UbuntuIRC / 2011 /11 /05 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
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[00:00] <Space-Duck> o.O but I want eye candy.
[00:00] <holstein> Space-Duck: 10.04 :)
[00:00] <holstein> or wait a bit longer... im sure its on the way
[00:01] <holstein> ubuntu1110: im not sure what you are asking me?
[00:01] <holstein> is there a 'disk utility' on the live cd's?
[00:01] <holstein> is that the question?
[00:01] <Space-Duck> system info says my graphics drive is unkown
[00:01] <Space-Duck> could that be the issue?
[00:02] <holstein> Space-Duck: yeah... try the compiz script
[00:02] <ubuntu1110> I THINK I JUST holstein LOOKED At the disk informationa of the unallocated space, 931gb, and it was fine, maybe i have to write zero over that
[00:02] <Space-Duck> the compiz script?
[00:02] <ubuntu1110> yes, ccan i open disk utility on 1110 live cd nowß?, do you know?
[00:02] <holstein> ubuntu1110: i mean... i can..
[00:03] <ubuntu1110> ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo open udisks ??
[00:03] <holstein> the 'disk utility' im thinking of is in the menu
[00:04] <holstein> and its literally called 'disk utility'
[00:04] <ubuntu1110> uh k, found it
[00:04] <holstein> Space-Duck: http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Check
[00:04] <holstein> i was trying for a while, then realized i was using the vesa driver ;)
[00:04] <ubuntu1110> how do i run the test that u meant?
[00:05] <holstein> ubuntu1110: its there... smart test
[00:05] <holstein> its a GUI
=== Somefellow is now known as Silent_Samurai
[00:05] <holstein> ubuntu1110: on the left you should see the drives
[00:05] <holstein> hover over the drive you want to check out with the cursor and press the mouse button to select it
[00:06] <ubuntu1110> holstein there a 3 version of the test?
[00:06] <ubuntu1110> which one can u suggest
[00:06] <holstein> you'll see 'smart data' hover over that and click
[00:06] <holstein> then, you get a popup
[00:06] <ubuntu1110> im there
[00:06] <holstein> i suggest the extended one
[00:06] <ubuntu1110> uh k
[00:06] <ubuntu1110> thx, hostein
[00:06] <holstein> sure :)
[00:07] <ubuntu1110> thx, holstein
[00:10] <Space-Duck> holstein, it says my driver in not in the whitelist
[00:11] <Space-Duck> and seeing how systeminfo says it's unknown, I can see why it would not be in the whitelist
[00:11] <holstein> Space-Duck: there you go... it doesnt lie :)
[00:11] <Space-Duck> How do you install a video card drive for a nvidia geforce 5200?
[00:12] <holstein> usually theres a popup for it... i check the 'restricted drivers' area... and i look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia
[00:12] <holstein> but, i think unity-2d is quite slick
[00:12] <holstein> i didnt even know
[00:15] <Space-Duck> replacing video card driver now.... last time I did this I had to reinstall.
[00:16] <holstein> Space-Duck: check the xorg.conf file if you have issues... ive been there before too ;)
[00:16] <holstein> the last few times i *didnt* have to reinsatll and i was stoked
[00:18] <Space-Duck> damnit, I gotta reboot. I thought rebooting for settings was only a winblows thing.
[00:18] <holstein> Space-Duck: its a driver though
[00:18] <holstein> and a kernel module
[00:18] <holstein> i mean, theres probably a way *not* to, but rebooting is easy :)
[00:19] <Space-Duck> holstein, thanks for you help! If I don't make it back.... I'm installing 10.04
[00:19] <holstein> hehe
[02:39] <notreallyhere> have ubuntu 11.04 desktop, recently stopped booting. downloaded 11.10 to usb and booted from it and can see the hard drive. don't really know much about linux. is is there a way to rebuild the boot folder or some other folder/files to recover the drive?
[02:44] <philipballew> notreallyhere, lets work at this
[02:44] <notreallyhere> ok
[02:45] <philipballew> first off, do you know what might have happened that caused it to stop booting?
[02:47] <notreallyhere> no, was working great for about six months, it is my sister-in-laws computer. she stated that she turned it on and it only showed a blank screen
[02:47] <philipballew> alright. well i can help you with some stuff
[02:47] <notreallyhere> I thought the hard drive may have failed
[02:48] <philipballew> we can look at that as well :)
[02:48] <notreallyhere> thats why I tried the usb
[02:48] <notreallyhere> since I can see it
[02:48] <philipballew> makes sense
[02:48] <notreallyhere> might it be OK?
[02:49] <philipballew> i would not know, but i would run a test on it myself
[02:50] <philipballew> is gparted installed on your machine?
[02:50] <philipballew> or are you comfortable with the terminal?
[02:50] <notreallyhere> where would I look for it
[02:51] <notreallyhere> I'm kinda accustomed to windows
[02:52] <notreallyhere> I am chatting from another machine in a different room
[02:52] <philipballew> ah, well this is 11.10 so click on the top box or square with the ubuntu logo on the side bar. type gparted and open it
[02:54] <notreallyhere> ok it is up
[02:55] <philipballew> would you take a screen shot and post it to say immage bin or something such as that?
[02:56] <notreallyhere> not sure how to do that since I am on a different computer
[02:58] <Becka> I am teaching a course in open source software development next term at the colleigiate level. I would like to use Ubuntu as the community to get my students engaged in. Who would I want to communicate with to find out about setting up mentors for my students? Or where would I go to ask this question?
[02:59] <philipballew> the ubuntu comp should have a network connection? notreallyhere
[02:59] <philipballew> Becka, well. lets see
[03:00] <philipballew> what kind of development?
[03:01] <Becka> I am thinking easy bug fixes. It is only a ten week course, so I really just want to get them engaged to encourage them to continue participation. This is part of research to engage more under represented groups. I am hoping to create a model to increase diversity and Ubuntu is a good community to start them in
[03:02] <holstein> Becka: theres also easier non-coding projects like #ubuntu-news
[03:02] <notreallyhere> yes it has network, just not sure how to do screenshot in ubuntu
[03:02] <philipballew> there is #ubuntu-bugs
[03:03] <holstein> yeah, thats a lenthy ordeal though i think
[03:03] <philipballew> notreallyhere, doees the keybord have a screenshot key
[03:03] <holstein> doesnt mean you cant just work on it though
[03:04] <notreallyhere> there is a key with "Prt Scrn"
[03:05] <philipballew> yeah, that
[03:05] <Becka> Philipballew and holstien, I am looking for people who would be good at introducing newcomers to open source to the community. These are CS students who have programming, but they are not familiar with OSS
[03:05] <philipballew> oh cool, what college?
[03:05] <notreallyhere> I hold shift and press that, then what?
[03:05] <Becka> Western Oregon University
[03:05] <philipballew> press prt screen notreallyhere
[03:06] <urlin2u> Becka, been on the campus years ago from salem
[03:07] <philipballew> nice. I would email a email list. I can put out a announcement to ubuntu planet. A place where community members read other members blogs. I would email your organ LoCo as well. the guy who runs it is a friend of mine and a nice guy
[03:09] <philipballew> but imo Becka a mailing list would be a good idea. you could also have someone from the organ loco come speak
[03:09] <holstein> Becka: yeah, bring them here, or the OT channel.. #ubuntu-beginners-team
[03:09] <Becka> Philip would you be willing to give me his name so I could contact him directly? And Urlin2u I am quite fond of our campus. It is an amazing place to teach :-)
[03:09] <holstein> we could help sort them out into other groups of interest from there
[03:10] <philipballew> yeah, he lives in Portland as well. let me see if he is around to
[03:10] <urlin2u> Becka, you familiar with the oregon ubuntu local on freenode?
[03:10] <holstein> yeah, someone from the LOCO if its active could be helpful in person
[03:10] <Becka> These are great ideas!!!
[03:11] <Becka> I believe I saw a chanel for loco oregon
[03:11] <urlin2u> Becka, I think this is the channel look for bkrensa #ubuntu-us-or
[03:12] <philipballew> Becka, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-or https://launchpad.net/~bkerensa
[03:12] <philipballew> IRC: #ubuntu-us-or
[03:13] <Becka> Thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction.
[03:13] <Becka> I will go see what I can stir up there
[03:13] <Becka> You all have been great help
[03:14] <philipballew> Anytime, if nothing works out there find us on here again, but i am confident it will
[03:15] <Becka> I will take you up on that if need be. I know my students will enjoy the tone of what I have seen so far in this community. You reinforce the fact that I chose well with Ubuntu :-)
[03:17] <philipballew> anytime, I am a student as well and use ubuntu quite happily being a CIS major. Ubuntu is the best ever :)
[03:17] <Becka> Where areyou a student?
[03:18] <philipballew> Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego
[03:20] <Becka> Ahhh, you have the sun. Very cold here. I hope you enjoy your studies. Computer science is one of the most amazing, creative and powerful things I have ever encountered.
[03:21] <philipballew> Me as well. I hope it takes me somewhere :)
[03:31] <notreallyhere> i am quite familiar with file transfers using IRC
[03:32] <philipballew> yes, but when you paste in on a link others can look and share their input
[03:33] <philipballew> but you can send it if you want
[03:33] <philipballew> and ill paste it
[03:33] <notreallyhere> no paste link I can dcc it directly to you
[03:33] <philipballew> hum, alright
[03:34] <notreallyhere> u should have it
[03:37] <philipballew> let me check
[03:39] <philipballew> my internet is really slow here. send it one more time
[03:39] <philipballew> its kinda funky with files
[03:40] <philipballew> what your probably gonna wanna do is look at what grub is doing and maybe update your mbr
[03:41] <notreallyhere> http://imagebin.org/182565
[03:41] <philipballew> okay
[03:42] <philipballew> paste sudo fdisk -l
[03:42] <philipballew> into http://paste.ubuntu.com/
[03:43] <notreallyhere> not sure what u mean or how to do that
[03:43] <bodhizazen> !pastebinit
[03:43] <ubot2> pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com
[03:43] <notreallyhere> u mean an image ir the folder
[03:44] <philipballew> open a terminal and post the output of sudo fdisk -l
[03:44] <philipballew> :)
[03:44] <bodhizazen> sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com
[03:44] <notreallyhere> ok
[03:44] <philipballew> bodhizazen, knows whats up
[03:45] <bodhizazen> 'lo philipballew
[03:46] <philipballew> i have to take a 15 minute break to get a part for my vehicle
[03:53] <holstein> notreallyhere: theres a disk utility
[03:53] <holstein> you can run the smart tests (usually) on the hard drive
[03:53] <holstein> i would test the ram too since that is easy as well
[03:55] <CrOnOs2000> hi guys what are you talking about?
[03:55] <holstein> CrOnOs2000: hey... i think notreallyhere is diagnosing a machine
[03:55] <bodhizazen> notreallyhere, is having questions, but I missed the beginning part, sort of waiting
[03:55] <holstein> yeah, me too
[03:56] * holstein catching up
[03:56] <Unit193> < ~notreallyhere> have ubuntu 11.04 desktop, recently stopped booting. downloaded 11.10 to usb and booted from it and can see the hard drive. don't really know much about linux. is is there a way to rebuild the boot folder or some other folder/files to recover the drive?
[03:57] <bodhizazen> probably need to start by looking at the logs
[03:58] <holstein> black screen could be bad graphics card though
[03:58] <holstein> or ram...
[03:59] <bodhizazen> yea, could be most anything
[03:59] <CrOnOs2000> ic well it can be any number of problems, runing grub again may fix it but we need to know the root of the problem
[03:59] <bodhizazen> but if the live USB boots ram and videocard seem less likely
[03:59] <notreallyhere> I have it running from a usb rite now so those things are fine
[04:00] <bodhizazen> notreallyhere, what happens when you boot to hard drive ?
[04:00] <bodhizazen> Edit the grub boot like, remove the words quiet and splash from the kernel line
[04:00] <notreallyhere> I n that is blank but NOT black
[04:00] <bodhizazen> then let it boot and tell us the error message or describe the problem
[04:00] <notreallyhere> sorry
[04:00] <notreallyhere> lag
[04:01] <CrOnOs2000> yea, i may run a low level hdd check software just to be shure like spinrite or hdd regenerator
[04:01] <notreallyhere> I get a screen that is blank but NOT BLACK
[04:01] <bodhizazen> the options quiet and splash are (I presume) hiding your error messages
[04:02] <bodhizazen> If you are running from a live USB ...
[04:02] <bodhizazen> Mount your ubuntu root partition at say /mnt
[04:02] <notreallyhere> I am not familiar with Linux so those suggestions are not really making sense to me
[04:02] <bodhizazen> then cd /mnt/var/log and start looking at the contents of dmesg , boot, message ...
[04:03] <notreallyhere> greek
[04:03] <bodhizazen> well , either fire up google or re install then
[04:03] <notreallyhere> I thought this was for BEGINNERS?
[04:03] <CrOnOs2000> is not that hard notreallyhere
[04:04] <bodhizazen> It is going to be difficult to impossible to explain all that on IRC when you have a crappy connection
[04:04] <bodhizazen> Boot Ubuntu , hold down the shit key
[04:04] <notreallyhere> mine is fime
[04:04] <bodhizazen> you will then get the grub menu
[04:04] <bodhizazen> Follow the on screen instructions
[04:04] <bodhizazen> e for edit
[04:05] <bodhizazen> go to the kernel line, the one with vmilnuz-version .... root= ..... quiet splash
[04:05] <bodhizazen> hit enter to edie
[04:05] <bodhizazen> *edit
[04:05] <bodhizazen> remove the words quiet and splash
[04:05] <bodhizazen> boot
[04:05] <bodhizazen> I think it is control-x
[04:05] <bodhizazen> but the instructions are on your screen :p
[04:06] <bodhizazen> You will get a lot of messages as the system boots
[04:06] <bodhizazen> and it will hang somewhere
[04:06] <bodhizazen> what is the error message ?
[04:07] <bodhizazen> ===== Live USB instructions ===
[04:07] <bodhizazen> sudo -i
[04:07] <bodhizazen> fdisk -l
[04:07] <bodhizazen> from that output identify your ubuntu root partitin
[04:07] <bodhizazen> mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
[04:07] <bodhizazen> cd /mnt/var/log
[04:07] <bodhizazen> tail messages
[04:07] <bodhizazen> tail demsg
[04:07] <bodhizazen> tail boot
[04:08] <bodhizazen> any error messages ?
[04:08] <bodhizazen> ==== End wall of greek speak ====
[04:08] <bodhizazen> But if you can not follow that and give us more information ...
[04:08] <bodhizazen> we would be $random_guessing your problem
[04:09] <bodhizazen> Once we identify $your_problem there will be another wall of commands to fix the problem
[04:09] <bodhizazen> Perhaps one command
[04:09] <bodhizazen> perhaps 5 , 10 ?? 20 ???
[04:10] <CrOnOs2000> notreallyhere, it may look hard but is not just try and we will help dont be afraid of the terminal even if you dont know about linux commands
[04:10] <bodhizazen> so you will need to use $google to help fill in the gaps or consider backing up your data an re-install
[04:10] <notreallyhere> okay I will try what you suggest, and I thank you for you patience and help. Very late here and I will get back tomorrow, I will keep this connection on
[04:13] <bodhizazen> notreallyhere, http://linuxcommand.org/
[04:15] <bodhizazen> notreallyhere, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pastebin
[04:16] <bodhizazen> pastebin those errors, copy and paste them from your terminal to your browser or use pastebinit like I showed you
[04:36] <bobweaver> Can any one help me I can not get bzr to install it. I am in dependencey heck right now with it The following packages have unmet dependencies: bzr : Depends: python-bzrlib (<= 2.4.1-1ubuntu1.1~) but 2.4.2-0ubuntu1 is to be installed Recommends: bzrtools but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
[04:41] <bobweaver> looks like I got it had to add there ppa
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[10:22] <jisaacs1207> hey, anyone awake?
[10:42] <nlsthzn> hey jisaacs1207
[10:42] <nlsthzn> if you have a question ask... sure someone will attempt to assist
[11:03] <hobgoblin> hi zeroseven0183 sattu94
[11:04] <sattu94> ?
[11:04] <sattu94> hi
[11:04] <zeroseven0183> hey what's up hobglobin
[11:05] <hobgoblin> zeroseven0183: not much - juts hanging about waiting for inspiration to strike :)
[11:05] <zeroseven0183> And what kind of inspiration would it be?
[11:08] <zeroseven0183> Dinnertime! Sorry people, I have to 'park' my login here for a few moments. Hobglobin, later!
[12:36] <duanedesign> 'lo all
[12:49] <nlsthzn> o/ duanedesign
[21:45] <Guest34922> my unity is crashed I cant able to see the dash ,panel,status menu etc ..I purged unity and reinstalled it but no luck ....please help
[21:45] <philipballew> Guest34922, lets look into this
[21:46] <philipballew> you purged it and now you reinstalled? well did you start it?
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel