UbuntuIRC / 2011 /11 /25 /#ubuntu-ca.txt
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533 Bytes
[14:23] <BluesKaj> Hey folks
[14:24] <bregma> howday
[14:25] <BluesKaj> 'morning bregma
[19:01] <BluesKaj> BBL, stuff to do
[19:11] <willwh> dscassel: any joy yet? :P
[19:20] <dscassel> willwh: Not really. I'm just living without logging, really.
[19:23] <willwh> lol ;(
[19:23] <willwh> I have a node.js bot that is pumping channel logs to a couchdb anyway
[19:23] <willwh> but
[19:23] <willwh> still
[19:24] <willwh> not for here - but the channels I do want to log >.>
[19:27] <dscassel> #ubuntu-ca is logged by ubuntulog anyway.