UbuntuIRC / 2011 /11 /25 /#ubuntu-au.txt
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[07:04] <Berg> hello
=== Berg is now known as Guest28011
=== Ima_bot is now known as Berg
[07:26] <Berg> The server at planet.ubuntu.org.au is taking too long to respond.
[07:42] <head_victim> Berg: thanks for that, I'm just actually trying to track down who looks after the dns. I thought it was one person but they've referred me to another
[07:43] <Berg> yeah I was sniffing about the web site i cant use the forum either my user name dont work but thats another matter
[07:43] <Berg> it can wait
[08:00] <head_victim> Berg: there's always the mailing list ;)
[08:01] <Berg> yes
[08:01] <Berg> I have been using Ubuntu for a good many years now I just thought i might start frequenting the forums
[08:04] <sagaci> forums, irc, the wiki and loco.ubuntu.com/team/ubuntu-au
[08:04] <sagaci> teams*
=== nande is now known as nandemonai
[09:50] <sagaci> head_victim: ping
[09:55] <head_victim> sagaci: pong
[09:58] <Berg> you could have a bot do that for you save typing
[09:58] <head_victim> Berg: it's a common way of seeing if someone is at their keyboard, normally sagaci would have responded and asked a question or something by now :)
[09:58] <sagaci> I don't know if you've been watching -translators but that's a glitch at the moment to do with the templates page not updating
[09:58] <gorilla> Berg: Nah, response times would be too quick :-P
[09:59] <sagaci> there's
[09:59] <head_victim> sagaci: yeah I was looking at that
[09:59] <sagaci> but the translations are still going through, which is the main thing
[09:59] <head_victim> sagaci: I had noticed that there were some awesome changes in 12.04 though
[09:59] <head_victim> The "color" management in system settings is now "colour" and stuff like that
[09:59] <head_victim> It's looking good tbh
[10:00] <sagaci> also tried getting someone from u-uk to check the xchat for changes and it seems that it hasn't gone through for them either
[10:00] <head_victim> Ah so the xchat stuff was meant to but didn't?
[10:00] <sagaci> because precise can't change locale at the moment, at least from the gui
[10:00] <sagaci> well yeah, that work you did hasn't been caught in ubuntu, it seems
[10:00] <head_victim> I thought it was only affecting packages translated in launchpad
[10:01] <sagaci> yeah, different issue
[10:01] <sagaci> I'm just talking about xchat translations in ubuntu, not to do with the translation glitch in lp
[10:02] <head_victim> Ah no worries, I'd mashed the 2 issues
[10:02] <sagaci> yeah so I'll file a bug about it soon
[10:04] <head_victim> Berg: sagaci is our resident localisation expert :) He's the person that made the americanisms go away from enAU :D
[10:04] <sagaci> I just hope the other 44% is in pretty good shape
[10:04] <Berg> thats nice ..if i knew what your said it would be better
[10:04] <Berg> :)
[10:05] * Berg is a old guy and not good at geek stuff
[10:05] <head_victim> Berg: when you set your locale to English (Australia) he's the bloke who's made most of it the right spelling. For example you will see "colour" instead of "color", etc.
[10:05] <Berg> ha this is good
[10:06] <head_victim> It's very good :)
[10:06] <head_victim> He's leading the way when it comes to making sure they're all right, there are others contributing as well though.
[10:07] <Berg> I found when i updated to 11.04 i had to change a lot of the defaults so i could have my old desktop
[10:07] <sagaci> the next ubuntu global jam is around 2nd March, I doubt we'll be having a translation jam
[10:08] <sagaci> 2nd-5th March 2012
[10:12] <Berg> It seems odd that one would have to translate an english OS into English
[10:14] <head_victim> Berg: didn't make sense to me either. Apparently the standard is to use US "English" for everything worldwide though.
[10:16] <sagaci> notice most en_US errors now, so it's rewarding to just check over the strings and change the ones we need to
[10:16] <Berg> Well its good to see you raise the flag on correct spellings
[10:18] <sagaci> and finding some typos along the way, such as authentification
[10:27] <head_victim> Awwww 12.04 dpkg errors
[10:28] <sagaci> wine won't install on 12.04 at the moment
[10:29] <head_victim> I can't install anything
[10:29] <head_victim> I tried to update it got half way through and now whinges about unmet dependencies no matter what I do it's still there
[10:32] <sagaci> hmm that's weird
[10:33] <sagaci> but not really for a dev release
[10:33] <head_victim> Meh I'll wait a day or two and let the mirror catch up :D
[10:37] <sagaci> i'll try my precise VM
[10:41] <head_victim> I was actually going to try and play with skype-wrapper and see if it works as well as it's meant to
[12:33] <sagaci> jaddi27: probably not a good idea to run your script on the site, due to a seemingly server glitch
[12:34] <sagaci> thus stats not updating
[22:30] <Terry_> morning all :)
[22:32] <Terry_> \||||
[22:33] * Terry_ 's high five is left hanging
[22:35] * Terry_ watches a tumble weed roll by
[22:37] * Terry_ climbs back into his boat and disheartened, slowly rows away from the deserted island that is 'ubuntu-au'
[23:39] <elky> we had 7 minutes?
[23:45] <head_victim> At 830 on a Satuday morning at that