reverting that to the i386 kernel again (costs us 20M or so on the server CD)
[01:12] <ogra> i finished off the last bits of the pulseaudio channge over the weekend ...
[01:12] <ogra> esound emulation works completely again ... so you can hear even sounds again
[01:12] <cbx33> w00t
[01:13] <cbx33> dude you rock
[01:13] <ogra> (apart from volume control and full alsa support indeed)
[01:13] <highvoltage> what's the benefit of using a i386 kernel?
[01:13] <ogra> pulse somehow limited the samplesize to 1024 bytes
[01:13] <ogra> highvoltage, support for real 386 hardware
[01:13] <highvoltage> ok
[01:13] <ogra> some VIA boards need it for example
[01:14] <ogra> apart from that it's minimally smaller, buzt thats not significant
[01:14] <highvoltage> ah i see
[01:14] <cbx33> ogra: do you do cplusplus ?
[01:14] <ogra> atm i'm finishing a locale plugin that sets fonts, keymaps and language to the servers defaults
[01:15] <ogra> so no more XKbLayout in lts.conf is needed unless you use multiple langs
[01:15] <ogra> i'm also working on a default lts.conf for ltsp itself ... (edubuntu already had one )
[01:16] <ogra> so that we have SOUND and LOCALDEV as well as NETWORK_SWAP set to true in *all* installs
[01:17] <ogra> my next ltsp upload will be called version 5.0.1 btw ... (in agreement with ltsp.org)
[01:18] <ogra> cbx33, could you prepare a package of TCM that has the userlist stuff fixed asap ...
[01:18] <cbx33> ogra I can try to get that done tonight
[01:18] <cbx33> did you check my bzr repo yet
[01:18] <ogra> great
[01:18] <cbx33> cos then I can use that
[01:18] <cbx33> which has lots of fixes
[01:18] <ogra> nope, not yet, its on my list for today stuff
[01:19] <highvoltage> cbx**, sounds like its time to step up testing again
[01:19] <ogra> yes, please take the bzr tree as base
[01:19] <cbx33> ogra: there is that ugly fix
[01:19] <cbx33> I would like if you can suggest/make another alternative
[01:19] <cbx33> I know you don;t like mine
[01:20] <ogra> give me time to look at it first ... i'm currently in ltsp stuff ... please make sure to pull in my last fix to the package (transitional package and conflicts/replaces)
[01:20] <cbx33> yeh done
[01:21] <ogra> ok
[01:21] <cbx33> i'm pretty sure the bzr tree has those already
[01:23] <ogra> ok, any other tech stuff ?
[01:23] <cbx33> other than a general question
[01:23] <cbx33> ogra do you do cplusplus
[01:23] <cbx33> no
[01:23] <ogra> no
[01:23] <cbx33> Gah....
[01:23] <cbx33> hehe :p
[01:23] <ogra> i stay away from it as far as i can ...
[01:23] <ogra> even though its sometimes not avoidable to touch it
[01:23] <cbx33> hehe
[01:24] <cbx33> why so
[01:24] <cbx33> outta interest
[01:24] <ogra> its ugly
[01:24] <cbx33> last question I promise :)
[01:24] <cbx33> you prefer C?
[01:24] <ogra> i prefer python
[01:24] <cbx33> hehe
[01:24] <cbx33> me too
[01:24] <ogra> C is a necessary evil
[01:24] <cbx33> but the opengl stuff requires c
[01:24] <cbx33> python is too dog slow
[01:24] <ogra> anyway, lets stay on track :)
[01:24] <cbx33> of course
[01:24] <cbx33> sorry
[01:25] <ogra> http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/anastacia.txt shows that edubuntu-docs is waition for a freindly archive-admin ;)
[01:25] <ogra> *waiting
[01:25] <cbx33> artwork? - Lisa is still working away....been very busy working with paid work
[01:25] <ogra> i have to contact kwwii
[01:26] <ogra> there was noting new from anywhere for artwork during the lsat weeks
[01:26] <ogra> *lastz
[01:26] <ogra> meh
[01:26] <cbx33> you mean edubutnu or ubuntu ingeneral?
[01:26] <ogra> edubuntu
[01:27] <cbx33> kwwii told us that he may not have time to do edubuntu artwork at all
[01:27] <cbx33> and he was going to mail us to confirm
[01:27] <cbx33> then I was going to mail to you
[01:27] <ogra> hmm, when was that ?
[01:27] <ogra> he didnt tell me anything
[01:27] <cbx33> well.....about a week ago
[01:27] <cbx33> and he had a week to tell us
[01:27] <ogra> i'll poke him then
[01:27] <cbx33> but he hasn;t emailed lisa to say she has to take up all the flack
[01:28] <ogra> i'll clearify it with him
[01:28] <cbx33> ok
[01:29] <ogra> any other artwork stuff ?
[01:29] <cbx33> well
[01:29] <cbx33> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuArtwork/Palette
[01:29] <cbx33> but i don't think there is anything new
[01:29] <ogra> oh,m is there new stuff ?
[01:29] <ogra> ah
[01:29] <cbx33> ahh yes
[01:29] <cbx33> the greeny one
[01:30] <cbx33> with the numbers
[01:30] <cbx33> is from a community contributor in indonesia
[01:30] <cbx33> lisa asked them to make some changes which they did
[01:31] <ogra> i like it, but the people are to present for a default ...
[01:31] <ogra> it makes it a bit restive
[01:32] <ogra> but the number stuff is great
[01:32] <cbx33> yes
[01:32] <cbx33> that's it for artwork
[01:33] <ogra> ok
[01:33] <cbx33> the book chapter is as far as I know with mako
[01:33] <ogra> probably lisa could forward my comment about the number pic ?
[01:33] <cbx33> sure
[01:33] <ogra> it seems like a good one with some more changes ...
[01:34] <cbx33> maybe lisa can look at incorping the number idea in a few
[01:34] <cbx33> she did get pretty dispondant the other day
[01:34] <cbx33> but i cheered her up
[01:35] <ogra> ok
[01:35] <ogra> Community & Documentation & Web
[01:35] <ogra> anybody here to talk about that ?
=== cbx33 whistles
[01:36] <ogra> Management and Planning
[01:36] <ogra> ?
=== cbx33 changes to a different tune
[01:36] <ogra> Any other Matters Arising
[01:36] <ogra> ?
[01:36] <cbx33> um
[01:36] <cbx33> ogra rocks
[01:36] <cbx33> thanks for all the hard work dude
[01:36] <ogra> heh ... well ...
[01:36] <cbx33> seems like our community is shrinking
[01:37] <cbx33> well active community
[01:37] <cbx33> IRC channel is growing
[01:37] <ogra> i hope it will get a bit less in the future with a secongd dev ;)
=== fernando [n=fernando@unaffiliated/musb] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== cbx33 too
[01:37] <ogra> (who is not maintaining X :) )
[01:37] <cbx33> meeting ajourned?
[01:37] <ogra> going once
[01:37] <ogra> going twice
[01:37] <ogra> adjourned
[01:37] <cbx33> gone
[01:37] <ogra> indeed
[01:38] <highvoltage> cheers
[01:38] <ogra> thanks all
[01:38] <highvoltage> i'll be more involved next time when i dont have a RL meeting at the same time
[01:38] <highvoltage> bbl
=== licio [n=licio@ubuntu/member/licio] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== mruiz [n=mruiz@ubuntu/member/mruiz] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Bye!"]
=== peppe84 [n=peppe84@host5-47-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== alex_muntada [n=alexm@gnu/translator/alex-muntada] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 08 Mar 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 11 Mar 10:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 12 Mar 18:00 UTC: Derivative Team | 13 Mar 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 13 Mar 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 14 Mar 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu
=== j_ack [n=rudi@p508D9F51.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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[05:11] <btse> @schedule
[05:11] <Ubugtu> Schedule for Etc/UTC: 08 Mar 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 11 Mar 10:00: LoCo Team | 12 Mar 18:00: Derivative Team | 13 Mar 16:00: Forum Council | 13 Mar 20:00: Technical Board | 14 Mar 20:00: Edubuntu
=== hjmf [n=hjmf@140.Red-217-125-227.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== dsas [n=dean@cpc3-stok6-0-0-cust253.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== lfittl [n=lfittl@chello080109027166.17.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== bordy240 is now known as bordy_away
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=== beuno [n=martin@68-155-114-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== Czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-035-205.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== lfittl [n=lfittl@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== Owdgit [n=ron@88-110-225-176.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-031-235.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== robitaille [n=daniel@ubuntu/member/robitaille] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== fernando [n=fernando@unaffiliated/musb] has joined #ubuntu-meeting