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[08:30] <nysosym> hi there :) |
[08:37] <BHSPitMonkey> yo |
[08:40] <nysosym> hi BHSPitMonkey :) |
[08:41] <BHSPitMonkey> sup |
[08:43] <nysosym> BHSPitMonkey, on what do u working? :) |
[08:44] <BHSPitMonkey> school -.- |
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[01:28] <daviey> Any budding artists mind throwing a usplash picture together? |
[01:42] <kwwii> erm, not sure if it is possible to "throw" one together :-) |
[01:45] <kwwii> daviey: exactly what do you need? |
[01:48] <daviey> hmm |
[01:48] <daviey> wait 1 |
[01:48] <daviey> can i email/dcc what i have done? |
[01:50] <daviey> I basically need a 'well polished' usplash picture for 'mythbuntu' (MythTV & Ubuntu dedicated distro) |
[01:52] <kwwii> daviey: well, you have to know that it is only 256 colors so there are some restrictions |
[01:52] <kwwii> but I will help in any way possible :-) |
[01:53] <daviey> yeah, i have made one and compiled it - but it looks amateurish. |
[01:55] <kwwii> can you post a pic? |
[01:57] <daviey> http://img300.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mythbuntuuu6.jpg |
[01:57] <daviey> sorry |
[01:57] <daviey> http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/6382/mythbuntuuu6.jpg |
[01:59] <kwwii> ouch, yeah...that would be hard to do with so few colors :-) |
[01:59] <daviey> that is 256 colours |
[02:01] <kwwii> one thing that would make things easier would be to put the whole thing on a solid bg |
[02:01] <kwwii> it looks like it is on a gradient now, am I right? |
[02:02] <daviey> yes |
[02:02] <daviey> it's shamelessly stolen from a bg on gnome-look |
[02:02] <kwwii> ;-) |
[02:02] <kwwii> I would suggest trying to put it on a solid blue color |
[02:04] <daviey> I could try that. Is there an easy way to convert a truecolour image to 256 using GIMP? I had to save it as GIF then resave it as a png |
[02:05] <kwwii> just go into the image menu and click on the indexed entry |
[02:05] <kwwii> it will open a pop-up |
[02:06] <kwwii> image-->mode-->indexed |
[02:06] <kwwii> and note that rastering the pic is probably not the best idea |
[02:07] <daviey> ahh, i see |
[02:07] <daviey> rastering? |
[02:08] <kwwii> erm, dithering, I meant |
[02:08] <daviey> ahh |
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[06:42] <bersace> Hi all |
[06:42] <bersace> Does anyone tested HumanFeistyList ? |
[06:43] <bersace> screenshots at http://bersace03.free.fr/pub/Images/Captures/Gnome/GDM/Themes/HumanFeistyList/ |
[06:46] <bersace> ? |
[06:46] <bersace> troy_s: hi bro :) |
[07:03] <kwwii> howdy bersace |
[07:03] <kwwii> I haven't tested it, but it looks nice |
[07:04] <bersace> kwwii: thanks to you ! |
[07:04] <bersace> hh |
[07:04] <bersace> :) |
[07:04] <kwwii> busy fixing my mistake in the kubuntu usplash atm :-( |
[07:04] <bersace> aren't you the original author of this gdm theme ? |
[07:04] <kwwii> bersace: well, I am one of the authors, I guess |
[07:04] <bersace> me too :) |
[07:05] <kwwii> I didn't put my name in any of the files :p |
[07:05] <bersace> at least, we are a team :) |
[07:05] <kwwii> yeah :-) |
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